HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-26, Page 4C. J. PEGELOW Shoes and Boots . FREE: with the purchase of any pair of work boo, 1 tin of Waterproofing Diutbbta. We specialize in Harness Repairs Phone 83 Brussels HUETHER'S PRODUCE Illoder new management, ,Spepialiste In prepared PonbtrY, Ii108, Cattle reed "or the beet prim; on Eggs Call in sr Phone 80 Murray Bother, Minager GRAN 'S '9 0. and Men's Wear $P4.clAt. Sport Shirts a t $5.00 New Jackets In Smart Colours :Sport.Coats and Topcoats Always in Stet* At Grant's Shoes in Brussels POLLARD'S CHAIN SAW J. 1., CASE SALES and SERVICE Get Ready for Spring Have Your Tractor Repaired Now. Fully equipped to Repair Any Tractor. NEW CASE . FARMINTERCOM. Here's The. Best Sates- Clincher 'Ever Offered. THE CASE, FARM HITARDOMI simple to otterate, easy to install; completely dependable; •capable of deliverinp good volop reproduCtion. It consists of master station unit, two speakers units, and outdoor aii.vvcather speaker, Units can be used over any reasonable distance. RETAIL. VALUE $125 given Away FREE With Purchase of $1000 or Over PHONE 64 BRUSSELS THE situsszu 4••••4••••••••••••••••,•••••••••44 ,4 4-4gy.0.44.y, .4 .4,44.41 4,M44•/.. cr,..44444,4411 THE. MAYDELL SHOPPE Moved to store fortnerly occupied by H.. Stretton. Features the Latest Styles in NEW SPRING MILLINERY Gloves and Scarves. Your Saster Bonnet is, here. Large Choice of Gifts for That New Baby ;PAST, EXPERT - SERVICE Also 1547 Flatware in FIRST LOVE and ETERNALLY YOU RS All at HALF PRICE and COMMUNITY PLATE CORONATION MORNINGSTAR Odd Pieces .FLATWARE Phone 91 1.0 Of Niblets Brand Corn, save 4'c 14 oz. tins, 2 for 330 Jewell Shortening, save 5c 2 for ..... 51c Johnston's Klear, save 10c 32 oz. tin $1.09 Swift's Premium Canned Hams, save 16c $1.39 Bird's Eye Orange Jujce 6 oz, tins 3 for 77c Golden Hour Chocolates 1 lb. box 890 W. E. WILLIS BAKERY BAKER and GROCER Week-end Shopping - SPECIALS - Van Camp Pork and , Beans 20 oz. 3 for 53c 'Sunbiest Peas ..,. 6 tins for 69c Delmar Margarine ' 2 lb. for Cheery Morn Instant Coffee, 2 oz. jar ..... DROP IN or PHONE Prompt Delivery FREE-PREE-PfiEt With Every Ton of Laying Mash, Growing Mash' YOU GET ABSOLUTELY FREE 100 LBS. of LAYING MASH or HOG GROWER YES ABSOLUTELY FREE Offer Good During Contest Only PHONE 855R1I SEAFDRTH FOR FREE DELIVERY WINTHROP FEED MILL .V NATIONAL FEEDS 1••••••••••••••••••••••, morm,•••••••••••••••,.... oe• *pm. • nlar•liMMIr 350 53c This. Coupon is 132 ,WINGHAM PHONE 42-43J W. L BAEKF.R and SON MEAT 'MARKET the purchase of any Model of Philco T. V. Boneless. Tendersweet Ham 84c a lb. Sausage 40c or 3 lb for $1.00 Salmon Fish, sliced 650 a lb. whole or half 43c a lb. Smoked Cottage Roll Side Bacon worth $25 on or Hog Grower' 58c a lb. 59c a lb. WES. BUDNARK & SON JOHN DEERE FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE JOHN DEERE TRACTORS Come & See - Try Them Ou NEW and USED TRACTORS ON HAND Used. Car and Tractor Tires New Tires Also Ave:labia We .Budnark & Sons PHONE 58.1 BRUSSELS MACHAN HARDWARE Come in and Look Around. Our "Special" for this week Is a HOOVER CLEANER Reg. $12000 For This Week Only I $84.83 Come to. Brussels to Shop This Saturday Nita We Will Be Open PHONE 283 BRUSSELS. O,NT. PHONE 46 BRUSSELS BRIDGE MOTORS Dealer For INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER tIORDON WORKMAN Plumbing - Heating Electrical Contracting SPACE HEATERS by SUPER FLAME MI I ONLY LEFT $25.00 PRESENT!' THIS ADO and SAVE on any Space Heater purchased. This offer good during the Content Period Only. PHONE 57, BRUSSELS J. C. ADAMS & SON GRAIN - FEED .7-- SEED SHURGAIN GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS NATIONAL, REG. SEED GRAIN GRASS SEED •••••••••••• SEED CLEANING, TREATING PHONE 199 BRUSSELS Agent; lip Top Tailors WOOD'S PHONE 24 JUMBLE SPECIALS Last Call for End of SEASON CLEARINGS Some Exceptional Bargains 2 0 % , OFF All COATS LINED JEANS etc. NYLON, YARN Reg. 53c Special 3 for $1.00 BOYS' PINK SHIRTS With Bow Reg. $2.95 - $1.00 McFADIDEN'S Barber Shop Your Hair Cut The Way .„ You Want It Cut Shut-ins Given Pompt Attention PHONE 262 BRUSSELS WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE Vulcanizing Complete Farm Tire Service Good Year Tires and Tubea PHONE 148 WINGHAM Sae The NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR priced at less than an ordinary Gas Tractor and daring this special contest A Front End 'MANURE LOADER will be GIVEN AWAY with a New Tractor at, CORDON McGAVIN AND SONS WALTON Your dealer fee Nuffield Cockshutt, ,Net,v Idea/ and New Holland, Farm Equipnj!It TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS arroolomarerlmr Modern - 'DRY cLEA.NINd EQUIPMENT •••••••••••••10 Cut This OtAt and Compare PRICES Longterm Pasture Mix $11.50 per acre Hay-Pasture Mix $9.50 per acre Lowland Longterm Pasture Mix $10.60 per acre Order Your Extra Heavy 88 lb. Barb Wire Early and Save. Supplies are Limited TOPNOTCH, FEEDS LIMITED IThe Most. Value For The Farmer's Dame PHONE 776 SEAFORTH, OIMMIMM......44111110•11.•.. IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ THE ADVT$. IN THE BRUSSELS POST G. Leach Jeweller Gifts for Every Occasion We Still Have PHONE 288 FREE DELIVERY SPECIALS Pineapples, tropical goodness, 12's 2 for 550 LOWE'S Red and White Food Market Fill Your Easter Basket With Fine Foods For Your Spring House Cleaning Needs visit OLDFIELD HARDWARE We carry a complete line of FLO-GLAZE and SHERWIN,. WILLIAMS PAINT ales KEM-GLO and SUPER KEM-TONE As well as Multi Color Paint, with sprayer supplied. TELEPHONE 68 ARNOLD, LILLOW'S ESSO SERVICE STATION and GARAGE T. V. CENTRE Philo T. V. SALES and SERVICE McCLITCREON MOTORS LTD. CHEV. OLDSMOBILE CHEV. TRUCKS Complete Service LICENSED MECHANIC See These Used Car Specials 57 BUICK 4-DOOR HARD TOp 53 CHEV. 2-DOOR COACH 55 OEV. 4-DOOR SEDAN JUMBLE NAME CONTEST SPECAL Yoy Get Absolutely FREE when you buy one of these cars 100 GALLONS of SUPERTEST GASOLINE PHONE 56 BRUSSELS DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 4c per lb. PHONE COLLECT 133 BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service PHONE 294 Elmer Somers PHONE 55 RES. 237 FARM & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE 2. OGNOI) RIVA NONS00. DaNINAS 3. COW LEG NE 4. 'MITCH HOUR PURSE CONTESTANT'S SIGNATURE This Week's Jumbled Names Are: D001)4Fal.TE TIES. NARM •TU111, C.&G. KRAUTER THE BEST PLUMBING COMBINATION DEAL IN CANADA ' BATH TUB * TOILET * WASHBASIN $176 or $15 Down, 24.months to pay Installation and piping extra See The Best In Oil Heating Up To 5 Years To Pay PHONE 147 BRUSSELS BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES YARDS WEEKLY SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. •••••••••1•1•1111 Your Home Market where you are welcome as Visitor oonaignot or Buyer and NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE General Repairs BRUSSELS - PHONE 249 1. WOW ,•,••,••••••• BOYES FARM SUPPLIES I all 1111 Utigb tRAdtbRd SALES end SERVICE. I To Suit Every Need MASSEY FERGUSON 1 It V All Sires Don't Wait, You May Be Too Late. All. Used Tractors Reconditioned To Suit Every Purse From $150 and Up i and Guaranteed. (Yes reconditioneid ,bly• Our Own Fatitory Trained Mechanic.) PHONE 110 SEAFORTH • BLUEVALE MILLING COMPANY .LTD. HEADQUARTERS IN THIS A.11.51A FOR PIONEER POWER SAWS TORRO POWER MOWERS and GARDEN TILLERS Complete Line at SWIFTS FEEDS Special Formula Feeds for Every Need For reformation Call RAY SCHMIDT, WINGHAM, 304W2 This Coppon Is worth $15.00 off the Regular Price of a POWER SAW, BOLEN'S TILLER or CHOR MASTER :Repairs and Alteratfona alt Reasonable Rates P.Ht71tik 323 WINOHAK NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 18 year of service to Brussels, FinEt accomod. ation. 'Visit our dining room for the Best in Food Phone 100 Brussels EVONNE BEAUTY SHOPPE Specialists in Ladles mrtivaInGs:UR:Ean:EtNewo.'SniimedosoHnielcoofietitoOrTbi3EiteLeakk,ed: Hair Cutting Special Attention Given comadattions. Remodeled & T o ge m Hair Do's A home away fro tom.. Teen A Phone 29 Brussels ;, For Reservations phone 54, Brussels BRUSSELS MOTORS Cities Service Gas & Oil uenerae gOtv. eod Licensed Mechsailcs, Special Contest Often 1•oil wiAtb 1,0 gallons of gas. Offer good for `1 week only. Phone 173, "'Brussels .1. M, McDONALD LUMBER CO. LTD. Complete 131011deis, Supply Free Material Knowyour abet before y011 build Phone 77 Brussels WM. McWHIRTER Electrical Contractors PAII,MhIng; Heating, Deep and iShallow Well Pressure SyStems. De Lima sever. ators & Milkers. Electric Motors repaired and re. wound. Phone 153, Brussels.. R. 'MARKS and SONS 'Garages General Repairs and Welding. Dealer tor Pioneer Mate Saws. This add Is worth $15 on the purchase of any Pioneer Saw at our show room. Ph. Brue. 90r12, Beef. SS2r0 . bY K. Bray that we accept the I by G, I'iuether 'that we. gists! ;se: to -Geo, W. itntohinstatt to tender 'of R. P. Donegan at 638' Per the Listowel Disaster Pima -- Carried 1 Ar6ciii6oed italt cads C6 nn, to iIvent:161:1 cubic yard subjett to the appr oval 1, " Grey Twp. Council ."."wed Uy Cr.tf,a fh efilr.k.'1Bray that the Mintites Of the Iiile-ratetitit be ad0Pted read Carried -idrOted,rhYti.4.. Uuetitert atebtided IA:Ward that ,evrti engitg.e LOUIE' Alliatte Yieri iipritYlite cattle for. irettte s . B t Y r rt . 411'41 S3 t*t oft* Carried t-atited T- .Ward, attended Akr 3G. Hnetiebr :that Wio APISOint.1..AOYd. 11Welsett Ittirbbrrly lit 01.66 lief Ch.friir and suPPl? ir .411Miti tritiniflortatlenr-tud. Pasa t .1.059 dirtied `by `K. Bray= stkitindel ttlnether that. We accept the' d'„ Lenient tor - warble -nt. tp at *10.40 ,tepgeOstiiiiilelY 11,060 lbC tarried I "'roved ilk 4. ttiteiliki Moved by K. BraY; seconded Ward that the doltettlett Roll' dlcir 1955 be accepted` and the -Collector The tkiflie*td, .61" flittiter. tedPenSibilifk 1 •., Carried 'Moved by A, 'Mann: seconded bY Ward that We PitY the fetio*- lag titiner . &anis Ethel tr, dranbretelt,!$3llt; ;'1Vietierilet4t. 430:. Walton, $i'n, Itteteatorth„ 7 darried Moved by :4, itteetatt seconded by T.K bray that :.'We tiroe East I .thrienitarat toast* a grant et 4406 tinYtiiieiooteilier 3rd„ berriett Moved it :brat ae6unded Moved by IC. Bray. esConded by L. Ward that we instruct the Clerk to rid4vtertfse tor teturera On the Cranbrook Pearson' and Froward Drains, Tenders to' be in by one b'cloCk April 4th daritief, Moved by 0. Nuetherd seconded by L, Ward dint aLl approved accounts be ,paid` tarried Moved by If. tibratd, rieentided by G. Huether that, *a do no* sdiourn until-April 4th or at th4 call of the Rsotve tire following accounts were Paid. W, E. 'Tutiabintt,, bal. Salitt 4410 exchange tied Ontario !TOM, &CA'S office 9.28 thit-0* Clerk's 'gee* 12:74 i litre 61 fig; trOt. TreaelOer,- 4.2/ • Good Roads denVentiet. ' kentieth. Bray, tri - deed Raids Ciiiiitientioa 25.00' Glenn ,Htlether. to Good Roads Convention Lawson Wrattio to deed Rids Convention 25.00 Geo, wesentierg, iesind oat tat arrears netieeit 0,88 Peebietio indigent inhered 135.64 Ethel Ceniterk, open gravies! ' 15.00 Ethel Public library,. grant 0.60 (tralibreSic. Public LibretrYi. grant 90.00' Monerieff betdie Library gine& 30.00 "V al 'an Piiblie Library, trrent 100' ii614/tWortif Vt.od Lietowel Dinster i iind, Ann. 'M.06 It risen, rot bounty 14.OR 4.00 '8.08 12.00 1 4.00 8.00 4.00 8.00 84.00 M. Cardiff, clerk's feeri fox bounty 7,0 Roads Bridges 1,094,tiet i;t1•47!"'"` 7- I tdytile M. darditt dee. $8,438.31 I Res *0* BALE Haiti Maria WiridoWsi ThO tee * tlremee Ltd. Irk *cm eta 41iiirninittn eel? 'aortae 10040* .110 Obtteatimi ' Please Seafette OFFICIAL JUMBLED NAMES CONTEST RULES:. (1) Unscramble the advertising names that are Itimbled: (2) biter tthEini in the apace stinted: (8) Each eat's* must be accompanied by a eftleti slip or reelotiable- . (4) the eirethit of a ite the erinteitent 661(114 is tkortaiiiit sibs elite with their entry will the *latter. it) *On Ikti.Y. enter tie deirreeet many dated as ion Wei, Of win more than once tbrongbeint the Cotttetit *tit* copied of titi .be on sale at the alike daring the oeithieti. (6) o one iotkietitied *tit tl,ta iiiittaipioe4 or the **Meter of stir eater the cot/twit. ttwititi others' are eifgThIe, (*) Alt fir` •....... be at the 'Net haiistiatier !Ake eMi than Monde* foliowint publIkeithie. The' Ambled ?UAW donteat otikeefeit -*At aid tie adveriiitea S*404 Ota itteOlitalfitó' e;.(hietWOOtcrijitt, Or_ter ilej, *114., ....1,`Aiseting was held O21 NIarch 7t11 seconded of three Dept. of` Highways. Gravel' to i 'be crushed and hauled under the 0mi-text:idea Of the Road Sbnerit- tienderd, 25.00 Hilton Ward, fox. bounty 25,00 Murray Jackin, tot bounty Sack. WarWietti tor .bounty litonald UhRer, fok bOantY iMelson Hanna, Ton bounty HOWard Salvage, lie* bounty Ronald Hood, tot bounty' 25.00 Barry Patina, tot bounty Clifford. Hoegy, fox bikini& •