HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-14, Page 1 •It444..4.!....14174.r4 4,444•4•414,414.,!;••*,:.',...M or. 4.. "7 NA.114a4.. (?N7rga-r efaxg, wiNN.apts, 1. Mrs. R. Hall 2. Mrs, H, McLean, 3, Ws. (leo, Smith The -,11:1Mbled Names Contest ow being concluded, The Brussels Post extends thanks to advertisers and I contestants for their ea-opera-0On., veuelherS totaling $100 in value were given to the winnerS. Will the contest winners call at the office of the .Brussole Post for their Prizes. 'DANCE !FRIDAY, MAY 22nd 'WALTON COMMUNITY HALL Music by - Clinton Hilltopers Lunch 'Booth Admission 50c D A ,N E '81:0oncired by Howick Lions Club WROXETER• COMMU,NITY HALL FRIDAY, MAY 8th Music by "The Midnight Ramblers" Lunch Booth Admission 75c Melville Church Minister: two. Jonathan Greene Organist -- Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Divine Worship The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; OLD. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M, Church School 11 A. i1I. Confirmation and the. Sacrament of Holy Communion -.r. Anglican Church . OF CANADA Perish of "Brusasie Figre. f. rt"... Jaggib, Lit. 4chn's igiriFtweits 8.30 a, in. Holy Eucharist 11 a. in, Holy Eucharist Sunday SChool St. David's -- Hentryn 9.30 a. m. Holy Eucharist A HEATER GIVES YOU WATER 6 /BOOT A LITTLE WATER OR A LOT KRAUTER PLUMBING&HEATING SHEETA4ETAL .c OIL BURNERS Ski/SS ELS Otam, 47 X •_ _1 -y.y ^. a 'MAJESTIC W. I. MAY MEETING The May meeting of the Majestic W. I. will be held on ,Thursday, May 2,1st at 8 p.m. There will be an auct- ion sale of plants, bups and seeds. Roll call will be "Tips on storing and care of clothing". Demonstration on making of muffins by Sharon, Hem- ing and Edith Davis. All the women of the community are invited- APPLICATIONS WANTED - Girl •and Boy wanted for part-time Recreational Directors for the Brus- sels Recreational Committee. Two week leadership course sup plied, 24 hrs. per week, for State salary expected, Applications :to- be, in the hands of the Secretary- `Treasurer, TT. A. Fischer, by May 26th.. 1.959. Six weeks- N 0 TIC E The Brussels -Congregation of. Jehovah's Witnesses wish to inform the pebple in this community of the - new location of -their meeting place. The Kingdom Hall is now located; -on Main Street in the apartment' , formally .occuipled by Evonne Beauty - Shoppe, as the congregation has ex- planded- Everyone is inVited to• attend one ; or all of their meetings to receive I 13ible Instruction, ministerial train-I ins, and an extensive study of the Bible. The meetings are as, follows; Wednesday. .-8 pan., Bookstudy Friday, 8 p., Ministry Scheel- Service Meeting. Sunday, 2.3(r Public Talk, Watchtower Study. No collection is taken at any of these meetings. Come and receive Post Publishing House 41,1tliorriNedl as 11440All OM AWL DapartIllaatt Ottawa Thursday,. ay 14th, 1959 t Sebasflants Egg Grading Station' (formerly t'ay's Produce) (formerly Bray's Produce, Ethel, Onto Feed - Eggs - Poulty Locker Service •- Pickup Servicet, Phone Brussels 16.110 Gem .Margarine 4 lbs for Aylmer Choice Whole Kernel Corn Hunts Fancy Tomato Jnice Juice 20 oz. ....... kfil.11•11* ..... 1,00 2 for 23c 2 for 25c 2 for 23c Libby's Happy Vale Peas Corn 15 oz. -..!•••••• ed 44.44,•4 0 ,4'7 444 044.4d.!.. Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- ended by Gordon Wilkinson, that the road accounts as presented be the road Superintendent be paid -7-- Carried Moved by Ross Duncan, seconded by Stewart Primter that the general accounts as presented be paid - Carried CCUTCHEON GROCERY NOTICE - 1V11 the merchants who honor the prize vouchers cash them at the office Of the Post lumnediatelY. ' • TO BE GUESTS M'LADY IVIoncrieff Womens Institute will be studio guests on "IVI,I4ady° CKNX Television, (Tuesday, May 19 from 2:90 to '3.00 P.m. 44.4 44.444... .4444 CARD OF THANKS The relatives of 'the late *Mary 'Cleaver wish to thank all those Who helped in the time of bereave- ment and for the ,beautiful floral tributes and cards, , CARD OF' THANKS My sincere thanks to' the many people lof this community, and. else- Where, who so generously gave Inc their votes maldfng me a winner in the of the current °KINN. Focus -on Talent, David Kennedy awarst.*, BRUSSELS TRANSPORT' Safe Dependable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels MORRIS. TOWNSHIP 001MlOIL. ,MEETING The remelt met in. the .Tewgeli hall rm May 4th with all the-nlf(111 hers .present. minutes -of the last meeting were rend arid adopted on motion Of St wart Procter and Cordon 'MIX- 4esen. - Carried Moved by Stewart Procter, second- ed by hors Duncan that the Court of Revision on the Hislop Drain ho closed -- Carried Phone 293 We Deliver 4.4 FREE MOTHPROOFING Be Safe and Send to BUCHANAN CL,EANERS . No extra charge for this.service only the regular cleaning charge Agent THE MAYDELLE SHOPPE Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- onded by Stewart Procter that Ross Duncan and Gordon Wilkinson be ren,resentatives on the Recreational Committee in. Rrussels - Carried gyoNNa pgAuTy SHQpPE Mies i.oie Dodds, 'Hairdresser, new aettled in her 'new. 1094004 Iterure'ly . the J, H. . Stratton wellry Store). - The salon is lovely with 1.03 decor of , quainarlee .and blonde walls. The flows, aro hloude and green 'tile. The reception -room is furnished wit1 blonde - divider's 'with, pink arliorito tops, adorned `With, out-leaf philodendruns, a • gift for .her open- The salon fitted with a iarge blonde vanity is trimmed- in acme. anl pink centred with a plate glass mirror, shelves and drawer. All in all this is a ve,ry attractiVo and modern Prilretes are cordially invited to drop in any time. PIPE 13, ND TO PARADE The Brussels Legion Pipe Band will parade on Brussels main street on Satuirday night between 9 and 10 p. m. Silver 'collection, ,•••••••••••••••••••••.," Mrs. Charles Cleaver There passed away i n Grey Town- ship, on May 1st, Mary Cassie Cleaver, daughter of 'the late John, Dougherty and Rebecca Galtbraith, I n her 79th year. She was born on Concession 12, Grey Township on April 'ard, 1901. ,She married 'Charles Cleaver, WhE, predeceased 'her 20 years ago, Funeral service was held frort, the D. A. Rann home last Monday. Cecil 'Baton-rah and Guest Dobson sang "Linder His. Wing" Interment was in Mount Pleasant Cemetery', Ethel. Pallbearers were Frank Purvis, IGeorge. .1-Tutcfhinson Leslie nail, Arthur Rock. Jack Wilson andiGleo-ge Dnbar, Flower- bearers were two. nenbews, Stanley IVProlhan and Alton °Wield. 'Open Night will 'be fheld this Yeali"on the s. evening of Friday, May 22. 'There will be , further notice about this eveht next week. 'HIGH SCHOOL OPEN NIGHT The annual High Schoch • E. A. (T E D) WILSON General Contractor ,The meeting adjourn.ed on motion of Walter Shortreed .and Gordon Wilkinson to meet again on June 1 at 1 p.m. The following accounts were paid:' A. Fraser, :verifying tax arrears $ 23.00 Relief Accounts- 15.00 Wm. Elston, fox bounty, 4.00 John Pipes fox bounty 4.00 H. Strettom, safe 25.00 Howard Smith, Warble Fly Inspector 226.11 Gordon Nicholson, spray helper 174.60 Ross Anderson, Belgrave Street lights 33.15 Association 'of Assessing Officers, .fee Municipal Officers Assoc- - intim Myth St.;),ndard advertising Bernard Hell, Insurance COMMERCIAL a n d Concrete Work Brick and Block Work Remodelling DESIGNING - DRAFTING RESIDENTIAL Amaral Foolish New Horrice Farm Building Flamm. - BLUEPRINTING,' Will the-- parents who have children ready to start to school in September, 1059, please notify Miss ILupU Mitchell or the Secretary of the Board, Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, as soon as pbssible. According to re- gulations set by the Department of Education a child must he six years of age on or before Dec. 31st, 1959. to begin Crate 1 this September. 10.00 , Firm Contract Prices Submitted.. PHONE 12 R 12 BRUSSELS: GUT- 44444.14M14444444rne444".44444.14.4.5:e74474444444.4,4 BRIDGE MOTORS Have Available 20.00 I 1.05 ; 149.e8 Bailie Parrot' Gen. C. Martin Reeve- Clerk New Meteor and Mercury- ,C a r s clic!' Mercury Truck s You are invited to conic in co see and test drive these unit4u IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS Service St4-:tion Open Evenings and Sunday, 10 to 5 for your convenience Comeiete Line Of PERMANENT WAVES Get Your Permanent At iRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Where Better Permanents Cost Less . Thomas Tturnbull Thomas Turnbull died at his home in Brussels -Sunday. He was in his 81st year. He farmed in Grey town- ship until• retiring to Brussels, three '- years ago. He NFtis the son of the late Adam aryl Ann Sinclair Turnbull. He was 'I a member of Melville Presbyterian :Church, Ho is - survived by his wife, the former Mabel Lamont, by four .daughters, Mrs. Arthur (Viola) IN MEMORIAM .CAMPRELL - In loving memory of a •dear father and grandfather, George Roberts, wh.o• passed avay, May 15, 1956. Just a prayer from those who loved you; In our hearts you will live forever BecauSe we thought the world of you. --.Remembered always by daughter ; -Annette and grand-daughter, Vicki, l d.e LLASHWAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LlsTOWEL International Harvester cad New Mel! Farm Machinery Tne Best in Parts and Service Phone 24-9 E RAE J. WATSON Liberal Candidate Huron-Bruce will, not be fusing I posiers.• Tihese unsightly nuisances' are a hazard to aneii working on the -poles, they spoil the looks of buildings and be- corne unsighly ' with age. You will get my tnes-Sages t by other Means. Brat,sseiti Lamont of Manitoba; Mrs. Stewart (Ina) Boyd of Clifford Mrs. Ernest (Isabella) Robinson of Freelton and. Mrs. James (Jean) Prest of Goderieh anti 14 grandchildren. 1 The-body rested at the D. A. Rann ; funeral ho-me, Brussels whore a ; funeral service was coInIrlucted Tues. day at 1,30 p,m, by Rev. J. H. Greene of Melville Presbyterian Church. Burial was In Mount Pleasant cemetery Ethel. HEAR Tuesday Evening,' May e Minister T free Bible instruction. CAPJ FOL. IHEATIIE Lia-rowEL, ONT. Wed. - Thurs. May 13 - 14 -, GIRLS . DON'T MISS Lauren Bacall and Robert Stack ' In THE GIFT OP LOVE " Chiernascope color Warrningl "Amusing! Sentimental! 44.464.1111.1111011.11•11•••••••,.....,M1.1• .06,...1114.11.14MMOW.0114doide. Fri. - Sat. May 15 - 16 George Montgomery 1n "MAN FROM GOD'S COUNTRY" adoegetuaulD Color . plus 3-STOOGE FUNERAMA, Mon, 4 Tues, -; Wed. - Thum. MAY 18.19 - 21 Dave'. and treubie one and the earn crank Sinatra b earl Martin, Shirley MaCLatite LiisoMe CAME RUNNING" ClnemaScope.-- MetreColor Entertainment. { PLEASE NOTE thaw 1.4ne 7.0(1 #00iiirialon 750 stil*Atinitssion 50c DANCE ETHEL COMMUNITY HALL Sponsored by the Hall Boord FRIDAY, MAY 15th Scott's Orchestra' Admission: 50r May 16 Sat, Only Double Feature "The FLESH and the SPUR" Color John Agar, Maria English 'HELL SQUAD" Brandon Cirroll Fred Gauln EVONNE BEAUTY SI4OPPE I am now located in the Stretton Building, directly amloss from former location. I ani now open. for appoint- ments. Telehone 2,9 I work eve-T nicht except 'Wedneriday, and Saturday 'afternoons. Th e C. G. I. T. of Brussels United Chtinch are holding a MAYTIME TEA In Brussels Public Library, on SATURDAY, MAY 16th 3 p. in, to 4p. m. Everyone WeMorne . Sunday Mid-Nate and ly,tildaY may 17 - 18 "MOTORCYCLE SQUAD" Steve Terrell, John Ashley 4,tORORITY GIRL"' 'Susan Cabot, Dick Wile' Adult Entertainment LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Showe Each Night Commencing at 7.15 p. m. 1may1 4 - 15 Thurs. - Frl. Double Bill "ROONEY" (Comedy) Barry Fitzgerald Muriel Pavlow "HELL DIVERS" IStanley Baker, Peggy Cummins Thurs., Fri., Sat. ▪ May 14 7 15 , 16 ntario will be in Winghara 'Tuesday Evening: MAY 19th. at WINGHAM TOWN HALL Everybody Welcome Ladies Espedaily Iftwite The Prime Minister will speak on the lee portent Orehrett* Of his GOVerrintent. PREMIER FROST is ap,eaking, on behalf of JOHN W. 'HANNA Pte..dolia, candidate for ki.i0CM.Seticei, 'Other 'Members of Parliament will be, on the tilatidivk Make thla a real RAO' and social evening to Meek t TH E PRIME MINISTER AND YoUri tattlitttt It0oM8' MeRtilnOR bitiOttt "tkitait: 1138' Htirdii.tiriree 'Progressive 'conservative ASSOC. 4444444.414 444.44.44444. ' 4 ; 4.4)e e iikin May s do. 10 Tuts. 20 Fr ed MaeltiPeoay Maggie Hayes . Wed. riank Natalie Wood Tony Curtis VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling Cold Waving A SlibeialtY Phone 146 Brussels Two ShOwth WItjhtlY, Ratiii or Cleat' SO* Office Opens at 8.00 o'clock' 0'100 thew at tiltitek Children' under 12 tri• Chi, Free Cartoon at. Eaeh Perforrnande TEXACO DeliVerlia - PRODUCTS coil aLmeR SOME RS ---, Phone 55 McCUTCHEON MOTORS IT. Phone !e IitArotTk - Phone Os* in' • Good Day. FO? A Hanging 1 A good Western Melodrania G' Z.