HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-16, Page 5PS AYS TER Tip M' TER FOR 1AL.,C — .24 Pigs, 7 weeic.s. old. Seltka 1Breelcenridt e, Phony 20r.6 WANTED — Mortgage wanted. POr particulars apply to Box 50, Brussels. TO RENT . House to rent Apply to Phone 234 ' FOR SALE ..Registerol seed last year. Clifford Morrow Phone 2,6r16 FOR SALE— Sebago Potatoes iseed, Stan Alexander FOR SALE 2 Talonse Geese (few sale clheap. Dan 111cdc.innen for table or Phone •85r13, and 1 Gander, Phone 186W FOR SALE — Choice Baby Budgies, all colors, $5.00 each, Mrs. Gaul Jacklin, Brussels,. Phone 2111 FOR SALE OR RENT 0 acre Pasture 'farm. N%, Lot 26, Con. 17, Grey. Apply to J. at. Bray, Listowel, Phone 735R •--- FOR SALE Ctimitity of Baled Hay. T'i'mothy and Alfalfa. H. Bryan Phone 192J Savings, too, have a way of growing And just like her Junior Depositor's Account, your Savings Account will grow .with regular deposits. it is your means of identification at the hospital A 110W TO USE • Always keep your Ontario Hospital Insurance Certificate handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your eligible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE is issued to each insured Single person and to each insured Family. As a precaution, each member of the family should have a separate note of the Hospital Insurance Number for ready reference in case of sudden illness or accident. WHAT IT DOES.... Your Certificate and paid-up premiums entitle you and your eligible dependants to essential "in-patient" hospital services in standard ward accommodation of approved hospitals only, for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits cease when the physician Indicates hospital care is no longer necessary. "Out-patient" hospital services are not covered EXCEPT in the case of emergency outpatient care received within 24 hours following an accident. Hospital services must be medically necessary Ontario Hospital Insurance benefits cannot be provided for 'custodial' or 'domiciliary' patients i.e. persons whose medical conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who could be cared for at home or in some facility other than an approved hospital. PREPAID PREMIUMS mean PREPA1 rw PR TE N I N It is important that your Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums be paid on or before the date they are due. This is nec'essary to maintain a period of prepayment during which your protection will continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. x810 19\lt Eig5 HOSPITAL WISIJRAtiCf. WAX° 1. OM, %Wow 44501 WOO 101.1.$ THE HOSPITAX. SERVICES COMMISSION 1951 110likl. ItiVilikkgi, GRIIM1,1E tio.rucm. st'a F ?urVIrt.ropi t4L3Y9 potEfei-rovos!.4oracoxix PAscl toI)A 1 1 59 itou 99999999 I CERTIFY THAT I AM THE PERSON NAMED IN THIS CERTIFICATE. tivartATIJR1. Nov V.s..to uguess ii‘GNED iri rEitsoti /0 yo 4owl tastier) t4 0 1 1 it A ti S f ER A II 1. (so. oleit) ' 1.0 1 ,.1. n MAIIMAIIIIIMAIIIIPAINI,v11111111101011111111^. A N . . . FOR SALE — Poen Pile Broodieem all wool liromileam iii . seven lovely shades. With 6ortrttr rubber muter, ' had fel' Only 89.9r, a Sangre VI-. at real Savings. Per one of the largest. titslitaYS in Western Onts;ria, Visit ;tioritItthl (lohtto in Italy CAR stivess Our toN, elb'St Plan V11 belt yoti make 'better deal. Roe• ud tor detail§ now ttroitt tobti bus'. dttnitit OONNENtikki General ISSUI•inee Monktad Phone 01621441 bruise's Phone 247 Tuesday and FrIttiSi STENOGRAPHER vfxrp Attplioatione lin 'writing will be keerited ihti unarm Saturday, April ift,, 0E9. bbite echietalori, quaDifiCatitiiis and teiereridesit, 40i6eitt- good working eand'tttons starting salaryy 0100.00 atinititi; interviews OSA be arranged. For eelitkitif tierrr, see. ?lees. Wren county Norte aomMittee COON Itones.*floiterfott, mkt Cit .6 OtJfARICi ONTAItIO11.08PITAL SERVICES COMMISSION .ilOSPITAL I NS LI-Ot AN•Ot- .011/14 i eiN 1St to 'oLAIR Mismie wasTi TORONTO 7, ONTARIO, • A. 4-330i • , Tin BRUSSELS MT • 11.41Viic April 16tlit 1,9"09. CLA SS ii ,r1:t.0 ADS Agricultural Price Support Assures Ample supply at reasonable prices! ONTARIO CREAM PRODUCERS 0 MARKETING BOAR II REPRESENTING 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS TO WESTERN CANADA FAR Fortilizc:r Seed Dr ll,• Kiteboll 11'47PO r10 FO,R R.ENT ?An acre grasv..farni with pilopty of Aram. :Phone- 1$$5 • lirew•er, Brussels To Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper and. Vancouver — _ mmasoMism7sact IN s $A. bl b• 01 lade The 47711111169711 Por information and reservations contact your nearest GNII, Agent THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE MORE THAN 800 BRANCHES THROUGHOUT CANADA be seen at the Birnssels Post. FOR SALE — Size 12 or 13, Girl's spring coat (ioff white), Excellent condition. Can 1 N.239C Vis,...moistooreywmarmarminamminiewsvorsammlosarnirampoirnelinon.loemmeselooteflatacua....egamematimisr....11.11.6 FOR SALE - - ,Bey'S Light Blue 3-piece Suit has 'white fleck in it, Size 8, like new, rreshly dry-cleaned. Can be seen at fthether's Produce, Brussels. BRUSSELS BRANCH — L. W. J. GLASGOW — MANAGER N '0 TICE ` For rent, or Share Crop, 35 acres broken, ploughed lasit fall. 65 acres in grass, Jack Thynne, .Brussells Box 22 (like CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm Stock Machinery, Hay and Grain Lot 222 Con. 16, Grey Twp., Tw Miles West of Moncrieff or One and One-quarter miles North and 5 miles East of Walton Idea New 2,0004b.- FOR SALE — Geed Red •Olover Seed, $20 per bus, 81/2 ft. Tractor Power Lift Cultivator. W. Roy Phone 34r8 HONEY FOR SALE — Clov9r 8 lb. moil $2.00. 4 lb. pail $1.1(5 Wallace Rosisi Apiaries SeafOrth, Ont. — - FOR SALE PERSONAL WHY FIDEL OLD? Feel Years Younger. '01Striex Tonic Tablets re- vifslize thousands PaSt 40, Only 69e, druggiists, FOR SALE — (1110en's Boquet Dinner Set, over 101 piece, nearly new, Garden Hose, ro ft. CoMbined Studio colicih f bed Singer Sewing Machine. drop-head. 20 Stove PiPels, 7 hich, Quantity of Sealers. Other articles, Mrs. Margaret Hoy Phone 167W and Wagon TUESDAY, APRIL 21st At 12 O'clock Sharp 14 Dunham Cows and Heifers, mostly due in April and May 3 Durham Farrow Cows, ready for market '5 Durham and Hereford Steers, 1,000 lbs. '8 Baby Beef, ready for market Durham Calves, 1 year old 4 Heifers, nieady for Market Machinery Ferguson ,Mannre Spreader Ford Tractor and Loader (new) AR John Deere Tractor international Vurrow PlOw •4-fatirow Disc Plow ,Tolin Deere S-ft Spring tooth Cultivator Jan Deere 7-ift, Tractor Disc 5-Section HarreVis Minneapolis Melifie Combine, No, 69. with motor John Deere Tractor Manure Spreader 24,42. Wbilto Threshing Machine 'with Shredder Drive Belt IViciKee -Forage Harvester with Pox and ITnloader Massey Hanids 1.8 disc Didll with Truck. 15,000 Stone Boat 8 H. P. ferttilator McCormick-Deering Side Rake 7-ft. Masseyjiardis Binder new) Sciircier Deering Mower 64t. Power Mower Cream Separator Settles John Deere rubber tired 16-ft Hay Rack 19 1 0 Dodge 1/2 ton miles Rubber Tired Buggy Cutter Pig grate •Coleny House 10x12 32-ft Extension Ladder Electric Grain Grinder witth dustproof 41110tOr jOibll Deere Tire ,Pump 14. B. P. Electric Motor Sugar Kettle Oster Electric Clippers Hay Fork Bone Set Sleighs :Perks Chains I Host of Other Articles Hay and Grain Quantity of Isliredded Hay OHaiitity of baled Hay Quantity of Rodney Oats OptirtatitY of Carry Oats Quantity of Mixqd Grain (all grain slitable for 'Seed) 150 bushels of Fall Wheat 4 brishels of Timothy Seed No Reserve FOrii ROO Terms Cash Mae McLean. Pron. R. R. 2 BruSSels. Harold Jackson — Auctioneer —, rthesineo , ellerk FOR SALE — Girl's red summer coat Mid, green plaid snit. 1 'pair of boy's gray , gabardine. dress pants. All size 10 and in new condition. Mrs. Stnart Evans' l)'Inne 4349