HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-10-22, Page 127c 49c 37c 39c Clarks Tomato Juice, 48 oz. Knechtels Cheese Snack, 16 oz Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. 2 for Swifts Prem 1,2 oz. We Deliver Phone 293 8.00 FRIDAY. OCT. 30th Supper Served : 5.30 to Prizes for: Best Dressed Couple and Comic Music by — Clinton Hilltopers Admission — 50c "."'"^P•••.0....10"•,."'","••• .1,...".."".0••• • 0••••• .. ..••••• ......... ,••/ ......... ,e*".• •, • .0 M...., to— Moncrieff United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th Time of Services: 11 a.m.. and 8 p.m. Guest Speaker : Rev. Gordon Hazelwood, of Hamilton Special Music by the Choir : TURKEY ^SUPPER Duff's Church, Walton WEDNESDAY, NOV. 4th BAZAAR and SUPPER Auspices St. David's Ghurch Henfryn Ethel Community Centre WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28th Bazaar Opens at 3 p.m. Hot vegetable &. Cold Meat Supper Served from 4.30 to 7.30 p. Adlults 1.00 ' Public School Children 50c • ••••••••!•- • HALLOWE'EN COSTUME DANCE WALTON COMMUNITY HALL Adults $1.50 Children 6 to 12 76c Program consists of a Quartette from Lletowel Everybody Cordially Invited LYCEUM THEATRE WINDHAM, ONTARIO . Two Showe Each NISht Commencing at 7.15 p. ni• Thurs., Fri.; Sat., Double Feature The Three Stooges Anna Llsa in HAVE ROCKET WILL, TRAVEL and Lop, Costello Dorothy Province in 30 FT. BRIDE OF CANDY ROCK 4,•1 4..3hurch TortIvien elev. Jonathan Graona 0;33ienlot — Donald Ounbar 1.9 A. M, Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service Tile United Church cw CANADA krilnister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.: a.o. Organist: Mra. A. E. Martin No service or Obiterch School at Brussels dine to Ethel Anniversary ' Sunday Nov. 1 — Laymen's Sunday ••••••••• EUCHRE and DANCE ETHEL COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, .00T. 30th euchre at 8.30 Sharp Archie Mann's Orchestra Admission — 50c • Lunch •Will Se Served Sponsored by ,the Farmers , Union Local 134 C UTCHEON 1 ROIRY C NOTICE OF COURT OF REVISION • The Court of Revision on the 1960 Assessment Roll fey the Town- ' ship of Grey will be held on Tues. r day, October 27th, 1959. at 2 p. rn. I at the Clerk's Office, Ethel, Ont. Edythe M. Cardiff Clerk, Township of Grey To Buy or Sell Real Estate phone Brussels 129 ELMER ELLACOTT Rep rese nti ng W. C. Campbell Real Estate Listowel, Ont. •Idd VAL"S BEAUTY SHO CUTTING = STYLING COLD WAVING A Specialty Ptfone: Brussela 140 Grey Twp. council :outing was hold eti ()et. Ord, Moved, by Archie Mann seconded by Nennetialray that the miUntes of Olio last Meeting be adopted 443 read nerried Moved by Lawson Ward eeeonded Kenneitlh. Dray tbat we accept the tender of Gee, 1VIcCutcheon for a 1960 (14evrolet truck according tO seeelfleations for the sum of 5,651.24 to he delivered by the 15th of Nov,. -- Carried Moved by Archie Mann seconded by Glean Tinether that we accept tenders of Glenn McKercher, Lorne Bryans and LawrePee Ryan and Sons for Snowplowing, as presented — Carried .Moved by Archie Mane seconded by Kenneth Bray that we. pass Sup- plementary to By-law No, 6-1959 the amount of $5,651.24 tor purchase of truck including sales tax — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by Glenn Iluether that Court of Revision on the Scott Drain ba closed and we finally pass the By- law — Carried Moved by Glen Fithether seconded by Kenneth. Bray that we accept the tender of Metvin Cp,rnoChan for' the Scott Drain for the sum or $530.00 — Carried In the morning his. theme was- "The Giory of the Church" tie refer- ed to the two tinurehes in Semi- saleln and compared. their Material aplendor to the wership Of the true . Spirit. In the evening the topic was "The Living, Church" Mr. Mite lyine of Galt was gueSt soloist at the services. Mr. David Kennedy played a delightful saxo- phone solo. The cheir rendered two+ anthems. A ladies chorus sang. RESIGNS T(I BECOMB LISTOWE_L„ (LARK-TRRO, EL Fiselter, Clerk-Treasurer og Village• Breese-le, resigned this arternoen to take that office ill the. town of Lietowel. His resignation boomes effective Nov. 20th. Mr. l'ischer, W ho has ftilf'd the rostt ion Of Clerk-Treasurer here 8111c (+ june. Mir is also tax eolleeter and seeretary-treasurer of the P. ('. He received the Listowel appoin' inc-nt Wednesday of this week over le aNdivante for the position. He tt'settines his new duties November - 23rd.. 'Mr. and M.rs. Fischer and family will more to Listowel i'n the near rP The family will be missed here where he is a member ef tbe Lions Club, I. O. -0. F., ivice-president 'el the Home and School .Association, well as Fire Chief, and Mrs Fischer is active in the work of Melville -Church, . , CARD OF THANKS The brothers and sister of the late BaxLer Stevenson wish to exprees their gratitude and sincere thanks to all those who ite) kindly remembered them by many kind acts and express- ions of sympathy extended them in I their sudden bereavement. 0111../R0.1-1 A.NNIVERS.ARY Th. D., Chairmari .I.Tureil Preeby- ter.y, spoke at the Anniversary Services,. Oe Tuesday night about 500 'people. enjoyed a bountiful turkey supper and the program which followed. CARD 1OF THANKS I wish to express my sincere 'thanks to relatilves and 'friends for 'their many acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and floral tributes received prior to and athring my ,recent bereavements. Special thanks to Mrs, and Mrs., Baker of the nursing home, Dr. Stephens and Mr. D. A. Rann. Mrs. Ida Ferguson Application for Clerk-Treas. and Tax Collector for the Village of Brussels Secretary-Treas. of the Brussels Public Utilities Commission. Applications to be in the hands of the Clerk by Oct. 30th, 1959 at 6 o'clock State salary expected and qaulifl- cations. Duties to commence early in November, VA H. A. Fischer !Clerk•Treas. e ?exalt)? aril Special This Sunday BAKED PORK TENDERLOIN or T.BONE STEAK' Dinner Includes : Soup or Tomato a,uices Salad, Vegetables, Dessert and Beverage ' Dinners `Served 12 — 2 P. M. 5.30 -- 7.30 P. M. Not to be disappointed make reservations before noon Saturday by Phoning 183 Brussels — Home Made Pies A Specialty — Moved by Lawson Ward seconded by Glenn Huether that we instruct the Engineer Samos HoWes to examine .and report on the Lamont Drain., to give an outlet to Lot 8 -Con, 7, owned by Ernest Martin,. the ! the upper end of drain, and appoint Ken Bray and Geerge Hutchinson as commissioners — (7arrled I Mov.ed by Gle n Hnether seconded I by Lawson Ward that we' hold Court of Revision on- the Assess- ment Reit on October 27th, — Carried Moved by .Glen Hitether seconded by Lawson Ward that we pass By- law No. 11-1959 to appoint Deputy Returnig Officers and Poll Cilerks and set date for Nomination, and By- No. 12-1959 to assess and levy rates for the County, Twp. and School purposes foro 1959. — Carried Moved by Glen Hnether seconded by Lawson Ward that Deniuity Re- turning Officers be paid $8,00 a.nd Poll Corks' be paid $6.00 for any electiens held in the Twp. of Grey — Curried MoVed by Lawson. Ward seconded by Archie Mann .that all approVed accounts be paid — Carried 14,439.101,MIIINIMMI11111111, • Applications Wanted US Post Publishing House 4,140020. SI* 0449,P .pitP Thursday October 22nd 1959 -•,,,••••••••••••,,,,,o murywerigIffayAn1.11. efitire' OF CANADA *Sine* NOUtiiiii.e tiOd01,04 KIM A!** ttri, 28nd Stifiday 'Atter 4Ohn't iireeiehe 8.30 HOILY the Re*, it00" ti.bir, Matilda Soodo School' ' St. eilniOn it't, ' ,, ,It)130' Etiellarlat NO. Herb firididi 01111401ti Oat .! SC. David's DO it , ttif • Teaching Traffic Safety starts at home leech them to 164 both ways before crossing the street Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Glenn Huether that we do noW adjourn until Nov. 7th or at the of the Reeve The folloWing accotu,nts Paid One . Municipal Board, fee Scott Drain St+ atflrd Beacon-Herald, tidv. Scott Drain E. M. Cairdiff, By-laWS Seott Drairt Melvin Carnothan, Oran- brook Drain James A. HOWeS, stmt. Cg•azi- brook Drain Cardiff, clerk's fees Cratibrook Drain 1.-Tolland-Andes011. Drain, grant Selwyn fRalter,, tusuranoe SelwynBaker', SneCified Orlin° PollicY SeiWyttilttiter, Non-otoned SelWyn Baiter, Collector's tend Aineriettii-MarSh Thinina siren. St repair:4, fire. tneielf 1:10,11 test i ref) A ttliAttal S.aciffitY,.,grant 466.60i end tinfiii0s ,='-, Geo, TV. Hittchinfian *Ore 2,00 18.50 435.00 ! , I 35.00 were 35.06 430,3i 542.00 40,30 23.60 Contact .vt Interest For The First Year 4* Interest For The Second Year 41/4 % Interest For The Third Year 4% % The Remaining Six Years 5% Average Interest Rate If Kept To Iktaturity 4.98% Bond's May Be Cashed At Any T me AT PACE VALUE GROW WITH CANADA zemrzz. SELWYN RAKER Phone 263J3 or 79 ilrusseh Moloillo Young 'Women's Guild ANNUAL BAZAAR TG Held In The arooeis Library. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th. Apronc tiakind Produce Candy — Miscellaneauti -Ethel United Church ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25th GUEST SPEAKER t REV, C. E, TAYLOR, of Gederiett 11 A. M. -- "A Time for Greatness" 7.30 P, “What it Means to Live" Subject?, • Special Music by the Choir PROCLAMATION REMEMBRANCE DAY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 11th A Public Civic Holiday For The Village of Brussels Reeve of Brussels George E. McCutcheord, INSURANCE and AUTO FINANCING T. V. Insurance $15 for 3 Years. AUTO — FIRE — CASUALTY Also Representative for Confederation Life AssUrancr ASsocIareco- Income Tax — General Bookkeeping — Gas Tax FerraiT-- G. M. Ronnenberg Insurance , BRLIBISEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and !Ways Brussels Home Furniture' TELEPHONE 194 `<, THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL, Westinghouse Floor Polishers $29.50 with used trade in Westinghouse Vacuum Cleaner $69.50 with used trade in .44.0.•aitr""C IT'S TIME FOR ANT1-FREEZE and SNOW TIRES At CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Batteries — oils — Lubricants — Car Wasti! Ice Cream Cigarettes Pop Eta. Brussels, Ont. =DM YOU'LL ENJOY BLACICRASPBERR-LIZIPP!.,E ICE CREAM AVellehle Correa, Bri.oker and Halt Gallant At YOU, Favrairitei. Ctitlein46 Or Take Heine A bollek witi of Our NEW NEAPOLITAN' .11'1 'It .— dinkolate,. -and 8'0'406600y y kiAbt. COUSINS DADAY. Brussels Onto PhoneI Phone 268 .•Aiteix 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1 44.