HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-07-16, Page 1.0111..t.DREN. BUSY IN ORGANIZED ACTIVITIES, Appreeitnately e00 ell:Wren. of Brussels, 1VPgttiiis and apoY Are ea- ,gagoi ip, orgegtized summer eetivi. Last . week the Recre lational Program, -uptler the leadership •of Miss Sheila Black and. David Ken- wetly; get sander way with planned programs, of spotts, and 'wefts, with an average attendance of Pic- ries, treasurer hunts, are, looked forward to and a special pro- gram is being planned for the end fe the reason. Morning Vacation Bible School -with classes( in Melville, St. John's And •Ilretted ellhurciffee". ponnmeneeti this week with, attendance in the first few days between, 115450 The focee Canadian Legion branch are sponsoring free ewheeeing in- struction at the Seaforth Lions Pool and 48 children were enrolled for the course and are transported Oly hoe each morning, It was un- fortunate that the pool could not accemodate a much larger -class from helve as a great many yzoing -stars had to -be disappointed. The Legion also made an effort not to conflict with the Bible School but the. pool was not available at any other time. 'in.. /various groups amid COMIYMI t- iles who planned and sponsored these activities and the individuals who are atl, responsible • for carrying teem out eeserve credit and the eeee creeperatidn of the parent& Tilou”gAiJ. 'TEA Mrs; Gull wee hostess, en See., tetelay• after/neon and, evening Jely 8th, at a trNsseau tea in honor or her daughter Lela Eleanor, wlioee ' Marriage teltels place Saturday of this 'Week, Little Miss Cheryl McClacheon_ attended the door. Guests were ' R'seeired by the hostess. anti bride- I elect. Madonna Mlles were arranged throughout the rooms. The tea room was atteaetive in pink and vehite with pink 'wedding hells, The lace covered tea table was centred With a pansy .arrangement. Tea was poured by Mrs. Alex , McCracken of Biluevale, grandmother of the bride-to-be, assisted by Mre„ Stanley Moffatt, Nuevale. Guests were nerved by Miss Claire 'Clammy, Belgraee and Mrs. Tiling lam, The hei s sister Marilynis. played the trousseau; Miss Eleanor Walsh, Bedgeave, Ititchen ware:. dishes and Bleeps,. Mrs. George Cousins;' ;Mrs. 'Frank Mc- 'Clad/eon. Mrs. iTtobt, McDonald, Mrs. Corse Mrs. Lawrence Meehan, Mrs, Mel Wieners and Mrs, Roy ' Turves, assisted In the kitchen. - 1 WANTED APPLICATIONS For The Position of LIBRARIAN ' of the Brussels Public Librare Duties to commence Aug, 1st, 1959 'Miss N. Jardine, Sec. VAL'S BEAUTY SHOVE Ottftillg Styling Gold Waving . A SpectaitY Phone 140 Brussels LYCEUM THEATRE WINDHAM, ONTARIO Two Show. Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. rn. Thurs., Fri., Sat., July 16 17 - 18 ' Charles Bronson Violet .RensIng In WHEN HELL BROKE LOOSE An exciting War Story. Meivnll Church iinistere nerik. Jonathan- Greene Organist — Donald Dunbar 15 A. M. Sunday School -11 A. M. Union Service in the United Church Reit. .T.^Greene, preaching .1g The United Church OF CANADA ' Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.: OM. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 11 A. M. Union Service 1 in the United Church ReIv..T, Greene, preaching No Church School during July SSELS Antboriee41 se solool dew mall; Post Mims heart, Wows Thu:rsday, July 16th, 1959 $2.00 per Year -$ Post Publishing House HOLIDAY NOTICE Please be advised that there will be no deliveries of Materials during the weeks of August 3 to August inclusive, The office will be open to those who wish to pick ,1,,,!•••••• Alexander White glailtolee,•lerne and (and el abet', f Saturd4, atlfy 11the at Knox P-er1,yti.'110,11 1:-`411-1.1, fur the 'wedding of Dona Margaret Alexander, Ethel, to Mr. James Arthur Knight, R. It. 3, Brossqls, J. M. McDonald Lumber Ltd,. .prthissgt.s, IONT, ie..... 251c Tile bride le it daneeter of Mr. and Mee. Stanley Alexander 'of Ethel, The bride: 1,c1» it eon. ef Mr. ' anti Mrs. Gordon Knight, R, B. a., Bru.$61 5. Clark's Fancy Tomato Juice 48 oz. '''' -.- Paramount Sockeye Salmon 1 1/2 lb. ''' • '''''' .. . • ... 47c "Picnic" Sweet Mixed. Pickles NOTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS Notice Is hereby gluon to property owners, in urban .and sub. divided areas to 'destroy all noxious weeds as often as necessary , In each season, to ,prevent their going to seed. Also / that after, July 22, 1959, proceedings will be taken to destroy/ noxious weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. O fficiating was Ir V. W. A. t lams, Brussels, 16 oz. 2 for ....... . • .... • .. 43c 'Club House Peanut Butter 16 oz. 39c, Wedding music was n''tyed Miss. Alice Hopkins of Norwich, who also accompanied the soloist, Mr. Rebt, Cunningham of Ethel, who sang 'Tale. Wedding ,P"ayer" before the ceiromeny and "tl'hei Prayer" during the singing of the register. Thin bride, gireen. in marriage by her father, licked lovely in a floor ilength gown of nylon. lace, styled with a fitted bodice, s"brina •neck- :line encrusted. with sequins and pearls, and My-point sleeves. The tulle frence ef the nylen Ieee skirt was bordered with sequins and lace end 'kvoirn over tulle and taffeta. From her heado-oss of Mors adorned with sequins, fell her eirete'er em- broidered Yee". She carried a cascade of red roses and Wife chrystenthemume, Maid of honor was Mies Beatrice Alexander, it. C. A. F. Station, Mount Apica, -Quebec, sister of the bride: Bridesmaid% 'were Miss Helen Knight, Toronto, a sister of the briclegreem and Miss Donna Toner, Palmerston, CCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 W. R. Donal!' Huron County Weed: Inspector BRIDGE MOTORS- We Deliver !I.P ,H 0 N 8 295 J 1 • Ask the price of Pails 'of "Red and "Black CHERRIES. Excellent Set', vice,'Tues. Thurs. and Sat. Fresh %from the Orchard, These tare not year old storage cherries. Orders taken and delivered next 'day, For Raspberries and Black 'Cherries and Red. The place where'yoil tuy.the FRESH Fruit, 1 New Mercury and Meteor Cars; Mercury Trucks 1955 FORD COACH 1954 FORD SEDAN 1954 METEOR SEDAN, Like New 1952 METEOR COACH 1952 Cf-IEV COACH 1951 CHEV, 3-TON TRUCK 46 T HAY BALER, Used 1 Season INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER a n d NEW IDEA FARM MACHINERY PEOPLE WE KNOW * Mrs.4 Fern Richards of Hamilton, ki$ vesting at the holm of Mrs,. Alec MacDonald, Mr. end Mrs, E. Jawed, Mr. and I -Mrs, S. Lowry and *Miss Carl Lowry, all Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs._ Harvey Stephenson and Sli.eila of Walkerton, were peek-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R, Huether. t a:• :11 Mr, and Mrs, W, G. Weiss and children, .Jacouie and Kim, motored troim their home in Winnipeg, Man,, ! 'to spend their vacation with Mrs, 'Florence • Russell. Mrs. Russell accormanied them to poderich where tbey spent a week at a cottage with 'Miss Margaret Russell. Phone 249 . y . irev P ,•011131:Th Meeting held on .J'aly 41.h. Moved by Kenneth Bray, seconded by Glenn Huether -that the minutes. ofthe last meeting be adopted as read — Carried Moved by Archie Mann, seconded 'by 'Lawson Ward, that Lloyd Jack lilt's tender 'be accepted for fill at the Breckenridge bridge at 34c per yd., the work to be done niede supervision of road suet, — Carried Moved by Archie Mann, seconded by Lawson Ward that we pass res-Olution to collect the fees for the Farmers' Union -of Grey Tem. members, on the collector's roll sub Sect to the approval of the Minister of Agriculture. — Carried Moved by Glen Huether, seconded, ^by Kenneth: Bray that we abeept an application far tile drainage loans. — tarried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Glenn Huether that we set the 1959 mill rate as follows; Corn- mmercial at 1.21/2 :male; General rate, 111/2 mills, and Fire Dept. at 3 mill CARD OF THANKI6 They were identical bailer- ° inn gowns of embossed nylon meer taffeta in tiny lilac flowered pattern. Styled with a bouffant skirt and taffeta cummerbund with a: match- ing hustle back. 'They wore match- ing picture hats otf taffeta and tulle and carried identical cascades of white chrysanthemntns with green spray and lilac ribbon. Is your T. V. Antenna & Set Insured? If not see us to-day for complete coverage of wind and fire- $15.00 will insure both anntenna and set for 3 years. Brussels- ATTENTION T Ate _DAY 1\e, will be reminded of the sea, July 18th, and the part our ships play in a ,mu' daily livek with the annual Tag Day of. the Navy League of Canada. The Tag Day is sponsored here -by The Ladies' Auxiliary Canadian Legion and convened by Mrs, Bertha Elliott, Secretary, give igencrously. I wish to thank all my friends who remembered me in any way during my stay in Wieglmen Hos- pital and since my return home. Jim Moses CARD OF THANKS We desire to thank all those who have been so kthnd and understand- ing concerning the !illness of our son Douglas. His handicap has no bear- ing his present trouble which the. Psychologist states is 'merely an illusion and that he is to be treated as a perfectly mama_ child and we would appreciate those Who come in contact With him doing so. Sincere thanks to Frank Cutcheon, Dr. 'Myers, Brussels .Lions C14, our 'neighbours and the 'imsny ethers, who have been so helpful in Also finance Your next car here, where you can insure and finalise PARENTS Due to the (large range in age groups it has Weenie necessary to it-arrange: the recreational - schedule: Children 7 and under are to attend from 1.30' p.m. to 3.30 p.m. and those 8 and over train 3 p. ad. to 6.30 p.m. Tee-ems are warned that pre- school age children are not ineieeded in the recreational program and the recreational directors can not be re- , sponsible for them and there is I danger of their 'being hurt, in the activities of the older children. FNQAGEMENT ANNOUNCEMENT Irvine - McFadden Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Dickson Me- t Fadden, of Brueeds. Wish° to tim- Ineutice the engager Bent of their I daughter, Mary Lereen., to McAus- land Dinsmore Irvine, St. Marys, The Wedding will take place in Brussels United Church, Menet Rh, at 7 o'clock. HORTICULTURE MEETING The Horticultural Society win meet in the Library on Monday might et 8 pee. There Will he a special speaker to address the Meet- In one process. Insurance also and Life. Best won was Mr. Jack Knight, R. ,R, 2, Brussels, , a, brother of the bridegroom, and the nehere, were Mr. Harold 'Knight, Toronto, a brother of the bridegroom and Mr. Robert Alexander, Ethel, brother of the bride. e WE HAVE LOW INTEREST RATER. on Automobile, Fire and Wind, Liability, BurgierY G. M. Ronnenberg Insuranc BRUSSEL, PHONE 247 Brussels Office Open Tuesdays and Fridays The reception eva,s held in the" Ethel Gommunity Centre with the bride's mother It•eceiving in a blue dress of nylon lace` -over taffeta: white accessories, and orsage -of pink behee /mime, For trayelline• the bride chose a Sheath dress of blue linen with pink end white accessories. The bride and green will reside ,aoei4. ni the groom's farm, it 2,, -nr,15, Carried Moved by `,Lawson Ward seconded by Glen Httether that all appreved accounts. be paid. --- Carried • Moved by 1,Nychie Mann, seconded by Kenneth Bray that we do now adjourn to. meet again on Anenst 1st or at the call Of the reeve — Carried! The following accounts were paid . Sohn Inglis, part payinent, HollombAnderson Drain $ mot, Goutity ,of Huron, share tree planting, • 110.30 D. A. Ranh, flowers 10.00 Corrugated Pipe Coo., Pipe Pearson Drain. 12,00 N. S. linemen, Ltd„ tide petiteen: Drain 222,50 tile, 'Crabhisook Drain 1,41.78 100 10" trio 26,50 Mettle. ' Ciattlochati, Pearson Tiertin 200.00 Jtiteee A. Ffent'es-, stint. end stake Petitg4ii Drain 26.0 E. M. 'Cardiff, eletlee fees PoilrelOtt brale 25.00 Jas. Pearson Est„ elleeettneee Pettretirt Irani 8.00 John. Reyetend, egleeettileee Pearson Malt 24;(10 TWn. dray, alieaVahlees Narsori. TIMM. Taylor i T.111.0• Menage ..LIOait Pennington, Jul Y '2P21-22- Reht. Stove PIOALLE" fire ball Color dinemaSeone Brigitte Bard& so nutty ways,. Are You Having A FAMILY REUNION or GARDEN PARTY. We Ca,n Supply You. With DIXIE CUPS or BULK ICE CREAM and CONES If You Have A HOME FREEZER You Can Save Money When You Buy COUSINS ICE CREAM In The Economical 21/2 Gallon .Pail and Cones in Boxes of 100 ENQUIRE TO-DAY AT RUtli and Ron kuether NOTICE For Refrigeration Repair ,on Sealed Unit and Commercial Machines. Sack Kerr 608J23 Winglutrn Gerete rUr IHANKE Words are leadequate to exprese cluir gratitude to each and twetyteie Who has helped -us throughout these days of sorrow with beat tifel Mowers words of sympathy and kindness in so matey ways. We can oely say thanke to- One, and alt which ghee]/reeler he 'forgotten, Mrs. Annie McDonald LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LIBTOWEL PHONE. Zi COUSINS DAIRY siustims, Thelea. - Fe l. July 16 •-•11 "ROok-A-BYE BABY" COltir •VidtaVielen Jerry LeWis, Marilyn MaxWell 18.00 1. The , "Telco q. Grill Special This Sunday ROAST TURKEY DINNER or ROAST BEEF Dinner- includes t SetiO TOidate Salad, 'Venetabliiii, beitiert and BeVerage Dinners teiivith .12 5.30 P.M. t.tti P.M, Not to, tie disappointed, make raservations 'before Mien Saturday by '066604 Oft, Brudaels ttotit, Made Piet A 11066100 and Chlpt Hamburgers 1V or s Att,Cotiditlotted for Your tOtiiteiti 600.00 E. A. (TED WILSON CONSTRUCTION General Contractors tot.itssui,ONT. CommeecIat and Residential Concrete Work New Hotebe General Rooting 'Remodelling Brick' and. Sleek Work' Farm nuiklifig Repetri Mitt-01440 by lihttiotts tard' Chieda Laid trent Your StOeit or Oka, Akettt. tOt Angel §toto by Track toad Of by heel' tettittiNiNi5 DRAFTINGi *tit tiontfiet ,Prices' 9atii;Iltted !Saha toligel R1 OSYtitift,, Sat. ONLY )- July 1g 0 61-A LAG 17" (Comedy) Holden ban 271,25 ;Mon -Tues Wed • iiiviAMotEILE 23,711 Anglican Church GANADA Piano of lirtiellaie Rev. W Bt. john's = Ina** ,11..15• a, in, Mathes I 1St; tiataki't t•ienii'Yet t.tbr Mattitie EtWarld M reli:604Ft', truck, Male, JO tle 3'.00 Gesdoairi.:Wti:e„setiliarg, ASsIeSlitite :Part T.,104 Pit Alexander 15,011 'Ittiatt§ Ind ili!itigo§' Two Shows Nightly, Ralri or Clear Office brews' At 5.00 o'clock Flrsf snow Duek Children' under 12 in Car eee' Btoh PerforMinot $6,116.11 dvtfie tr, Cardiff, Clete Ceti. Jfriteliineen, Reeve