HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-09-17, Page 1File rikm,rer,tore., CARD OF THANFiS We wish to convey our sincere thank to our friends and neigh- bours for the pleasant surprise 'and iremembrancea on the ()Mann ox ou r 25thwedding Jim and Anne Smith NOTICE Any girl 1.2 years oit age by Sept. 1st, 1959 which are interested in 4-11; homemaking clubs, 'Should start now. This, falls -proTe'dt 'is "Clothes Melville Presbyterian Church Brussels, Ont. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES SUNDAY, SEPT. 27th 1959 Times of Service: 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Guest Preacher. REV. PROFESSOR C. RITCHIE BELL, D. D. Presbyterian College, Montreal Special Music Everybody Heartily Invited PROCLAMATION Village of Brussels . Daylight Saving Time. Enc& 12.131 a. m. Sunitlay,. SEPT. 27th Sunday will be on Standard Time George E. McCutcheon, Reeve of Hrusseli %1 LOOK ;GATES FAN BELTS A N D MacLEAN FIN A SERVICE. ••• - CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED f Batteries — Oils — Lubricants Car Wash*, tw' A ;1 s ' Ice Cream Cigarettes Pop- Etc. ) Brussels Livestock $ales Yard Itmetday, ctaber 6th 2 P. M, AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON ALLAN McINTYRE BRUSSELS, PHONE 160 OR IBM The ?exn ri Special! This Sunday ROAST TURKEY DINIVER . . '' it Brussels; , 'Mt, US LS P •••••••••,,, 1,••••• Thursday, September 17th 1959 Anttitogisoft *Wog 4115W mail. Feat Oak* DePermes5. 005,15$ 42,00 per year :;:r, Post Publishing House PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ANNIVERSARY SERVICE'S B.RUSSEL PRIZE LISTS. OUT The qttractive p'ri'se lieu :for the East Huron •Agricultural Soelety Fair being held tin .Brussels Oct. 1 and 2, -now off lie press and, available the at Nor- S. Hoover, =or at the. office Of The Brussels Post, Support yOur Fair in every Bible way. • ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Kiio*: Presbyterian Church, Cronbrook SUNDAY, SEPT, 20th sEFivicgsl 11 A. M. And 5 P, DRQS$E1-$ MEETING Anniversaries ibre Common enough these days with all kinds of "vents being celebrated, On Sunday. 8(0. ember 27th, MeltvIle Church will colt-brat& its 105th Anniversary, This tie unusual, since not many churches in these parts have attain, ed to this point of history. This holts the beginning of Presbteriaie Ism is this community. From the beginning there were two PreabYtt terian congregations in Brussels until they united and became tine in in 1895. This church carrying .on the name by which Melville Ghurch is known today. 'En 1854 the. congregation wor- :shipped is private houses, but in 1856 the members agreed to erect a place of worship in tAinleyville now Brussels, This was the first , church in the (village, and with an enthuSiastic congregation the work 'Brussels,Augt.ist 31, 1959. The regular meeng of the Council of the Village of Brussels was held on the above date in the Municipal Office, all member's being present. Moved by H. It, Pearson, seconded by 0. S. that the minutes of July 27, 1359, meeting to adopted es 'Moved by V'. A. Williamson, sec- onded J. Krauter, that a 'bail- ing permit be issued to Mr, A. Wintle aS, "per applt4tion.—Carried. Moved by O. S. Elliott, We'ended b.y H. R. Pearson, that the Clerk ap- ply to the Department of Highways for interims, subsidy on the '1959 road expendit twos .—Ca rried. The village assessor zedturned the 1959 assessment roll to the Clerk and stated that the total Vasessment for the •MNge of Brussels. is $657,875.00, an increase of $18,200 over the 1958 a sosment. The population of the Village of Brussels .for 1959 is 846,, an increase of 38 °war 1958, Moved by J. Krauter, seconded by H. B. Pearren,that the court of • - :York Choice Cut Green Beans 20 oz. 2 for . ,,„ .... A141.110 Dona3d Duck Orange Juice 48 oz. Cainpbell Tomato Soup 2 for .Marmakde, Grape Jelly '& Raspbery ,JAITI 4 for ""'"" .33c .49c .23c $1.00 MIN1STER:. REV, LESLIE ELDER First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth Special Music: Quartette from Listowel. at both services. Soloist; Mrs, Frank Thompson Organist: Mrs Stuart McNitaVir" 3.1111111111111 111M•Mogryttoanw •ro, •••,41 • • •••••••,...... n " • • ...O...., cmcurCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver went on from strength to strength Closets tlp to Date" :fokrisien en the 1959 assessment roll The present building was erected in , Please contact 'Mrs. "John Wheeler be held on Frklay, October 16, 1959, sztept. 26th. P-betie 12.113 1914, and was redecorated in July of Congratulations to W 'Thrti. L'a,t o'clock Mettle Brussels Municipal biy Ct. (CONG7fATULATI'ONS! Ska CHMATERED BUS TRIP TOU.ONDON WESTERN FAIR SATURDAV, SEPT. 19th Leaving :Brussels 8 A. M. this year, :bull` 710 swept the swine eilIteffes and t4)Ifice.—Carrifd. vereie oawarded a grand rethAtriliton- Reeve Geo, McCutcheon was auth- orized to cantact William Empy as *1,o ta -surver- of the village for water . -.ptiluttiOn. l After ta titliscussion, it was decided. The special preacher will he the Rev. Peofessor C. Ritchie Bell. PrOfessor of ITImiletics and. Pastoral . Theology in Presbyterian College, I Montreal. Dr. Bell is one of the foremost ministers in the Presbyterian. , Church 'in., Canada, and in 1'948 when be was Moderator of the General Assenibly, was the youngest man 'ever to hold that office. Dr.. Bell is an outstanding speaker and is in, great demand, travelling as he does throughout the country in the inter- The regular meeting of the Bros. 'gels 1-licaticultutral 'Society will he !held in the Ill:Vary Sept. 21, at 8.30 P.M. Mrr. 1'P. Warren of Gode?. Ich will be guest speaker, and show 'slides. A 'so-dial -half hour follows, Everybody 'is Welcome. TOWNSHIP OF GREY TENDERS FOR TRUGK 'Tenders • Will be 'received by the ; 'undersigned until 1 p. en. Saturday, October 3rd,- 1959, for 'One Truck,. GVW"25;00.0 -lbs. min. Specifications at 'i "By MercLry Photo Ser4tde --Films 'anti 'Tom 'in which tender is, to be eats of the Churdh.' Special music 4 LNGAGEMEi' l' . repairo theoutsidedoorto 'Nfx. and Mrs John 0, 'Conley 'WQ , '1(100:announce the engagement of their • flee, the apartinent over the Municipal bf- "'Utingtest daughter, Whim -Mae, 'to Movtitc by H. R. Pearson, seconded "Alr. Douglas Glen Bathwell, son of by 0. S. Elliott, that W. A. William- 'i1 and 'Mes. Glen Ratliwell Of R. Ti son,pnifit the outside of the Munietp&I. '2,"Brussels; Ont. The -maTit.ta‘gt, •to, ' Office.7-4t-Carried. tzake place 'on the tbigel tOt Ddrober, Correspondence was received from 1959, in Ethel United thiliq.11. ;MECOntiell and Stewart, of ScaNcalh, I regarding the fence and gate ton:Fa:red- - i rick Street. The Clerk was instructed DEVEL0 tF I "N"G i'tottl.trn this matter over to 11.. S. HetlYerinaton the village soatm. wommorpeanttarm. Adis Return:0dg 10.30 P. M. Sponsored ;lloy Int. Ladles Softball Club Fare : it Adults — $2.00 Public Schtioi Childrtn —41.13D 'Phohe 148 or 180 FA L',1. SPECIALS as well as : It. was de to install a catch submitted may he seen at the Clerk's I Will he rendered by the choir. and I 4 SALON basin! on Mill Street, to take care of T.-formerly sold by H. 'B. Allen. , ' everybody is assured of a. hearty t THE TORONTO STAR 'WEEKLY ' the surface water. 'Offic-e, Ethel, Ont. . Students — Any Permanent, ; 'lki.Vovedt by J. C. Krauter, 'serrrnded Lowest or any tender not neces- -wdlcome. The services will be at I now are obtainable -at the 1021Y 'W. A. Williamson, that the ac- tstarily accepted. Scotch Thistle "G-rill counts as presented for pa yatinat be MAGAZINES :-paid.—Carried. Baker's Convalescent Home, on the near future- '5 "192:75 Doris McDonald 2.Ji.ily account 'Brussels ;33., M. & G. Telephone Co„ From ,Aug. 19th to Sept. 3l3ill 331000:00 — — • i i'KNOX PRESBYTERIAN THU,RCH. :loan Brussels P..I.T..C., power ... . .. — 144.88 — ... . -_____ a. BELGRA'VE il'Ust Office, postage ........ 11:80 SPECIALS .,t1 Brussels Horticultural Society, wish ' ANNIVERSARY SERVICE W. S. Scott, insurance .......-- 7:50 'from 'AUG. 17th to SEPT. 19th i 'to thank all who helped in anY way . SUNDAY. SEPT. '20th r Township of Morris, pipe ...-. 17.100 I i "Creme' 011 Perms ' $4.95 ti (success, A special thanks to. Messrs, ' ; to "make the Flower Show and tea, a will be held on next 'Machan Hardware, misc. .,...., '22.16 (Inclusive) 'R. W. Kennedy, printing ..... „.. 45,00 rGuest Speaker: W.S.- Scott, insurance ............ .5:20 Acomplete with cutting and setting ' I Wed Rutledge, George McCutcheon, i' at 3 P. M. -2;65' VAL% BEAUTY SHOPpE Tort-special do'or prizes., and Mr. and Boy Cousins and Murray Huether I i, Bridge. Motors, labour on • IRENE'S BEAUTY 11 A. M. in the morning and 7.30 in 'thee `evening. complete, $4.50 -Edythe M, 'Cardiff. 'Clerk, Township of Ethel. Ontario. Ladles — Permanent, compete tit$1.00 Off All Permanents Grey, CARD ;OP THANKS 'BACK TO SCHOOL', 'The Executilve =Committee -of-the 4 LYCEUM TI-1EATRE, BARDAHL TOP OIL AT, WINDHAM, ONTARIO , Two Shawls Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m. REV.. D. LESLIE 'ELDER Seaforth "McCutcheon Motors, gas ...... :245 !"hone 140 Brussels tt Mrs. Roy Kennedy for advertising. THURS., aFRI., SAT., SEPT. 17 -18 -112 EN4erybody Welcome 'IVfeGavin Farm Equipment, NOTICE •'digging ditch 'Brussels Coal Yard, coal . Melville Young W°1"11'11 'Chi" 13Tussbls Motors, truck re- -plaryto hold their Bazaar oriTOCtriber -pairs and gas .-24tliMn. the library. rOldfielci Hardware, misc. .57.60 — iPtovineial Treasurer, insulin •4A2 B., M. & G. Telephone Co , TENDERS WANTED itals .121.95 44ORRIS TOWNSHIP "Receiver General, tax 2.70 ''.Baker's Convalescent Home, Tenders will be received tbq the' 'August account 193.25 -undersigned tip until 6 'P. m,, Sept- ',Tbe'"buSineSs of the meeting having (ember 21, 1959 'for that construction. been completed, the Meeting adjourn- -of the (Blake Drain which' 'consists ed -on 'Motion of W. A. Williamson, .tof '6093 lineal feet of covered drain seconded by J. C, Krauter.—Carried. 4 k. Marked cheque for ten per cent H, A. FISCHER, Cler MeCTIT.CHE01\r, Reeve of 'the contract price must adcom -pang ea,eht tender. 1.,OWest or any tender not access. TOWNS H 114.'1 OF GREY tartly taccePted, TENDERS FOR SNOWPLOWING martin, 'Tenders will be received by the Clerk Inidersignodinitii 1 'p, in. Saturday 1 ' 'October 3rd, 1959, for snowplowing for the 1959-1960 season in the ) of 'Grey, Tender to be by tho ham'. State Make and size' of equipment to 'he -1tSed. Lewest or any 4:ender net neces- sarily accepted. Edythe V, 'Cardiff, ,Olerlr, township Of Grey, Ethel, Ontario, '77,15 FL-Rosalind Russell rn AUNTIE MAME A fast ..anokifurious -comedy 'with glamaroust-beekground and based an 2S-T .0 C ER,„and F EEDER SALE :51,18 Phone 268 • the highly,,Auccessfui stage play. Admission: 75c .35c 25c ATTENTION Is your T. V. Antenna & Set Insureds'' If not see us to-day for complete coverage of wino and' firoo '$15.00 Will Insure both anntenna' and,tet for 3 years. Also lingince your next car here, where you can insure and finalsea WE HAVE LOW INTEREST RATES. on Automobile, Fire and Wind, Liability, Eisirgiery, and Life. S ..t MeiViiiie Church 600 \Cattle, Yearlings And Calves ‘$25.0013,rize to Best Lot of .10 - 15 Steers Minister: set . Jonathan Graeae PI In one process: Insurance also tOmanist ,—,Donisid Dunbar 10 A. M, Sunday School M,orrting Service CATTLE SOLD BY PUBLIC LOTS. FOR FURTHER IN- BRYANS OR HUGH PEARSON UNIFORM !LOTS OF ONTARIO AUCTION IN TIUCKLOAD FOR MATI ON 'CONTACT JACK G. M1, Ronnenberg Insurance BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Pridays A • LALASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOW,EL ThUrs, wept, 17 e 18 .OttUble FeatUre CARRY ON SERGEANT William 'Hartnell, (Eaton SQUARE' PEG 4 Nooman Witdon :The tUniteid Church „pF CANADA " - Minister:: Bey. L. tBrown B.A.: Organist: Mrs. A. E. Miortitii 9.45 Church School 11 A. NI, Rally Day Guest speaVer vAeelon. •11••11,M110111•••••1TCY•4 •••••••10, YOU'LL : ENJOY. 11111111•114•0104•0111411.0 Mgaffnt.K161. tiCitikNSHIP OF GREY TENDERS FOR DRAINS Tenders will be reCeiVed by the Undersigned iiiit,it 1 • An, Satiirday October and, 190, fee the repair ci the St 017'14 bizAti<1. in the Towne eltili Of Oreg. thick: -consists of $;1011 Slneal feet Of tile drain, Tite and' Wilt be supfilieci by the toiiih, ithtt*, Pions anti specifications tnay be iteeii at the 'Clerk's offioel . Ethel, Ont, Tender tit be itecom- Panted by'oehiitieit etteque tor' i.6%, 6f tette-tat et tender. ' f iiwest or ittiY tender' not neeteii., edgily itiJcoote(1, 'dyttie 'M. Cardiff; dietii‘„ if6itittftift 'Dfitarie,,t Ot. F Sat Mon. Sept. 10 ,21 Double Featuire' otilbr "It HAPPENED TO JANE"' Dads Day, Jatek tenicini Ernie Kovacs Anglican Church 1 . CANADA -BLACK .RASPBERRY . RIPPLE' • I CE. CREAM Available in •Corea.. Bricks and Half Galion,' At. Your Favourite' ..disogriod let Crean*. beeieW 'tOtt, take Home A tokk Or Halt Galion"' of" Our NEW • NEAPOLETAN . }layout! ( .66666*. and tStrawberry MADE SY OUSINS' 'IDATitit o1''. ROAST' EEF t000 or tomato, JUlet, 7911.46, and Beverage Dinner' Sereedi 12' IPA11,. Oti *.00,44„ Nit la be Maki reeiriiiiieni noon by 110 Reusaets 14eini Mails Pies A 604E400 *inch Of 1111•10,. itt 4E40; 4,du N tot N. FRONT LAIltboo, • r a*, .161001 • Ceioe 146 kilt It*" Encintillit ' tirtobert Kitantp, Jena Dave. 16.66 ht Thee: Wed. • Shpt: 22.23 ciadak ."THE WINU CANNOT` IManclaY Matthew. A.- E. M • bake t. at: binfleija • Dirk ilogarde, ifeka, tan! it* A, M. Euditibrititt ; two Shims Nightly,, Dole Or"Diar -11.66 littive6t Sox °Mee Opens' at 8:61) biateek 'phi RtI t -iii 'Ke!tift, Pint Sheri,/ at DMA tt 8.00 'ft, DitOtWee eittioiv 1, In Car Mesa ti yd eklit *tit be sold Mrst beer 1., II* n*, t`t eellsOs Itaalt.,Pong•rfriattea 4 • Now Mr•CorldiNoned for Your Coinfort Plkone