HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-28, Page 7SUMMER RESORTS BAY-VUIS LODGE, Lake Muskoka, Bali, good swapping, bolae cooking, elose AMA's Dance Pastilion, $30.04 weekly, Box 70 Bala, GOLDEN Beach eottages on Lake Nipissing, near North Bey,. safe batti: frig, sands' beach, 114 cottages with , 9 or 4 bedrooms, For folder write ata4 Richardson Camps, ,S$ No• 1, S. No, I, North Bay, Ontario, PORT SYDNEY MUSKOKA, ONTARIO On Beautiful Mary Lake SAFE sandy beach, hooting, water skiing, recreatton director, Delightful woedland walks. For a perfect day in every way, visit Mary Lake, For further information write Port SYdneY Tourist Promotion Association, BLUE WATER CONFERENCE NEAR WAI-LACEBURo, ONT. ifiUndenomlnotIonal sumnier Resort" $3 to 5740 daily, including meals; all recreational facilities; evening WO" ing; Bible and missi'onar'y speakers. For folder Write 153 Icing W., Chatham,. Ont. • J. - ^ ,^ SUMMER PROPERTIES FOR SALE BUY, Sell, successfully, Port Carling, Muskoka area, specializing in summer properties. Call 51 E 0 Milner Real-tor. ..... S e ri cl 2-lbs. "Scott-E.-leen" postpaid today, . Name *Address Money Order 0 Cash tor 43.00 AUTOMOBILES NEW Chemical formula ends Car bat- tery failures forever, Restores life to "dead" batteries. Special otter $2.00. Liter:gime. Xavier, Box 41, New Cum- berland, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. . BABY CHICKS THE season's advancing, have you booke'd your Juiie-July Bray broilers? ,.Prompt . shipment dayold, and, some started dual purpose pullets and cockerels.. Some, Ames pullets, also Leghorns. Specials on dayold heavy breed cockerels. See local' agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton; Ont: BOO KS OLD Canadian books and papers want- ed. Good prices paid. T. B. Higgin- son, Sherbet Lake, Ont. BUSINESS PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale - Machine Shop, Woodwork- ing Shop, living apartment, in the pret- tiest town in Ontario. Reasonable. No triflers please. Box No.' 186, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. GARAGE WONDERFUL opportunity in a grow. ing industrial` town," 40 miles from .Torento and a possible franchise with one of the' big three ear manufactur• ers..Corner lot 145' x' 132', on a main highway through town. Garage build. ing 45' x 90', plus an addition 20' x 30', consisting of showroom, workshop, office, stockroom, 2 hoist's and pit. Heated withs het water by oil, Estab. fished 14 years. Aggressive car dealers or garage operators should investigate this business. Wm, J. McLeod, Real Estate Broker,. Actqn, Ont, Phone 203. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 081.70 OF inventory is all-you need to take advantage of the - biggest opportunity of your lifetime. Every home is a pros- pect for the biggest advance in LIGHT- ING in 100 years. Let 'us show'you how you can become a recognized distribu- tor. of the SOLAR 2.Year light bulb in your town, Add up $10,000,00 a year to your present earnings. Cash in with year-round «product, needed wherever people live or Work. Write today for FREE details to Solar Electric-(Canada) Corp., 166 Dante St. E.,' Montreal 10, Out, ' FARMS FOR SALE GOOD selection of dairy farms, Ottawa Valley. With and without stock and machinery. Milk contracts. Good terms. Contact. Gerald Morriss Metcalfe, On- tario, Phone 18. Irving H. Miller Ltd. Realtors, Prescott, Ontario. 200 ACRES with fair buildings, 60 workable. Price $9,300. $4,000 cash, bal- ance easy payments. 3 miles from city. Apply L. IS, Stimniers, R, R. 6, Owen Sound, FARM HELP WANTED _ - MARRIED man for large dairy farm. Good Milker, Free house, $200 to $225 monthly, Box 187, 123.lath Street, 'Nett/ Toronto, OM. FOR SALE SAFETY SHOES STP.E1, toecaps. Boots or oxfords, Men's sizes 5 to 1.3. $7.09 Postpaid. MEOGINSON'S SHOES, SaUlt Ste. Marie, Ontario. FUR FARM ANIMALS HOUSE PLANTS • AFRICAN Violets started -plants. Beau- tiful year round bloorn. Three plants far one dollar, SteSse Fitzsimmons. Bridgeview SutVey P.O., Ontario. INSTRUCTION' HARN BookIrcemn, aims, '8hortintrid, Tyliewriting, etc, LeS. StreS 500. Ask for free cirCulat NO: 33'. canotrian COrreSiitiridenee. CoUrtieS, 1290 Reis Streets Teretitd, — • WILL NUTRIA BE YOUR' FUTURO 41,1. the signs point to bright and Milli:nit market for this loxnry For But success will conic only through proper breathes methods, quality room dation stook, plus a prostate based on sound bUsitiess oils, We offer all or this to yeti as a rancher. using nut exclusive-breeders p an. Prices and in. formation On request. Canadian Nutria Ltd 'Offices: 57 B nor' Street West, Toronto, Ontario: Ra ich montiort. Rick Mond lint. Oiitarls, " GARDEN MACHINERY PLANET ;re., 'Garden' tractors,' Seeders, wheel hoes, John C. Graham Co., Distributors, Leamington', Ont. HERE'S HOW THEY FINISHED — Tomy Lee, right, Willie Shoe- maker up, nosed out Sword Dancer, with Willie Boland aboard, in the 85th Run for the Roses at Churchill. Downs. Sportswriters Under Scrutiny Discussions of ethics among sportswriters usually include the Story of a sports editor who was once Sent a new ear by a pro% moter. The editor promptly sent the car back, explaining: "Too big for a gift and too small for a. bribe," It always seems to be a ques- tion of degree. No one worries when a press agent buys a sports- writer lunch, but when it comes to junkets, which involve sizable transpOrtation and hotel bills, editors occassionally grow con- cerned. As the New York State Investigation Committee exam- ined charges that George P. Monaghan, state commissioner of harness racing, was guilty of a "breach of ethics," the whole practice of handouts to reporters suddenly exploded. The New York World-Tele- gram and Sun front-paged a copy of q 1958 bill from the Langford otel in Winter Park, Fla., where Roosevelt Raceway, a $20 million trotting plant in Westbury, N.Y„ had taken news- papermen and officials "to ob- serve trotting time trials." The bill ($6,807,86) listed ten report- ers and two sports editors, Ike Gellis of The New York Post and Charles Hoerter of The New York Daily News, Would there be any firings as a result of The Telegram story? Editors of The New York Times were "investigating" the pres- ence of Times sports staffer Frank Blunt( 'on the trip. The Telegram, represented, by Bill Bloome at Orlando, learned Bloome was. also, employed as a $400-a-week associate judge at Monticello (N.Y.) Raceway, The paper made no ,qUick decision, but managing editor Dick Starnes dropped a hint: "We are not going, to set one code of standards,for public officials and another for our own employees." Meanwhile, Roosevelt Race-' way was planning its next jun- jet: A summer trip to Paris where sportswriters' "would be shown European trotters." INTERESTED — Ingmar Johans- son, who 'meets world heavy- weight champ Floyd Patterson on June 25, got a ringside view of the pasting received by Brian London in his ill-fated try for the crown at Indianapolis. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I prevent grass and weeds horn crowing be- tween the bricks of the brick 'walk? A. Pour crank case oil over them two or three times a sea,- son, The oil will soon evaporate and the weeds will be killed. Q. Hew can 'I make a floor Polish? A. .Equal parts of melted can- dle grease and turpentine makes a good floor polish. Q. How can I facilitate the threading of A iltediti7 A, Cutting the thread on a slant before threading a needle will point it and make much easier the task of sticking it through the eye of the needle. IT'S A LAMB intti A Texas women decided to dye some old curtains blue. While she was hanging them on the line, a little,1,vhite lamb, gambolling by, fell into the vat, He was fish- ed out; iiiihtlet, arid went sentry., big Off, A passing motorist saw the bright blue lamb, thought he'd discovered a new species, and of- ;fend a fancy price for it. The wtiniari decided she had, a pretty good thing going and nekt day the dyed a Second lamb. Ti, too, Old at a ridiculously high price, From this start .she developed quite a business, buyingv dyeing and selling lambs. In feet, she Smiled out to be the biggest NI' dyer in Te*tia, SWINE BARRED ROCKS still hard to beat for eggs and meat. Thirty-eight years per- serial selection behind our closed flock. Accredited flock, Registered Hatchery. Tom Kenny, Shanty Bay, Ontario. POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK AT this time of the year you want chicks and turkey poults in a hurry, We can supply you with all the popu- lar special egg and dual-purpose breeds. Also heavy and broiler turkey poutton Our ro u b r e sKt -1 b 3 y K fa im r b f e o r rc heik,g ' Theoy- combine large egg size with high rate of lay, These characteristics result In higher net income particularly when combined with good interior egg qual- ity and the excellent liVability of Kim- herchiks. Compare and test Rimbers against any other breed and you will see why more egg producers use IC- 137's. Reduced prices for June, July and August, Other popular egg breeds —White Leghorn i Rhode Island Red, Rhode Island X White Leghorn, Cali- fornia Grey X White Leghorn and Rhode Island Red, Dual-purpose, Rhode Island Red X light 'Sussex, Light Sussex X Rhode, Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Baied ,;Rock, 1st genera- tion broiler chicks, Turkeys. Swine, English Large Black, 'the best pigs for crossing, Also Landrace and Blue Spot- ted hybrids'. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO. elessys es its" aSsmarelif LANDRACE HOG SALE TO BE HELD AT THE FARM , MILLI3RoOK, ONT. SAT., MAY 30, 1:30 I.M. 30 Registered sows close, serviceable, age and younger boar's, Open gilts. MTM STOCK FARMS E. C. McDOWELL MILLBROOK, ONTARIQ AUCTIONEERS: ROBINSON & FIL.SoN DENFIELb, ONTARIO 13 tithes south west^ Of Peterborough vuSiKEVs BROOM Breasted 13ronze turkey poults. large good market type strain, Reason- ably priced. :Circular. Brunton Turkey Fenn and Tlat ahery, II 2, CaMplialford, Ont. t8StiC SLEEP MIGHT ILVAI TO-MORROW! To he hoppy sand- frealiVit instifad iff nervous cr for n good Stsrilein tobhq, cccordInti' Ye direct-Weis tit SI.d0"—$4.9S TABLETS '6106 Storrs Oely1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ••4-e*.s.ses; AGENTS WANTED gaeraniOash in Your Spare Time. Just Show your friends our All •()evasion Greeting Cards (including Keligieus) Stationery, Gifts, Write for samPles, colonist Card LW., 489 a. Queen East, Toronto 2. MEDICAL SATISFY YOURSELF EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC. PAINS. OR NEURITIS, SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, ELGIMmLINRO'S DRUG STORE . . . $1,25 Express Collett OTTAWA POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISII the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you,ze- mee' acne, tea irgl sgr°Wea iiprni lOgrt da.Pritd burnrir tianntl e fetQ' he stainless ()dories ointment regardless seem. of how stubborn or hopeless they Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3,00 PER JAR. POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St, Clair Avenue East TORONTO , MISCELLANEOUS TAIWAN Handicraft manufacturer's list. Enclose $1, stamps. Information concerning advertising, trademark, registration,other mailing lists, 200 postage, Seagull, P.O. Box 1053, Taipei, Taiwan, China, $60 MONTHLY, cost0f living in Mexi- co. Retirement, vacation! Luxury life for pennies, Following my tips; Booklet $2.00, Joseph. Regan, Apartado 2029, Mexico, D.F. sLINNySIDE BEACH FOR A HAPPY VACATION GEORGIAN Bay, lakefront, 15 house- keeping cottages, convenient:ea, safe beach, good fishing, riding hores, boats, large playgrounds, store post- office. No mosquitoes, black Ales or poison ivy, write sunnyside Beach, Meaford, Ont, NURSES WANTED ENJOY the atmosphere of a friendly 640-bed Down-Town hospital. THE TORONTO WESTERN HOSPITAL 399 Bathurst Street Toronto has vacancies for GENERAL STAFF NURSES $255.00 per month at present with an, nual increments to $285.00. 40-hour 5-day work week WRITE giving full details to: Director of Nursing Service, VACATION PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4,000 PENSACOLA, Florida, suburban acres bought by Toronto citizens. Ask your neighbor about 'that. Fly down and buy these bargains while they last. Tender terms, Henry W. Sanborn, 1313 N, 12th, ave. Pensacola, About Those New By winter you may be driv- ing a Falcon, a Corvair, or a Valiant — that is, U you buy one of the economy cars the big three. auto manufacturers seem almost certain to produce. Reputedly, Falcon is the name Ford lyietdr :Company has cho- sen for its car, Corvair is Gen- eral Mblors' choice, and Valiant • is Chrysler Corporation's. Unofficial reports -have, it .thkist , TEACHERS WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES , FOR 100-bed hospital, up-to-date tact titles in a beautiful location on the the shore of Lake Erie, Residence avail- able, Salary $260.00 month withs recog- nition for P.G. courses. 44-hour week at present. APPLY DIRECTOR OF NURSING Port Colborne General Hospital PORT COLBORNE, ONT. MALE teacher as principal. To teach grades 5, 6S 7, 8. Two room school at Oakland, Ontario on 24 Highway, 10 miles south of Brantford. Contact C. N. Benneld Sec.-Treas. of SS. No, 2, Oakland for interview or further in- formation. NURSERY STOCK" POINT EDWARD SEPARATE' SCHOOL BOARD NEAR Sarnia;, -requires triei following teachers for September 1959: 1 teacher as Principal. 1 teacher for elementary grades, salary schedule in effect. AP- ply stating qualifications, experience and name of last inspector to Mrs, C. O. Perry,, secretary, 305 St. Clair treet, Point. Edward, Ont. • PORT Lamhton Separate School re- quires teacher to teach Grades 1-4. Ap- ply, Stating qualifications, last inspect- tor, salary expected. Duties to com- mence, Sept., 1959, Apply Dan McEvoy, Secretary, ,Port Lambton, Oat, "SCOTCH Pine Xmas Tree Seedlings, Famous, French blue strain.. Order now, Spring delivery, Lake Strncoe Planta. Mons, Box 1, 138 Letitia St. Barrie Ont. Phone PA. 8-2675." "Compact's Cars the Corvair will appear about Oct. 9, the Falcon about Oct. 16, and the Valiant in Decem- ber. "Compact" and "economy" are words you're likely to hear of ten a round those times. "Small" is a word that, will pro- ,bably get short shrift.— For ih automotive ,parlance, the big 'three aren't 'expected to 1.4,irrt out "s1Rall".c.4rs but, "com- pact" cars. If you're accustomed to "American-size" cars, it may "'make 'a difference fo you. Automotively speaking, we're informed a small car is a four- seater — or, in a car like the, Isotta, a less-than-four-seater. A bona fide "small, car's" wheel base is Jess than 98 inches. On the other hand, a "compact car" will seat five or six' per- sons and will have a wheelbase as long as 113 inches — but most often 102 to 108 inches. ss While their wheelbases will be shorter and their price tags smaller than those Of their big brothers, the big three's awaited offspring won't be in the small category. They'll just be smaller cars. Indeed in yesteryears they alight have been considered quite normal-sized. If you're in the compact mar- 'ket, you may find not only the big three's cars awaiting you, 'but a wealth of offerings. There'll be the La r k and Rambler, of course, from the "happy two." Then, foreign manufacturers are honing up their own com- pact cars to meet this new com- petition. Fiat has introduced a six- cylinder car, its first in 20 years. 'Since Europeans prefer four- cylinder cars, the 'trade maga- zine Automotive News suggests 'the car is being offered' pri- marily to lure Americans. Simca, the French car distri- buted by Chrysler, has intro- .cluced here an eight-cylinder model, the Vedette. A Swedish, Volvo with four doors made its American debut at the Interna- tional Auto Show. Several British "luxury" com- pact cars have recently come on the market and Other imports have been restyled. SUmming- up the competition the big three's prospective com- pact cars will face, Automotive News finds 14 imports ready to do battle, Last year, the magazine re- cently reported, about 70 auto- motive import "names" were re- gistered in the United States. 100 IMPROVED Dunlap or British Sovereign strawberries $2.00 postpaid; 25 Everbearing Indian Summer rasp- berries- or 25 Brilliant Everbearing strawberries $2,00 postpaid. Harry Tinney, Havelock, Ontario, 4 utes to collect ,a .quarter. ‘el a pint of milk in a bottle. A cheer came from, the natives, But their cheers turned to howls of fear as Dan slashed through the bonds holding the great beast. For a moment ani- mal and man faced each other. Then, incredibly, the lioness re- treated under the man's level gaze. Long before he recahed old man Joanneson's house, t-ry had spread through the i` :ict. As Dan approached him old ' man said, humbly: " You have proved your -worth many times over. Estelle is yours, . .." A speed test was the answer when a girl in' Buenos Aires could not decide between two suitors. Her father decided that the two men, local road speed- sters,.should race for her. The two men did, And the one who went more slowly won. For his rival crashed at well over .a hunderd miles an hour. A Queensland, Australia, ,far- mer did not think much of city dwellers, So when handsome Albert Knowles arrived' from Sydney to ask for his daughter's hand, the farmer insisted on a worth-proving test. Albert was sent out into the bush for a month without food and water. He had a gun, two dozen • rounds of ammunition, a horse and fishing tackle, He Tur- vived — and won the farmer over, From Paris comes the wackiest story of all. Two youths found ,they loved the same girl, They decided to settle the problem in as drinking contest. The last man on his feet ,would win:, After drinking five pints of wine each, one youth found that his rival had disappeared, Next day he leraned what had hap- pened. The youth had become de- pressed by the wine, He had staggered into the Foreign Le- gion's recruiting office and sign- ed for five years. In a fit of comr4cleShip, the other boy decided 411.0; women weren't worth bothiring about. He, too, joined the. Legion! OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN PROTESTANT teacher for S.S. No, 4, Yarmouth, Elgin County. Small school. all grades. SALARY, $2,900-53,100, depending on qualifications. APPLY,-stating qualifications, experi. ence, and name of last inspector, to Mrs. John W. Millman, R.R. 1, Sparta. Ont. Duties to begin September, 1959. GO INTO BUSINESS. for yourself, Sell our exciting house- Wares., watches and other products not found, in stores, No competition. Fro- fits up to 500%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate confi- dential wholesale price sheet. Murray sales, 21122 St, LaWrence, Montreal, 1, WEVERMAN Real Estate requires farm agents in your locality. 300 Si Bloor' W„ Toronto, WA, 2.2442. Amazing Canadian Discovery SPROUL'S. "SEPTI-K-LEEN" NOW you can enjoy YEAR ROUND TROUBLE FREE AND ODORLESS OPERATION of Septic Tanks - Out. doer a n d Chemical Toilets - Cess Pools, eta, by using Sproul's "SEPTI. K.X.EEN". Now available in Canada for domestic as well as commercial and industrial use. An amazing NON. POISONOUS Conditioning Compound Perfected by the well known Canadian Research Chemist Leland D. Sproul. Instantaneous action. HARMLESS to either Children or Adults or Pets, Won't damage or „destroy plumbing fixtures metals - wood cement, ete. Limited introductory offer of two pounds net family or business for only $3.00 F.O.B. Toronto (regular price $2.95 per pound) enables you to put it to test in the most trying and difficult dis- pose] 'unit problem you have, then judge 'its effectiveness for yourself. • You can be free of operating doubt and foul annoying odors before and during the hot weather and enjoy healthful cleanliness the Year Round, Send for' trial order today • you'll be ever so glad you did. Full or part-time Sales Representatives wanted in every community Male or Female Age no barrier. Commission earnings on dealer basis, Tremendous field to cover Write today for details. Henry C. Noseworthy — General Mgr., Cross 'Nation Distributors, Limited, 2674 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. HU.3.5747 — Evenings HU-5-1964. "Snake-Pit" Test For Bridegroom The young medical student Was desperately in love with the dusky, sloe-eyed daughter of a wealthy banker, But the young num knew that it would be years before he Would be able to sup- port the girl in the way to which she was accustomed. Then he discovered that the banker was an inveterate gam- bler. So he made an amazing proposition to him,. He would spend the night in a room full of poisonous snakes. If he lived, the daughter, and a fat alice of the banker's savings, would be his, The banker said it was a deal, The "snake-pit" test was to take place in a room in New Delhi, The reptiles were repulsive creatures, all capable of killing a man instantly, But the student did not seem to worry. Into the room he went, Next morning he was let out _ smiling. The banker honoured his bargain but — too late — he learned that his son-in-law had worn a suit of armour while in the room! Marriage tests are still an ac- cepted practice in many parts of the world, Invariably they call for great courage and deter- mination. In the sun-scorched South African veldt an old far- mer devisiecl, a fantastic test for the young man who wished to marry his beautiful, dark-haired daughter. The young man — Don Ester- huyse — agreed to catch a lioness and milk it to prove he was worthy of the hand of. Estelle Joanneson, only daughter of the Transvaal farmer. But despite his powerful phy- sique, Dan had never handled any thing bigger than a kitten!, 'He had built up a reputation in the , area for being a quiet, inoffensive giant Some people even hinted he might be, a cow- ard. Dan had borne these remarks stoically and in the process he had won Estelle's heart. She was just eighteen; and her father was not prepared to have a son-in- law who Would riot command respect when, he took charge of the farm, " For a week Dan laid careful plans. He studied the habits of lionesses and as he did so grew more and more aware of the gigantic risks he faced. One swipe from the claws of an en- raged beast and he could be rip- ped to pieces. At the end of the,week he pre- sented himself to old man Joan- neson and said: "I am ready for the test'''. The old man grunted. "I will provide you with trackers and a gun. But if you have to use that you will he finished with Estelle." Travelling by truck, they reached lion country late in the afternoon. Leaving his gun in the truck, Dan selected a trail that led towards the setting sun. Leading the trackers, Dan set off. By early evening he had reached a water-hole. The spoor ended there. Dan rigged up a trap. Then he and the trackers took up position around the water-hole.. Shortly afterwards the biggest lioness the experienced trackers had ever seen approached 'the water hole.. It padded forward — and dropped neatly into the trap, Dari approached it, armed with a lasso. Twirling the rope, he swung loop after loop round the animal until, roaring with rage, she was trussed like a chicken, It took Dan Only a few min- BE A HAIRDRESSER' JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant, dignified profession;sgood wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PERSONAL TEACHERS WANTED BY ORO TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA SALARY schedule, minimum for quali- fied teacher $3,000 with annual incre- ment of $200 to maximum of $4,000. Fifty dollars per year for four years will be allowed for experience. WHEN applying state experience, age, religion and name of former inspector, John G. Currie, Oro Station, Ont. VICE•PRINCIPAL—MALE PREFERRED FEDERATION Women Teachers Asso- ciation, Salary schedule, cumulative sick leave. Enclose name of last inspec- tor and all qualifications. STANLEY MAYOR 208 WATER ST., THESSALON POULTRY ANGLO-ARGENTINE, cultured, 94, anxious to come to Canada. Will teach Spanish free return help pay fare. In- terested, write: Deane, Felix. Amador, 1767, Olivos, Argentina, MY RUPTURE was removed naturally. For 'FREE FACTS, write: John Mon. timer, Box 128 W, Elora, Ont. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 36 assortment for $2.00. Finest quality, tested, guaranteed. Mailed in plain sealed package plus free Birth Control booklet a n d catalogue of supplies, Western Distributors- Box 24-TF, Regina, Sask. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE I SAVE! Films developed and 12 magna prints in album 600 2 magna prints in album 400 Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1,00 (not including prints). Color prints 35$ each extra, Ansco and Ektechrome 35 mm. 20 ex- posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints from slides: 350 each, Money refunded in full 'for imprinted nese, Lives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT, MERRY MENAGERIE SEEDS "ATOMIC. Blasted" Corn, Tomatoe, Marigold or Petunia Seeds. Try this great experiment first, $100 pkg. Joe West, Box 11, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. STAMPS AND COINS FOR the finest in stamps on approval, Post paid both ways. Write today. M, Rideout, Bcix 476, Hamilton, Ont. STAMP collectors - send for free price list, Postpaid both ways, Hamil- ton Stamp Co., 5608 Sagra R. Bala. More 12, Md.,. U.S.A. - • DP to $200.00 paid for 1921 Canadian 50. to,page "Premium. Buying Guide" Showing priceS paid' for coins 250, New brochure "How to invest in Canadian Coins 250. -Per both send only sse to: Manes, Box 833.WP, Calgary. • . s... A DREAM RAINBOW FOR YOUR ALBUM A beautiful •collsetion, sports, floWers, aninialS, etc.. more than 318. different Stamps, Satisfaction far everybody. All that for only 230, With our' beautiful stamps on approval. Parc) Stamp Cas. Dept. W., Stoneham Company, Quebec,. p.-r,s.) SUMMER CAMPS FOR BOYS AND GIRLS . . CHILDREN'S CAMP I'm boys and girls 6-17 All land and Water 'snorts 'Linda college trained leadership .neetstered Nurse. Homo cooked meals Six nontet and horses to' ride M. no ektrir. coat, Screened Insulated caliths. Aqua tilaii- ing and Water skiing 29th- year rot' Canada's outstanding Canin• • reef:thither-id ed. •'Reritnnable. Dr •atiel Martin, Directrirk- Write ter treb. 'der: "Wildwood" 'Vrudreuil mAiiinAN RANCHO BEAUTIFUL scenic f lec.atiOn. Miles; ot'4 tiding trails. Children 0-16 years, '$25:50' Weekly. Best of supervision. write Varney, Phone Durham 580W2. -• ....- SUMMER RESORTS HOUSEKEEPING Cottages to rent at Hinterland Bench, on Kamaniskeg Lake, BarryS Bay, one, two and three bedroom's, beautiful. wad beech, CI'S* tel clear water, goo -fishing, attractive. eottagest. For pictures and inrormatioit see 'CAM" PIM& Oinemee, Plititio 10* *t* . ".• t'tftam,&:*•4ttt: 'ottEi• LIKE A :tiALogATES, yoiriikeh the strange' ObOVei to Ohyth,ttiO else Tit the Wafers tt byileo.folt,eiploped 'poweilia ti .0aiktiiribitit engine, °Sift estack is e exhaust for the more ..ekohvertie itly used to power ce rtain of ,ateeroff,, Hydrofoils are the' equivalent of underwater reafhe~d the 'bodf rises above the Wetter and • along 'OH he' hi- action, the specially equipped landing weiblEfteid, Th" ,-..teed -e,d! 30 knoii du rtiitt talk, 14aVy' officials thhibUilding ttitiiptt.,y er4 te.Operatirig. .ss