HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-07, Page 8Can't Go Wrong on. These 2 Items — Box of Lowney's Chocolates, Kodak' Films, Regular or Colored SMITH'S RE ALL DRUG STORE. Phone 62 : • Brussels John W, • Ordinary mowers clump, skip—leave messy clippings. New Toro cola evenly, cleans up other clippings as well. eSt in the "X" t ,ctrA Wind-Tunnel Whirlwind out mows them all! dr S W MTh CONFIDENCE HARVEST WITH PRIDE HEAVY CANADIAN BARB WIRE $9.00 per 80 rodspool FENCER I3ATTERIES, $3.60 CO-OP FERTILIZER — 7% DISCOUNT if paid for within 10 days Bel r. Co-operative BELGRAVEf ONTARIO honeAt ,%5/, 'Ingham 1091; brunet* 388w1ó THE BRIMS= Plat Alay TVA, 1959 see Agee. Tip Top Tailors We, geo.rge. Lott "gs- 111,40116:570g.` 1 MOTHEP., DAY • Sunday, May itth Remember the Occasion with A Gift from the Rexall Drug Store UCOA/ 14011/ YOU CAM PACK INTO A DAY IN 1 ow older rears will rogret t learn of the passiag of Mary Watson, beloved wife of the late George. LOU, On, April 7th, at the home of i liar' daughter Edith (Mrs, Arthur Blelby), Hamilton, h her eightY. eighth Year. CoHnetrraely0ont4tpu:arnictgioslar(l)arril4dzoef4a yt hr: toir4tes ,t,tyialcitosrps,ayirtnatyl:Irtyes. comfort within easy reach, Friendliness is in the air and ITile funeral service WAS held on 1 I we4nesday at 8 p. ni, from tlio A. C 1. Wallace Funeral Hento and inter- meat took place on Thursday at there's a welcome mat out for everyone, )-lava; fun i Brussels Cemetery, ay 10th other's Day/ We can help you to select on. appropriate. gift . for mother or some- One dear t o here yourself this year. heart, Hudnut's Quick Home Permanent Satin Hair Set Hudnut's Egg Creme Shampoo Helen Curtis Spray Hair Net Toni Home Permanent A Gift from Yardley — Hand Cream, April Violets, Cologne, Red Roses Soap and Dusting Powder Lavender Fragrance Rose Bud Soap — 69c Box of 3 inctude a Mother's Day Greeting Card We hav‘ them at 10c and 15c each — look them over — your Airs. Lott was horn at Louth, Eng. • I Jana. and came to Canada at an, oa'ly age. Shortly after her marriage at Whitby, she and her Into husband - moved ',to Brussels. where they lived for many years, until they wired 'to Winglis,m. After her husband's death, in 1937, Mrs. 'Lett remained in Wingham for a few years and thelkwent to live with her daughter Edith in Hamilton. Besides Edith, the deceased was the dear mother of Mrs. Walter Cutler (Addle), Albert and Ernest, all of Toronto; 0,layton, Detroit: Harry of Hanover 'and Kenneth fr, London; and had six grandchildren. 1 in 1'937, .a few months before. Mr. .Lott's death the couple celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary with their children in Toronto and re-visited the scene, of their youth in Whitby. Mrs. Lott was 0, 'person of ability, courage and industry and° a devoted mother. A menther of the United Chthrch, she had the happy faculty of making friends and she died honored and beloved "old and full of years", having fought a Temarkably good fight. "The souls the righteous are In • the hands of God". Suggestions Blouses Dresses Aproins Sweaters. Trinkets Linens Handkerchiefs Flowers Lingerie Purses Gloves Scarves Luggage Discover low economical it is to explore Ontario by mailing the coupon below. Literature you will receive includes an up-to-date list of accommodation that shows you where to stay at the price you want to pay. VilSilMilMiMi#4.WOSIMM.MtaWk FREE! ONTARIO TRAYEt, 184 Parliament Bldgs. ' ToronTo, Ontario Sod free literature about Central Ontario and road map REPAIRS TELEVISION and RADIO TO ALL MAKES -- QUARANTEED Electrlcal wirIng Contractor ORVAL HARRISON .oril••••••••••••,11,KIM.A.M1111TMOOM.4 SERVICE PHONE 41719 ! Write Letters? Floral Hasty Notes 49c Paper Mate B. Pointed Pens $1.98 Others from 35c each and up. Also Fountain Pens from 59c each and up. v,......4.4mosavanusostaur4.1.**aa444414amse4onstma..nanom. Nes, roossearesee., asessrasnia•smeas. DEAD STOCK REMOVERS HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR OLD SICK ANL DISAISLEu HORSES AND CIJWS HIGHEST CASH VALUS PAID IN SURROUNDING DIZTRICT PON DF3A.L STOOK Prompt Sanitary Disposal in Winch equippad Try OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER AT 5e PER POUND 24 HOUR SERVICE (PHONE COLLECT) LEROY ACHESON ZENITH 34900 Atwood, Ontario. Phone WIVI. MORSE Brussels II5J6 Or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2r15 Address , Pest Office. tagniSSA6.-. Ontario Department of Travel & Publicity, Hon. Bryan L. Cathcart, Minister KNOW ONTARIO ETTEFt . A.MtairiArgf6WM:r!Mt 710144.21.4....smoss.4•Ss4444=4 WEEKLY SALE Brussels Livestock Sales Yards EVERY FRIDAY 1 P. Mu Your home =rust Irma* you aro welcome as PAWN& ••••,••••.....,.18,0•.,.e..••••••••• AUCTION SALE Cf mousehold Furniture to be held at Lot 13,. Con. 13, McKillop Twp. on MONDAY, NI A Y 11th, at 7 P.M. Furniture Grey Tweed Sofa-bed . with matching Chair, almost new 1 Fire Place Mantel 12!iiiffet .t Mina Cabinet or Book. Case 1 Oak Roll-Top Writing Desk 1 Cupboard 1 Living Room Table - I Extension Table , 1 Antique Rocking Chair 1 Table. tamp 1 Spring Filled Mattress A Number of Kitchen Chairs and ctilantity of dishes Equipment 1 Large Iterfrigerathr Oil,,on Washing :Machine, 1 7.ruitlim clipper Porno equipped with Oil Burner 1 2 JOirno- Hot Plate Varier,', Smaller item terms Cash — No Reserve ° • Leonard Leomirth, .— Prop. Dan S. Dennis — Attsctioneer ...t....•••••1•11.11141, Caviller, McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell Telephone Building Walkerton D. A. HUNTLEY, C. — Resident Manager Telephones — Business 633; Residence 106 McNEIL'S SHELL SERVICE SHELL LUBRICATION, SHELL HOUSEHOLD AND or Slayer. Consispor: Visitor. BRUSSELS, „......•••••• • PHONE 46 SHELL daETROLEUM PRODUCTS DUNLOP TIRES Austin Sales and Service Part: and Accessories Repairs on All Makes of Cars and Trucks a TELEPHONE 76 BRUSSELS, ONT. me 11t s j Conservative Go‘iernment has been to deal of the, The aim Daring "X" Test proves new Whirlwind rotary will cutout any other. Wind-tunnel under the homing creates powerful vacuum to freeze every blade of grass upr;,ht for a sharper, crisper cut. See this revolutionary new Whirlwind today, ends efurriping O togs clippings so No scdiping reasonably and justly with the problems of the people of Ontarki, and feel that the constituents of Huron-Bruce have benefited greatly from this objective of a sound government. The Progressive Conservative government, under the able leadership of Premier Leslie Frost, has tried to ensure equality of opportunityio each and every one of the citizens of the Province., Whenever our citizens through unforseen circumstances have been denied the opportunities which abound in this good land, the government, within its constitutional powers, has done its utmost to better their condition. This I believe is in keeping with what we are happy to call our "Canadian Way of Life". It is a good way — no country on earth offers a better way, and I am sure that the people of Huron-Bruce feel this section of the province offers some of the best opportun- ities in Ontario JOHN W. HANNA, M. L. A. Huron-Bruce Bohn Hafina has served the people of Huron-Bruce as their , representative in the Ontario Legislature since June 1943. He has delved' With ability, always keeping the problems of his constituentto. Lippe/Ir/at in his mind, and has worked to provide a better Welt of life for the people of this area. Mr. Hanna Id rectigniSed as one of the' leading members of the legislature, and has served on many dettinlittiet of importance. He has been consistent in urging better mails, dehtillUed and assistance to education and public' Welfare • „,,Whert yeit Vote• jOhii Hanna on etecilen, day, Witt be voting: #oe a hian who has the Interests of Ontario, and Ti, 000'01.40'411e' to #sheets' of NithOti4rtibe at. Heart, Progressive 6ongeoliAitiie AatoOtailoh, 69 (19" Whirlwind' Posy terms eshlo eiprus Trims close Comptcte ,yith bog, chute and leaf matcher ohly $10.00 Down) A UCTION SALE The Estate of Mrs. Carrie Sellers Princess St., Brussels SATURDAY, MAY 16th At 1 P, M. 1 Sherlock-ATanning Piano and. Penchi, in good condition 2 Cook Staves 1 Buffett 1 Drool:last Table and 4 Ciairs 1 HY:tension Dining Table and (1 (thairs 1 Kitchen Table 4 Rocking Chairs 2 Davenports 1 Day Bed 1 Glass Chipboard 2 Aim. Chairs Number of Odd Chairs 1 BayMonr1 Se-whir Machine A feiv small Tables 1 Wooden Bed. Mattress & Spring 1 Tel) to Ti-srt POrl, Sprints:. Mattress nun S'nrill q`. 2 Dresser and Stands 2 'Toilet Sets Irma I 17innirk 1 Electric Frill 1 E.lectria in good rendition Flzririn -77ii 4110r Radio, tvr+0,q frmorl 1 Thor 'Tmvrin 1 Tobin Lama ,;rig. Tverbol'y rf.or 9 OlneltR rin+lino ITrwon 7 11 tVii '1,1Thra'nf' 1 IT Iro-n NITIT) flow Po'llati niehr,q c 41,n ro'ir. tThiill e tl Orwna tinniti larir with Vr ,liortio Motor r4,,rom Son«, I^ P tor. lilts-Eccrtht.0,, give 76o Meeii other areTatee treie Numerable mentiAn +rirrriA COsh /1/iHo :tag tr tvediittlx of tetele Gordan M. oomit Auctioneer Ask ahout the "X" test at 4 V AL 1LLING Blttevale, Ora. .,„