HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-04-02, Page 4• THE BRUSSELS ThitrsdaY, AMA 053.. NEW • CASE FARM INTERCOM Bost $ales- THE CASE FARM ANTE-ROOM; Pimple. dependable; capable Of delivering good station unit, two speakers units, and. be used over any reasonable distance. Clincher Ever Offered. do o l,terate, easy to install; completelY voice reprociaction, It consists of master Outdoor all-weather speaker, Units can RETAIL VALUE $12 5 given Away FREE with Purchase of $1000 or Over PHONE 64 BRUSSELS. for.Syria •...„.. 4,0f,WF.44{,V, ", • w' ractor epaired. Now gRANT'$ $ and Men's Wear :EPort Shirts at $5,00 New.Jackets in Smart ColoWs Sport Coats and 'Topcoats Always In Stook At Grant's Shoes, in Brussela is,04 oroi liOLARD'S 1i AI AW J. L CASE SALES and SERVICE t e XR ave tit Fully equipped to Repair Any Tractor. T E mAyagtit skioppE movod to Store formerly occupied by H. Strettoo. Features the Latest Styles In NEW SPRING MILLINERY Gloves and Scarves Now Hats. Arriving Each Week Large Choice of Gifts for That Now Baby , 4410, This Week's Jumbled Names Are: 1, CANADA WHAM HEIR'.. 411.1,14111401mispl."01~.1..14101.1.0,1011plis :a G. Leach Jeweller Gifts for Every Occasion Phone 91 We ,Still Have Odd Pieces Of COMMUNITY PLATE CORONATION and MORNINGSTAR FLATWARE Also 1847 Flatware in FIRST LOVE and ETERNALLY YOURS All at HALF PRICE LOW LE'S Red and White Food Market SPECIALS Gem. Margarine, save 17e 4 for 39c Ogilvie Real Cake Mix Cherry, Choc. & White 3 for 1.00 Delmonte brand Catsup save 4c 2 for 35c Face-elle Tissues man size save 13c 2 for 53c Aylmer Tomato Soup 10 oz. 4 for 45c Stokley's Fancy Peas 3 for 49e Crown Tea Bags 100 to pkg. 790 Do-it-yourself Encyclopedia Volume 9, now on sale Only 99c with a $5.00 order PHONE 288 FREE DELIVERY MeCUTCREON MOTORS LTD, CHEV, OL,PSMOEILE CHEV. TRUCKS Complete Service LICENSED MECHANIC See These Used Car Specials 57 BUICK SPECIAL • 4-Door Hard. Top fully equipped 2 — 55 CHEV. SEDANS DELUXE NEW CHEV. and OLDSMOBILE — Immediate Delivery — PHONE 56 BRUSSELS DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 4c per lb. PHONE COLLECT 133 BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service MACHAN HARDWARE Come In and Look Around Our "Special" for this week is a HOOVER CLEANER Reg. $129:00 For This Week Only $84.95 Come to Brussels to Shop This Saturday Nite We Will Be Open PHONE 283 BRUSSELS. ONT. 4•11M,113•1•111•111•01100•••••111•1•11.1M. C.&G. KRAUTER THE BEST PLUMBING COMBINATION DEAL IN CANADA BATH TUB TOILET * WASHBASIN $175 or $15 Down, 24 months to pay Installation and piping extra See The Best in Oil Heating Up To 5' Years To. Pay PHONE 147 BRUSSELS Agent: 'Tip Top Tellers WOOD'S PHONE ...e4 JUMBLE SPECIALS DRAPERY SPECIAL A Group of SMART, GOOD FABRICS. SPRING SPECIAL 20 % O FF 2. NOD LARBET COLMM DULDMOJ 3. EVELUALB TDPAIICONY 4, CEM ItIiA.i1. LUT(T13 CONTESTANT'S SIGNATURE eat This Ott end Compare PRICES Hay-Pasture Mix $9.50per acre Longterm Pasture Mix $11.50 per acre 2-12-10 Fert lizer $48.35 per ton, Commercial Rodney S.. Garry Seed Oats $125 per bus. W. E. WILLIS BAKERY BAKER and GROCER Week-end Shopping — SPECIALS — Van Camp Pork and Beans 20 oz. 3 for 53c Sunblest Peas .... 6 tins for 69c Delmar Margarine 2 lb. for 53c Cheery Morn Instant Coffee, 2 oz. Jar ... . . 350 DROP IN or PHONE 132 Prompt Delivery ARNOLD, LILLOW'S ESSO SERVICE STATION and GARAGE T. V. CENTRE Phiico T. V. SALES and SERVICE This Coupon is worth $25 on the purchase of any Model of Philco:T. V. ,WINGHAM PHONE 42-43J Elmer Somers PHONE 55 RES. 237 FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE C. J. P.EGELOW Shoes and Boots FREE: with the purchase of any pair of work boots, 1 tin of Waterproofing buibbin. We specialize in }Farness Repairs Phone 83 Brussels, HUETHER'S PRODUCE Under new management. ,Specialists tine prepared Poultry, Hog, Cattle Feed For itlhe best prices on Eggs Call in or Phone 80 Murray }Welber, Manager WES. BUDNARK & SON JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE JOHN DEERE TRACTORS Come & See — Try Them Out NEW and USED TRACTORS ON HAND Used Car and Tractor Tires New Tires Also Avalable • Wes Budnark & Sons PHONE 58.1 BRUSSELS BRIDGE MOTORS Dealer For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER and NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE General Repairs BRUSSELS — PHONE 249 McFADDEN'S Barber Shop Your Hair Cut The Way .. You Want It Cut Shut-ins Given Pompt Attention PHONE 262 BRUSSELS WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE Vulcanizing , Complete Farm Tire Service Good Year Tires and Tubes PHONE' 148 .WINGHAM Salads Tea Bags 60's 755 Cheery Morn Coffee 1 ib. 690 Kleenex, 2 boxes 37c Burns Lard 2 lbs. 390 CORDON WORKMAN Plumbing — Heating. Electrical Contracting Motor and Appliance REPAIRING' Deep and . Shallow WELL. PRESSURE SYSTEM NEW, GILSON APPLIANCES Trade-in 'Allowances Don't let water In your bale.. ment be a Worry, we have sump pumps at big discounts' SEED ,CLEANING, TREATING ,11.11.1•11•••11.1. GORDON McGAVIN AND SONS WALTON Your dealer for Nuffield Cockshutt, New Idea, and New Holland, Farm Equipment See The NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR priced at less than an ordinary Gas Tractor and during this special contest A Front End MANURE LOADER will be GIVEN AWAY with New Tractor 10 BOYES FARM SUPPLIES MASSEY FERGUSON SALES and SERVICE USED TRACTORS To Suit Every Need All Sizes To Suit Every Purse From 3150 and 1./i Don't Wait, You May Be Too Late. All Used Tractors Reconditioned and Guaranteed. (Yes reconditioned 1b Our Own Factory Trained MechaVic.) PHONE 110 SEAFORTH • BLUEVALiE MILLING COMPANY LTD. HEADQUARTERS IN THIS ARRIA FOR PIONEER POWER SAWS TORRO POWER' 410WERS and GARDEN TILLERS •CoMplete. Line of SWIFTS FEEDS SPeeial Formula Feeds for Eitel, Need For Infortattion Call RAY SCHMIDT, WINGHAM, 304W2 This COppon' Is worth $15.00 Oft the Regular `:Price of a POWER SAW, BOLEN'S TILLER or CHOR MASTER QUEEN'S HOTEL Pleasant, Contilortable, Ac cornedalong, Remodeled & reduirnished. Homecooked meals. Renowned for steaks. A home away from home. For Reservations Phone 54, Brussels BRUSSELS MOTORS Cities Service Gas it, 011 ,ieneral Overhaul, Licensed Mechanics, Specie/ Contest Offer 1 qt. of oil with every 10 gallons of sae. Offer good for 1 week only. Phone 173, Brussels WINTHROP 'FEED MILL NATIONAL FEEDS FREE--FREE—FREE With Every Ton of Laying Mash, Growing. Mash or Hog Grower YOU GET ABSOLUTELY FREE 100 LBS, of LAYING MASH or HOG *GROWER YES ABSOLUTELY FREE Offer Good During Contest Only PHONE 855R11 SEAFORTH FOR FREE DELIVERY at TOPNOTCH, FEEDS LIMITED "(The Most Value Foe' The Farmer's Dollar" PHONE 775 SEAFORTf4 IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THE ADVT.& IN THE BRUSSELS POST TEIVIPLEMAN CLEANERS. Modert, DRY CL.EANINC EQUIPMENT FAVir, EXPERT SERVICE Repairs eatd Alterattona, at IReasonable Rates PHONE 323 'WINGHAM NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 18 year of service to Brussels, Fine adcoMbd. alien. Visit our dining room for the • Best in. Food, Phone 100 Bruesels •••••,^oximm PHONE 294 EVON,NE BEAUTY SHOPPE Specialists In Ladies Hair Cutting Special Attention Given To Teen Age Hair Do's Phone 29 Brussels .1. M. McDONALD LUMBER CO. LTD. Complete Builders' Supply Free Material 16etiMates Know your coets before you build Phone 77 Enmesh! WM. M,cWHIRTER Electrical Contractors Plumbing, Heating, Deep and Shallow Well Pressure Systems. De Laval Separ- ators Milkers. Eleetrte Motors repaired and re. wound. Phone 153, Brussels. R. 'MARKS and SONS darage General ltelleirs and walding. Dealer ror Pioneer Main Saws. This add is worth $15 on the purchase of any Pioneer Saw at' our show room. Ph. Brus. 90r12, Seat 1912r3 For Your Spring House Cleaning Needs visit OLDFIELD HARDWARE We carry a complete line of FLO•GLAZE and SHERWIN,. WILLIAMS PAINT also KEM-GLO and SUPER KEWTONE As well as Multi Color Paint, with sprayer supplied. TELEPHONE 68 W. L, .BAEKER and SON MEAT MARKET PHONE 57, BRUSSELS PHONE 199 BRUSSELS 1 J. C. ADAMS & SON GRAIN — 'FEED SEED SHURGAIN GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS NATIONAL REG. SEED GRAIN • GRASS SEED BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES YARDS WEEKLY SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. .sir. Your Horn. Market where you are welcome as YAttor Oonalgaer or Beyer INMER.Ilamiar PHONE 46 BRUSSELS linat is Meant by the liew"Point System For Drivers" in 'Ontario? a program under which pertain point Values are assigned • to conviction registered for -moving"traffiC Jaw violation, The %O.-arts report the convietions to the tario Department of Transport, liure the points are wtse,..seil And ageinNt the eperating record of the convicted driver. is the point SYSteni. being " ' -or 14..2. trx., is In tri :cr,refutlin•t.t the lint.-isient -Violators for special Derieee. to secure e Of the .i.reets Mid high. r+VS. If a meani, of ilorrectiPf;, tho —f eed ihnit by 13 POINT SYSTEM of.f611CC 1%iiy, of Points OR'DRIVER8 I ! Criminal negligence invaiing use of a motor vehicle , 12 Care or control of a motor vehicle while intoxicated 12 Care or control of a motor vehicle while ability is im- paired 12 Obtaining driver' license' by ' rcud xeseetation 12 Failing to stop at scene of an v.edent - 9 driving 5 Racing 5 t or Lii,og speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or -t"re 5 by ..:fill 10 el and than 11', M.p.h. 3 r9ling to yield right tit way 3 l',%tiirg to r,bey a stop. sign or• eat light 3, otiier tto.. for, villattoftR Z 4 re kV2 ettlalt "3 liabitti of the. ; I. or ::.ncler . ^ l'ecornes necessary are more points assessed th-j,, . • 1;,:f.cr, it , ..f Point Soak as related to the accident poten- tial. The points have been care-1 , ,fally determined. after a study of accident eauSes. in Ontario and an ! appraisal of a two-year research t, study made by the University of i : North Carolina for the American ' Asseciaticit r.,( Motor Vehicle M, 1 mthistratorr.. t I I When will suspension of the lie, I eiise of a driver be Mandatory, and ; how long will, the Suspension re- . main hi effect? 1 A driver will be suspended when he accumulates 12 or more points ' within a two-year period. Suspen- , 'ston will be for a period of three months. , Will any points he deducted from the accord of the driver following • reinstatement/ All p i!,•1+A aeettniulated till be i,,,,':,,4; 7 ,.-1f•., '.10 1"Pr• .rd untie re. . I ! • ,,e1._ T. '')! ' ' ' '.. 0 11S re,flined 'Ent' 4 ' '"cc ertreeete e if the eri%er ae- ti.cluivice tato': ..lir 12 points with- tinder suspension an -additional six months will be. added to the -pre- vious period (if suspension. Will drivers be warned before their records show they are com- ing close to 12 points? Yes. When the point total of a driver reaches 6, he will be sent a written notice advising him of the record' which he has accumulated. when his point total reaches 9 he will be notified to attend before an official of the Department for a personal interview. What will take place at the inter, view? The purpose of the interview is to give the driver an Opportunity to show cause why his license, should not be 5,usperided. The re- ; view officer e'el tiienss the re, creel with the t.,Iver and en ,leav- i i.r to r•aw•c: el the record fstur.'.."at• u.d he im- proved. The driver re't , be re- relited to submit to a read test slid written test with resp.,*.ret to nesg of his past record and, will attempt to improve his driving habits,. he will be placed on pro- bation on, the understanding that any addition to his record ditrillg the probation period will result in suspension. If. however, the at- , titude of the driver is such that it appears that he does not intend to change his habits, immediate suspension Will be recommended. What will happen to a driver who fails to attend for interview when rerniested to do So? • His driver's Iieense 'may be sUs- pended Until he does come in for the interview as require. If a person is convicted of two or Mote °fleeces arising out of the sante accident, will points be assessed for each conviction? No. Points will only be assessed for the conviction carrying the ,realest number of points and if the points are equal they Wilt ho reeni'dod for one offends only. Can a miltorist his record of , paints by careful driving? Yes. Points are deducted two years from the date they were re. corded. A driver who has accintni- OFFICIAL JUMBLED NAMES CONTEST RULEF (1) tnistitaitilyle the adVertiatng names that ere jnitnbleit (2) Enter thein in the space alloted. (3) Each entry ,Must be accompanied by a sales Slip Or MU-fellable fad mil e, .(4) In the e;•erlit ot a tie the ethitesitant sending' in the most Saida slips *fee theleentry will he liidged the winner. (5) You may enter the contest as ninny tlinee 'hS you like, di' More titan once throughout the contest. Extra copies of the truesels Post wilt be on sale tit the offtee dining the "contest, No one aSs dated with t1119 newspaper', or tics preptieter of any business may enter the contest, (?)All others are eligible. ($1 All 'entries the Peat newspaper cities ngt inlet than lqettilitY tOileWing piibltde,tlon. the hiiiribtert Names Contest atiOnaiired by the- Past. t'it1 the ithnettiiittig 'frierehant ;. - Patriiiitie the biefebants q.44 entry bait*: to r,; nerd his drivirl 1 Piv1.4140 . ; "Iri>01116 toinact.,,ons titan for eth., Di ens .`i.i.;:rf 1LC, will bo .-ti, his ability to drive or if some ques- ' ;for six months ' Lion arises As a physical or Mental r tl- an puni,h ahem. drivers rath- t ers? , I Experience bas shoWn that it is , Ts . there any additional PenaltY j disability he* May be requited to . It seek , to improve . , rwe t TA./..1 p ..f the cote I loasonable tri ASSlInle that test- hen a driver is convicted of driv- : submit •a eettificate,frore his ,doe- ,i ,t,„10, d r i vers' s'ild will attempt t dents end vi 0fallans are carrel/1k. t Mg while tinder slisPenSiOn? I tor, T1 the .,,eview officer feels , late(' several points earl therefore It YV • ebevid- 1 that the titiVer realieS the SetiettS- liaVe seine removed and reduce hie iio terrect th08 e vvilt) are reekleSs ltd,. Points are therefore assessed Yes. Where there ,is a Mt the SerlOUSUOS8 Of the ViOlatiOri i lien registered lot ativin while L total to 0 by Careful driVing, ,Ainii irresponsible.