HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-12, Page 1REV. BASINGER OF PARKERSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA Phone 293 IN. VARIETY 'CONCERT To Be Presented By Brussels -Talent PARKVIEW GARDENS LISTOWEL FRIDAY, MARCH at 8.15 P. M. This program has been requested by Listowel Disaster Fund Committee We ask for the support of the people of this community. 12Ath in conjunction with CLARE $ 0.0 0 0 .0, U A ,,K Clare Burt wants to send you his check for $100.0C and All you need to do Is bury a 35 Tractor either a Deluxe, Dlenieb.110. SpelcIal. Clare will send his check to you, Our Customer, for.*142IE, Come in to-day. See the Ferguson 35 Tractor. Buy it and get your $100 Award on Any One of the 3 Ferguson 25 Models We also have •••••••••• 1 ONLY, New 65 Tractor at the Old Pri Several good used Tractors on hand MASSEV-FERGUSON FARM and INDUSTRIAL SALES and SERVICE „e BRUSSELS, ONT, PHONE 55; Res. 2t3- VAL'S EEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling Cold Waving A. Specialty Phone 40X Brussels • CAP1 I HEATREI LISTOWEL, ONT. MRS, BASINGER REV. HAZLEWOOD Will Preach the Series '"THE GLORIOUS GOSPEL OF GOD" MON, "'The Gospel - 'What Is it? Wonderful Words of Life" TUES. "The Word of Intercession" WED, "Tile Word of Absolution" THUR. "The Word of Atonement" FRI. "The Word of Redemption" Each Evening At 8 p.m. Prayer Meeting at 7:30 p.m. A LENTEN MEDITATION f by Rue'. JoltatheJ1 .(;,reeve). The Lenten season is said to 'be a .fatift,ef forty, days beginning on Ash Wedneeday and continuing till feaster t and. obServed in the Christian Church ,cem,neeration of 'tile forty days fast of Christ. „Lent Is 41ways assoc- iated with fasting and prayer, self denial and repeetartee. It is a period. , self exajninatjan and preparation loading up • to Mee Cross and .resnr, eaten of Christ. In the 'world Of today we have lost a cease of sin, but this does. not mean .non.existerA, It is still Ulte same evia thing as blifore and must be repented of, The Bible says that repentance and faith are two, essentials of salvation, benee, are the '• necessary steps to conversion., Tlnis it is by ithe operation of the divine Spiel within us .that we are brought into fellowship with God, erhis is the end 'of the Cross of Christ and the, , purpose of His holy death. There is no doubt that when Jesus wae, fasting He was striving against exiinpeation and gained the victory only by prayer and faith. By strong resistance to evil and the 'exerciee of faith. we tea, may gain the atteen. ' ()miry over those thine: around and ' within us. Temptatioes may come but in , 'Ilniniselves, etiey do not constitute sin, it is only when yielded to that sin amine. and penitence is aces-. ary, Bull we all ought to be conscious f sin continually, for there is that law of greetitelien in the spirituel world called sin whieb. -keeps us bound to earth, and wnielt cever eeelviree eentrist the good. (roes is ever the symbol of victory and fergiveness. There was ifolleht, the battle of right against wrong, of holiness and purey against sin and evil, It was a cross of sacrifice and atonement and because of its very value the battle against evil was won, That was an 'eternal eletory and means good news to the world of men. The battle is the same today, but. ithe Iscene of battle has changed. Now it is -within the sphere of human relationship, 'the sphere of the human heart, Here is where Christ is opposed or accepted and it is here that sin reigns or is de throned. When we realise this, then We also oteett to realise the intriort• once and'value of repentance end 'faith in daily living. The Lenten eter,eln. 'therefore, help's us in that it reminds us of the need of true renettance, and poitting as It dons to the Cross gives ns the ft ,'All'allee of forgiveness and pardon. when we cone to that Messed place. Con- trition of 'sant always betokens numility or 'spirit 'and when. Gad IS appreached on ithet basic v e n'!r‘y he assured of a leeous welcome Our example in true Chreetati character and living is Jeeits Christ Himself. Though the Son of ,God Ho realized the necess'ty of prayer in His heintin exietence. file acktoW- 'Mend the necessity of depend. enee %Mit God. In Ffis character Tie dieplayed true humility and in His death was manifest, Hie true nattire, eee ever sought Hie. Father's glory and to do His will was the joy of Hie life, We are riot snrprised that T.To acorymniished CO 11111(.11 and if we iveitid leave' nor imprint mule society we Meet helve the etenee attitudes. And to enin it all up the 'cheeelen life iverr,in ,t at the Crows f,1*, .,lon e do we find the eni7tnnee into life. LYCEUM THEA17:!E WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7.15 P. M. Thurs., Fri,, Sat. March 12 - 13 14 Kathryn Grant Kerw n Mathera In THE 7th VOYACit .. OP 81.1411.Ab Egoltainerit thrlite anit iCtioli . taiare .ere offered in this taetastic iii6iiiiiiiii'i fli'd abdiit"Sitibe& ' t•••,•ti.011 t••••.. owe bewsztag.;* wows Thursday, March 121, 1959 ---- 'Post Publishing Howie DANCE In Brussels Town Hall on. WED. MARCH 18th Jimmy 4lcock's Orchestra. Admission 50c Everybody Weloonmf Sponsored by the L. O. L. meats Stay and straw Cansing loss I set ..ttit TALENT WANTED Anyone willing to donate their Ones and talent to produce 1L good, program 10 be 'presented in ParlevieW Gardens Listowel, h aid Of the ListeWel Dleaster Fund, are asked to contact Jack Thynne, or 11}e Brussels Post, at once. Mr, Thynne has 'been asked_ by the committe in charge to present this program so conic on you talented folk and 'let us do what we can to help. f.....••••••••••••••••••••••••!.. .0 • MORRIS BARN AND CONTENTS. DESTROYED BY FIRE Flames fanned by west W14(14 of near gale Morse detetroyed a large barn on the Morris TOWnSh.:0 farm of Wellington Marks, 5th coneessien last Friday 4Ifiterneon, No one :wee home at the time the blaze broke out, A Ming Sen arrived home from school in time to rescue his pet potty, but the flames claimed the %hos of 15 cattle and several edge, and destroyed ample •••.••••••••••,• ••••••••••••• 21c 22c ••••••T•re ON THE OCCASION OF Our Official Opening THE MAYDELLE SHOPPE NEXT WEEK MARCH, 12th and 13th features LATEST STYLES and SHADES in New Spring Millinery Gloves and, Scarves NEW STOCK of CHILDREN'S WEAR •,;.• -.1•••.0••••••••1111104•67......lis 21c •••••.^.-,-"-*""'" . ROCERY 4111101•1111•••• Baby Gifts a Specialty Be sure and drop in for a Cup of Tea, Mar. 12th and 1$tfitr Tea will be served from three to five o'clock p.m. Cudney's Tomatoes, 28 oz. Snacktime Special 1 Tumbler York Peanut Butter & 1 Tumbler E. D. Smith Raspberry Jam 2 for Aylmer Choice Pitted Red Cherries 15 oz. Bright's Peaches 20 oz. ogro.•••••••••••••••• ...... ,•••••••• • UTCHEON .••• •0•000 0 •00,00 ... .... ,ior.“•••• 45c vorrim••••••..pmelnitreinititi. We Deliver CARD OF THANKS My sincere +thanks to all who sent me .flowers, cards and treats • during my recent stay in Wingham hospital. I am home now. Come to see me, (Mrs Roy) E. Cousins Plan to Attend the Preaching Mission --- in BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH March 22 to29 (PALM SUNDAY to EASTER SUNDAY) SPECIAL MUSIC by the Massed Choirs and. The Basingers. BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport- Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C.D.F.FAt CARD OF THANKS I would like Ito take this oppert- tunity, to thank all those 'who —re- membered me with cards and gifts, also all who visited me. It was all greatly appreciated and will , always be remembered, Mrs. D. W. Jordon "THE TRUMPETERS ", OF LISTOWEL, Will Render Special /Music On SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd E. A. (TED) WILSON General Contractor REV. BASINGER will preach an Easter Sunday Morning COMMERCIAL a n d Concrete Work Brick and Block Work Remodelling DESIGNING — DRAFTING RESIDENTIAL General Reotirtf„.7 New Home& Farm Building Repairc- - BLUEPRINTINGL. CARD OF THANKS. My 'first duty, home from Sick 'Children's Hospital, !p to sincerely thank my 'classmate, neighbours, and relatives, for all the lovely cards, letters, gifts and Meyers I received They were certainly appreciated. Thank' you. Kenny Work, Firm Contract Prices Submitted PRAYER MEETING Each Evening at 7.30 p.m. in the Prayer Room EVERYONE IS INVITED TO ATTEND PHONE 12 R 1g BRUSSELS. 01,41-. 0,111111•••* 1•13,11,man.• Between FEB. 23rd and. MARCH 23r41 SPRING CARAVAN featuring Seaforth Jr. Farmers' Play "THE WILL" And Local. Talent FRIDAY, MARCH 20th at 8:30 O. M. WALTON COMMUNITY HALL Sponsored ,by Walton W. I. Lunch Dance Robt. Cunningham 'M. C. .••••••-••••-•••• ••••••.••••=•••••••••••^•••-• an • • CARD PARTY AND BOX SOCIAL At Brussels Public Library on TUESDAY, MARCH 17th Cards start at 8.30 P.M. No Admission Charge Under Auspices of East Huron Agricultural Society CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to relatives friends for the acts of kindness messages of sympathy and floral tributes received during our recent sad bereavement in the loss of a beldved mother, Special thanks to Rev. L. Brown, Mr. George Pearson, Pallbearers, FlelaVer Bearers, Mrs. Amelia Brown' the Rebekah Lodge and all those who helped in any way'. Tack and Harold McDonald. e • -`• Melville Church MinleterI Rev. Jonathan Orisitne Organist — Donald Dunbar ... 10 A. M. Sunday Scheel 11 A, M. Divine Worship CARD OF THANKS ....I w"ch to thank all my 'friends and relatives, .,and members „of the Altar Satiety who remembered me with treats and cards while in Wang.: ham Hospital and since I came home. „„Speo'ial thanks to Dr, Corrin, Dr. ! Pedley and all the nursing staff. irrs. Louis Blake a REV. R, G. HAZELWOOD HAMILTON REV. LLOYD BROWN WILL PREACH ON PALM SUNDAY, AT 11 A. M. REV. INER BASINGER WILL I' BEACH ON EASTER SUNDAY MORNING AT 11 A. M. Fri. Sat, Mar. 13 14 Brian Keith and Mala Powers n "VILLA" 1 CineertaSeeipe Coke Double 13111 AttOtt Cc tiosvtLto "MEET THE INVISIBLE MAW. 'Mon. e Male Adutt Enteitaineient. dliieniaadeoa- detei, F R A U L E I N Mel ,fPeeee-i, and bona Wynte tell an' tinuthiat story Of what • . happened In Germany' after the' ;bar '6I.INbAVi, MARCH' 26tli. "And 'He Preached Unto' Htrri .166uS4 Each Everting' at Prayer Meeting at pan Wed. , Thar& Riehard Todd, NOTICE The March. session of the Rivet Cbutty doutit11 will Ire held At' the Nita House, ,tederinh, WI Monday, Mardli 1.93.9 tett:, 10.00 A. All tothfiranicetiohe end a,COottitta to lie in the hatids'' Oi the, Cleat. by tiOalto PeidaY; lVtaiecti NI, 1919. REV. HAROLD' 'SNELL., EXETE R Residciits .of ilet.i4Sets *NO' would like a ilde- to the, iiehlidea. MAY' Olt Leonard MaChan Or vii G. 'Leach. ,t, Perry, Cleri-Treseurer COnd nottie, Coderteli'd Oat Mar., 18=19, in "uiNTE'.19t TO KILL" AAA- • Moods F2oails of the "*Met • The United, Church OF CANADA - Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; ti. . Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 9.45 A. M. Church School 11 A, M, "Who's Whining?" Special inttsic by Me. Les Green- wood of Burford and Mr. 'Vic Bonen Of St, Catharines, Preaching Mise'en — March 22 - 29 Anglican Church O CANADA Pariah of Brut ;Ifs qtenr: Ow. '4V Nr. 1.40. tAtiL Lent V — Passion' Sunday at, j'elthie !PUNKAS Ci3e A.M. Mot* litartiarfei 1160 A. M. Holy tbtaliarkitt SuPdaY WediieadaY the St. Datvid'S Critarib. Litt, David's — iHenfryn tvetootit 'REV, HAROLD SNELL Will Preach On SUNDAY, MARCH 22nd , "How Do Men Find Christ?" SATURDAY; MARCH 28th "Getting The Most Out Of Life" (All Young People Invited)