HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-07-16, Page 5CLA..$5.jk.1 .. 0. ADS l-Ori SALE — lied $116{ieti Pallets, 5 months Starting to lay. Lealle Lake Phone 500.5 FOR SALE. .t•nternational 'ATV:icor; Iuteruat • ional Oreata Separator, Ellectrie. in good QOM.111104, Phone 35r4 FARM POR SALE 48 sere farm for good houae, barn, henheuee. garage at road. Priced reasonable for gelid( sale. I Phone 23r8 Brussels A ••••,.';'#' • FROM CANADIAN NATIONAL .. . fast modern travel by RAILINER between Guelph, Owen Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with connections for Toronto and London. Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed in gleaming stainless steel. Forget about traffic strain, parking worries—con- sult your local CNR agent for the convenient Railiner schedules. BY TRAM' DIAN NATIONAL 7-9-43 TENDER FOR HEATING Sealed tenders for the supply of fuel oil for the Huron CounW Home, Clinton, will be received by the undersigned until Monday, July 20, 1959, at 5:00 p.m. Tenders are to be seale4 and clearly marked as to contents. Specifications for fuel oil are as fellows: "No. 6 oh, viscosity between 400 and 600 Saybolt Unite. Complete specifications to be supplied with each tender?, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House, Goderich, ontarlo — :<,,m'abmies..menues,s. • • i• S. • !r. Tlint ellt4/6111611 POOP 'I" 1.40/.., 10:2 TENDER FOR HEATING Sealed tenders for the supply of fuel all for the Huron County Court House, Goderich, and the Huron County Registry Office,', Goderich, Will be received ny the undersigned, until 'Monday, July 20, 1958, at 5.00 p, m, jIIM 1114, AN" APPTION SALE Auction Sale of Property and ,,Household *Effects The estate „of the „late Ella Kerr " Albert. Street, Brussels SATURDAY, ,AUG, ist at 1 Pan,. Articles listed in next week's issue Wesley Kerr., Administrator, Harold Jackson — Auctioneer TENDERS WANTED Tenders. will be leceptell by tillA l4rlderell43.1C4 until Sept. let, 10,59, for ,caretaking the Melville Presby, leriatt 011urch, Brussels. Applidente to state salary 'expected. Duties to commence.Oct. 1st, 19,59, and ja, fOrtrAtion, as to duties can be okr talnw.cr.. Ircirornn, Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked as to contents. Tenders may be for each of the above or they may be combined. Into one tender, Specifications for fuel oil are as follows: gihio. 2 light industrial fuel oil" Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. a ?• CUSTOM vvH 1 7E-WASHINc1 AND DISINFEOTING Big or molt jobs; aiiie, !nig fit Chrbola Spraying. Satinflorlan guaranteed. Phone .4205 I Lloyd Wener FOR SALE -- S -weet Or Mii,ntra. tatrta" ('Iii 'Fies now Bring container and! °paten"( ynflY. t7oa,n, if You wish, pr we j y 20 lb. pails of same, tf youcare to order same in advance. Govenlock Fruit Farm 34, mile North of Forest On 21 Highway JOHN G. BERRY " Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court House, Goderich, Ontario NOTICE IC CREDITORS In the Estate or Robert • John Forrest A LL PE ort S ONS having elai ins against • the estate ,af the above pained, late of the Township of Morris in the County of ;Elam, retired farmer, ,wthe died on or about the 9th daY of May, 1959, are required to file Proof of same with. the Andorsigned on or Wore the 8th day or August, 1,959. After that date the Executor Will proceed to distribute the estate r h g regard ,only to the claims of .whieh be then has had notice. DATI3D, at 13r;vsels, this 14th day of Jolly A, D. 1959, Crawford and Hetherington Barristers & c., Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the ,Executor. FOR SALE Need storm A/Inflows Before You Buy let Jeanne Homes Ltd. give you on ellitimeta on Aluminum self storing windows- No Obligation Phone Seatorts sW WANTED — Old Colored CxIils4, ,;amps, Or ,Pine or Cherry Furniture* Guns, Toilet Sets. M. A. Fraser, Phone 1.9r8 SALES and SERVICE On All Makes sewing Machines Vacuum Cleaners Floor Polishers Reasonable Price, G'uairanteed Workmanship. Brussels Home Furnishings Phone 194 Brussels TENDERS WANTED The Grey 'Twp, School Area Board will receive tenders up to August 3, for supplying furnace oil for the next school year to schools No. 9, 4 (Molesworth) and U12, Lowest or any tender not neces- sexily accepted. • For further pa•rtienlers contact. the • r1,,I.irrhan, Mir, Harry Bolger, . ire P.:,crptary 1\11rman .5. Ifoover, SeeY., .3, Brussels • CAR BUYERS Before you bit&- your new or late 'model used car see us about our Low Cost Financing 3errice- Available for either Dealer or Private Sales. GLENN RONNENSERa General Insurance Monator — Phone 663Rei Brussels Phone 247 Tuesday and FrIder FOR SALE — Don't tr,-.$11; yr,hr h See the Merry Tiller orl ra,... MO't r1.1ge'Pcl , efficient; deear't kill -vr...rrs how cost, Lovell McGuire, WIng,lam Phone 593 or visit the shop for demonstration. TENDERS WANTED The Grey ,Twp. School Area Board will receive tenders up to August 3, for the transporting of 16 pupils from the 16th concession •of Grey Twn• to the 'U. S. S. 12 school. Ve- hicle to comply with all department regtalations. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Norman S. Hoover, B. R. 3. Brussels FUK SALE. — Giving Up Farming Selling 51/2 months old Registered 'Landrace $60 and one Boar $50. Top quality bloodlines; also 'Electric Fence; 1042 Colony House Helen Lent (formerly Fowler) 9th Con. C,rey Twp. Phone Brussels 33110 FOR SALE — 100 acres excellent farm land 2.1h miles from Brussels Ont. All work- able, 25 acres in oats, 19 acres in corn, balance in hay and pasture. Painted barn which will handle 90 heaid of stock. New ,14 ft. by 45 ft. Silo, Large metal drive sled and hen house for MO hens. Good fences. 500 hales of new hay and 19 acres of corn included in sale price. Adjustment to be made for 29 acted In oats. Good 7 room house with bathroom; near nubile S011ord. Never failing drilled well with pressure system. Natal' and hydro Metalled In Tfortioe and Barn. S3'0100,00 will handle this with balance on Pirsti mortgage at 6%. Immediate possession,. If required an addit• tonal 100 acres of grass farlin with 35 acres of good hardwood bush, well fenced with never failing Watet supply may be purchased with $1000.00 clown and be:lattice at 5%. Alexander and Chapman — Realtors. "Bank of COmmeirce Building, Goderich. Ont., Phone 268 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" simply srunciat breeding sent% for all breeds el cattle. If phoning long distance, shindy ask ter -- Clinton Zenith 04050 or PaInteiston Zenith 5-5140. It ft is a total esd me our regular number -- CMOs Z V 2-3441 or P1111111.11.011 MM. VW service or store tetorinAto, eftdl between:— Tie sad DA A. M. week date. SAO sad 1.00 P. M. Set. =day wales% VW 00,0 Dotted In beat on gesiday Morning, do net call until Monday morning. Tbe TENDER FOR HEATING Sealed tenders for the supply of coal for the HurIon County Jail Qederloh, will be received by the undersigned until Komi% July go, 1959, at 5.00 p.m. Tenders are to be sealed and clearly marked ' as to contents. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY Clerk-Treasurer County of Huron Court. House, Goderich, Ontario, ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS is ALL MAKES GUARANTEED ,sinvicit itleetiloal Wiring Contractor 4.4IVAL HARRISON CHEVROLET GIVES YOU OVER ANY CAR IN ITS FIELD ONE OF THE 7 BIG BESTS in its price class". You'll be able to tell this yourself instantly . try a Chevrolet ride at your Chevrolet dealer's today! BEST TRADE-IN ,‘ The expert who can prove this to you is yo Chevrolet dealer. Check him tciday. Yea find that Chevrolet's extra value and (Mali niean a big, big return on your money at trade-in time. And your Chevrolet dealer cafi show you a long list of other Chevy advan‘ tages, besides these 7 big ones . .. be sate to visit him today! "National Anotiatipo for Stock Car Advancernini and Rossarch. MatOn.iotica clianklacturari' A:Iodation. mom ingg BEST ROOM Interior dimensions reported to A.M.A,* make this abundantly clear. For instance Chevrolet's front seat hip-room is as much as 5.7 inches wider than a major competitor. BEST ENGINE Every motor magazine has given Chevrolet's standard and Corvette V8's unstinted praise. As SPORTS CAR ILLUSTRATED puts In "Indeed this deVice is surely the most won- derfully responsive engine available today at any pricer BEST RIDE MOTOR TREND magazine calls Chevy . "the sthoothest, most quiet, softest riding car Other cars claim gas economy , Chest- relet,delivert it. That was Proved beyond all argument by this year's Mobilgas alba- dmy Run, A pair of Chevrolet Sixes Walked away with the first two places and thd winning mileage was a whopping 26,84the best Of any full-size earl And that'S just the start of CheVrOlet'a ex- tie No doiiipetitive car near Chevy's price gives you all these bests , . just see what the experts say! BEST STYLE Chevrolet is the oar that's unmistakably Modern in every, flowing line! POPULAR SCIENCE magazine has this to its price class a new high in dating Styling". BEST` BRAKES didvebidt proved its superiority in direct teal, petitiye tests edified out by NASCAll**, In repeated stops frorn high speed, Chevrolet out-stopped the other leading low-priced Oats 'Waled by a Wide, safe Margot Proof PdaitiVii that you're far safer iii Chevrolets And Chair. toles SafetY-Mititer brakes Save you money on replacements' ..• . last 66% Wager, Village of Brussels Re DOG PROCLAMATION Ir view of the disregard by the general. public of the PieciainatIOn hiatied by the Village COunoili, re the Cerviiiieritint, 61, slogai and the fact that they arc eat to run at liege at any !bilk NIAGARA Cycle , Massage ItelieVes pain of Ooze or *tiff Nervous tensions: Pratte blood eliMilatIOn. Sleep better better: Get the facts mall tOdti*: NIAGARA ettto :MASOA6c itt *its St.; Sttatford. Ont.., Vienne send the without 'Cost 00' tdillgatieti, your booklet de- Mitgatie 6306 tsmite, Name ii" ...... Street 1*.nni. the 660.1141i feels that charges must. be laid under this BYtetik,-zg?.1 Any owner or harbourer of a dog 'who allows '` ,1,00;•: It to run at large can be summoned intO Court. The fine in a case of this kind could be 050.011 and coats; Make Sure YOU Get`The Most For Your Money — VISA Your Local Authorized Chevrolet . ..hlaCtitchionMotots Ltd.- Brussels 'The Grinnell and myself would eek all eittzent:•otitriot*It to. 'COMO* • With the iome and air Otti the dottedatiendei. • •b. 1-fikettodd, Chief 'of r►0ltcty'