HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-10-08, Page 714104Pallea An ,Arrival. At The South Pole It was time to get airborne! VI'Ore Liv wt) started to climb as we .passed: through one of the wericl's most awe - inspiring sights, the Beardmore Glacier, I think I can say that in all my travels, I have never seen a sight that stunned me so much with its sheer beauty. Underneath, as we climbed, the glacier twisted and turned liked a bread, majestic river, flanked on either side by great ranges and peaks, The ice was sometimes se blue I was tempt" eci to believe that indeed it was a river. At times it was narrow, at others, thirty miles across. The peaks above it were brown, white and blue, Tributary glaci- c.a., from the Polar Cap came in like veins of a leaf, all moving relentlessly down towards the Boss Sea, where for time beyond count these great ice rivers have flooded into the sea and so form- ed the Ice Shelf. Gus took the Old Charger • round the corners as though piloting a ship, but soon the weather started to change, As we climbed to the top of the glacier, heavy cloud blotted ev- erything out. Only our radar, with its yellow blobbing finger, warned us of neighboring peaks. The winds increased, for ice is not the only thing that flows down the Beardmore and its neighboring ice canyons, The cold, heavy air from the Polar plateau always thrusts and seeks its way downwards, and so is channelled into the natural chasms of the glaciers, . . . By the time we reached the top of the Beardmore, at 12,000 feet, it 7began to get very cold. Even niy mukluks couldn't keep mr feet warm. Below we could see nothing, except an occasion- al glimpse of the snow and ice. but even then I was never cer- tain whether it was snow or When we reached the Pole, I saw it for a second, marked by a circle of old* oil drums, then it vanished. It didn't look more than hundred feet below us. (Actually Gus was flying 200 feet above ground level,) Then a whiteout came clown, I saw the Pole station, the black smudge of half-buried huts, then that vanished too, It took Gus Shinn three tries to land the Old Charger because more than any other air station in Antarc- tica, he had to be desperately careful at the Pole to land on the actual airstrip. There was nobody to help him, The Pole station did not have any experienced ground-to- air staff capable of leading a plane in. Gus was on his own. We circled round at low altitude and then came down. And this time we7,made it, and the Old Chargers landed as comfortably as a Britannia at London airport. A few moments later I wrenched open the aircraft door and jump- ed out and I was at the Pole.- From "The. White Desert," by Noel Barber, "You look tired," said Johnson to his office colleague. , • "Yes, I get no sleep--:my wife wakes me up every time she hears a noise in the night in case it's burglars." "But burglars hardly ever make a noise," "I told her , that and now she . wakes me up every time slier doesn't hear a noise.", MERRY, _MENAGERIE' aftee an, I AM a bird:" JOHNSON, RAND g. CO,, 06 Avenue Rel., Toronto 7, Ontario, Yes! Send me your (emoting new YAK 0 tRaid. If• C ant not fully satisfied I i,..eellirri flie VAK within 80 clays for a 'Coilk Pieta i re-turn of fly money. ( P.1 enclose $.14.95. C heque or M.O. ( ),Serkrt.OXII, i will' pay postage and C.O.D, chcirgee. MY NAME & ADDRESS ARE ENCLOSED -*=*-*-it• ONLY $144- INTRODUCTORY OFFER Revolutionary NEW NON-ELECTRIC. VACUUM CLEANER NEW! A completely novel way of spick-and- span rug and floor cleaning! The amazing VAK is actually 3 cleaners in one! It sweeps, it dry-mops any surface: Carpeting, wood, linoleum - even cement - with less effort and expense than any other Machine or device on the market! NO CORDS, NO OUTLETS, NO WIRES OR PLUGS! VAK's revolutionary patented action actually out-performs 'electric It is SAFE, has no Walling 'wires, 'Gentle "beat- ers" and dust-gripping hrushes give you deep=down thorough cleaning - even oh thick pile rugs, NO STOOPING! Gets under furniture, reaches into awkward spots! Needs no adjusting from smooth to textured .urfotes, NO FUSS - NO MUSS because there is no "flying" dust or Messy bags to clean or to dispose. Lifts every' kind of dirt - Oven ant, Mei" hairs. Feick flat - stores like ti broom, AMAZING! VAk is the Modern answer to time-saving cleaning chores. Its static genet cushion foam rollersmagnetize lease M pcclee, while an ingenious and powerful vacuum pulls them into a perirearietiliy at- tached bag, birt and dust settle into a special, tight-sealed, Metal cnmparfeneeil and` a touch of the finger eelettsee the cartferitS Into the Waste totitaitiete CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING GENTS WANTED k:AKN Cash in luur •bil4PL) rin14 414$1., show your .iiienas WIC Christmas and All-Oveaabari Greeting Cards Belighitlak Stathmerv, (lifts. Write for samples petunia] Card 1,14 48041 queen Eire( l'oronto 2 • MAKE MORE MONEY TAtcH orders in your spare dine Quickie American atuornatie self- wrIngtrig glide-dry sponge mops. Every home a prospect. Easy to carry, has a take-aeart. handle, Hve year guarantee. Free waxer to each customer. Standard price across Canada. We pay postage o;) all orders, Write for particulars to- day. Elliott's Specially Sales. Corner Brook, Newfoundland. NURSERY SALESMEN AGENTS wanted to represent Canada k oldest leading nursery Profitable full or Part-Wile sales position open throughout Canada Commissions paid Weekly. Handsome instruetionat selling Outfit In full colour supplied free..We offer all varietlea in hardy, Canadian. G row n fruit and ornamental nursery stock rose bushes, etc. Write to: STONE AND WELLINGTON LIMITED "The Fonthill Nurseries" P O. Box 40 Fonthili. Ontario. „ BABY CHICKS BRAY has Ames In-Cross pullets, day. old, sfarted, ready-to-lay. Dual purpose and Leghorn chicks, dayold and started. Send for list. Order now for fall deify. ery best broiler varieties. See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE MODERN two-chair barber shop; com- pletely furnished; excellent location and trade. Reason for selling. owner wishes to retire to Old Country. Con- tact Mr Tony Surma. Tony's Barber Shop, 581 Fraser St., North Bay, Ont. BOOKS "TALES Of The Desert", 30 thrilling episodes, smells of sage-brush, Auto- graphed. Ben Arid, Hermosa Beach, California, DEER HUNTING ATTENTION deer hunters! Excellent food, guides, dogs, accommodation. 4 Phone LE. -9676 or write Sherratt, Emsdale, Ont. . - FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE POTATO Digger Chains, made in Can- ada. Standard weight and widths. For 26 inch, 450 per link. For 24 inch, 44e per link. Immediate Shipment, F.O.B Heidelberg, Ontario Gray- Snyder Ltd., Hilisburgh, Ontario, NEW CHAIN SAWS SAVE '000.00 BRAND New Remington Silver Log. masters, 5 H.P. class, 18" cut, only $125,00. Shipped Prepaid anywhere in Canada. !-BERG"Era 'EQUIPMENT, ARNSTEIN, ONTARIO' FARMS FOR SALE 300 ACRES, 100 tillable, balance bush, beside ealabogle and Lanark Highway. Hydro, Mrs. Edwin Stewart, Calabogic Ont HIGHWAY -farm - 100 acres, choice land. 95 workable. Bank barn 60' x 86'. Water • on pressure. Brick home. 5 roonn3 arid bath, $15,800 - terms. J. R. Shortreed, Clayton G. Frogg Ltd. Phone 607 Fergus or Box, 35. 130 Acne's Dairy Farm. Large barn bulk milk tank, pipe line ' etc. .9, room w modernized_ brick home. Situated one mile from village, must be seen to be appreciated. All inquiries should be addressed to E.J. Brooks, No. 2, Jersey- ville, Ontario. This advertisement pub- lished free by: THE ALLIED SERVICES LONDON, ONTARIO. REAL VALUE, IN FARM BUYS 2 REAL good dairy farms, mate highway, good homes, allconvenien- ces, large barns, cement and stanchion tie tip. Silos, drivesheds, well located, both farms all arable and 2 of the best producing !arms anywhere, priced to sell. 3 REAL good 100 acre farms, well lo- cated good buildings and good pro- ducing farms. Priced each, $15,000. Terms. 100 ACRE farm, lovely 2 storey brick house, all conveniences. Large bank barn, cement stabling, stalls and pens. Price $13,000, 150 ACRE farm, good 2 storey house, all conveniences, large barn and straw- shed, henhouse, (lriveshed, 130 acres arable. Price $14,000. Half down. THREE 100 acre farms good homes, hydro bank barns, each $9,000. TWO 50 acre farms, $6,000 each. Farnis All'Sizes At Right Prices J. CLAIRE LONG, REALTOR BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 282 FARMS, •FOR _ . 170 AChES Clay loam. 125 tinder etrilla Large barn, with Water bowls. Modern 8" coonstlPn. e .bala nce nl0,w with g uriiti-'141:.1c1 upPhao4atliarise: furnace etc. This ferns must be seen mtor, ltpoiinpoiporeel dtgedey,.Pr,Nleoe. 47eams0orlia:rly.,e. All Inquiries should be addressed to town, Ontario, This advertisement PO, ileiskieNdADfAr)e,e by;. ALLIED SERVICES • •• •••• • FINANCIAL 51A% Intere3t Paid On GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES ANY TERM, 1.3. YEARS The Sterling Trusts Corp., 372 Bay St., Toronto, eine HELP WANTED FEMALE WIDOW to look after elderly lady, live In, light housekeeping, good perman- ent borne, remuneration. Box 197, 123- 18th Street, New Toronto, NURSES AIDES REQUIRED for the ,Kltehener-Waterloo Hospital. A six week course will com- mence on Wednesday, October 16. eunirouin age 17 years. Educational requirements grade 10. Salary paid during .training course - $25.00 per week. Minimum Salary af- ter training course - $140.00 per month. Applicants are required to re- mein on staff one year. Information rosy be obtained from the Director of Nurses, Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Kitchener, Ontario. HORTICULTURE START Geranium Slips now for better flowering next year. 8 varieties, $1.00. Edwin Grills, R. 5, Campbellford, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN more! Bookkeeping, Salesman ship Shorthand, Typewriting. etc. Lea sons 600, Ask for free, circular No 53. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1200 Bay Street, Terento • - . . LIVESTOCK AYRSHIRES offering young hulls of serviceable age, bred heifers, and foundation stock of all ages. Alex Wallace, Smiths Falls, Ont. MEDICAL IT'S PROVEN EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching scaling and burning ecze. ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and feet eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.50 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO MONEY TO LOAN 3.M I L L I O N DOLLARS AVAILABLE ON your property or fixed assets. We specialize in out-of-town loans. Low rate of interest, Terms to suit. Quick service Write or phone Dialling invest- ments Ltd.. 38013 Bloor W.. Toronto. WA 2.2442. NURSERY STOCK FOR Sale. Scotch, Austrian and Mugho Pine. Description and prices. Write: G. R.R. 1, Barrie, Ontario. TREE Seedlings, Scotch and Austrian Pine 3 year old seedlings for Christmas tree production, windbreak planting or reforestation. $14.00 per Thousand, $8.00 per 500. Ruronia Nurseries, Wye. val,e, Ont, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN WANTED. Young men train for Teleala replier with $75 machine we loan you. Advance to Agent more salary Express Comm'ns & Free house, SPEEDHAND trains in 11 weeks hoine- study for Stenographer. Free book either course. Cassell Systems, 10 East- bourne, Toronto 14. ISSUE 41 - 1959 OMEN PPORANTUNDITI WOMEN S OMEN FOR •- BE A HAIRDRESSER CANADA'S ,LEADING actifP4, crpat opportunity Learn flairdresalng Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write et Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL, 355 eioor St. W., Toronto, Branches; 44 King St. W., H afniu m? 72 Rideau street Ottawa eeRscium. ALITIlorts invited submit :MSS all types (including Poems) for book pUblication. Reasonable terms. Stockwell, Ltd. Rim combe, England (estd, 1898) . . ADULTS! Personal Rubber GoOds, 36 assortment for $2 00 Finest quality, tested, guaranteed Mailed In plain sealed package plus tree Birth control booklet and catalogue of supplies Western Distributors, BOX 24TF Regina, Sask PET STOCK SIAMESE KITTENS DACHSHUND AND SIB. HUSKY Registered, health guaranteed. Havila cek, Jeraeyville, Ontario. PULLETS FOR SALE HY-LINE Pullets, 3,000 five months Oc- tober lath. We deliver. Apply Willy Vanaverbeke, R.R 1, Stratford, Phone 336.W-4, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE I SAVE! Films developed and megne prints in album 400 12 magna prints in album 601 Reprints 55 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints; Color prints 356 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1 25 Color prints from slides 356 each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives. ARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31 GALT ONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE TO settle an estate, 170 acreaa , Rich River Flats, well drained, in Township -.Of.„,,Igosa„ Apply Box 36. Wardsville, Ontario. — TO settle an estate, 200 acres choice tile and loam soil In'township of Mesa, Apply Box 30, Wardsville, Ontario. STAMPS AND COINS --- QUALITY Approvals, Beginners-advanc- ed, 20 up 25' off first purchase. Adults only, V. Samigno. 2829 Kings- land Ave., NYC 69. WEST Germany Berlin, 50 duff com- memorative finest quality, exchange against $1.00 mint Canadian commemo- ratives. Will mail from United Nations with comm. set Gerber, 680 Fort Wash- ington Ave., New York 40, N Y. ASDA WE PAY MORE NOW! LARGE 72 page coin catalogue, pictur- ing and pricing all Canadian, New- foundland coins, plus generous U.S. listing. Price 51.00, unillustrated 25a. Philacoin, Regina, Sask. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER wanted for Mattawan Town-. ship School. Area, Grades 1 to O. Ditties to commence immediately. Apply, stat- ing qualifications, and salary expected to . MRS. A, V. BROWN, SECRETARY P.O. BOX 277, MATTAWA, ONT, VACATION RESORTS FLORIDA vacations. Reasonable rates, Efficiency apartments., week or season. Central to Clearwater, St. Petersburg Tampa, Bayfrolit. Private fishing dock. Write Davis, 2 Wilson St. Dunedin, Clearwater, Florida. FACTORY WAREHOUSE 16 First St., London, Ont, SAW CHAIN CLEARANCE Pioneer Saw. 404 Pitch. 16" — $10.00 20" — 12.00 24" — 14.00 McCulloch Saw. D44 Model 7/16 Pitch. 18" — 8.00 Homelite Saw 7 /1 6 Pitch. 17" — 8.00 Remington.Mall. 7/16 Pitch. 18" — 8.00 All Chain Factory Guaranteed, Brand New. Chain to fit any direct drive saw. Large Discounts. Send in your old saw bars — $5.00 allowance on your new bar. Castr With Order if You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Now, and then everybody, gets "tired-out" feeling, and may be bothered by.backiches;Perhaps noth- ing seriously wrong, just a temporary Condition caused by urinary irritation or bladder discomfort. That's the time to take Dodil'a Kidney Pills. Dodd's help stimulate the kidneys to relieve this condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then yob' feel better, rest, better, work better, Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue bOx with the red band at all drug counters. You can depend on Dodd's. so lightning. Causes • A "Striptease" Streeeieg the e nergy of a lightning flesh, a scientist cal. culated . that it had the driving power of a g00-ton train thu.n- &ring along at a speed of fifty miles an hour, Bach summer science sheds new light on lightning in many parts of the world. There is no. basis for the popular s-,ying that lightning never stril' twice in the same place, It 0 flees. In just Inyer a yea. „Leicase terehire inn was twice ;struck by lightning. The Empire State building in New York City is hit by lightning at least twenty times a year, Friends of a golfer who was struck on the fairway of a New Jersey course, were amazed as well as zriefestricken. Exactly twenty-five years earlier the same man had narrowly missed being killed by lightning at the same spot on that fairway. According to a man who studie. ed thunderstorms for many years, there are 44,000 every day of every year or 1,800 every hour. Each thunderstorm yields about 200 flashes of lightning an hour so that 1,800 storms give 360,000 flashes over the whole globe, he said. This means that every sec- ond of time throughout the year 100 lightning flashes are taking place somewhere. The clay is coming when lightning` will be "collected" and used to produce power and to light our homes, predicted Pro- fessor A. M. Low some years ago. Freak effects of lightning are endless. In Lima, Peru,. a sud- den lightning flash ripped off the clothing of a pretty girl in a mein . street, How- Can- I? Dy• Anne Ashley Q. Row can I remedy white woolens that have begun to turn yellowish? A, -Use three -ounces of per- oxide „to, two gallons of water in washing them, and then dry them in direct sunlight. Q. How can I keep a tin roof In gobd -cehifitiOn?' A: Always repaint a tin roof at the first sign of peeling; other- wise,. deterioration will set in and cause rapid rusting, conse- quent leaks, and eventually the necessity for a new roof. Q. What is a filler •I can use for wide cracks between softwood floorboards? A. You can make a filler from sawdust and glue. After filling the cracks with this, fresh saw- dust is sprinkled over the filling. When ,dry, the Op is sanded off, and stained' - to match the floor- boards, Q. How can 1, when preparing a chicken, make the feathers come out more easily? A. When scalding the chicken, add"a teaspoon or 'Soda to the boiling water. The feathers will be easier to pluck, and the flesh is left white and clean. GET MORE FISH, FUR AND GAME! THE Outdoorsman Scrapbook with its 100 pages, size 81/2 x 11 are jam-packed with facts and tips on Fishing, Hunt- ing, Gunning, etc. Hundreds of dollars worth of Information for $2.00, post- paid, and get FREE copy OUTDOORS. MAN COOK BOOK on Fish-Fowl and Game. MYERS ENTERPRISES 2141—C Hills and Dales Road Massillon, Ohio. AP4-geri/8fe) • :r14156).taii45n. P:i.ds extra vacechori. • 2 75 Pounds -tree baggage allowance - slabtlizers ! D TO EUROPE GLUM CHUMS - The picture of sadness, a quartet of cyclists from Uruguay grimly accept defeat efter, d 4,,Q00 emeter bicycle pursuit event at Chicago's Pan Americcin'Games. How Taxi. Drivers Size Up Customers A s u dclen thunderstorm drenches the city, Bus service is slowed to a crawl. An empty taxi cruises by a bus stop crowd- ed with people. A man jumps out and hails the taxi, The cab- bie speeds on, a tiny smile curl- ing his lips. Why? In the current issue of The American Journal of Sociology, Dr. Fred Davis offers an explana- tion. Davis, who drove a hack himself while a student at the University of Chicago, says that to the cabbie that man at the bus stop is probably a "public- transportation type," a person who rides taxis only when it rains and does not deserve con- sideration. Like many of his colleagues who can turn a fable into a foible, sociologist Davis serious- ly explored "the random, fleet- ing, and unrenewahle relation- ship" between the cabbie and his passenger for new knowledge in the endlessly fascinating field of human behavior. "Ever since I collected my last tip, I've want- ed to do a sociological study of my experiences as a cabbie," said Davis, who is now studying the problems of handicapped children for the National Insti- tutes of Health. Davis's first conclusion; The driver, when engaged with a fare, is conccious of little more than the size of his prospective tip. As a result, the hackies Davis analyzed put each customer into precise categories. Among them: The Stiff: Purely and simply, someone who doesn't tip. The Sport: "His tips are gen- erous and even on very short rides he will seldom tip less than a quarter." The Lady Shopper: "Her pre- ferred coin is a dime, no• more or less," The Blowhard: "A false Sport Often holding out the prom- . ise pf much by way of tip, he seldom lives up to .his words," Davis insists that his study of cabbies and their fares has a Use- ful purpose. "The only thing that matters to the cabbieAs ma- terial gain," comments Davis. "The lesson is clear to those who ev,Oettici... peter schemes for com- prehensive medical service under . which, . • relations between :Seevers arid served would be- come'reputationless, anonymous, ,prid,narrowly calculatiVe." SMIILLY BUSINESS SOOTABLE SPOT - Chimney pot of a house in Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Scotland, houses a plant from seed carried there, perhaps, by a bird, Bernard Shaw As A Publisher For the greater part of his life, G. B. S. was his own pub- lisher: that is to say, he bore the cost of Issuing all his works, em- ploying a publisher merely for office and mechanical purposes, such as distribution of books, and the general convenience of a staff trained in the details of publication and sale. He chose his printers and he was highly particular about the type used in setting up the pages and in the style and colour of the bind- ing. He imagined himself to be expert in detecting the differ- ence between type set by hand and type set by machine, but he was sometimes caught out in this matter, The green covers in which his books were first issued in Great Britain were less satisfactory than he had hoped they would be: the colour faded easily, and he therefore used an entirely different format when his works were ' collected. He insisted that emphasis should be denoted by spacede letters and not by italics, and he was equally insistent on the abolition of apostrophes from contracted Words! using dont in- stead of don't, His fussiness, in these respects was not, surpris- ingly, displayed in connexion with his publications in Ainerica, which seem to have been left en- tirely to the discretion of the publisher, . Luckily, he was able to engage secretaries who were highly ef- fieient.-From "Bernard Shaw," by St, John Ervine. One of the chores of experts at The Battelle Memorial Institute is to sit in closed booths smelling different kinds of food sub- stances„ The sniffers take a whiff every thirty seconds; then try to write a detailed description of the smell:* The idea behind the research• is to help army caterers provide tastier food for soldiers. LGS Wit, " Ilt...41 're • eteeeer zoo wii616*4 is a holiilay, Spacions accommodation ; menus to tempt all latitee; Malait% rfalieinga parties; , = earning:, and . ample; Tree baggage allowance to: taltc care , of your .blisitiees or vacation wariaro ba, co* ST. LAWRENCE tAitiredt -Frooekontreol B Quebec IICIPottri,54 01±.J ri R., See` 11' OUteLoCet• . ste Wiibli- '1 e Vo 'ie*:'asi~Yla.3' ,e,et,. ---_,............e. 'Cartier Ettiy. & 'Wellin6foii Sts, _ ....... Toronto) Ont, ?' ,-.)766'.EMPlie. 044ti... ...i?;..r,..... .,./esebtec . toiiiiitte .1+ • WiniiiiiCg .,. • tel Monson e Vancouver 3,•"' ti•ottdcilg' 71r..P.'417)P' ts'ii0-t-t .. ow14.4 .oi.-6.151,Tip , .01=Acio . ,.. . ,.. . @tee eel. ''.W;VANIA OCTOBER 16tH' e. GREtNocK, LIVERPOOLT s. 'reitibetit •tiel:t ' ' 1 HAVRE, tOUTHAMPtON— 1 ' x" . ' SYLVANIA NOVEMBER 'OH' GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL ' f - ' 4, •. t i NoVtmilEw 6TH HAVRE, tbufliAmiribi,4 I .,,c+ e ' CAitteitellA NOVEMBER" 13TH HAVRE, toUtHAMOtoN. I g: ,,,, kr Also 'A .ti.'00kiiiittsri. tAtitelde Padise NEW YORK 1 ...:.........-.....4.-;.......,,,...,......-......,:-.,,,............-........-,..--,-.,•---1. I - CARWTHIA OCTOBER 2ND GREENOCK, LIVERPOOL I «, .1yeitellA OCTOBER 9TH HAVRE. SOUTHAMPTON I eleiositoteitro. allied's at: lit 161i it 94'061-0) S;20710/0 ieralittfrril 1144's VillelfY7d Orrnil