HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-06-18, Page 6ABOUT CHEWY LASTS LONGER ...including your pride ! Ifs a fact! Chevrolet's built to take time as well as distance in its stride. In style—in quality and in engineering excellence, Chevrolet gives you an extra margin of value that will stay ) new longer, hold its worth and your pride, high over the years, 61alaragifitt STYLING Chevrolet puts you years-ahead, with fresh, eager SlimIlne style. :VN JUNE ,JR0114.,,CANIMAC "'" • rh.".„ •*0-• DIAN NATIONAL T-9.43 "You'll find Chevrolet brings you big-ear advantages like deep-cushioned comfort . . all-round, airy visibility and unstinted roominess. But Chev- rolet is close to the small cars in economy. And when you remember that Chevy is built to out-last others in its field you'll know why Chevrolet is your very best buy. Look into the details at your Chevrolet dealer's today. ,g4xMl7.%%•"er.:!.. .cze because its built to last! • ST t • See Your Authorized Cliotwolevneater. SAFETY MASTER BRAKES ale up A9 56A mote °Wad pan • TENDERS. SEALED TENDERS, P.ddrPasnd to the undersigned trod entlerea4 "Tenders For The Installation Of A Hot. Water Heating Boller And Mechanical Stoker At The Federal 13‘111gIP4t ;f4rlls,ag.'% Wilt be reeetVed le the office of the Disitriet Manager, Property nod Building Managment- Want* Do. partment of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street Toronto, Ontario, until Tuesday, July 14, 1959, 3:p.m. Flans Red (or) Specifications ean be semi and obtained, at the officio of the District Manager, Property and Building Management Branch, at the above mentioned address, or at the office of the Caretaker The Federal Sending., Brussels, Ontario. The lowest or guy tender not necessarily accepted. ' A:cting District Manager Property and Building Management Branch, Department of Public Works. R. D. KENNEDY Toronto, June 12th, 1,151 IN MEMORIAM GLASSTER —• In loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother Mabel Glassier, who passed' away June 19th, 1958. ••• Though her smile is gone forever, And her hand we cannot touch, Still 'we have so many memories (-;,7 tie one we loved so Tnnell• Her memory is our keepsake,. With which never part;• God has her in His keeping, 77-e. hx-ve her in our hearts. F;-r; roneezbered by Fred, Agnes, Peter and Billy and Stuart, Gertie, Danny and Charlee. • AUCTION SALE. Auction &AO of Household mosso I. in the weds of moo* on PATYRDAY, AMR MN 1 ID III. W0414 Bed Pies of Drawers awity DrePaar Beside Table Oatermore Mattresa trod Slumber icing Springs ,4,,,t3ndroPtn.ochatra Walnut Cedar ChOlt Oak Peek $helves Antique Chest of Drawers 2 Sn riall Tables 2 Walnut Mirrors Laundry' Hampers Hall Tree Walnut Gateleg Table Tea Wagon Whatnot 2 Small Upholstered. Chairs Oval Antique Table 2 Floor Latripe 2 Ta,bie Lamps China Cabinet Antique Desk Stool Rocking Chair Philco .Television Hoover \ream 2 Card Tables 6 Scatter Rugs 2 Small Rugs ICelvinator Refrigerator Moffatt Electric Range Easy Washing Machine Kitchen Table Antique Flower Stand Large Crib Over night Bathroom Scales Screen for Fire Place Brass Guard Rail Other ArticleS Too Numerous to mention Terms Cash Prop. Mrs. John Galbraith Auct. Harold Jackson CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stook, Machinery, and Household Effects at *Lot 27, Con. 14, Grey Twp. 21h South & 7 miles East of Brussels WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24th at 1 p. m. Cattle 11 Holstein Cows, freshened March and April, bred, again 5 Holstein, 2-yr.,old Heifers, due to freshen in fall and early winter 5 Holstein 1-yr.-old Heifers 10 Holstein Heifer Calves 1 Registeredsale Jersey Cow, due time of 21 Hereford Heifers, 450 to 500 1 li '500 Red Sussex Pullets, 3 months old Grain reford 175 Bus. MiXed Grain J.MUalicshiCtilelarylmers Allis Chalmers Rolls, Pick Allis Chalmers. vator Allis Cbalmers S-ft. Double Disk 13-ran Fertilizer Drill. fru'io Isr,, ,, .Plow Spreader 14 city 6-section Set of HarrowS Massey Harris 6-ft. Binder a ctSleighs ,with Plat Rack Cutter Trailer with 60 Bug, Grain BOX . Steel 'Wagon 100 Bus. Grain Box 10x1.3 Colony' House Oil ghielc Feeders, umber- O Brooder eedSe:a and Waterve Electric Brooder Weed Sprayer, Power Driven Take- Off DriVen Shelters FOtintainS 1-50 Et. Plastic Hebei Chat-Anti:in. Snow Blower, nearly new Jelin Deere Hammer Mill 75 ft. Hain -tier Mill. Belt Rubber Tired Wagon with Flat Rack, 16k8 ft. 40 Steel Poet 2 Rolla Barb Wife. 'Tractor type Manure Spreader Fanning" Mill 2000 1h. Scales 2 Wheel Barrows Pig ,Crate 3 Unit tiniveftin Milking Machine Milk Cana 3 Self-feeding eeiiee§. Block .and Tneicie Wire Stretchers 'Set :.vdOiefEleatria Clippers ..t to Dog iltitido Grain Anger 2f it. *itti Eledt1.1d Ittotbi' Furniture t•tteep itilog6etteitt Cvit ttPteig6it.tot edi•oPrri Baltic eirotint4 WsPhitig Maeltifie -Colt elf No 144iServe i"erwi Setif Ternia Cash Oren. Harold keye R ef., T46. 'tt1.11.4§44 C lerk Georac PoWelf Atlef. girold Jackson ThltradaY, tgh, 45.9. 4r s'ir!"•Aee'ef.,-.-,..-.7.-.^•.•,e 1,400A, 4044) e ms,„.A, You CAN PACK INTO A NAY IN ONTATITO •••.„. • Imagine flailing 4 Peaceful lake , then spending an evening in *smart resort. It's easy to, do it all in the 4aese,daYA,Nor,thNestero Ontario. Here romantic natites itre elluireinkfte rafnind you, of the frontier days of not•so.long•ago . Fun ill in the air Fish abound in the waters, wonderftd! ..777".W7 -,•• Discover hew economical it is to explore Ontaile by mailing th• coupon below. Literature yell receive includes as up-to-date list of accommodation that ehowe you where to clay it the price you want to PaY. FREEI i irekv,:pAnatner:loioarrthaernAiotv. TRAVEL . g Send free literature about North Western Ontario and road map Hamm..,. Actdr••• Post OHlo• Ontario Department of 7'rooet el Putelelty, Non. Bryan L, Cathcart, Mintelor, KNOW ONTARIO BETTER Village o brussels Re D O G 'PROCLAMATION In view of the disregard by the general public of the recent Proclamation issued by the Village Council, re the confinement of clogs, and the fact that they are not to run at large at any UM% the Council feels that charges must be laid under this By-law. Any owner or -harbourer of a dog who allows_ It to run at large can be summoned into Court. The fine in a case of this kind could be $50.00 and coats. The Council and myself would ask all citizens concerned to comply with the laws and avloid the consequences, D. Hastings, Chief of Police ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR TELEVISION and RADIO REPAILtS TO ALL MAKES GUARANTEED sEfivurJz vilirir,g Contractor 'ITXV,t.t. HARRISON IpHordg etez MALE ORDERLY :, Applications for the above paiition at the Huron County Home, will be received`, by the undersigned until PridaY, June 26th, 190 • it AnPliatiOnit are to be at,w-Atitett Sealed einieteUet, marked nit to &Intent, Stailii0 abef experience Unit . other itedeanitrii inferniatiOn. sala.05( $.5' pee PloPtii. •ei• OM ode month- &big one Clirir•treiaorer; biiiihty of HUN* Hothie, efeAerlak tint, c!II!'mr 7rt,t7nrew.1,.•• THE BEI,431.45 rair 'fast modern travel by RAMMER ...between Guelph, Owen .Sound, Southampton, Kincardine, Palmerston, Stratford, Goderich, with - connections for Toronto and London. Enjoy the air-conditioned comfort, the picture- windows and foam rubber seats in these brand-new self-propelled Diesel cars, sheathed 'in gleaming stainless steel. Forget about traffic strain., barking worries—con- sult your local CNR agent for the convenient '-Rai finer schedules: PRL,1 8,41.•$ 5PEIPPc, glOARP MEETING The Iregelar :Meeting Of liruSSela Public School Board ivaS held op 7*‘10114Y "June /At. in the Public soot, Tne gdnAtag of the preyiens regular R Pteeting and a, special meeting, were rend and adopted en. .merlon, by 44: Mar W'itirt4r and Ricy, Brown corto. t • *1,;;;_:,..er she foUripg acts were el ecru: on Liability ins, policy $ 16.00 Ad. in. Poet 1.00 TTYdro r 0,70 libelved by Rev, Brown and second- ed by Jack MoWbirter these accounts be paid — Carried Moved. by Roy Kennedy, seeouded. by Rev. Brown the necessary sop- Plies requested by the staff be ordered .Carrred Moved by Rev, Brown, seconded by jack MeWhirter the chairman be authorized to contact the town solicitor and have him proceed with the searching of the titles, to the lots included in the sohool site and pro- ceed with the survey of this .site as agreed to by the council and. school board — Carried „,.. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on the regular date or at the call of the chairman. B. Etrott Sec,-Trey, '‘f',liklIeo.HIP OF GREY TENDERS FOR FILL Tenders will he received by the undersigned until 1 P. M., Saturday July 4th, 1959, for fill at the Bracken- ridge Bridge, Lot 8, Concession 1- 2. Tender' to state price per yard. -To he purchased, hauled and levelled tinder the annorvision of the Road nperintendent. Lowest or any tender not necc's arily accepted. Edythe M. Cardiff. • Clerk, Township of Grey I at u aeon Motors Ltd Brussels The safest In Chevy's field and they've -4 proved it in NASCAR* competitive tests. *National Association for Stock Car L Advancement and Research. That stable Safety-Girder frame gives Chevy an unshakable grip of the road. Radio Bag Tractor W D. Comibine with Plat Up and Scour Clean 8-ft, Mounted Culti- I Cw t. cape- • ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS' MARtaTING SOADD CP REPRESENIVIG 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS