HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-02, Page 5eit-i AT& iN OR. 4.. r* et% Free! Marie Fraser's new milk recipes. Write today! DAIRY FARRIERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto TER - PLUMBINGi HEATING ,SHEEr METAL S Olt EIORNERS BRUStiLS lissmommismaninelp Thursday„ Apr) Isfieleirprd. 1"..40,1"11,47777764. nig II1144/4.31,44 .P0Xf CLASSWILD ADS an• mg. ...lioribilmown • WANTED, I Mortgage' apply to wanted, For paxticill !•:$ I/ex 00, Briihsels YS 0$1. 430L rO FROM THATT H EllOINIT, YOU AND FigNRY OVO IMSER— iF YOU SET MR SIGHT ON ONE OF THE riNg USSO.GAIn PFH:RED AT. f'7'n T C1417 fIISS . €,FT INS A 000!) TO RENT HouseL0 rout Apply to • Phene 284 • 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V.8 and Antomatic Transmission 56 Chev. Belair Sedan Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan MOLDY SILAGrIi getting moldy? Is it possible to keep silage from { 0)) Yes, states Prof. Merritt Wright, of the Department of Bacteriology, Ontario Agricultural College, The foIlowineprecautions will help to prevent mold growth (remember ; that mold will grow only when air is present): 1, Have air-tight walls and doors on the silo. 2. Harvest the crop 'at the right time so that it contains enough moisture to pack well, , and keep I , out air. 3. Pack the silage so that it wd.1.1 settle tightly against the walls. 4. If the crop is too mature or has been frozen, cut it into shorter pieces. If the crop is very dry, water may be added to make pack- ing easier. Moldy silage should always be fed with caution, warns the 0.A.C. • authority. Young stock and, stock in. high production are affected most by moldy gilage% E. A. (TED) WILSON General Contractor COMMERCIAL a' n d RESIDENTIAL Concrete Work - General Rooting Brick and Block Work New Noma RomodollIng Farm Building/ Rostra mreioNING — DRAFTING — BLUEPRINTING Firm Contract Mos INENNNE PRONE 12 5 16 BRUSSELS. ONT. FOR SALE -- .3 Geese and Gander (gray). Phone Brussels 20 - 23 •81 FOR SALE OR RENT ROP TESTS CHANGED FOR SALE-- 2 Red Durham Ileifeits, to freshen April 15th, ,and 20th; also 100 bales of good hay. - Torrance Dundas, Walton Phone 90r5 Brussels able leanness. To do this, certain factors, such as type and balance, TAX RETURNS increased. of loin and low back fat will be will be dropped and points for area Avoid last minute rush. Telephone In a move to get a more direct Seatorth 78 NOW for appOintment. representation of breeders on its H. G. Melt advisory board, the department is Counsellor, Dominion Bank 13Idg. asking each test station, commit-tee to appoint a breeder represent- ative to the board. It will also in- clude representatives of national breeder organizations. The changes will be applied to animals tested with groups far- rowed after January I, this year, FOR SALE rod fP4OlTner coat and green plaid snit. 1 ;pair of boy's &AY gabardine. dress pants. All site 10 Leanness Stressed Deciding the merits of a breed- ing pig will be left to the judgment i‘ of the individual farmer or breed- er. The department will limit its part to proviang the facts brought out by the tests. Major changes in Record of Per- ' fortune° for purebred swine to make the tests more Useful have ' been announced by officials of the Livestock Division of the Canada Department of Agricolfure. I Headlining the changes is the removal of qualifying standards for sows and boars, which were bas- ed on carcass desirability only. Reducing the emphasis on carcass score should result in more atten- tion to the economically-important factors of feed utilization and age for weight. • The term "qualified for advanc- ed registry" will be discontinued. In its place, an average will be provided for each station or prov- ince for; (1) Age for weight; (2) iCliazractiaosns. score; and (.?,)%lited ut- Changes in the system of car- cass scoring are designed to plae,e still greater emphasis on desir- and in new condition. Mrs. Stuart Evans Phone 43-19 frommersempairommir.6.11,1bwoureadisimi. POP SALE — Boy's Bloycle iood condition wind one yoitt. Donald Noble, iR. IL 4 arum!, Phone 36r12 FOR SALE --• Lady's Suit, Med. Blue, use 14. Lady' Spriplg Coat, gray striped, all wool, rayon lined, size 16. Both like new. Mrs,, Robt. Ttaymond Phone NM WANTED 4.e, Girl or woman to care for children while mother works. Live in. $11. weekly. Apply to Mrs. Norman Stephenson, Phone 34r9 HELP WANTED -- Girl or young woman to assist With housework In Seaforth home, Ix days a week. All modern eon- venienees including automatte Washer land dryer. Live in or out. Apply to ,Mrs. A. Y. McLean Seaforth, Ont. Just AkkivEb No* Spring brapery 8-tack and: introdachig.a he* fabric Teryletie '4iIaSfl teed sadast, won't Shrink; stretch: Or etc, Only $3,65 a Yd. nlado 'UP 11=7 See §thittYie Centre hi ildnotor, a find (Kim:Pieta Selection, ell Prided at ; wonderful' samlligS. 'OM* SALE ,-- Nroti"torn, Wrntio we neford IttattPac' ,.Toineti LW. give roe an estittikt* .".1n AlziMinum soft 9totio4 witide*re. 'Obligiitteific Eiheiiei Sea:forth: '8* I FR 4.44g — Good second cheaiL Joe Hamilton and couch. Priced Phone 171W FOR SALE -- Potatoes John Perrie Phone 751'15 Z.0 acre Pasture Tarn N1/2 , Lot 26, Con, 17, Grey. Apply to Bray, Listowel, Phone 735R . , FOR SALE — 41-rolstein Heifers, 2 yrs old, due In, Geo: M,'cliie , Phone 17313 SALE — Yorkshire Pigs, Donley, Lot 31, 8 weeks old, Con. S Grey FOR 36 ,Jack Phone 4 rl 1••••••••••• FoR'sALE Potatoes Er1m7er and John Armstrong Phone 2105 THERE'S ALWAYS NEED PURE FRESH AIR— so VENTIL ATE IF YOU WANT YOUR PRECISION GRANULATED FOR PRECISION PLANTING COMPLETELY GRANULAR—NO DUST NEW DRILLING PRECISION " 'The Controlled particle Size Of StiPtil PLOW --=tio Bode Of oVeretze granillestives you rieW tiediireey and ease' Of appliCiation, SUPER PLOW runs evenly 'and freely—no drill' clog- ging and skipping. Thia stneetli cohsistent tilearie Uniform distribution of fertilizer —.givea you itiete eVen, crops—higher yield. WO OUST SUPPR PLOW 18 completely dustless. Pasier to handle thereg no Loss of plant food Oh Mindy days. ALWAYS FLOWS FREELY Completely granular, Oven &led to remove excess moisture, SUPER PLOW contains no (twat to harden into lumps. GREATER PLANT FOOD VALUE The range of SUPEtt PLOW granular size permits more phosphorous to become avail- able to the plant. Furthermore, each granule contains all the nutriont4 in the analysia —which Ineans a fur .n distribution of plant food. .y tie Oki NATIONAL Fertifizer'beaier Brussels Lions Annual Concert and Dance Draw For New Chevrolet Car at Midnight At Brussels Town Hall on ConccrtIat 8.3O P. M. Dante to Follow The Kan00.s: Faritier. Prosonits. A .WondOolnl Array Ot .Talent — Featuring Children 25c.. A . Myiiterv. t?es Singets; Daritets,, Musk:4131s,. Two 0 chestra Rae Walsoh, Locierioad,, M. C. (One Adults 75e 5: 4.46 W3rtiy 3 CALse Ott Vii-ttr Oar Tickets :Now. . •foi Any ittexiilset Of the .Licitts, Club, , • CLEARING AUCTION SALE • Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Machinery, Hay and Drain at Lot 22, Con. 9, 'McKillop Twp. 1 mile East of Winthrop MONDAY, APRIL 13th at 1 p, m. ,114,ach'nery MosIsey Fergusdn ;Tractor -No.50 (2 yrs. old) Ford Tractor (in good condition) Nerw Idea Mower 15 run Cocks1i4t Seed Drill '9 ft. Cockshutt 'Swather P-I- 0 (like new) McCormick 8 ft. Cultivator Spring Tooth (like new) 'Ford Oult'arator (used 1 yr.) Massey Clipper Combine McDormick Np 46 Baler (used 1 yr.) 'Smoker Bale Chute 26 ft. John Deere three point Hitch "Oneway, 3-furrow Cockshutt Plow 2-furrow Massey Plow (2 yrs. old) °Case Wagon and Plat Raelc, 'Trailer and racks, 15" Mires McCormick Manure Spreader and side for corn 4 bar Cockshutt Side Rake Set Tractor Chains for Ford feed cart. Aluminum Wheel Barrow Set Sleghs Grain Auger with new Motor Ottaco Wagon with ,Rack 30 ft. Extension Ladder (like new) Set Cockshutt Diskers Jack, Mains, Shovels, Roller Cedar and Steel Post Milk Cans, Strunk Chtep. Saw 5-section Diamond Harrows , Manure Loader Loader for Ford 1 Tractor Tarpaulin 10x1.2 120 ft Plastic Hose C Sling Ropes 13lock and ,,Tackle 2 Water Troughs 14. H. P. Motor. Oster Cattle CliPPPrs Cattle Miters Hay and Grain ' 1000 Etus. an 2000 Bales Hay 1000 Bales Straw • .1.2, 100 Laying ?Tema Other AKIO& Tkx# runirob to mentton 'Terms Cash Pio 'Reserve Farm Sold ProprItor Try:In Trawarthe PitietIoneer — Harold Jackson Clerk. E. P. CI;einey 11111111•••••.••••••••••••••••••,,,awnwommom....•111\111.1•10411.0...1014.. CLEARING AUCTION SALE Clearing Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Machinery, Hay and Grain at Lot 30, con. IS, McKilleP Twp. W2, miles South. and 1 mile West of Waltr.d; VVU)NESDAY, APRIL 8th at 1 p. Cattle ---I-foreford 'and Durham 00w,. due time, of hale 1 Durham Farrow Cow 7 Hereford Steers, and Heifers, 1 yr, old, 'Pigs 10 York _Chunks Poultry 190.. yr. old Hears, - Colony House ...,10xi2k, 3 Shelte* Feeders Mach'nery L Oliver 70 Standard iTractor In good condition - 3-furrow Cockshutt Plow 7 ft. John. Deere Disek (like new) Set Harrows 7 ft. McCormick Binder 6 ft Mower , Drop Head Hayloader Maslsey Harnts Manure Spreader Steel Roller, 13 D4sIt PerWizer Drill, McCormick 2000 lb. Scales 2-wheel Trailer 16 it. 'Hay Rack Hay Fork, Rope (new) Steel Water 'Trough Gals Barrels Fanning Mill — ,Leg Wse Lawn Mower Small Gas Motor 350 Snow fence 'and Posts Forks, Shovrels ahains. Pails Other Articles too nu!merods to mention. Hay and Grain 1:000 Bush ells of Mixed Hay 50 Bushels Brant Barley grown from Registered Seed 600 Bulshels Mixed ,Grain No Resisrye Farm Sold Terms Cash Propr!etor Mdward Miller Aktictioneer Retold JackSon Clerk — E. P. Chesney • NOTICE Upholstery Of All Kinds repaired , remodeled recovered. Elgin Phente, Monktoe . Phone 38V21.. Atwood CLEARING AUCTION SALE HIGH CLASS DURHAM CATTLE , And Good Farm Machinery will be held at Lot 26, Con. 14, McKillop Twp. V2 mile S6uth of Wa lton on County Road WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th ,at 12 O'clock SWarp List next week Proprietor — Nelson Reid A.uctioneet• Harold Jackson "ESTATE AUCTION SALE Auction sale of Farm, farm stock and Machinery, at Lot 21-22, Con. 11, 1NicKilloP Tw-p. 134 north and 1 mile east of Winthrop. on SAT. APRIL 4th, at 1 p.m. FA.R/M — 150 acres, part of Lot 21 and 24 Con. 11, McKillop Twp., good clay loam, approx. 130 acres of workable land, the remainder in good hardwood bush; two story brick house with furnace, bath, hydro, large bank barn, drive Shed, good water supply. Machinery — Farm inachirrery, in- clud'Ing Model S 'Cols° Tractor on ribber, 1942 Dodge sedan car with ,new tires, grain roller and motor, farm scales., gas engine and cutting box, cream separator, sleigh's, hay loader, cultivateor, harrow's, steel railer, mower, quantity hard Maple wlood, sap. pa,n, buckets, hay and grain. Terms — Chattels cash; Property 10% down, balance In 30 days. Estate of Late James Morrison Harold Jackson, Auctioneer; E. P. Chesney, Clerk, : ........4.:PeZMITIOnrsm.oim. FA' 'T/1 Pic.iih • oaf ;ileatort.43 Orattnam *ea fittrtr-Plys Tows. Almon gait TS! !Worm ' Own Oldipdas ire ' POO IONE ININE1126 12222602 UNNINi illSoolls IL Ai. SPOITOtir vim* ea tvnieskings, Orster WINONAM ONT. 114••••••••••=4.1.•.......