HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-09-17, Page 6He Makes Jingles By The Bushel BATBL,LIILT SUNDAE In .Fart Wortit l3riciges. In Vert Worth,. Lucille Brdiges won the. title of "rouritaiooer of '59" after she mixed a concoc, tion of vanilla ice cream, Pecans., whipped cream, cherries, pretzels, and a sugar cube soaked in legt, on extract., set it afirei called it: A "satellite sundae," Q. If a woman is wearing' a corsage pinned to her coat, when entering a restaurant, 'what does sh e A do -hlevittii'lanItsfaetrsthiet ta ble? 1ier dress, Shower of Roses been. fine, But. no, it, was given as. 9.n4 of the attractions of. form ilfe for growing boys, What an example on What was sup, .Posed. 'to he. a .sort of educational programme, Well,• to see our garden this year is to laugh, Such a congloin„ oration, The only plants ,that. have really made progress, are . those -that seeded themselves, So we have citron among the matoes, cucumbers at the edge of the compost heap„ cosmos, among the beans.. and burning bush, coming through the Slats of the board-walk. Most prom- inent of all are the sunflowers -self-sown variety Eve feet tall, seed that I set out myself 12 to 18. inches 'high, with poor, miser, able blooms. Like children' who survive neglect, they are the stir- vival of. the fittest, You. will no, tice I said - "who survive". With children and plants there are many who don't, We can't .depend on nature's law fOr vival, If-we could only recognize. the middle of the road ,it.migbt, help, I remember hearing of one spoilt , child of whom the doctor said - ".Probably. all he needs is .a little healthy neglect!" Tollways Increasing attractiveness of the Illinois tollways ' to motorists is evident, as the toll highway conimissidn' moves rapidly to get any remaining bugs 'out of the system. A 'program •to end con- fusion over directional signs is reported 'to be 90- per cent com- plete. The program includes in- stallation of new signs, relp- cation of others, arid 'addition of information on some signs. . . . A :great *Many Motorists are discovering this summer, what fine things tIke• Illinois tollways are. Over -the July 4 Week end, tollway ,revenues gave ,the sys- tem a new high for the 'sixth week end in a row, The tour- day holiday period brought in, a total of $255,459. . . . With revenues increasing at a faster rate• than 'the' commission had anticipated, ,Illinois's toll highway system is proving •its worth, as 1 financial investment. ..:_Rockford (Ill.) Register-Re- public. On the stroke cor noon one day last month, Mort 'Van, Brink clasped a sheaf of sheet music and bustled across Broadway to a recording studio in the Brill Building, cacophorrou4 ca- pital 'of 'New 'York's 'Tin Pan Alley. There, with four live voices and three reels of taped' orchestral music, he canned 33 singing commercials that would be heard some day soon over radio stations WLAP in Lex- ington, Ky,, KSUE in Susan- ville, Calif., WMAN in Mans- field, Ohio, and WFST in Cari- bou, Maine. It's a dull weekday when Van Brink, 'a fortyish veteran of radio promotion and advertis- ing, doesn't turn out at least that many jingles. As president and sole proprietor of the Jingle Mill, Inc., he is well on his way to becoming the Henry Ford of the singing commercial. Last year the Jingle Mill made and sold more than 6,000 custom commercials. This year, Van Brink already has orders for more •than 6,000 from about 700 radio stations in every state except Alaska and Wyoming. At a price of $38 each, the jingles, assure him of an annual gross of more than $250,000. How can Van Brink and his Jingle „Mille do it 'at that price? Van Brink operates what amounts to a musical assembly line. His three' staff composers, when not penning rhymes ("Don't' let troubles bother y'Ciu; Guardian -Loan will see you through") to already written' music, 'are turning out tunes for "the Mill's library of more 'than 500 melodies: At five to six-week intervals, Van Brink ,assembles a fifteen-piece orches- tra and tapes the new music. Each day, he records whatever orders ("Do ' you want to lose some weight? Want to feel really great?") have accumu- lated. Radio stations can order the jingles set to specific music, Selected 'from sample reels. Or they can leave' it to ,the Jingle Mill's judgment, only choosing a Van 'Brink 'musical ,category - hip, soft shoe, high hat, breezy and •light, Dixie,' ,blues, rock and roll,. lush end.: slow; weird, country, Latin, 'march. "I tell you what's a kick," he said. "It's when a station re- ports that Sam's Drive-in said the jingle ' - was great." Van Brink walked, oil humming, a melody (Soft shoe: "Need a shirt cleaned, a suit pressed? Morgan Cleaner Cleans t h e best"). SMILING AT LIFE - The former Anne7Marie Rasmussen, of Norway, and, her husband Steven Rockefeller, beam for their wedding portrait. The couple are on their honeymoon• in the U.S. She marries into a personal fortune twice that of the richest• man,in her native country'. * chiding Mentor to be avoided * but as his best friend who is 6 trying to understand - and * failing that, the loyal, helpmeet. • who married him for worse as * well as for better, This is not * an easy course to follow when 6 you are so far from a sYmpa- • thetie family to confide in s But isn't it true that your o husband must WANT to stay o home before he will? • Perhaps you he, disinclined °' to talk to your minister or * some trusted friend of your • husband, If you are really • desperate, you might present * the facts to the local branch • of the Family Relations As- * sociation and ask their advice. • It is deplorable that associa- • tion with irresponsible charac- * ters can change a man's habits o to such a degree. I cannot be- • Bove it will last long. When he • does awaken, he will rernem- • ber your patience and your * faith, and love you all the • more for it, * * "Dear Anne Hirst: My fiance is in the Air Force in Europe, and while he is away he thinks I should date other friends. He says that except for writing and loving him, I am quite free. (I always wrote him about the few dates I do have.) "I don't think I should be wearing his ring, since I'm afraid other people might think I am two-timing him! of course they don't know we have this under- standing. But my mother thinks I should •wear it, "What do you say? HAPPY GIRL" * If you don't want to wear • the ring, that is your own de- * cision. Most girls wear theirs, • proudly, and if any boy asks • its meaning, they admit it. * You are a bit confused in • the definition of the word en- * gagement. • It indicates you • promise to marry;, it does not • necessarily imply you must • refuse• dates with other friends. *Boys and girls can have, good • times together without getting • romantic, you know. Your • fiance is broadminded enough * to want you, to enjoy yourself • during his absence, and it o proves his faith in you. * * When any problem gets you clown and you don't know where to turn, write Anne Hirst about it. She will employ her long experience, her wisdom and her sympathy toward guiding- you through. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto, Ont. "Dear Anne Hirst; Do you think a married Man can dash around with his single male friends and gill stay true to his wife? i am growing jealous and suspicious because my husband has started going with old col- lege pal;• and be is drinking too much. Often he isn't home till midnight. Be is lying to me, and when I question where he has been he says it is none Of my business. He was never rude to me before, and I am sick over the whole thing, "We've been married seven years, and have a little boy. Be was always a loving husband and father before this, I've remind- ed him that single men haven't the responsibilties he has, but still he goes out with them. He never takes me or the boy out anywhere unless we ask him to, and then he is truculent. "My nerves are cracking, and I can't stand this much longer. I have no family to turn to, so I' ask your advice. MRS. A.M." • When a man starts going out • without his wife, she usually * suspects the worst. But the * worst does not necessarily fol- • low. Your husband is pro- o bably true to you, but his * association with these old • friends can be only a tempor- * ary rebellion, against his own • responsibilities. He sees, them • doing as they please, and sud- • denly he decides to entqy the o same freedom. So off he' goes, 4' drinking with them, absenting • himself from home, and in • general having himself . a fine * time. • Don't think I do not under- * stand your shock and dismay. * You are interested, however, • in persuading him to return to • his family, Instead of chiding • him for his neglect, can yot; • bring yourself to treat, him as * you would an erring, child? • Loving him as you do, try to • trust him. Take it for granted • there is nothing sinister' in his • mind, that he is only,',asserting * what he calls his rights as an o individual, He is not 'entitled • to them (which he knows) but• * when you remind him of that o it only goads him •to a declara- * tion of, independence that o leaves you speechless a n d • heartsick. • During his absences, you • stand alone to maintain some * Semblance of family life for • your boy's sake, to protect him • against the child's' questions, • to remind him only of how • much, you both miss him, If * you can do this, it will remove • his resentment toward you, o and he will see you not as a "Just dash• to the grocery dear, and get a pound of Java." Easy 'n' Breezy , PRINTED PATTERN 4753 sizes 12-20 40 ISSUE 38 -- 1959 Embossing and perforation of its 'film 'plastic is..being con- sidered by;orie 'manufacturer to reduce .the hazard potential of the plastic 'garment' bag. FASHION HINT . - family were staying with Dee and Art. Luckily Art was driv- ing back from Peterborough and overtook George on his tramp along the road, Then Art had to" drive Gebrgg baCk- to' Peterbor- ough for new tires and rescue George's car off the road. The joys of summer driving! Oh well, hot weather has its compensa- tions too: I lost• five pounds dur- ing the last heat. Now after two cool days we are heading into the high 80's again. For how. long - who knows? I wonder how many people read the report on the recent farm-accidents survey. You will remember the "number of deaths and serious injuries was quite staggering. If only farm folk wouldnt take such chances, espe- cially where children are con- cerned. Youngsters love to ride with Daddy on the tractor. But let the child make a sudden, un- ;expected movement, or his fa- ther's attention be momentarily diverted and tragedy can result. Worse still is the folly of allow- ing a young- boy to operate a tractor alone. Last spring, if you 'remember, Jean Tweed was tele- vising a series •of 'talks on farm life, most of them good. But the last pitcure showed her 13-year old seri driving a tractor. Now if this had been shown as one thing that shouldn't be allow- ed on a farm that would have BLOOMING' HEART -- This heart,• complete with arteries and, veins, is a ctudlly a potato dit, covered in the vegetable loin Of Mrs, Be-ta Norberg of -'tora Canada-"Lady of the Snows" -- ugh! Yes, there. was a time when people dreaded Canadian winters, myself among thein, but now I have ,reached the point of dreading Canadian. spm_mers. One can defy the cold by using storm windows, extra heating and warm, clothing but one hasn't much protection against extreme heat - except by air- conditioning, and that is some- thing that few homeowners can afford.. And we have come to think we are living in a dust- bowl.' Until last Friday there was rain everywhere - east, west, north and south but never over- head, And then on Friday it actually rained for several hours. But I had to laugh. After weeks of drought - or was it eight - the rain came just as I was taking a visitor to catch a bus at Cooksville. Wouldn't you know it?' My nephew Klemi was here for a couple of days and he certainly didn't appreciate our heat after coming from a pleas- ant holiday in Banff, returning part way by boat. However, it was music to my ears as we sat in the car waiting for the bus with the rain pelting down on the roof and windows: It wouldn't be so pleasant for Klemi after he reached Toronto. And have you discovered the heat can play queer tricks with all kinds of things: One day we went up to Milton ,returning hornrin the coo]'(?) of the even- ing. Along the "Dundas Partner said - "I don't believe our lights are working." So pulled into a' service station, Sure enough -- no headlights at all, high ordirn. The service-man said there must be something wrong other than burnt-out •bull38 as it wasn't like- ly both bulbs would go at the same time. Well, after a bit Of switching on and off everything was all right. It was the switch sticking midway between high and dim, due to excessive moist- ure. The same thing, has hap- pened,to'rny brake lights several times. The lights stay On after the brake pedal has been re- leased. Another time, atter haV, frig the gas tank filled, 'the car was sitting in the sun,• which caused the gas to expand and leak out around the cap. Partner took care of that by syphoning some of the gas into his lawn tnewer.„ Nephew George had a much worse experience. Driving from North Bay in the heat of the day he blew a tire., Changed to the 'spare and 'then four Miles from his destination the spare tire also blew! lie`set out to walk to' the cottage where his wife anti Wings For Flight If a kangaroo, say, or a frog, or a 'Ilea, or any land-living, ani- mal, is to lift its' body off the ground at all and stay in the air even for a very short time, we know that it has to exert an intense muscular effort to do so. Then how can a bird rise so easily from the ground and stay in the air in flight for hours at a time? Flight depends on wings. A wing, we might say, is a limb whose movement through the air produces forces that can counter- act the 'downward pull of gray- . ity, and can also drive the body forwards through the air. It has long been known that wings can do these things, and from time to time adventurous people have tried to design mechanical wings capable of lifting a man and car- rying him along through the air . . Men tried for a long time, by watching the birds, to learn how a than could fly; to-day, quite the opposite, we are try- ing to understand the flight of birds by applying principles which have emerged during the design of aeroplanes. The move- ments of a 'bird's or an insect's wings are extremely complicat- ed, and it is easier to feel our way into the very difficult prob, lem of animal flight, by drawing a distinction between two kinds of flight - active flapping flight; and.passive gliding, flight. We can Start our' inquiry, then, by comparing' the motion• of a searing ecagle With that of a "glider" aertiplene; both, the wings are used as fixed and,,,:rigid surfaces, and neither glider hot eagle Uses an internal engine or source of power. From the very start of our study we must realize that all flight - Whether active or ing - depth& oil forces Set up between the wing and the tut, rounding air, In a vacuum, an aeroplane or a bird would fall to the ground just as rapidly as a. stone.. We mustalSo Understand that the air only exerts a force against the wing' When there 12 'Movement between then' either by the Whig trioVirig through the air or by the air trieving Peat the wing, - From "HOW AtihrialS Metre," by laitits. Gray *if tj tO -se w at. for kinniner',•clayl lovb.• the square cut -neck; • breezy: motion of the skirt as .you go'uirdni Boosts to' garde», Work to vaca- tieri. Printed Pattern 4158i Misses' 812eguili, 14, 10, la; 20;. 40;Size 16 takes 4 Yards 130 inch:. Printed directions on e a d It pattern part. Eat*? accurate, Send FORTY CENTS (404) (stamps Carina be aecePted. tad- Ogg note for safety) for fihiS :pattern, 'Please print plain-, Iy SIZE; ;pattern.. ADDItt88# Stitt: NIT1413Elti Send. order to ANNE telt 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New' 1161'6410, Ont. Easy elegance! Enrich a pair of pillowcases or towels with deep borders of cross-stitch. Lavish, 7-inch floral borders give linens a bridal-bower look. Pattern 665: transfer one 61/4 x 20%-inch motif; two 5% x 13V4; "Colour schemes; directions: Send THIRTY- FIVE CENTS (stamps cannot be accepted, use postal note for safety) for -this pattern' to Laura Wheeler. Box 1, 123 'Eighteenth St.,,New Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PAT- TERN NUMBER, your NAME and. ADDRESS. Send for a copy At 1959 Laura Wheeler Needlecraft B o o lc. It has lovely designs to order: em- broider y, crochet, knitting. weaving, suilting, toys. In the book, a special surprise to make a little girl happy -- a cut-out doll, clothes to colour. Send 25 cents for this book. SALLY'S SALLIES aiui g11Ill P.1.40011