HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-08-20, Page 1THE BRUS ELS POST — ellaseWeal. ARM' Onto DePtilitemet. (*Pm Thursday,i August 20th, 195 . 9 .. $2.00 per year `Post Publishing House KINGS GO FORTH A romantic triangle taking place in Southern France in 1944 IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Students — Any Permanent, complete, $4.50 — permanent, compete 1 $1.00 Off All Permanents t Aug. 19th to Sept. 30th From Ladies Melville Chtirdi inister: itero. Jonathan Organist — Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Union Service in The United Church Anglican Church ojanit, to Umiak, OF CANADA ,Oijokort, sta4 44104. US. to4nity at. 2,20 ntnistiet tin,aine The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown 113.A4 11.D. 9.119 lint, katilie FALL SPECIALS at • Homato Catsup, lloz. '' • '' ant's T "Pet" Powdered Milk, 1 lb. 2 for Picnic Sweet Relish, 16 oz. Kleenex reg. size' 2 for Admission : 25c & 50c Lunch Boot Phone 293 0,44•••••••••• , St. Dai,old'i HEM iA CHARTERED BUS TRIP TO TORONTO C. N. E. - SATURDAY, AUG. 29th WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 2nd. Leaving Brussels 7 A. M. Green. Returning 11 P. M. Sponsored ; by Int. Ladies Softball Club .Fare ; Adults .7- S4.00 Pttblic School Childrtn $2.00 'Phone 148' or 160 DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL 44--"""7- ti ._.. ...•• . is • 1 .4 .016.,..11.1 . 11 Of .t,.'.- • •••.*6 4 ,„ . . .Ttieg, .,. Wed. Ada. ,,,S-. 'te. 14 144B RAINS OP'. ..RANCHlisilit 'n' • Color 1 CinemaSCOUe 1 ' Lana tner, 'Aidliaitt Burton Hoy — Walker A .double ring ceromony was per, forined by -the Rev, Alex Cimino in Wingham United Church when Lois Eleanor Wftlker became the bride of Ross Lynn Hoy, ' • The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Gorden Walker, Wingham, and the groom is the son 'of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Hoy, R, R. 1, Ethel. The bride chose a floor-length gown of silk organza styled on ! Empire lines and featinring Franca la.eo trimmed with sequins and 'pearls. The bodice was styled with , lilypoint Sleeves and the skirt flowed into a slight train. H Cr fingertip veil was held by a, headress of rattle- stones, and she carried a baguet of red roses and and white mums. • Miss Frances Walker attended 'her sister as maid of honor and bridesmaid was Miss Lois Craw-'? ford, ford, Wingham, with Marlene JaztF, icson as flower girl, They were gowned alike in street-length frocks of foam blue. William M, Hoy, 11..R. 1, • Ethel attended his brother, aa,best Man and ushers were Raymond Walker, Wingham and Robert Mans,. !Hard- atom - For gravelling the bride wore 'Grecian pink linen ens,embld with white accessories and a •cersttg,e,-.of white mums Thurs.-Fri. Aug. 20 - 81 " A NIGHT TO REMEMBER " Kenneth ROCE • 000101. ........... 1.0 '''''''' 00000 • 65c 20c 35c H 1 FEATURE RACE WINS NILESTOWN Outt and owli ed by his Stook Oar 73, drivn by ;ink Mettcheo brother Frank, Was th6- whiner of the' Fenture Brussels Council The ropier meeting of the q01111" cil of the Village of BruSeele wits hold, QA 'July 24th, 1969 in. the Mun- icipal Office, COulacillers J. Q. Krau-ter and II, It, Pearson being absent. .111ved by 0. S. Elliott, seconded by W, A, Williamson that the minutes of June 219th mgeting, adopted as read — Carried :\I:ovoll by 0. S.' Elliott, seconded by W. A, W,itliarea.on. Oat a build- ing permit by issued to the Canad- ian Bank of Commerce as per appli- cation - Carriqd Moved • by -W, .A. Williamson, secoud.cd• by 0. S. Eliott that a grant of $•250.00 be given 'to• the Brussels Morris end Grey Recreattenal-qom- mittee -- Carried Moved by W. .A, seconded by 0. S. Elliott that be it resolved that for the purpose or certifying employment by the Vill-• age of BiNssels • as permanent in aeeordance with the Unemployment InOrance Commission, and they are hereby auth,orized to issue a certi- ficate for Hartley A, Fischer, Clerk Treasurer of the Village of Bi'asse's and have the same c'ertifichte dated June tat, 1958 as the date of per- manency, — Carried The installing of a„ catch basin on' Mill St, was, discussed :rut left till PON1lOr 11)1'01111(111On was available, Moved by. W. .A. Williamson, seconded by 0, S. Elliott that the acrents as presented for 'payment he paid — Carried Bakers Nier;ing Home, indigent patients h22,25 Wl:1 Brussels, r 40.00 Grey Rea-, reational Committee, grant 250.00 W. S. Scott, inst4rance 31.20 United Stationary Ca., 5.40 • sW,111:1111sleclsler's Garage, gas 4,85 3. 0, McNeil, gas 3.00 Sweeneylevelling !. dump .183.00 I R, W. Kennedy, printing 26,68 A. Oakley, labour 296.00 5.95 George Radford, gravel - A. Higgins, gravel '27.00 Lavis Oontra-cting Co„ paving Otreets $4,945.50.1 Dobson Roofing ing roof 323,001 13riusels 1%4-Orris Grey Tel., loan 5000.00 Brussels Post Office, IL I.S. 9,05 1 Drieissels P.ti,C,, power 147.86 James. Adams, fox houtrity, 4.00 Receiver General, tax 2.70. Moved by O. S. Elliott, seconded by W. A. Williamson that the meet• ing mlionro. —Carrie:, IT. A.. Fischer, Clerk CRANBROOK 00pgratlilatiOtiS # 110 Telmer resi dents, Mt% ad Mrs. Fired Hirknattiok Palmerston, on, the birth of their little -datighter on Tuesday, Aug. tio the Paimersten Hospital. Mr. and MO. Stanley Machan, Listowel, accompanied-by Mr. and Mrs. Hari Dunn and 30-Anne, and 'Catherine Jaeklin Metered to Tor Vance; Ontario, Sunday. Linda Dithn Stit'LMatilYti Knig'h't are snending the sunnier A preSentation in honor or fdr. and Mrs, Allan Dunn Was, held in the 'CotritatinitY Centre on Friday night, Ant Stoffler read the addreSS.,and tt wottot Ptiree bf 'Windy VMS Pre- sented by ,'addle Jankliii. A gOOd crowd' Watt in litteridatige and Kett Wilhoefs Orchestra, sitiiplted 0i0 MISS knee, J. Entreat is spelt ing the week at the beeeli, at AntlietleY, CARD 'OF THANKS My sincere thanks is expreaSed to hny Dian* tietida and neighbours , tvhe visited the While T was 1n itOS- OW: and for the letters: cards and treats Sent to frio. 'Your kindness wits iinpreenited.. *Celia ,'hanks clin*torci ,Aral the decti •. Morris. Twp. Council . Morris Township Cionaell•• met in the Township Hall on Ang. 9th, 1959. with all the members present. The relnittes of the last meeting. and the special •meeting of July ,`28 were !read and adopted, bn motion .of Croydon Wilkinson and Stewart Proctor, Moved by :Ross Duncan, seconded - by Walter Shortreed, that the following fair grants be given: — Brussels Fair Boarki $200.00, Blyth Fair Board $100.00, Belgrave Fair Board $35,00 — Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, see, onded by Stewart Proctor that By- Law No. 8, 1030, setting the penalty on unpaid taxes after December 15 two per cent be given the first and second readings — Carried Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Gordon. Wilkinson that. Bylaw No, S. 1959 be given the third read. ing, and finally passed Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Stewart Procter, that A. Fraser be paid $150.00 of his salary • — Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- onded by Ross Duncan that the', road accounts as presented by the Read Superintendpt he paid — Carried , MOved by Gordon. Wilkinson., sec• ended by Stewart Procter that the general accounts as presented be paid. — Carried Moved by Stewrirt Procter, sec- onded by Goirdon Wilkinson that the meeting a.djmnin to meet again on Sept. at 1 p.m. — Carried The following. acce4nIts were paid 5 Belgraive C.;3-0,p., Warble Fly / Powder $116.00 Walter Shortreed, Blake . Drain s.rio Wm. Blake, Blake • Drain - •, 7,00 ja.S.;. A. HoweS, Blake 160,00 !!' Drain Baker's Convalescent TTOSnitat "'"---, -- 92.75 Canada Culvert Co„ Mills Drain 40.24 Relief Acoolund 15.00 A. Fraser, part salary 150.00 Wingham Post Master unemnloyment .pltamns Roads and PatidgeS 2,172.09 Bailie Parrot $2,986,01 Reeve Geo. W. Eleitehinson, Reeve Edythe, M. Cardiff, Clerk, k BORN Armstrong — Jim and Leona are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Robert James, on Aug. -2nd, 1959, in Clinton Public Hospital, • n• • X.. • LIBRARIAN WANTED Ethel Public Library 6 -hours weekly. State qualification and salary expected". Duties to corn, mence Sept. 5th, 1959. Applications to be In the secre. tary's hands by 9 p.m., Aug. 31st, 1959, Roy Hail, Secretary, Ethel, Ont. The 2 exem Grill Special This Siinday. ROAST TURKEY DINNER Or' DRESSED ROAST PORK . Dinner tneludee t too or Tomato Jade, Salad, Veliiittblet,- . Dessert and Beverage Dinneen' ist4ech. 12 OA, 5.80 P.M. ?.10 P.MA Nato be disappointed, make iiesemiittons 'heroot Satan:lay by Phoning 1e3 lirUeeeie Hem' :Made Oiss A ,60 -eatotiy For yeli# convenience 'bona-ins Butter he :Soli here. over the week-end Now Air-Conditioned for Your Comfort VANCAMPS STORE IN ETHEL Are Clearing Out AB Lines of .PRY GOODS, SOCIT$,StiPa•S, OVERSHO.M. HARDWARE,. TOYS, PAINT, ETC Reductions of 20 to 50% • Sale Now On Special Quantity Ditcounts On Groceries While Sato Is in Efitileto‘. ALL fIALES FINAL NO CHARGES 'OR REFUND* • is Purchase 4 QTS. of • MOTOR OIL. Receive • 1 Qt. FREE OF CHARGE 3 DAY -SPECIAL IVION. TUES. WED- — AUG. 424, 25, CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED acLtAN RVI Batteries — Oils — Lubricants — Car Waeb Ice Cream Cigarettes Pop Etc. Phone 268 Brussels, Ont ATTENTION Is your T. V. Antenna & Set Insured? If not see us to-day far complete coverage of wind end glit7:4 $15.00 will insure both anntenna and set for 3 yeam Also finance your next car here, where you can Insure and fifIttILVIP in one process. WE HAVE LOW INTEREST RATE& Insurance also on Automobile, Flreand Wind, Liability, illurgWall and Life. G. M. Ronnenberg Insurance BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Fridays etanopsusammwromni.......asenul: BLACKSMITH and WELDING. Metal Repair Work of All Kinds Used and New TIRES for TRACTORS and CARS Distributors for HART RATTEPIES Wes Budna.rk And Sons Brussels, Ontario E. A. (TED,' WILSON CONSTRUCTION General Contractors BRUSSELS. ONT. Commercial and Residential Concrete Work New Homes General Roofing Brick and Block Work Remodelling . Farm Building Ro Plaatering by Experts Floor Tile and Yard Goodi — Laid from Your Stock or &Eat Agents for Angel Stone by Track Load or by Pferout DESIGNING DRAFTING -• SLURPRINTISIZ Firm Contract PrICOS Subtrdtitt Phone Collect 31 Daytime, 12141g After 7 pm% 1" YOU'LL ENJOY CHOCOLATE -.2 w TONE ICE CREAM roc a Smooths Rich, brown Chocolate Ice Creaill With a' eld0Sit Chocolate Ripple Running Through It An Exelits'ied rear-Round .Spediat Or Try Our Poprdar STRAWBERRY: RIPPLE At Your Favourite Couttn'a tee Cream beater *Ai 'Vein. Pavouhte &lashing tee dream MADE ittV COUSINS DAIRY Brusse s Ont. Phone let LYCEUM THEATRE' WIDIGHAM, ONTARIO Two Showe Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m• T. Fri., Sat.,. Aug., 20 - 21 -22 Frank Sinatra, Natali, Wood Tony Curtis in. CONCERT and DANCE WALTON COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, AUGUST 21s T. V's Sharon Strong Also CLARK JOHNSTON and LOCAL TALENT Music for Dancing by Clinton Hilitopers - DRAW — Organist; Mrs. A. Er-Martin 9.46 A. H. Chkurch School 11.00' A, M. Union Service ;;ATIIIPP V"'S [ED C UTCHE GN 11014141.1.e1MIUMPA MON• The enupie tvitl rr-shlt' i u, 'Wing.... ham. BORN Marilyn and Gordon Engel, nee Rolger,„ wish to announce the birth of their 'daughter, Sharon Rae, on Saturday, 4tgust .8th, 1959, in Listowel 'Memorial- tiosPitaL Sat = 'Mon: Aug. 22 - 24 " MARACAIBO 0 I Color Gomel Wilde, Jean Wallace pOlor TWO ShOWe Nightly; Rain- or blear Sex Office -Opehe At 11.00 Onclook' Pint Shea( at Dusk Dtilidren under 1i Free %Soften at' Risk. Perfernienee , • We Deliver • •••••••,•••••••••?-0, 15c yhurSday night of lea week. 3,500 Pans were on liana .t.ig witness. one Of their favourite Sparta. • Grey 'Twp,` Council Nfe‘eting was !held on August 1st, Moved by Archie Mann, seconded by. G]01111 Huether that :37alantes of last meeting be adopted as read !— Carried Moved by Glenn Huether, second- ed by Lawson Wlard that we pass By-Laws No. 7 and 8 under The Drainage Act — Carried Moved by Lawson Ward, second- ed by 'Kenneth Bray that :we accept an application- for tile • drainage lean Carried Moved by Archie Mann, seconded by Kenneth. Bray that we i'enew Ins on Fire Truce- with agent andley Holmes. premium $65.00 Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray, seconded by -Lawson Wiard that all approved accounts lie paid — Carried Moved by Menu Huether, second- ed by Lawson Ward that we do now odioUrn to meet Sept, 5,th, ,nt. at the call of the •reey,e -- Carried The following acchunts Were paid Tile Drairage Loan $ 3Q0.00 WI, J. Perrie, level, Sellers • dump ti • 9Ma Pollard's Chain Saw, plug gasket, fire pump 1.59 W, It., Doingall, spraying • weeds MOO Dudley B, Holmes, fire • truck insuratice 65.50 N. E. Baltran, 12" We „ 'Holland Anderson, Drain 45.00 John Inglis, bal. payment •-' 'Holland-Anderson Drain 197.00 James A, Hewes. stmt. een,le struetion Holland-Ander- son Drain • 1.25.00 F. M. Cardiff. cleric's, fees Holland-Andersen Drain 40.00 Wm. Miner. allowances. Holland-Anderson. Drain 5,00 6.50 leo, C. Martin Clerk CARD 'OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who sent me cards during my stay in hospiital and since coming home. They were all much appreciated. Leona Armstrong BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS from AUG. 17th to SEPT. 19th (Inclusive) Creme Oil Perms $4.95 complete with cutting and setting, VAL'S eatafiTitr ' SHOPPE Phone 140 Bruseeis imaantweasc..garnmear 8