HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-09-17, Page 5When a mother needs a friend
The annual rally of Huron PresS
byterial of the WM of the Pres-
byterian Church. in Canada was
held in Knox Presbyterian Church.
Goderich, with Mrs..Seott,. Or.
..SearOrtlt, president, presiding, -
At the morning session the cleV0.-
Ronal period, Jo eharge of the
Auburn' Auxillavy, was followed.
by a brief talk on the theme of
the rally, "Willing Serviee,"" by
Mrs. ,J, P. Scott,. A welpoine Was
extended to the guests by :Mrs,
Clayton Edward, Goderich. Mrs.
J. A. McConnell, Goderich, present-
ed the treasurer's report; and brief.
reports were given by the secre-
taries of the various auxiliaries.
The responses to the roll call on
"What new idea. have you used
with „success," proved-interesting,
Mrs, W, 0. Johnston, of Gode-
rich. representing the Hamilton-
',London Synodical, reviewed some
of the highlights of the WMS
log Centre at MeMaster
ity, Hamilton. Rev, S. McClure, of
Brussels, newly elected moderator
of .'Huron -Maitland Presbytery,
came from a meeting of the Pres-
bytery in Seaforth to extend Pres-
bytery greetings.
Dinner was served by the Lad-
ies' Aid of Knox Presbyterian
Church. •
The afternoon session was held
in the church anditorium. Devo-
tions were in •ellargo of the Me,
Killian. affiliated grOup. A feature
of the -afternoon was an Illustrated.
address, by Miss Ilildur Herman,
son, Beg,N, a missionary on fur,.
tough from. FOrrnosa. She describ-
ed her work among the aborigines
in. Formosa where she is associat-
ed with Miss Hazel • MapDonald,
formerly or Goderich, who is sta-
tioned there.
117he Arnold .Cirele i of Hensal
sort entertained: with a skit on
mission work. A solo was sung by
Mrs, William McKee, of Goderich,
accompanied by Mrs. G. P. Mills.
bliss Eva. Somerville gave the tledi-
eatery prayer,
'Items of interest from the Train-
ing Centre at McMaster • University
were given by Mrs. W. 0, John..
stoic, Goderich, Mrs. R. Raines, of
Auburn., brought in the report of
the business committee and ex-
pressed appreciation to the board
of managers, session, organist,
Ladies' Aid of Knox Church, °ode-
rich, and to all those who assisted
with the rally. Mrs. 0, G, Ander-
son, of Wingham, offered the clos-
ing prayer, •
OFA Protests
Payment Plan (By J. Carl Hemingway)
On Tuesday evening, Sept. 8, a
car load of interested persons at, For Hogs, Eggs tended a meeting in. Woodstock
-with Hydro representatives.
"Deficiency payment programs
for farm support should not be ap-
plied holus-bolus to all farm crops,"
declared Gordon Greer, President
of the Ontario Federation of Agri-
culture, in a statement this week.
"We in the OFA have supported
their use in the case of wool, soy-
beans, sugar beets and other crops
which Canada is deficient in. But
we do not believe deficiency pay-
ments will benefit farmers who are
producing crops which are in a
surplus position at the moment.
This is the case with hogs and
eggs, where deficiency payments
are being used primarily to con-
`, trol production."
I "As the major farm organization
in Ontario," he continued, "we
have tried to advise the federal
government on its policy for its
I support programs. We feel defici-
ency payments should be put in
force only when a commodity
; group asks for them."
"However, our efforts have been
unsuccessful," Mr. Greer said.
"Now as President of the OFA, I
advise all farmers in Ontario who
are affected by a deficiency pay-
ment program, to register with the
Agricultural Stabilization Board at
Ottawa as soon as possible. This
will receive whatever benefits
might come out of the federal gov-
ernment's new program of defici-
ency payment."
At the previous. meeting the land-
owners had recommended that
easements be for a limited period
—30 years; that right-of-way be
:paid for- on a basis of actual land
value; and that due compensation
be given for loss of re-sale value
.of the farm.
These recommendations were ap-
parently taken to the Ontario Hy-
dro Commission and flatly refus-
Instead of making any offer
.along the recommended line of set-
tlement, Hydro repreeentatives told
us that Hydro would now offer to
purchase outright the land needed
at appraised land values, This,
they stated, would give a total set-
tlement of about 40 per cent more
than under the easement plan.
When asked why Hydro was will-
ing to pay more, Mr. Hustler, of
Ontario Hydro, replied that Hydro
would gain greater control over
the property, Thus it is clear that
the farmer is not getting a better
deal. but simply that he is getting
a few more dollars because he is
giving up that much , more.
While a farmer might be quite
-willing to sell his whole farm on
the appraised value per acre, he
can hardly be expected to sell a
strip of three acres across his farm
for the same per acre price.
If Hydro insists on purchasing a
strip of land 100 feet wide at what- ,
ever point Hydro desires for the
erection of a transmission line to
supply power very largely for in-
dustrial purposes, then the ap-
praisal should be made as on in-
dustrial property rather than as on
farm land. This would be some-
thing like $1,000.00 per acre,
When Hydro is willing to Ltom-
pensato landowners r,n a realistic
has(, ;:ne pla7 vrIn't more tanc:11
diff:-reree ga,; s'4ouldn't
be diffic0
Cement gravel; Pitt Ate gravel;
Fine drive-way gravel; Top mei.
Also Deildozing and back fill done.
T. Kirkby Phone Beuesels 142W
A building on skids. Would make
a grain bin in the field or yard.
Woll made, and At Lot 31. Can
15, Grey or 180 Well St. Stratford.
Robert McKay ,
"-.•*•••' ••'••.;a•;e•ii1741;••rii•••••A• .'•.A.,•"•••••17-••••-•Itr Atm.••.•••
* Thit OWOMIU mar lip
TBRA4lifigft'S SALE OF
By virtue or .a warrant issued by
the Warden of the County of Huron.
under his hand and the seal of the
said corporation bearing date the
20th. day of August, 1969, sale of
lauds In arrears, or taxes in the
County of Huron will be held at
my office at the Court House
Goderich, at the hour of two o'clock
in the afternoon on the 15th day
'of December, 1959, unless the
taxes and costs, arc sooner mid.
Notice is hereby given that, the.
list of lands for sale for arrears
of taxes was published in the On.
tario Gazette on. the 15 day of
September, 1959, and. that copies
of the said list may be had at my
Notice is hereby further given
that. IC any of the said lands remain..
unsold, an adjourned sale will be
held . on Tuesday, December 22nd,
1959, at the same hone and place,
and at which, Municipalities may
reserve . the right to .purchase any
'of the said lands
Treasurer's Office. this 4th day
of Sept, 1959.
The Tliiitee Church Turkey
Supper will be held on. Tuesday.
Oct. 20th, Kindly reierve this date.
Price; $1.25, Children 65c
The Council met le the Township vision,. plaice Drain, $$; Gordon. Wills- 4The September regular Meeting
I:1141:yd oAcl;iiit i,lvseerpsta;rylarrjlii[erse welt
l; Were
raMbers pre!enit-d . ,_,$6,_;_Brareeleg,vr_ea.veL,C:rreinonity (Cleine lii•ce., $100„, held with four members present
- The minutes' of the last meeting Bane parrett Geo. C. Martin, and the reeve, Arthur Gibson in
.,..,ee authorized to sign the pell-
titoarttutfotF: i nrtaeiri i nut iciiea;ymeent_ ofmtahe
cn the o ex
wbich an arc( extended ti cordial
de a4nn
and adopted'
n?dd 984erdoonn
Wr4i19irtlin°rison. ; the chair, The reeve arid clerk
i :inn/1'01'01y.
Invitabion to ioni with us le our eti hy Ross Duncan,
Moved by Stewart Procter, second- , MELVILLE ClitTECII 11i.11I,S, .
0 moraiuK and ereeleg service to
Revision on. the 010e :Praia be open - Church WMS was held in the church ". pendittfres.
that the Court of The September meeting `)r Melville ! :•111,Proov&gept i.,Ae lt '
the Highway
Moved by -Gordon Wilkinson, sec-
parlour on Thursday afternoon, Sept. ' Ti, , , , , ,, , „
onded by Stewart Procter, that $100 exit. They were asked le the presi- 11/Sers"e rie e .,111.ot'l‘r,e,o sahsie) anyli01111,,,S,?ciric'
4th. ' Twenty-two member c• were pros. i -1:, ( tf 01-Inty c+Cltiteastiler was
given a grant of $251 and. the HOW-.
lek Agricultural Society a grant of
$250. The road superintendent was:
instructed to advertise for tenders:
ior the winter of
The f011owing accounts were
passed for payment: Provinetal
Treasurer, insulin account, 4.04;
s cf:-.mpoin,atli.n Board.,
,award, $27.50; Atwood- •
Print Shop, Printing, $18; W,
Moved by Walter Shortreed, s"' ports followed, and the date of the Schaefer, relief acct $29.08; Ar-
Werner Drain, court of On SattirduY afternoon several general accounts as presented be t A card and letter from Mrs. Dickson re-
. ',-2,2,isd; Forciwich Community Hall,
! Provincial grant, $840; Howard
surprise birthday party for Mrs Superintendent and the Reeve apply it Th e topi c for
ed by Ross Duncan, that the Road
this meeting, "Build- fees, re Dietz Award', $40; Huron
' unison. Harris, postage, $55; Wm. Colby,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tornio and family . for the interim subsidy.—Carried. ing For Canada's Future," was given Plowmen's Association, grant, $25;
i by Mrs, Gerald Gibson. She told of i loiow.,.ex Agricultural Society, grant, visited Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McNair I Moved by WaIterShortreed, second -
give . four Western Synods formed, due to , ,125..)0.;,, road account, transfer, $11,-
and family, of Hamilton, last week. ed by Gordon Wilkinson, that we the I3elgrave Community Centre $100. ' 1 increased population; of the rapid 4 ''''
—Carried, ! growth of cities; the financing of
Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded ' ; churches in towns and cities, Other
by Stewart Procter, that the meeting '
adjourn to meet again on October 5, jeronto and Kingston; Hamilton and
, synods mentioned were those of Te-
at 1 p.m,—Carried. 1 London, Montreal and Ottawa, and
Thamer Nursing -Home, $94,00; Geo.. i The value of the work of deacon-
The following accounts were paid: ; the Synod of the Maritimes.
Instil brick house with complete die
Martin, Hydro for Hall, $6.34z Mid- '
Maitland Conservation Authority, churches are not available.
1 esses was noted where funds for ESTATE FOR DALE
bath; Ashpalt shingle house with $163-19; Provincial Treasurer, insulin, 1 The meeting was closed with the
Baker Convalescent Home, , singing of Hymn 448, followed by the 2-rplece bath; Other houses and lots $2.75; $113.50; Geo. Martin, By-Laws for Mizpah benediction.
Blake Drain, $25; relief account, $15; The roll call for this September
Wingham Postmaster, unemployment meeting was responded to by the re
stamps, $3.72; Bailie Parrott. courtpeating verse from the Bible
of revision, Blake Drain, $5; Stewart dealing "Harvest".
CRANBROOK MORRIS TAWNSIIIP cQvilat Procter, court of revision, Blake /
PresbYleolan Ohltrch is how. I-fail on September 1, 10150, With all inson, COurt reliish)a, Blake Drain, 01 110wiek To‘vtiship council was
CQIUNCIle Dram, $e; toss Duneap, court of rp,
1 too much, use the )fesult of a, fractured I 'hip several years ago she is re-
i Markable for ;her yea.rs. Her mind Is
keen and alert and she enjoys read•
gi7atia:ina(tilonssewol4n1.4 at
Grand age,
Mr. Italpit Noble and Miss Lena.
Mr. and Mrs. Sloart Noble. '', intendent be paid.—Carried.
bills as presented by the Road Super- hymn 389 was sung,
The secretary's and treasurer's re- Howe, relief acct., $f7,15; E. A,
the off e rin g and prayer, DPW'Qokbillfoeinkel';c1 'rPeciraectsaaselleirlti.5::,,Y'$$717$27,0750;;;
0. H.
miLi..' i aNt?tel)nledill,erethh: Gwueetillpirigon oSfatutihlipaiyr Moved by Walter Shortteed, second-
niece, Miss Pat Noble. daughter of cd by Ross Duncan, that the road
- Etilillno‘sv ing
llarriner, relief acct. $22.67; H,
ninetieth 'birthday on Sunday, Sept, William Blake and added to the as- byterian Book of Praise the Words of IforOn Plowmen's Associatioa wan
Sesstnent Walter Shortreed.—Car- I 13. Although not able to move about a h mn sulabl fo such a gathering
I Mrs, Jos, Noble celebrated, h er be deducted from the assessment of dent to read in unison from the Pre., at the adjotu'ned sale. The
l'ieMije'ved by Ross Done", sceo,Bded reMadrsa.lteArlti taht(e'lsy°1)theanv(lertshees onil'esireebe:;d1
by Gordon. Wi l ki n son, t hat the ourt Corinthians, chapter 4. This was fol-of Revision on the Blake Dram be lowed by prayer given by mrs, Mc- closed and that By-Law,No. 9, 1959, Ginnis,
be finally passed.—Carried. Current events, prepared by Mrs.
inson be appointed as Commissioner
etiMboyvRedosbsyDSutnecwsanr,t(liPartoGctoerr4sne‘e.Voillildc: i(r)n)f°1Ac'ol:n;af eh
, with
oali,IN)IL;fi n""kj%.
Indii,n5 in on the Blake Drain,—Carried. Kenora and other places, and with the
relief administrator, Feted On Birthday ; onded by Stewart Procter, that the next. meeting was set for October 9. ' 11;ur Gibson,
of the near neighbous joined with MoVed by Stewart Procter, second- r, ,
Mrs. Steffler at her home in a ' The Lord's Player was repeated in
paid.--Carried.%Mon, $32; A. Munro, relief acct.,
and farms of all sizes,
List your property with
Elmer Ellacott
Phone Butilsels 129
Immediate possession
Jack 'Phynno
A., • • .•••••
of a
Vacuum Cleaners 4,*
Floor Polishers
Reasonable Price, G'usranitleti
' Brussels Home Furnishings'
Phone 194 Brussels
1 baly single Portable BilidIfle-
Sewrig Machine $24,5.00
on Ail Makes
Sewing Machines
At a time like this, the best
friends a mother can have are a
modern automatic electric washer
and an electric clothes dryer.
They make short work of washing
and drying—and they do it
automatically. Just set the dials—
no heavy lifting, no wet wash
to carry—'never a care about
getting clothes dry for
another day of play.
With a modern automatic electric
washer and clothes dryer washing
is easy—drying is certain—
whatever the weather.
You get more out of life whet yOS
get the moot out of tiottriveitY.
ThursdaY, Seetelebee47,tie 142
101Y11 1111LOICIINICALtift
Bel grave
Phones: 1091 ''Bruss'els 10