HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-30, Page 3TAKE A GOOD. LOOK — FOR FREE — Pictured, above, is Sweden's heavyweight ingemar ,Johansson, workina out in. Goteborg,. Sweden. To see him take on world heavyweight Floyd Patter- son 'June 25 at Yankee Stadium could cost you $100 for a prime ringside seat, POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK LARGER •egg; from k smaller pullet' 1c-137 Moanerchika ere tops for lay. lag large early eggs on less feed_ per dozen Otte to small body weight. New Low prices for May, June, July and, August delivery, %eclat discount for cash. No transept lion charges On Kimherchiks, Hatching au popular egg and dttal-purpose Breeds. 151 genert-tion 'broilers. Turkeys (roasters ellat broilers), Registered imported Eng-'ali Legge meek and Landrace amine, Also Canada's future Pig — Blue Spot, ted hybrid, Accredited Angus cattle, all ages, Catalegtle, TWEDDLE cfucK HATCHERIES LTD. FERGLIS ONTARIO. PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! Films developed and 1$ magna Prints in album 604 magna prints in allanin 400 Reprints 50 each KODACOLOR Developing roil $1.00 (not including prints) aolor Prints 350 each extra, Arise() and Ektachrome 30 mm, 20 ex. posures mounted in slides $1.25 Color prints from slides 355 each, Money refunded In full for unprinted nega-tives. FARMERS' CAMERA. CLUB BOX 31. GAIT. ONT, SONGS FOR. Information how to get your Song published send $1,25 for our 1958 Songbook and Instructions. Page Mu- sic Publishers, 6045 so. Halsted Street, Chicago 27, nano's, U,S,A, STAMPS, AND COINS ----- ATTENTION Stamp Collectors! 107 dif., ferent from Asia, Europe, Africa, etc, Only 101 with approvals, Ludwig Bergh, 2932, North 25th, Tacoma 7, Washington. JUST out 1959 Buying Catalogue of Canadian,, Newfoundland and U.S.A. coins, Huge complete listings Includes bank notes sent yosthaid only 25/ coin, Stern ,Ccr., 216 KerrA,Yre .Bldg., Winni- peg. NEW 1959 U.S, Canada Catalogue now ready; send 201 to cover cost. New Way $.44rip, Lawrenco is, Mass, STAMP COLLECTORS, 54 WORLD FREE to introduce our foreign approw als, Victoria Stamps, 101 Adelaide South, Lindsay, Ontario. TREFOIL Certified Empire Viking and Mixtures. Lowest Prices. Edgar Evans. Dresden. ()Mario, , • • SWINE ADVANCED Registry Landrace service- able boars and bred gilts from dams scoring 92. Gilts sired by, or bred to, (oval Solomon 18th AR1043 highest scoring boar in AR in 1958. Maitland Meadows Landrace Farm. Eastons Cor- ners, Ontario. , ••" eciri. MO.k.haUseit Stand Asidel • Russia's KhruslicheV said ge4t4y that Senator numPhrey (Dem, Minn,) bad "even exceed- ed the well known compiler cif fahricatiOnsi' 4ar04 MuMilaps- en." He vas denying some Hum phrey reports about the 'famed Khrushchev - Humphrey eight hour interview in the Kremlin, KilrallcheV has frequently )inked' individuals with Mun- chausen, He apparently has studied the barOn's fabulous career. And be) h9 proved ,an apt student; he could give Mun- chausen a long head start and still coli honors of the -Burli* ton Liar's club. Listen to this from a recent speech at a Moscow political meeting: "The Socialist (communist) way of development, as the only pos- sible way of insuring and satis- fying the material and cultural needs of man, has been chosen by the Germans in the German democratic republic (East Ger- many) voluntarily and is sup- ported by the whole population." ACtually, a Communist regime was imposed on the ',East Ger- mans by Russian puppets backed by many divisions of Russian soldiers. The East GerMans have never had an opportunity to ex- press an -honest opinion about their Red rule. They revolted against it in June, 1953, and the puppet reginle had to call Rus- sian troops to quell the revolt. Furthermore, since 1949, near- ly 2,200,000 individuals have fled Communist East Germany for free West Germany, Last year the refugee total was 204,092. The flow is continuing this year at the rate of 2,600 a week, "The Socialist way . . . has been chosen, . . voluntarily and is supported by the whole 'popu- lation." What a whopper! Make way for Khruslachev, Baron "Munchausen! -- Milwaukee Journaj Ceylon Elephants Face A Crisis MASTERS' CHAMP -- Art Wall, this year's winner of the Masters tournament at Augus- ta, Ga., poses 'with his plaque. Scores for the 35-year-old from Pocono Manor, Pa.; 73-74-71- 66-284(sfour strokes under par, Royal Cock-Crower Lot His Job Ever heard of "The Royal Cock-Crower"? Probably riot, but there was such an official and he did crow. As midnight struck on the Wednesday and the ' Thursday before Good Friday, his job was to enter the Royal apartments in whatever place the King or Queen of England chanced to be staying and crow very loudly three times as a reminder of, the denial of Christ by Peter, When Queen Victoria ascend- ed the throne, the cock-crower lost,his job• later in a very curi- ous way,' Albert, the Prince Consort, Was seated by himself in a room at Windsor Castle shortly be- fore the Easter following his Wedding to Queen Victoria, Just as the clock was striking twelve, the Prince was suddenly alarm- ed b' the official who entered the room and cried, "Cock-a- doodle-do" at the top of his voice three times. Unaware that such an official existed, the Prince thought he Was an intruder and grappled with hint', thinking the man was mad, Explanations followed, but the o neVer crowed again. riot FOR SALE CEldtIll'Is miger, A1/2 cu. ft.; sunlP PUITIPS, Pressure pump systems, gear sprayer, sid4aw, electric drill, We buy, sell, rent, trade, Used, new. Ford pumps, anvils, forgers, vises, paiat 'Machinery supply, 160 King E, Toronto, 4:10,23ReirecillainlO°11:.e. VIKING TREFOIL. RUIN hay and pasture legume. See 0,A,C. circular. Choice of paid $1.10 '.pound. M. gaol/tear, Route Oat. GARDEN Two. Pre. GARDEN STOCK , ,.• DISEASE fret Latham .and'Viking plants, $44.04 Per thousand, nertrand's berryiend, A.R. No, 1, Port Perry, On-tario, GLADIOLUS Bulbs, 25 large $1.00, te0 $3.00 - 100 medium $1,10. W, Witney Elora ant, wsraucTioN EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salomon. ship Shorthand, Pypewriting, etc, Les. sotto 00e Ask for free circular No. 33, Canadlon Correspondence Courses 1200. Bay Street, Toronto. LIVESTOCK "POLLED Milking Shorthorn bulls. Good minting type, Photos, prieed delivered. Rufus Flatter, Barringten, Quebec." — LIVESTOCK REMEDIES PREVENT HOG ANAEMIA SAFE, Effective and Economical treat- ' Merit of Anaemia in piglets. Injectable Tron for 25/ a shot, Ferrovet. Ask your dealer or write, iC-Vet Laboratories Ltd., Galt, Ontario. MEDICAL YOUR Vitamins half price — 100% profit selling Vitamins to friends, neighbors. Cost nothing to start. C. Lane, 1624 Shore Parkway, Brooklyn 14, New York, HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT DIXON'S NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAIN REMEDY? IT GIVES GOOD RESULTS. 335 ELGIN OTTAWA. DRUG STORE OTTAWA. $1.25 Express ,Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scaling and burning ecze- ma acne, ringworm. pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the, stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they Seem Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St Clair Avenue East TORON TO MISCELLANEOUS STAINLESS steel citrus fruit "Skin. ncr" peels Skins fast, simple to use, 751 postpaid. Agents wanted. Skinner, P.O. Box 1101, Atlantic City, New Jer- sey. NURSES WANTED GENERAL DUTY NURSES OPERATING ROOM NURSE CERTIFIED NURSING' ASSISTANTS FOR a 70-bed General Hospital in a resort area, with an expansion pro. gram. Good personnel policies. Resid- ence accommodation. Apply to Miss Katharine King, Director of Nursing. ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Lindsay, Ontario NURSES GENERAL Duty Nurses required Imme- diately for a 500 bed hospital. Basle Salary $245,00 per month, Good Person. net policies. Pension Plan, APPLY Director of Nurses, KITCHENER-WATERLOO HOSPITAL, Kitchener, Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES "MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUN. ITV We supply You With catalogues. names fill your orders. Big profits. Write. Fred's Enterprises Import and Export. 322 Pinnacle St.. Belleville ,On. tared." SPOT Cash for Spare Time. Generous New Plan; Easy; Pleasant; No Deliver., ing. Write MeAllister Agency. Boy: 642. Medicine Hat, Alta. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learnt 'Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages Thotiaaticla of aneeesaftil Marvel Graduates Anletiea's Greatest System Illtistrated Catalogue Free Write or Call, MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 BloOr St. Toronto fitahelioSi 44 king st„ V11 ., Haralltrin 72 Mclean Stteet OttaWa PERSONAL REGISTEFtED „nurses and certified nursing assistants, for regular staff and summer relief. Tourist resort, 47-bed hospital, Good salary and per- sonnet •policies. Tor further particu- lars apply Superintendent, Kincardine General,,Hospital, Kincardine, Ont. GRADUATE Nurses and Certified Nursing 'Assistants required for mod- ern 40-bed hospital. Graduate . Nurses commence at $265 and Certified Nurs- ing AsOstanta at $165. Shift allowance payable to both grades. For further 'details, apply to: SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES New Liskeard & District Hospital - New Liskeard„ Ontario REGISTERED NURSES FOR new, well-equipped, 28-bed hospital. in Narthern Ontario town, Good salary and personnel policies. 44-hour week, Duties to commence May 1st. Apply to Superintendent BINGHAM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL MATHESON, ONTARIO AGENTS ,WANTED EXTRA -Oasis in Your, Spare Time, Just, show yotir friends our NI-Occaaion Greeting Cards itnoindinsf Religious), stationery, GIN. Write fur aarnPles, Colonial Carp Ltd, 4119.0 (NMI East Parent° 2, ,GO INTO Buw+gs$ for yourself, Sell oar exciting !muse- wares, Watcliee and other products net found in stores No. eompetitlon Prof. its our ca t alogue Write now foe free colour and SeParate CODS. {tendril wholesale price sheet. Murray &Bea 11122 St Lawrence Mentreal BABY CHICKS May.J une PLAN ,Bray now f o r elo) rnodulr mc tlichkess. t . lOgeer. (hate shipment daYold and. semi; Start- pa dual purpose pullets and cOekerels. Some Ames pullets, also .1,,eghOrns. Special prices dayout heavy breed cockerels. Request pricelist, See local agent, or write eray ,Hatchery, 129 Jolson North, Hamilton, ant, BUSINESS OPPbRTUNMES PiCOVINCIAL manager wanted. °poor. tunity lor an aggressiNe sales organizer, Provincial office set up in London. Top PrePesitiOn sells to farmers, and motor- Ins across Canada, Agents can also apply, Excellent commissions paid. At,. ply in writing to Box 104, 123.10th Street, New Toronto, Ont. WE still have a few Western fran- chises available in• Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes for Automotive Retail Stores. We areroffering this op-portunity to responsible people inter- ested. In operating their own business. Take advantage Of 40 „years' experi- ence' by associating with Canada'S ghost Armes now in operation, For further Progressive automotive chain, 140 information write to Western Tire and Auto Supply Limited, Head Office. Box 204, London Ont, Once Lifetime Opportunity WORLDWIDE FOOD CONCERN SPARE or full time, Steady income all year round for reliable Person. To deliver food products to our retail stores. There is NO SELLING as all out. lets are established, $675.000 cash re• quired, which ,is fully Sehtitecl„,'. Rend name, address and phone number to manager, „ _ 2008 QUEEN' ST. EAST TORONTO WANT A BACKER? IF YOU ARE AMBITIOUS, HONEST, QAPABLE AND WANT TO. GET INTO YOUR OWN BUSINESS, BUT LACK THE MONEY, WE ARE PREPARED TO BACK YOU, IN A N Y WORTH- WHILE PROJECT, YOUR PROPOSAL MUST STAND THOROUGH INVESTI- CATION, tur,pr,y iv riONFIDFNOE 'STATING YOUR PROPOSAL, COM- PLEITE,:,BACKGROUND AND REFER- ENCES'TO BOX 185_ 123-18TH .TMEET, NEW TORONTO, ONT. ' ' BOOKS SELFMASTERY and YOGA boas, In- teresting free catalogue Write today — "Books",, 6591 Marlborough, Burn- aby, B.C. ----- FARMS FOR SALE GUELPH: 100' Acres productive land fronting on a hardtop road; good, build ings, with hydro, water on pressure, full price $21,000.00. Other farms of 100 acres and up, priced at $10.000.00 and up. Call .Guelph. TA. 2-6920 or TA....2-4850 after hours: Forsythe and •Gerrle Beal Estate Brokers, 20 Douglas Street Guelph Ontario., , 200 ACRES, 21/2 miles 'from Hanover, an ideal father and son setup, 2 excel. lent sets of buildings; good brick house, bank barn and drive shed cm each properly. hydro throughout. Can be 'sold separately or together. Apply Robert Martin, Broker, Box 70 Ham over, or call 373: • FOR-SALE PRINTED PENS. 50 - $14.50; 156 - $30.00. Send 25/ for sample with our imprint to Bauman Printing, Elmira. Ontario MFG. SURPLUS OUTLET Dress, Skirt and BlouSe material, plain ,and printed broadcloth, 3 yards for $1.00. Linens 45 inch, width '2 yards $1.00. Plain flannelette, assorted col- ours, two yards $1.00. Crepe asserted Colours, 45 Inch 2 vaeds $1.25. Corduroy assetted colours une yard $1.00. Zippers assorted sizes and colours $1.50 a dozen, Satisfaction or .money refunded, No C.O.D.'s Postage prepaid. 105 St, George St. (Corner Latour). St. Jerome: Qat, "DESTROYER" for use In outdoor toil. ets. Eats down to the earth, ' saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast, Price $1.00 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products. 322 York 'Road, Guelph, Ontario. FUNDY oats„ new high yielding early variety. Three bushels registered $5.25 •F.O.B. Ottawa. M. MacVicar. Route two. Richmond. Oat. LIVE BAIT NIGHTCRAWLERS, other Batts ex. pressed promptly , anywhere. Live Delivery Guaranteed. Only the Largest and Best. Cambrian Baits-Z, Box 1049, Clarkson, Ont. Phone TA. 2-9170. -- — METAL ROOFING 28 GAUGE galvanized ribbed roofirig, less than $8.75 per square, freight, extra, Send measurements for freight paid estimate, Also Special pricea on aluminum roofing. NATIONAL METAL ROOFING „ 1104 Plessis, Montreal 24--DEP, W ORNAMENTAL 3 year Austrian Pine Trees in Indieldual fettilized filme 'Pots ready to plant. 3 for $2.00 prepaid, ' 'From the Gardens of Eden, Eden Ont. PIE IN YHE SKY A genuine TV will be served the basketlike affair. shown, abOVe„-higli an a 570-foot tower in Gerffidn'Y: The tower be topped by teleVisiali antenna. to bring' t y ro > n overall height of X25 feet, AS. if the, tiligOti on Were hat t1oYtYl ienough, the .reittiltreinktife will Fey Verve, tab, • TARPAULINS MANUE'ActtRED eiCelttilVelY for far'. inert. EirteriSiVely ,used by, farmers Canada,' . Our tatnatilifill are irtidiatifattured of fresh hew tobtla treated te„resist Watet and mildew. - MONTH'S SPECIAL 15" ic 20' -.$24.00 Sates talt inch. F.O.B, ' WindSOt4 Ont; Mail, all, Your, inquirieS And orders to Great Lakes Sailmakets , 1645 Dtnuilliktd .Rd., Wilidant, Ont,. Phone WIL 5.4011. it ii.AYS tO,LISEE COLUMNS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING weld 'guy' at the, Garden gets four thousand bucks. It's lousy, Last fight I saw was in 1050. Who cares abdut this stupid racket?" Behind. Stillman, an advertia- ing posWr was pasted to the wall. James P, Norris, the Pester read, presents a championship horse .show, .Stillman snorted. "Norris (former president of the defunct International Boxing, Club) ruined this business," he said. "Sapped it dry, Now he ,snys he ' can't.appear court. Tie's a sick. man, Ile can go to horse shows and horse races and hockey games, but he can't ea to, emArt, The straio!s too much -for You, me, they'd drag us „in on stretchers, But .Tien Norris is a rich man, So he tion't go to court," Upstairs, where punching bags hang in symmetrical rows, two fighters alternately skipped rope and slugged at the heavy bag. "We got 70 kids working out here in a month;' Stillman said, "we're lucky, We used to have 350, maybe 400. The champs came and the people watched. Nobody drew like Primo Car- nem. Women carrying babies jammed the place. There wasn't , enough room to breathe. I was afraid the floor wouldn't hold up," Stillman walked across the quiet gym. "I can't complain too much," he said. "I made out OK. I got some money saved. But boxing's through. Finished. Nothing can save it now." A reporter interrupted Still- man. "Were you ever a fighter yourself?" he said. The man who pushed around, killers grinned. "Me a fighter?" Lou Stillman said, " You think I'm crazy?" — From NEWSWEEK. r LANDRACE - Exceptional offering, top quality breed lines. Select now from our large herd for your foundation stock. Reasonable prices. Write phone or visit John Slkma„ Pickwick Grange Farm. Lakefierd;.Ontario. Ceylon's elephants are facing a crisis. For centuries they have been regarded as the most valu- able of all the Asiatic elephant races, with a high reputation for SUMMER CAMPS CHILDREN'S CAMP for boys and girls 6-17, All land and Water sports under college-trained leadership. Registered Nurse. Home ,cooked meals. Six ponies and horses to' ride at no extra cost. Screened insulated cabins, Aqua plan-irng and Water skiing. 29th year for Canada's 'outstanding camp. Highly recommended, Reasonable. Dr. and Mrs. Martin, Directors. Wr)te for free fol- der: "Wildwood", Vandreuil, Quebec. SUMMER PROPERTIES BUY, `Sell, successfully, Port Carling* Muskoka area, specializing in summer Properties. Call 51, E. D. Milner, Real- tor. No Real Fighters An More! ,A feeling of melancholy per- vades the decaying gym. Plaster on the drab gray walls is crack; ing, only a handful of boxers slip', in and out of the locker room, ,and row upon row of 'folding chairs, reserved for spec- tators, are empty. Occasionally, the rat-a-tat-tat of the punching bags or the grunts of sparring fighters slice the silence. As it has for 43 years, the scene at Stillman's Gym, the famous school for. fighters in New York City, mirrors the entire U,S. boxing 'picture. In a few months, Stillman's Gym, where 95 per •cent of the world., champions have trained since, 1917, will become another victim of boxing's decline. Ham- mering Hank Armstrong, the only triple champion in boxing history, trainedat.,Stillmari's. So. did Benny Leonard, slickest Of all lightweights, and Georges Carpentier, the Orchid Man from France. The historic roster reeds like a boxing Hall of Fame. But before long, Still-, man's heavy doors will be locked for the final time. Then a de- molition crew will move in, raze the obsolete structure and, on the site where sparring partners once hesitated before entering the ring with Joe Louis, a garage will be built. Last month, in the loneliness of his former palace, Lou' Still- man, 73, a course, outspoken New Yorker, leaned against a wooden chair and surveyed the emptiness. A sturdy youth dress- ed in a tan leather jacket push- ed through the turn stile Which guards the gym. "Where's your card?" Stillman demanded. ,"You got the five you owe me?" The fighter /pulled out his wal-• let and 'shuffled through it. "Ain't here," he said, fingering the battered black billfold. "Must be in my wallet." "Look, jerk," Stillman said, "No card, no workout. Get me the five, punk." -Stillman turned away. "I treat 'em all the same," he said; "Rotten. That's the only way they understand. You'd be sur- prised at the guys I've pushed around. Killers. Legs Diamond, Guys like that. In here, I was boss. I pushed the tough guys around. People said T was crazy," An ex-fighter, fresh from a drinking bout, stumbled toward the turnstile, "Hey Lou," he said. "Gotta ' see (trainer) Whitey (Birnstein), Let me in, willya?" "Where's your half a buck?" Stillman said. "You gotta pay admission." The former boke'r reached into his pocket and drew out a half. dollar. "Thats all I got," he said, flipping the half in his hand. "Don't take it." - Stillman. grabbed ,,the wrist and twisted it until the 50- cent piece fell loose. "that's bet- ,ter," he said. "Before I got this place," Still man said, "I was a process Serv- er, Once, ,When I rang a• doer- bell, a big deg. carne out and started chasing me. I ran like hell. He followed me till I couldn't run no More. I stopped and turned -arcituid, The clog .stopped, tom He birked at the, Igrowled back at him, Finally, the ,dog Went away, I learned a leSSOri that day!,' In one of the two rings *filth share the main fleet et man's, a stocky heavyweight thibbered acroas, the ring arid, A*10iardlY, jabbed at a smaller Open611i. His puncheS fainted the. air. The Opponent hid be= hind raised ' "these •guYS ain't fighters," Stithhan said, "Yon, don't see no fighters anY There..u0d; to lie real tighten. ;Jaek JOhicsein was the best' I eves saw, Ifi the old 'days a Uid )ACOrne fighter, Make ii little' &high, end ' fto hoMe in t o new ear: . NoW there's I10 indtiderrierai. A reign- MUSKOKA property.*• Buy or s ell through Robt. W. Bennett, Realtor, Port Carling, or Toront0 office, KU. 8-4645. ' SUMMER Properties, For Sale • and Wanted, Write J. & J. F. Anderson. Brokers 2 Manor Rd. East, Toronto 7. docility, intelligence and loyalty to their owners, They haVe always been in great demand with ,Indian princes and rajahs. And always enough ele- phants have been captured in Ceylon to satisfy these demands, To-day, however, the Sinhalese elephants are in peril, and may become extinct unless the dan- gers that threaten them can be overcome. The trouble lies with Ceylon's expanding agricultural require- ments. For some time the popu- lation of Ceylon has been grow- ing rapidly, and to feed 'more mouths more land has been given over to agriculture. This has meant that large tracts of jungle have had to be cleared and ploughed up. As a result what was once a continuous area of jungle has be- come divided into small pockets of jungle separated by wide strips •of cultivated land. In these pockets herds of elephants have become isolated: Elephant :herds are used to travelling great distances and these wanderings take them into the new cultivated areas, where they do cdnsiderable damage, Planters,. whose livelihood de- pends upon the'crops they grow, cannot be expected to regard the destruction of their crops by the elephants with' indifference. The result is that they are being shot in great numbers, and unless something is done to solve the - problem of the trapped herds, they may be on the verge of ex- tinction before long. Since 1951 the total number of elephants in Ceylon has fallen to fewer than 800. The first steps to deal with the problem are now being taken, thanks to Major Wienman, Di- rector of the Colombo Zoo. Rea- lizing that so long as the ele- phants continued to venture out of the isolated pockets they would be shot, he has devised a plan to capture the trapped ele. phants one by one and then. re- lease them in some of the re- moter pants of the island where the jungle has yet to be pene- trated. SUMMER RESORTS PORTAGE lodge and housekeeping cabins. Swimming, fishing, tennis, boats; rates with meals $30 and $35 Weekly. Write for folders, Penlake P.O.?, Ont. WHITE Birches, Port. Loring the camp for the fisherman and his family. For Information write R. B. Weaver, 82 Tecumseh St„ St, Catharines, Ont. TEACHERS WANTED JORDAN'S KING — King Hus- sein of Jordan is shown as he addressed the National Press Club during'-his three-week tour of the United States. Obey the traffic signs they are placed there for Y 0 U El „,SAFETY , TEACHER required rural school. Duties to commence September 1950. Qualified 'preferred, ripply stating qualificatisns. salary expected and last Inspector to Mrs. Ella. Godfrey, lielckla, Ont. IST clase :Protestant teacher. 5.8.2, Fenwlck, Algoma District; 20-25 pupils, Grades 1.8; Sept, 1st. State experience, last inspector, $3,400. Apply, Mrs. Mar- jorie Young, Goulais Rivet, P.O., Ont. PROPANE GAS and .ELEctruc refrig- erators $55.00 and up, soaves from United 141 Ossingten,,, 't'-f.".S C6C1'°01:1Tt6 I1 P Me Xmas. Tree Painotia French bible strain: Ordet now. -Sjiring zlelivety. Lake Simcoe Planta. feria, Bak 1, 138 Letitia St., Barrie Ont. Phiate PA; 8-2675." • SEED 'POTATOES POTATOES: ,FoiindatiOn •seed hat "sale,' 'We IMO Sebago' and Huron; sizes A and S. John •atid Frank Met:tett it 11. 6, Btight'?ilS'EEDLINGS FOR SALE . $06,010: Scotch and Austrian Pine.Seed. flits, forsale,',Heed from $12:00 GO $25.00 per thotisatitl.• . Please get in touch telth, uS tot .further Inforhialon. Wagner Tree Vita% Be* 340; !Mit; 'tint- • SIMCOE COUNTY • A Protestant teacher for rural school on Highway 92. Please state qualifica- tion and last inspector. Salary $3,300. ApplY to Reg, 0, Archer, Secretary- Treasurer. Flos school Area, Elnwrile, Ont., R.R. 2, phone 7181133. ST. FRANCIS SEPARATE SCHOOL Tilbury Ontario REQUIRES: Qualified. experienced Catholic Teacher for English grades of a 12 tObni , modern Bilingual School, Duties to:. ComMence September 1St, 1959. Applications stating age, experi- ence, qUallfleations -and name of last hispettor to; , E. C. RUENNEVILLE SeceTteat., Tilbury Ont. Box 233, R.C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD CITY' OF SUDBURY invites applications , from Catholic teachers fot kindetgatten, and regirlat •classes for °belling of school in Selaternbet, Minimum salary; $2,700, Maximum tdl- aty,14,200. Auxiliary Classes, $200 addi. tional Kindergarten Classes; $100 addi, tional. Men in chargc of sports. $300 additional. New teachers given ' full Credit for briett.year teaching eXpeti. elide up to a maximum of flee veers, Benefit: Cumulative sick leave plan.: Salary 'schedule sent upon tentleat, Apply stating oge, qualifications, &-Petienee and name of Iasi itiseeetoi ton W. A. Forget, AdmitiStratbr, 162 'MaCkentie St, SUcibtln", . . TRAILERS ADULTS! Petsohai Rubber 4oridsi 36 assortment rot. $2.110 FinOst cinalitY. tested, 'guaranteed. Mailed In_Plain sealed package plus Vito Birth ontrol' betiklet and, catalogue of suppliers. tern.TliattibiltertS 13tig' 2'lTF Regina. LOSE INCHES! Take pounds off in, just couple of days, with the Roll. MASSOr. 5000 sold in two ilibriths,.corM Pletely satisfied customers. Shipped cliteet to you from Eutopd. hittbdith- (City, offer $10.97 postpaid. Send Cheek or 51.0., no C.O.D. T & C EhtetptiSes, ,4 '759' Mulvey, 'Winnipeg 0; Manitoba, : • "TIME is Clem". will inform' yoir abtitit the mid of but world. Write ..te - "Aiiibroaili", mystid edition. Osstrig, Om Ave., Toronto, Canada:. , • LOOK 20 YEARS YOUNGER 2tAti"liiilSrbve yonrtumorlike. bur proved halt renovator will banialt liter 'and White halt, end give Vont -hair natural looking color. . •Testlenen iat. tea bit file 'attest to iteleffIerde, $ 2.50. Per. i Morey Ot,•G.O.D, VlllatdPetfirra. 1368 SibtbtOoti trg iititi6iQii PULLETS READY to lay Hanson WM& Beietifil thillets May. AleilverY CLOP • Kelteriforti Hatebetr, Mileartini, Oat. TRAILERS, new and used all makes, 10' lb sr. tip' to it), wide, for living or holidays, alevayS Ai least 20 lo choose front; 2.5r:,. down. tip to 5. years to nay, fornitnre, cars, etc. in trade, or dis- counts with no trade. See Trailetmart, Wharnelifte Rd, S, in London,•,Phone GE, 2-4225 or Trallermatt, 2821 ilbWcitti Ave.. Windsor. Phone CL. 6-8003o Y (11) (, A N SLEEP TO-NIGHT Ms *CAVE NE1110001E81 understanding of the Bible? on "THIS IS YOUR BIBLE" 680 CM your '965 ,1ati Vont dial. ,Suhday 10:45 A.M. Stint:ley st4t, St. rtiuOmas CULO Peterboro CHEX Heir Bible Fundamentals distUitett Do you want a greaten &lett s• allgAMe TO•MORiOlii To be'irap Ii and tranquil intteati hirtiosii Or for a gOod night'i sleep, take $10idn'fablets aCtOrdhio to directiont. „ o.00-44.o tAI9kit6' dreg Sway ORM iSsliti iii .-- ll5tl