HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-12, Page 3• CtitaSIFTD:ADVERTISING • 8 1 4 4 I 4 4 PERSONAL !"ADAM to Armageddon," brief history book free to bible readers, Addreess Box 149, Dorchester, Ontario. • • LADIES for the best In cosmetita, trY Peggy Newton Products. Free catas Logue, beauty chart. horn's Novelty. P.O. Box 945 , Montreal, PETS FOR SALE BRASS: Name Kates, Machine stamp04 wltp ever name and Address, Red let. ters. For Keys or Deg Collars, T111!00 for dollar, Pete Waite, 159' Railway' Street; Woodstock, Ontario, PHOTOGRAPHY WE, TOO — Peter Gruys' abstract against background of a dream city causes a case of small wonder for Eric Thomas Kaye, 31/2, at a Bergen. County artists' guild exhibit. an Australian aborigine. and it's my secret," The oldest current C1:1 4,MP stretched his arms. don't know when stop fighting.," he said, 41 had a cardiograph taken and My heart's OK, I had my head examined and that Is OK, too, -feel I can, keep going for a while," Now Were grew deadly catti- est, "Before I quit," the Old Man Said, 9 Want to make a significant contribution to bow- ing, I want to, be remembered like Joe Gans or Jack Dempsey or Harry Grob or Stanley Ketchel. I don't want to be re- membered es an ordinary champion, I want to be re- membered as a great one." —From NEWSWEEK Hotspots. For Cops A glance at the newspapers will show some of the dangers to which policemen are exposed. today — dangers which range from being trapped under- ground to being struck by light- ning! Some time ago, a police ser- geant went by subterranean canal to the Seven Sisters ca- verns 400 feet below ground near Dudley, Worcestershire, to recover part of the proceeds of a $15,000 robbery. He fell into the icy water but was able to climb out on a ledge where he waited until some boys in a home-made boat res- cued him. Not long ago a policeman in Lewes, Sussex, was struck by lightning and stunned; in an- other town, police chasing burg- lars over the roofs 'fell through a skylight, and recently two cops sitting peacefully in an Enfield police station were showered with broken glass when a discontented citizen heaved a stone through the window. YOUNG GUN — Wearing a "shoulder" holster and a dan- gerous look is one-month-old Wyatt Earp. The son of Mr. and Mrs. George Earp, the tot is a relative of Wyatt Earp, gun- fighter of the old West. PLOWERS-TREES.,SHRUPS. HARDWARE SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for contractors' and builders' hardware sales, all bens:- fits provided, Excellent working condi-tions. Apply in own handwriting stat. ing previous experience, age, etc., to Box 179. 12348th Street New 'rorouto, Ont. INSTRUCTION EARN morel Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc, Les. sons 500. Ask for free circular No, 33, Canadian Correspondence Courses, 1290 Bay Street, Toronto, MAGAZINES AFRICAN • VIOLET CHATTER ALL Canadian Magazine for African Violet care and culture in Canada, One year's subscription 51,00. Chatter 2780 Thoreld Road, Niagara Falls, Ontario. EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES eenAtree,le trs , Christmas tree t edis.Fleepietdadvte Landscaping. dons 70 miles radius, 'rilE GOLDEN TRIANGLE NURSERY R.,A. 3, Peeneereille, FUR FARM ANIMALS THE fur trade is w aiting for op mule ity nutria fur. We- have nutria for spring delivery• that grade exeeneet to New Yore, W stet9Ste167 r Dryde n, e e Nutria,A,a, Ont.w4cnvpm HELP WANTED WANTED; Two experienced knitting us:Whine fixers for 108 needle or coarse- ser Scott and. Williams H and El Hosiery machines. Good wages and working conditions, Will Pay expenses to move to States. Reply Ballston Knitting Com-pany, liox 30, Ballston Spa,, New YOrk, PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale - Eight room unfinished house with garage located at 116 Chesterfield Ave„ London,' Ont, Apply Box 2, Gleneoe,„ Ontario. AGENT' W4Nyep, BIBLE$- SALESMEN or women to, sell delUxe Cathelle and Protestant Fandly Full, orart 'ST:ry TMr"sion and bonus. Apply IK Q. 23dlth, Street, New Toronto, Opt, giving nhiane number and particulars for perSenal interview. GO INTO. BUSINESS. for for yourself. Sell our exciting ,shouse- wares. watches and Mbar products not found in, stores, No etiMPetition. Pref. its UP to 490%. Write now for free colour catalogue and separate cepa-dentim wholesale price sheet, Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, _Montreal, Farm Machinery Agency SHOWING'GOQD NET RETURN SELLING every kind of farm rnachirs ery, trucks and tractors. Well estab- lialled in territory, doing over 5400.000; can be Increased to $800,000 per year. For confidential information call Me. Glicksman, RU, 74741. Carfagnini Real Estate, 342 Cialtworid Ave., Toronto. RUN a Department Store from Mir own home, Yes, we'll put you into your Own business. absolutely Free! Now you can sell to entire family. Clothing shoes, shirts, work clothes, toys, fishing equipment, Amazing money-making plan, No experience necessary, Full or part-time. Free gifts. Write for powerful sample outfit and full instructions absolutely Free, Kiddies Sales Reg'd., Box 115, N,D.G, Montreal 28, Quebec. WANTED—A REPRESENTATIVE WITH a car to enroll Motor Club them' bershiPs In this area full or part-time. Write for free details to Dept. W. Ontario Automobile Association, Box 817, London, Ontario. - - "COIN COLLECTING F IS CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING HOBBY. WE ARE WHOLESALE DEALERS IN COIN ALBUMS, SUPPLIES AND cATA• LOGUES, wg REQUIRE LOCAL AND COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST LIBERAL DISCOUNT INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY 227 Victoria Street Toronto, Ontario." BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service. By mall, $2.00 per month, records kept. Writ e. Auditax. 230 Herbert, Waterloo, On tads,. FARMS WANTED FARM wanted: ideally located, 200 acres, excellent building or no build. ings. State price, furnish picture. Bo[ 181, 123-18th Street, New Toronto Ont. FOOD DISTRISOTOR FISH WRITE for our 1959 price list. We have • good supply -Quality and Variety. SILVERSTEINS 135W King St., London, Ontario. FOR SALE NOTICE TINSMITHS BUY your half round trough hangers at a reasonable price. Apply Enos S. Martin, R. R. 3, Wallenstein Ont. GLADIOLI BULBS GUARANTEED H o 11 a n d Imported. Large beautiful Exhibition blooms, Many • famous named varieties. Mixed, large $6.50; Medium $5.50' Small 54.50 per 100. Selected large mixed SI dozen. Medium 75t dozen. Postpald.• Free Bonus; 12 named blooming size bulbs with orders of-510'0r over. • JOHN MASON (Importer) BOX 1025 GANANOQUE, ONTARIO, FOR SALE AND EXCHANGE RENFREW Cream separator supplies. Exchange Bowls, Parts, all makes. Elec- tric attachment. Hulse Separator Serv- ice, Hillsdale, Ontario. BABY CHICKS READY for Spring business? Bray has Immediate shipment dayold and some started Dual purpose pullets and cockerels. Some Ames pullets. Dayold heavy breed cockerels, Order A.pril•May broiler chicks now, Request pricelist. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. ONTARIO'S MOST PROFITABLE LAYER LOGSDON'S El Sc N "Nick Chicks", Day old discount on large orders, Leukosis resistance. Started pullets available. Order now for spring delivery, Infos'. mation upon request. Logsdon's H & N Hatcheries, Seaforth, Ont. $1 POCKET RUBBER STAMPS $1 YOUR name and address (three lines) in neat plastic container with ink pad. Lane Stationers, 937 Victroia Ave.. Nia• gara Falls, Ont.-Dept. W. SEVERAL different makes of good used milking•machines, Let us install one of these, or a new Woods in your barn on ' trial without any obligation. Dist- ance is no barrier. Phone (collect) or write Irving•Keyes, Glamis. Phone Pais- ley 114-r-4. DOUGLAS SEEDS EXCLUSIVE European and American strains - 'All American" selections - flowers, vegetables, begonias, calad/- ums. For Canada's finest listing of Hy- brid and unproved seeds write; Douglas Seeds, Brantford, Ont. "BEGINNERS - try a selection of Approvals priced 10 to 100 each, mint and used, Mint U.S. stamps given free to every applicant. Hilson Trernere, Ormiston, Saskatchewan." SWINE WESSEX Saddleback gilts and boars, all ages, registered or unregistered, ideal for cross-breeding. Wessex/Landrace, Wessex/York, sows available. Dr. Murray Smith, Veterinarian, Charing Cross, Ontario, VACATION RESORTS SOUTHERN RESORT FORT-Lauderdale, Florida, near ocean. Modern rooms, apartments. Send for brochure. Windsor Manor. 2835 Terra- mar St. WANTED WANTED IN NEW CONDITION LII.C. 11/2 to 21/2 oil bath gas engine, Johnson 541 washer motor, Wisconsin 3 horse engine with reduction gear. Would trade one bag concrete mixer for half bag size. Enos. S. Martin. R. It. 3. Wallenstein, Ont. STAMPS AND COINS 20 FOREIGN Coins $1.00. Gold Sover- eign 515.00. 1958 Canadian Uncirculated Coin Set, $3.50, Scotch Highlander Badge $1,50. Coin Buying List 250. Crown Hobbies, 167 Codsell, Downs- OLD COINS, BANK NOTES May bring much profit. Send 250 coins or stamps for buying list. Paul Tbibert, 1745 Prince, Windsor, Ont. •se se' s PATENTS FETHERSTONIIAUGH & C o in p y Patent AttorneyS, Established 1890, 600 University. Ave,,, Toronto all Patents cOuntilea. PERSONAL SOMETHING to 'MINK' AfjObt Doris Farrii it Widifeetyed: after sliat was, brushed y efedth in •the fOrni of a steel pipe; Her car skidded On ice and rammed a, steel mesh fence, , the iiiippOrting pole at the top.of the fence 'Cowie through the windshield and hit the rear WthdaWo- kilockiiii One of Miss Farnii earringi Off as it pas s ed kiy. She Was flUsteredi 'but tiiihUrt*, plant Your 'Seed* At The ..Right Time SAVE! SAVE! SAVE Films developed and 12 'nape prints in album 600 $ magna prints In album 4Q0 BeRrints 55 each KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including Prints), Color prints 350 each extra. Ansco and EktachroMe 35 nun. 20 ex. posures mounted in slides $1,25, Color prints from slides 350 each. Money refunded in full for unprtatecl nega-tives. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. POULTRY FOR Sale; Chinese x Pilgrim Geese 56.00 each. B. Vine, 1097 Ontario Road, Welland, Ontario, Your true gardener wants all the experiences, These days, it Is easy to buy plants from a nearby nursery or greenhouse te set into the border, but Pie- big at least a few varieties in flats is too interesting to raise, Somehow, nursing along each Tittle seedling from the moment it pushes its tiny leaves up through the soil, giving it the right amount of light and mois- ture, watching it grow stronger and put out second leaves, i trans- planting each one to give t more root and elbow room, and at last seeing it get tall and, come to bloom in the garden—all this can Make gardening intimate and thrilling. Aside from the adventure and what it can teach, it is a way to have varieties you probably can- not secure in flats from your nursery. Some of the All-Amer- ica award petunias, a marigold you particularly admire in a catalogue, the new Vesuvius tetra snapdragon, or those vel- vety crested cockscomb in purple rose and gold are not always possible to purchase in flats. Any sunny window will do for your nursery. You can buy flats, but any wooden box two to three inches deep will do, You can make it a wick-watered box by boring a hole in the ren- ter and passing a frayed fiber- glass wick or a piece of clothes- line through it, imbedding the frayed end in the soil and set- ting the fiat_over a pan of water --so the wick can send moisture into the box. Any good potting soil will do for the box, but if you raise seedlings in soil cover the soil with about half an inch of sphag- num moss rubbed through the kitchen sieve. Sow. the seeds in the moss, pressing them down firmly'. This moss counteracts a fungus called "damping off" which sometimes attacks and kills seedlings. You can also start seedlings in a vermiculite pro- duct, and put liquid plant food in the water. Seedlings need to be kept damp at all times. Keep the flats in dim light until the seeds sprout, then give them sunlight —but don't let them dry out, Turn the flats around every day to make the grOwth even. Spindly growth means the seed- lings are too crowded or have not enough light, writes Milli- cent Taylor, Garden Editor of the Christian Science Monitor, When they have true leaves, thin them by pricking them out with a sheep stick, transplanting them into another flat farther apart (an inch or two) or (bet- ter yet) into separate plants bands. You can buy bands that are fertilized and can go into the border with the plant later on, where they will provide food in early summer, If you have a cold frame, use it for "hardening off" your seed- lings before they go into the border, closing the frame at night, giving the flats outdoor air as spring warmth comes. Without a frame you can find a protected place outdoors and set the tray ,of plants outdoors in the warm part of each day, until they can stay out all night. The change, then, into border living will not be severe. A word of caution: Don't let your enthusiaein make you start this gardening project too soon. Warm-weather, plants like zin- nias cannot be set .out 'as soon as petunias en- equates. Count back from the Posible date when it will be safe to launch your plant; babies in their' per. manent places in the border, , and Start the seeds in the house at the right time for each vari- ety, Middle age -- the time of life when you try to look fit as e fiddle or just settle for the shape of a 'cello. Old Archie Never Denies A Thing ! lower. "My people had nothing," he said. "But my aunt used to tell me: 'If the labor be good or small, do it well or not at all." The champion brightened. "So I started buildmg my body 1 did exercises. I lifted every- thing heavy , I. could find. made myself into a fighter. It was tough in those early days. A Negro couldn't get a fight so easy. When I was 20, I had a nervous breakdown. I cried. I cried a lot, Then I listened to my aunt and I started fighting again." Moore sat up suddenly. "It's hard to say when I was at my best," he went on. "Maybe it was in Australia in 1940 I won seven. straight fights, four by knockouts. I thought I was as good as 'I could be. Then later, in 1945-46, I fought 22 times and I lost only three, once to Ezzard Charles. I still couldn't get a championship fight,. In 1955 (three years:after he be- came light-heavyweight champ- ion), I was up again. Twenty- one straight victories until (Rocky) Marciano knocked me out (for the heavyweight title)." "Archie," a reporter broke in, "there's a woman who says her husband went to high school with you. She says that he's 49 and you must be around 49, too." Shaking his head, Moore smils ed. "I coulda been a child pro- digy," he said. "You could have been slow in school," the reporter said. "You could be 54." "That's true, too," the fighter said. But if Moore is 54, he may be the best conditioned 54-year-old man in history. Solidly muscu- lar,, he still has an uncanny ability to shuck weight. He has dropped' 20, pounds from 195 to 175 in less than a month and then come into a fight strong and healthy. "I keep a radar check on my body," Moore said, "I've got gauges like you've got in an automobile. One thing I do is always take one lump of sugar in my coffee. That makes it just right for me. But if I take one lump and the cof- fee tastes sweet, I know there's something wrong. I know there's too much sugar in my system. So I cut out sweets for a while." Moore leaned forward. "Now lots of pepole have asked me about my diet," 'he said. "So I've written a book about it. It's gonna come out soon. I call it 'Moore Health for A.11'. It'll work, too. It'll work for any- body. I learned this diet from MACHINERY AND MOTORS FLORIDA 13EACHFRONT COTTAGE COURT 16 Units, Also Duplex-6 Brms, 4 Baths -Bernd, Pchs. C. I. HARBY REALTY FORT MYERS BEACH, FLORIDA • SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" I.E.L. Pioneer 513.50. 18" McCulloch D44 Sis.50. 17" Homelite EZ $15.25. Write for details on our complete line of saw chain. The Old Man stretched wet, belly down, on a bed in his spacious hotel suite, his huge and bearded chin resting on thick hands, Through the closed bedroom door, the muted tones of Miles Davis' trumpet floated in, and the Old Man's foot tapped out time to the recorded rhythm, "I been accused of many things," said Archie Moore. "I been accused of being 60 years old, of collecting social security, and of being a member of Fidel Castro's gang," He gently stroked the beard, "Man," he said, "I never deny a thing." Among the items written as fact that Archie Moore, the light heavyweight champion of the world, will not deny are these' He is 43 years old. He is 49 year old. He is 54 years old. He reached his fighting peak in 1940-41. He reacted his fighting peak in 1945-46. Ile reached his fighting peak in 1954-55. He is a good fighter with a genius for talking. He is a good talker with a genius for fighting. As plans progressed last month for the Floyd Patterson-Ingemar Johansson heavyweight champ- ionship bout, Moore, the man of paradoxes, quietly prepared his own championship plans. He is already set for a return match against Yvon Durelle, the Cana- dian fisherman whose brawl against Moore last year was probably the best fight in a decade. He is on the verge of signing for a bout against Henry Cooper, a powerful young Eng- lishman who is ranked among the top four contenders for Pat- terson's crown. Then, Moore fig- ures, once he disposes of Cooper, he will try again for the heavy- weight title. One afternoon last month, Moore, with 205 recorded pro- fessional bouts behind him, mus- ed about .age and youth, health and diets, his past and his fu- ture: "When I was 8 years old," • he said in a quiet voice, "and living in St. Louis, I was coming home with a wagon full of chips from the ice house and I passed a fence. Behind the fence, people were screaming and yell- ing. I peeked through a hole and saw two men slugging it out. The people screamed, the men punched, and I was thrilled. I almost fainted with ecstasy, I decided that I gotta be the champ,• Someday, I gotta be the champion." Moore's voice dropped even PROPERTIES WANTED --- — WANTED, 100 to 1000 acres or more cheap bush lots for cash. Box 182, 123- 18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, JAY'S MAIL ORDER, BOX 66 BURLINGTON, ONTARIO. . SEEDS MECHANICAL PARTS AND REPAIRS GOOD used motors - rebuilt and used transmissions, rear ends, also rods. East End Rebuilts, 465 King E., Toronto, WRECKING, 53 Nash Rambler, 52 Pon- tiac, 51 Chevrolet hardtop, 51 Cadillac. 53 Consul, 53 Austin 51 Meteor, Van- guard, Hillman, 53 WIllys. East End Auto Wreckers, 465 King St., E.. Tor- onto, EM. 6-4884. MEDICAL "ARE you sure you don't have sugar (sign of Diabetes)? Thousands do. and don't know it! Play safe! Check your family now! Simple home test that you make yourself, detects sugar imme- diately. 250 each, r6 for $1.00 Postpaid. Royal Company, Dept. C. 1051 Mt. Royal East, Montreal. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you, Itching, scaling and burning ecze- ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Serif Post Free on Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St.TCOlaftrONATInue East DIXON'S REMEDY - FOR NEURITIS AND RHEUMATIC PAINS. THOUSANDS SATISFIED. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect MUCUS MERRY MENAGERIE IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK TABLETS for the nose and throat, dropping of mucus dis• charge, sensation of a lump in the throat and other disturbances. Ask Your Druggist OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Dog Killers Earn Big Money Fariners are alarmed by signs that the wild killer dog of Australia, the dingo, is multi- plying again 'in the outback. The, cunning dingo, preys ruth- lessly on sheep and poultry, , destroying far more than he can eat. He is the only true dog now found in a wild state and is about the size of a sheepdog. He uses his eyes and ears in the chase amore than most dogs. He runs with great speed and ease, stands on rather tall legs andok.has erect ears and an alert lo Big campaigns against the dingoes are necessary from time to time. The first two profes- sional dingo destroyers in the Nerthern Territory of Australia were appointed in 1950 when it was estimated that they might each earn" up to $18,000 a year. One of them took 55 dingo scalps in five days. These hunters are paid a basic wage of $25 weekly, plus s$8 leer every dingo or pup killed. Dingo pups`, Usually number- ing from six to eight, are often born in the hollows Of tree trunks.' A dingo's bushy tail has a White' tip which oftet• makes him more visible as he rcialriS swiftly Over Wide areas of Country on the prowl 'for food; itunters say that the dingo tail feign death More eff'ectiv'ely than any other wild ereature. When shetnining death, the dingo will allow his captor to maul him unmercifully and even remove Some Of his t A dingo prey oh 'kangaroo§ When he gets the thence, but sheep 'are hiS faVerite victims', dingo among a node, not only what he fitedS for fotid, hitt Will thee right acid iete iftilirittliig fatally seote et sheep eta a filer& spiteruitiess. .DELPJERY WORK $150.00 MONTHLY income for part time deliveries and collections. Must have car Or light truck. $795.00 cash required. More income for full time, Reply giving name, address and phone number to Box No. 178, 123.111th St.. New Toronto, Ontario. • And it took only siety- 'Wei* gallons of :peroxide:" OPERATE Home Mail Order Business! Men and Women tall ages). Ten Proven Money making Sources. Only 255. Satis- faction assured. Captain. Box 501-CA, Reading, Massachusetts. ISSUE II — 1959 BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing PleaSant dignified, profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System intistrated Catalogue Free Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 356 Bleor St. W., Toronto Branches; 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa CEDAR-WALL Amazing, Lab Tested, do•it yourself. crushed aromatic redwood cedarI Mix with water, brush On, Cedarizes closets, chests. Walls perManently at a fractien of the cost of a cedar lining. 5 pounds covers 40 sq, ft. Costs Only $5.95 Prepaid Send Cheque Or Money Order to WELLINGTON INDUSTRIES Dept, 51 Wellington, Ontario ' OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN SPEEtdiAND trains for Stenographer in 10 weekt HonieStudy. ABC System. Free folder. CaSsen Systems. 10 East, bourne Crest, Toronto. How Can I? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I soften old putty? A. By placing in boiling water and allowing to stand in it until the water-cools; Q. How can I make muscilage? A. A good mucilage can be made by mixing equal parts of gum arabic and ,tragacarith. Dis- solve in hot water to the required cotisittencY, Q. How can I purify and whiten a sponge? A. Soak it in milk and rinse thoroughly in warm Water to which a little carbolic acid has been 'added. This will make it look like new. te. How ran I make a sizing for plastered walls? A. If there i$ no commercial ,sizing on hand, plastered walls and ceilings that are to be paint- ed with oil paints may be sized With carpenter's glue diluted with a large quantity of water. Q. How Can I remove white spots front Varnish? A, TheSe sPoti can often be re- Masted by pouting liquid cam- phor oil, on A steal] piece of cloth end rubbing on to the spot. How can it .steep plaster of Paris from drying, too fast? A. Ordinarily, plaster 'of Pates Will dry so qtlickly that it is tether diffietilt to use it for patehe_ hie'. Try thinking It with vitiegat, instead of water, or water to which ebme Vinegar has been Added, and it will remain wcirk- iiblo flit it loger thrie. You Can Depend On When kidneys fail r -i to remote Caress acids And Wsstes, backache, tiratirs. DODOS 'feeling, disturbed ::, .. K., C3 IV F. -T- :1°61 t Often follow. Dodd'S Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to norhint- du tY. Yen feel better-sleep bet-- ter, work better... ,. You can depend . 88 oriDedd'a. GetiDaddla Minty ..drititatore. a BUY et nig resemint Prleesi ApplianceS. Silverware, "Watches, IlOuSeiVareS, .ToolS, Toys. Free Catalogue. Bluegrass. Mail Sales, 191 Kentucky Ave.. Lexing- ton, KerittiCky, •---- SQIGGLES1 Better'ri deinutal Easier Mad New, :tiontishing! home use or Selling, Heinple arid Fin. Uncle Joe, itedite 456•13, San Jose ADULTS! Personal. Rubber" ditiedSI 38 assortment 'ter $2,611. tineat toSted, guaranteed, • Mailed in, plain 'sealed package plus free Birtil,COntrel • booklet and Catalogue of supplies. Wdtter n InSttihtitOr.§.' BOX' 24•TF Regina, Sask. SLEEP TO-NIGHT ill JAME NEINIM IN DAV' to .be happy and triToull instead of nervous or for a go.bd Males ititiit,tolot Sedlclo iobleis atiorillne to Ostler& SEDICIN' tABLtTs IN S TO PFED Hi A ii0Pt . liact, • Very.rirdt use of soothing, Cdoliag liquici D.D.D. Prescription positively retievei 'rssv tea' SealpIrritatien,chefing--OtheritehlitilllieS'i GreaF.eless, jell bottle mail gati ly OT IllrorVe9 back. Don '1.,101 Efte, ASk: iota' diuggist (Of P. 0. 8. PRESCRIPTION.