HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-28, Page 4POW, THESE NEW TRAFFIC. LAWS Effective —Monday, May 25th ONTARIO .k,`4': • -al . a. 4444 p JUNE 11TH Ado, 2 4 1 You must lower your headlights; (1) when within ,500 'feet of an approaching motor vehicle; and (2) when following another motor vehicle, within 200 foot, It is an offence to place signs on the windows and to hang objects in the motor vehicle which obstrUct the driver's view, It. is an offence to load a truck or trailer in such a way that any part of the load falls on the highway during transit and the penalty for •st:ch offence has been increased up to a maximum flue of $2U0 and in addition the licence or permit may be suspended. Passing on the right is now permitted in cities, towns and villages including Metropolitan Toronto but only: • (1) when overtaking a motor vehicle making or signalling a left hand turn;. (2) on streets having two or more lanes in each direction; and (3) on one-way streets. THE BRUSSELS POST FOR SALE Don't break your back over .a hoe, See the Merry 1.111or Garden 1.110:4t rugged, effiolent; doesn't kill the worms or powder the toil, Law ost, Lovell McGuire, "'Ingham Phone 593 or visit the hop for demonstration.. N T I C Upholstery Of All Moos , (apatred remodeled recovered. Elgin PPolke, MonItton Phone 33r4. Atwood CAN 13Q Ye-RS Our Low Oust Fluancir Plan l'eln you make •a better deal, See ft for detatia now :=FORE you bay. GLENN rcONNENDERG General Insurance Moncton — Phone 663R41 Brussels — Phone 247 Tuesday and Friday Tbursatty, 18ta. 194 4401•414.4 • OH,SCV! -rt-tes N4, will= litei-iwAYS AKE WONDERFQL, 1 REMEivi.,9SR THOSE ot.D FASHIONEP I~ i Ag ' HIGHwAys.v.i. U5E..) .."Ir 70 i-lAii? „ '".A.V. 1; •• Yeti-THEY Wr-.PE SO NAROW,MAN`I'S THE TIME TWO CARS wout,i) coLI-Pe WHEN ,% AND WITH •Ti-IE.,.SE Oia VVIDE •tviODECN ROADS Ii-lEEE OR FOUR CAR$ cAl‘ COLLIDE AT THE SAME 'WEI ' , • . , THATs vo-IY IT PAYS TO t,ET RIVER5IPE moroRc . sae THAT YOUR CARS IN sii1P.SWIK CONDITIO. ERAVES,. TIRES, AND AtNTHINCa THATADDSIO '-(OUQ PASSING --' • 1 40, "n -.-----1717"-----,0 ' ') _--.- - lithaitta. , a-A ,,.. . ,,,L,.„, ii, -ti ''', ;,,,,„-s%,1,,,,..--,; gi6W,.gW7.-,,....,•,.-: it - ::„_,' ,.." Al it. * f 5 ..1"› ..., v., e' .------' \ - ,,,r toe' ' " -.;,.....,,.-1-",-,i4 - , ...... :.,, .,,,, _ ... . -.7. wreo,i„ip-,,,', .0 ' ... ' - . ,t 1 rtc#1,04-, SAFETY, ' ..,:„.- A $';'i • - YOUR ' 7.,.... SAFETY ,a, -q. . 1$ WHAT THEY ..-::- . '.j. ,sliFf'"#4,^..;-,f,:'..4: , '''...kt,;,1',„.,,.... ' .. ,. ,,,, ai...„,,, „,,,,,,_,,,,„.,,,,L o LOCAL rnnv4linNK b« STRIVE FQ,11 414,4A141, ,Clarence, Martin Phone 1.87.21} FORA SLE 8101Thi littn, 11 mentbs ph., Wm, Stubbs Phone 12,1'0 FOR SAL Ileintzman R. S. Warwick P11.011E, 270INT FOR SALE ti on Blue I )allilas, nanied -moues. Mrs. Flarl Cudinoro Phone 1:41? GOT LAWNS TO MOW • Apply to Murray ,Tacitlin. Brussels Phone SSJ ou Saturdays or after school. FOR SALE OR RENT — ii-room Cottage. 2-piece Bath; garago; lame garden, All in good ondition; in Ba•ussels. Phone 270,1- grs Wes, Stephenson 444444.44...14,94.1.•••••••4•44,1•444•144..444•••••••• .44•—••••••4444...... RIOOFING. and EAVETR.OLIGHING No Job Too Big or Too Small: Estimates Given S'trutlicti's and Bateman, Ethel. Phone 59r9 or call C. and G. Kreuter, Brussels. 1957 Buick Special, Fully Equipped 1956 iChev. 13elair, Fully Equipped 1957 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ILL ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT Hon, John Yaremko, Q.C., D. J. Coigns, Minister Deputy Minister This interpretation of the above laws is published for Information only. For accurate references motorists should refer to the Provincial Statutes FOR SALE — Funks 0. f-fybrid Seed Urn, The - only corn that ever produced more • titan SOO bushels to the 'acre and they only corn, that increased its acreage seven 'million acres in seven years. Stanley Alexander, Ethel. • Phone 85-13 FOR SALE — Fox Forage 1-Tainester, including Corn a:ftachment, 1\tower Bar and Blower, all in good condit- ion. Phone 88J or contact Melville Sacklin, Brussels TELEVISION and RADIO REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES GUARANTEED SERVICE Electrical Wiring Contractor ORVAL HARRISON E. A. (TED) WILSON General Contractor COMMERCIAL a n d RESIDENTIAL Concrete Work Senora! Reetkill -Brick and Block Work New- Homes Remodelling Farm Building Repairs 'DESIGNING — DRAFTING — BLUEPRINTING FOR SALE To Clear The Storage Limited quantity cooker grade apples $1.00 a bushel, your con- tainer. OARAM This Week only. Wm. Stratychuk PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERNMENT Piro Contrast Moss Submitted 12 R iII BRUSSELS. ONT. PHONE men. 44444144 .• 4114 4•I•k 414=.10•10•114•46•11141.4.4.44 .4•14414111.11mMIr• DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash for Wok, Down, Raid litre is Pare of the P. C. Record Prices or Disabled tows and Harem • the future promise much more! Also DEAD COWS and HORSES AT CASH VALUE Old Horses So per Pound Phone Cella* BRUCE MARLATI* 24 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSELF OR PERCY STEPHENSON PHONE 25r12 ETHEL ' • TENDERS WANTED Far building garage, sidewalk and porch at Melville Presbyterian riVrAage. 1 Tenders to be in by June 0th. For i further particulars apply to Wm. W. Smith, Ethel, R. R. 1 Phone 12 J 8 •••••••••••••1111MINIM•041 ...14 P.,14. 014.1.441•••••• PIONEER SEED CORN — I can still furnish you with the best seed corn you can buy — PIONEER! While there is still a supply avalable, call me for the extra bushels you NOD. neel to com- plete your -Aanting requirements this spring. Phone: Brussels 28r4 Bert Johnston Expenditures in Huron-Bruce by the Progressive Conservative Government: " The Man Who Gets Things Done " $ 5 , 5 5 1 , 3 7 0 . 2 6 IN SUBSIDIES to Municipalities for Road and Bridge Expenditure. From 1943 to 1958 $:9 , 6 9 9 , 9 9 3 . 6 2 has been spent on Provincial PLUS Highways for construction and maintenance. Y II 4" •ir;' 1958 Expenditure $2,,12 ,90,602 has been spent by the Government in Grants, for Education. RE-ELECT $ 1 , 6 ,2"2 , 5 1 2 in Grants for Fall Fairs, Hkealth, Public Welfare and Assistance to Municipalities tj alone for 'Highways and Subsidies was $1,694,275.27 -- over 10 times more than in the last year under a Liberal Administration 4.0.••••••••44 0 ,041, ..01,00.•••••00,04,0000,•44,444, Since the last election in 1955 when John Hanna was Returned to Queen's Park .CAN PHONE NM EARS / sotaoseorgasami•max•taoriminetri •• AND THE ' ,Name Address Ilittl1811 MORTOAGE & TRUST COMPANY, ,STRATPORD' PleSie send Pie it folder, 0,14 information about yoUr 4atenteed tertittee,tes, '341' '44461 11.ANNA I John PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE row OPEN FROM 9.00 A. M. To 6.00 P # M.; D. S. T. Aavitrite Pah M 4444 ildnian Winghtitni Ripley and iiritatii Aurstiori • • T find Sittinetioi JUsioe 4, atid on $1:60, or more invested for 3, 4 or 5 years in a BritiSli MOrtgage tertificat; To invest-=-jusb send us your cheque. British Mortgage looks after ail details., ,'it.' . -` ',,i:,,,,,,t -,, *. ..,•ii - i / ' i't- I ,,, , BRITIShl MORTGAGE TRUST , round,,etiia Head 'OfficeA "*.giitAiionr) ?or /44140formation Seta in coupon; • •• it • y 14100N4RUCE PAOG VE ONSERVA IVE ASSOCIATION • as