HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-23, Page 3.4 1 1 1 ,11 4 !4,11 I 1 0 '4 4 1 :. 4 1 I I S I 4 4 ts, CANADA'S POST WAR - SILVER BOOM Salient facts about Silver — PRODUCTION — Canadian Silver production in ounces increased 143%, from 1945 to 1958. At its highest level in 48 years. — VALUE OF CANADIAN,PRODUCTION — In the same period silver production value rose 346%. —PRICE — Silver as well as gold has, during the pasts even years, a steadier price record than any other metals. -- SUPPLY — Consumption in World markets ex- ceeded production by 45,000,000 ounces in 1958, We believe this Silver Shortage will continue end there will be. a consequent rise in price. Write for our Report on Silver and for our free reports on LODOIS O Silver & Cobalt Mining Lirnited -- a growi113 Silver we:Weer. 4 tt CLASSIFI EDADVERTI SING Innocent People Confessed Murder At 3,30 A.110, the telephone rang in the beeiroorts. Sleep , Captain 'Tack Dotionue Of ,the 'Los Angeles Murder Squad , gripped for the receiver. A hard vpice said; "I killed her!' Now I Shall 'hill another beauti- iall like the Black Pahlie to prove P9wer'' The line clicked dead, By '345.5, a.nts the P411 had been traced to an all-night cafe in the city suburbs, Donohue led a dozen petrel ears to the area, The cafe was empty save Pa, a hefty-shouldered man sipping coffee, He faced the police and in the cold voice he had used on the telephone said: "It took you guys long enough. I'm worse than Jack the Ripper!" Handcuffs were snapped on his wrists. He was raced to [so- lice headquarters. There, in a bleak, fifth-floor office, grim-faced detectives listened, as Captain Donohue ex- tracted the man's story Final- ly, the suspect - a truck driver - insisted on writing a com- plete confession: After he had signed it, a weary-eyed Donohue turned to his assistants and said: "Hold him - as a mental case." For Vertick was the latest of two hundred cranks who have "confessed" to murdering the woman known as the Black Dahlia. That is just one of the records that the world's strang- est case holds. Investigations have lasted twelve years, They have spread to all corners of the world. They have cost a for- tune. Since the Black Dahlia died on an icy, windswept morning in mid-January, 1947, there have been over 2,000 murder- hunts in Los Angeles, But none as intense :as that for the Black Dahlia's slayer. For she was part of Hollywood. And her death brought its shadow over many Leading figures in the celluloid paradise. Tall, willowy and beautiful, Elizabeth Short had died the way she lived - surrounded by macabre sensation. She had gone to Hollywood to seek adulation and riches insinuated herself into the ;;company of producers and di• ;rectors, and soon got a few bit (parts. Then the scandal magazines sought her out. She took their 'money in exchange for "juicy" gossip. Her so-called "friends" drop- ped her, Elizabeth moved from her luxury flat on. Sunset Boule- vard to another one. Her bit parts tailed off, Money grew short. Soon she lived in one Of the side-streets in the capital of make-believe, a street of cheap stores, garish neon signs, ;"drunks, rooming-houses-and poverty. Elizabeth stood out in that street. For she had retained one gimmick from her past. She dressed completely in black - tight-fitting black dresses, ex• pensive nylon underwear, black shoes, even a huge jet-black ring on her finger. She empha- sized her , jet-black hair by wearing a white rose pinned to it. She became known as the Black Dahlia. On that cheerless night of January 13th,. 1947, she had gone to a leafy-laned lovers' trysting, ,spot to meet a man. She was' early - eager for companion- „ship' in a now lonely life. Suddenly the killer struck Her sultry voice rose in ter- ror. . . . She was found suspended by the ankles from a tree bough. Her body had been hacked with a butcher's cleaver arid on her leg the killer had left the in- itials "B.D.” - her trademark; the Black Dahlia. Soon the hunt for her mur- derer covered every 'State. It BACKAcijE -Mo lt be Warning BattiActie is often caused by lazy lit ney action.. When kidneys get out of en et, excess acids and *hates teitialli *ri the system. Then bieltache; dias tinted rester that titd4flat and heavy- headed feeling may soon falloss. That's the time to take Dotld'A Kidney Pills, Dodd'a stimulate the klatiess to normal action, Then you feel bettett-aleeP better -work better, Get Dodd'a 'Macy Pills noW.59 • SLEEP TO AND RELIEVE MERVOUSNESN 1/PAY T -MORROW TO be happy end tranquil Instead of nervous or for a good night's deep, take Skittle tablets ciccordInq to directions. SEDICIN® TA BLETS bnig Storci Oelyi TIBET TESTS NEHRU - Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru's policy of neutralism for India is under severe test as an out growth of Communist China's takeover in Tibet. Many of In- dia's political parties are de- manding that Nehru acknow- ledge publicly the danger to In , dia presented by Red China's policies. spread to Canada, across the Atlantic to Europe. In two days Donohue had a description of the killei • thick- set, surely, red hair, swagger ing gait. It came from a dozen sources - could have fitted a thousand men. Telephone calls streamed into Donohue's ()Nice from people who had seen him. In the first day of the hunt there were 1,000 calls - a record. Three days after the slaying -came the first "I did it" dull the first of two hundred. Ian Jacobson was the caller He came from Laramie. He said; "I did it, I guess I had to. What more do you want," Donohue grew excited when Jacobson claimed he'd dyed his hair after the murder. A rinse in a police wash-room showed he was a red-head, The grilling went on. The man from Lara- mie pointed to stains on his jacket and Mumbled: "It's her blood. . . ." Laboratory tests proved the stains to be red ink. The Man , from Laramie was sent packing. The spate of false confessions soared - from cranks, drunks and exhibitionists. Each was carefully checked. Hundreds of police man-hours were wasted Then came a lead. The Am- erican Army C.I.D. department picked up a soldier on draft to England. The man, Corporal Jo- seph Dumart, said he was a friend of the Black Dahlia. He was flown to Los Angeles. There he said: "I did it, She double-crossed me." He would say no more. But blood found on his trousers belonged to the same blood group as the dead woman. Dumart started to talk freely. He produced his trump: a fifty- page Confession. Donohue read the first few paragraphs - and threw it away. The corporal was sent to a psychiatrist - where he was shown to be a split-personality, There was also the sailor who boasted he had a reputation' for cutting up bodies. Broken down, he sulked:' "Well I could do it!" There was. the garage keeper who "confessed." His reason: he wanted to die so that his wife could .collect the insurance. There was the wealthy busi- neSsinan who insisted he had clone 'the killing. Challenged, he said he'd an "urge to sit in the gas chamber," Women also joined the list of "confessors." There was the-housewife who drove to Los. Angeles police headquarters and told a plaus- ible yarn. She was taken to Donohue's -Office - only to be unmasked,. She told him' "I just wanted. YOU to prove I'm a liar." - Another woman telephoned to "confess." She told 'Donohue to meet her at a local newspaper office. He did, and found her to be a liar. Asked why she had chosen the venue, she sighed: "I'd hoped to get my picture in the paper. I've always wanted to be famous!" At an Atherican air base in the north of England an airman claimed he was the murderer. Found to be a liar, ,he was asked why he'd "COnfessed." This is his answer:' "Well,. I heard I was to be posted to the Vat test. I thought my admission would get me out of it!" Later he was posted - to the South Pole! By the ehd of the year 150 people had Made false tidinis- sions. Then for two years they stopped. But in 1950 cante a. spate of sixteen. The year after there Were seven,. Donohue' worked on, In IOU B. pretty' nineteen-year-old Wife, Sh.99.114 11,CINIP;. ,PI ay pff?. DtaSetJall' is 1,700.10140. AVCONe log, to en. Associated Press. sur- vey, in the opinion of American sports .e.ditors„ baseball is no longer the dominant national port,. it is still No,: 1, but bY the 'narrowest of margins over COilege. football, The poll read,. 1Vrajori;leagtw baseball, 80,9 .pet' cent, followed by college foot, ball, .80,51 pro football, 97.3; college basketball, 81,0: boxing, 504; golf, 55.5i .fishing, 48.9; hunting, 43.7; bowling, .39,8; pro. basketball, 37,9; 'track and field, 37,41 horse racing, 34.5; tenirie;, automobile racing, 25.0; motorboating, 24.2;. swimming,. 22,2; minor league basebal l, 21.3; hockey, 19.9; harness rap. mg, 15,1; wrestling, 15 3, skiing, 14,9 yachting, 11.2; rowing, '10.0; figure skating, 0.0; bil- liards, 5.7; and ice spued situ+ 'mg, 5.3. ' A total of 202 replies to the poll were received from 42 states and Canada, A lumber of sports editors • pointed, out that interest' in the Indianapolis 509, mile race was much more in- tense than- :interest in automo- bile racing generally As might I:e expected, skiing and hockey draw strong suppsrt from north• ern states, less from southern ,t , 4, Just why baseball will no, maize a concentrated effort to re-vitalize is difficult to under- stand. It is true individual owners have transferred Fran-, chises with success, but the major leagues have made no combined' effort to break with tradition and cater to the pub- lic. But the minor leagues, in real trouble, are doing some• ihing about it. They are trying mergers, inter-league games, and 'expansion. All of which will bear. watching. Expansion has been discussed by the majors, a third league has been hinted, and inter league snorted at. They broke tradition when they permitted transfers," so why not go whole hog and take the easiest steps first, inter-league and playoffs - yes, playoffs. Inter-league would give every fan in every city a chance to see every major-league player. Playoffs would sustain interest in base- ball just as it has in hockey and pro basketball writes Webb Morse, Sports Editor of The Christian Science Monitor. There would have been no in- terest in the National Basket- ball Association this year if it had not been for the playoffs - St. Louis and Boston ran away with their, divisions. In the National Hockey League, Montreal Canadiens made a shambles of the league. But the fans maintained interest be- cause of second, third, and fourth „places were available in the playoffs. * * Playoffs are net new to base- ball. The American League has had a playoff when there is a tie for first place, and the Na- tional League even makes such a first-place tie a two-out-of- three series. All the major leagues have to do is cut the season short two weeks and stage a best-of-three series be- tween the firstsand third-place teams and second and foprth, with winners to meet in best- of-three for, league title and right to enter World Series.. If an eighth-place team in August 'had a chance •to make fourth place in September, there would be good reason to go and see therm When the 'Yankees clinch the,. pennant in August what is, left? Hockey and bas• ketball play Offs are sell-outs, so you can't say the fans don't go for them. • Helen Miller, reported a man- had scarred her with a knife. It was routine - until Donohue learnt that the sear Was initial§ gouged •into her leg. The hunt flared up. A Shop- keeper, Donald Graff, was ques- tioned, He admitted scarring Helen, but insisted he knew nothing of the Black. Dahlia. For three days police, grilled him. Then, for no' public rea- son; he was freed, In 1954 Donohoe flew to New York to interview a dishwasher who had "confessed." It took five days before the Man crack- ed and admitted he was a cradknot. The first British reporter to see the file on the BMA Dahlia was told by lionointe: "One day the real killer will talk. They nearly always 'do. And be,. waiting. . The telephone rang. ile pick- ed. it up, "CaVrt Donohue, Ito-. thioide 8Onad, speaking. Ha' Sat back to listen. The seine Way as One day he will listen to the real kiIlet of the Black .' confessing. U AGENTS, wm7trep EXTRA Cash to Yettr Spare time- 44§t show your friends our All Ocea$1,00 CorO011OA feeds linoluding PellgtOna/. Stationers. Gifts. Write ter atenPleS. Colonial. Card Ltd. 490 13 Queen Nset foruuto GO INTO BUSINESS tot vottasell Sell our exciting ituSe- wares watches end ethel Products not found is stores No competition Prof, its up to 500% Write now COI free eelotit catalogue and 'Separate Neil. dential wholesale price sheet Altura' SlieS '1822 St Lawrence Montreal BABY celCKS. - , 0000 buys on i3'ay dayold heavy breed. ceckerels. Immediate alliPment dayold and some started deal pullets and coek, erels, Seine 'Ames pullets, also LOA' horns. It's time to order MaYslittle broiler% See local agent, or write fifeY Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, ant eusitsess OPPORTUNITIES PROVINCML mare.g.,r wanted, Oppor- tunity Or an aggressive sales organizer. Provincial office set pp In London. Top propoaltion sells to farmers, and motor, • ista across Canada. Agents can Mao apply. Excellent commissions paid. Ap- ply in writing to Box 184, 123.lath Street, New Toronto, Ont, YOUR Own Store! Merchandise obtain- ed free. No capital required, Booklet antes °es thPaarilde.s 5 aanyi rnmeor,n e2y71b1a ckr) ttLaar: V Ina , Santa Barbara, California. Once In A Lifetime Opportunity WORLD-WIDE FOOD CONCERN SPARE or full time, Steady income all yer.r round for reliable person. To deliver food products to our retail st::::.,,s,s,ciaore is NO SELLING as all out. Iris are established, $075.009 eaeh re- quired, which is fully secured. Send name, address and phone number' to 2005 QUEEN ST. EAST 70 ROUT° FARMS FOR SALE 150 ACRES Choice dairy farm on No. 24 Highway, 2 miles north of Guelph. Excellent barns, thoroughly modern beautiful stone residence, oil heated, large milk contract. Vendor will held sizeable mortgage, Co-op listing num- ber 556. Phone Marshal Revell, TA. 2- 2050, Williams-Hamilton Ltd., Guelph, GUELPH: 100 Acres productive land fronting on a hardtop road; good build- ings,' with hydro, water on pressure. full price $21,000,00, Other farms of 100 acres and up, priced at $10.000.00 and • up. Call Guelph TA. 2-6920 or TA. 2-4650 after hours. Forsythe and Gerrie Real Estate Brokers, 20 Douglas Street Guelph Ontario. 200 ACRES, 21/2 tulles from Hanover, an ideal father and son setup, 2 excel- lent sets of buildings, good brick house, bank barn and drive shed on each properly, hydro throughout. Can be sold separately or together, Apply Robert Martin, Broker, Box 700 Han- over, or call 373. $22,000-For 100 acres with 25 in choice bush, good barns and farm house, 2 miles south of Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Excellent value, Phone W. I'. Boles, TA. 4-1125. Williams • Hamilton Ltd. GUELPH, ONT. FOR SALE BRITISH Seagull Marine outboard Mo. tors, ideal for fishermen, write for prices and illustrations. P. V. ale. Cavour, Saint John, N.B. "DESTROYER" for use in outdoor toil- ets. Eats down to the 'earth, saves cleaning. Directions. Thousands of users, coast to coast. Price $1.00 per can, postpaid. Log Cabin Products, 322 York Road, Guelph, Ontario. CEMENT mixer, 21/z cu. ft.; sump pumps, pressure pump systems, gear pumps, anvils, forgers, vises, paint sprayer, Skilsaw, electric drill. We buy; sell, rent, trade, used, new. Ford Machinery Supply, 169 King E. Toronto. FUNDY oats„ new high yielding early variety. Three bushels registered $5.25 F.O,B, Ottawa. M. WaeVicar, Route two, Richmond, Ont. 2,000 SQUARE Bales of Alfalfa, Tim- othy and Brome grass. Apply Walter Reid, R.R. 2, Bognor. Phone Meaford 915-R-21. VIKING TREFOIL, new hay and pasture legume. See O.A.C. circular. Choice of commercial One or certified Two. Pre- paid 51,10 pound, M. MaeVicar, Route two, Richmond. Ont. , "ONE Standard Saw Mill 54" x 8' frame with 48" Diameter circular saw. Apply P.O. Box 392. Guelph or phone TA. 4,1391." ORNAMENTAL 3 year Austrian Pine Trees in individual fertilized fibre pots ready to plant 3 for $2.00 prepaid. From the Gardens of Eden, Eden Ont. , PRINTED PENS. 50 - $14.50; 150 - $30.00. Send 250 for sample with"our imprint to Bauman Printing, Elmira, Ontario. "SCOTCH Pine Xmas Tree Seedlings. Famous French blue strain. Order now. Spring delivery. Lake Simcoe Planta- tions, Box 1, 138 Letitia St., Barrie. Ont. Phone PA. 8-2675." SEED' POTATOES 'POTATOES: Foundation seed for sale. We have Sebago and Huron, sizes A and B. John and Frank Mutton, R. IL 6, Brighton. SEEDLINGS FOR SALE 500,000 Scotch and Austrian pine seed- lings for sale, priced from $12.00 to .$25.00 per thousand. Please, get In touch with us for further information. Wagner Tree Farms, Box 340, Tilson- burg, Ont. MFG. SURPLUS OUTLET Dress, Skirt and Blouse material, ` plain and, printed broadcloth, 3 yards for $1.00. Linens 45 inch, width 2 yards $1.00. Plain flannelette, assorted col- mirs, two yards $1.00. Crepe assorted colours, 45 inch 2 yards $L25. Corduroy assorted colours one yard $1.00. Zippers assorted sizes and colours $1.50 a dozen, SatiSfaction or money refunded, No C.O.D.'S Postage prepaid. 185 St. George St, (Corner Latour), St. Jerorrie. Que- bec, GARDEN STOCK GLADIOLUS Bulbs, 25 large $1,00,.100' $3.00 - 100 medium 51,50. W. Witney. Elora, Ont. HELP WANTED FEMALE "WANTED1 Graduate Gendifil Duty NtitseS and Laboratory Techniciati fot small hospital. Good remuneration, Flat fitrthet particulars write:. StiperiM tendent, St. Joseph's Genera Hospital. Little Cuttent. ()Mario. HELP' WANTED MALE PHARMACIST required fist Georgian Bay area Horspital,, good personnel PolieY and salary 'scale, Parry Strand General Hospital, Parry Sound, Ohl. YOUNG married Man to' work on large dairy farm. Siust be hilly experienced and like working with daitY cotes. Robert Riddell.. Alliateri, HEin- lock 5-7549. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Briokkeeping, Saleardati. Shin; Sherthand, Typewriting, ete. Lea. aerie '50g. Ask for free circular No. 83, Canadian Ctitresikiridenee Cottrfieb 1200 Bey Street. TON:into, LIVESTOCK REMEDIES PREVENT HOG ANAEMIA SAFE, Effective and kItonomital treat, merit of Anaemia in piglets, Injectable Iron for 251' a shot. Ferrovet. Ask your dealer or write. K.Vet Laboratories Ltd., Gait, Ontario, MEDICA L IF yea have a health problem send for free price l ist of famous remotes. eeilatcolinbA N,v)nic ta Irinod,ipn Remedy Company A TRIAL, -- EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOIRD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY,, 0 MONROI DRUG STORE 335 Elgin, $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment 01 dry eczema rashes eed weeping skin troubles, youteEri tregm;'seSsallivneg "ttiinljrri not rpd peociz isapn et• ma acne, ringworm pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the ssetaelmniess odorless ointment regardless of how stet:horn or hopeless they Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2845 St TTRiro"NATveonue East MISCELLANEOUS BULLFIGHT POSTERS] Authentic, 2Q" x 37" colorful paintings by Spain's Re: Ito $3. With your name as, Matador, $4. Editorial Vides, Nevada, 770.11, MeXieo CRY 10. NURSES WANTED REGISTERED NURSES FOR new, well-equipped, 28-bed hospital in Noethern Ontario town. Good salary 'and personnel policies. 44-hour week, Duties to commence May 1st. Apply to Superintendent BINGHAM MEMORIAL .HOSPITAL MATHESON, ONTARIO GENERAL DUTY 'NURSER OPERATING ROOM NURSE CERTIFIED NURSING. ASSISTANTS FOR a 70-bed General Hospital in • resort area, with an expansion pro. gram. Good personnel policies. Resid. ence accommodation. Apply to Miss Katharine King, Director of Nursing. ROSS MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Lindsay, Ontario NURSES GENERAL Duty Nurses required imme. diately for a 500 bed hospital, Basic Salary $245,00 per month, Good Person. nel policies. Pension Plan. APPLY Director of Nurses, KIsCHENER-WATERLOO HOSPITAL, Kitchener, Ontario. REGISTERED NURSE REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY Margaret Cochenour Memorial Hospital (MODERN 15-BED) LOCATED on the lake In Red Lake mining district and tourist area. New nurses' residence beautifully furnished. SALARY: 5275 basic with increment plan. Maintenance including uniform laundry, $30 per month. 44-hour week, Holidays: 4-Week vacation with pay yearly. Transportation expense will be paid after six months' employment. APPLY STATING AGE AND REFERENCES I. MacNAUGHTON, MATRON COCHENOUR, ONT. OPERATING ROOM NURSE Immediately POSTGRADUATE PREFERRED APPLY SUPERINTENDENT OP COTTAGE HOSPITAL UXBRIDGE ONTARIO OPPORTUNITIES "MAIL ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUN. ITY! We supply you with catalogues, names• fill- your orders. Big profits. Write' Fred's Enterprises Import and Export, 322. Pinnacle St.. Belleville On. tails)." GOOD income possible raising Hybrid Red Worms for fish bait and soil im- provement. Write for booklet. 50C. Un- limited supply worms and eggs avail. able. Bill's Live Bait. Northbrooke,13.0,.. SPOT Cash for Spare Time. Generous New Plan; Easy; Pleasant; No Deliver- ing. Write McAllister Agency, Box 632. Medicine Hat, Alta, OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL. Great Opporttinity - Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified PrOfessionl good' wages Thoutands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System- Illusttated Cataloged Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Eloor St. W., Toronto Branches:, 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street OttaWa PERSONAL "TIME le Close" will infortn you abOut the end of out world. Write to - "Ambrosia",• mystic' edition, 52 (Wing- ton Ave., Toronto, Canada. EUROPE TOURS - 45 Days, Scheduled hinery. 2 Weeks Free Time $610 to 5830. Domestic Adventure Trips: 1 Week to 7 Weeks $65 to $395. Write for free booklet to Canadian 'Youth Hostels Assoc. National Headquartets 581 Spadina Tot, 4; WA, 4-1072. ADULTSI Personal Rubber-- Mods! 56 assortment for $2.00. Finest (Malay. tetted, guaranteed, Mailed in Plain Sealed "guaranteed, plus tree Birth Control booklet and catalogue of supplies, Western Distributers MIX 24.TF Regina, Sask. , LOOK 20 YEARS YOUNGER. AND improve your appearance; Our proved hair renovator will banish grey and white hair, and give your heir natural looking color`. Teatihmnial let. ters file attest to its efficady. $2.50 pet bottle.. Money order.' Or C.0,11 Villard Perfumes, 13QRSberbroake East, Montreal. Que. Do vati ant a 'Otiose understandiri4 of the, Bible Hear Bible fundamentals disetrased brl "Tkis it YOUR iiiIBLE" each Sunday inerning. Thomas CHLO Peterboro CHEX Sunday 10:45 A.M« Sunday 9:45 A.M. 680 On your dial. 900 an your dial. ISSUE Li 1659 PERSONAL. GAIN Self Confidence! To increase your income, have a happier life, Just 40 minutes a day required, Low Cost, P.O. Box 336, Anaheim, California, PHOTOGRAPHY SAVE I SAVE I SAVE I. . developed and 12 doges prints in album SOS ii magnet. prints in album 404 Reprints 50 each KODACOLDR Developing roll S1.00 mot including prints!, Color prints Siis each extra,. AMC°. and Ektachrome 35 trim. 20 sit- posurea mounted In -slides $145..Color .Prints from slides. 35C each. afon.eY. refunded In, full for imprinted ..negan. lives, FARMERS' CAMERA .clUB. • BOX n..GALT, ONT, PULLETS READY to lay Hanson World Record Leghorn pullets May delivery $1.90. Kelterborn Hatchery, MlIverton, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS GET profit and pleasure in collecting old coins, Get our 1959 Canada, New- foundland, U,S.A, buying book with latest prices, only 250. Belmont Coin Company, 490 Belmont Ave., Winnipeg. Manitoba. JUST out 1959 Buying Catalogue of Canadian, Newfoundland and U.S.A. coins, Huge complete listings includes bank notes sent postpaid only 250 coin, Stern Cn„ 216 McIntyre Bldg., Winni- peg, NEW 1959 U.S. Canada catalogue now ready; send 200 to cover cost. NeW Way Stamp, Lawrence 16, Mass, STAMP COLLECTORS, 50 WORLD FREE to Introduce our foreign approv- als, Victoria. Stamps, 101 Adelaide South, Lindsay. Ontario. TREFOIL Certified Empire Viking and Mixtures. Lowest Prices, Edgar Evans, Dresden. Ontario, SWINE ADVANCED Registry Landrace service. able boars and bred gilts from dams scoring 92. Gilts sired by, or bred to, Goval Solomon 18th AR1043. highest scoring boar in AR in 1958, Maitland Meadows Laridrace Farm. Eastons Cor- ners, Ontario. LANDRACE Exceptional offering, top quality breed Lines. Select, now from our large herd for your foundation stock. Reasonable prices, Write phone or visit John Siltma„ Pickwick Grange Farm, Lakefield, Ontario. SERVICE AGED GOVERNMENT APPROVED YORKSHIRE BOARS GOVERNMENT premiums for Ontario buyers. One outstanding boar for show and A,R. - tested mating, 94-189-411. Lt, Col. G. C. Reeves, Romney Farm, Bath, Ont. SUMMER PROPERTIES BUY, Sell, successfully, Port Carling, Muskoka area, specializing in summer properties. Call 51, E. D. Milner, Real- tor, MUSKOKA. property. Buy or 's e 11 through Robt. W. Bennett, Realtor, Port Carling, or Toronto office. HU. 8-4645. SUMMER Properties, For Sale and. Wanted, Write J. & J. F. Anderson. Brokers 2 Manor Rd. East, Toronto 7. TEACHERS WANTED 'EACHER required rural school, DULk. to commence September- 1959,Quail**. sal Preferred, Apply stating siurillficatloq, ary expected and last Inspector. SU o . Ella GodfreY, Noickle, Ont„ SIMCOE COUNTY A Protestant teacher for rural sch044 on Highway 92. Please state quelitleAs non and last inspector. Sahu'Y $3,4Dgr. Apply to Reg, 0, Archer, Secretary. Treasurer, ries:School Arca, Ont,, R.11, 2, phone 7,18E33, YORK COUNTY S. 5. No, 7-King, about 12 miles in*" ,Metropolitan Toronto, reqUireS quo,. ed, experienced teacher for a twar room school (enrollment 16-20), Dialer to commence In September, Apply Oat- ing qualifications, experience, etc., to Mrs. Gordon Chapman Sec..TreaS,, 1, 1Cleinburg, Ontario. ST. FRANCIS SEPARATE $CHOOL. Tilbury Ontario REQUIRES; Qualified, expertenee4 Catholic Teacher for English grades Qt a 12 room modern. Bilingual School. Duties to commence September 1st, 1959. Applications stating age, expert-, ence, qualifications and name of last Inspector to: E. C, QUENNEVILLE Sec,-Treas-, Tilbury Ont, Sox 233, PROTESTANT teacher for new moder C. F. Cannon School in Cornbermere 0 Highway No, 62. Colonial Coach .dally service, Eight grades, State experience, qualifications and salary expected. WRITE E. E. Stevenson, Secretary, Rad- cliffe T.S,A„ Combermere, Opt, R.C. SEPARATE SCHOOL BOARD CITY OF SUDBURY invites applications froth Catholic teachers for Auxiliary, kindergarten, and regular classes, for opening of school in September. Minimum salary, $2,700. Maximum sal- atiryo a$14,2K010n. d Ae rugxai lritaerny aa ssss ee $210000 aadddidi. bona]. Men in charge of sports. $300 additional. New teachers given full credit for each year of teaching experi- ence up to a maximum of five years. Benefit; P.S.I., Cumulative sick leaVt plan. Salary schedule sent upon request. Apply stating age, qualifications, ex- perience and name of last inspector to: W. A, Forget, Adminstrator, 162 Mackenzie St„ Sudbury, Ont. TECUMSETH TOWNSHIP SCHOOL. AREA is in need of 0 teachers for rural 1.- room schools commencing in September. Schools are in Simcoe County around Beeton, 40 50 miles north of Toronto. Salary Schedule Minimum for Short Term Cert.... $2600 Minimum for lst or 2nd Class Certificate 3000 Annual increment ....„ ............ 209 Allowance for Experience (up to 3 years) yearly 200 Maximum ..... „ 4000 Please state qualifications, experience, religion and name of last inspector. J. F. Houghton-Newton Robinson, Ont. TRUCKS, TRAILERS TRAILERS, new and used all makes, 10' to 51'. up to 10' wide, for living or holidays, always at least 20 to choose. from, 25% down, up to 5 years to pay. furniture, cars, etc. in trade, or dis- counts with no trade. See Trailermart, Wharncliffe Rd. S. in London. Phone GE. 2-4225 or Trallermart, 2821 Howard Ave., Windsor, Phone CL. 8-8003. oronto 1 Ontario, Please serid me your free eeport on Silver end eh Lanela Hanle • • • • Ete•WiS A Whitt. Lita.letl, BREW1S & WHITE LIMITED, 145 Yoale Falco, 145 Yonge Street, Toronto 1 k Ontario'. Teiephone, EMpire 4.i221 Address ....... ..... ...... .1,••••••• ...... • 'relephene 'tier os airliitipente for tiiitaTi ei specutetive seterity, 4 • W. a