HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-07-16, Page 7Two h u n. (Ira(' investigators e keeping watch along the coasts from Scotland to ),?,over; this year for new colonies of fulmars, Powerful white and grey sea birds, which have been coming south in increasing numbers to Mat. " Naturalists are thrilled by the dramatic way in which the bird - "the nearest thing to an al- batross that flies in the North. Atlantic," as one of them des- cribes it - is steadily extending its range round our coasts, But they cannot yet explain the phe- nomenon, It is increasing at the rate of twenty new colonies every year, says TV personality Janes Fisher, who is directing inves- tigations on behalf of the British Trust for Ornithology, and it is' breeding in much greater num- bers. Colonies of fulmars have late- ly been seen on the cliffs of Sussex and the Isle of Wight, on. Portland Bill and near Lad- worth Cove and Swanage, Dor- set. Observers will go on send- ing records until the late sum- mer whert the young birds be- gin to fly. Fulmars are superb fliers, sweeping in huge arcs and, like other petrels, gliding for 'fond distances with their wings held stiff and straight. The fulmar's powers of dynamic soaring flight are not excelled by any other North :Atlantic sea bird. Until 1878, the island of St. Kilda was the fulmar's only breeding place in the British Isles. Its name means "foul gull" which it earned because like Wost petrels it has a habit of squirting smelly oil from its mouth q,a,ny intruder to its nesting ledge'. ' Natives of St. Kilda used to catch the bird fdr•the sake of this oil which they used for lamps. They also ate' its flesh. Moonshine AR I tc,LES FOR SALE Pocket Book Exchange Si ND throe eoeket, books and gs cents, Receive three different '[he two RocnTt 7 St, Clair West, Toronto, "DESTROYER" (or use In outdoor toil, eta, • Eats 'down to the earth, saves cleaning, Directions, Thousands of esers,..eoast Lo coast, Price $1.00 per postpaid.,Log Cabin,Prociucta 322 York Road, Guelph. Ontario. BABY CHICKS BRAY Summer Specials. -Request list ready-to-lay Ames, Dual ntirpose and Ames dayolds, prompt shipment. Start- ed Leghorns, dual purpose pullets and cockerels, Order July-August broilers now, Prompt shipment dual purpose cockerels. See local agent or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John Worth, Hamil- ton, Ont. STARTED 'dick-bargains 'while they last. One Week old Light` Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock, Columbian Rock X Rhode Islen,c1 Red, Columbian 'Rock' $28.95.4alifornia Gray X White Leghorn, White Leghorn X Rhode Is- land Red""--"529.6571thorle Island Red -X Light Sussex, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rock - $26.95. Assorted Breeds - $23,95, Cockerels, Columbian Rock X New Hemp, Rhode Island Red X Barred ilock,_,Columbian Rock - $11.95. As- *"'SOrted , Breins•-:=413.4.5"4;11-0e,1,11And.red,,;, Two week old add er , 4 per hick, three week old add 4c, pghick.c Also started Rimben OVAL" rTENVItEcDuDsLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. a TEACHERS WANTED 'TEACHER, toact..as t?rineipal for Wy-oming PubliC School. Please state ex. perience, last school taught and mina of inspector. Duties to commence fall term. Reply to G. 'OLIVER PANGMAN Chairman 'ory LEO FERGUSON, SEC:-TREAS. WYOMING, ONTARIO. CATHOLIC lady teacher required' foe' girls' private school - chiefly English and History in Grades IX and XI. APP.I.V stating age, experience, qualifications, and ,salary expected. Loretto Academy, Hamilton, Ont. cATHOLfc Teacher wanted for S.S 16 Dover Township about 12 miles from Chatham. Grades 1 to 3 with enrollment of 24 Apply stating qualifications to Adelard St. Pierre. Bearline, H.R. No, 1. QUALIFIED teacher holding either latt, or 2nd class certificate for Cockburn 11ssItai n1d95S9.chAopopllyarea No 1, Salary 53,71 per annum. Duties to commence Sept. 5, R. McLEOD, SEC.-TREAS. Cockburn Island, Ont. sores on him. His body .andmind simply cannot or will not stand the' sfraiii any 'more,. "He has had enough of the rigors of office. He has had enough of the fears of sterility and the pressures' of beinge the childless branch of a dynasty. "He is telling everybody he is in trouble. He is forcing him- self to be treated medically." But in trouble, under .treat- ,ment, under pressure - even if he were jailed or dead - you hear that Louisiana would re- elect Long if he wanted to run again. ,„ And he ,wants itc:a He has to --- in, spite of Medical predic- tions that he could not survive another campaign. For dynas- ties are very demanding, espe- cially in Louisiana: Governor Huey; Congressman Georg e; Senator Russell . and now childless, Governor Earl. Night At Opera Was Her Swan Song. From the first the strangest secrets of passion centred around the birth of lovely Julie de Les- pinasee, The offieial entry of her birth in 1732 gaVe as parents the names of two people who never existed. Only the Midwife knew that she was the: daughter of the noble Comtesse d'Albon and the dissolute. Marquis . de Vinchy- Chanarond. Jtilie greW up unaware of the undercurrent of whispers arid hi- , trigne that her birth had pro- voked. She was brought, up as the Conatesse's adopted daughter, side by side with the daughter of full blood, the spoiled, wilful Di- ane d'Alberi, When the Marquis de Vichy- Charrirond l Married Diane, no one dared to hint at the illicit tangle that thus ensued. He was In reality' both Julie's father- and her btothet-in-iew. To the new household Stilie went as governess, her salary agreed at a pittance; for chill charity gov- ailed a family's poor relations. Julie little knew that the virile faced Malqiiie Wao her father. She little guessed that his abrupt Moods of sullen nialignarley, so Often sprang front _Sad Land bit ter memories, The old Castle of Chaineorld had sunny family rooms aver- looking the gardens, tut 3tilie's deli Pike apartment was in the e debt) „gene, baStiori fleet the moat. Sometimes ..e.a• she lay shilering, in bed: the would hear' the rats gnaWing at the old tim- bers of the drawbridge. When the castle was festiVe pd g-Nre .34h, oxot$, Mahe _Was • "lal'inishect-to' her "dungeon,' like a Cinderella. The Vichy-Chain- fonds Would allow her nnpart the revels. "They treated Me like figint," idle sadly' wrote, long LAND WANTED A few cut over bush lots, abandoned farms, acreage with or without wa-ter frontage. State best cash price, lot No., concession, township, In first letter. Box 705, Gravenhurst, Ont. PROPERTIES .WANTED, ISSUE 29 -+'1959 avxm.s.vrt- i e'l'avyry 'r:At -;1•; • ; ;,at 111):: • ti EriWrien7 unlimited ...the trip of a lifetime - . that's what's in store for you On a relaxing, refreshing CUNARD crossing to „...- Europe. Turn ev-e/klititingsi trip into a. pleasure cruise. Headed by the tatillitii QUEENS from Nev., York and-font:, great starer ships-from Canadian ports, the airman fleet offers its ( patrons the unsurpassed luxury and Service born of the world's Meat honoured seafaring tradition. You'll marvel at the superb living aCCOMMOdaf tong • 4 Savour the outstandirag cuisine v :'enjoy SiMetb service sod varied entertainment „ in ad oceau setting that will prove an unteasing delight. Go to Europe the only ttufy pleasurable way the way that will linger in your memory long :thee the voyage is over , go CUNARD. See Yob,. Load Agent-No One serve Ye:u /lefties etta87tai (s. U NAR D 'If • iirt:SWoo . Wellington Sta,, Ter: 'EMpire. 2-2911 tittlithitreniV Saint John dadirt tOrSda i* WISSipiti• EdlaiiiirO6 • • Vatitalittar • •-• Bird That Squirts Smelly Oil .11 Ar • idler SvIaIls. "1 .61.1fferCtl ,I1 OCilit'S! et hands which should here given me tenderness." Yet the day caine when an old aunt of the Chemrends, Madame dii Deffinid, spotted .her plight end sugeested that `Rine, should come and Jive with her, The old. lady occupied cnly a t(tt of sparsely furnished climbers in a convent, ,Tulle, however, vastly preferred the cloister to the cruel , realities of Charnrond. She leapt at the opportunity of escape---and so set in motion dis- tant forces that were to unlock the golden doors of life and love. Julie was in her twenties be- fore she exchanged Chamrond for the convent of St, Joseph in Paris: Ter ten years old Madame Deffancl inexorably, held her in jealous bondage. In the old days Madame had been a wit of renown .and social- ites still visited her to -hear those pearls of shremid Malice for which she was famed. BUt the younger set founclfaSolie incom- parably better company, In that literary, letter-Writing world, Julie de Lespinasse soon gained some celebrity of her own. Friends contrived a small Court allowance, sufficient to , establish her in her own red- and-gold apartment, ImpAleFtry Julie found herself dreaming._ of aiemarriag,e that might bring her happiness and social ease,.... Then she 'n'al"Ire:4Tilififtletaite; dark-eyed Marquis, ede Mora. 7-Surely he was the'l'iratit'' IIe was -,thataaolclier sort ,of the Spanish ethy tasop.„elor, ridh; tocratic and`his first acquaint-"` anee with Mfg REpened -ivithiti weeks into' 'patsionateelove; For , Julie, too, .the adoration .of ,the pale, romantic Spaniard unfolded a new world of caresses and wonderment, — Yet he was a mer,el boy of only , twenty-three and.., she was al- ready a maturing woman of"'' nearly th'ir'ty-four, Julie longed- to know the secret that burned• beneath his glittering eyes. Not, long ago, she learned, his girl- wife had died in his,.arms while giving him a son. This was ,t0 tragedy that her love had pow- er to allay. While Patio litirrimed• round''" them beyond the red curtains, he--- begged her to marry him. Ten- derly Jitilie.,,aseen,ted, 4 but„. eA at the mere whiep eof an en- gagement his faintly 'Wasi e up in arint-''' What,'""the- 'marriage-•' of -the • Marquisetlee.Mora, -scion„..ef, ,one of the greatest„houses, of Spain, to a woman,„pf doubtful ten years his senior, socially non existent! te'iraae untlainkgble:- ee Whefreolde 'hands ., hold « 4 th purse-strings;, young .love .can be e, checked. The ambassador ,found- it simple* to arrange' oraers his son to rejoin'-his''rdgiinent,' Mora was pabledict 'back ...tn. 'Spain. But' the young •inan • himself had hia.cards to play., One night when Julie was scribbling her ardour for him in letter, she heard his voice. He was, at the door : : he had returned she was in his arms! Thee e 46tinvec&rruiiithsebfrerapma turous happiness. As time length- ened Julie's heart seemed empty whenever he was absent. But in his arms her life was richly ful- filled, Yet sometimes Mora w a s strangely flushed, racked by a tearing cough., The crisis of love drew near, He fell ill and" the ,' doctors diagnosed tuberculosis. Only his immediate return to the sunshine of Spain, they urged, could save his life. Family ptessure ensured that Julie did not accompany him south. Separation, the family still loped, would efface her image. Frenzied were the letters that .passed between the two lovers, "Every circumstance, every event is against me," Julie Moped, But, at the height of love, is it possible to • love afresh? Though she scarcely knew it,, Julie was already losing het heart to an- other man! Six weeks before Mora left Paris she met the C o ni 1 e, Jacques de Guibert at a garden party. He, too, was ten years her junior. He .114.41 el*Yel. and cherished a hope that some , of Suite's theatrical friends might be able to help hit' with the production. Into his ears, hew- ever, She was soon pouring the confession of her unhappiness. , Dazzled by ,her, cle Guibert forgot about his play. And •Julie, wondering whether Mora would ever return, found herself writ, .i lag love-letters of equal inten- sity to the two men at once, One night do Guibert took her to the opera. Iii the satin dtisk, behind the locked doors of private box, he took het in his arms arid Pleeded ressionately with her, Next day she was In an ::!foray of retnelle. "The crime' of a MO- ment has ruined my whole life,' she wrote. She did not know that Mora he'd set out taii a last agonizing. journey to Meet her. In hit lure', bering coaeli„ through the Menne bills from Madrid, lie scribbled letters to her ,at every stage ..Of the journey,. But weeks Passed 'before the. news arrived,, At Bordeatix totild tteVel farther. A Mel haeinietthege be- SAL.ESMTAN WANTED"' State Of .Louisi.c.ma • py truth about the way his rola,. tines were killed, or how he manipulates .elnirch grotip what etrernes he would use to be governor? What kind et official rewrites the laws eg,,nler4p, health and claims he's not sick T'fl1d.. then calls in psychiatrists Id' "eat him? What kind of toiddle age is• it • that finds itself preOcetipied with children any children - and suddenly after 27 years de- eides .he's-geingNe •divorce his-- wife, who has borne him no chil- dren to perpetuate the fame; fortune and fable' of the name of Long? But in the light of history, Earl is no "Kingfish" like .Huey, powerful founder of the dynasty. Goy, Huey was on the verge of reaching out for the White House, via a third party threat, when he was shbt down by an. assassin in 1935. "This is no longer a politician," 'one doctor said, "And no long- 'er an official or mature indi- vidual. "This is a human individual who has had enough of the pre-, BUSINESS pitopptriEs FOR SALE FOR.sale Grocery Store carrying full line,Living quarters, Cities Service g4s, station. One acre corner lot 14 the best tobacco. Write for particulars to peere, XL N. 2, Port Marvell, Oa, AGefire ,%ataaNreo e-e• FAiiN Caw] ,infeyeur -spare moo, Just show- your friends our Christmas and All•Oecesion Greeting Cards lincloeing SlationerY. DUO. Write _CO samoies Colonial Card - 140 map. queon Fast Toronto 2. E.TRA. Mati3Ortler Dealers- wanted. 4:ypercentage, .LU'ea, no'stock. sttt orit done .5( home, by .mail .Only,gist) •, b r tug age, 0. I renettc, Mini-Order House,. liox 181, Sorel, Que.- INSTRUCTION The Real Sad Dy" WAIt!) VANNE NEA Staff Correspondent New Orleans - Contrary to what we 'have bean told officially in meaningless words like "nervous breakdown small stroke , , heart con- dition . OVerWorla," Louisi- ana's Gov, Earl Long is actually', Driven frantic by the tow- ering angers and fears that often beset members of a dynasty. 2. Mentally damaged to a considerable extent - with fur- ther damage likely at any mo- ment. 3. Physically on the edge of death. In short, the elected executive of "Sportsman's Paradise" is "almost completely out of con- trol - and cure is virtually im- possible." This is the real diagnosis of Long, made after examinations in three hospitals by scores of doctors and technicians and ma- plained to me by , professional people who could lose their jobs if their names were attached to the truth. • Some of them .will beet fired EAR ShorthandOkening Salearnan. ship, Typewriting, etc, Lea sons 505, Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto. SALESMEN pLIE to expansion. In ells' soles volume wp require salesmen to call on-livestoc16, „feeders and dairy farmers. Selling -tap. perience not necessary bet R1lOwledgli of livestock essential. Training by our representativea in the field. Group lift insurance and A.61.$. plus Blue Cross tei supplement Ontario Hospital Plan. Writet to J, L. lienneSsY, Sales Manager-Intet•f national. Stock .F.990 CO., Ltd., Toronto. SITUATIONS VACANT MALE, OR FEMALE EARN 5640 or more at ho in spare time representing Canada's finest Children's Camp and Ranch. Establish-ed 25 years, Information; ',WildwOod't Vaudretiil, Quebec. -•«• MACHINERY FOR SALE ONE. Dion Thresher nearly new on rnbber, shredder, grain thrower, priced reasonably, Used privately, Apply Ted Tennant, Feversharn, Phone 23 It 13. :MALE HELP WANTED STAMPS AND COINS WANTED; Experienced Stope Runners, Timbermen and Mucking Machine Op. erators, Rate $1,86 Per hour plus bonus, Medical and Insurance Plan. Room and board $2,50 per day. Limited Housing available in area. Apply giving full details, experience, and references to; Canadian Dyno. Mines Limited, R,R. No, 3, Bancroft, Ontario, NEW 1909 C.S. Canada, catalogue now ready; send 200 to cover cost. New Way Stamp, Lawrence 16, Mass. A DREAM RAINBOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beautiful collection, sports, flowers, animals, etc., more than 318 diff erent stamps, Satisfaction for everybody. All that for only 24. With our beautiful stamps on approval. Faro Stamp Co., Dept, W,, Stoneham Co., Q u e b e C. (A.S.D.A. - MEDICAL GOOD RESULTS - EVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG. STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect SUMMER RESORTS NERVOUS TENSION, SLEEPLESSNESS? TRY Swiss. Nerve Tonic PASSIT, made exclusively of herbal extracts. Bottles 1,15, 2.00, special price for giant size 18 ozs. 3.60 postpaid. Swiss Herbal Remedie,s, 479 Queen St. W., Toronto, Ont. EDWARDS Island Inn, on famous Pick-erel River. Housekeeping cottages/ sandy beaches, fishing. Write Edward Simms, Port Loring, Ontario, YOUR' HOLIDAYS AT LE MONTCLAIR MOST outstanding resort at famed. Ste.-Adele; Quebec. Swimming Pool, Tennis Riding, Golf, Bowling, Movies, Derteini, to Orchestra. Famous for Food', WRITE, FOR FOLDER: H. R. Couillard, Le Montclair, Ste,..Adele, Que. z POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 'BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes .and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to stainless °dories ointment regardl sa' of bow stubborn or ,hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free en Receipt of Price ',PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN «. • Curred. FrOm hisTiger they took a -ring'''Sulie had given him. It " Was just ten daysaelter, the night of betrayal ,attheeepera, Julie threwI4rself frantiCally " into the love" affair With de Gui- bert,.but theireeiitalile Nemesis was near. Withirfea-few months ,,the Comte; . married . another woman, and ;Julie turned to opi- . um to' smother regrets she could 'never hope to shied."' She died stilh-clasping Morals- last letter, the,,, letter he had written from Bordeaux exactly • a year bete:T.54 -How Can If Anne .policy • Q. How caerirvoid' Unsightly-• - blotches of white- starchi on, daik-tolored- clothes?' A. By tinting xour starch solu- .tion before using it. Use tea or ' coffee for brWics, blues, or yciir -tan ette colinner-. cial dyes. - • --- 9. What - Is a good substitute -for toothp'aster•*-- A. A half-and-half, mixture, ,eaf ',baking 'soda and salt makes a fine cleanser for your "ivories." - CCHow can I, when painting outdoors, avoid having insects land on my fresh paint job and stick there? A, Add`a -little oil of winter- green or oil of citronella to your - paint, about one:-,.tablespoon 4)9' ,, gallon. This will repel the bugs, zwillvzot3Affectahe„,J.e,,s7m ,,' ture of your paint. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 'SCHOOL "' Great Opporiiiiii&Y it Learn Hairdressing ' Pleasant, dignified profession; good :wages. Thousands ersticcessful r Marvel Graduates America's Greatest .System. Illustrated Catalogue Free , '' News that astronomers aim many parts of the world will be paying special .attention„tblis. summer to Jupiter and Venus in the hope of probing some of theirzeseerets--- recalls a little:, known story of the great scien- tistreProfessore-AlbeataaEinsteisaae whose theory or relativity made him world-famous. Einstein once attended a par- ty at the country home of an American society hostess and after dinner joined her in a stroll through the garden. "Look how brilliant Jupiter is tonight!" exclaimed Einstein's hostess, pointing upwardsee "That'Saiet egunitAr, efrardainia Einstein corrected her.'aThat'S Venus." "Oh, doctor, how wonderfull", she replied. "You know their'" sex!" When Kinstein's wife „„Onee. visited the Mount Wilsoli On- tie servatory, California, she was shown the gigantic 100-inch telescope with all its elaborate equipment. After marvelling at it, she asked: "What is it used for? "They told her that one of the main purposes was to find out the shape of the uni- verse. "Oh," said" Mrs. Einstein, "my husband does that on the back of an old envelope." Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING ECKOOL 356 Bloor St. W., Toronto • GOV:ITEARL . a human individual who has had • - enough of the pressures on him." ' Branches: 44 King St„ W., Hamilton -'72 Rideau Street, OttaWat anyway simply because .-names ,,appear-her.e.;:1311..t, nationally-known Louisiana doc- tor told me: PET STOCK CARNARVON TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA REQUIRES,- A:QUALIFIED: l'EACH411. FOR THEIR NO. 2 SCHOOL 'iRLIIIIIIALY. lir-PUPILS GRADES 1 THROUGH Also - ' NO. 6 TWO-ROOM SCHOOL IN T A QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR TI19 VILLAGE' OF PROVIDENCE SA „ GRADES 5, 6, 7, 8. 'SEND applicitions to: A. C. BEAUDIN PROVIDENCE BAy,.ONT, rirnsby - Beach A wonderful opportunity to secure some 'outstanding 3ULLDOG PUPS SIRED BY OUR IMPORTED STUDS VCE,‘-may visit our kennels without obligation any day of the.wF„Is,„Ais th,ey, are open to the public. .' ' KAMEL KENNELS (REG/D)z,tt:; AURIC FARMS 285 CENTRE ST. THORNHILL, ONT. 400 YDS. WEST OP YONGE AT STOPLIGHTS PARK' SCH OOL REQUIRED SEPTEMBER 1ST, 1t35 ,TEAPtIER-GRADE. ONE, MINIMUM SALARY $33000 ALLOWANCE experience ;$1 yet- jxto year to 5 years. P R icate $100 extra, ANNUAL increase to 5 years $200, 'then 4.ppe. ;to .pre,sent maximum $5,000. " APPLY GARNHAM, SEC..TREAS. " BOX 1574; GRIMSBy,,BEActk ONT. PHOTOGRAPHY- SAVE I SAVE ! AVE I Films developed and' 12 magna prints In album 60t 2 magna prints In album'401 Reprints 5d each KODACOLOR '`Ife'veloping roll $1,00 (not including prints). Color prints 355 each extra, Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm, $O posures mounted in slides $1,25"Color , prints from slides 350 each. Money refunded in full for unprinted nega-,„, tivcs. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT. ONT, "It's a real relief to get this story off my chest. If the gov- ernor wants to hide ItOriii the facts, that's one thing. But the people of this state have the right to know." His honesty - and that of his colleagues' - is not ,shared wide- ly in the State. Many scholars• who have intimate understand- ing of this fantastic case play it safe by refusing- to talk, "You can understand my po- sition," you hear 'again and agalh. FOr in thit state, the half-light of half - reason is accepted as "the way things are." Long him- self is accepted as both the law and its defiance, And more often than not, the shrug has replaced shame and righteous indignation. Strangely, psychiatrists tell me, Long had been diagnosing himself in public ever since his dramatic outbursts in the legis- lature in early May. What kind of politician,' the doctors. ask, exposes the unhap- YOU CAN SLEEP TO-NIGHT AND RELIEVE NERVOUSNESS It TO-MORROW, DRIVE-- WITH CAREL... Q. How can I sharpest a knife? A. Fold a piece of emery paper in -.the center and draw the •knifeblade back and forth several.times inside this. Q. Do you know of a quick and easy method of purifying One's breath? A. Try sticking on a lemon, following this with a good drink of cold water, Q. How can I easily remove grass stains from clothing? A. These stains can often be removed with ammonia and water. SEDICIN tablets token according le directions is a sofa way to induce steep sr quiet the nerves when tense. $1,00-$4.95 \I Drug Stores Oatyl • V dligeftet''WEAFIONI HeGIVyWelralli...blitirti1310),_ of thi .,'world Ingerricir johcinsson ditplays his secret the fist which floored Floyd Patterson.