HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-30, Page 5WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" DO YOU RECOGNIZE THE VALUE OF The Artificial Breeding Service of this farmer- owned and controlled Organization and what it can mean to your livestock operation?- 'While the demand for our service has constantly risen, there are still many more cattle owners that could benefit by using our services. An example of our Hereford bulls. We expect him to be in service soon. CHARLES ANXIETY 8111 Pond) Top priced bull at the Ontario Bull Sale held early in. March. The reason he brounf the top price is because ho has excellent conformation and his official rate of gain while on test for 168 days was 3.59 pounds per day, for life time 2.97 pounds per day, end he .finielied his test period weighing 1280 pounds, This is the highest lifetime gain and finishing weight of any buil performance tested in Ontario to 'date; For service or more Miormation phone CLINTON ICU. 2-3441 Or for Long Distance, Clinton Zenith 9-M50 Between; 7:30 and 10 A.M: Week Daye • • 6:00 and 8:00 B.M. on Saturday Evenings FOR COWS NOTICED HEAT' ON SUNDAY 'MORNING, DO NOT CALL UNTIL MONDAY MORNING WHAT CAN I DO FOR YOU? Your bank manager is easy to meet —and a good man to talk things over with. Not just because he knows a lot about banking, but because he can be counted on to apply that knowledge and experience to your particular need. To him, banking is more than dollars and cents, more than figures in a ledger, To him, banking is the opportunity to work with people-- through bank services to help with your problems, your hopes and plans. That is what he has been trained to do. 'That is what he likes to do. You'll find he's a good man to know. THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY, OAR SLIVERS Otir Low Wet Financing Plan will help you make a better deal. Sera re for details now BEIronn yoti VLENN RONNENSERG General 'Insurance Mankton Phone 663P41 sruesela Phone 247 Teesclay and Friday ;')-t .7.0141A La a MU 4415211.0itd, :.b..2.1XtekAW ken ("tarty-A-en "Yei•eeee ki ellen* me . TH BEST kaidANIT110 etraert 6eliarsine Ortmtarreellig6 oeat4f,eyir tmair-*4 it, A. secre Itir4 an is #,A,Inoit,141 *INGHAM, ciNt , • WiiTERL0,5 CA l'TLE BREEDING • ASSOCIATION `'Where Reiter Bulls Are teedii Stmply artificial breeding per rieo ter all breede of tattle. If Phoning' long distattee, Shutt* itak fee Clinton &ivith 4-606 or Ptilitletetela Zeititth "lf it la a Wall edit use bitf ognitiv Mit/gide e,e `Clinton H 2.3441 er PelerideSton 49R. For service or more Itiftiemation, sell betWeelleee 7.30 SSC 10.00 A. M. week do,v*, .6.00 and OA" -eVekihigb, P ier noticed iii heat on die hot Ceti until Mendel* itiortilinge The 11In SKUSSELS le" feeeee *wee^ e`e 'Tlettreday, April 30th, 1.959 • IN MEMORIAM ---iu kieing memory or a dear husband, father end grand, f;104,-.1% Neuitoo, .va45se4 W.Vfly #1444:$ ago, April 1059. His:, memory a. keepsake W.ti4 11,1110. wo will never part, Thoirh, (Intl has hint in His keeping We have him in oitlfr hearts. Always remem.beree by wifee p;randebiluron. WOOL PORPON M. GRANT 4.leerleed and ,Experienced AUCTIONEER Furniture, and ram Stook Sales Phone 289 Brussels AUCTION SALE. preetierty Real Estate, and I Household ,Effects. For Mrs. etanhury William St.. Stitiesels. SATURDAY, MAY, .9th. at I P. M. (O$T) Household Effects Keleinator Refrigerator Beatty. Waiting Ill'aeltitte Winghain Cook Stove 'le Teeeter :E. Electric.' iron Dishes cooking Utensils 'rabies • Ohairs • 2 (lets Beds Dressers Weell •Stande. Towel Rack Book, Case 'seem Breckets Chtha Cabinet Studio Cowie. Occasional. Chairs Wall Mirrors Lamps Numerous Other Articles. Tools end, Garden. Equipment Lawn Mower Lawn Ohlairs and Benches 0 Ladders Shovels Hanu Saws. etc, Fuel. 1 toe of Coal AleroximatelY 3 cords .of Hardwood Real Estate 1 Lot. lei ft. x 195 ft, Including on the let festorey, 8-eoorn, yelloW ern me Reuse. wife beeroorne, living room, ltitelme end 'bath, germs rorth !,i1111.1 StarlkLirr Propletor ee-t pee, eeefieneer an even greater JACKSON ALUMINUM LTD. .SiEA FORTH Is ,celleeting wept for grading and sale on the co-operative plan. Side. pens may obtain sacks and twine free, charrje' fretn the above or their Licensed Operetpee. Any Government Deficiency Payment will. apply only an properly Graded Worde Secure the Utmost by patronizine. the Organization that made. this. possible. CANADIAN ICO,OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS L IMITED P17 !Bay Street '4^,^ Toronto DAVID AUCTION SALE SATUBPAY.,. MAY, 9th at 7..30 P, M, (D.ST). Estate Qt Masses Agnes and Margaret Fatten. Sale to he held et Baker's Conveleei;ent idx'omr, .Househclo Effects. • DrOp.. Head Fq y.4.1* Sewine efischILc NVilf.',11 SV111,th COMMIlatiOn Wink Case and flesh Reerigerator, need, 2 years Extension Table Small Table 2 Upholstered Chairs 2 Roelting Chairs Iron Bed, mattress, sprint 2 Feather .Matreese- Ben zet •Onebee lifeater, pipM. Oil Steve. Small Oil Heater Victim. Ceetteer Rakes, Shovels, Hoes Stepladder, Other Artieles Too NuMerons To Mention Terms Cash Gordon Grant * Auctioneer DIESEL TnhCrigq)11 FOR SALE Sebago Potatoes far leble or Stan Alexander Phoon e5113. FO.R SALE Size or 13, Girl's- :spring coat, Off White), Excellent .condition, Can be seen at the Brussels. Post. • HONEY FOR SALE Clover 8 lb, Teel $2.00, 4 lb. pail Wallace Rose Apiaries Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE -- Need Storm AIleouwa Before Yeu Buy /et Jacteem Homes Ltd. give you an 06L1MaLF on Aleminum self storing window e. No Obligation Phone Seaforth BW • IN .M4".M.ORIAM Somers ---- In tosur memory of Et. dear husband end father, Wesley Elwin. • Sonwst'8. who went to bet vete the herd. one year ago, Aell 28th, 1955. The golden gates stood epen One year ago, to-day farewells loft unspoken Tie slowly slipped away.. Tie miffererl much in stIonee, His spirit: did not bend Tre faced life pAit with courage lentil the very end He .tr,e(1 so hard to stay with us. Pls nett was all in, 'vain (Ted took him, to his loving Home And freed hint from all pain. Reserve rfeursday, , June 25th 7,ovinely renieineeered by wife, liar Union Cbluirolt Garden Part*. :He NEw DAVID BROWN 050 FOR $ALE !acme Duck Eggs for hatching Phone 254J :Brussels NOTICE New styling, more powerful engine; new easier steering, new instruments; new seat; more space for the driver --these are only a few of the great new features of the new David Brown 950 Diesel. Add to this, full 3 to 4 plow power; live hydraulics; live P.T.O.; traction control; low operating costs — as low as 14 per acre of plowing I Then look at the price! Hazel, and family and gra,ndchildren. FOR SALE Potatoes Ken .Tyerman Phone 25r8 FOR SALE — PERSONAL WHY FEEL OLD? Feel Years I Younger. 'Ostrex Tonic Tablets re- • DEAD STOCk. REMbITERS txiG1-HEST leASH PRICES FOR teLle , SICK, ANL onsAnt.a.) HORSES AND COW{I HIGHEST CASH VALUE PAID IN SURROUNDING IN;TRIOT FOR A t. STOCK P en pi sanitary Devout, in Winch Equipped Trinidad OLD HORSES FOR SLAUGHTER AT Se PER POUND 24 HOUR SERVICE (PHONE COLLECT) Phone WM. MORSE Brussels 15J6 Phone LEROY ACHESON Atwood 153 Or GEORGE HISLOP Wroxeter 2r15 FOR SALE OR RENT 130 acre farm, with house and barn. George Galbraith Phone 353 „., vitalize thousands past 40, Only 690. At all druggists. — PIONEER SEED CORN — WANTED Cattle to pasture tar the season; tree or call us for strong germin- also some "'Timothy Seed for sale. ating, high yielding Pioneer hybridi Lynn Evans Phone 52r9. seed .corn. Choice of early, medium now, they - See us now for es demonstration on your farm POrl SALE Ti icycle, in fair condition, cheap. Also, 2 'Youth's Beds, springs., and mattress. and late hybrids. Order may be sold out later. Bert Johnston. Phone: Brussels 28r4 ~1- Kinds NOTICE. Upholstery Of All FOR SALE — • Deep Pile Brpadloom — 100% all wool broadloom in seven lovely shades, with (separate rubber under- I pad for only $9.95 a square yd., at real savings.` For. one of the largest eMPIltevs In Western Outside, visit I Smitty's Shopping Centre in Han- ovter. WES. BUDNARK & SONS Brussels, Ontario • III • 111:7-7-111_111_ Phone 2153 FOR SALE Goad Red McIver Seed, $20 per bus, 814,, ft, ,Tractor Power Lift Cultivator. W. Hoy Phone 34r8 FOR SALE — Boy's Light Blue 3-piece Suit. has white fleck in It. Size 8, like new. Freshly dry-cleaned. Can be seen at Bluether's Produiee, Brussels. epatred , remodeled recovered. Elgin Phelke, Monkton , Phone 33r21 Atwood LOST A brown Necklace, .on main street on Saturday night.' Finder please return to: Terry McWhirter, Brussels. FOR SALE — • Don't break your back over a. hoe. See the Merry Tiller Garden Tiller. . Most rejgged, efficient; doesn't kill the worms or polwder the soil. Low cost. Contact Lovell McGuire, Win.gham Phone Oa or visit the shop foe demonstretien, NOTICE For rent, or Share Crop, 35 acres broken, ploughed hell fall. 65 acres in grase. Dank .Thynne, Bruesele Box 22 OPUIPTA Doh' 'itosynee Spring Tulip Festival "during May Caogilg's avid Ott i a. r.21 .7 o S Oinier --, Mr:11--‘,4. Fishing, Hunting Fall —, Cirnival of Colors ,-,-Gatineau Hills Late September, Early' October >V./i.,.Itt'r — Skiing, \\.litilin 4 Miles AT A.7*.Y SEA5ON TAM: IN THE:. . . .. . , i 13;%Littitleht Buildings National 24usetini kaperilerettal Faint ' Netiotial'Art Gallery .,.,.Pitts eveiy ether places of interestB ., mil; - at LACRIE N BL P ELGIVD. iti HOTEL Tour distinctive adketsete toOtteuia I seek froth Peetteeent millings; illerisersilway arid thtateii- itOins with bath And ?Wild Rides in all Guest Reetet .CAR PARK gloried al patentees (100 tiro) 1111O0ofig 36.00 Double foil 0.00 rdauti PLAN 1,4 si ava Sr Aiwa omens WI 1111111W 1.4 AVIle -I. OTTAWA, ONTAR/O