HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-26, Page 1$2.00 per year. DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on. FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd Jimmy Alcock's Orchestra Admission 50c Everybody Welconw Sponsored by the L. 0. L. • Prern, 12 oz. tin Hunts Tomato Juice, 48 oz. Stokleys Cream Style Corn, 15 oz. ' Stokleys "Ping" Pineapple, Griapefruit Juice, 48oz. .0^0.••••••••• 1•••••.• ,,, ..••••••••••••• • ..... ••••••• 0.•• Dv. 1,9•1 ram t• *or,' l401.• G• .0•••••••• 1CCUTCHEON GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver 42c 29c 2 for 31c ,,,,,,,, 0.1" 37c ST. JOHN'S GUILD The Anglican Ladies Guild held th ei r monthly meeting in the church The meeting opened With a hymn tollewed by the Lord's Prayer in unison, 'Mts. Harvey Bryatis read the 23rd Psalm. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted, end dues were collected. Rev K. Sagge gave a talk on the Anglicat OhlieCh Orders, Which wets very interesting, Pat IThvis conducted the business Rev. K. jogge Meisel the meeting atei a delicious lunch was served` 'by :teen Workman' end Helen Weser burg. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 P. M. Thurs., Sat March 26 - 27 28 pernei Wilde Abbe Lane - • In MAR.ACAIRO Heroics and ..ternanice set against cOlor4til stierda backgrOtinds in South Anie0ea. CASE DAY WINNERS AT POLi-ARD'S A. good -crowd gathered at Pollard's for the CVO Pay Clinict Mast Wednesday, and found it WI) interesting and instructive, Winners of the draw were Austin. COO, ilelgreve; Jas, Alcoa, and J'ass. Hogg. Each received 5. gals, of oil. • WINS PUBLIC: SPEAKING. CONTEST' Brian Prescott, son of Mr, and. Mrs, Thos, Prescott, Grey rivp, and student at Listowel District High School, was declared best impromptu epeaker in a district public speak- ing contest to determine the right. to enter the finals to be held in. Toronto. April 1st. Students from four district High SehoolS, Wiarton, Exeter, Lucknow and Listowel competed. ST. AMBROSE ALTAR .SOCIETY 'Mrs. Fische', was hostess, when the ladeiee of St. Ambrose Altai Society met on March 17th, Mrs. Gordon BlakJel pree(eled. Meeting opened with prayer, led by NI'S. Gaynor. Minutes of 'previous meeting read and. adopted. Tree- slurer's report given. All 1p members present were Wearin' o' the Green in answer to the roll call. Mrs. (Connelly, reporting for -eeit- Ing committee, told of two visits macee. In, the program Mts. Geo. - Blake Jr. told the life of St. Patrick and. Mrs. Kernaghan that of St. Jos'eple 'whose ?east day is. March !tete 'Mrs. Gordon Blake reviewed the 'ceremonies of Hely 'Week end their 'origin. Laughter was the .key- note as the remainder of the social hour took the form Of St. Patrck party. Irish !songs were Sung by Mrs,. Fischer and Mrs. Jos, Ryan.. Three .conteste \vete enjoyed. Me se Russell recieved a prize for the lucky tea oup. Lunch was served by Weis, Sara Mckinnon and Mrs. L. Ryan assisted by the hostess. • CARD OF HANKS' I wisb„ be thank all those who .„ se kindly remembered me -"en my eighty-second birthday with gifts and 'cards. 'Mrs Laura E. Kirkton Baker's. Nursing Home. PHONE PREACHING MISSION Service, continue each , evening of this week in the Unites tehurch, at p.m. Saturday evening the service will be of (particular interest - to young people with. Mr. Snell preach: eng. All echoOl age boys and girls are invited to the rally in. the United. ;Church at 10.30 AM,. on ,Saturday Mr. and 'Mrs. Basinger will have a .program including Tony the monkey, BAKe SALE Brussels Public Library SATURDAY, MARCH 28th `,at 3 p. m. Sp,onsoree py Cranbrook W. I. EASTER DANCE Walton Community Hall . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1st Ian. Wilbee Orchestra Spot Dances. Lunch Booth Admission 50e JACK THVNNE CONCERT AND DANCE in Brussels Town Hali 'on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th When Draw will be made for the , New 1959 Chev. Ticket salesmen area ' asked to change the date of the Draw on their tickets. Sponsored The Recreational by Committee CARD Ole THANKS W e would like to thank our Many f for the (visits, flowers, cares and treats while eve were patientS in hosleltalie: 4,Wm. C, in Victoria, London, and Mee. Stevenson in Veitowel MeniOrial, We especially thank our neigh- bouts, old and new, for their kind' nests. Mr. aitd 'Mrs. Wm, C, Stevenson. CAPITOL I HEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. Fri. -Sat. 7.28Mar. Double 8111 Rory Calhoun in "SAGA OF HEMP BROWN," Clnemascope Color Plus a "return engageMent of MA & PA KETTLE "AT HOME" Marjorie Main and Percy Kilbrlde - Easter 'Midnight Show! 12. 05 March 29 I, THIEVES HIGHWAy Adult Entertaihnient Starring Richard Conte ' All Seats 60o Easter Mon.. Tues, . Wed, Mar. 36 , to April Menefee oheValier Darien in Dayeo, Most Charming; tondia Musical Comedy of the Yeat4, io• tineiliateOpe Delet keininated fOr 9 Aeadeiny Avoetik Adult Adintieten 780 eie Thur. L. Frl. eee”..aeeeeeeepeeeeeee • A001 Glen Ford and Red tiottooli. ktMitAtiON eiENERAto Now Is The Time To Get YOUR FARM EQUIPMENT 85 NOW ON DISPLAY We also have — 22 Massey Harris Case D. Tractor with 3 furrow Plow and 8' Cultivator 3 Ford Fergusons with Loaders Massey Harris 30 with 3 furrow Plow Allis Chalmers W C Allis Chalmers B weh Power Mower 1, 33 Diesel Live Power, 3 pth, Belt. Pulley, Lights and Heat Howl"` Massey Harris Fertilizer Dr:It MASSEY-FERGUSON FARM and INDUSTRIAL SALES and SERVICE STENOGRAPHER BOOKEEPEIC PALM SUNDAY 9.45 A. M. Church School • Anglican Church OF CANADA Parish of Brussels illestetort flay. W, K. Jonas. qtr JekieNi anima Holy Saturday 8.15 p. in, Preparation fOr Ealster CionimuniOn. Post. Publishing House BRUSSELS P Se$11„0,eisiii. Imis3011‘ Owe WO'. post otaao...isputwoit, pow. Thursday, March 26th, 1959. Sale of Baking 'and Candy Melville Ladies' Aid Will Hold a Sale of Home-Made Baking and Candy SATURDAY, APRIL 1 Ith In the Brussels Library At 3 o'Clook 4UMBLE NAMES CONTEST PRIZE WINNERS CARD OF THANKS wish to thank all those whip kindly rementbered Me with gifts, and cards on my seventytifill birthday. Mrs. J Caster Day 8.00 a.; M. Holy Eiticherist too a. el. Holy Eucharist 11.00 A. M, Holy Eueliarlet tette!, 'Monday 8.00 a. M. Holy Eucharist Easter' Tuesday tO6 'tt. m. Holy Eiteharist, Davieri MenfrYn Eigiteo bey 240 Ow M. Oa* MAO* VALo g ittAufit SHOPPE diking Wittig ,teld ,Weving •A S0eci'o°1't y Phone 140' erubstie CHRIST ,BOTH .pigp, AND ROE (by The Rev: W, K. Agge,) \Ve are 'altnoet to the end of Week, end are on rho tbresheid of ehe. f iCeoeen•Of FeetiVals", Eaeter, pip There have been some who denied I that our Lord 'really died; but we are quite sure He did die. It was made doubly Isere, Pilate Sent out a guard to break the legs, but He was -already dead, so "they brake not His legs". And yet to make dollbly sure, They opened His side, and there came out the rush of bleed and of water. So we are quite certain that IT crucified — DEAD. Then they wrapped the dear Body in linen and pat it away in the tomb, `"wherein wne never men yet laid"; and there the •enemies watched after having rolled a steno to cover the enteance. They might just as well not have bothered for He passed through the istone and the watch, and went into Galilee.. In the morning Bie, Body was missing, Livery murder trial reveals how difficult it is toy get rid of a body, when there is every reason to do so. In the case of our Lord's Body, all the actors in. the drama wished to 'produce it: His friends to pay It honor, Hie 'enemies as a proof E. that It-el-lad not risen. There can be no explanation of the eneley tomb 'except that the Cherellfe faith in the Resurrection is true. As Christ died ane rote, so ellen we die and rise again, This Is the pireat inseiratinn .of the Christian Faith, that is to say immortality in Christ. We dig so many hales In the earth, and bury those we love in the I deep, dark holes. We Pat them in and leave them. How terrible this would be if we, did not look et it all in the 'light of the risen Christ. And when we Nee -lone this we meet truly admit Feeler De v le,c.n INSPIRATION. r • OFFICIAL OPENING NEW .MAYDELLE SHOPPE Approximately 100 friends called at the Maydell Shoppe during their official opening. Fresh cut daffodils and mauve and white 'mums added a touch of spring to the lovely new store. Mrs. Roy Cousins. and Mrs. Robt, Johnston pem•ea tea. Mrs, Geo. Galbraith, Mrs. Ivan Campbell, Mee,. Chas, Bryans, Mrs. H. Stratton and Mrs, Ted Wilson served ',he refresh- ments. 'Mee. HawkshoW, Mrs. Me Fadden, Mr=, Ed. Bryans and Mrs, Wes. 'Kerr assisted with trays ash making tea. Best wishes were received front Many 'friends for every success le their new location, Mr. .and Mrs. Glen Thoneneon and. daughter Les Elizabeth were in Termite at the beginning of the week. Sy-inteethY is extendeeded. to Me, Lyle Gordon le the passing of hie brother, Wm. Gordon, tIn Toronto recently. web Alice J. Forrest is ticCom eanying Viesee Tema Dickson, end ietelle 'Mitchell on as Easter holiday. Florida. leilveut Thetedey of this week, TENDERS WANTED Township of Grey Tenders Will be received by the nddeteigned until I, p.te, Saute I day, April 4th, 1969, Tot the con' eitietetieni Dale CRANBROOK and PtA11.801q Drains and the ee.- pete Of the HOWARD' btein in the Township of 'grey. Om oll..At4 tittiOlt Drain consists Of 4,06,lineal feet 'of the dealt'. The PE,ARSON •Drain etelStets Of 1458 felUt 'elf tile drain. The HOWARD Dealt, consists ,of 4,650 lineal feet Of open drain. Plana and SPecifleat. eehe may be Seen at the tierit'S effiee, Tenders to be Ott:mphMed' by certified chegiie fer tender. toWeia or any tend& not iCeeete tinellY AC-dented, Edythe: ail. thiedirt. Oki*, TOWilehlie of trey,. CARD OF THANKS Mee, Mab Bryans and Nes. 'della Wilson take this optiforturtity to thank their many friends, who assisted in any way to make their official opening hush a. success. Everything is so gratefully fielPilee- lated, A 'frielidY welcome is extended to .everyobe to drop anYtiMe and leek around. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend one sincere 'Menke and 'appreciation to telatteee. and .friendt for bite acts of kinditese messages of IsyteilaithY and floral 'tributes teCeiVed during our recent :sad berealveinent. Smecial thanks to' Greene and all those Whe helped iii any way. The Hollinger Fitteily • 6114t1-1' ANNOUNCEMENT Meintelde In tietoteel Meneetiel ittienitell on Fridne; March 1909, 'to 'Mr, anft Mrs, MAO, tf6 Jumbled :'wines Contest Winne last week were; 1, MVP. Dieuglas Hemingway 2. Mrs, Mervyn Pipe '3, Mrs. Russel gall 'will be accepted Due to the Baster hokiday week- end contest entries up to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Will the contest winners call at the office of the Brussels Post far 'their veins. .l'orenne concerned is gratified at the enthusiasm that has been shown etunit g the contest. Keep those entries coming in. There were a number of contestants tied, so attach those sales dips from contest advertisers. in the ease of ties, winners are determined by the Number, NOT the Value, of sales slips attached to the entries. Get those sales slips! NOTICE — WId the merchants who honor the priee vouchers cash them at the office of the Post immediately. • CONTEST ADVERTISERS Due to the Easter holiday week- end advertising copy will be accepted Tuesday morning. L Hemingway, Brussels, Ont. . Mips Marie ;Wagner, 'Conestoga, is vieifeig at the home of Miss CARD OF THANKS Emylene Stelete ri would like to eepresS my sincere The Ladies ...kid. of :Knox Presby- alipreciation to all 'those who visited s pleen 'Church held`, a quilting at th.e me and 'sent cards, treats, and gifts manse lest week. " to Bonnie and me. Special thanks to Er, 'Myers and the staff of Listowol Meanorial Hospital, Mrs. Mac McIntosh. 'HAVE YOU SECURED: YOUR TICKETS YE'f?. Have you made your Miens as to when. the Lion's 'Club' bareell will go over the Brussels dam,? Time is short! Sale of tickets 'ends this Saturday. If you are a good .guesser you.. can win $50. Get your tickets NOW at Molladden's Barker Shop. UNITED CHURCH FRIENDSHIP CIRCLE The 'March meeting of the Friend- ship Circle was held in the 'United (Church parlour, The Meeting opened I with the theme hymn followed with, the Lord's Prayer In unison. Roll call by 21 members. Minutes ,were "lead and besineee was dis- cussed. Au invitation to the Blyth gro'un was excel-tett for th e April meeting, Viola 'Meehan took charge, A hymn was ,sang and scripture was given he Anne Teepee Ade Smith led in peayer. Phi' Easter .SPriey was able given by Parte:ire Mc.Cnteheon, Belly Cemobell faveeree wife a niano solo fame,- by !I renei A eerie 111,1 'the lelizeab Benediction rinsed the meetieg. eeeiel half hoer of Conteefe and. eeiwed by . . nee Clr.'ls" PlOW0,1,. • CRANBROOK Applications Ili t writing will be accepted by the ittidS1i10104 Until Saturday, April 18, 1959. t itete age, education, einetifte,attene and feferendeti -*OA; goon WOritIng, edliattti6iig; starting salary, S16Qb,eo 101181*-: interviews can be :arranged. For further detailk Conte:Ott BRUSSELS TRANSPORT gafe Dependable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C.D,F.F44, COMMERCIAL Concrete Work Brick and Block Work Remodelling DESIGNING Firm HUETHER'S PRODUCE EGGS POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS. MURRAY HUETHER Phone 80 Brussels a n d RESIDENTIAL General Boer/inv. New Homes Farm Building Repairrr. — DRAFTING — BLUEPRINTING Contract Prices . Submitted — ELME BRUSSELS, ONT. 'PHONE 65; Res. 21IF 12 R 12 4.01,1 '..MIC119:42no.•BeroNnw so BRUSSELS. ON'Y'X' S., • E. A. (TED) -WILSON General Contractor Come To The LIONS VARIETY CONCERT efer,oxeter Community Hall FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd at 815 p. Admission: Adults 50c Public School Children 25c Pre School Children free Come To The LIONS EASTER DANCE Wroxeter Community - Hail MONDAY, MARCH 30th Elliott iCarruthers Orchestra, 2 Door Prizes One at 10.30 p.m. Admis,sion: 50c until 10.30 75e after 10.30 Lunch Counter Oheck Room 1 pm....* 1.., Get Your Mid Winter Permanent at IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Where Better Permanents Cost Less Appointment Day or Evening • Phone 155 Meivilie Church elelster: 'ave. Jonathan Greens Drounint — Donald Dunbar GOOD FRIDAY SERVICE 11:00 A. M. 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. 'Divine Worship The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; M.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. 'Martin EASTER SUNDAY No Church School ' I 11 A. M. "The Greatest Fact off. Hifstory" Relv, lner BaiSinger 17.30 P. M, "And Ile preached unto him ,Tesns" Rely. Harold. Snell