HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-07-09, Page 8Phone 24 WOOD'S 110 Quality abets are combined 4111h the finest manufacturing and ISoling facilities In the production 1111CO•op Binder Twin*. Buy it with 'wane* of complete satisfaction **,...Mmlwarthwhile savings. of 19 between the WATMRLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOC1TATION, hereinafter called the- "Association" of the first part, and, - ..... .......... , ...... • of Immmmmid-WbeweenaTEIIIIIORRAR RR IIRRttle ogtd Breeder. hereinafter called We "Breed.er" of the slecOnd' iiistock, ,:t WITNESSETII that in consideration of the -agreements and. undertakings herein contained the Parties thereto agree each 'kith the other as follows: 1. Tire "Breeder" herewith makes application to the "Assoc- iation" for approval of this non-member algreemient and If accepted agrees to pay IIve Dollars t $5.00) to the "Association" and futile pgrees to live up to all rules and regulations now in, force or here- after- adoplod by the "Association." The "Breeder" 'further rep- resents that he is unable to sign the regular members agreement because or his religious convictions, 2. The payment of this Pive Dollars ($5:00) does not make the "Breeder" an active voting member of the "AsSociation" nor .shalt such payment make the "Breeder" responsible for any legal actions. which might be taken by the "Association." 3. The "Association" will the services of healthy bulls 4. The "Association" will the services, of a technician Tidal insemination to female an make ,available to the "Breeder"' of recognizted merit and breeding. make available to the "Breeder" or technicians who will give arti- imals. 5. The Officers of the "Association" agree to keep and make, available to the "Breeder" when requested proper records, of insem- ination, pedigrees of the sides, health records of the sires. female identification, and such other records, as may from time to time be' deemed necessary by the Board of DirectorS of the "Association." 6. It is mutually ragreed and understood that the Board of Directors of the "Association" shall establish the fee to be charged by the "Association" for inseminating female arthritis. Th. "Breeder" agrees to .pay the fee specified in zilch manner as may be determined by the Board of Directors. 7. The "Breeder" does hiereby for himself, his heirs, represen- tatives and essignes release the: "Association" Of all liability ot every kind and nature arising or which might arise, from any act of contthisslon or omission on the part of any of the agents of "Association" in6ucling the technicians. S. The Parties agree that there are no oral or other conditiontf promises. covenants, representations or inducements in addition, to or at variance volth any of the terms hereof and this agreement represents the voluntary and clear understailding of both- Partfes fully and completely, sines cards •••••••,••••••• DR. R. W. STEPHENS Oribdoetb urtveras o TOM** and MAMMON Itteziesue .116 18,rmestsle, D. A. RANK t, ,ANDAttretIVICE SEItiret must tlifreft o -****i Et*Nballup** PrKiliGE aff •••••••• THE BRUSSELS Fibit" Thur00,. 19.00. .147441.4.4.44 • •44., 444444,44, .4.444.,041r. visa.New tc, . 4 A oe lee gen;, Tip Top Tailors Chic urrtnier F S wo7.4-ve,eassosooeswoott ' 1.4414, Summers Shipments Complete. .... A. .44 Men 's CasUal Jackets — Top Styles Boy's Jackets Men 's and Boy's Light Casual Pants COOP. KNOTLESS CERTIFIED BALER TWINE Come in — Look Around ° See The Line of Men's Shoes Ladies Summer Dresses, Blouses and Slim trims In Former Arcade Store Ned Rutledge Tooth Pastes First Aid Kite Picnic Plates and Serviettes Waxed Paper Baby Needs Bathing daps Bobby PinS Burn Ointment Camera Films Flash Bulbs Corn and. Foot Treatments Colognes Photo Albums Deodorants Diarrhoea Remedies 12 m inutes. from " DE TO1 T FROCKS -- for the Kiddies, Teens, Misses, Matrons Top of the Market 44.4 ••• .444,44. Yard Goods — Full line Summer Prints, Glazes, Synthetics - - Fall Plaids now in nights White Shoe Cleaners Soap and Soap Boxes Tooth. Brushes Writing Pads Envelopes Insect Repellents Sun Glasses Effervescent Health Salts Thermos Bottles Resor) accommodations—air conditioned roams, suites, kitchenettes with TV, radio & phones—with heated pool Delightful dirriu and entertainment nightly by top stars in the Casino. Ideal for the family—baby sitter service, ------ m—,rm yrt4wai: le length, strength and uniformity, you con depend on Co-op Baler Twine. We free-running and knot. less, assuring you quick, easy operation at haying time and long, safe storage afterwards. Low is cost, too. PANC4tie. DETROIT PHONE '457 s4tILVir WO e-2.3,20 E 717.1.11.ZECLASINO " II ••• This Week's Special Odd Lot Men's T Shirts 79c 4••64.4d1iiMi Poison Ivy Treatments sie welowsposoloomossia Home. Permanents Facelle Tissues Hair Shampoos arGoddrich,/, • Get the Smilea Can Be Got Here WATERLOO CATTLE BREED SIG ASSOCIAT1 t N "Where Better Bulls Are Used" There are certain people who because of Religious Convictions do not wish to become members of an ongantization like the Water- loo Cattle Breeding Association. We do appreciate those convictiow and for this reason have especially prepared a non-member's figtmement as follows: COPY OF AGREEMENT FOR NON-MEMBERS you need for the driving you do! MANY MILES OVER MANY DIFFERENT ROAD SURFACES: You need a punc- t u r e•sealing, heavy-service tire. B.F.Goodrich LIFE-SAVER TUBELESS fills the bill—assures complete safety, Jong long wear! NON-MEMBER AI REEMENT made this .SMITH'S REXALL DRUG STORE Brussels day No matter hoW far you drive each year ... how fast ... or what - roads you travel ... B.F.Goodrich offers you. dependahla, quality tires to match your driving. How do you drive? Phone 62 PlatAVAritaWaWMAIMMMaig BELERAVE CO OP 1:leigrave, Out. Phonos: Wingham 1091 Brussels 388 w 10 SUBURBAN ROADS— AVERAGE MILEAGE If this sums up your driving (or your wife's) your car should roll on. THE B.F,Good. ri eh DELUXE I tire. B.F.Goodrich is best in its field —givesyou choice of tube ortubelessl NORMAL DRIVING CONDITIONS °tieing like this, on good roads or expressways, buy Bs F.Goadrich DELUXE SILVERTOWNS. Get great erce atlow cost— service B.F.Goodrich SMILEAGEI Caviller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building Walkerton D. A. *HUNTLEY, C. A. — Resident Manager Telephones — Businesi 633; Residence 106 VERY LIGHT DRIVING ONLY You're one of the lucky few who can economize on tires! A lIght• service tube type will carry you In safety—at real economy. Buy the B.F.Goodri get ch SAFETY -S stAILEAGE all the wayl 6.00-16 or 6.70-15 tube•typo blackwall, plus recappable brad u-in. CTS4 B.F.Goodrich tires statl st a low McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELL LUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS_ DUNLOP TIRES CHUi."31.1 t101-1C.E The leonth of July the con- T''07ittions of Melville and the United Churchcia will unite for services, with services being hold in the United Church each Sunday at 11 o'clock. The minister will he the Rev. J. H. Greene, who will attend to anything • requiring the services of a minister This has been nocossitated ,by the fact that the iredecorating of Mel- ville (Thiy.ch is -now in progress. Tim cone:reention of Melville is grateful to the 'minisil.or and Session of the trnited Church for permission to use their church• at this time. • EGoocirich Silvertown tires RUSSELS MOTORS NEW AND USED CARS Austin Sales and Service Parts and Accessories Repairs on All Makes of Cars and Trucks TELEPHONE 72 BRUSSELS. ow. Brussels Phone 173 BOOFING non EAVETROUGHING No Job Too Big et Too Small! Estimates Given 15truthers and Bateman, Ethel Phone 591.9 or call C. and 0. DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sir*, Down, or Disabled Cows and Homo Also DEAD COWS and HORSES AT CASH VALUE Old, Horses 5c per Pound Phohe Collect BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSEL? WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sides Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. 'TM home mark:est millers you *re wallop s SO II .:rTI CE Cosingeor oa Refrigeratioli L..epatr on Sealed :'nit and Oolnancreial Machines. Cali lack R'•err 00 „T23 Wingharn Slayer. BRUSSELS, "171,Sitalfe PHONE 46 PERCY STEPFIENSON PHONE 8502 ETHEL 1411.1111111011W TN WITNESS WHEREOF the Parties hame. !hereunto st their hands MS ... day of ... $110011110:0110AMME DEAD STOCK REMOVE- .HIGHEST'. CASH. PRICES. FOR OLD Sid*t AMIi DISAELE4 Ft tit s ekttit* c t, w- s. 14IGHtst • CASH VALUE PAID IN. SURROUNOINO DISTRICT FOR 6 E. A IL) StOo.K, totskritrit .Monitory .DiSpOititt 101 Winch Egitipplitf TOsaitidl. OLD HO1182*. 06k •SLAUtiNtkit A7 56 PER Potlikit6 24 HOUR' ttitiitoik. (PHONE COLLECT) LEROY ACHESON ZENITH 34900 AtWtitid;# °fit 6.116 'Phorte VIIP4.. MORSE tlittttett r Cit ORGE ISLOP V -Ot6tot 2r15 'WitrieSs 116"•••••{•••fi .. • .... Breeder •••I il.••••1, .. •• .. • .. "1.41" in the presence of: PUT IN NEW PUME1IN6 rT IGHTAWAY- HE OLD - REPLACE IT S WAD ITS DAY AsSeciatien on This contract approved hysotdliteet::a Secretary Ciattte19.14,74,-e.,d..17 Prea ident govola For the regniat Indiriberq4 agreement, the 'Rent NO: 12 Is _estellidst AS is die kit sentence of stein Nh, i and the word tnetither is used in pleas- of tion-therither., Otherwise the agreentietit ie the same. These lifetime agreements are POreible only elide and not anima*, Cost of Service per COW- for rrieiiihers or people with lion-member' figreettidittS $6.66: All' 'repeat services fie& We wilt Oleo' o agreements ••" #..tti All rofieer serviCe§ free, We *ill alio, triSiaMitrate cows for people Wittittint dg'cements di $dAil' per cow; For Artificial insemination service from alt breeds of Cattle ter" more calls-- , „..., „ CLINTON HUE, 24441 Or for twit' CLINTON ...4ENITH. 9-5'650 totwoori:. 11.16 atirt 67:10 A.M. Wee k bays, iii heat and tveningS • tot COWS heat oat Sunday morning NOT al for SritiiirS ohm Nro-ao, BETTER CATTLE: FOB, BETTER tIVING It S. Hetheringtop. C WINIIHAV4 sErpti AT ItIMM,041-5 „..3,1-al'itt trl e Vicinte froo,i4v,„, „mat zwaligoIII &fry offiot taw= V.Xiself7 OHN LONGSTAFF. 0.otorrt.!.tr;.1t. tram" riva.mkeie4 Masora Piiissirs 701 ‘510;tY4' s 9t*Kik friootsd ittztanigio .ted likt, 9 6,04. 6 Olk* 1. Oi Witt *01