HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-07-16, Page 3e • I .1 t 7, 4 .`o:larvir Whal4K, 0,11j5•J&`,,e-74,,, , . • . F.-1 se'Cond`tinie. Mier They ing happily together. Mothers-in-law can sometimes cause trouble, even between —newlyweels.'aut in one instance this trouble started on the first night of the honeymoon, The bride's mother camp too — and firrnier iteSestecythpt,-she intended ,sleeping with Aer,dayghter, nveve ,alwity•:-''slept together since she was. a little ,girl,," she .1,014 the astonished groom, "And We're Dot -going to be parted nowi" „, That marriage also ended disastrously, forr.nlY. ILlP., ef an inch thick. it boinO;tfalteMitie ;front. of the .014 Ni/?..1-414:411;331.1W tIie).?;•feli: it is about 3 inches. Dr, Jensen said it may be related ,in some way tit3'tlie N7,1-litifefi.runUsUtrkahi* ity to 'gti. VOV'ileeP end, yeltlee, stand !presss res,. that would 'kill an ordinTryf 'Min-anal ' Depite these 'tliScOV4:les, Pr. jculs'l 111'1 IP 0 41,Dgi!ar 44)''f iliiig sgocific...•.4We are doing basic re,, 11 Searc.:11A' e-Said, •"to gain a' littitcf, mor,k_tin ,erstandirVf th4 eci plex,P.Aes of the butte)l nraih o , 0.--..„ ,,, ..: ' Those Range Riders . Ride ForDough! DRIVE WITH CARE CARNEGIE MEDAL FOR HEROINE - Shirley O'Neill, left, coun- , sehor with a San Francisco children's youth organization, will receive the Carnegie silver medal for heroism. Her feat! pulling, a companion, mortally wounded byciPsherOoffelle San Francisco coast, to shore. With the medategoes al $750 cash award, • ' lx"P 3,4 bride. Aroused by the scream, she had rushed in from next clodi% entered ire -*Wing bedroom . took a lot of explaining Brides can also„n.t* mistakes, on their vedding night, 1Whep a couple went to register ..301 hotel, the ovee-excitede bride seeized the pen' -first and' signed with her maiden That little -error took a bit -o smoothing peer," tocelt was some time, before„,the,.desk clerk was convinced that they were really man' and wife, Another bride also had good cause to be indignarit. Her hus- band spent half the night prais. ing the Virtues; and attractions of a previous.' 'girl friend, geee- tually, the angry bride rebelled, bundled the tactless bride- groom out of the room ,and 'lock- ed the door, He sought refugeein the bathroom, ernergingl , next, morning cold, miserable and considerably chastened. During their seaside horsey moon one brtcle,,mel, an flame. Shp greeted lum ly, and he was eqUallY" °en,- thhsiastic, Soon they were„go-,,,,, ing everywhere togetlyr; leay ing the wretched'' A / • t•g, . t ve , 6atvz. Anctmws. r •pws 7"'`rirrAik • • - ToUL (? e 1-ft-ct— CHAuMowr 5, .444v; tit Here is an onion recipe that greased baking sheet, Bake in a' came originally from Southern moderate over (350° F.) 10 to 12 Europe, but I think you'll find minutes. Remove from bakingt " sheet while still warm. makes 3r 't Cape flying and sword flash- ing, Zori'o swashbuckled through a Salt Lake City amusement park...The. Aisco Kid galloped through a Billings, Mont., horse Show while ,his,,,faithful sidekick, Pancho,'Sold groceries and hand- ed. out autographs ,in a Benton IfarboA.-Mieh., 'supermarket. Bat Mastertson's cane twirled at a. - Logan, '11tali, 'dairy festival, These and a dozen other as- sorted heroes of the TV screen are enriching not only their own saddlebags but also the coffers :fir" t iitinlaronisersod epartmentht.,- stores, fairs, shows, and amuse- ment parks. A local amusement park and dairy, for instance, paid $2,000 to bring. Guy Williams -a3t La.k4Q44 7.;Lith,.1us„Z4rro.,„. mask and mustache. For their money, they got six minutes of Zorro's swordplay plus twenty minutes of passing out photo- graphs. The dairy cashed in when 6,000 children and 2,000 "grown-up Western fanS"lpought its products and used the' wrap- ,pers and bottle tops ford admis- sion tickets; the :amusement dozen cookies. Note: Store in a tightly cover- container. cw * *`BATE SQUARES butter ing sugar s 2 tablespoons sifted twice the usual number?of,auto- A mobiles packed its parking lots. Poodle. In Bed! Groom On, Floor' jt.,4%.•;tnsooll./11..e:11.)iirswtoen.wig,!i)welief,eit9Inhealeho,' clarlint'?1%.„1(.1,.,the -bridgtTom, afar c...e.thelifs. 1414-settled in their°t!'14rgteL "17X just r.r3..arifathe But 4tis•JWalf.i.legt. ''.41.01-rstriggbe- loge) txk,cretu4ric.d,,ie .haggard and frarit,i,9frAigune t , tie, ha IIM" Plgt,OXIIPT ..,g040,4: the name. and addreps..,Of ,.the. hotel; a"ncl...,even- tually rtitized Olt in the car, while his worried bride' spe7fifi. an. an- • xicrvsnin'd loiSerable ,nightealoriel A flied rstaxOtor ifoneyinooa, • sbiumtiri41.144cro, When,• American • couple wen, on their „honeyrnoieq.ilthe bride insisted„' bringing 'her p4t". poOdlbr.9ter'eln`ebanti-didirt- 'erniefd that ete'llneeli,' but Ifettlicl objectr.,,When hisebridie took the :t;et ..0911A tAlcg- He did 'but the, marriage was 'disTOIVedc' Talk." Pier, wgiden -"V3.9.0 'gilt the jeltikeervehet -treedethei'ciee'e 'That t they wo.rnten ,pref,eislythekreleee to ee4e.P. ,4Pbancl,'•':eteriet - • .-'.r.N.404 bridegroom eleekehis • , bride, to uneeek,,,, „Apt in a few eninutes„" he whispered, `"'te'ride$13,.. TwiFt137.:Vairititeg"iftrter elimbeIrithstartoladltiade his"tv .7.14gYictot6M,441';*.titIttcltt„.4..,.;w4h:a.A.rtii:ht,orti°14a,;g1ts4k111'wvanah'cis. But lie 4,5oUifi,.4ea;" some ody breathing the ber un- dressed Ole trft-Se the .,bec1214hes.. Immediately • there was a scream i,of-cterirom,13...eglizing that something, ips,...wcong,„.the, startl- ed bridegroom... bol,ted. ,,As. .. he ee I"' • SW1TZ. o 0.1` NATO PULL-OUT? - Newsmap spotsApeoFrench cities (X's) ri3;4/AereVATO fighter - bomber squadrons are stationed. Gen. Souris Norstad,,,,,NATO come 101.„cintlei, has tiirened to pull out 200 jets InViie* of France's refusal to aeceietni.S. nuclear „ .we ens stockpiles without be- ,ing given full coeirol over their •AN use. , wretched'' -4, elf ftitning bridegroom on his own'. At last he asserted"AilraelfP odds r and there was a flarniV rove White-faced, her VesIlitter- ' ing with rage,vtlie bititieToielat her wedding-ring and 4infledrit in her husband's face:.1`It'lliat'S the sort of jealous creature you are," she snapped thromg114 with you!" A few hours' later she and her lover disappeared' — and the next time the three met was "ii.V-,the&di.VOrce`, Another didn't have that result, but easily have done- sO.'The "morn= ing following the wedding,' the bride ran home, to her, mother,, reached the door it '0,41 ?Ring and, despite her -husband's fran-- n sugar, firmly •eifaeii; Trierligifft'Iticedified in tin *pleas, refused-to- return;-'B from theveortido&Otitgirde In iberi"IdeerWayll7itciolf his thirty-fiYe...Xeats_later-they_rnet. _ 1.154tr' tinirfairet-Ttirtree' '1'h° ,vialle's brain, a ponderous, w !nu tr,sliaP ad „ rated with.' gray-white Valleyk• am' as, (Mt W41.1d Oen more closely.• tbut0004.4ighkeY'S e,,..l'IQUS)).; Flax {Rai qipinist ,^ salt 1C antsn.??..4.10ve 49w it diff e rs frarinbellVlanbtan.? and what the similarities pro.' Illi;larePIDOOO to tyedelbh§.6111 o Pititon-oh-Htidaon, bLY., last 1)r; Arthiir"V. Jonsenrassist- ant dean and associate professor of anatomy at New York Medi- cal College-, wished he could get a whale's brain for study. Dr. Jensen's request was for• warded to Dr. David Hummel, a Swedish doctor setting off from Tonsberg, Norway, as ship's sur- geon on the whaling factory skip Pelages for the hunt in the Ant- arctic seas. There, Dr. Humble!) despite" his 65 years, the blood-slippery decks, and the freezing tempea,- tures, managed to find lulls in the frantic pace of killing and rendering as many as 36 whales a day. He had the meat cutters mounns of flesh and bones as big as tree trunks to remove three whale brains, which he packed in wooden barrels in formalde- hyde solution. Last month, '1)1: Sehre"iii'PF7 ceived Dr. Hummel's whale brains. Two of them, weighing about 15 pounds, were the brains of 65-fOot fin whales, and one the 13-pound brain of a 52-foot sei whale. A human brain he is using in comparison weighs pounds. Dr. Jensete-ifoterlatiert-. characteristics,:k The rhinencephalan of, tide:fins whales bralkwas.compatailvefy Park, for its part, reported that veryinic*.gi,41eitOWthat of mAnS 10P4eki Oni. '4:)r• Jensen said, `imeahs '$melt Zorro and seventeen other TV in Gr'eit.''Alhig ,Ohetoes are all part of the stable been; found, Ito ;fie::'itivnlveil not witittWian'i'polfactOry sense bUtivith'..toiffeMing;fai• more im- portant;t1i!.'n#00!'emotion." `an lowe'rlAkf.ebraVS.Ahe mceh- anism which pis vsnally highly developedOintrols 'an" acute sense of smelt, and the whale, like other sea: animals,' might be expected to depend-on his sense of smell. Jensen's observation May alter'this..,View. till mammals have 'a dtira *ter, a tough membrane that covers and protects the brain: do hinnans this' membrane Is uni:" a Meiital Illness • ;'• ;:7 • • •.1f ,Johnny,,,,can'ft -Read, It -.couldMean' , • , ThItrIfectr,Headed for tf eggs;Vetell beaten e*P'ecite- baking powder 'go ctepc ped dates 1/4:ieasiiem vanilla 1V.i'OsipS-'"(abbut) flaked coconut Crcain„hUtter, gradually add, the ' ,icing-' sugar, mixing well. Combine •k cup of the flour with. ,• the creamed mixture. Place mix- -'-'-' i ',''34, ''' ' .'', -C.:7 . 7.45P ' :W}ig trotIbjea pr.,Y„ollgs.most about ells setteetecitiArthat doc- tors are. lhavint to spend valu- ableetifne with kids"--"who ,;don't don't prove that most poor`rett&-- need a psychiatrist. , .x.; essf wjll turn rout to be4mental„ly ,.. da y get a lot Of leidelthese alsfifVt'k 1:6K;01.0441:"! ';-1!1';:lc:;,; don, he says, ''Veffeiri not To get the answer, a tle'a'reeeet , •cListelet.ied but disturbing. lerhen specialistsedirected byeUeSe plebe, ,Yer,U examine them, it's heed to • ter. Hsttiltehz.'1'17S,eiv.yoiciieesi,P,sitelihel4rinfaite,. -find evidence of a clear cuhnene tal disease" ,4 ,. 4 track „44,,,e4e. gelektrsaeOseese .--:. ::-IT'it,,believes Many "Of ..ithese .1000'' :M e r ii 1'61. chyotingsterg;:J .1a1.4Ten could, be h4010 just These kids'. eliveetin ',thee Sara. • at ••effectively by -social Avorkeri 1 of poor readers are delinquents • throughout their school careers . ersAeeTheeyeeefill ibee,,greduatede,1 ,11eida-, "Apmetimes t' t heir par- from 'high school in '1961. ` ants whoneed the treatment," whose afflictions stem from' '" hap- patients seeking' help it one of ' triAst,sp. H. s* more. time, to treat patients : - the biggest problems of psychia- basis,•esuchiabticneiciiilarhoe,.2,.., other; causes. For finding enough e time ete treat the thousands of ' tremendous effect In reducing dren. It should give psychiatrists the number of disturbed chit- investigation in an effort ,to ,find and eliminate the hidden tors plan to launch a community or have mental afflictions, doc- tors records. If the majority reading tests they have taken will be complared with their be- cOtnitYeeViiiiellelfediffahlitihip.e". and= child welfare experts who ped the location of$81ifTeed:,. specialize in helping ..peRblent When- applied on a nationwide s,tai At that time scores on the Cause, ,Usually staitetp behave. . ,..tliey are making. Once t4s ount of time," - : e pens, the problem iSTi• often straightened out in a iliqt am- good thii can do," heeexplains. "When the family members start they often realize the. Mistakes 'Ciiii il•WaYs ' 5. itt'OM:13,53Ch iatria sessions with their kids. talking to each other'.: frankly, . misguided or neurotic parents._{ or the parents are straight- ened out, he explains, the kids cases, this situation is caused by stems from an unhappy situa- tion ,at.. home. And gi,,,rnany troublesome behavior o f t e it Dr. Yolles says. _ . ."You'd be surprised 'Ilow much That's WebyeaeYolles and his He explains that a child's f,have.e,clinige that par- i s estimate of ,.the num- • Sometimes,. eliFieireeer, doctors ber of mentally .dietitbed kids discover that iiii'echild' le': so con I - ,,lone Who receive- lioitital care used or upset-that are show d each year -totals more than 210,- be, classified - as mentally ill. 000. In addition are unknown These patieW usuallY require omhers who receive therapy in - i-tr-r e li7'l''-';doctor's ofilce. - tsecato;tes;sarioully Dr. Yolles explainS, "I don't ill kids thit-jDr. Yolles believes think there is more mental 111- psychlatrigein o ti 1 d develop ness among kids today than more therapy short cuts'elike the there was in the past It's just family treatment technique. He that we're paying More etten- declares, "We need to devote tion to the problem than we more time to people who need did years ago. Therefore, you see psychiatric treatment r a t It e r more kids in clinical centers." than social adjustment," ture in i'9x9X2-inch pan anti bake in a moderate oven (350°F.)t- 15 minutes. Meanwhile add the brown sugar to the eggs, beating con-,,, ' stantly until Mixture is light and fluffy. Then combine the remainr" ing flour and the baking powder with :the, egg mixture. Add the dater, mixing well to blend. Fold in the vanilla and coconut. Pour over partially baked shortbread and Irbake in a moderate ove., (3567.) 30, minutes. Makes '0' servings. -- iroul ,• ladies— 'Here's A g" 'Cure For Shyness that it suits Canadian tastes just fine. STUFFED ONIONS 6 large onions, % pound" each 1 inch boiling waten pan ( 1 teaspoon alt. 1 tablerpoOkOtte Y2 poundgrOutni,1 3 slices bred ':,1/2 cup watery ' - , 1 teaspoon iehopped parsie 1 teaspoon ieett ,. • Ye teaspooegritiniid black pepper 1 t,4 2 egg yolkw V2 cup softf,hread cruMbi• , 1 tablesSnkollive>or salad oil . Boil onions,..lied4nch boiling water and the:. t.',.teasiioon" salt. Bring to boiling, point,. uncover- ed, and boil 5 Minutes. Cover and continue boiling, 'minutes. fte;- move from hot Obater;:and place in cold water to WO:Tat On,Well. Remove ..5 .,layers ..from',,eentre, chop and saute in:.bntter 3 min- • Utes or'until tender.. Add ; Meat and cook upti174h.g4red 4havdit- appeared.,,Seak!'lireadqn water, squeezer-d'.i.and:,add to meat and onion. 5tir:in'ParsIey;,..salt, black peppe4 and egg yolks. "Stuff into the onions. Place in„a buttered bakine,dish. Sprinkle with bread trumbkiniked.With oliverDr.salad .D11. Bajte:.1,4*Prelteateit ate oyen4431.5,01T:rhotir Or un- til tender. Yield: '6 servings. * * * At clever variant of. the ever familiar-meat loaf is to spoon'the ingredients into custard cups and then bake. Served .with tbe, sour (cream 'sauce they rn'ake a.-'most delightful main dish. 'NEAL TIMBALES' 6 slices side bacon 11/4 pounds minced veal 1 cup coarse soft bread crumbs .yi cup finely-chopped onion 2 tablespoons chopped, shitted olives '1 tableepeon chopped parsley teaspootee el a ,gait s:y teaspOest pepper , 1 slightly-beaten egg 1/4 cup milk Grease 6 heat-proof custard cups. Pretmat oven to 350° F. (moderate). Cut up and fry bacon until crisp;' drain bacon from fat. Turn veal into a bowl and break up with a fork; add and MIX in ,bread Ircrumb.s7 tonion, parsley, ialt, pepper and bacon, Combine slightly,beaten,egg and Milk; add to meat mixture and combine lightly. Fill prepared custard cups, taking care not to. pack the meat mixture too firin- ly. Bake in preheated oven about 30 minutes. Serve with the fol- lowing Sour Cream- Sauce, • Sifekt'CREAM SAUCE„ 2 tablespoons bacon dripping or shortening % cup finely-chopped Onion ' 'Cup sliced fresh'Or. well- drained canned mushrooms • 2•tableentiOns flour • teaspoon salt Y4 Pint (14 ciips) COMinercial oLifir;credin • 14 cup water Heat bacon dripping or short., ening in 0 frypan;. add onions and mushrooms and fry ,until tender. Add and blend POW' and•Salts Gradually stir 'in sour cream'and water, Cook over low beat Stitritig Constantly,. 7tintil • thoroughly heated, •••r• f illy/II-JERRY; BENNETT • „,• Ngts., Staff Correspondent "Washington,, Doctorshope some day to er"-alofe: ' Yo ' W ill your' suffer theritallailment ing 4the- youngster- a reading test. --tAndeif they know 21 child is susceptible to mental illnesi scientists have a better chance of preventing its occurrence. The idea, of using, a reading X test, a common educational tool, „to fight mental disease is being 'Studied by psychiatrists at the U.S. Public Health Service's In- stitute of Mental Health. It stems from two discoveries which point to a connection be- tween an unstable mind and trouble in understanding the printed word. The first is that juvenile de- linquents, •many of whom are mentally disturbed, often have trouble reading. The difficulty usually is apparent before a child turns bad. The second involves a Mental Health Institute study of poor readers who live in a nearby Maryland county. It shows that instead o f being scattered throughout the area, these youngsters are clustered in spe- cific neighborhoods. Psychia- trists say this indicates that there might In some unknown factor about life in these com- munities that triggers the read- ing difficulties, hey explain, however, that before they can spend time tracking down this unknown villain, they must first make sure that reading disability is a symptom of an impending men- tal affliction. They explain that reports which show most dis- turbed kids are poor readers oNsclyde Baldschun, a burly, 18-.: ,y4±-,,sold based in Van Nuys,:l. Calif.,Six years ago, at the stig- gestici'V of actor Leo Carrillo-' (Pan'oho), Baldschun switched, from,' hand-booking' and talent-; -scouting to managing personal .appearances for riders of the electronic range. This year, lit, figUrIs his charges will grosi moreAhan $1 million from their sparettime stagecraft, and his cut will run from '10 to 25 per, cent of that amount. Bascially, Baldschun still uses the techniques of his band-ham. dung days, "When you go on tcjii,h..you go on tour and play as makOlates as possible," he says. This caii,-rnean a hectic pace. even for Baldschun's hard-riding charges. When Gene Barry (Bat Masteron) was headed east re- cently for a dairymen's conven- tion at Atlantic City, N.J., ,(at the behest of his TV sponsor, Sealtest), Baldschun filled in Barry's free time :with a couple' of days as grand marshal of a ,Leechburge Pa., booster fete and (with the' cooperation ,of the star's talent agent) a turn on the , Arthur Murray 77 ,show. "It's a,grind," Barry says. "You try be nice and cooperate with the public and then you come home and be mean to the people you love." But the-loved ones should be understanding.r4 In 24 ex- . tracurricular; appearAnces .thiS year, Barry' eiepeete to make about $100,000 sin non-television, money. Ande if he could spend all his time on personal appear- ancesrhe thinks 'he could "eas- ily" make $300,000 a year.—From NEWSWEEK. "It's an error to think of birds ar being dumb," says a natural- ist. Many of them are smart enough to go south for the win- ter. *- - • CAP KO CORiAiR Actress . Eva Bartok te,Vegfe ,e.C-Op of corduroy thOSS' of Landon". street vendors. She was on `hand in the British, capital for the publication of her book, "Worth Living For." Has shyness always been your problem? Do iyou blush when ,,y,941.-,firiake a faux pas? Are you einbarraSsed when singled out in nubile - or afraid to go to parties and lifeet new' people because you can never think of anything to say? The trouble is that you are always wondering what sort of Ein died YOu are having on other people, "AM t wearing the wrong plothet?".„, you ask yourself. "Did they see me spill that spot on the clean tablecloth?" First step in your cure is to forget all about yourself and ttart being interested In other rind out all about then? end don't worry about yourself. Stiady that woman who's the focal point of an admiring group and decide why she's so attrac- ' tiVe.r .lt isn't her looks, though she has made the most of these. It's,,because she's making the people` round her feel important, that all they say and do matters to her, As she listens, her at- tention doesn't stray, and her smile shows that she is enjoying herself, You can learn a valuable les- son frbm her. She doesn't talk much .herself, but she has taken the trouble to find out some- thing about them all, so that she can ask their Oinking oh ques- tions Whicli interest thetri. They ate• Pattered and the conversa, tiOnal ball has been• set tolling. Bvetyone appreciates a good listener, Later on, you may have the courage to join the dis- , CtiasiOn. It's easy enough to ask a Man how hit children ate de- bt at school, or a Niroinah Wheth- er She has come across any good recipes. About parties. ,Before you go, check your appearance - back and. frOnt—befOre a full-length Attitttit, and then forget libbtit it, TUrri up When the party's just getting into its swing and it's easy to. Mingle. It it no good standing by yotirself, feeling lonely, so Seek out yOur hostess, telling her how pleased you are to come, She should introduce you to Other guests, but if she doesn't; then join the biltskirta Of a talkative group. If YOU listen, yeti Will pitit tip' clues ''which will enable you to Make' an occasional earn- FISH TRAP - Three scientists at Scripps r a OteanogranhyshOW their invention, d d eep diving fish trap. tKerCCitr'rfb-rfPajrWiltFA-blre7OTrrfTiTi1781iI7e tre io be 'delight and studied for first tithe, AFTER 50OTTI 17 015TINTiALli'42C1WiadAhlftf iiirelifi'iArrAiding test, •PiStOiolegiSI could learn the basic-.problem through such techniques as thOwn child's re. ilitilOtt to each small 'preNifclet to' the dieignoitt. 4.",e . e e,...e,teeeeme•••••e: • COCONUT COOKIES- e.'igitares.seiiiisieeet chocolate 14 'Op peentiti initter Milk 1 cup sweetened cendensed iA teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon Vanilla ' Iiii Cui)s)abiitit):10dcr:, Vint. ... '..'' flaked coconut - -- ''''''''' kelt chocolate over hot water, Add Peanut butter and stir Until stiiatith. Add Milk, salt, vanilla, ati,,eo'contit, Stir, well. to thor- oughly Mix alLingreartiti:151155- meat en'il7,ilfion you will be tie f Irani a teaspoon' onto a Well-, . cepted AS title' Of the circle.