HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-30, Page 41.`narsclikV) AOW, VP. THE aRUS311.5 radm NOTICE. TO IN: THE ESTATE. OF 49k-1.0 WILSON SANDERS. At4.4 PB11...BCKB having ,plaitno against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Village of Britssels„ in the County of trWeno gentleman, who died on or about idle 29th. day of INlareli 1959 are required to file proof of same with Ole aatlorafgaOd. on or before the 15th day of May 1953, After that date the administration will proceed to. distrilmta,the .estitta having regard only, to the claims of suhiclli they shall then- have haile notice, DATED at Brussels, this 247th day of April, 959, ,Orewfctrd & tretheringtoa Solicitors for the 'xectitors DEAD STOCK SER.VICSERVICE Highest. Cash Prices pod: for -§1Cito, Down, or .Dleabeed pews. end Here.,* DEAD POMP and HPRO45, AT CASH VALUE Old Horgeo. 5o per Pound. phone, .GolloOt NOTICE TO OREPITORS In the. Estate of THOrriA$ MARK i HAMILTQN, late ..ef the Township of MoKiliop in the County 0 i liuront .Farmer, .decoased.. 1 ClINTATORS and otners having-, ' claitro agtilliSt, tile Vstate of the 1 ahoy(' named deceased, who died , ei THE CURE FOR THAT, LADY, l$ TO GET YOURSELF ONE OF THOSE SUPERBLY FtECONDITIONEP CARS FRO/4). YOU.KNOW.-TIREP,. NQ PEP, TtICKEREO Our, POOPED,, BUSHED, AND NO'PET UP ANDSce j WHArs WPONO WITH YOUR • IT'S CAR? Ptti.AVSTE0,1 RIVEVIPE MOTORS' THEY'RE ALL FULL OF PEP, ENERGY, C.Qte.FORT, k\FTeeE.Te e on or about the ;21st day of ,Tanuary ticulars of s.11(.11 claim:. to the under- 19.55, are required to send full par- signed on or before the :4‘cond day of May, A. D. 1959, after which eat() the assets of the estate will be dieterileeted, haviug regard only to claims of which notice has then born received. BRUCE IVIARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSELS PERC Y. STEPHENSON 65r1e ETHEL eeee.eereee. ener GENERAL CONTRACTORS PLASTERING, BRICK and CARPENTRY WORK 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V-8 and Antomatic Transmission 56 Chev. Belair Sedan Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan DATED at Legowel, Ontario, this third day of April, A, D. 1959. W, hi. Pratt, Q. O., Barrister, etc„ Listowel, Ontario, ..Solicitor to the Z.Necutor. Prompt S'ervice Guaranteed Workmanship Pres Estimates. HUNT BROS. No Job Too Small or Too. Large II. R. 8 BRUSSELS PHONE 83r4 Classified Ads. pay Big Dividends • NEW CASE FARM ,INTERCOM. Here's The Best Sales- ClinCher Ever Offered. THE MAYDELL SHOPPE Complete your fashion picture with Exquisite-Form Bras. The new Just-A-Just style & many others to choose from, Children's Wear in larger sizes Dresses size 8 - 1.0 - 12 Slims • Jackets - Jeans size 8 - 10 - 12 - 14 Shorts, Shirts, , arid Blouses in the larger sizes PHONE 51 BRUSSELS . POLLARD'S:CRAIN E3A'W 2s#4g GRANT'S Shoes and Men's Wear FOR MEN AND BOYS SISIVIAN wORK BOOTS have proved to be better We have just recived a large stock in. ARCH SUPPORTS Leather Soles or Cork Soles All Priced Right At Grants Shoe Store J. I. CASE SALES and SERVICE. THE CASE FARM INTERCOM: simple to opserate, easy to install; completely dependable; capable. of delivering good voice reproduction. It consists of master station unit, two speakers units, and outdoor all-weather speaker. Units can be used over any reasonable distance. RETAIL VALUE $125 Given Away FREE with Purchase of $1000 or Over Get Ready- for S ring, Have Your Tractor Repaired Now Fully equipped to Repair Any Tractor. BRUSSELS PHONE 64 •01•1••••a•MOilawse5..m.,M, ..AMMINNomokilMINIMCW.M.D.COOMINOIMMIIIMOMOIN. MACHAN HARDWARE BRUSSELS. ONT, LOWE'S McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. CHEV. OLDSMOBILE CHEV. TRUCKS Complete Service LICENSED MECHANIC See These Used Car Specials 57 BUICK SPECIAL 4-Door Hard Top fully equipped 2 — 55 CHEV. SEDANS DELUXE NEW CHEV. and OLDSMOBILE — Immediate Delivery — WC. Leach Agent: Tip Top Tellers Red and White Food Market Red and White CANNED FOOD SALE Cypress Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. 3 for 89c "Everything In Hardware" OOD'S Jeweller Gifts for Every Occasion Week's Jumbled Names Are: This A full line of BENJAMIN M,OORE'S PAINTS also KEM GLO and SUPER KEMTONE This week's "Special" is on Chrome Kitchen Stools Reg. $14.95 — With Thls Coupon — For This Week Only $11.95 — while they last - PHONE 283 PHONE 24 1. ONT WELl\I • RICA Phone 91 JUMBLE SPECIALS Sheriff's Good Morning Marmalade 24 oz. 47o Nabisco Shredded Wheat 18 Bisc. 29c tTEVAN ESIJ 2. HONDY BOPPE Join Our China Club and Save Money DRAPERY See Our SPRING SPECIALS 20 % OFF White Swan Toilet Tissue 8 for 89c THE, WIND 3. ROPE PHONE 56 BRUSSELS Doulton Foley Royal Couldon Royal Albert Royal Worcester Coalport Royal Crown Derby Libby's Cream Corn 15 oz. 4 for 59c Cuban Finest Pineapples 4 for 95c Golden Yellow Bannanas. 2 Ibis 25c C.&G. KRAUTER DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled COWS . and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 4c per lb. PHONE COLLECT 133 BRUSSELS THE BEST PLUMBING COMBINATION DEAL IN CANADA BATH TUB * TOILET * WASHBASIN $1715 or $15 Down, 24 months to pay. Installation and piping extra CWMW HAVIR 4. TIRE CueVerhouse ch. Peas 20 oz. 4 for , CONTESTANT'S SIGNATURE 59c Many Attrattive Patterns 36" -_ Libby's Whole Kernel Corn 2 lb. pkg, 49c PHONE 288 FREE DELIVERY See The Best in Oil Heating Up To 5 Years To Pay carried in stock BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 147 BRUSSELS 11•••••/M111•••11111 1.11111,.. W. E. WILLIS BAKERY BAKER and GROCER Weekend Shopping — SPECIALS — Cherrio Beans with Pork 3 tins 390 Summer Pride Cream Style Corn 4 49c Monarch Flour, 7 lb bag 55c DROP IN or PHONE 132 Prompt Delivery C. J. PEGELOW Shoes and Boots FREE: with the purchase of any pair of work boots, 1 tin of Waterproofing Diuibbin. We specialize in Harness Repairs Phone 83 Brussels WES. BUDNARK & SON JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE JOHN DEERE TRACTORS Come & See — Try Them Out NEW and USED TRACTORS ON HAND New Tires Also Ava:lable Now located in former Riverside Garage PHONE 58J BRUSSELS BRIDGE MOTORS Dealer For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER and ARNOLD ,LILLOW'S McFADDEN'S Barber Shop \Tour Hair Cut The Way You Want It Cut Shut-ins Given Pompt Attention PHONE 262 BRUSSELS EXTRA HEAVY IOU) TYPE BARB WIRE Elmer Somers ESSO SERVICE STATION and GARAGE T. V. CENTRE Philco T. V. SALES and SERVICE This Coupon is worth $25 on th e purchase of any Model of Philco T. V. WINGHAM PHONE 42-43J PHONE 55 RES. 237 INOW IN STOCK 1110•14. ma. NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT FARM & INDUSTRIAL HUETHER'S PRODUCE Tender new management. Specialists In prepared Poultry, Hog, -Cattle Feed For else best prices on Eggs Call In or Phone 80 Murray Heether, Manager WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE Vulcanizing Complete Farm Tire Service Good Year Tires and Tubes PHONE 148 WINGHAM Steel and Cedar Fence Posts Order Nov EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE General Repairs SERVICE and SALES BRUSSELS — PHONE 249 imorman•MOR......1 ired.maftr.Y.F141.01.001141, TOPNOTCH. FEEDS LIMITED est "Value For The Farmer's Dollar" PHONE 775 SEAFORTH For Your Spring I-louse Cleaning Needs Visit OLDFIELD HARDWARE We carry a complete line of FLO-GLAZE and SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINT also Saiada Tea Bags KEM-GLO and SUPER 60's ...... 75c KEM-TONE J. C. ADAMS & SON GRAIN --- FEED — SEED Now is the time to be thinking about See The NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR priced at less than an ordinar7 Gas Tractor and daring this special contest, A Front End MANURE LOADER will be GIVEN AWAY With a New Tractor at W. L. BAEKER and. SON MEAT MARKET BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES YARDS A LAWN MOWER SHURGAIN Ve have them in sizes, types, and prices to suit any home owner GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS Kleenex, 2 boxes Burns Lard 2 lbs. 37c 39c Cheery Morn Coffee 1 lb. 59e WEEKLY •SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. — See Our Mowers' - Get Our Prices Plumbing - Heating NATIONAL REG. SEED GRAIN GRASS. SEED 111111011/211111.0....1.111.• Your Home Market where you are welcome as Visitor — Consignor or Buyer IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THE ADVTS, IN THE BRUSSELS POST GORDON McGAVIN AND SONS WALTON. Your dealer for Nuffield beickshutti New Idea. and New Holland, Farm EquIpMent CORDON WORKMAN PHONE 57, BRUSSELS TinsmithIng and Electric Wiring SEED CLEANING, TREATING As well as Multi Color Paint, with sprayer supplied. TELEPHONE 68 PHONE 46 BRUSSELS PHONE 294 PHONE 199 BRUSSELS -TENIPLEMAN 'CLEANERS BOYES FARM SUPPLIES MASSEY FERGUSON SALES and SERVICE' USED TRACTORS To Suit Every Need All Size's TO Suit Every Ourae From 150 and Up Don't 'Wait, 'YOU May Be tee Late. Ai) Used Tr 'a'ctors Reetinditiened and quartniteed, (tea' redentlitioneld Our Own riiiiktfity Trained Mechanic.) SEAFORTH BLUEVALE MILLING COMPANY LTD. ittAtiOtfAitT2R8 THIS t'011. PIONEER PQWER SAWS TORRO POWER MOWERS and GARDEN TILLERS Complete Lihe oif SWIFTS FEEDS' Formu laFeedd for Every Need Per tatorniation dill hAv 66HtvilDt, WINGHAM SO NE This'Coppoli• Is worth $16.0' off the Regular Price of POWER SAW, BOLEN'S TiLLEtt or CHOR MAtITER, WINTHROP FEED MILL NATIONAL FEEDS FREE—FREE-.--FREE h Every 'Ton of Laying Mash, Growing Mash .or Hog Grower YOU GET ABSOLUTELY FREE 100 LBS. of LAYING MASH or HOG driOWER YES ABSOLUTELY FREE Offer Good During Contest Oral PHONE 85.5r01 ArditITH FOR FREE DELIVERY .111.1••••••••=110 .— DRY OLEAN1NC EQUIPMENT' FAST, EXPERT SERVICE Iii-toNE EVONNE BEAUTY SHOPPE Specialists in Ladies Heir Cutting Speelei Attention Given To Teen Age Heir PhOne kO brunet.' R. MARKS and SON• S' Carage Cietieral and Wedding: for Pfotieer Cinita Saws. Tifti add is wonli• •$1.5 on t118 biiitliaSO of any RaW a,t our shay. „, Ph. erus~ bor14 Seat. sifrs BRUSSELS MOTORS Cities Servide Gas ie 011 11.enerai Overhaul, Licensed Mecirpolco. Special Contest Offer: •1 qt, of oil with every to .ganotts at P. Offer 8068 for 1 week only. Phone 171, Tlruuisis QUEEN'S HOTEL Pleasant, conttoritable, 'tottischittionS: iteinodeled& teiirulatied. HOmeieobiced Meal itollo/niect for stedluse A. hone away Mill For Reieevatieii$ Phone 54, Brus ere J. M, MCDONALD LUMBER Cd. LTD. Complete Dulldere, Supply tree Material tatiniates Know stoin, coifs liefeit• siou, Phone 77 triteinie WM. McW.NiFtitik: ' Electrical . Contractor?' titanibing tieatittm: jeep end 8110.11a# Well PreaStre. • Systems. pd trdvo-Setirte • ators.geMilker' .- Elec~trtc Motors repaired And ret WO-W.14, PhOne163i'iiiiiiiatii. New AIVIENiCAN ntieb, our dlthig trUSSOIS, Pine aceoniti& 'Visit HOTEL 18 year of se'rv'ice to tooth for the teat in rcioa 'Phone 160 itiniiiiii, ,• Repairs and Alterations at Reasonable TtateS ki21-16f4 323 WINeAHAM isiftekkoZ4.4.1-.