The Brussels Post, 1959-09-24, Page 7Chicago Going BaselbaII Crazy Outside Comiskey Park in Chi- cago one day recently, a short, pudgy carnival worker named Ralph J, Beloare sat on a gar- bage can, lit a fresh, cigar, and made an announcement, "I'M first in line for World Serie tickets," Belem said. "I'm go- lug to check in, every day until it looks like I better stay, Then, even if I have to park here for two •weeks, I'm gonno do it," Inside` the old South Side bill park, seated at the desk In his small, spare office, Al Lopez, the patient senor from Tampa, Fla„ who manages, the white-hot White Sex, -Was puzzling over a line-up, when Luis Aparicio, the crack Venezuelan shortstop, pop- ped in. Aparicio was carrying a statuette of St. Jude (patron saint of lost causes) with a card from a parish priest, saying: "This is the tenth Man on your team." Al Lopez inspected the statue as he might • a new player up from the minors, "If we win two ;tonight," he Said, "the sta- tue stays." ' GRADUATE NURSES IMMEDIATELY NEW 58 bed hospital to be opened in September. Apply to: Superintendent, Prince Edward County Hospital Picton, Ontario, NURSERY STOCK FOR Sale. Scotch, Austrian and Muth° Pine. Description and prices, Write; C. Pedlingham, R,R, 1, Barrie, Ontario. TREE Seedlings, Scotch and Austrian Pine 3 year old seedlings, for Christmas tree production, windbreak planting or reforestation, $14.00 per Thousand, $8.00 per 500. fluronta Nurseries, Wye- valve, Ont. OPPORTUNITIES SAWDUST. Turn it into cash. 40 Meth- ods. Full instructions $1.00. Rowe Mar- shall, 1639 St. Luke Rd., Windsor. On. tario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified professlon; good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel.G.raduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 35$ Moor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St. W.,. Hamilton ,n 72 Rideau treet. Ottawa PERSONAL TROUBLED? Love? Money Problems? I'll help. Solution Available, if instruc- tions followed, ,S X'- trictly personal, John Wamotelier,"/Bo'10-CE,. p ersonal, Cape, South Africa. MAKE Believe "Letters'' fiorn "' Intione you name to fit your mood interests, needs, $1 eachw4 per onth 33. Hughes, 9108 Aqueduct"SePulV m ecrji, ' " ADULTS! Person 1 Rubber Goods. 38 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed hi plain sealed packagePhIs free Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western' Distributors, • 10,X. 24Tp, ,PRegina, Sask., „PHOTOGRAPHY;.- SAVEI SAVE I SAVE I Films developed and 8 magna prints In alburn*,400 12 magna printehr album 80$' Reprints 5$ each KODACOLOR Developing roll 11.00 (not including prints) Color prints 350 each extra. Ansco and. Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex: posures mounted In slides $1.25. Color Prints from slides 350 each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega- tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 91, GAL.IVONT. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. CENTRAL ONTARIO VALUES! "WE have a wide range of listings to suit your taste and finances. Commer- cial opportunities, many farms of vari- ous sizes, small holdings in rural areas, cottages, vacant ,lots in town, country and vacatiori,districts. Descrip- tive literature and photos mailed promptly on request." LONG EROS. — Realtors Cobourg, Ont. Port Hops, Ont. Franklin 2-3161 Turner 5-4501 KAWARTHA Lakes — For free picture listing folio featuring summer country properties cottages, lote. islands, farms, village homes, conunte, cial opportunities, acreages, on Sammie Rice Lake, Stoney, Chemone. PlesoBuckhorn and Scugog Lakes, plus man 4ni mailer waterways mostly within 1 miles. Toronto, write Bowes &''' Cock* Ltd , Realtors, 393 Charlotte St., Peter- bore, RI. 2-4234. TO settle an estate, 200 acres choice tile and loam soil in Township of Moss. ' Apply Box 36, Wardsville, Ontario. vets TED RELIABLE, experienced married man for Dairy Farm. Good pages with Fuel, Mitk4ApplY Olarenteatyons, -$ 'Cheltenham. -Victoria"-799 "J3:" "-• FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE POTATO Digger Chains, made In Can- ada. Standard weight •and widths. For 26, „inch, 450,,per ,link. For 24 Inch, '44e, per Irrimediate Shipment, F.O.B Heidelberg, Ontario. Gray- Snyder Ltd., Hillsburgh Ontario, FARMS FOR SALE 'DAIRY and'[ cash don farmk. Elgin County area. Donald J. Begg, Broker, R.R, 1, St, Thomas. Phone ME. 1.3287. $14,700 FARM 50 ACRE farm near Elora and Sena- rate school, Good seven room stone tiotiSe;"!'lianit'barri x 50 all buildings in good shape Substantial down _Pay- ment required. Contact James D. Emi- lie: — Bruce T. Beattie-Real Estate, 78 Norfolk St Guelph, Ont. TA. 2-7175. , INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesnitim ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Lee sons 50$. Ask for, free circular-No. BS. Canadian correspondence, Colinas 1290 Bay Street. Toronto, Ti-lArjr&ETCP/ES AIROOVD THE WOIZ,Letaaa.a.:— CRAZY ACTION'— two tennis players Seeni ato have niore Irian thirY ccin handle. Neal Frciier'is about to make .a smashr while his.partrier, Roy Emerson, accidenfdlly .drops the 1ii11i he had' kiett CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED MONEY TO LOAN I wonderful examples of ,,Y9,leanie rock I had 'eve"seek0 The/r lofty peaks peer at you from the long cloud streamers above, Here and there she. mountainside napapkeearl° byto erhoasviL, baerd tsht er i pvIld- canic cinnabar of ages contrasts oddly with the many greens of frond and palm and , hillode '""grave' 'Neater, as our chip sailed along a silver belt of reef, the^ panorama was loveHar. I staain- ed my eyes to see it, to realize the gossamer dream I had spun, since boyhoOd, Of the Pacific''Isa lands, Along this wall of coral, hidden, but chartered.. by its cly w roa nmoi flefeaunmth we jacakanfofuoandnetahre- gateway, the blue buckle of the belt, it appeared, in the distance, Within the lagoon the guise of the island was more intimate. Little bays and, inlets bounded themselves, and villages and houses sprang up from the tropic groves, We dropped anchor opposite the small village of Faatoai and in this sheltered haven we both, decided to catch up on a few hours well-earned sleep before we went ashore the following morning_ . '. From the 'shore there came to us fragrant scents of hinano, the taire and frangi- pani. Those fragrant . Tahitian scents lulled us into pleasant dreams, dreamsef further ad- ventures inr-atie,..„§outiva Sea Is- lands,.--Piotri,- ."Driftifir Hound the South..Sees," by Guy. Batham. CAHN ,Cash in tour Spare rime Just show -your1rieeds our Christmas and Ali-Occasion Greeting Cards (including Religious) Stationery. Gifts Write for otimples Colonial Card Ltd assn gVern EasL Toronto 2 FACTORY WARRIOUSI 14 Piro at., Lentilrn, Ont.. SAW CHAIN CLEARANCE Pioneer Saw, 414 Pitch, 11140 20" 12.041 24" — 14.00 McCulloch saw. D44 Model 7/14 Pitch, 11.1011 Hornell% Sew, 7/14 Pitch, 17" — SAO Remington-Mell, 7/14 Pitch, 15" All Chain Factory Guaranteed. brand New, Chain to fit any direct drive NM. Lents )31scounts, /*Min your old saw bars —"15.10 11110Wang• on your new bar. cash with Order 3 MIL Lt 0 Of DOLLARS AVAILABLI ON Your property or fixed assets, We PPecialire out-of-town loans, Low rate of interest, Terms to suit, Quick service. Write or phone DIallInglnyest, xnents Ltd.. WA.Bihar W.. TortintO, WA 1-2442. NURSERY SALESMEN AUNTS Wanted to represent 'Canada'', oldest leading nrirsery Profitable full or part-time oalea position open throughout Canada ComMiSsions paid weekly. liandsotne,,inStractional selling ' ouitit In full colour 4UPPIled.ftee, We offer all varieties In hardy. Canadian. Grown fruit and, ornamental nursery 'rem" bushes' -gte, Write to: STONE AND WELLINGTON LIMITED "The Foothill Nurseries" P 0, Box 40. Font14111-.Ontario.., AUTQM0111LES TRUCKS IITC. MYER'S „Battery Magic: Amazing re- sults, Sample 53,00 Dealers Wanted A, B Myer Products, Route No. 1, Bird. In Hand, Penna. U.S.A. BABY ,CHICKS• NURSES. WANTED REQUIRED immediately for Modern 44 bed Hospital 7 registered general duty Nurses at miniMum ' starting salary of 3270,00 per month. Residence and limn. dry facilities, Alberta Blue Cross and M.S,1 available, Mso require auxiliary, riv' experienced Nurststaff, Apply HoW Cross Hospital, Spirit River, Alberta. PROPERTIES FOR SALE. . TO .settle an estate 170 acres, Inch River Flats, well 'drained, in Township of Mosa. Apply Box 36, wardsyllk, Orit41#0,- GOING NATIVE — Joining in the spirit of the islands, bearded Jose Ferrer his' wife, singer Rosemary Clooney, wear colorfUl leis on arrival in Honolulu for a vacation. BRAY has Ames In-Cross pullets, day. old, started, ready-to-lay. Dual purpose and Leghorn chicks, dayold arid started. Send for list. Order now forlall deliv- ery best broiler varieties. See local agent ,or write isrey,Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. STARTED pullet aareains .4.1 to 12 weeks of age, Columbia Rocic-X Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island .;Red' X Light ,Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock and Columbhi Rock $44.95 Per, 'hundred; assorted heavy breeds $41.95 per hundred. Kimber pullets — 12 weeks of age 010 each, 11 weeks of age. 870 each,, Also younger pullets ,at • lower- prices.,-Catalogue.' ' 'MEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS' ONTARIO 'IBUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE MUSKOKA, Ontario General 'Store for sale. 'Located on, edge of Lake„ sand beach,Turnover $50,000:00 :annually. $20,000.00 plus stock at invoice. For further particulars, write: Les Shumack, -'- Port Sydney,- Ontario. , DOGS FOR SALE PUREBRED German Shepherd Pups, Black' and' Tan. Males' $25.00, Females $15,00. Apply Mrs. Allan Jagger, Mil- ton Beach, Ontario. FAWN. Isla in the St. .Clair River: three miles nctrth of Port Lambton. Seventy-five acres of heavily wooded, highly .rehtzlted property with two . fifty; tOoLcanals > running the entire length The island. Every lot on a canal. ..Less' than one hundred Iota to be sold, therearektill some very choice locations le be bitPriced from 12,250 - up. Price includes sheet piling, water mains, hydro.electric and phone sery• tm'each 'lot, For a brochure and a x. copy of the restrictions write Box 80, Wallaceburg, Ontario, or phone May.„ fair 74371: Evenings and Sunday& Mow' fair 7-2194. Deeper StUclY Of Sea ,To Be Made.. • 'Earth ls a Water. planet; *ore than 70 per' 'cent of it sulface , Her under the „ocean and :aever 50'4 per is.,cay,eaeci by !water a mile or More' deep.e a 7 AIn' this .respecta .earth is unique among the solar planets and because of . this oceano- graphers. think they have a uni- a cine oppertunity, to delve into „theahistoryl of theaaelar system. Some of the opening sessions at the. talthernationa I Oceano- graPhic COnference have been cleV5ted to this kind of research, Dr Roger Revelle, director of :l$SerippitaIristatiatibff Oceano- graphy and president of the con- ference, explained - that 4tiarine geologists thinkoofi the aocean as an archiye. a ,history book in which one may trace the devel- opment 'of the earth if one can learn to reap the language in Which it it reco'r'ded. °,74 ThA record is contained in the sea Fottorn sediments. which in atadeast some aplaces4may have been collecting since the oceans weee''first armed The deeper one prpbes .athe sediments the fUrther backahe gee? in time. So far. oceanographers have " been able 'to penetrate only. a few million years at most into this record To study earlier epochs, they will have to bore more• deeply' into the sediments than present instruments allow. Ways and means of doing this . are high on the' "must" list of ocean explorers !among other things, it is hoped that the United States National Academy of Sciences' project to drill through the rock underlying the ocean will ',also produce a- complete vertical sample of the sediments, Such a sediment record should contain evidence of the earliest life forms that appeared on this planet It should also indicate the temperatures and other water characteristics of ancient seas. There should-be clear records of ice ages and tropical epochs,*of volcanic and mountain building upheavals. Dr. Revelle explained that as- pects of the earth's own forma- tied §hould also be reflected in the sediment. From these and from such things as the effects of cosmic aays; on the! ancient sediments experts may be able to learn more iabout the forma- tion of the solar system and per- ' haps, even the galaxy of stars in which the earth moves, , - 'Still •adother iMportant piece of information that may come from the sediments is the exact .age of the major ocean' Jaaains. , ',Oceanographers' want , know this badly ;becatise 'it haf16 bear- ing an a' cpleation noW „lacing hotly , debated In- ineetinea-aand infornial discussions Okre the coif ni tinents ovingV TEACHERS WANTED QUALI E sea er for Sept 1959 Ettyville Publie School, salary $ 460' Apply to Mrs. Theodule Lalonde, It R. 2, Bourget, Ont. JUNIOR GRADE TEACHERS _ HESPELLIO,Separate.:Belieell :Board le% ^' quires tencherstfor junior grades.,,Sati " ary 'schedule M •effect, Reply. stating .qualifications,, experience, etc., to Sec- retary,' JniirtinrIleSpeleti ontatioaaa ' With 43,265 fans filling the hot summer night with sound, the White Sox won the' double- header, sweeping the Detroit Tigers, 772 ,And 11-4. As the ; SOX, scored and, kept .-,their ,.lead' at five and gaaties: ; Chico o.. pennant fever moved toward` delirium. When a Detroit pitch- er threw a strike,. the fans booed. When one of 'the Sox hit safely, the „crowd roared: 'Go;, goaagol" For the 'White 'Sox,a without st pennant for 30 years, were clos- ing in, and their faiiskaildaneW all but taste the World s Serie a, ',a In one week all four Chicago newspapers aanaeatlinsitstie edi- • torials praising and a weekend series with the: second- place Cleveland.andians awas sold out four days in aadvance. Bill Veeck,' `tile bitaxit' Barnum who runs the club, was working twenty hours a day, 'Planing stunt,; for ahe aSeries omit earea Veeck s wife, Miry 'Frances, an attractive former publicist, .awas in the big Whit7 Sox act. With her litiSbahcf; Mary Fran!-'" ces conducts a weekly televisions show and like Bill she follows a routine which, allows for lonly four hours sleep. With her hus- band, she arises at 6 each morn- ing; then, after breakfast, she takes her four children to a play- ground. Afternoons she help , with Veeck's mail and evenings'' meets him for a snack. "Pve be- come a great baseball fan," she says. "I had to if I wanted to. talk to my husbInd during the summer. , Xaaentially, the on White Sox area team of shreds and patches. They are fashioned of such veterans as Early Wynn and Ted Kluszewski, of „such young ballplayers as Aparicio and Barry Latman, all held to- gether by the authoritive man- aging of Al Lopez. Sitting be- hind his statuette of St. Jude last week, Lopez talked quietly, the calm spot at the center of the whirlpool. "I've had tension ever since I became a big league manager (with Cleveland in 1951)," he said with a sigh. "I'm surprised at the way the Yankees folded," he added. "It used to be you that made the mistakes, not them, But I guess being in con- tention all those years wore them down More than we knew." "We can't make it this year," Veeck' said in spring training. "Where are you going to get the players from?" TEACHER 'wanted for Mattawan Town- ship School„ Area, Grades 1 to 8. Dutlee to •-co,mmenee immediately..APply, stet- ing mfalifieations, land 'salary' expected to. • '1MRS, A. V. 'DROWN, SECRETARY P.O. `110X -27i, ,MATTAWA, ONT. ,.ISSUE 39 — 1959 eta TAKING OFF -' .Hayward looks like a let pifirt,' but, ac=` Wally, the, Canadian sportsman is' preparing, for a spin in his superfast speedboat. • - The notion that the' conti- nents have, drifted around: the planet's surface is an old one. It has been advanced in the past to explain major climate shifts, such ,as the occurrence of tropi- cal fossils in polar regions. Some geologists have 'even suggested that the continents *once', fitted together like pieces of a puzzle and have since drifted apart, writes Robert C. Cowen in The Christian. Science. Monitor. = This theoky fell into disrepute for., a number of years. Now it is peing revived by geologists 4. here, some of 'whom have been among its critics,' Dr. Maurice El/Vitt of 'Columbia • University, '- Sir Edward Bullard. of ,Cam- bri,dge University, ; and Prof. 7 Harry FI. Hess. Of, Princeton Urn-, 4, versity were among those recon- sidering the continental drift theory; although Sir Edward was' the only one to declare himself; a definitely in favor .ofa it. The Atlantic Ocean „basin, is., split down „the middle by a mountainous' ridge. There are' indications that "the Continent?' are' drifting apart and, at they do, a crack ,may be widening,in the ocean floor. The mid-Atlan- tic ridge may be the result of Material 'pushing`upwardr through this widethng erack. It was suggetted that 'EnrOpe and North Americas are drifting". apart at a rate of a yard in 1,000 years. Other experts suggested theta instead of ,drifting, there may be toicei in all oceans tending na compress the conti-' nents and widen the seas. Per-. haps this is part of the process of mountain uplift and continent building, So far, relevant data are fragmentary. Oceanographers discussing these things hersi seem to be speculating rather than announcing definite theo- ries, Nevertheless, an Old idea that many of them would have dismissed a •year or two ago has suddenly come back into vogue. STAMPS AND COINS QUALITY ApprOvals, Beginners-acivane- ed, ze up 25% off first purchase. Adults only. V. Saccagno," 2829 'Rings- land Ave., NYC 69. WEST Germany-Berlin; 50 —diff. com- memorative finest „quality, 4exchange against $1.00 mint 'Canadian' 'commemo- ratives, Will mail from United Nations with comma set.,,Gerber, 680 Fort Wash- ifigtOn Aver'New-YoritIONAr.• ASDA You Can Depend On When kidneys fail to remove excess acids and wastes, backache, tired Dodds feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Pills stimulate Pills Dodd's Kidney kidneys to normal duty, You feel ter, work better. better—sleep bet- You can depend on Dodd's, Get Dodd's atany drugstore. :INDUSTRY' NEEDS DR,AFISMENTI THE Mechanical & Aircraft Inst. offers you a new' and simplifiecittome-study course in industrial drafting. Many find excellent jobs after completing this Government-apProved program. The course' is veryyreasonable, in fact, you can pay as little as $10 per month, For further, information, without obit gallon, write to: Approach TO The , South Sea Islands Deacon Institute of Graphic Arts, sit Dundas Street, West, Dept. Toronto, Ontario. LAND The moon showed intermit- tently, with cloud rack racing across her face. The heavy ." swell increased hourly, and . as the sky cleared the white tropi- cal moonlight flooded the long, sWeeping'waVes creating an eerie sensation that was a mixture of Valiance, awe and loneliness, a' loneliness that made one, , long ! tor land, . . That morning Jaek"toolea shot at the gut' and checked 'up on his charts. "If my 'reckoning is'" correct, we • should be • sighting Afareaitu peak in Meorea thiaa. afternoon," he said. "Afareatitu a pea k is about five thousand fed ' above' see level' and Iv:oorea Is-` land is about taVelVe miles fronta Tahiti," , . alay heart $,theat., wildly at the n thought ,of sighting land again after being over eight' Weeks at sea. . . .My 'first` s'urprise'"that' evening. was tca sight' four' birds, white-winged albatrosses, liana., bingers of land.. second surprise stunned'. Me.' •wat Auit after fout o'clOck. I could 'not believe if' at firat ; but the growing, realization bruat tipon trig float, LAND! LAND ,AHEAD,! It was shettly, after' five o'clock thaethe vision cause into reality, more anarVellaia, Mote exquisite' than the conception of all my, .dreams and reveries, a chin .shad, , OW in tile far offing,, a , Perk speck iii the lofty clouds. It Wei. Meade, 'Far lip 'near the Peak of l'ohivbai fieerly'a mile tibeVe. the. sea IeVela WAS a Mass. of - fairy cumulus eland§ floating • across tiic face of the great peak, It Was a piettite in murky, Maid, chrome which I could bailee fat. get a, Tong:sierra, .broken Oiti. Miele§ and crags all the.° semblance n't a Weathered and diiinentlect• eagle. It 'aided lift '.against 'the Watiptire halo` Of the evening sky like an ancient StrdrighOld of 'abilidothiglitY Titan, It Vatia, as' if a.anotitataiiil of black' rook had been &Odd but by the cliiseilirig fereei`betlie*WI'ild and weatlibf into a 'Veritable *ark tit art, These Maintain§ ate the most IT'S EXCELLENT. REAL RESULTS AFTER TAKING,DIXON'l REMEDY. FOR -, — RHEUMATIC PAINS AND NEURITIS. MUNRO'S ,PRUGSITGREr 835 ELGIN, "OTTAWA 31.25 Express Collect 'POST'S ECZEMA SALVE II 'BANISH the, torment of dry 'eczema raOhes and Weeping skin trouble& Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint ItchinfE7scaling and burping eezo,,rt ,,aene KrigworM,'Oimuleil 6134,16Of eczema will respond readily to the atainless,`odorless ointment regardless 'of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. f Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRIC141.54-PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2543 St. Clair Avenue East t: l'ORONTO How Can':;/? By Anne Ashley" Q. evo143he dan- ger of splitting Irnseasened wood when driiing nails" into ' it? A. If you blunt the points of the nails, by pounding them against an old wrench or other flat piece of metal, you will minimize the chances of split- ting the wood. Q. How can I remove tar or asphalt stains from ;,cloth? A. Rub • thoroughly with lard and let this lie for a while. Then launder in the usual manner using plenty 'of hot soap suds. Q. How can I. remove,. ::the peelings of peaches easily? A. Before peeling them, plunge them into boiling water for about a hall-minute, then drop them 'alaitct at old 'water. Q. What is a good treatment for a rtem,„P'gintbrusb, before using it? ' - A. Soak the bristles of 'the new brush in linseed oil. The bristlell'athen remain fleae- ible and easy to Clean and' each use, the linseed oil pee- venting hardening paint on them, ' 4 'a' . „ Q. How can I quickly and easily facilitate the tarting „ot, a charcoal fire reiiricnic a 7 . camp-out? A. Save yoUr empty two-titiart milk cartons and fill these with charcoal. By ignitbig the Waxed boxes, your charcoal will catch easily. Q. How can treat alcohol stains on furnititre, caused' 'by spilled drinks, medicines„ skin lotions, perfumes, •and 'the -like? A. When these occur, wipe them up instantly and rub the spot vigorously with the palm WEsrEnattanainan hoMekteads — 180^ acres., File age•18., crown land 500. acre up. For infOrmiIion send, one dollar to: Frontier Surveys, Box 248, Vanderhoof, British Columbia. MEDICAL "We'll scrounge for them," Lopez ,predicted hopefully and accurately. Nerve *Veeck Ketends that.heYstill rs. Unconvinced, but sometimes, with ‘friencia, he al- lows his confidence to. Nhow through. "In OCtiaber," Veeck says, his "eYe§ tWinklingoi "the White Soxican have a littl fun." • of yOur ,hh'nd or with a cloth moistened With an oil polish. For old stains, use rottenstone or -.powdered pumice, , mixed to a thin4aste with.rl.a. Orli boiled linseed oil. Rub lightly in di- 4eotion of: the grain. Wipe with a cloth dampened , with plain linseed oil. Repeat as •many times as :necessary, then polish. Sonietirries refinishing IS neces- sary, ; e 1St dig h 191 warefenjoyingt4 itanderfoi world riothirie suepassekilif 014 CUNARD,oceen voyage. Here is the perfect, relaxing crossing to Europe the glory:oflollowing the 'sun to the Vest Arnfrita . 7 memories 'of a cruise in the azure Mediterranean ... the- trip of a Wei:inlet° fiaiaeentinents of the glebea' Wherever you whenever you travel at.sea, with CUNARD all pleasures take on freah, exciting dimensions, The renOWneirtimaril fleet oeffars foxily,.' living iinstirpaesealaiilirt fuli.paalied days . . McAdoo, parties; dancing airy,itiVitinOtaterociint. --plus a standard cif aeitide that for 110 yearalias, been the Hallmark of 'Ocean Travel! An *thy not turn every business trip into a pleasere cruise`? See Your teed Agerif--41e One ethie gelill:Pftele dere( C UN earner 'Bay 1 Wellington ' Telt EMpite 2Atil ES Ali ilelifair y' Sairi,~ John Veneto/4i BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY An all Canadian tient of diStribiaiteeS rrentrites repreSenta 10,11, for., iateative marketed in theS U.S.A. aria 'ads bib* eirteted"iii Cariatita An op portunity eklStS for: one associate Only in this area who must withstand thitirotigh Credit llitAtigatiOn and he 'prepared to invest. a Minininnt of $2500.09 which is fully Se. tilted by inveotety, Preference will be shOieri to en, eStab, Baited trade Mina but It you are: ti capable manor woman With i stableliiiekgrotind. Yeti. alai be Chi are; looking for, No tr tiers p"terse" t, " ' . • .10 Write ' al to 'Bo 6 - 123 tigh ee New torontoa 'Ontario