HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-08-13, Page 1•••••••••••••,•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ** •• .. ••••••••.•••••••••,•••••••••••',•••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••"—' St. Williams Assorted Jams 2 for 41c Clark's. Beans with Pork, 20 oz. 2 for 35,c Clark's Tomato Juke, 48 oz. 25c Swift's Prem 42c r•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .•••,•• r., • • •• • .•••-•••- ••••••••• MCCUTCHEON VOCERY Phone 293 We Deliver tiatlanctiei as **DMA *us saniti, Peel Mos DePsirt10010,, OttoMet vaharog• Thursday, August 13th, 1469 41 LS POST $2.00 per year - •••••••••••••••* 4.-sto 4.7; Post Publishing House • BR tftfit t.r,•tip ••••••••••••01•MeirMV10,y •1' accompanied the soloist, Herbert 'a draw On a Bob Colenian's Indians * * t ,af the bride, officiated at ,the Cere. 1 Who Wants A Pony? Congratulations, are extended to ! molly. Murray McDonald, organist; ! There are now on sale tickets for Mr. and Mrs, Edward Pollard who j quietly celebrated their 53rd Wedding i . anniversary on Saturday. Aug. 28th. t * * '1 I Miss Florence McNanghton rs- calved word of the..death of her • aunt. Mrs, Airy Boyle. in Saskatoon, I on July a9n. Portal took place in i Foam Lake, Seek., o n Aug. 1st. * * trr i 1 Mr. Bryon )Fight, of Trenton. 1 N. ,T., who, prior to 1918, was a • resident of Brussels, visited this i village on Tokesday of this week. His, mother, Mrs. Addle L. Wright, was ; organist, fit Melville Church for ' several years. . honor, wearing a Me blue nylon to * * cock-length, dress styled with short Mrs, Florence Smith, of Brussels. sleeves, Sabrina neckline and full Is the new lib:talon filling that skirt. A crossed citinomerlytind tied in ;Position at the library here left a bow at the back, Pink roses and vacant by the resignation of Mrs, carnatfins formed her boqet. Brides- Haircild Kerney who haS, returned to maids were Miss ,Elilatbeith Irvine 'her former profession of turaing and St. Mary's sister of the bride- is now on the staff of Whigh a rn ,groom; and loft s§ soyeet Oakes, General Hospital. Gio)elph, who wore deep blue dresses Styled 'like that of the meld of Honor` IWO% Sanith, Scarborongh, 1 was beat man, and ushers were ___ 1 brother of the bride, David BeitiS. ilk DRIVE-IN TREAT F- St, Mary's, and John 'Milne, St. was a member of Ethel United Church, and the ,WA and. W-MS. of the church. She is santived by her husband, 'one son, Stuart, Ethel, and two daughters, Mrs Beverly (Doris) Bin- ning, Listowel. and Mrs. Norman (Jean) Miller, Listowel; six grand- children; three brothers, Bert, Lon- don. Harold, Blyth, and Lorne of Ilar-,I lten; one sister. Mrs. Bert R.R, 2. Atwood. The remains rented at the Peebles Air:erect home, Atwood, until 11 a. m. Monday. when removal was made to •the Ethel United Chureh for the fen,ral C.,n. ;=ice at 2 p. m. Rev. L. Brawn, of Prsassecl.s officiated and burial was in Melant Pleasant cemetery. 'Ethel. MODERN FACILITIES The Board and members of the 5th — The Broad and members of the Rae Fischer 6th — have been working diligently to im- 'Bobby Black East I-Turon Agricultural Society prove the Each hall team local fair. • a wan dance and ,been made at the grounds including `were: Considerable improvements have ,the installation of; modern, rest room 1st ' facilities for both men and Women, Rae- Fischer s, Wildcats 2nd — 3rd — gtier's Panthers Rozaitia, Toronto, who sang "The ; beautiful Shetland pony Wednesday Lord'a Prayer" and "Wedding Pra- $10n), proceeds. of which will yer", • goto cover the cost of the afore- Given in marriage by her father; imentioned improvements. Ithe bride wore ;a, gown of silk on The support of the village and ganza, over • peat de soie. f°Rt1"ritlI';-,•Tickets can be 'obtained from any !surrounding community is:2loirte..d sfoepr., • basque bodice- and bouffant shirt' ii,N,tai, .,,, „,,,,a ;af , with chapel• train. 'Ilan kle•li PP 61 1port our fair! Chantilly lace accented 'the go.wn,' • sorNes. Her corsage was of pink roses. The bride has been a teacher On 11, staff of Elmira Public School. ilhe couple, will. reside in Prestonn On. Frldny evening,, July 24th, Wiltner Gardner Ross and Marlon Alba Toiler were united in 1-0-0•11104ie by the- Rev. J. 'W, Hird at his home, in. Carrie. 'The bride is the Second. .daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Irving Toner, coal, 4, -1-loWlek,. and the groom is ;th e son of Mr, and Mrs, Murray Moss of Brussels, • The bride were a waltz-length Wave ftutiliolled Of French lace and net over 'taffeta with scalloped .sleeves and scalloped sal Ina neck. A crown, of sequins and pearls held her elbow-length veil, She carried white 'Bible crested with pink roses, The bridesmaid was Miss Dorothy Toner, sister of die bride, who chose a blue embroidered nylon over 'taffeta, waltz-length dress, 'with blue taffeta cuttenerbhnd and a large bow lat the back, She wore a bine feather headress and ma/tenting gloves and carried a nosegay or pink and white maps. The organist was Miss Ruth T'pner, ;Gerrie, sister of the bride. Thl reception was 'held at the home of the bride's parents. A buffet luncheon was served by the bride's sister,, Mrs. Max Bell and the gran-It's sistertin-lafw, Mrs. Jack Ros ,., Mrs.. C. Gilpin, grandmother of the bride poured tea. For a wedding trip to the United Stales Sh e bride chose a 'beige drevi and matching Coat with green acces-! Pink and white gladioli formed the setting in Brass:calm United Church, Saturday, Aug. S, 'at 7 p.m., tar the marriage of Mary Loreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dickson McFadden, Brussels, to MeAusland Din;more Irvine, son of Mr. and Mrs. McAusland Dinsmore Irvine,. St. by Heir. James L. McFadden, cousin Mary's. Rev. Lloyd Brown, assisted which and the neckline was trimmed in • mother-of-pearl sertufm, A tiara of seed pettels held her silk illusion veil and she carried pink Delight roses and stephanotis. Miss Margaret Latitnor, St. Mary's, wag maid of , Rees Dickson McFadden, Ottawa. Irvine — McFadden Ross -- Toner • • ...se ••,, i. FLOWER, SHOW On AatIguat 39th. in the Brussels Public Library the Horticultural Society are :again slionsol'ing ,a, flower Show for Horitioatura d l members anti 'have a special class of flower ar rangem.ent, bird hoUse, and poster competition open 'to Public School children. Any children interested Atlas° call Mrs, K. Sburrie, 15J4 and get •Khe uecesaary infOrniation. • ,.-- . .---' . . 'Mrs. Cameron Cochrane The death oeth(rred suddenly at 'her home in Ethel, Friday, of Mrs. ; 1 'Cochrane, at the age of 40 years. The former Leila Irene Voddon, 1 she was born in. Grey township, Oct. 8, 1898, and was a -daughter of the late Mr.• alnd Mrs. Thomas Vodden. 1 :On March 21, 1932, sne was married- , Ito Cameron Cochrane and lived in Ethel since since the marriage. She. have been badly needed for ;tome time. Best. Dressed 1st — Jack Galbraith 2nd — Rae Fischer 3rd-- Thursday — Prone lifcentcheon 1st — Cowboy Day Best Dressed Ottawa, announce the, engagement of Marnie Murray Nellington _ Bronson Mr. and Mrs. Water IV, Thibeault, 2nd -- their elder danghter, Barbara, to 3rd Cat. Robert Chapman Kennedy, tit, W. Kennedy of Brussels. The Brenda Shaw AttOttst, 39th, in Ottawa. Mary E. ,- ... Ottawa, elder' son of Mr. and Mrs, wedding •to take PlaCe SatundaY, BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIALS from AUG. 17th to SEPT, 19th (Inclusive) Creme Oil Perms , $495 lcomplete with cutting and setting, The exan Orin Or ROAST BEEF Dinner includes Soto Or Tomato Salad; Ve010Ableili Dellert end Itiniertige Dinners Bervedt it t 5,.80 OA. 710 P.M. Not to be eillaPPOinted, Make releriilitiOne -before nee* siiiiiimisty by Fin:Ming BORN CARDin — Murray and Betty are happy to announce the arrival of their son, Jeffrey Harold, on Avg- VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE list 7th, 1959, at Clinton Pabl1C Phone 140 Brusseis Hospital, Mimi.• Midi OM* A DOitiAtikif NOW Atiitotitittlonedlof Yire Comfort ENGAOEMECkIC Special This -Sunday ROAST TURKEY DINNER ...in.. rm.. 45.7;,Eich child in costuane had to live like a hobo, for a, short time. To do 'this they had to go to the stores, and beg for a sariall handout. Most retlirned with chocqatte bars, gum, licorice. or such. No child returned without s,ornething. Prizes were those who rsithyned first. They 'were: 1st — Gary Long — '2nd Ronnie .1\1Yers 3rd — Bob Coleman Bob bresSsmedith Tuesday — Indian Day Best 1st — Gayle Miler 211,11-3o1b Coleman ?, 4thDo_ug Currie Jack Galbraith • RECREATIONAL CENTRE. COSTUME W E EK RESULTS Any , ehtlid not dressed to suit the day had to receive a penalty. Fniday, Aug. 14th., there will be a field day held. The results will appear in the .next issue of the Post A picnic will finish. off the program on Saturday. The last week of the ilecreatioual Centre's progrreme was Costume Wo,oic. Each day from Monday to• Tharsday, 'was a special day with the children dressing in costume to. suit. the day, Prizes Were. given to ihe best dressed children, Results were as follows : Monday — Hobo Day Best Dressed 1st -.- Ronnie Myers 2nd — Terry 'Rutledge Bob Coleman Bob Smith 3rd — George Valiance Don s — pirate Day had 2to prize execute winners. FAKE SALE To Be Held in The Brussels Library SATURDAY, AUG, 15th AT 9- P. M,; • Sponsored oy the 't.adies Division of the" East ,Huron Agricultural Society 7:747 .4 4 LISTOWEL !Mary's', brother of the i•tiOtiat A wedding dinner was served by TKOS, , I the Friendship Circle of the Clharc In . Aug , 13 14• — igA4, S.D. "ROBBERY UNDER A RMS" 116. el*4i'd1:1161161t. Color Receie dug the igtteStS, the Bride's Mother Were Peter Finch, Matireen Swanson f9tiStY rose dress With White aCCeise- '. orien, Time bridegitioinfs Mother *a.t.i '-" "" " " • ' we an lee •!).itte. leee cities and Set, =• Men, Aug. beige Ode:06146e. betible:'Oeattrlei Folloating a wedding fi-tp 114E BLOB 10 Mtiskolta the deflinle" reside 1n Color Steven MOGUeell i Anetd Obrdeak , fraVelling. die bride rditiSe eEINHEN 'HELL BkDke Ltitt56E,, tigitt • bin siti.oath and tiniteliitiA" 'Charred Bronson, Violet Rending COO With natty and 'Otto ,fioeett oilbS tued: Wed, Aug-, 16..,14 714e, BLACK .6i4d1-1115' ,REAL Att. H .ing lot 150 ft. frelitagt, 120 , Town Property, itichaling, a build ft. deep' - More or lesat en main s e . ills farm properties of oit sizes, iiiiori its 4iiitioild • tinier Egilitctitt, iieniter for I l*t.i.i' drittiphell, Broker, tiiitite*et I. r ?rialto' XII SOW. Loren, Anthony. dutnh' it.86 ,a,tiii. ftelY Ettehitiiiit N. .., 11.00 a.m. ilitttinS .. „ . - 4,4, Two Shows Mahtiiti Rain or Clear' bell 0#flee Opine at too 000took tit: tilifiiiii ii,. NenfiTii 114,., „...—...„—.— PIM! She* at. Dusk' 9,30 pli, 14inititini .0. wt.' ohitikin Under 12 in die 'Preto . , Dilkeiii4. WI itioti illOtetinakii ...1 1 SPECIAL Purchase 4 QTS. of MOTOR 0 Receive 1 Qt. FREE OF CHARGE,. 3 DAY SPECIAL MON. TUES. WED. AUG'. 17; 18, tit CUSTOMER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED MacLEAN FINA SERV, E Batteries — Oils — Lubricants — Car Wash' Ice Cream Cigarettes Pop Etc. Phone 268 Brussels, Ont. ATTENTION Is your T. V. Antenna & Set Insured? If not see us to-day for complete coverage of wind and fin.- $15.00 will insure both anntenna and set for 3 ,assn], Also finance your next car here, where you can Insure and tin,itia4 in one process. WE HAVE LOW INTEREST RATER„ Insurance also on Automobile, Fire and Wind, Liability, BurgiSPY and Life. G. M. Ronnenberg Insurance BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and FridaYe BLACKSMITH and WELDING. Metal Repair Work of All Kin& Used and New TIRES for TRACTORS and'CA`q Distributors for HART BATTERIES Wes Budnark And Sons Brussels, Ontario •-•,,,•••••••••••••••••. E. A. (TED WILSON CONSTRUCTION General Contractors BRUSSELS. ONT. Commercial and Residential Concrete Work New Homes General Roofing Remodelling Brick and Block Work Faaun Building Itspainv Plastering by Experts Rocs. Tile and Yard Goods — Laid from Year Stock or elm- Aguas for Angel Stone by Truck Load or by Eldmon DESIGNING DRAFTING BLUCPRINTFAhlf • Input gontiset Prices lInimalnd photo Collect 51 DAythno, 1281! After 7 BM. ainalaa. YOU'LL ENJOY CHOCOLATE - 2 TONE ICE CREAM It's a Smooth,• Rith, Brown ohecolate Ice 'Ordain With B Otelk- Chodo late Ripple Running Through it An E.xclusiee Year-Round Spedett Or Try Our Popular 8TRAWI1ERRY RIPPLE At Your Famoueite Cousin's lice Cream tieamot At Wet' Favatieite Oatisin's Ice Crearn Deahle MADE BY COUSINS DATRY Brussels, Ont. 4 , Phott it Ardhie C. Griffiths Archie C. Griffiths a Zormer resident 'of Grey 'Tarp -passed away suddculy 'at 'has 'homet, 2S2, King West, Bearnsville, Out., du July 27tr, 1959. • --- e. fie 'was employed, until his illness, by the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, as :inspector of Fruit. and Vegetabl es. Born at Virgil ail June 27, 1803, he 'was a v'eteran of World War 19th Battalion, Lincoln and Welland Regiment. a I He is survived by his wife, Margaret L. Richardson, and daugh tars Mrs, Jean Sherratt, London, (lean), Mrs 'Lawrence ,Kelly, ahaw, Alta., (Joyce),"' son Charles, En.mVton and six grandchildren. Mr and, Mrs. Jas. McFarlane Miss Millie McFarlane, and Roy McFarlane attended the funeral. Get Your Permanent At PERMANENT WAVES Where Better 'Permanents Cost Less IRENE'S' BEAUTY SALON Mr. and Mrs. Mel. INIoxness. -and ' f,to,t.ly, of Ottawa, are spending a, week at at the home of Miss S. Mc- Kinnon. Mrs. MeCurdy Lowry, and sons, Toronto, have been holiday -visitors wilh. her mother, Mrs. W. Speiran. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Coulson and family of Milton, visited at the, home I' of Mrs. Adah Smith, Brussels and other relatfives In Morris Township. I * tit I; Mr. and. Mrs, .Tack Ross and family, :also Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ross, all !: of Preston, are holidaying with 'their ; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Ross 11 pan 1, Grey. *. Mrs. ilia Ferguson. has returned after holidaying in London and St. Catharines_ * . Mrs. Prank McCuteheon • has re- : turned home from St. Joseph's hos- phut, Toronto, PEOPLE, WL., KNOW LirCEUIVI fkiEATRE WINGHAIVI, ONTARIO Two 'Showe Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m. Thurs., Fri., Sat., Aug. 13 - 14 - 15 Double Elll THE SAD HORSE An nteresting story of a boy, a dog, and a horse, Melville Church Minister: rtes. .lintathan Groans Organist — Donald amiss 1II A. II. Sunday School 11 A. M. Union Service in The United Church Pirate Treasure with a small boy THE LITTLE 'SAVAGE or+ •••, LLASHMAR ha ',ahaaa-' ahaha,Lae- S. 1 , 'Anglican Church OP CANADA wino, of iniissii; rogeati Vir, talk, The United Church OF CANADA Minister! Rer. L. IlreWn Ortianlit: fArl. A. E Martin 0.46 A. H. Chlut.ch Sebool 11.00 A. Id. Union BorviCe