HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-28, Page 1RUSSELS 16 i'J moond clamtail. root Off103 DePaTiaationt:, lAtasen eel-boriseel lOL Hattie :Maude' Williamson ...,Miss Hattie Maude Williamson passed away suddenly after a short illness,. in Clinton, on May 24111, daughter of the late R, J. Williamson and Elilaboth Smith, She leaves to mourn their loss two brothers, John R. of 'Vernon. Ti. C, and Walter A, of Brussels, and was predeceased by a sister Mrs, (Dr,) Smith Ettperal services were held at the D. A, Rann Funeral Home, Tuesday, Interment in' Brussels Cemetery. 'May 36th. Rev, L, Brown of the United Church officiated. PaRbeares were I), Cardiff ,Ken, Tyerman. Harold Campbell W. K. Bell. Jim Edgar, Ben Whittard. ,,,,••••••••••••••••••• Niblet Whole Kemal Corn 2 for Miracle Whip 16 oz. Hereford Corned Beef 2 for . Cheery Morn Instant Coffee 6 oz. as 35c 39c 89c 79c CARD OF THANKS. I sincerely thank all those who sent cards, flowers and treats to Ann. while she was a -patient in Children's. Hospital I n 'London: Special thanks to Dr. Myers, Dr, Rathbun and nurses. It was ' all greatly 'appreciated. Mary Lowe WA LT( MCCUTCHEON GROCERY THEME : "' G 0 D 'S mEssAogt, Sponsored By The Sunday School Evening Service at 7:30 re M. in charge of Y. P. U. ' Speaker: MR, ALAN NEELON of elluevale United Chtarek V: ilsormo""'""*".,•smosous.,.. We Deliver Phone 293 CARD OF THANKS I wish, 'to convey •a sincere "Thank You" to my friends who so kindly remembered me on my birthday. A special thanks to the Majestic Institute, and the Horticultural Soc- Rey, and also to •Mes. Ella Shurrie for the beautifully decorated birth- day cat Mrs. /Orally Pollard CARD 'Or TNANNO Wish to". sapieell, my., sincere thanks to elkhe Mends. for floral IS * 5 for Complete . contribution' and words of gym. daring my recent bereave- anent and impede/11y to those who provided s' transport/it:kg 'so' many times for me to the hospital during .Cbarlie's illness. Special thanks, to Dr. Stephens, Mr. Greene and D. A. Hann. Mrs, Charles Davis. • v COUSINS DAIRY . Brussels UAPITUL I HEATRE LIo,NWLL. ONT. PERMANENT WAVES Get Your Peemanent At IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Where Better Permanents Cost Less Take it, not from us, but from the, published opinions of outside, independent experts and from on-the-record facts and figures:' Chevrolet gives you these 7 big bests over any other car in its field! C • BEST BRAKES In direct &en- petitive tests of repeated stops from highway speeds, con- ducted by NASCAR*; Chevy was rated best in its class—and why not? Chevy bralt6s are larger for up to 66% longer lining life, *National dissociation for Stock Car Advancement and Research. •04 WIN A SEWMOR PORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE 'VALUE $229.50 Adults and students eligible Ballots to be dropped in box In Capitol Theatre lobby between May 21 - 30th. DRAW ON STAGE CAPITOL THE- ATRE SATURDAY. EVENING; MAY 30th You will win $5.00 leash bonus if you are present and Your name Is drawn. I ••••••....;:..,....4 • VAL'S BEAul'Y SHOPPE Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Sivecialty Phone 1'40 Brussels BEST ROOM STYLE 4111511111M1111,....0„. As summed up in POPULAR SCIENCE MAGAZINE: "The fact is, in its price class the Chevy establishes a new high in daring styling .. ," It's the car that's unmistakably '59 in every modern Official figures on all car dimen- sions make this clear, For example, Chevy front seat hiprootn is tin- . surpassed . oatsalm ix inches wider than one of its 'competitors. 4r. • • ii0044`•• 44 44444444444 140i044006•40 . • 4 444 • i 410440001" MInleter: Rev. L. Brown B.A.: J441040411 • e. Who'd want 'CO do without 'Chevrolet's extra,luxuries? Like the protection of full wraparound bin/Tees, crank-oper- ated ventipanes, the convenionee of -Single-key locking, a real overhead curved windshield, oil-hushecl hydraulic valve lifters in every atandarcl engine for quieter running, a bigger luggage compartment with full'side-Wall 5 GUARANTEED PROPERLY /A/STALLED tliehaed eleknien SEA 1-1AW10' john Beritly " • • io. • aii""" - *iii**4•il***••**•*iii******•••• *4 'NO wonder more people are buying. Chevrolets than any other curl ampuour eneMait: dealer' eel !Mete :Chevy ita0ii ofrett et. enliii'deeeo 0.80. ink HOW Mattinit 4;0 Cs, G KRAUTER PuoiBINGs.HEATING SWEET METAL. A OIL BURNERS BRUSSELS il'Acuz 47 X CRANBROOK Rev. W. A. Williams, Brussels, eonductled " the regular morning Service in linos Presbyterian. Church on Sunday. May 24th. Won Tholholsen wants &Mil of ttlo illetwlee at Pabanygi011. Elleviee Creabrook will be hell the angiimey. • Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cripps and !Owen Sound.. Tired over the Vieth-end With Mr. and 'Mrs. *Yid Kirkpatrick. Miss Faye Ehgel and.. Clem Stet flier helve successfully completed their studies Stratford iTeadher'a College, Melville Church Minister: :too. Jonathan Greene Organist Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Mine Worship LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Showe Each. Night ConimencIng at 7.15 p. m. Them. - Fri. - Sat. May 28 - 29. 30 Sandra Dee Organist: Mrs: A. E. Martin Post Publishing House RIDE A western James Darren In GIDGET A delightful romantic comedy centering around the adventures of a teenege Randolph Scott Karen Steele In LONESOME The United Church.OD OF CANADA FLOWER' SUNDAY, i and. 7.t30 A. • Anglican Church • OF CANADA A*. Also p JUNE let wa will Olivia milk throughout th• ev)ory day except Sunday! durhig the summate,/ menthe. Thurs. - Fri, - Sat. Mon. Tues. - Wed. CECIL B. DEMILLE'S. Magnificent "TEN COMMANDMENTS" At Reduced Admissions Evenings — Adults $1.00 Students 60c, Children 400 One Showng Each Evening at 8.00 Saturday Matinee, 1.00 'p.m. TWO SPECIAL MATINEES At Reduced Prices Adults Reduced Prices Adults 75c, Students *60c Children 40c for -people who are not free in .the evenings Ten Commandments will be shown at 1.00 p.m. Monday, June 1st 1.00 p.m. Wednesday, June 3rd ....Thank you for your co-ow/ties in the peal Phone 22 Brussel, Ima,..04•11.000.00 4:1=11M1/14.44M.04. WE ONLY SELL AND PLEASE TAKE MEED• gPlertit 4.0.4 eRS Raldents Of Brussels Commencing on NOTICE Thine e fel. , Tune 4 i . .bauble—OdAitate • ; •"PARATROOP COMMAND" I Thurs, -, Fri. - Sat. May 28 - 29 - 30 " THE BIG COUNTRY Color CinemaScope Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Burl Wes, Charlton Heston Burl Ives, Charlton Heston PEOPLE WE KNOW Rem Hoc:Yee, elder son of Mr, and, Mrs, 'Norman "Hoover, von The William Wyatt Scholarship for' second year honor" history at West. ern University, London. Mr. and Mrs. George McNair and family of Hamilton visited over the week-end with Mr. and Ml's, W. J. eeerrie and family. HURON LEAGUE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Intermediate June 2, Clinton eel Brussels . Slane 3, St. Colturiban. at Whit:horn June 10, Brussels at Clinton .Tune 11, Winthrop at St. Columban June 16, Clinton' at St, Columhan June 17 Brussels at Winthrop June 23, St.Columlean at Brussels /tine 24, Winthrop et Clinton BUSINESS sot,p Mr. M. Winenerg, wilt) has been in business mere for the past 19 , years, has sold his business and ,property, Mr, Ned Rutledge, a long resident of Brussels, has purchased the Arcade Store and will take V ()6S e Oh t• 11 y. 'Mr, Robert Klogman, Kitchener, has bought the promises formerly occupied by B. M. MaeTavlsb, and is now renovating it. Mu', WIneherig; will be 'missed by his many friends 'here, LLASHMAR ' DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEL N1OTICE 'TO OUR PATRONS ....Our mill will be closed.Thursday afternoons beginning May 28th Your co-operation will be appreciated. Belgra\le :Co-operative Association, phone 1091, ..Wingham or ,,388W10, Brussels: Mon.. Tuere,,,, Wed. June e 3 "Witness For THE likodtEdUtlOtklii Tyronne Power, Marlene Dietelehi tiiarte'S Laudfitdii Mise'Beabarst, Turnbnli win nor of the C,I4E .0hield competing in ,the noivice class of 86, she scored ;;111 out of 700 kits, Mr.. and ,(:eoreo -Mc Arthn r., Mr. and Mrs. P. Sohners and Cathie and Mrs. Ferne Petterson were Sun- clay !visitors with Mrs. M. Scbamm of Mr. Roy Bennett is in. St. Mary's hospital. Kitchener, where he under- went an operation on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cameron, Sarnia were recent Ivisitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Coutts. Mrs. Silas Johnston. who spent the winter months with 'her son Harvey and Mrs. Johnston, In Clinton. has returned to her home in. Wlaton. Miss Jean. Union, placed. first in the Public Speaking competitions at So:forth BIM, hi the militia. de; Thursday, May 28th, 1969 • • • • • BEST ENGINE Every motor ma- gazine has given ▪ Che'VY'e VS's unstinted praieee As SPORTS I CAR ILLUSTRATED puts it. "Indeed, :this device is surely the most wonderfully •responsive engine available today at any • • • price . . its Price class": Take it from the experts- CHEVY OWES YOU 1 BIG BESTS! i..i•...i.i'.i • .and Mr. and Mrs Jer Cardiff of Petrolla. Miss Brenda Bernier and. Miss Raab Ennis, Kitchener, visitors with Mr. and Airs. Ti. Ennis. Miss ,Inne Hackwell nurse.in., training, Stratford General Hospital, spent the week-end at her home. The 8t1t. and. 16th group Met at the' home of Mrs. Harold Bolger for the May meeting, Meeting opened with a hymn' with Mrs. Perdue at the piano. Scripture John 13, 14.6. A reading. on the scripture was given by Mrs. Jim McDonald, followed with. prayer by Mrs. Jim. McDonald, The topic "Cancelled Prayer" was albly given 'by Mrs. Ed. Bryarilt. Minutes, Roll Call, and Thank You notes were read. A hymn 'was sung and the meeting closed 'by all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Lundh was setWed by the com.• mittee, assisted by the 'hostess. A distinguished visitor, in the 'person of Mrs. F. C. Knox, will be present at the Meeting of the Woo men's Missionary Society, to be held in Melville Presbyterian Church. "'MIT. Jim* 6th, at 8: SO P. M. scam a native of 'Belfast Northern' Ireland, has been working 14 India with, her under for the twenty.years, the auspic- es of tihe.Presbyterian Chtirch In Can- oda, Mrs. Kiwi has an interesting story to tell of her'wOrk and Will ex- hibit Many'Curios of great interest. Erv'erybody Is lictartily inVited to be. present. ***to.. ••••••••• NOTICE BEST . RIDE You'll be able to tell this yourself, instantly. But MOTOR. TREND maga- ! tine expreeees it this way: . the smoothest, meet quiet, softest riding car in Chevrolet's quality Fisher Body construction, smooth, • BEST more economical engines, rugged transmissions and sleek modern design hold resale value higher than TRADE-1N ina irothtersein, its field . . bring you more money at trade- % No doubt about this: two Chevrolet Sixes won their class in the famous Mobilgas Economy Run, got the best mileage of any full-size c,ar, ECONOMY I \70`Pc.: 1 Phone 249 r BRIDGE MOTORS Have Available New Meteor and Mercury- Cars and Mercury Trucks Yee are invited to come in to see and test drive these IMPS IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCT'S • Service Station Open avanIngi anti EMMY Sebastlam Egg Grading Station (formerly Bray's Produce) (formerly Bray's Produce. Ethel, Ont.) Feed — Eggs * Poulty Locker Service — Pickup Service Phone Brussels 16.110 ••••••• ••••••• i •••••••••• • • • " PLUS THESE iTREMENDOUS TRIFLES! Annual flower Servi c e t Will Be Held In Brussels United "Church SUNDAY MAY 31st A: 11:00 4. M, your conventions* Lbw Of " International Harvester surid New-Idett Farm Machinery The Best In Parts and Service s any 4,r • 14, ::::1,:::: McCUTOHEON MOTORS LIMITED ) RACK Or ;Clear Bak Offlite Cilene at too Oieleink olioet thew itt Children Under 4' in ear Prat) diakonal !dell Perfarnialie. • AHoNt 5s ortittaiLe. 01;t.