HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-05-07, Page 1Thieves added ineult to injury In hreak-ia robbery at MeCuteheon .Motoeg wh-.0 they not only rethoatal • the safe from the ()Wee bat also stole a track, on which they loaded the safe with the garage balsa to cart it. away. The safe contained over am 11.i. casli as well as a number of cheques and le-titters", business papers, etc. • The truck was located shortly after naon on Monday, abondeaea in the biocsh on the farm of Wm. Campbell. 4th can. of Grey twp., and the safe in a swamp on a side road The safe was broken open and all papers, etc, had been 'Mated. The robbery topk place in the early hours of Monday morning. Entry was gained by smashing the. glass In the back door of the garage. This is the 6th time. that entry has been farced .and the place looted, Investigation is in charge of P. C. Lewis of Wingbam. WINNER AT OXFORD FESTIVAL OF music David Kennedy, competed in four t saxophone classes at the Oxford County Festival of Music at Wood- stock in Saturday. He .Won the tow 1 classes with first class honors when the adjudicator, Peter Alan, awarded. 1 • blM 89, 88, 80, and 34 marks. We Deliver Carried 'Fist:theta' Fallinta• ;Sec.-Treas. CARD OF THANKS The Brussels Recreational Centre wish to thank all those who pur- chased tickets on the car and attended the coaoert and dance. Net ;proceeds of these went Ito the Rot reational Centre and not to the Lions , Club 118 advertised. Joseph Pollard POTJLAWD — Passed away April 22nd, 1959, 591 North Road, New . Westmister. Age 83. Survived by one eon, Denny, and three, grand- children; 2 brothers, Pen, Seattle, and Edward, Brussels. Funeral , service at St, Stephens Anglican ,Church. Reaa A. Godwin officiated, .Graveeide service auspices R. P. P. No. 459 Intermdnt in liareatian cemetery. NOTICE Will anyone who gave, us chetaues' or had cheques cashed by us on , Friday, Saturday or Sunday, please advise us of it as soon as possible. Also, anyone who received a state- ment (cf their account recently,, would you please advise us of the amount as this will save 3,4 consider- 5b,e inconvenience. McCUTC'HEON MOTORS Georae IVic.Cutcheon, Prop. DANCE , ETHEL, COMMUNITY HALL Sponsored be the Hall Boord FRIDAY, MAY 15th Scott's Orchestra Admission: 50c The (). 0. 1. T. of Brussels United Chureh are holdina a MAYTIM F TEA Brussel§ Publia• Librare SATURDAY. MAY 15th 3 p. m. to 4 P. In. Fveraohe Wellcome BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 55; Roe, Or $si CA' Buy your Massey-Ferguson No, 3 Beier NOW get CLARE BURT'S for $ 50 Buy now, and you'll be ahead two ways! ...You'll get 'MT, only baler that never needs greasing . and an award cheek tlzr $50 from Ware Burt, Star of our Farm Reporter radio Hurry in to see us this offer is for a limited time only!' MELVILLE W. M. S. The regular monthly meeting of. Meladile 'W. al, S. was held in the church parlour on May 1st, with an attendance of 217, Prayer by Mrs. Greene opened the minting and the singing of a .n,ian followed. *•SediptIttire reading was ;given by Mrs. Wilfred, Short- reed. Roll Call was •respoaded to by a verse from the Old Testament on "Tadao". 'The regular monthly affe•ring was taken, Mrs. Win. Speir gave an interest- big account of the three days' meet- ing- of the Synodical Society otHem- Min and London which were held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Godeta A special offering was taken which is to he sent to Mrs. Dickson. of Formosa to help her with her missionary work there. Thanks was expressed to the Yortag 'Women's •Gaild for their generous .donation to this oaks°. The June meeting will be held oh Seine 5th at .3,30 p. in. Mrs. Knot, 'raleasionary from India., will be speaker. To Ms meeting the Young Women's Camila and the ei c'r,I. T will .he inalted. Tt was moved by Mrs. Williams and secended by Miss, Moses that the town chn'rebas 'and gleIghibou'ringa church as be invited. The tonic for the -meeting "Church anti the People of 'Cauada", • was Introduced by Mrs. Campbell. Mrs. Little spoke on the Hungarian a. Clarireb in 13.(1. Mas Metbeson. 'an the Flara;1 7110n anti Ttalinn Churches ; edit Mrs. McGinnis -•en the Import- of ner interest in these new earnerg and theitaeharch, Mas. Allen am-Pawed articles in the. Glad ttain. A bream. Preceeded tlmh dosing nraver. Mire. MeGittnis. Llteaature and Library Permetra had e heek alisplav weadv to be eartaiined niter tleo Meetina be those interested. CAPITOL 1HEA1RE LISTOWEL, ONT. “.‘.,••••••• ALL THIS WEEK May' 4 tO WALT DISNEY'S "SHAGGY DOG,'" EVenIng ShOwt at 7 and 9,35 Adatite 75e StUdente 00c TWO Matinees onSaturd§i''tat I P., na• and 3.30 Children 056 et,all thé Mon, - Thee. May ft .12' A •StiSPen§tli, Brute Weetern "THE FIEND WHO VIPALktb ti=40. WOtto .CIntilfieSobbe a. .. . Wed. TH06, May 13 14 (OBI§ tibist't MtBsi Lauren tia6att 'Anti PObOY4.tta6ir jn ti-rE bI0"t - 60' L6Nk tiiieniaticope o1oi4 iñ Aninalrigi iteritlineittelf Melville Church kilnloter 'Kea. 4onathan CiPoefle Oraarilat — Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday Scheel 11 A. M. Divine Worship The United Church OF CANADA' Minister: Rev. L. Brown LA.; S.D. OrrIanist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M, Church School 11 A hr "The Influence of the Mather" ,Anglican Church OF CANADA ..srosn feruseole Wt 4;119St34 Itk cae., Jean'a OrussaIs 9.30 a. in. Holy Ettcharist 11 a. m. Mattins Sunday School St. David's -- Hentrya 2.30 P. M. Holy Eucharist WE ONLY SELL - ANO PLEASE TAKE WEED, I. ,Ptli !LI *006 GUARANTEED PROPERLY iNSPILIED PLUMBJ,F1GIgi.ttA*1140 tyk it!StittP OIL BLIISIVERS tROStt:Ct' 4%;40.47x SE BRUS LutherIskIti' as scosOnd asset ;WAKE. rest Mace Dottmt4nEmt, ott"ra Thursda May 7th, 1959 .---. Post Publishing House $2.00 Per year - $2.40 eataalig. JUMBLE NAMES CONTEST PRIZE WINNERS THIEVES STRIKE AGAIN AT MaCtiTCHEON MOTORS 79e 1. M r8. Wateoli: Shaldice 3, Mrs, pnaon wassail 3. Mrs, George DavidSon i I This is your last chance to win a. ! cash prize in the Jumbled Names. ! Will the Contest winners call at , the office of the Brussels Post for i I, i i ther prises. , l i 1 NOTiCE — , 1 W'll the merchants *ho honor th e prixe vouchers cash them at the ' I affiee of the Post immediately. ' MAY .MEETING. OF BRUSSBLS 5cillal0Q4, BOARD Tho regular monthly meeting .0.r. BrasSeiS Sch.00/ 11.0414. Was held 'On MaY 1st, with one member, Roy Kennedy absent, The minutes of the last regular. meeting were read and adopted on mation by jack McWhArter and Herb Stretton, Moved by :Tack MeWhirter, aeoottiled by 'Gorden Stephenson a phone be llistalled in the school at. the earliest convenience of the Telephone Co. . — fj The fol lowing aecounts avetreir'(l re presented. 'Gordon Workmen, cleaning furnace & repairs 16.00 Jack Hood, sanitary supplies 3:3 05, 'Hytfro 455 Moved by ;GI:melon Stephenson and seconded by Rev. L. Prawn these accoulets be paid. 25c 29c • W. Cheery Morn Instant Coffee 6 oz. jar Summer Pride Cream Style Corn 15 oz. 2 for. Show Pack Tuna Fish Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 16 oz. • ' ,, . .•-••••••• ...... 39c BRUSSELS 1SRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C.D.FWEL vionumweaornmemorwarasarmuurviAtlialaletA. Sebastions Egg Grading Station (formerly Bray's Produce) formerly Bray's Produce. Ethel, Ont..) Feed — Egg—s Pou-4 1ty Locker Service — Pickup Service Phone Brussels 16J10 ClUTCHEON YOUNG • WOMEN'S. GUILD .The April meeting orlhe Presby- terian Young Women* Guald was held in the church, Tuesday evening, April 21st. There were 18 membiers • present Ruth Pipe opened the meeting with a poem. Hymn 545'. was sung. The scriptulre lesson from Hebrews 11, verses . 1-10 was readath, unison. Mary Davidson' led in prayer. Isabel Gibson very capably wept over the lesson with us which* was on. "Faith". T-Tymn 521 was then sung followed by the I3.6nedictioa,. Ethel Brewer presided .ots•-er the bnsinoss part of the meeting in the absence of the president, Marguerite Kreuter, Following the meeting n social bora was enjoyed. atta: FREE MOTHPROOFING Be Safe and Send, to BUCHANAN CLEANERS No extra charge for this service_ only the regular cleaning charge Agent THE MAYDELLE SHOPPE a-- Carried Mowed by Herb Staetten and sec- onded by 'Gimlet, Stephenson a synopsta of the options on the two school land sites be presented to the council for their approval . ,— Carried I8iness being concluded the l the Meeting adlourn,ed on motion by' t'llerclota Stephenson rthmk1 Herb Stream. Phone 293 C DANCE FRIDAY, MAY act, WALTON COMMUNITY HALL Music by Ian VI/Rine Admission 50c Lunch Booth PLAY and VARIETY CONCERT' In Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, MAY 8th G H WINDO W" (Trophy winning Play' Cast of Characters Emily Winthrop — Ruth Procter Judge Stephen Craig — JElen Howinat Judith Ware — Ilessie Campbell Walter Hodge -- Harry Brydges Linda Norton — Sheila Black ,Dir,cetor -- Mrs. Ti. W. Kennedy WhieiC ,777' Songs-- Skits --- at 3.30 p. in. (DST) Admission — Adults 50r. Cihdldren 25e Presented by North Huron Junior Farmers- ••••••10.01*••• DANCE Sponsored by Howick Lions Club WROXETER COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, MAY 8th Music by "The Midnight Ramblers" Lunch Booth Admission 75c CARELESS DRIVER Some car drivers must have be- come intoxicated with the spring air over the week-end here for there was more than the 'usual amount of roaring up and down the village streets at all hours. One careless driver ran up aver the' sidewalk and, split the deer jamb andamasonite of the front of the stare formerly ocetipied by the Martell& Shop and — owned by W. Cl. Letiob. bittfts707.,,,,..tratitistt;t7tt.,:ttvt:t7 "ttottM74'..' HONOR PARENTS AT FAMLIat ..DINNER M , aari Mrs, ',lord IVIlichel of Prussels„, entertained at a family et their home, on Sunday, in lamer of the Golden Weddinv of her par'ents, Mr. and ivrt-8.. Alvin Kritaer I of Listowel. E. A. (T t D) WILSON General Contractor COMMERCIAL a n d RESIDENTIAL VISITS IN SOUTH AMERICA Miss. Doris ,Tohneton, danghter of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Johnston of Clinton, spout a recent vacation in 3 eneattela, .South America. She masited with Miss Dulce Fernandez, beta roommate last year at Alma 'Gollege, St Thomas. Doris left London airport, on a TCA plane. to Toronto, from Toronto to New York also by TCA, and then nonstop by Pan American a,Aa':!,,l'WaYS from New York to Claraeus •arriving there the. evening of the slame day day she left home. , Doris is the music teaeher at the • ▪ 7leraimaly school at R. C. A, F. .Air Station Centralia. NOT:JCE Will the parents who have children ready to start to Khoo]. in September, 1959, please notify Miss Ilavallo. Mitchell or the Secretary of the Board, Mrs. Elizabeth Elliott, as eoon as •possible, According to re- gulations set by the 'Department of Falreation a child must be six years of age en or before Dec. 31st, 1950, to begin in Craiie 1 this September. PERMANENT WAVES Get Your peathanent at , iRENE'S BEAUTY „SALON Where Better Permanents Cost Less General Rawlins- -New Hornets. Farm Bulidfng littps9M. — DRAFTING a BLUE:PRINT/NZ Concrete Work Brlck and Block Work Remodeilinb DESIGNING Firm Contract Prkes Sufornittod A. rare feature which aildea to the eleraeare of via anthering of 30 aplatteea. was the nreannee or , Krifear'a 97-year old metbe-. airs, " j'a?e 1*-17eite -e of Toronto. PHONE 12 R BRUSSELS. ON1-. Mrs. E. Lester LESTER — At St. Joeeph's Hospital, ; on Saturday, April 13. 1059, Selena 1 (Lena) linens, in her seventy- first, Witlaw (If. Elva, ezer Lester of Woaalburn, and dear mother of; Mrs. J. Calvin Kreuter, (Marguerite) Brussels, and Wos1v of Makin., ; Rested at the Demeld 'V. Beaman Funeral Home, Lake AVentie, Stoney Crook. Service Was held Tuesday 21, at 2,30 p. m. Taterment in Stonoa Creek CoMetery, LLASHMAR DRIVE-IN THEATRE LISTOWEaL. VAL'S ' BEAUTY. SHOPPE .Cutting styling Cold Waving A S ti e f al t Phone 146. betiSeels Your MASSEY-FERGUSON Dealer EVONNE BEAUTY SHOPPE I. am maving into the Strettem , 13)141(1111g thig week, directly across , from thy present location, I will be ollen for aPpointment May ltit, Phone 29. 1 work 11.1'111' 0XeOnt Wednesday, and , Saturday atternoM8. Attesagen Ther, Fri. MaY 7 - "THE LIEUTENANT WORE SKIRTS" Cinetimascope Color Sherry North, Tom Ewell — , — Sat. - Mon, May g Detnole Bill THE LONE RANGER " Color Clayton Moore, Jay Sliverheels "TERROR IN A TEXAS TOWN" Sterling Hayden Cerol Kelly Tees. Wed, May 11 = I "TEE MAN IN THt. GREY FLANNEL SUIT" Color CbierriaSeeme IN MEMORIAM Clark fend and loving McMisiry di a dent Mother, atiti grand- mother, Eked:bath Clark, *lid departed thiS like' 4 years age,. kit May This day w Io tonitImber A itiaing thought We -gIlto ;to c;tue no lousier With n8 nut, in oar hearts still hros. Lovingly trotrianibored by the LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO TWO Showe Edoim Night Gregery Peek Jennifer 36nm:I 6,66,1m066111 at 745 13,„ Thurs. Fti. May14 16 Prhttr, B.. Fri._ sat, Double Bill 9 , 4 I:tOON EY'i May 7 8 . (Gainetly) brrk Prigahde btotthy tutirt Oftideemd Muriel •Nview In Otaniny Baker Peady btii,t4y A Tale of Two Cities Two ShoWS" 'NightlYa Otallta or Opens at .6.06 bieleek. 'First .ShOw at D.;tisk. Th red #ahious biory set in London aria itoaris during, the French Clilldren under 12 Is Car Free barition at 'each performailcd ir.4 TEXA 6, b •DeliVerie§' PiObUcTs Ccii ktMtit 'Mablitbr-ikoi4 .MOtbOiti, 006W BRIDGE MOTORS are now opelragirgt garage formerly known as Elliott ttlictor Sales, 5pecit-diz1ng in Ford Products., Licensed mechanics to repaii all nitillieit of cars and trucks. Stop at the Esso sign for you'll. !thpetI produets, Open evenings aiid Sundays. for ,coittir doii,Veir&nde. 06116 249 gittiStefra •