HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-06-04, Page 1Universal Fancy Pink Salmon 2 for 54c Clark's Beans with Pork, 20 oz. 2 for • • •• '''' • • 37c Sunbright Margarine, 4 lbs. .... -• $1.00 Hunt's Tomato Juice, 20 oz. g for ..... . • . •••••• • 25c 116•4•41,*.. ,61,•••••••• • 4,106 MCCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver YOUTH RALLY Knox Church Cranbrook SATURDAY, JUNE 6th at &30 p.m. The Younge People From 'KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, TORONTO will be in charge with special 'Music, Testimonies and Bright 'Sinh'ing • 'Plan to join with us In this inspirational SeriIce." Also 'on The Lord's Day, Ethel 9.45 a:m., Granbreek 11 :15 a.m. c e Would you. cast a stdne? Only those without sin, said the Master, may judge the erring. This girl and her unborn babe may be the victims of betrayal, at of the mother's weakness or folly. The Salvation Army merely asks, are they friendless and in need? In its hospitals, havens and homes, mother and child receive loving care and the opportunity for a happy future. 140 maintain this and its other works of mercy, The SatlirtttlOrt Army asks your help. Your contribution will bring you the joy of helping others to build happy, useful lives. The understanding. heart and the human touch THE SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL • Pegelote, Trews. FranleMitchell, Dist. Chairman Collection will talie place June 8th to 13th • .1 4 1 I 011.1 .41 POST mp«ma-riss wax Fos ottwe Dowse* Thursday, June 4th, 1959 Post Publishing House $2,00 per year $2.541,. `LIBRARY 'NOTES — NOTICE Dating- June, July and August library hours will be Tuesday: 3 p.m. — 5 p.m.. 7:30 --9 :30 Saturday: p.m. 2 p.m. -- 5 Ihne 161110PLE WE KNOW Dylan Prescott was guestesoloist at • MedirMe Church last Sunday' morning. Louis Thompson, R. M. former organist of MelvMe, presided at the organ- • • calm Miss Ruth Ifeneingwahe B. II. Sc., recently graduated from McDonald Institute, Ontario Agricultural Col, lege, Guelph. Her college training entitles her•to act professionally in* the field of dietetics, textiles and management. Miss Hemingway will be employed in the 'Rome Ecoriomics Service of the Dept, of Agriculture. Melville Church. Minister! Ho. Jonathan Green Organist — Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Divine Worship The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A. Organist: Mrs. A, E. Martin 9.45 A. M. Church school 11 A. M. Rev. G. L. IyIills, B. A. of of Ontario St. Clinton 0 Anglican. ClaurcI 00 CANADA 'Partin ,Of 0•4**01: W. iii 441414, Lth 8,86, a, ti% Holy Zttdii•arst 11 A. hi, Matting ButiclaY Relittel tit. David's tientrYit 9.t6 a. in, :Matting; CRANBROOK Mr. Glen Huether enjoyed a trip to Montreal vrith 4!...lan,A1cDonald,.1 friends In the vicinity.. . Mr. and. Mrs. Olen thoMpson and daughtOr Lois Elizahetb, !visited_ friends in the Tomah area. Mr. and 'Mrs. Howard Mitchtill Phorold, and Mae and Mrs. Fred Mitchell, Toronto, . were here last week for the .funeral of the Tate Duncan McTaggart. Mph. Stanley Fischer and Mr's. Glen Huethee attended the 75th anniversary of,Maitland Presbyterial of ithe W. M. S. held in. Knox Chu-tale Teeswater on Thursday, May 28th. Duncan McTaggart Duncan. McTaggart paseed away- suddenly on Tuesday, _May 26th, in St. Catharines Hospital, He was a son of the late John McTaggart, and was horn, on the laith con. of 'Grey township where 'he resided until 'moving to •Crahhroolt about 20 years ago. In 1915 she married Mrs. Mary Mitchell, "who pre-deceased him in Dec, 19I57, He is susivivecl by two step-sons, }Toward Mitchell Thevold, and Fred of Toronto, Mrs. Wra. Patterson of Ethel 18 a Faster and two brothers, Malcolm and Jim, ;reside in Westent elentula. CARD OF THANKS t dtinti taking this opp'ortitilitY. to theek itiih• friends Who -"tatted nief thottgbtftilly inquired, Sent 'hovers; fruits and treats Sind& redent iiteident. These . not be forgotten: Dora '8oinoi% RgeFttiontAt. 00.1mIrrig ORGANIZE MOR SUMMER special meeting Of the 13rue- seis Reereational Committee was held on. May 27th in the 13ressels Municipal Office, R. Duncan, J, Q Kreuter, Rev, Prowl:, Rev. Jagge M. Oldfield and D. A, Ranh being absent, .In the absence of the Sec.-Treas. J, M. NeDonald was, appointed sec- tary for the meeting. Moved by C. C. 'Workman, sec- onded by Geoege McCuteheon that that the minutes of May 11th meet- ing be adopted as read, — Carried Seven applications were re- ceived for the position of part time Reereational Der'fectors, they were as follows -- Sheila Black, Betty Travis, Faye Engel, June Warwick, Carol 'Bryans, Gerald Huetlr, David Kennedy, and Glenn Plant. Moved by G. Wilkinson, seconded by J. Valiance, that the Committee accept the applications of David Kennedy and Sheila Black at the the saaaries of $24 per weeleHours are as follows — 6 days a week, three and five hours alternate days — Carried Moved' bs G. McCutcheon, second- ed by., J. Valance, that the com- mittee appoint Rev. Daggs and Rev. Brown to a committee to 'help the Recreational Directors organize and manage 'programs Carried It was decided .that during the Bible School Which will be from July 13th to July 25th, the hours of the Direcbors will be 1 o'clock to 5 o'clock Monday to Saturday inclusive. The age limit for children are: girls, 15 years and ender and for boys, Public School Age. The directors will comanence work on 'July 6th and end on August 18th Moved by McCutcheon, sec- C. L. Workman, that the accounts as presented for Payment be Paid " — Carried Meehan .Hardware, mice. (arena) $ 1.46 Wingham Advance Times fear. 1.86 take 'Huron Zone Bee. (teem. membeystlp 10-00 Moved by J. Valiance, seconded by G. Wilkinson, that the meeting adjoin(.. Fischer, We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives friends and neghbours 6r the late Duncan MeTaggart, „ for floral tri- butes, expressions of syrmiathy, and those Who assisted in any may din'. ing oar bereavernene. - Everything was deeply aPPrec- ittted. Howard and Fred Mitchell LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE T 0 VV E L Thur. --Fri. June 4 • 5 Double Feature "PARATROOP COMMAND" Richard Bakalyn "SUBMARINE SEA HAWK" John Berttly Sat, Mon, June 6 8 Double Feature 't GUNMAN'S WALK " dolor CirietrieSCOtte Van Heflin .Cathy Grant " LIFE BEGINS '6At 17` Mark Osman, Dorothy' Johnston Tues. - Wed. Rifled - id PLAIN' SAILING, " (Comedy) John Cregdon ThoitUrti Two Shows Nightly, Path or 66i OfiteC one-tie at 8.00 e0CtOck Flat Show at bitielt Children' tinder 12 fn car Free Cartoon at Snell iiiii4OrMatlei Gwendolyn eiraritin- presided, at the organ, and' Miss WM:eon Meyer at the piano. During the reception of the 'offering Mr. David Kennedy coneri- buted a saxophone solo, accompanied hy Miss Marion It,Over. A young ladies chorns cott‘osed of Misses Mae Myers, Anne Cardiff, Beth Mc- Taggart, Linda Johnston and Ruth Ann Johneton, Sane a enneaer entitled "Summertime". • . • - INTERMEDIATE MEN'S SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Juice 5 — Brussels eat 43eigraIve June 6 — Fordwicrt at Stone School June. 8 --‘• Pordwich at Whoxeter Amer 9 Stone, Sieigio eat Ilelgrave .Tuns 10 — Woozeter it -Brussels June 11 Brussels at Fel:FAT/kb Stine 13 — Brussels alt Stone School Jutiv111— Stone Sdbool sit ForehTlcIts June 16 — Wirloxeter nit Belgrave Suns 18 — -Fordwich sit Brussels. June 20 — Woxeter sat Stone School June 28 — Brussels. alt Pordwich BRUSSELS SENIOR GIRLS TO PLAY FASTBALL Senior Schedule June a Fergus at Harriston 5 Goderich at Lucknow 9 Brussels at Hanover 9 Harriston. at Fergus 12 Fergus at Ducknow 13 Go detach at Brussels 15 Fergus at Brussels 16 Hanover at Harristori 17 leicknow at Fergus 18 Leek/low at Hanover 20 Irarristen at Creclarich 213 Hanovet at Goderieb 24 Besiege's .Harriston 25 Lucknow at Goderich 27 Hanover fit Bektesees 29 Herriston at Brussels 29 Lueknow at Thieristen 3(I Goderich et Fergus t.XCE,ttiM THEATat: WINCHAM, ONTARIO Two 'Shove Each Night Cbtlithehelng at 7.15 M. thiltS.i l Fri., St jilth6 4 5 ,6 Jai-lit-6 'Stewart Kim Novack Jack Lerntileti toile Kovacs in • Bell, gook. and Candle An .enjovahle tiff-beat collier(,,. vAtt E#EAutV St-thOrit Cutting Cm] Witting A Sp''dcl alt Phone 146 lirthitiele GREY TWP. SPH,091, BOARD The reguler meeting opt the (trey , Twp..aehool Board' was bead in the Ethel school on May 5 at 5 pee. with all Members and Inspect9r • Kinkead present,c The minutes eV the last wee-dire were read and adopted on motion et CpX and Fischer. Carried Motion 'o£Smith and Cox that the School mill rate for 1959 be 10 mills — Carried. Motion 'of Conley and Smith that 1 the Board advertise for two teachers in the London Free Press and Strat- ford Beacon-Herald Motion of Cox and Fischer that we advertise for tenders for install, ing a complete oil system in. the U, 4 (Molesworth) school. Ads. to be placed in the Brussels, Seaforth and Listowel papers _I' '-- ' Carried. 'Motto): of Ceraley and Cox that the Board sponsor a bus trip for Grade S ' to Toronto sometime between June 15 and 30. Secretary to contact Ralph Pearson about the same - Carried. Mention of Conley Rau Fischer that the following bills be paid — carried. ,1). Ennis, dUStilailS Harry Bolger, telephone tails 2,75 Molesworth General Store, hot lunch supplies 19.75 R. L. Cunningham, coal and oil 40.28 Machan Hardware, replalrs 19.75 Alexander & Chapman, ineur- ante , 13.70 Mprray Hoover, labour 16.36 Jack Hood School Supplies, suppdtea 27,00 Meeting adjourned on motion of Cox to meet agate. on June 2nd, ae 8.30 P.is Norman P. Hoover, Sec'y. DANC E Cranbroph Community Centre FRIDAY, JUNE Islueic fly K R el WILpg ,Orchestra. Lunch Sooth Everybody Weloorne Admission ..Popular Prices Spy ,Dsored by Cranbr7#ok Hall11.9ard. Sebastiano. Egg Grading Station (formerly Bray's Produce) (formerly Bray's Produce. Ethel, Ont.) Feed — Eggs -- Poulty Locker Service — Pickup Service Phone Brussels 16J10 POLITICAL MEETING at BLYTH HALL on MONDAY, JUNE 8th At 8.30 P. M. Speakers — Rae Watson, Lucknow, John Hanna, Winghler Harry Strang, Exeter, Charles Mceraughton, Exit* Come arid Bring Your Questions Sponsored by .The Farmers' Union BRIDGE MOTOR'S • Have Available New Meteor and Mercury . Cars and Mercury Truck You are invited to come in to see and test drive these uniiiir IMPERIAL , OIL PRODUCTS Service Station Open evenings and Sunday:i 10 te 5 for your convenience: Complete Line Of . International Harvester and New Idea Farm Machinery The Best in Parts and Semis. Phone 249 Brims* 'I ATTEND CONVOCATION Mr. and Mrs. James Pesteli attended the Convocation of their laughter at the University of West- ern Ontario. Anne Pesten received• her diploma in Public Health Nur& 7:30 10 P.m. ing and has 'been appointed to the I positio n Of Public ' Nurse for the There will be an exchange of London Health _Department- 'Huron Comity hooks on Pride-9, June hale igen. —771pm Mn, Julia 'Kerney, Librarian. • recently. - I Mrs.Roes Speiran and son Keith. * h • Siigin•W, spent a few days with fitIll e Tile failetel Wee 'held on e Fridey, May 29th from the D. A. Rabe Fah- t eral HOMO, Ihreesele. Mr. Glee altOrriaset. Of Knee Peeelieietlett Chttiibeeele. conducted tate! service. Pailbeetete Were Mee and 11.- ese Iraiget Glen tied atuai'ay Ebel Diiriti and • rceilneth Mae- Dciftela. Seek 4nd (lardon Engel Wete floWee besitere. File:rids and reintieetr attended • 'lathe At. Callearinea London, TO" Mitre, Delesteete snit dodo-tali. UNITED ,CHURCH OBSERVE ANNUAL, FLOWER SUNDAY Amid the beauty of white and Purple Mae% tulips of all Coheirs, and other fieveere of epringtimo, the Sunday School of Brussels United. 'Church conducted their annual flower service on. Sunday Morning. The theme wee; "God's Message" and was built about a replica of a church surrounded by homes. and plaees of business' which were sur- mounted with TV aerials, The sermon Preached by the minister was on the theme and led the congre- gation, to think of the importance of, neeseages in every day living as well as during• times of crises, God speakes Message, to us through nature, through prayer which is our wireless •communication system with Him:, and through the Bible. The iministea suggested three different messages that God gives to us whice are particularly illustrated in the 1st chapter of St. 7ohns Gospel in the experience of Andrew. The first message is "come"; secondly "abide", and thirdly, "Go'h Andrew was obedient to these messages: he came to Jesus, he abode with Him that he might lerstee from Him, then he went out to find others,' pareicularly his brother Peter, and brought them to Jesus. We may .follow his example, During the .serviee the wee tots sang, and also the Senior group who composed the Junior Choir. Miss CarrInd H. A. Sec.-Treas. June 28 — Stone School at Wroseter tune 24 Belgralve alt Brussels June '26 — Brussels ,at Wroxeter CARD OF THANKS June 27 — Belgratve at Stone School ereereerelteasesseheaSeMiehe • IL •-•