HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-23, Page 4f2. T-44604)7,. AVM 011, 19.00, THE BIWUZU POST IN MEMORIAM NOTICE 7.179 .CREDITORS , ' 1 MOHAN: .--, iu loving ineinery. of . 1 In the Estate of THOMAS. MARK i • T-40yretice E, MOW, who, VaXid.41, HAMILTON,. late .4 the Township, . AWN' three yep,r4. algo, APO .92n4,. ' of MOctilop In the County of ' Thos 'h. things have changed. in .. 1. Huron, ,Farmer,,;deceased 'OnMallY Ways e thing changes. tteyer ,-. CRI9DI,TORS and, MASTS having I :TIM memories, of . those happypy days' elaitriS, against the ,stuto • og the I Men Ivo were all togethor, I . above named deeessod, who. died . Lovingly remembered ,by on or abont the 21st (Iv of .44.111 44rY 'l air d fenilF,, ticulars of such ,elaimki• to the wider 19.59., are rentirea: to send will par- signed on or before ,She second day . • of May, A. D, 195 I 9, after which date the assets of the estate will be (McLennan -- In laving memory of ft.' . • " distirribluted„ hawing regard only-tol 09ar husband and .father, David • elainv- of. Web notice bat then mobenna4, 'who passed ,away .8 .1 • been received. Year4 ago, April 26th, 1951. e watched him slowly fade away, • DATEID at Llstowel, Ontario, this . W third day of April, A, D. 1959. We tried so hard to make him stay, -4. But God was watching from obove , DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices ,Paid for Sick. Down, or Plsabled GONvil end Horne* • *10 OEAP COWS and HORSES AT CASH VALVE Old. Hones 5c per Pound PhON Csileat BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 133 BRUSSELS OR PERCY STEPHENSON FF!ONE 5502 ETHEL GENERAL CONTRACTORS PLASTERING, BRICK and CARPENTRY WORK FM Estimates Prompt Service Guaranteed Workmanship HUNT BROS /'IF YOU SET YOUR SIGHTS ON ONE OF THE FINE USED CARS OFFEREDAT RIVERSIDE MOOR" yes, BUT FROM THE SOUND OF THAT ENGINE; YOU AND HENRY WOULD BE WISER ••• • Vielet IN MEMORIAM. 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V-8 and Automatic Transmission MCCUTCH EON °tors trtorittggrtit. 46,,eguSgkks-idrge 56 56 Chev. Belair Sedan Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan W. M. Pratt, Q. C., 13arristar, etc., Listowel, Ontario, Solicitor to the Executor. • No Job Too Small or Too Lug* R. R. $ BRUSSELS PHONE 83r4 ildove,took him. home to share Ills S it AlwayS remembered by his wife , Rota and THE MAYDELL SHOPPE Complete your fashion picture with Exquisite-Form Bras. !The new Just-A-Just style & many others to choose from, , Children's Wear in larger sizes Dresses size 8 - 10 - 12 Slims • Jackets - Jeans size 8 . 10 - 12 - 14 Shorts, Shirts, and Blouses In the larger sizes PHONE 51 BRUSSELS 0611•111••••=a•010.••00••••••remse EIICOM NEI1V CA,SE FA GRANT'S Shoes and, Men's Wear FOR MEN AND BOYS SISMAN wORK BOOTS 4 have proved to be better We have just recived a large stock in ARCH SUPPORTS Leather Soles or Cork Soles All Priced Right At Grants Shoe Store POLLAIMS CHAIN SAW Clincher Ever Offered. to operate, easy to install; completely voice reproduttlon. It consists of master outdoor all-weather speaker. Units can Here's The 'Best Sales- THE CASE FARM INTERCOM: simple. dependable; capable Of delivering good station unit, two speakers units, and be used over any reasonable distance. RETAIL VALUE $125 Purchase of J. I. CASE SALES and SERVICE,r7,7,77_, 6 Get Ready:71°r Spring! ....rosuo•reramo• •-•••••231•Mkay•••••••••••••+,1,11.1•1••••••••••••6•rc, Have Your Tractor Repaired Now Fully equipped to Repair Any Tractor. Given. Away FREE with $1000 or Over BRUSSELS. PHONE 64 amoulanc•wa. amalf......• 1 ••••••••••••••••••••1 ••••••••••••=4.••01116 A.. • MACHAN HARDWARE BRUSSELS. ONT, "Everything In Hardware" LOWE'S McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. CHEV. OLDSMOBILE CHEV. TRUCKS. Complete Service LICENSED MECHANIC See These Used Car Specials 57 BUICK SPECIAL 4-Door Hard Top fully equipped 2 — 55 CHEV. SEDANS DELUXE NEW CHEV. and OLDSMOBILE — Immediate Delivery — , Agent: 'fip Top Tellers W G Leach Red and White Food, Market Red & White Gives You Red Carpet Service D'S Jeweller Gifts for Every Occasion Phone 91 This Week's Jumbled Names Are: A full line of BENJAMIN M,OORE'S PAINTS also KEM GLO and SUPER XEMTONE This week's "Special" 'is on ( Chrome Kitchen Stools Reg. $14.95 — With This Coupon — For This Week Only $11.95 while they last PHONE 283 PRONE 24 SPECIALS Red Rose Orange Pekoe Tea Bags, save 16c pk. of 60 ............. 63c Wagsta5fe Rasp. or Strawberry Jam, 2 for I. KWONS NEIB&A DUSR JUMBLE SPECIALS 2. OGS IBM DRO RiTE Join Our China Club and Save Money save 7c 89c DRAPERY See Our, SPRING SPECIALS 20 % OFF Kleenex Tissue, chubby or regular save 10c 3 for Rose Brand Margarine 3. FDDA DREL EWRL MAO PHONE 56 BRUSSELS 490 save 6c 2 for ., 47c R & W Instant Coffee 2 oz. 37c Li blay's Pineapple Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. 37c DoultoU Foley Royal Couldon Royal Albert Royal Worcester Coalport Royal Crown Derby C.&G. KRAUTER THE BEST PLUMBING COMBINATION. DEAL IN CANADA BATH TUB * TOILET ,*.WASHBASIN -$176 or $15 Down, 24 months to pay Installation and piping extra See 'The Best in Oil Heating Up To 5 Years To Pay PHONE 147 BRUSSELS DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 4c per lb. PHONE COLLECT 133 BRUSSELS 4. TLKDA RMMTOA EEAR NEAKS NEW CONTESTANT'S SIGNATURE Grapefruit 49c Ganbage Can — Only $2 99 With a $5.00 Order PHONE 288 FREE DELIVERY Many Attractive Patterns • carried in stock 36" BRUCE MARLAn 24 Hour Service — 48" al1•111111•11•••••1 , WES. 'BUDNARK & SON JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE .JOHN DEERE TRACTORS Genie & See — Try Them Ou NEW and USED 'TRACTORS. ON HAND New Tires Also Avalable Now !bloated in former Riverside. Garage C. J. PEGELOW Shoes and Boots FREE: with the purchase of any pair of work boobs, 1 tin of Waterproofing bulbbtn. We specialize in Harness Repairs Phone 83 Brussels BRIDGE MOTORS Dealer For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER W. E. WILLIS BAKERY BAKER and. GROCER Week-end Shopping — SPECIALS — Square Deal Peas 5 tins 59c Summer' Pride Corn 15 oz. 4 for 49c Tip Top Pork Beans 20 oz..1 2 for 35c Good Host Coffee lb. 59c DROP IN or PHONE 132 Prompt Delivery McFADDEN'S Barber Shop Your Hair Cut The Way You Want It Cut Shut-ins Given Pompt Attention PHONE 262 BRUSSELS ARNOLD, LILLOW'S EXTRA HEAVY OLD TYPE BARB WIRE Elmer Somers ESSO SERVICE STATION and GARAGE I T. V. CENTRE Philo° T. V. SALES and. SERVICE PHONE 55 RES. 237 and NEW • IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT NOW IN ' STOCK HUETHER'S PRODUCE Under_ new management. .Specialists in prepared Poultry, Hog, Cattle Peed For lithe best prices on Eggs Call In or Phone 80 Murray Iluetfaer, Manager FARM & INDUSTRIAL WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE Vulcanizing Complete Farm Tire Service Good Year Tires and Tubes PHONE 148 WINGHAS1 This Coupon is worth $25 on the purchase of any Model of Philco T. V. WINGHAM PHONE 42-43J Steel and Cedar' Fence Posts Order Now EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE General Repairs BRUSSELS -- PHONE 249 SERVICE SALES and PHONE 58J BRUSSELS ••••=1•••••••••••••••••./11••••••• For Your Spring House Cleaning Needs Visit OLDFIELD HARDWARE We carry a complete line of FLO-GLAZE and SHERWIN, WILLIAMS PAINT also KEM-GLO and SUPER KEM-TONE' As well as Multi Color Paint, with sprayer supplied. TELEPHONE 66 J. C. ADAMS & SON GRAIN — FEED — SEED ••••••• SHURGAIN GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS NATIONAL REG. SEED GRAIN GRASS SEED TOPNOTCH' FEEDS LIMITED 'The Atost Value blor The :Farmer's Donar" PHONE 775 SEAFORTH See The NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR priced at less than an ordinary Gas Tractor and daring this special contest A Front End MANURE LOADER will be GIVEN AWAY with a New Tractor at Now is the time to be thinking about BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES YARDS W. L. -BAEKER and SON MEAT 'MARKET A LAWN MOWER ye have them in sizes, types, and prices to suit any home owner — See Our Mowers — Get Our Prices — Plumbing - Heating S Kleenex, 2 boxes 37c Burns Lard 2 lbs. 39c Cheery Morn Coffee 1 lb. 590 Salada Tea Bags 60's 75c WEEKLY SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. •••••••Ma• Your Home Market where you are welcome as Visitor — Consignor or Buyer IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THE ADVTS. IN THE BRUSSELS POST GORDON McGAVIN AND SONS WALTON Your dealer for Nuffield • CookShUtt,. ,New Idea', and New Holland, Farm Equipment CORDON WORKMAN PHONE 57, BRUSSELS Thismithing and Electric Wiring sr SEED CLEANING, TREATING PHONE 46 BRUSSELS PHONE 294 PHONE 199 BRUSSELS TEMPLE1VIAN CLEANERS 110YES FARM SUPPLIES MASSEY FERGUSON SALES and SERVICE USED TRACTORS . To Suit Every Teed All Sizes TO Suit Every Purse From 5150 and Up Don't Wait, You May Re Too Late. All Used TractOrfi ReCottditiOned and Guaranteed. (Yes recOlulitieited ,leIS" Our Own Faeliery Trained ?techanic.) PHONE 110 BLUEVALE MILLING COMPANY LTD. HEADQUARTERS IN THIS AREA FOR PIONEER POWER SAWS - tORRO POWER MOWERS and GARDEN TILLERS Complete Line Of SWIFTS FEEDS Special Ferrante ,Feeds for Every Need For Iliferinatien bait RAY SCHMIDT, Winidi4AM 304W2 1"w colapoo is worth $15.00 off the Regular Price Of a POWER SAW, BOLEN'S TILLER, or cHOR MASTER SEAFORTH WINTHROP FEED MILL .N ATtO.NAL FEED t With every Ton of Laying Math,, Growing. Mash or HOg 'OroWer .•YOU 'Ott ABSOLUTELY F REE 100 LBS. of LAYING IMA§14, HOG OROWER. YES ABSOLUtELY FREE Offer Good burinti Onntest Only PHONE fle,0-.0-..ORTI.4 FOR FREE 13 • 1 IVIOderis DRY CLEANINC EQUIPMENT o‘st, E':PENT SCRVIC SLIVERY tAkisiedir10.14•Pirr... ..&14,:t.-.1.x.• • ISM Oilcf-/PE r';4UTY ... Clts5.Er'S HOTEL # . Plf:astint, Comte-el-able, Aa 1,1 year of service itt ,,, sr.oci a ils.„5 i n tAd le.6 ; ,!ou'iarlationg. 'Remodeled tc "Braasels, Fine acconrut Hair owting refitrnished. Romeco3kod alien. s71Bt our dining et:fa' Attentien Glven meals. Renowned for 130001. r..) at for the. To •-:'!'t 2.r1 Ale A home away &Mt home. eat in Fon(' IldIr Do's : For Icservaticrit ••••500.4‘..-ft "WT",McWl1 I RT ER Electrical Contracters Plumbing, Heating, Deeil and Shallow Well PreasUre Systems, n6 Lay-rn sepm, atora & Milkers. Electric MOIora -repaired and re' wOund. Friend 153, Brussels, BRUSSELS MOTORS Bille't Service Gag & Oil t•drioral Overhaul, fleeted& Mechanics, Special bottest. Offer: i qt. of bit with ettery 10 gallons.,tif gas. Offer good for 1 week only, Phone 178,, bruise-01e MoDONA1.13 LUMBER CO. LTC, Complete Slanders, Supply Free IVtaterlal Enilranten 'Know your coats before you, build PhOue 77 R. MARKS and SONG 1(7±1.1.irril Repairs' And Welding. Dealer tor Pioneer Chain Saws. This add is ,worth $15 on the pittehaSity of ittiv Pioneer` P11.' at out ellaw Ph. ilrus, Wig; Seat 832r3 Repairs and Alterations Reusonablo Ratter PHONE 32S1 WINGHAM' Phone 29 Brussels Phone 54, Brustela Phono 100 Ertittois 'amenasiineramnromm iwie,imeihm. • • '• • ,., •