HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-09-10, Page 1Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. Guust Speaker : REV. GARDINER of Fordwich Special Music Listowel Quartette cLASEIMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL Thos; 1 rig Sept, S-9 "THE MATCHMAKER" Anthbliy parkine, Shirley MaCLaine, Shirley booth • Sat; - Mon. Sept. 12 - 14 "TAR2AN'S GREATEST ADVENttiltE,, Gordon: Scott, Snit thaite Anthony Ctuale Wed. Sept. tSi'. L Adott Entertainment Shirley Booth, Anthony Quinn Shirley MacLean Mr's, Earl qtultnore 25 Rose, hybrid tea — Mrs. Ball Cudmore 20 Rose, fleributida• — Mrs. Ella Shurrie Miss Addle Cardiff 27 decorative Mrs'. R. "W.Stephens Mrs. Earl Cadinore 35 Delfhirt. show •=.— Robert DatidSon Mrs., Earl Citclitierd 'i9 Delhire eriettiS Mrs. Pearl TCeffer Deible, Peril P0111 --- MX'S. Hail CnartiOre Mrs. H. V. Kerney hybrids — Mrs. T, C. Long Mrs. Hail Otidinbro 32 Gierlielt, steilderit nilted -- Robert DavidsOil Ell; =A Sinirrite fi1adieii, slag chtet Tlfiss bctici tta§tint0 34 Stoe.el Pens — Mrs. L•oft,I•6 iVfeffilicherifi^ 8C, tr,hm•rves 11erreinki, any Color tlohert. Devfidsen. 1.•••••••!•,,,,,,•• kVA .11, Hawaiian Punch " 48 oz. Kraft Cheese Whiz 16 oz. Dream Whip Hunts Tomato Juice 48oz. 35c 59e 27c 29c ... , .. ••••••••••••• 0.,•”•••..... # I • 4"..."14:r. C 0E11E01 Phone 293 We. Deliver SATURDAY, SEPT. 19th Leaving 'Brussels 8 A- M. Returning 10.30 P. M. Sponsored : by Int. Ladies Softlrali Club Fare : Adults — $2,00 Public School Childrtn —$1.00 • Phone 148 or 160 FALL SPECIALS at I REN E'S BEAUTY SALON Students — Any Permanent, complete, $4.50 Ladles Permanent, compete $1.00 Off All Permanents From Aug. 19th to Sept. 30th LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m. THURS., FRI., SAT., SEPT,. 10 - 11 - 12 Double Bill JI11 Corey Paid Hampton lin S E N I OR PROM A likeable college yarn with m'uslc, romance, and comedy Victor Matere Anne Aubrey THE BANDIT OF 2140BE A melodrama set rn India with Intrigue and violence. .„_ Melville Church Minister: Itei. Jonathan arsons Organlat — Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Morning Service The United Church OP CANADA Minister:, Rev. L. Brown 13.A.; 11.12. Organist: Mrs. 1.,E. Markin 9.45 A. H. Church School. 11 A. M. Morning Service Atigite ftn Church 60 CANADA Ora* of 1068110d its4 4N., SO.. JAIN. AFuNaM 8.80 adit. Holy Eitchatiit 11.18 a. Matting Monday, Holy Oleg§ it.4, too it. M. tielY David's NO a. 111, — ••••,,..4.41.,twoom.00mmeart......a1M.M.sfejmasculfaraf....oito tsexam.o.dwasaa0/16. STOCKER and. FEEDER SALE Braisels Livestock Sales ..Yard Ttii-ASday, (VA . 2 P. M. 600 Cattle, Yearlings and Calves $25.00 Prize to Best Lot of 10 - 15 Steers UNIFORM LOTS OF ONTARIO CATTLE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION IN TRUCKLOAD LOTS. FOR FURTHER IN- FORMATION CONTACT JACK BRYANS OR HUGH PEARSON. AUCTIONEERS HAROLD JACKSON ALLAN McINTYRE BRUSSELS, 1ONT. PHONE 160 OR 18J4 The 11 exRn Grill Speciali This Sunday ROAST TURKEY DINNER or ROAST BEEF Dinner includes I Soup or Tonnito Salad; Dessert and Beverage Dinners Serifed 12 2 P.M. 6.0 PAC 746 P.M. Not to be cilierigOinted, Mike retie -Mittens before •noon itaturdsv by Phoning 151 eruseelit Home Made. Otte- A SneeiiiitY 0.00 yiijur convenience Cousins Milka' d ijiittee vitif be here" over the weekend Now Air-Conditioned' for Veldt' CiibfritoOt U ELS t Publishing House .4,^24%44e, , ci 110u7Adk -41W 11340-• P:‘,4"*. OMP, Almost, otts..ws Thursday, September 10th, 1959 ZOO per yew.. 42.50 :ANIit4-11. --sot re.47 •-•"1,0,70 Oft. . +We CHARTEREU BUS TRIP TO LONDON WESTERN FAIR Joseph Jacklin There passed. away, in his 33r4 year, at Wingham General Hospital. on Thursday, Aug. 27th, Joseph Jackie", son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacklin after a lengthy III nes:,, His wife. the former Annie 5 Dianthus or Pinks — Muriel Rose., predeceased him in Mrs. Lloyd Kernaghan Feb. of 1942. 6 Marigolos, African — The fancral senvice was conduced Mrs. Ella Shurrie from the D. A Rann funeral Home Mrs, David Hastings at 2 p.m, on Saturday, 'Aug, 2 9th, by 7 Calendulas ru vase the Rev. K. Jaggs of St. ,John's Mrs. II. V, Kerney Anglican Church, Brussels. • Mrs. David Hastings Pallbearers were Joseph if, S Nastartiums, with Jacklin, Archie • Jacklin, Ralph MM. H. V. Kerney Keffer, Lynn Reid, Elmer Hall and Mrs, Lottio. McCilleheon Lloyd Hall. 9 Pansies, with foliage — Flower bearers were Bruce Reid, Mrs, Pearl Retfor • 'Mervyn Hall, Caroline Jacklin, 1 Mrs. Earl. Cudmore Clieryle Jacklin, Gloria Jacklin and 10 Petunias, single — Brenda Keffer. Mrs, Lottle McClutche'on The. deceased is survived by ; Mrs. David Hastings - • •- thiree sons and .rour dau,ghters, • 11 Petunias, ruffled or frilled — _— Andrew of London, 'Clifford and -• Mrs. H. V, Kerney Mrs. Alex Hall of Blinn township; Mrs, Pearl Keffer .o hy one brother, Andrew acid one le, Black Susan,; Susan — ,buttes received on th-Q. loss of ottr . Sheldon of Grey township, (Lily) berry Townsthip. IV (Laura) Mrs. Tiles, Reid of Toronto, : 14 Sunflower, ornamental, — neighbours for acts, of kindnes, cards (Marie) Mrs Fred Porter of 'T'Irn' is — (Edith -Mrs. ' Shiels of • Detroit, 13 Snapdragon, in vase, — ur sincere thanks and appreciation 'He is also survived Mrs, . H. Bell of sympathy and beautiful floral tri- 12 Petunias, dolable CARD OF THANKS • • .TA.OKLIN — We wish to express Ito our many relatives, friends, and father. • Special...thanks Is extended.. • to Rev, Mr. ..Triggs and to the staff of the, Rann Funeral Home and all who ' helped in any way. The sons and daughters of Joseph Jacklin Phone Thntssels 129 - — BAZAAR and SUPPER shows ridge Of dtem; ttrt. iriot.ioi. Box" 011ie Opens at -"Loft oiciook 14 Afrieoe liest Single In* Ahoy titiaie 1Virs. If E. Enitrnifig ChIld-Oen under 12 In Free Mrs, *ea Tterr eirteon Peen (rillifrinterl on inSIAO 'Otte) ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Knox Presbyterian C hareh, Crarthr SUNDAY, SEPT. 20th 6Es1vrces: 11 A. M. and S P. M. MINISTER: REV. LESLIE ELDER First Presbyterian Chun; h, Seaforth Special Musk.; Quartette from Listowel at both services Soloist: Mrs. Frank Thempsc,n Organist: Mrs Stuart A.441Vallr^ YOUR. HEADQUARTERS FOR AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION FLEE a nd OUTBOARD MOTOR OIL CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MatLEAN Fili Batteries — Oils — Lubricants — Car Wash ice Cream Cigarettes Pop Etc. Phone 268 Brussels, Ont. ATTENTION Is your T. V. Antenna & Set Insured? If not see us to-day for complete coverage of wind and Vira, $15.00 will insure both anntenna and set for 3 yeare. Also finance your next car here, where you can Insure and fl. In one process. WE HAVE LOW INTEREST RATES.. Insurance also on Automobile, Fire and Wind, Liability,' BurSielV and' Life. G. M. Ronnenberg Insurance. BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Fridays' BLACKSMITH and WELDING Metal Repair Work of All Kinds Used andsNew TIRES for TRACTORS and. CARS Distributors for HART BATTERIES Wes Budnark And Sons Brussels, Ontario E. A. (TED h WILSON CONSTRUCTI General Contractors BRUSSELS. ONT, Commercial and Residential Concrete Work Tiomes General Roofing Remodelling Brick and Blodk Work Farm Building ItSpildim Plastering by Experts Floor Tile and Yard Goods — Laid from Your Stock 0? Agents for Angel Stone by Trunk Load or by 12i= DESIGNING DRAFTING BLUSPRINTICISZ Firm Contract Prices Submitted Phone Collect 51 DaytIme, 12R1* After jp,%. YOU'LL ENJOY BLUEBERRY RIPPLE ICE CREAM Available it1 Cones, BtIcke and Half Gallons' At Your ,,PAVourlte Cousin's lee Ordain beetintir Or Take Horne A Bribk Cr Half Gallon of Our NEW NEAPourrAN fuvotity. Chocolate, Vanilla, and ttcavviiiiecoy MADE 6* COUSITIIS ,DAIRY Ittittiieti, WEATHgR AFFECTS LOCAL FLOWER SHOW, EXHIBITS. Brueeels Hertioult.41^41 Society held 1-1VP ,ntd animal Howe:' Show 04 Sali=^4^day, Aug, 29t11, afternoon and •ov.ening., were fewer 4141 or poorer quality than last year, Owing' to recent heavy rains and but ' wouther, There were 150 entries 14 57 classes. Air. and Mrs, Clifford Epps or Clinton were judges. Mont . c -nsiotent winners were Mrs. Earl Cudmore, Mrs. David Heat logs, Mrs. IL V. Kerney, and Mrs, Ella .Siturrle, Door PriZes were won by Mrs. Tam Miller, Mies, Frank Slum Miss Mary Harmon and Miss Judy Rice. Winners Were As •Follows Crass 1. Asters, mixed Mrs. IL V. 'Kerney Mrs, J, C. Long • 2 C'arnations, all colors S C!come or Spitler Flower — Mrs, Dottie McCMtcheOn UNITED CHURCH CHOIR ENTgRTAINB.P, 'Me members of the Wtissele United Cluireh choir Were enter- tained at the home of and .Mrs. Nuorvan hoover. Mies Ltiella Mitchell .and .Mrst Cecil MeHedden, had charge of the contests and gemes. Mrs. Dean. Daivison read an address and gifts Were presented to, Mrs. Melville Dennis and Miss Isabel Dennis by Mrs. Florence Mr. 'McFadden gave an addresS and Mrs. VtlYille DoWning presented D/11'S. Dean Davison with a gift. All voiced their appreciation of thanks. These faithfel choir members will. be elreatly Missed when they more to Listowel, A. lovely latch was soured to bring the evening to a close, CONGRATULATIONS! Congratulatlions= to Miss Dale Cardiff who has accepted a position es teacher in Perth Qounty at Ship- ley school, S. S. No. 4 Wallace near TAstowel, Miss Cardiff his completed a summer course at Teachers' College in Toronto. NOTICE The Kansas 'Farmer and his, Entertainers will preiride the pro- gram at Formosa Gardens this Sunday, Sept. 13th, Plan to he there and enjoy this popular entertainer. 4 Cosmos, amranged in container Mrs. David Hastings Mrs. Earl. Cudmore GET YOUR ADVANCE WESTERN FAIR foliage TICKETS HERE Advance sale admisSion tickets tickets are now on sale in Bruss'els, at the office of the BrusselS Post, is strips of two for one dollar. Only holders of these tickets are eligible for the five car prize awards Satur- day night, September 19, in front of the grandstand. SALE sister, Mrs., Pearl 'Keifer both of Mrs, R. W.Stephens Bress.els, Mrs. David Hastings 1 17 Zinnia, giant — REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Mrs. Earl. Cudmore insul brick house with complete ! Mrs. David Hastings bath; Ashpala shingle house with 18 Zinnia, stand. or Delhiaa 12-ipifte bath; Other houses and lots i Mrs. Nelson Reid and farms of all sizes, 1 Mrs. Winnifred Edgar List your property With 1 19 Zinnias, cactus or fantasy Elmer Ellacott * i Mrs. Winnifred Edgar Mrs. Nelson Reid I 20 Zinnias, porn pain --• 1 Mrs. Earl (ludmore The Henfryn St. David's Guild! Mrs. Wes Kerr will hold their annual Batear and I 21 Zinnias candy striped Slipper on Oct. 28th. Watch for 1 Mrs. *Earl Cedmore further announcement, 22 Obrysenthenium, Mixed . „ r Mrs. H. V. Kerney ^ UNION UNITED CHURCH - Rose, "Peace" — ANNIVERSARY Mrs, Rohl:, GemMill Mrs, Ella Sburile SUNDAY SEPT. 13th 24 Rose, hybrid lea —' 21 BEGINNERS QFF TO tC.1-204 'Brussels Public School shows etudent increase Of 12 OW last year's attendance according' to ^ figures released by principal, IC.. ' Ashton. Obilitten hurried off hi sehooll .Th• litvesday with, apparent eager anti. cipation, There is an enrollment here of 147 in comparison to last year's 137. Following are the names of those enrolled is grade 1 who this week embarked. on their school Robert Bradshaw Shirley Anne Brown Murray Cousins. John Gregory Ituother Michael Kernaghaft Jack Logan Penny Lowe Ciatby McCarter Judy Marks Pauline McCutcheon Daphne Mel-V.11Mo)- Nancy Pearson Muiuray •Ileymond. Anne 'Shaw Ross Somers Robert Thomas Neil Ward Linda Wilson Scott Wilson Donna Workman , MARKS 26th ANNIVERSARY G. R. Scott, Prudential Agent, marked his 25th anniversary as their Brussels irepresentative on September 3rd. CARD .OF THANKS • My sincere thanks is here ex- pressed to my neighbours and friends for that" many ants of kind- n.ess and 'expressions Or' 'sympat'hy at the time of my sudden bereave= Trent; for floral tallbates and to all those who heaped in any way. Special thanks to Rev. K.' Jaggs. • Tames Alcock • BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIA .LS from AUG. 17th to SEPT. 19th (inclusive) Creme Oil Perms $4.95 'complete with cutting and setting ' VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE j. !hone' 140 Brussels