HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-11-05, Page 1. BAKE SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 14th In ,Library Roorn At Stdre, Cranbrddy . . , Home-baking for Sale Sponsored' by Librot6, soord ,GRANTS SHOES cf, d MEN'S - ,WEAR Brussels, Opt. masicememaseimenwiraftliummiltmoramml =OW* 2'he exan Special This Sunda-- , ROAST DUCK ••.2e: BRUSSELS P root Publishing House xmaintip04 poziedA ewes nut& rust wide ii•portosikt,. Wows Thursday November 5th 1959 , • 1 , ^ I ' LAYMEN'S SUNDAY AT THE UNITED CHURCH id„Save at Brussels, • Shop Watch this coltirnn for lucky Christmas Draws sponsored 14, Brussels W. c. KBRR TO RETIRE; 45. YEARS SERVICE HERE Walter C. Kerr, agent at, the C. N. R. tation bore tor ,thc last yeal•s, 's On vaeatien antil Noy, 30, wheu he Will officially retire after .yeeearyrisag the ialratrO Can- edian Raltways for 40, BOsinese Association. Prize Lists Will appear soon. ..SPECIAt. sgwo.1,, HIRE CLERK.TREAS. 1Vin. Jung, 39.yeaz o11 roSident c:f ltrussels, will take over the • duties of clork-treas, tax .collector, and .0m-treae. of the P. U. 0„ on Nov, 1059. lie succeeds 11. A. Fischer, 'who resigned after holdln& the offices since June /95-6, The appointment was confirmed In a 4r ecina session of the Village Council and P. T. C. on Oct. 30th, 1959. There were- ten .other appli- . cants tor the position. Mr, Kim; life-long resident of this community, i1 irecoiyed his education in Brussels Public and High School. He is a Member Of Melville Presibytosian - Church, and baa 'been a member of the choir for 20 yesa's, He is at present on the board of management. Prior to re- ceirtnig: this, appointment Mr. King has 'been engaged in farming with his father. The son of Mr, and Mrs. -ttr. C, King of Brussels, his wife is 'the, former Joanne Glimar of Bel- more. They have one son, Will- iam 3rd. . Golden Dew Margarine, 4 lbs. York Golden Corn, cream style .go oz. 2 for Nabob Coffee 1 lb:, 5c toff deal Cheerio Pork & Beans, 15 oz. 2 for $1,0 39c 69c .23c Layinett's ,$tiinkty was 4)bseryed„ it Ihe sortivico being coridneted by Mr; „Gad 14 emineray, Mn W, G. Leach read 'the 'scalptUre. Mr. Neil Ttlrit, hull.at the piano assisted the .0rgnaist, Mrs, A. a Martin, The .cholr was composed 'of the laymen of the church. Mr, David Kennedy rendered ft saXephone solo and Mr, George Weber sang a We, °The Good Shepherd' The speaker, a former resident Of Ethel, Dr. James Guest of London, spoke on "Whenn the Saints Go Marching On" and Portrayed how each individual could in hits own position work for the glory of the Lord and be a daily witness for Jesus, ''.....na401111111111.1101.=•01.1110 lie oornmencea his career at Milverten. as an assistant on May 1, 1514„, ht 'a Salary et 700 a month. During the early part of 1,916, he became a relief agent-operator 'for the StratfOrd '4IyiSton, and later in the same year, he was Second 'operator at Drampton. During his eight Tears there, le 'moved up to • first 'operator. On Nay 1st, 192.4, Mr. Kerr was appointed agent operator Drus0els, WITIeb *position 'he 'has hula until now, Derieng 108 lengthy career, he has noted a 'great 'many changes In the transport department: the I rep-lading of Steam -engines bY diesels'; the change 'from a lnour CCUTCHEON GROCER,Y . St. John's Anglican Church ANNUAL BAZAAR BAKE SALE To Be Held In The Brussels Library SATURDAY, NOV. 7th. At 3 P. M. Aprons — Waking — Produce — Gandy — Miscellaneous Phone 293 • . FIRST 'DOMMUNION Sunday, Nov. let, the Feast of All Saints, was also first Communion Day for five ebildren of St. Ambrose Church, Brussels. We Deliver Those who received the Holy CARD OF THANKS . ; ANNUAL LIONS day, six-day week, to 'the current . - , 'HALLOWPEN PARTY I I wish, to thank all my Trie,ntis :for 40-hocuir five-day week; 30-foot box 1 Eadliairist 'for the first time were ''their visits, cards, and gifts -during, Spooks, goblins and ghosts, 'ca • • ' ow's, giVing way to IQ.. and 50 foot i Barbara Hine, Robert Blake, Paul 7 S ' the 'keen comp ition nowa, , , • ek* • .1 Blrike„Ta.ck„, Sanders and Leans My recent stay in 11. ospital and along *4itli' numerous story-book days among transports, buses, and f Ducharme, since my return home.' It 'was all characters, 'invaded the Brussels , airplanes, whereas in the '"olden" 1 1M deeply appreciated. I . Town Fiall on Saturday night for ' days 'everything was dependent I I- c • ... . . . . • . . . . • . . • - . • . . . . , .,. .1....... .....o......... yn, the annual Lions Hallowe'en party. : upon the trains. The telephone has I PE02,;;..G. WE KNOW . ELLIG'i* — In fond and loving .c' : for prizei. - replaced the 'telegraph; an - -ft I d ' ft • last M f tl * George W. Elliott, who On Satur ay a, eineon,. r. , a mi, ' memory of a dear husband and O•vi ltliO costumed childreln v?ied : Lion Jas. S. Armstrong conducted teletype is displaeing'both in a great i i ..i., .... D. Thompson attended the Annual passed away 5 years ago Nov. the, aciti)vities in his usual . genial ninny instances, , C I Music oMvocation of 'the Western 3rd„ 1954. . -manner. Etc was assisted by -Lions 13Asirtes ,,,s railroad cluties, Mr. 'L. Brown and J. McDonald. Kerr has been actively interested Each child reohilved an apple as l'n municipal and &lurch „ affairs, i they left the hall. He served as a municipal councilor I for s'x years, and a:s reeve in 1938 I and, in _039, He has also serived as I , a trustee on the School hoard, and li as a hydro commissioner. i 'In speaking of his years in Brim- I / sels, Ar: Kerr- noted that ' only " Ithree business men are still active in the business section of the town-1 who were here when he came. I They are F. R.. Smith, W. B. Willis I 1 and D. M. MacTaylish. ,',.-, yerr is a, member of the I Me_MCRIAM —• BRUSSELS LIONS CVUB Presents .00imervatory of Music, at London. Miss Doris Johnston,. a former Pupil- of 'Mr. Thompson, received her Asdoc- late Diploma and little Miss Carolyn Fraser, a pupil of Mrs. Thompson, receilVed a silver medal .for obtaining the highest marks in her piano, grade for the year. The Harbouraires Tenderly I treasure the past With Memories that will always Test And -when f cease to think of -yen Will he when •Gbd bag called me too. Always remembered and sadly wife and :family... of Goderich BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH, Wed Not, 2511-2 at 8.15 p. oh. r • .7r, Admission 75e FREE FREE FREE One Turkey Each Saturday Evening LYCEUM THEATRE vVINGHAM, ONTARIO , Two Showe Each Night Commencing at 7,15 p. m. session and chairman of the boar ti I ,of Managers of MelHille Presbyter ,an Church, Nov. S -7 * at 6 o'clock to lii,ololer of- first ticket .drawn Contest Starts NOv. 1st, *1959, ends Dec.' 19th, 1959 .One Ticket With Each $1.00 Cash Purchase .at Our Store We handle Savage Shoes — Datk & Scott McHale Shows Kaufman Rubbers — 'Miner Rubbers and Imports Forsythe Shirts and All Mens Wear Standard Genuine Prices ' Thurs., Fri., Sat., Double Feature Keeiy Smith Louis Prima hPin- rreiered by his. son. re•;11;” i k;71r, icz ii. roo-vilni relief fm'evt for the Stratford dioistion. The tit1P" F P,1'5 Tegular agent will .,nnan time: in December. in HEY BOY, HEY GIRL r.,•11e.ntri pp.rittnue In io Brussels folloWin”- lii r: Jana Davi and ' iRobert Knapp iii 'GUNMEN FROM LAREDO Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Fridays • . • • •••. • • I. CARD OF THANKS I win:11d like to express my thanks anti appreciation to all who visited me, sent inc Cards and flowers and gifts for the baby, while I Was in Clinton Hospital and since denting DON'T GET CAUGHT BY JACK FROscr TIME FOR YOUR WINTER CHANGEOVER At MacLEAN RNA StRVK 'CUSTOMER. .SATISFACTION GUARANTIED Istbriet • 011e LObrISSInti3 WASS ,lee CrSlni Clgaretti. Pop. Phone g68 Brussela,. Ont. • Patricia Davis or CARD OF ThANKS DRESSED PORK TENDERLOIN Melville Church failinleter: Her,. Jonathan Graeae Organist —,Donaiti Dunbar '10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service Remembrance Day, Wed. Nov. 11th 11 A.m. 1,stev. Kenneth .Taggs sik The United .Church OP CANADA . sillitilster: Rev. L. grown B.A. II.D. prganist: Mrs. A. E. Martin Remeir bransce Sunday ' 9.45 A. M. Church 'School A. M. "Remember? Why Not Vegetables) nodn• tattnidaY , Wards canna express our appred- - latien and thanks to 'the many 'relatives neighbours, and friends, , or their theughtfidneSs and acts of ' Dinnert Served : 12 — 2. P. M. Itindnesa during the recent death of our infant Sot, A anecial thanks: to Pathei. Flrekei*, Dr, 1VITera and D. A. Dinner Includes ; Soup of Tomato si-uice, Salad, Desiert and Beverage 5.30 7.30 P. M. Prize Winners Cilown I. Jeff Lawless s 2. 'Michael Kernaghan 3. Joanne Stephenson 2, National 1. Douglas Elliott 21. Lynn Workman , JoYce'Huether 'M. Cowboy or Coavgiirl 1. Ann Shaw 2. John Farrow • 3. loan Cardiff • 4. Mother Goose Character 1. john Rutledge 2. Donna Workman 3. Susan MeDonald 5. Hobo. 1. Geo; Farrow 2. Gordon Guy 3. ,Tirranynuncan 6. Indian 1, Larry Duncan 2. Gordon Rutledge 3. Prank Stratton 7. GhOdt 1, Pailline Merraclten -2. Nancy Pearson OrmaSmth Hula Hoop Contest 1. Judy 'Marks, 2. Dorothy Bihiott' 2. Mary Gibson • * hoMe: Ann itiapins and ,Gall Wilson fled in a seCond Hula Hoop Contest, $2,00 per yea.r $ INSURANCE and AUTO FINANCING T. V. insurance $15 for 3 Years AUTO — FIRE — CASUALTY Also Representative for Confederation Life Assurance Associatiste Income Tax — General Bookkeeping — Gas Tax Forma G. M. Ronnenberg Insurance BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 saturddy, November 7th, will be Poppy Tag Day. The- Legion would app,reciate it if everyone would purchase tag. The monies rais'ed from the sale of tagt goes towards helping any' needy Veterans. „NOVEMBER 11th CHURCH SERVICE /All Legion Members, Ex-Service personal and all interested parties *are invited to -attend Remembrance Day Church Services at Melville Presbyterian Church at 11 a.m. 7.:egion Members and Ex-Servicernen Will fall in at the Legion Hall at 10.45 to parade to the Chursh. After Church Services the Parade will move to the Cenetaph for Wreath Laying Ceremonies. The annual banquet will be held in the Legion Auxiliary room- at 2 p.m. PROCLAMATION REMEMBRANCE DAY --WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER lltb A Public Civic Holiday For The Village of Brusseli Reeve of Brussels George E. McCutcheort, ST Not to be disappointed make reservations before by Phoning 183 Brussels Home Made Pies A Specialty Leo. and Rita neither For Forget?" FireSide; film "Stranger Iii the : P. M. PERFIECT FOR PARTIES SNACKS DESERTS CARD 160 tHANks .I WOtild like to. take thin biter. • imnity ftc thanking- the Bed-Stiehl 1-,-dgion and -nit thy ftionag-. and nolgh-, • hottit•O 13thedel'S for the loVetto' tattin and iiieSSageSi While I WAS Pathrit in 'London Vittprila Hospital- t3our 'kind thtOug'iits will Ai-*n$s b ' treineniliered, 1 tfrie "MCDO,Well, tend:bit in-Toys, Gifts, Appliances and General' Hardwa.re .come: t •achan D'raIOtt Cheigtfritu Eve On let Prize 8' Suribeant beltike dooker 'beep, Peyee.Ith bedket,,iM'ije $33.Ô dunbeani betukettatifitt beep Pi•iyee with tineketi, kieetHi& tianpef. Shiite $4.06 ICE CREAM CAKE ROLL A DOUBLE. TREAT DR TRY ICE CREAM FRUIr ROLL- ICE CREAM PIES IN ASSORTED FLAVOURS PNONE roe MORE PAATICLILARIS COUSINS DAIRY Anglican Church CANADA **Hen o? tiotiosito I —Milikw—t gent: Wi it4 :JAIN* 24th sunitny -áftër Tilt)" J61-wo 8.10 ami. 1101? tiintiorik. `i to a. ,Nattina . ettibt MOtidaY Os* St.- David', Plentii,d0 ,141# $oit Eucbaret thid .4$4.i.e. -lea& ilietri to teto from, between parked tai1 :§ E. A ti .6tittiN6 — ttYLI . 'COLO WAVING fi‘e 1:4001"tdti rd- Prize • ""•,.. • Id, 41*