HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-26, Page 5Certainly. Other women do: And they use electricity for dozens of other household tasks too, because modern electric appliances make it so much easier to be a good housekeeper. Modern 'electric apPliances can help you do all your work faster, more effidiently . . . whether you're polishing floors, doing the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or washing dishes. It costs so little to enjoy the wonderful con- venience and freedom of modern electrical living. You get more out of life when'you get the most out of electricity. • . itgv) • t4 • • . • •migaiTiiivrimmarwri.tna-irt • ,4,54,Wrs." %rex,),/ • IIP'• • it./•,•••••ftor • tf 46 WhtdV Olt 46 tit& efria-64-tnAz mivv: Keep vacuum attachments in a basket to carry with you to each room as you clean. • YOUR BEST BET, FOLK TO CHUG ON OOWN To RI „VMS/PE MQ MRS AND BUY A BEAU-fleet. RewAS.I.E. AND. 4! SMOOTH. RoNNINS CAR THEY'RE oFTERIN rt, THE BEST OF TERMS „.41104"..—H• 'SPEED Y 41ii GEORGE MCCUTCHEON EVERY TIME I HAVE TO GO SOMEPLACE IN THAT CRATE I FEEL LIKE I'VE LOST A BET! LISTEN- EVERY Tee 1700E-5 SOMEPL.AO, I 'FEEL. LIKE' t'YE WANQNEi a • EXCLUSIVE EASY-RATIO STEERING... THE VERY NEXT THING TO A POWER SYSTEM! Jest a light teeth does it ... when von're at the wheel e s Chevy. Chevrolet pets hyper-Wildest bolkocos to work for yea, rolling the effort right V of timing sod parking. It's the world's most efficient steerhig principle . . . sad it's- veers, stadia on Gentrolet. Toro M at year Chevrolet dodoes Wog owl try It far yeerself. GO C/IFVROIEr-- FOR EXTRA VALUE! AO. TA_,W ye,'4.farwfrw ah r, / Spring— Tulip Nava "during May" Simmer Maims Fail. Carnival 01Colors amino= Hi • Late September, Early October Skiing,W'thin inter--, 4 Mtlittt At AMY SEASON TAKE IN THE . . . Pa...wee/A Buildings National Muieuii Experimental Farm National Art Gallery Plus ninny Other , places of interest LORD. ELGIN OTTAWA oN tour 414-live »iclritir >er Chews Oak fritOtheMPartiarneni. korai, rialay terminal. and dime& IV rid Radio in aft Cent Roma. Buildings, WO rooms with bath and daliSter. COM PARK on medal (00 ass) Single how s6.00 Double (tern tEei FAM11.1 FLAW Nos is ums...4. ,Iswr ilikm4 swiss Iwo lo meow i* W wassonli imanksilei ad CI* e THE 111104SILS VINT T,Inir art March 2,01.1b 19.5t WANTED Hired man, wanted, married or mixed R. R. 3 Atwood 2- Biagio, Experienced in farming, Good 'wages paid. Apply James Dewar, Phone 32R3 CLASSOILD.ADS • filiwtole••••• • •••ae, SALE Potatoes John l'errle Vhont. UAW; 70R .SAL1 s. Geese and Gander tgrAy), Phone .011,0001$ 20 23 TAX RETURNS • Avoid Mat minute rush, Telephone, Mesforth 7S NOW for. appoletinent, • H. G. Meir 'Counsellor, Dominion Bank Bldg. HELP WANTED — :Registered. Nurse; also prwatical loin, 'Start at once, Apply to. Baker's Convalescent Home. Phone 271 NOTICE Upholstery Of All Kinds repaired , remodeled recovered, Elgin Phelke, Monkton Phone 3•.'r21 Atwood, FOR SALE; Pota toes MA. j. .A.V1:45(l'Orig 1/1.0.09 FOR SALE 2001 he of Harry Oats. rain fluchartne Phone 43r7 NcTiGE — Arwerie wii,thirrs to g4 west Phone 16.1 or see Ted Stiles FOR SALE Red Otwer gr.:ass seed and a 0 ft. Internatilual Stiff Tooth Cultivator, W. B, Boy Phone 341.8. • FOR SALE I small Coleman Oil Heater; 1 Colony House 10x12, nearly new, 1 International A 'Tractor, newly ovIstrhatuled. 1 Tniternational furrow Plow Apply to Murray Illuether Phone 80 Brussels CAR BUYERS Our Low goat Financing Plan will help you Make A better Oa See Us for details now 71n1+'0.1M Yolt buy, GLENN RONNENBERD General Insurance Monkton -- Phone 663R41 Brussels -- Phone 247 Tuesday and Friday DEKALBS STARTED PULLETS Several hundred Deltalb pullets, hatched Nov, 3rd., 16 weeks, old Feb. 23rd. 18 weeks - Mar. 9th. Vaccinated tor bronchitis and New. caatle. Should be seen to be appreciated. If you keen; records, YOU will keep Dekalbs. Moore's Poultry' Farm, Sertforth Phone 647-31 PEE WEE WRITES POEM IN MEMORY OF PLAYMATES Touched by the loss of his play. mates and choked with sorrow for their families, a Pee Wee hacker Player scrawled this poem in a long free hand and sent it to the Banner. His bashful request that his name be not. mentioned was acceded to, In Memory of The Lost Seven young men have gone away, Seven young hearts are in heaven to-day, Heaven's gates swung open this day, Heavens King Cook them in to stay. Their brave strong leader gave his life away. So Some on this earth would stay. So pffents, please don,t' grieve this way, For they are in theaVen King to stay, There they will greet you some sweet day. — Anonymous f(rPhe Listowel Banner) 4•11. ••••••••••••••.••••••••••••••••• CRANBROOK (intended for last week) Friday, the 13th was a lucky day for Mr. and Mrs. Mac McIntosh. Oongratulationa on the arrival of a baby daughter, la( sister for Bruce, On Wednesday !evening, Mar. 11, a large crowd of neighbours and friends gathered in the Community Centre for a social time in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Thiether end family. An address was read by Mac McIntosh and a taro mirror was presented. along with pen "and ' pencil stets to Brian and David and a wallet to z Joyce. Joe Smith, pres., of the Hall Board also read an address and a tamp was presented to Murray In appreciation of his faithful, work as treasurer of the Board. Alitrray made a suitable reply and a good time was enjoyed to the Mimic of Ken Wilbse's orehestra. Lunch Was served in the basement. Murray, Mary and their 'family will he thissed from our village. The March meeting of Cra,nbrook W.•M, S. was held at the home of Mrs, ,Tohn Perrle with ten members and one visitor present. The call to Worship was given by Mrs. Mae Engel, the leager. Hymns Were sang with .14tiss Forrest at the piano. Mrs, Berrie gave the Ghte Tidings prayer. Mrs. Frank Thomp- son sang "The Old Rugged Cross' The scripture was read by Mrs. Earl Dunn. The poem "Time for Houseeleaning" was read by Mrs. Engel. Current Events by Mrs. Schnuck and Mrs, Fischer, Mrs: Fischer, the president, took over the bUsiness part of thie meeting , The topic on "Our Church and i• people of to-day and people of other ; lands" was taken by Mrs,(grace'I Eltrana, Shits rriampson. spoke On Chinese people coming to Canada. Mrs. Minn representing the Cantrell of Canada and Mrs. Fischer read about people coming from Europa. Mrs, Engel closed the meeting with prayer. Idineh 1048 served by the hostess assreed by Mrs, Rrent and Mr. SmeldOs. YOU SERVE BY GIVING .FOR , iris red summer coat and. green 1411,iti suit, 1 Vatir of boy'. _grey gehardine, dross pants. All Alto. 10: 4P:k1 in new polottroo, • • Mr's, Stuart Wens Phone 43.40 FOR SALE -- Boy's Bicycle '.')n good condition used One year. Penal(' Noble, R. R. 4 Brussels Phone 361'12 • FOR SALE — Lady's Suit, Med. Blue, size 14, Lady' Spr'ng Coat, gray striped, all wool, rayon lined, size 16,- Both I ike new. Mrs. Robt, 'Raymond Phone 223W FOR. SALE goNodvati)oQuI.4dt'iQtil'i un j..46 t44?.(1. 2 years, Jack White Phone 331'5 • Me? Use electricity for this? with their 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V.8 and Antomatic Transmission 56 Chev. Belair Sedan. Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan