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The Brussels Post, 1959-11-05, Page 3
He Made It Jobs on a certain American newspapers were hard 'to get when the ° famous American writer, Damon ("Guys & Dolls") Runyan, applied there for one of his first jobs. He sat in the wait- ing room, nervously twirling his hat in his hands, completely at the mercy of an office boy who carried his request for an inter- view to the busy' editor. "It's somebody by the name of Ranyon, or something like that," the boy told his employer, "Ask hire:to send in his card,"' replied the editor. The boy returned with the re- quest, For a moment Runyan was stumped, then he reached into his pocket, pulled out a pack of cards and extracted an ace. "Give him that," he told "the boy, Runyan got, in --- got the lob! 'i'. to Which WO'tith &lite" 1 • . • • 1- • .., • • • • ond cuff-links were similar Is Townes 1100,, Young had .-€1114 on his when arrested, and ix,a tank at his business premises the pOlice fauns seventy-nine £5 notes, as well, as watches, rings and pre cious stones. At the trial it was disclosed that Young and his Partner were sa,200 overdrawn at their bank, On the day after the murder, Young had paid in 4500 to the paptnership account. Naturally the evidence against the 'accused was avemheiming, Young went into the witness box to give evidence on his own behalf. What could he say? It was, a strange story -.he told. Young said -Lucas had asked him to buy, golden sovereigns for him and at various tfinei had' given him sums of money, w1411 he thought must have - totalled around £3,000 for this purpose. Young said: 9 used eome... of the money, and 1 got worried. He was such a cheery, jocular, nice . sort of chap, and he tru m sted e. was feeling terrible about the whole thing. Believe me;:: it is a great relief to come tere to-day to be tried for a cri?ne that have lived with for six months. "The mental agony has been, terrible. I'M net afraid to die. In fact, I have prayed for death ' on a great number of occasions slier- ling these last months, I want you to believe that the man who stands here charged with der, and who admits that mur- der, is not the man who commit- ted the murder, but is the frame of a man in whose body, a demon had been created," Young went on to describe how he had gone to the bunga- low to confess to Lucas what he had done, and how Lucas had Changed from being a Cheery' soul to a man with a terrible temper. Young claimed that Lucas had called hirri names, "as he had a right to do," and had struck him on the back of 'the ' head. The prisoner confessed that he went into a frenzy and attacked Lucas with a chair. He kept on hitting him and hit Mrs. Chcas when she came into the room. The defence called •a, Harley Street specialist to say that Young was insane at the time of the double murder, but the judge and jury rejected the submission and Young was found -guilty, As is often the case, there was a story behind this seaside trag- edy. John Ridley Young, the bache- lor builder of Ilford; fancied himself as a lady-killer, a sort of seaside sultan. He would boast Openly ,9 ills great successes with the girls. But soon Young found that he had somehow to substantiate his boasts; he had to take the girl, out, and that needed-"money money that he did not have. Fate put him in touch with Fred Lucas and "easy money." Young talked of friends who had gol- den sovereigns for sale and Lu- eas offered to 'buy all he could obtain for £4 apiece. Young spun a fantastic yarn, saying that he needed money to complete the deals. According to the murderer's ,testimony, Lucas parted with 43,000, but there is reason to believe that £900 is nearer the truth. Then came the showdown. Whether it was true that -Young went to the bungalow beside the sea in order to confess, we shall never know. The fact that he left a -great deal of jewellery be- hind, does not suggest that Young's evidence Was the truth. Pii5N cif Li iVER"iil DOGS LABRADOR retrievebe ps from Chain- pi/inside field and nch. stock. Bill Emmett 81 ist 'Ave., St. Thomas, Ont, Phone 31E. `1..o565, after 6 p.m. — FARMS FOR SALE. BEAU1IFUL robing stock farm Mod ern Paved highway, 515,000, half down, Elba Farm, Route 4, Orangeville, Ont, ELECTRIC DRILL SALE SALE special Black and Decker 1/4" elec. trio drill with geared chuck key. Power. fel universal motor 2,000 R.P.M., Fully guaranteed by the manufacturer. Note this is a genuine Black and Decker drill, nationally advertised, regularly selling for much more, Bargain while they last $16.90 postpaid For prompt delivery send check or money order to: 5, & A, Distributors, 190 Brookside Ave„ Toronto 9, Ontario. FARM MACHINERY DENFIELD AREA 100 ACRES fertile land, 2 barns,.brick house. Well drained, high production area, At $15,000 this one is good. Call Joe Milner, GE 2.4733 or Ili. Marsh, GE 9-7832, Immediate possession, Fred Gammage, Realtor, . 406 Richmend Street, London, Ont. GE 441481. FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE MEDICAL, NURSES WANTED IMMEDIATE VACANCIES. FOR GENERAL DUTY NURSES FOR an active medical-surgical unit. Accomrnodatien available in modern nurses' residence, FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO DIRECTOR OF NURSING IODE Memorial Hospital Win dior ..Ortit • GENERAL STAFF NURSES-4 FOR a convalescent ',area of ten beds, Must rotate on all shifts,' An eight- hour five-day week. Good personnel policies. Pension policy in effect. Three weeks annual. vacation, eight statutory holidays, Salary - Open at present. APPLY: • DIRECTOR OF NURSING STRATFORD GENERAL' HOSPITAL .'.13TF(A'TF,ORD, ONT, OPPORTUNITIES RAGS INTO RUGS 32" BURLAP 560 yd., 36" - 650 yd. Rug Hook 350. Booklet of designs 100 (free with order), r- BLyENOSE NeW"-G aigow, N.S. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System lliustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 35B Bloor St. W., Toronto Branenes: 44 King St, W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL Prophet Elijah COMING BEFORE CHRIST CONVINCING Bible evidence.. Free ,/ Book, Write: Megiddo Mission Dept. 80, Rochester 19, 'New York. • ADULTS' Personal Rubber Goods. 86 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested. guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask. GREY HAIR! WHY? WITH Grey-No Hair Color aestorereeou can restore grey hair back to its orig- inal color and beauty. This Le a tested and approved product, sold at all leading drug and department stores. Trade mark In Canada and U.S. $2.55 per bottle. Money order or C.41D. ARNO Laboratory Inc., 999 De Sale- .berry St., Montreal 12, Que. Sold on a Money Back Guarantee. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE I SAVE i SAVE1- Films developed and 8 magna prints 1.n album 40# 12 magna prints in album 60* Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not Including prints) Color prints 35C each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 nun. 20 ex- posures mounted in' slides $1.25. Color prints from slides 354 each. Money refunded In full for unprinted nears. lives, FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB • BOX 31 . GALT. ONT. POULTRY FARM FOR SAL! "MODERN thriving poultry ranch, 3500 capacity. ,Automatic equipment. 50 acres. Good water,'Soil, Retail market. Good weekly net. $6500 down. J. Tichy, Angus Ont. Alliston, 11E.5.7562." RUPTURED? :lter-ter and teelfett. No understraiii, No elastic. No steel, Write: Smite. Ontario, Company, Preston. Ontario, POST'S .ECZEMA SALVE eAN1511 the torment of dry eczema rashes and, weeping skin troubles. Post"a Eczerne Salve .will aot disappoint you. itching seating and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm. PI:miles and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless Odorless ointment regardless Of how stubborn or hopeless they gee= sent post Free en ,iteceipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO Interest Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ANY TERM, 1.5 YEARS THE Sterling Trusts Corp. 372 Bay St„ EM 4-7495 HELP WANTED FEMALE PHYSIOTHERAPIST TO HEAD DEPARTMENT 'FOR- BaycieSt hospital and the Jewish ,Home for the Aged. Salary open, de pendent upon -previous experience. , - CALL, or write Mr. Sam Ruth, admin. istrator. 3560 Bathurst St. RU, 1-3501. HORSES SHETLAND, top quality American blood 'lines. Cash or ''terms. Registered mares and fillies. popular sizes, colors, Owen McCrohan, Oshawa,' Ont, 'INSTRUCTION EARN morel ,Boe13,1seeliing, %Leman. ship, Shorthand,. Type Writing, etc. LeS. sons 500. Ask for free circular No, 31 ' Canadian Correspondence- Courses 1290 Bay* Street, Toronto. • • DON'T, DELAY,. EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DDLON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN - .OTTAWA $1.25 Express Celled LIVESTOCK ,MEDICAL'' REGISTERED, Shorthorn cows heifers, polled bulls, Accredited. J. A. Arm- strong & Sons,,R. 1, Union, Ont. REGISTERED and accredited Aberdeen. Angus cows with Calf or calving, $250 each. Rod Green,5th Concession, Lou. don, near Fanshaw. Phone GENERAL 4.8957. FOUR circle B Stock Yards. 3 loads of top quality light weight Hereford Alberta yearling steers also. light Hereford steer calves and light heifers. Salesman present weekday mornings. -Stewart BroWn and Sons, Shedden, Ont., phone 54, ' MAititoW4liN tit& Abi41;t1i roterio ',Alf it o 0'14 lotiiiirs44. nowli -64 Al r tL etioley)' ~Qisplaysd in Ltinclorii k litiPritilari of Skytkrapiiii Palittint is nitif fiat tall iK *nip GOOD REACTION — Honoring former 'West Serlin Mayor 'Ernst Reuter Well this Champion of 'Liberty s.lomp, one of a series, won a 'tremendous reception' :in Germany, officials in Was'h- 'ington say. Free World reaction was also favorable, Anti-Com- munist Reuter was mayor of city till his death in 1953. The 1Lady Killer Who Slew 'Twice On a cold, frosty morning three days ,. before Christmas„ 1,'945, John Ridley Yining was hanged , Pentonville Prison, Londen.'ile was a forty-year-old builder who had murdered hushand and . wife at Leigh-on- Sea„. ' NoloOdY'can' know what the thoughts of a condemned man are as, he- takes.. the final, fatal steps Morn-the death cell to the shed that houses the gallows. But it might well have struck Young that there was a world of differ-, ence between that chilly Decem- ber morning and the warm and sunny June day of the same year when he emerged from a little seaside bungalow, leaving be- hind him the battered bodies of his victims, . He had stepped out into the sunshine and mixed with the early season • holidaymakers strolling on the near-by cliffs. Mr. and Mrs. Lucas had a• seventeen-year-old d a u g h t e r, Rosemary, who had a job in Lon- don. Her father was a travelling jeweller, a man who often had large sums of money and valu- able jewellery in the house. When Rosemary entered the bungalow on her return from London, she called out to her parents. Getting no reply, she went to look for them. She found- her father in one room, her mother in- another. Both had been battered beyond recogni- tion. The household pet, a black spaniel, was missing. Some time Later it was found wandering in London. When the police entered the bungalow, almost the first things they saw were four shattered whisky glasses, a smashed watch and a leg of a chair which was presumed to have been the mur- der weapon. The bungalow was in Under- cliff Gardens. When the police be, gan their routine search for clues they were puzzled by the whisky glasses and the half-empty whisky bottle. Had Mr. and Mrs. Lucas entertained a guest, or guests; and were the visitors the killers? Another puzzling fact was that although robbery was the most likely motive, a great quantity of jewellery in the bungalow had not been touched. - The' police learned that Mr. Lucas had not left his home all day, and this was strange. be- cause at the .time of the 'murder he would normally have been at business. Had he stayed at home because he was expecting a visit- or? The police then announced that they would, like to interview a forty-year-old Ilford builder, John YoUng,.whom they thought might be able to help them. When they eventually found Young they saw, that• his wrists had been slashed. He had also tried to gas himself. Young had a notebook in his possession when arrested, In it he had writ- ten: `.t... "All my worldly possessions I leave to the best and finest little woman in the World, iny land- lady„ Mrs, Orford, who has al- ways ,triect to keep me in the right way." Orford *as a widow with whom Young had , lodged for twelve years, She told the poi- tee that on June- 6th, the day Of 'the Minder, Young had left his lodgings early, arid returned about. 2 p.m. The next day he telephoned at 10 pen. arid ,was told.:that. two polled Offibeit had ter itiqUire about , him. He, did not return to the house It was proved' that Young had an appointment With LUCaS at '8:30 A.M. A: 'neighbour Of the. Ludates said that Young was still there at 10 tiairk, and the pol, ice distotrered that the bloody iinprin of a rubber lit thiii btihgaloW' dorreSpOtidect 'exadtlY with the heel of one Of' YOttiig'it shees.. Yn aciditien,trouser button and: thread found in 'the Whig*, IOW' Were' Oat toy those on ell s had Of Votingi trOiiSers;. whieh , had One button missing. 14ate taken front Ate dead man's Shirt ADVERTISING Stale !Removal. Carts For . Care iirii-i-ACP,49 withF9 :;.8(1 down, end the balance on lowest terms its canoe; $10 monthly, Pies interest, Prices range from $1,995 to $3,995 -Per cottege or retirement home, complete With 1,.et on your chplcc et ontarices best lakes - Sturgeon, Pigeon, Chemong, DalrYmPle. etc. arso Otermitee, Treat and Peeples': ItiVera, kliee Lake, our yoais experience are your guar* HUNDREDS of satisfied customers and IMME DIATE9ASati satisfaction, 040 aossaaataa. Write today for free, literature to PITTS Heines and Cottages. 1.40•./ P.O. Box 222, t;Prbonnig%tjr."' WINTER PARK, FLORIDA DOMmealCO Estates, Beautiful new 3 bedroom, :2 bath, Colonial home. Cell, tral heating and air-conditioning; fire, Place: folly equipped kitchen with dish, washer; 2 car garage; landscaped let, $26,500, Phone MI 4-7262 QV write Box 536, Maitland, Florida, PARRIE district stock and dairy, FARMS, vacant land, country, homes. ELLWOOD Black, Farm Broker. SHANTY Bay, -Phone Barrie 863.R-2, TORONTO, evgs., BE, 2.2402. DAIRY BUSINESS: Brick building 25 x 68 wills living quar- ters and snack bar, Equipment 1st class condition, Located in a small town, No opposition. Showing good Profit, $20," 000 00 down, balance terms. TOBACCO FARM: 150 Acres, 90 acres workable, sandy loam, creek and pond, Barn is 30 x 60, Green house 150 it 24, 5 Kilns, oil fired, irrigation system Complete line of machinery and equipment, 8 room 2 storey house. Located 15 miles from Cobourg Ontario, Prieo ,570,00e.00. OnlY' 525,000-00 Down. 150 ACRE FARM: In excellent condition, 120 acres work- able, 5 acres, hardwood bush, flowing creek. 8 room Mousewith bath, large barn 70 a 55, straw shed 28 x 64, ce- ment stables, drilled well, school on farm, close to own, all buildings are in A-1 repair. Owner retiring. Priced to sell at only $10,000.00. Easy terms. STORE' Solid brick, GO with 6 rooms apart ment above with bath, furnace heavy wiring, suitable for Restaurant or General Ktere. Located in the Village of Atwood• on Highway No. 21. Imme- diate possession, $5,000.00 down, bal. ance terms. DUDLEY E. HOLIES' Insurance & Realestate Listowel, Ontario. Bus, Phone 470, RESORTS PHEASANT HUNTING OPENING date Sept. 1st No hag limit. Guides and dogs supplied Pheasants in natural cover, Original" game farm , hi' Ontario try have public ,mheasant hunting. Bungalows with private bath, excellent meals. For details write Gol- den Pheasant Lodge ;and, Game Farm. Huntsville, Ordarib. SITUATION 'WANTED HEAD Gardner or Nursery ',Foreman, experienced all branches, including greenhouses, •experinced with staff, re- quires responsible part. Replies to: Smith, apt. 40, 34 Tobin' Street, Hall- , fax, NS, ,,,sweu „ WILLOWDALE Farm Yorkshire Herd has six sows with scores of 91 and bet- ter. Also two boars whose (lama have scores of- 96 and 97 respectfully, Young Mock for sale. Edgar Dennis, Aurora, Ontario. - o, ecin-sAet--tacomne tourserrom Registered stack. Ages ,months to 7 months. Also 75% Lacombe-Yorkshire. oross;bred gilts by the-same Elite boat, 11, B. Riese, R.R. 3, Selkirk, Man. Phone, Lockport 214. VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA vacations. Reasonable rat Efficiency apartments, week or sea Central to Clearwater, St. Petersb Tampa, Bayfront. Private fishing do Write -Davis, 2, Wilson St. is Clearwater, Florida. 1111•11111111 I BACKACHE May be Warning Backache is often caused by lacy kidney action. .When kidneys get out of order, excess acids and wastes remain in the system; Then backache dia. turbed seat or that tired-out and heavy-. headed feeling may soon follow. That's the time to take Dodd's Kfigey Pills, Dodd's stimulate the kidneys to normal action. Then you feel better—sleep better—work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. , 59 `There is a right and la VTOng .way Of dealing with stains nil clothing, The right rtrefhed •can be effective, the Wrong 'one diS- Astons, Experts say 'that any Snot is laest removed 'When fresh, Don't give it a chance to set in the fabric, With washable 'clothes it's tempting to toss the soiled garment into the washing ma, chine and 'hope for the 'best. But yield not to temptation: the heat and soap oan set a stain rather than remove it. Make sure all spots have 'been sponged out be- fore washing. Many fabrics have been ruined by certain ,stain removers, so the cleaning agent should ale ways be tested on an inside seam Where it won't show or on a scrap of the same fabric. If the 'fabric doesh't take kindly to home (cleaning send it off the the dry (cleaner's for expert at- tention. When removing a stain with a solvent, place ate stained fab- ric wrong side up on a pad of soft cloth. This way the ,cleaner can be applied to the back of the cloth allowing tie stain to be washed from the fabric with- out passing through it Use the cleaner sparingly and work quickly. it is better to apply the solvent several times rather than to leave it on for a long time. Blow lightly on the spot to dry it quickly. Bleaches such as hydrogen peroxide should be used accord- ing to the directions that come with it and should be' tested on the fabric first to make sure that patterns and'colors are not destroyed, Here's the best way of using commercial bleaches: stretch the stained material over a bowl of steaming hot water and moisten the stain with water. Apply the bleach one drop at a time and let stand a minute Rinse thoroughly by pouring water through the fab- ric' and finish by washing with soap and water. Make sure all the bleach is removed from the fabric for any which remains might rot the „material or, des- troy the color, Always sponge a spot — rub- bing may injure the material and leave marks. Spread the cleaner around the stain as• well as on it and work from the out- side towards the centre so that a ring doesn't form. If in doubt, don't try home remedies on stained clothes. It's the dry cleanefs business to clean clothes. Help Lim with stained garments by pinning a note on the stain stating what you think caused it. Then he will know just what chemical to use. DRIVE dP„REFULLY -- The life you save may be your own. EARN <Cash in sou& $e.,re rime. dust Show your triends Ain Christmas and Al). Occasion Greeting Lards Underline ne,egi o usi Stationery Gifts .syroe for sam ple a Colonise Gard I 48913 Queen East. roronsu 2 BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALK FROZEN food locker and grocery-meat business, .Fax•miog town- Clifford Weeks, Realtor, Sault Ste. Marie. MACHINE Shop for Sale. Lease, Main Street iocatien, Prige;9500.00, Cardelere Toler machine Shop, Otll• LUMBER and builders' supplies bust. netts located in Southern Ontario (tee baeco" belt). established 1 043 Tennis-Bex 198, l23-18th Street, New Toronto, Drawls?... --- Seavien. stolen and lunch room; new end rnosiern, on Highway 11, near North Bay. $5,000 cash will handle- A. terrific buy, Lindsay and Ktizik, Brok-en; 706 Kingston foe, ox. 8-1021, Tor• EDI13LE Christmas Cards Never seen of 'hist-Od before • -.• 41.00 Manes Order brings yeu 20 cards -- von sell foe $2.50 Fiesta Croft, vonge Street, Tot911LO , ARfito,E5 'PM.E BLANKETS 1.00% 'PORN Virkin theede Bed Size, Write for paw/del.. S. W Sides Co„ Box 190 Strathroy, tr" T B kicY'7814-tiOKs aFyaLf T Bray list Aroes in,Oross Put. lets, ready-to-lay.,..straled and dayolds. Duel purpose and Leghorn chicks, day. old and slatted, Fall-Winter delivery best bream verities should be order .edmow- See veer:lila ealeet. or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Harrill. ton, OM 71-rf gUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HERE is the opportunity to develop and-operete a glean simple, profitable manufacturing business from your home:" Formula 'available mt reasonable cost _plus all necessary information, PHIPPS; 86 KnightsWood, Guelph Ont. MAKE $5,000 $20,000 Yearly! Ex- „perience unnecessary: No public con- tact Work -1-16me •••• sParelimel Free expert guidance. • Details $1.00. Satis- faction or refund Guaranteed, Flame ton's Hatch,.New 41lealco `” , • Many Attractions Attractions At Winter Fair 'The '-spotlight will-be focused on millions of-, dollars worth of prized livestock, farm produce and horses frem various parts of the world when the curtain goes up On the-1959 edition of the Rbyal Agricultural ,, Winter Fair in ' the Coliseum, Toronto, on Fri- , day,, November. 13. Canada will again be well rep- reSented "from coast to coast in this year's Royal' which, as in other years, will leave the pick ,of herds„fields,,aed orchards on display. Show 'officials in charge *of entries '''idbort that there will be approximately '3,000 cattle, 1,300 .horses, '7,00 swine, 1,000 sheep and,-5,000 poultry on dis- play as well as goats, grains, vegetables',” fruits' arid farm pro- • duce. Some preliminary judging will get underway on Thursday, No- vember • 12, 'to provide judges ample time lo-',select prize- evinners,efromeamong the 16,000-- odd,,entries, before, the fair con- cludes, on Saturday, November if At the-offieiar Opening cere- mony, Friday, November 13, Mayor Nathan Phillips will ex- tend a welcome to international jumping teams from the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil and Argentina. One of the features of the Fair, always of interest to city and /arm dwellers, will be the "Sale, of Stars", an auction sale of dairy Cattle and sheep. Last .year It young bull calf brought its owner a record price of $30,000 at these auctions. Again this year the Horse Show will be a colourful and exciting spectacle, A thrilling attraction will be a precision ride by members of the world- famous Royal Canadian Mounted Police who, in their repertoire, will present both tandem and. Roman. riding. Other interesting highlights include s magnificent , flower show, a miniature Royal of young animals and poultry, a mink fashion show,' a photogra- phic competition, a horse shoe pitching competition and a sheep-shearing contest. NEW Idea one row, new Corn Picker' $1100.00 and up. New two row Picker $1800.00. Laister Tractor Harvester Co Tillsonberg. 302 BUCKEYE TRENCHEItii,Conveyor type Barkfiller. T.D,9 Bulldozer:' Win. F. Clark, Merrill, Mich., U.S.A. Phone 31i-3-7719. FINANCIAL 6% ADVANCE HORSE SHOW TICKET SALE „ , Get your Horse Show tickets noW/Then you'll be sure of se,e ingfemous International Jumping -Teams from around the world and the thrill- pacic'ecl" all-hew RCMP Ekhibition Ride featuring the exciting acts of Tent-Pegging, Tandem Riding, Roman Riding and Team Jumping—all at this year's Royal Agricultural Winter Fair Horse Show. Use the bandy order form below, . • r L f NW MI I I Oil In Ow rat ark 0,1 SBA.V41.,LOTTED AS°04?* DE. Royal Agricultural Winter Fair, Royal,(plisconi,..teronte.p, ceessitt 11 , Pleitse Reserve Following Seats: • ....... ..... ...... AFTERNOONS No, OF SEATS "TOTAL Frid ay, Nov. 13 @ $1.00 $ Saturday.,,Nov. 14 @, $1.50 Wednesday, Nov. 18 @ $1.00 $ Friday, Nov. 20 © $1,00 $ citlirclaY,149v. 21 @ $1.50 FIRST PRIZE FUN FOR/ EVERY ONE I EVENINGS No, OF SEATS $2.50 3.50 1 TOTAL I I I I II Friday, Nov. 13 Saturday, Nov. 14 Monday, Nov. 16 $ Tuesday, Nov. 17 $ Wednesday, Nov. 1a $ _ Thursday, Nov. 19 $ Friday, NOV. 20 $ Saturday, Nov. 21 $ I November 1 3 - 2 1 - 19 54 ' Toronto,: Canada Enclosed find cheque for • S. f4 i 111, VP," 4 4 ,olokirik