HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-06-18, Page 3V They Call I .:The.. "Buyprfir 'Piich" . , k4 ThyrQ' ,5, a funny, thing about theinicrfike lib a II., it almost nev6t. tiitewrifWitl'athe4tnuekles. A curve ball hooks, a fast ball hops, arid - a' ,slider breaks- •a- . most idelltidUllY• trPhl ',,e.,P,h,; :Ott .1. cheil,;.,B.14:t ,eacn 4,14114„1519, 12,41.1, ,.. thrown Izi;( a .rnast.er",' takes off lo a unique at solArY ''Way, ' c. It's a, pieth that teltIbin -Amines the ,aarne way'. twiee.-., ,Inteher*,,, • ,, catcher, fInd batter can only guess what it will do. A quiet North 'Carolinian named James Hoyt' Wilhelm was baseball's acicriewledged raaater of the knuckle,ball after he shut Out the New York Yan- keei for ,the secondtime in seven days, -building his sea"Son-„, record to '7 and 9, and lowering- .: of manager I-'aul Richards' Pair William, the; 35 -year-old ace' timore pitching staff, can throw , curves and sliders and fast balls. ., „, ,..,.,T, ,.,a. 4..,4 ,..4.,„„ .',....:"..`,.. !.. . .,., : his earned run 'average to 1.13. Once IA,..a., )yhile he cloes..but .(.•• • •-4,_ 85 pa.- cent 'of the time,. apd ''''' ., ' f'.' - ; invariabiyWhefl he :lS is t 11`, ' :MAKING:.0 FOR LOST TIME -- Edward VollbAhr, ...87, pboye, 10..4.,' .HoyttWilhelin goes with -r . too.lt.tip elaffthingo.five months ago. Since he 1,:tegon hk a , day art career, he's turned out scores of sketches in piastel Dubbed-•randpa Moses" by his friends, Voll•behr says, he never took instruction. " the knuckler. rj 'gill*, the a1l. With,,, the.; - Minn*, and tips',of 'his in7d4. and • Middle'-ftbgers'".„-movirig into. an easy Windup. IV Vtli 'his "-right nwitat loCked, Wilhelm throws aiicl thepitch floats innocently , toward home -plate almost with' out.,spein. .Thera, inst before it reat:liess:'4116 Vatfer, •the., baseball : - suddenly ,VeaVes'. t rmay pluin'ar rna:dOwn., and in, or dol4A'ariclit out. It May abruptly sail; �i$ .„, When Sneak Punch Won For _Frenchman, -.VICebrges Carpentief7 was un- doubtedly one the7most hand- . some laokers _who e4r laced on .a`tglove. The,FrenchMan who be- at least, appear to sail.,,rffiThen , came light -heavyweight cham- pion of' the, World had a profile .that cduld 'eAsily-have won him a fortune on 'the films if his fists' .thad not already been doing so irr,the ring. And he.glid' in fact, ;or becbme a film star-Ort`retirement from boxing. • ' a batter hits so,m,ethillig, 1,11C0 bat solidly," says Richards-, a in- tense, ittaidu,S*:Man.;.:' "you 'lave to conclude .th4t if's an aggi,,-H, dent." ,r ' Through the yearSIstich chers as Fred Fitzsimmons and Dutch Leonard carved long careers as knuckle -ball ex- perts. "But," says Casey Sten- gel, "I never seen one of them throw it as good- as this .feller (Wilhelm)." Wilhelm began t,h r9Wi n g knuckle balls as a teen-ager artcl in 1952, his -rebkie year, he won fifteen lames in relief for the .11 New „,Y,o r k Gi4nts. Later his control faltered and he had a dafteu1t9 time finding it again. 0,N . He „drifted along to St. Louis and then Cleveland before 'Ili: chards, a master pitching in- ' tatkictor, reclaimed him. "I won -- deed why, he'd been used in relief," Richards' say's, "coming ' in 'with men on base where one passed ball could hurt him. I th8titiit 'that, .1PerhaPsTiif Hoyt started, the runners wouldn't get on base to begin with." A side problem for Wilhelm -hasbeen living with catchers. i. W. Porter at Clevelan‘tried, catching Wilhelm with a first baseman's glove but abandoned the- idea when his hatid »began aching. Other catchers wore masks just to warm him up. Gus Triandos, Wilhelm's current catcher, allowed four passed balls one garne,, but believes that if he gets his body behihd the ball, he can handle it. Whilhem does not work his favorite pitch to spots, "I throw high or I throw low," he says, "tut I never go for a corner. I just try to get it over the plate." When he does, batters, abandon hope. • "Hey Hoyt," shouted Hank • Bauer, the tough' old Yankee pro, after the second shutout • ; Throw me a fast ball." Wilhelm grinned and gripped an imagin- ary knuckle ball. Bauer winced and looked. away. NEWSWBEK itLQue,Apy, -4,tAgejlu Tao-hui resigned Under fire after he granted a divorce without hear- ing the husband's side then later inaarrie,de:thelavorcee., . It was Carpentier who, prob- ably more than any other boxer,. was responsible for women flocking to watch the sport. He.. had another fatal fascination, too. Just as women Tell febis handsome features, so the merr., fell before his flashing fists. •- is.ritish boxers seemed particu- „ larly ;quick to. succumb. Three topline Men, Billy Wells,n Joe Beckett, and Kid Lewis, were all knocked out by him in the” first round. Beckett; in fact, suffered this fate twice. Wells and Lewis 'never .had the chalice to play "double or quits." , One thing is fairly certain,441 however. If Carpentier and Lew- is„ had init again the verdibt woti1C1' have been reversed. As it,,,yas,..onathe occasion they did meet, in May, 1922, CarpeAtier, , though he, won the. verdict; leaf almost everything' else. °On thelace. al things the fight was hopelessly one-sided. Car- pentier was light - heavyweight champion of the world. Lewis was currently British and Euro- peen welter and middleweight champion, but all the physieal advantages were ' with the Frenchman: At the weigh-in Carpentier only just past the scales at the 175 pound limit; Lewis stepped on in his street clothes and' still weighed only 157 pound. Car - ',ender , also had the advantage of nearly four inches in height and three inches in reach. What chance had Lewis of ' getting through that long guard to land an explosive punch on his "op- ponent's handsome chin? r r t' get suffiCient strength back into his legs to rie The first round had till half a. minute to, ran when the ref- eree pro-elainteiVearpentier the • c'RiPP.51'n an4Atgrin ot )VPing khat lated :for SeVeral ininittes. 'Oarpelitier'saction, though' juStified end legal. and probably hiStinctive, was anything ..but , ?sporting, eand the 7 crowd emphat, ,ically let him now their Views, But there was no question of disqUalifying the 'Frenchman, as some of them dernancleth Tech- nically, CarpentieF was entitled, ' to act as ,he did, The rules state tliat a boxer shall defend him- self at all tithes and if Lewis • wasn't read Y to begin again af- 'tet the brief stoppage that was his fault, . Lewis niturally felt he had „been trealed unfairly, but it was left to wily little Descamps to slim up the situation. "It was battle .of °*its" iTe Te * declared. "carpentier came eut 011 top!" Yeti What a...pen,alty Lewis had to pay on the one occasion he 'failed to let his fist do his taik- thg4n thet ring! WRONG LOCATION A fariner, aurinind for the of - • of county treasurer, was rnaklng campaign tours around• his district, One afternoon he °Vas iddtessing a gathering which consisted mostly of farm- ers. These sons of the soil were. not,too sympathetic to his poli- tical views, and, he was being -• constantly heckled as he talked. One farmer finally said, "Hey, Joe! You call yourself a farmer? 'Lt's see the ' calluses on your hands!" • , "My friend," snapped the car,- ' dictate, "I am a modern farmer.. "Before I came here this after- noon I spent six hours on a bin- .o.cler in a 30 -acre field of oats. If you call yourself a farmer • you know that the • calluses aren't on my hands!" -r . during training. Lewis ;had. a warming -up fight and learned that Vo was sending'a spy 1.8 watch him'. The spy had little chance to gairi fnubh . formation' -- -the fight was ll over in about: a .minute- On .another..occasion, during a tralh-! ' ing work-out,. Lewis aiscovered that a friend of Carpentier's was in the audience. Lewis stopped" 'Weirk-tand-'asked nirru-to leave, indicating .that, there, would be r no -more action uritil he had gone.. . /But ipgwas .the incident of the mouthpi.ece tha t had Carpentier really 'sexed. Wrsn't every- thing., .Caftientier, had been lielped4- to yitin many.. of his pre- y:IOUs:, victories by,: the shrewd met:Ts 11Vih wily manager, FravoiszAkessampt So when Lewls.'„outsrnarted .4 escamps in the loreliininary Carpelifitt4niust hacre been bad- 1-- raVigarQ , sgEnt several years ,fightirrig in^Ainerica, and had , 'there; acitrireciyhtdouthpiece,„,a, nrotection -now ~ uniVet- ;sally usedbybOXerSb,but a nov- elty,. in ,th9se days, Carpentier did not •possess one, and Des - camps claimed that Iieivis woidd • 'have an' unfair 'adVantage by -Using such a device: 'EngliShrnah's- reply. was -"-short. and to the point: no mouth- , piece,- no, fight. „lie„added, that bere wastothing ,to„ stop' Car- pentier using one g' he wished. e TheWilclefed' -Ffenchinan's face-saving rejoirier to this was • tkatt. +Lewis, rcotild,rwiear his mouthpie,promided it waS ,the same type it he used, in train- ing, 8,n4 that Cg2pelifier was to e alroWed to inspect it be- fore the fight. • • It-dSii't•'eeidairr 'whether be ever did see it, but he was given. .no time= to,. think ,about it once thefightbegan, for as soon at the bell moundedLewis tore across the ring punching hard 'bcith hand. Carpentier, who had. expected a more sedate 'opening, -was plainly shaken and went4to an,ltrimedie* ;clinch. AS they broke, Le.wis produc- ed a fliarrY" of blows of . such power that Carpentier's ribs be- gan to redden, although the eon- testwas Only a few- seconds old. Then-, suddenly, ,Irewis ,switched his attaok to the .mOuth, and in- - rio iiine blood , was trickling . from the Frenchman's lip, ' The creWd..Was -already in an --uproar at -this,. sensational start, and Carpentier,.. plainly puzzled, erj int_atiotho clinch: This 'cthie LeWiS, partially breaking . free, started' a ffutfi of in -fight - •1 • Carpentier was now More than putt1ed-7he-,was adly rattled ark4„., . began ,,,lauriching.,• wildly. Some of his., bloyis. brought a - warning freuri the referee and oncerai' LeVrie came • in, the Vtenchin d, grabbed, one arm under his -own -left. and...punched away ,.withhis tight. During this tangle,he .also appeared to hit Lewis With: his head, andthough° this riarhalie been accidental ; the trOWd Were not SloOY to show • their. enge-t:, But..sensational as this Start had ' been, more was COrlie; The referee, already tired of the Constant mauling and heading, stopped' the 'light Iectilied the bolters, As- "he,••• -finished,. ?dropped his --bands atid turned tOwarda, ly Hi oeied us MOtith ±9 corn plaq that, he had beeh too busy 'tF1ng 't'1 thesto be botiferb*•abtitylieldiiig, but he • rhal the chance 'to speak, td to the referee; the .beintised Cat- Peritiet lied A pericot VieW of an titiptOteCted iri- -Silifat I±dTindiateiyhis ''ghtttiotrd,etitie'd Mit in afierce hook that traiVelledbately 'a feet and :Caught, tewia,aqtrate On the point �t- the JAW. It was* perfect' bloW,, Per- ''feetlY delivered. NO' Man COO& ." heVe, silOgYed itileaSt Of all, One caught, t CoMPletelY rifi his Lewis had been. Ile ertittitileA to the fitiorihot lying gang dazed; .7' libiting.t1I C�t1nyet tillable 1,6 'Two -such incidents ocyrred. 11 'I! *1 .- .1a- pi . ;f. tS ... %;091' 1Ss .. " , ' O.4‘.• '10,•., :'*.t 1, , ..;,'•,-, ..*:;• ,,,,, • , •• . Er,rt.-sr/wr.,;;;;.;•,.......!;,!.............,----- . , , 'N'' ''•: , . i AtloNCVIASit'-,' tat'itiOcilante; 4Sie hid hs itite as he was ,, , ,.. •, idktii Into' hht,ii,,,eVarWs re,dOral-Cobrt by Federal•riarCOtits agehiti ' tie' right hand' Man Of' Mafia itivorlard Vito Genoyee *tit oittited laftrilini•I•in'N'tw' Jersey,, 'tiding. a Year-long Man- 4,iIirit, litriin $100.•Wat held, 000' bail anti pleaded innocent tO ..i..'..,, .",.., „r ; , , , . iihargat Of iOniiiiiiiiiy to violate Federal 'narcotics laWS, • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING • 0 • tif POLICE ril,OXPilTti WANTED 'kiwi oath in your Spare Time, ;810 show Yeur friends our Christmas and AU -Occasion Greeting 'Cards "(inclUding. Religious), Stationery, Gifts. Write for samples. Colonial Card Ltd. 489-13 Qfteen East, T9011/0 2- 71.1VTI4EI4011.' VALE FIRE Alarms, sounds loud alarm when fire is small, every home should be protected; hArkg _anywhere, no instalia- tion• cost, 'guaranteed. $7.93" prepaid, ze- ante offer. A, Hare, Bath °Marie. BABY CHICKS' , ASK for Bray list, Amet, dual Phr- pose and Leghorns, dayold. and 'started. Prompt shipment. Order July -August broilers ,10w1 •Frenipt;'shipment dual purpose cockerels. See local agent - or write Bray Hatchery, 120 JOTS North, Hamilton, Ont, BOYS' AND 'GIRLS, CAMPS CAMP CENTENNIAL ,for girls 6 to 14 years. 50, miles from Toronto. Estab- tithed 30 years. Varied activities. Ex- pert leadership. Brochure oprequest. Director Mrs. V. Hickingbettoni, Island GrOye, P,O, ;Lake Simcoe) Ontario. In Toronto phone Mrs, Woollard or Mrs, Hurst ME 3-3772. MARIDAN RANCHO BEAUTIFUL scenic location. Miles at riding trails. Children 6-16 years, $25.50 weekly. Best of supervision. Write ILR, Varney. Phone Durham 580W2. BOYS. 7-16;, horseback riding,swim- ming, hikes, etc. 'Good meals. `Write Circle Bar Dude Ranch. R.U. 1, gate- do4, or „phone 57R3. CHILDREN'S CAMP for boys' and "girls 647. All land and Water sports ,under college -trained leadership. RegLstered Nurse. Home cooked meals Six ponies and horses to ride at no extra, cost. Screened insulated cabins, Aqua trig"and - Water- skiing -29th vear, for Canada's outstanding Qamp. Highly recommended. Reasonablk. Dr and Mrs. Martin, ;Directors Write for free fol- der: "WildWOOd" VOudreuil Quebec, riuRsgo .wyokto-Et) Hospital Suporlinteisclont .. liEGisTERED nurse, for Su.hed Modern host -Alai, .StartIng 4,,u1y 1, 1959. Finnish, • ed 3.rocuu apartment provided. Reply, Stating Previous experience and' SalarY, expected to Mrs It. F. Linton, •Secre• , tory, Englehart and District gcspitai' , Board, Box 609 Englehart, Ont. gNioy the atmosphere Of a friendly 040 -bed DownrTown hospital, THE TORONTO WESTERN,',HOSPITAL 341 pathitret street • • ' Toronto tiat vacancies for GENERAL STAFF NURSES 5255..00 per month at present with AD - OLIO lacrements to $205.00. •Ohour 5 -day work weeit wart.) giving full details ter Director of Nursing Service. •-• OPPORTUNITIES FOR 'MEN AND WOMEN BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY , -- LEARN "Auctioneedng, Term soon. Free • catalogue-,Reisch„Auction Col. lege, Mason City, Iowa, America. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE , • -- HARDWARE Store and / or Heating, Plumbing, Tinsrnithing Business in in- 'dustrial town. Reasonable. Apply Box 367, Perth, Ontario , FOR SALE HEATING 'and plumbing business, fully equipped;.good opportunity for aggres- Sive person. ILEAC° SALES "COMPANY, ponmucki GE1•IERAL country store in Finger Lakes area 12 miles 'Watkins Glen, .N.Y.; 6 rooms, bath; ;2 acres. •Gross $50,000.,,Groceries, gas, oil, beer, drugs, drygoods. Owner going south, $23,000 complete. Will' finance., Ivan Garnet, Dundee, N,Y., It No. 2. Call 456X1. Village Hardware - AND FUEL BUSINESS $125,000 annual turnover. Asking price including 3 trucks, tanks, sheds, 3 store fronts and all general equipment, plus $30,000 'active stock - $60,000, about 520,000 will handle. Gas station, garage, ---,restaurantwith attached residence, iis • good-rtown• on highway. Total MLeKN"i..IG,H4l0 '....''pri\c 516,000. I J, . ,;REAL 'ESTA E160 INSURAy CC 1LISTWEVNTr: PHONE\:.E GS42, r OAIRYyip Ml.T I• ., P - ER CTIJON Tilitket)w thssiandard or 4. s••.; ' autoniatiir, control, frottr,;ka0ended, or pipe line ',types, have allad tlik"way-for - Ayer; 40 years. Installation and - idP•anywliere in WesteritOntario. Our ' pripes arel always interesWg. American 'Sepiii.atorl Sales. Phone Carlow 2821, Goderich; Ont. -, FARM EQUIPMENT FOR SALE VISITOR — India's. Maharajah of Mysore, on tour in the Uni- tecL.States,, observes the sights in Anaheim, Calif. FARMERS,, 7 - CONDITION your hay the. BradY, way--; cuta curing time In -hall and honseives "the' feednig value. Get ,full details about uus Brady Haymaker,from ' Tdriter Limited, Blenheim „ and List°. wel. I BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCF1001. Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing PleasanL dignified profession' good wages, Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 eloor St. w., Toronto Branches: 44 King' St„ W., tiamlitQfl 72 Rideau Stre,et, Ottawa PERSONAL MY RUPTURE was removed naturally, For FREE FACTS, write; John Mor timet, Box 128 W, Elora, Ont. CHRISTIAN CHAIN RECORD OF THE MONTH CLUB CLUB members buy records at a am' ings and make money selling to other club members. Write for information: Sacred Record Supply Centre, Box 200. Hartland N.B. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 12 magna 'Prints, in album sot 2 magan:priprinntsts5leneaaclbhum 400 KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including prints). Color prints 350 each extra. Ansco and Ektachreme 35 min. 20 ex. posures mounted in slidei $1.25 Color prints from slides, 350 each. Money refunded in full for unprInted tiega. tiCvAeTFLAALOGUE available on farm and "AB. OX 31, GALT. ONT. ' ERS' CAMERA CLUB PROPERTIES FOR SALE suburban property, Offices in Bramp- ton, Orangeville, Georgetown and Guelph. Upon request we will forward to you a catalogue covering the type of • property you suggest you may be in- terested in. G. A. Hutchison, Realtor. 29 Queen St., E„ Brampton. 50 ACRES of timber. 15 acres" .with three houses, large barnf pressure, system, bath room John VI. Parlts,'„c• Bannockburn. "ts, POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK • Tn.-BO must be a reason why g'% of of' 'nut ,c4Stomers who purchased K437 • KimberchikAMllets last year are Ne, -IED, Protestant teachers ar0. e ortieriiir,inVargi4 numbers this year. -"•-xtletTqAiii?e, d for S.S. 9, WolseleY, S.S. The •reasoits: they he „hL een more „' m'bIe and S.S. 12, North Keppel, profitable: than any ottitruittuet they r•-,reer ' of Keppel East Aree, Grey 11M/6%0,er-4:Jetted. coni ount Duties to commence Septem- Theyjaave,:atiperierk interiOt egg qubl, ••. Sec.-Treas. •`•,Kemble, Ontario. address. Low prices far -June, Julyandr Angust. '-#;gROTESTAIIIT teacher for U.S,S. No. eAPnl/tymo andlyear Also White Leghorn "Xr-rRhode „Aldborough and Dunwich; Elgin 8, P.ctSetra,t, 'Triend'erto lay lamb 'eggs !early";,-, tfiree, ber weekarlier than,many.rother- breeds. • of last In e ity wititustrOng T,hey •wou. .------- Red, California GI X -White "Leg- Cotinty. Mcid,ern conveniences. Duties horn Rhode Island ed, Rhode Island. , to etimmenek, September 1, 1959. Apply Red 'X Barred Rock, Light Sussex X atating4salarY expected and name of Rho,de Island Red, Rhode Island Red, )f latrinspEetbr to Harold Fawcett, R,R. ./,-Lighe Sussex. ‘IiMoiler chick's Turkey No 1, Dutton. (poults:if,tompt shipment: Swine,Eng- • „brids, Landrace/ Catalogue. RYDE TOWNSHIP lish 'Large Bleck, "Blue:SOHO' by- 'TWEDDLE" CHICK HATCHERIES' LTD. FERGUS 0,4 • .:ONTARIO PROFITABLE OPPORTUNITIES AGENTSITHotkieWiVeil Milk° biS pi-dfits on eartings. ,,Low .whelesale. prices, , • -cost yOu'11.100 for- $21951r4SOlid Dol. • . tar for.,sampiev,HAD. 3uwe1ry,,,211. War- . n'er Canton '4; •Ohld', 17;S:A. ' ' ITAMPS''AritiititiitiSi 4,4 - FOR the finest in stamps on approval. Post paid tipth ways. Write today M. Rideout, Box 476, Hamilton. Ont. • NEW 1959 U.S. Canadacatalogue now "ready; send • 2(4, to rover cost. New Way -Stamp, Lawrence 16, Mass. • A. DREAM RAINBOW FOR • ALBUM A beautifur.cpllection,. sports, flowers, animals:" etc., Morkiliari 31$ different, ' stamps. Satisfaction for everybotlY. All " that for only 250, With our beautiful • Stamps •On approval, Faro Stamp Co.. Dept W. Stonehain -ComPany, Quebec. (A .S.D.A • SUMMER RESORTS -BLUE ..WATER, CONFERENCE NEAR .WALLACEBURGi ONT, "Undenomlnathinal Surnmet -Retort" 53 to $7.50 daily, itigiuding meals; all recreational facilities;, evening meet- ing;,' Bible, and Missionary speakers, 'For folder write 1,53 King W. Chatham, Ont r . ar .NCION' TOWNSHIP . P01.10E., DEPARTMENT have a ihnited number of vacancies within titer?' next few months, Any young -.man haying the necessary attributes and de- siring 80 interesting career in the Police service, may apply to the undernoted. DESIRABLE QUALIFICATIONS Ifclige142:11°etbnot Agyears gradatl°° or eu • Minimum height 5'9" ' Minimum weight 160 lbs. " larrieuttytoptib r0achaacheleechraeorapcetneeraiilnd btr • and disCipline 1 „This-4one oEers a good salary soalept unlimited training olvortuni• ties rind advancement,' commensur. ate With ainlitand.lpplication. F. GORDON STRONACH Chief "COnstiable , 173O Dundai:Street LonClon, Otiiorio TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER. some experience. A.verage attendance 17, 1958.School close to railway and 'No. 11'`Flighway. State salary. Apply to Mrs, Moffat, Sec., Treas Public School -Remote Ontario .school for •September' Small enroll - TEACHER ,required far rural publio mApenpti..‘„, 'stating sallar0 expeeted and experience, to: John A McLeod, Sec, Treat of Aberdeen -Plummer Township school area, Leelnirn, Algoma Ontario. 3s etP011.00iTeE;SeT AeNi Tmteeyaea.IL ,erress t ft no rg st ocwonusnhtlyp. ttarting 1959-69 •term. ONE for one -room school calcArthur•a Mills). Grades 1 to 'V. 'Salary $3.000. ' ONE for principal two -room school (Hermon).3,o.3o11 Grades V to -111. Salary ONE for for junior(Hermon). Grades 1 to tV Salary. 52,.room two -room schod , GIVE ridme and address of test InsPec- tor and experience to ,A.W Ramahot torn,' Hermon, Ont. • LAIRD TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA REQUIRESiA QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED ' TEACHER FOR SEPT. 1ST.GRADES 1-8 wmeille-se'cifuirgrdSasuclirae.8Maarrie. 34.T.- 4.-.0ztperience and name of last inspector. -nector. HUGH I4ENRY, SEC.-TREAS, BAR RIVER, ONT. FARMS FOR SALE • FARM for sale 9,00 acres, good clay loam, new bank tram. contract. - trout river 'through farm. ,7 ,,toom hence, hydro, spring' water. ridse rto church, 'school, tourist lakes„ $5000 , down; Leslie Plewist"Giiiienhurst-POnt.-. HELP WANTED • EXCELLENT monthly guarantee for part-time delivery jewelry contracts throughout-OntatioriViust 'be -reliable, have car- Reftmdable cash deposit( re. • quired. Inquire about your locality. Male or female. Name, address, tele- phone. Write to Box 189 123-18th.Street, New Toronto Ontario. • i, H -OW. Can I? ..... __.; Y Anne Ashley Q. How can I remove iniliteiV? A',. Remove mildew by' wetting ', the spotadapAig ,lt.relf,,...and„.p.dy,7 ering thickly with finelY-ptil- verized. „chalk ., or,i, kvli..4..ingis., OV:44, seek in sem: milk, rinse, 'aiitt,laY in tne,titiii: r:;.. s,,..:. ti .!..„. ,..,..1. iT.."..ot., 4. ,Itiqvir Akti,„3„„eatity„teniove_ the stringS froM String inane A. Every., bit of string Can be 1,1 removed f after • thekotighlY Wash* t ey are plunged filth' boiling' Water for five minttte8„,.,, and theri' drained. lh .., ALA INSTRUCTION EARN more) BookkeePing,, Salesman. ship, Shorthand; Typewriting; etc, Les- sons SOO.Ak'•for free circular NO "33. Canadian CorresMindence •Crlin'tes 19.00 Bay..,Street. Toronto. • • • - INCOMEliPROPERTY FOR SALE A goodyear round income property in town' of Huritiville. -.City convenien- ces, excellent lecatiOn; owiierra apart - Ment available.' Sell orconsider house' as down Payment. Apply F.0: Box 82 Huntsville, Ont. , MEDICAL - DON'T ,DELATI, EVERY SUFFERER Of RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, :-335 -ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express,Colleet. • ECZEMAIALVE BANISH the torment ot dry eczema rashe't and weeping' „skintronljles, • ; Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, sealing ,and „burning„ecze-r,, ma; aene; orni. Othiples and feet eczema tyill respond, readily-, in tho, stithleSs I,OdtirleA.bintMent Iregdraless--', of.tiow. 't ,stubborn or hopelest they Sent POst Free on Receipt of Price $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES • 2165 St. .ClairiAvenut'Eastt ', k)TORONTO''..v , MONEY TO LOAN UNLIMITED Money leans to -city and farm folk. Money, for anyting and atv.whereiDialling Investments Ltd.,_ 24442. • 4 380B.jigieq'Sta4E-Mt4§e7211,0 of0001 M ilt E.14 $1.00 tO410.00,for dld78 LE3L Setirds: 11E00"-I9tinger'1lst aishipPlflt- Snstructiona. 7403 Greenwood; t!...8Vt9M(.1•WINtti4tklIrlit ' j SCHOOL AREA BOARD REQYJIRES a qualified teacher. Duties to commence in September, 1959. Hydro,,Salary, $3,000. . APPLY» stating experience, name and address' of 'last inspector, to: ' 'MRS, PEARLE PLEWIS, ,,,21RCRETARY•TREASURER, 3, GREVENHURST, MUSKOKA, ONT. TWO QUALIFIED .-C-ATHOLIC "FOR tw.a.T.erA0C,mHERseSp aWrAatNeTsEeDho*ol, •Motningten; Perth' County. Senior roem,,Grade.5 to 8. Salary, $3,000 to 53,200 ;junior; room, Grades 1 to 4, $2,700 to $2,900, according t� expert- enekand .qualifications. Duties to com- inetide-iir-Btitember. State experience, qu5lificatiOns',7ancl references. ALBERT C. MOSER, SEC.-TREAS. Ne. 1, BRITTON, ONT. Nymark's lodge and Motel ST. SAUVER, DE MONTS, P.Q. ON private lake; modern log lodge for 150,' swimming pool, dancing nightly, tennis, sports, own golf course; riding available. Comfortable, friendly atinos. phere. Choice menu. Free golf to weekly guests.4Folder. Rates $7 up. , ' Ilbitrvnreek191-ymee,:o Honeymoon Special $110.. 5130 Week SUMMER PROPERTiES FOR SALE FEIIT • lit3A.LA -Park, Island; for sale or _rent. , tsclittage •r1 beautiful- Muskoka' -Lake. .. Will sleep. 11, hydro, tap wateir. elec. , 641&refrIgdiatbre OroPhilk gas Tot edbk. ing, and rowboat, Apply Albert Dunn. 31 William St. Delhi, Ont.. Phone 6783. At Hewtin. 4 itiiioe Paint . .1, •;•• Spot4iiiiit a 0, '0'' 0e1'q141:' A:yiiual0iofIi , hohifi xitAtir. Sattratdthe sots fh e or;loufitinies,ari. then whsh in soap stitS, 1 Rinse iti clear Water, dry, itiid press, SPORTING GOODS FIBREGLASS CANoZs, , "$ENECA ft. 55 Ilia, Wildetticss"rested:4Sendffet Free „Catalogue Z151 Snorting' Goed/I: ‘A.nitgeltkaiPlt 6Sts Ste IVISb6afre.303114;aGrblet? 5t5 4V SWINE Tit' latest an Swine Breeding, Bind ted. Start ride herd now.Registet-,„ d Landrece glItt bred ifietargd Blfielt oars, also iniperted "Large ‘1311bktP o se Cteek,,Farria, Galina Va1le5-,;:011- a o. A TALENT WANTED Seeking, -the an round Canadian. Sir( Mits Canada $6000 in, ScholarshIns courtesy of , Pepsi -Cali Company: of Canada Limited. • ;r!”. • RequIreni *Mei Age .--- I See le year*. . Velucition44 Vawire MO Wised: ',Tient entilet cleOe JU1Y- 20tMEWrite. Miss tzt, Ntigiattv,.% 10114,,%;tg.f' ‘iiittiett tains a d Exce ent Opportunity ESP A Ot .PLAkIC SCHOOL Grcde Tecich6r • • ,,17,:_iloom scHoor., • PEDERATION'SALARY SCHEDULE TO ".END.'0F„1.EVEL 5 IN EFFECT • .APPLV;.' ift;dit.g usual information ra. gutted to: , • ->M1f.r•ANDREW E. ELLIS PRINCIPAL. ESPANOLA, ONT. taucks PICKUP truck oWners. Protect your valuable ,equipment. Get a Newhall itabl beiftlfbr your truck. Any size for any truck. Box 573, Newhall, Calf - TURKEYS - ".i,_•,.. -..L.....1.---••2- ----------- ;'ItirgkgehVnifirket type sttain,?Reettni, •BROAD, Btcatted B.io_iii..e_ttit.17Ptiult_i,.. ,, ably, ptided. Citctlar, littlistint TUrkey •.Faltfitlidlfateherir R 2. Calingiellfetd. Ont. U.S..A. RESORTS -----..,.---._ - — ,.. DETILOIT,„Midli. submit; 31/2 Mile§ city r-,--iimu,s: over -flight camas serill-MOdetri, free .-, T„, -Y; pidnie tablet. Centrally Id, v,eated ,;for, tetirist atttactions. Most cabiria$,Loo,kOr. 2 People', Cottage Grove P....cout,-276oIrseiegrapii Ild., (U.S.. 24) • t -"NOtilii1/4teri1 Hwy.. Rittningliairt. •ntidh, • .,,. .,.._....,... „. , ...,. 195tt AcKi11m E May be Warfliflg. pletcatlikie , 'Atli tallied: i)Y, laty - IcidneYkilliiii. When kidneyi Sit out of order, 'seen arida and:WI-ilea rernain .S..., Ith.•.systs •• Ittn,lickache, die- ,li I t itirbed feet 0, it lir id -iiiii anti beery:, ,,• headedfeelt -1141ettlelletr. That'll( .L Ifie' ' ' 104 I '. Didd'i ICidney Pilli,A, )Ii ilitnal a the 7, to normal, .•• c Th . ; ' Isii. test tottet,-siteo• - bKiiittntti*4'Pill:na;ht.ette°' Get.Deliq' j: 41, or;