HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-28, Page 8• ••tv•- •,-- • -..--..--;••,,,..r•••.;mr.••••••;,117.7.17.fibri,',..•;• .•• • •• 4717r,z;;;7••••,, ; • ,Pril!!!!!7M7r77117. Tr,.."777•!..711r",174TIN""r`wri."1"."!`""••••!;•....•••-:-.., fr•PrTrirrs .1.11•7M111,,,•" ••• 'T.T."rs THE >r RUss fir. Prer*, . r,arretrrr - • c• •• 4W-X4g2W,%.,141W•47e).V.4.1.rv ••• c 11401615A.5 ---• Phone Z4 v. rev- Tip Top . Tailors For Gardenia ro 1:4 • 4••••••..x. /404,6r. 41.1".#,A4tr • • " 05' '10.11 TIP TOP SCTI TS "Where 'aettOr pu!ls Aro Used". We DQ: Give Service Da you must request this r:gerebefztritt,, On Sundt-7! rtubber Cloves 79c pr. and at other prices E3Iack Leaf Forty Insect Repellant. Push Button S way 98c Tailored To Measure All Wool .;50.00 Reg. $65 FLEET STREET Reg. ($75 $63. 75 Dusting Sulphur Hellebore, Parts Green. evening., This allows our staff, to service these Calls • e.ar 1 y Sunday morning and still spend most of the daY with their families, Bordeaux MIXture Hand Sprayer 55c- Ant and Roach' Powder 50c Polsiort hiy Check $1,00 Nitrate of Soda,. Napthaleine Flake4 Household Ammonia' 4 D Weed Killer Vitamin Bt. To Make Plants Grow 25c and 50c 'bets Fertabs 25c Pkg. Tremendous Stock of Yard Goods — Draperies Foot Comfort 1 The lowest or any tender not i I necessarily' accepted. I Robert For ties, 1 , i thief of Administrative Services , Cameron . Gudel Inspect and Secretary. ;Departnient of. Public Works 'Dttaavia, May 20. 1959. ,Rexall root Powder tfito 3 Room Group Only $399.00 including Bedroom Living Rosin r• • I MD efe Rexill Sanipesi +Corn Seivest Fist Seim Scholl.s Corn P,atis or Callous Pads 'or Bunion Pads 50e Pkg. Olu* Jay Cern Piaster* Ceralle 4k 1 Verena, Guild], travelled from t 'Switzerland for her Wedding May I 2nd to TMr John Murray Cameron. `The Vide is the daughter et Mr. and Mrs. Paul .fludicil of jeSeustort 'Switzerland. Mr. , Cemerce1, 7 who 'Wee 'in 'Toronto, ica soa 4t. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron of 'Elmira. ' • .. White,easadragons .sall 'coral 'pew vont' graced the isabititdit setting It SW....W. Wes?*' senclated Ire. -Rey. irsiltar McCleary officlatid. Site. Lloyd 'Zeigler was organist and accompanded Mr. Robert Trotter 'tate 'sang. 'Given in marriage by Mr. John Wreitt of Oshawa, the bride wore's , -waltz gown of white SWies late.-The,' `tiered Skirt and empire bodice -accented a low square nec'klin'e bordered with lace frills, A. 'halo of white jasmine held her circular tulle veil. She carried a colonial arrangement of white roses and satin streamers. Mrs. John Morritt of Osha,wi was matron of honor for her brother's I bride. Miss, Carol Marks of Windsor I was bridesmaid, - I I Their princess line waltz gowns tI were French coral .mousseline de sole. I'l'he V-decolletages revealed I bowed camisole bodices and the back I V's were accented with bowknot streamers, They wore /notching satin slippers and Ireodresses or coral roans, satin troves a,mi latticed rose stems, i White rosiss end green-tinted poly,- pa`ms formed their boqileis.• i The bridegroom's niece. Sane i, Morrift of Oshawa, was flower girl. ,' Tier white-embroidered enrol nylon dress had a thvee-tiered skirt with i lane-Prized frills, She wore o brio I of whit,. rno,,,,,nd.. „:,•-•iin, prod,- onnon, c.,,,,,a girl no ..,...... o 1,,,,o,•,•,+• nr *Veil.,,, roses mid aTeen tinted nomnorns. nn, Beverly riellordson of Flmira wog best man. Ushers wry'-e Mr. Rebari 'Pour, of CI ri 1 f ,-; ti 0 Mr, Mnrrp-r MeAdom or Toronto, T? or Omit) 0' 6.1Y rr cr:4" ,.; f 11 rivirri,,r S 0 11 e re, the 1111 a pry•ronrn . '111,41,,,I• worn o mini. ,.-roor; Tr; oni qqc,11?-1 e , (11, sol^ sill oqi-11 with motehino• orery=4. 'cries and a corsage of tolismIn roses. Miss raise Maio or fie 1 roil .06. eeked for the bride in a rxrav and nirir ",rinfeil sillr tirer rotor h oora y . cries and a. ear:Sage or White rea'r's For their weddina• trio the bride chose an azure suit dress with hplati doeskin accessories. A 001.,541.C"P of ; mute roses; v+-oo tinned to her blaoli • lamb jaciret. TheV will lire iii Toronto • MitaSsa Suites 'eta. rf at -SCHUE'rrS. SOLOMAN? 1 IFUIDOTTURS SHOWADDISS TEXACO — Deliveries -- PRODUCTS Mir aufaiorootitime rboi. so IlleCUTCNIPION 11110TOMI LT. Mos 119 r . Pewee. Mill101.1111•111 11011111•11111.111111111.111.11111111111111.111111. SNOWS MAU MUG STOIE Plaine 62 PlitMeMillOetf*AMONOWPWIMIN , t. Caviller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building Walkerton D. A. HUNTLEY, C. A. -- Resident Manager Telephones — Business 633; Residence 101 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELL LUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND SHELL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Austin Sales and Service Parts and Accessories Repalrs on All. Makes of Care and Trucks TELEPHONE 70 SRUSSELS, 0111. WEEKLY SALE russels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. M. Tmar home marmot Inure yoa gore 'Welcome Is Visitor. Oonstgator or Mayer. PHONE 46 BRUSSELS, On On June 11, the people of Ontario will exercise their democratic right to chart the future course of our province, Before them will be the record of achievement of a decade of wise policies and sound management under the goV- ernment of Premier Leslie Frost — ten years in which Ontario's advances in the development of resources, business expansion and human betterment on all fronts have been unprecedented in Canada or anywhere in the world., RUILDIfi ;6? • make sure you use... FAI Under Progressive Conservative ad- ministration, the stage has been set for even greater progress in the years ahead. The Premier has announced far-reach- ing and far-sighted plans for govern- ment action to continue and increase- this dynamic development which has become the envy of the entire world. e election issue is therefore simple Th , :and straightforward. The accomplish- - tnents of the pasthave been tremendous, but even greater progress lies ahead. It can and will be achieved only under these same wise policies and vvith the same skilled and steady hand at the helm of the ship of state. .14 P.bitthed by the Progrettliri c',oltstervithti iitoela,i0b 0/04tdrio. NIAGARA Cycle Massage Relieves pain of Sotcl or stiff Museles. Nervous tensions. Int- PrIOYes Woad eirentation. Sleep I better — Pecli better. dot the facts — mail today. NTAC.PArtA OYCLO MASSAnt 113 Ttle St., strattota. Oat, Please send me Without COSt„ or obligation, yont *booklet ilex scribing Niagara dyclio litasSage. .04 Get your supply now ail BELGRAVE COoOP Tills Is The Thne Por Fencing tirir ifitsVii COMOlete Stock Of wire fence, barbed wire, 'heals. staples and *Dint' fencing material ffeOf, r rilvmsor 1 .....116*.fr I r..illiWilltflifliiiiiiaii,, 0, . t3. t7 ,m fitt arr. fr., • r'r-ir . 4 r0.4 i i 4 r iriW4111004., i,, Belgrave Conoperative BEIARAVE, ONTARio Winthowri 1091 Smooth tfitivrt0 4.. In Huron-Bruce Re elect "JOHN W. HANNA fl 1 - • 4.• „ - a -61' • 3. ► ▪ • • sik' SENI.X) TVNI/FfrtS addressed. t o, the undersigned and indorsed “TDNDDR,S VOR SUPPLY •OF can, COKE. ORA AND PROVANV, OAS FOR virm- E.RAL NOS THRODOTI- OUT TIM PROVINCE or ON-, .TARIO" will be received in Life office of the secretary until (iil+d),$.1`,), TiTURSDAY,..r.. 18, 1959.. • of tenders with, speeifica- 1 ions rain he oh tained •-from th o Chief of Purchasing Stores, Oar: land Building,. Ottawa, Ont.; the District Manager, 3S;7, Yong Street, Toronto, Ont.; the . District Man, ager, Dominion • Public, Building, 1 London, Ont,; and the District Oina,ge,t Post Officie Building, Fort William, Ontario. Tenders must he mode on the printed forMs supplied by the Ds. os,tment and in laccordanee with the conditions set forth tthierein. TiturtsdaY. :nay 2:0„.h. 3.04 ••••••••,•••••••• 5 ••,..1.1•4111I GIRLS COATS 'CLEARING Tots to Teens Less 20 % ..1,••••t For cows in heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT call for service until Monday morning. • This Sunday schedule has been very well received and the results are excellent, Artificial iireeding Means More Profit To You Why not try it as 'many others have? For service or more information phone: CLINTON RU. 2-3441 Or for Long Distance, CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 Between: 7:30 and 9:30 A.M. Week Days 6:00 and 8:00 P.M. Saturday Evenings BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING JOHN C. WARD CHARTERED. ccovNi.pkr, nem ' *Mew Aga. • Libla4; Premier Leslie Frost in his Report to thePeople of °Natio. if& May, 1959: