HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-05, Page 7AlkiNG fOlit titOittr. Htlt,fac. doh tioied''verili.,ifi'oeti.b4it gg: foe« tiaw. wend Indoor record, 1.5 feif, Bragtti very. .It o Vi lanova 'vauttee„ -4etipsed previous marks duTifti "' YOU CAN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING $ma.11 Investment 3ig Pay-Off! Like millions of other Britons, Jim Gault and his cousin, 13111 Stranaghan, had often indulged in luxurious day dreams about getting rich, quick on the "foot- ball pools", the legaNecl week- ly lottery on national soccer re- sults, Every week for the past two Reasons, Gault, 83, a laborer from Olengormly, Northern Jreland and the partially blind Strut- aghan, 08, had scraped up 5 shillings (70 cents) between them for a chance in one of the pools. They never won, One week last month, on ff hunch, they bought a 9-shilling (426) ticket, filled out their predictions for Sunday's games as usual, and mailed in the list, Gault was in the kitchen of his pre-fab cottage one evening recently, peeling potatoes for dinner (his wife, Mary, was in New Zealand visiting an ailing brother), when pool officials drove up. Solemnly, they in- formed him that he and his cousin had just won the biggest jackpot in pool history, The winnings on the $1.26 bet: £300,684 ($841,915.20) - com- pletely tax-free, Next morning, Gault telephon- ed his boss ("Says I: 'You'll have to get yourself a new man' "), then flew to London to pick up his check. "I'm going to buy a three or four-room bun- galow," he told reporters after enjoying his first London meal at a Mayfair hotel (lamb chops, fruit salad, Irish whisky, and a cigar). "The rest depends on Mary." Back in Glengormly, Strare aghan was even more phleg- matic. "I'm not bothered about the money," he said. "All I want is my sight back . . . and to go on walking my dog at 5 o'clock in the morning." From a framed inscription on the wall of his kitchen,, Stranagh an 'proudly quoted hia. philosophy: Ain't this world a funny place? And yet it's hard to beat; With every rose you get a thorn. But ain't the roses sweet? Hit-And-Run Jimmy Dykes, one of baseball's elder statesmen now and still active on the coaching lines, this coming season for Phila- delphia, tells this one about the time when he was managing the Chicago White Sox: "Luke Applin,g was a great hit-and-run hitter but very often he came up with Taffy Wright on first base. Taffy had his vir- tues, but getting the hit-and-run sign was not one of them. Final- ly in desperation I called Appling and Wright together one day and told them to work out their own sign. It was agreed That Wright would decide on the signal and Taffy asked us to let him think about it over-night. The next day we met near home plate. " 'OK, Taffy,' Appling said -to - Wright. 'What's the signal?' "Taffy looked Appling right in the eye as he replied: 'When I run, you hit.' " "Why - the string round your anger?" "My wife put it there so I'd remember to post h letter." "Did you post it?" "No - she forgot to give it to me." ARTILLERY BETTER WITH A BAT - Duke. Snyder, above, is more lethal with a bat than he is with a six-shooter. Dodgers' heavy- hitting Duke played a bad guy, left, in a recent giddap opera for the home screen, week during spring and summer, ,Lucy follows a different pattern. She leaves the house early and drives a pick-up truck 'to the Jean Talon market in Montreal, She has bad her own stall there for several years and has many steady customers for the Des- champs honey. In winter "she makes the trip- to market only on Saturdays. During the afternoon and even- ings, Lucy works in the small. workshop attached to their house where the honey is processed and the combs prepared and pack- aged. While some of the honey is extracted from the combs, filter- ed through a special nylon mesh, and sold as liquid honey, the ma- jority of the Deschanips honey is sold in combs which are indivi- dually packaged in tiny bags of cellulose film. These 'small comb's, are cut with a multiple cutter. Lucy then uses specially-design- • ed machinery to insert the combs into their bags before putting the candy-bar sized portions into at- tractive, individual boxes. Collecting, processing a n d . packagng the honey crop, look- ing after her sons and 'keeping house make Lucy DeschamPsTvn• extremely busy woman- Hdiz- ever, she's at her happiest witen: working 'alongside her hi bdiCel .and the cheerful, relaxed of the Deschamps house- hold gives ample evidence that being "busy as a bee" is good for you! Paint —Your—Own —And Save • The spring bride may find it hard to furnish a "dream" home on a down-to-earth budget. How- ever, there are way3 of stretching money for furnishings. One way is'to buy unpainted furniture and to finish it at home. Finishing furniture is not dif- ficult - just a matter' of using the right product and 'following directions to the letter. A good basic rule is this: Never apply a finish to a surface that is not thoroughly' clean and dry. Sand with fine sandpaper and dust off with a turpentine-dampened cloth ' before „ever touching a paint brush. Natural wood colors play en important role in modern decor- ating schemes. The attractive 4 grain of good wood can be en- hanced :and, at the same time, Protected by a clear 'varnish. Certain open-grained woods such as oak, walnut or mahogany will need a wood •filler before varn, ishing while close-grained woods like pine or maple are all ready for the finishing job. , New wood usually needs at least two coats of varnish and each coat must' be thoroughly dry before starting the next. It is also a good idea to sand lightly between the coats, A special satin varnish, applied as the final coat, will give the furniture a lovelY sheen. low- ever; those of the "elbow-grease" school prefer rubbing down the ordinary varnish with powdered putnide and water. Polished with a coat Of liquid Polish 'or hard wax, the finished Wood will have a "mellow" look that's strictly professional. In some Woodt, the natural color" is not as attractive as it Might be. If that is the case, give it a coat of Wood stain be- fore Varnishing: There are.many etaiti colors on the market. A Mel coat of clear varnish applied over a stain gives, a. hard7Weitring finish that resists reciLlstitte. anittati ,,tesiitomyii.d woman standing next 'Young .man," she raid, "have ,,.ted got a hindkerehief?“ "Yes," replied the youngster, 41)0 my mother Won't let me lend it to anybody." Freih Hope For The Bald-Heads "Say, you know, Irving, your bales getting thin?" "So who likes tat lialen Baldness- - and the cornball jokes that go with it - is a bur- den borne by eight out of ten American males Over the age of 30, A certain amount of relief of a non-quackish nature was prOffliSed, recently at I confer- ence sponsored by the New York Academy of Sciences, at which more than a dozen researchers in dermatology, anatomy, and biology took a good grip on this hair-raising subject, "The outlok is benefit'," an- nounced Dr. Irwin I. Lubowe, balding dermatologist of New York Medical College. "More ba- sic research on hair regeneration has been done in the past five years than ever before." The researchers all agreed that baldness is divided into three parts: (1) "Pattern baldness," the V-shaped thinning at the temples, or starting at the crown of 'the head and moving for- ward to the brow, (2) the kind known as alopecia areata, which develops in patches, anywhere on the scalp, and (3) complete "bil- liard ball" baldness. And they agreed on the root of the problem. Each of a man's 120.000 hairs grows up through a follicle, or canal in the scalp. As old hairs die and fade away, they are replaced by new, healthy hairs, so long as the fol- licles are alive and well, Aside from old age, the chief reason for dying follicles is heredity: A man's hairline will begin to recede in exactly' the same pat- tern, at the same spot, and at about the same age as his father's. None of the popular no- tions 0-- tight-fitting hats, too much water on 'the scalp, mar- riage or celibacy, germs, brain fatigue, or the shape of the head - are clues in the case of the missing locks. Dr. Lubowe, on the other hand, has found a relation between baldness and the glandular sys- tem. The patchy kind of bald- ness, he reported, responds hap- pily to steroid hormone therapy. Of 68 patients treated with syn- thetic hormones called predni- sone- and prednisolone, 60 per cent had complete regrowth, and another 36' per cent had partial hair restozation. In common "pat- tern baldness," however, Dr. Lu- bowe said,, the steroid hormone treatment is totally ineffective. Nor is there any assurance of help from the countless commercial salves and ointments massaged on the scalp. "No salve applied locally to the scalp, can be ab- sorbed by the follicles," ,he ex- plained. Nevertheless, researchers haven't given up hope. So long as barren follicles are hooked up with a healthy blood supply, there may still be a chance. A bald bird from ,Africa described by Dr. James B. Hamilton, an anatomist at the State Univer- sity of New York, may provide an important research tool. The bird is a male wattled starling, unusual in that it loses its head feathers - starting at the crown and leaving a meager fringe - almost exactly th. way "pattern baldness" occurs ni man. As in man, reported Dr. Hamilton, the androgens (male hormones) are in some way involved in the bird's 'loss of feathers. Now a new flock 'of stralings, ordered from Kenya, Africa, is under- going an elaborate testing pro- gram. "If baldneis in the human ,male and the wattled starling can definitely be associated," ex- plained Dr. Lubowe, "we may be able to test Medicines on the bird, and then apply .them to human beings." - From NEWS- WEEK. How Can 1? By Anne Ashley AGENTS Glickman, RU. 7-1741. Carfagnini lashed In territory, doing over $400,0001 Estate, 342 Oakwood Ave. Toronto, sp,r.Luvu (awry kind of feral Cry, heal trucks and tractors, Well Web* can be Increased to $800,000 per year, For confidential information call Mr. Form Machinery Agency SHOWING GOOD NET RETURN AGENTS WANTED far yourself. a 0h elosNoTainrdo BouUtrtiS4g1 Eo r p SvSoudgu c1140 ucoet. found in stores, No competition, Prof. as up to 000%. Write now for free eoiOur* catalogue and separate genii- dentist wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal, RUN a Department Store from your Own home. Yes, we'll put you into Your own business, absolutely Free! Now you can sell to entire family, Clothing, shoes. shirts, work clothes, toys, fishing equipment, Amazing money-making plan. No experience necessary. Full or part-time. Free gifts. Write far powerful sample outfit and full instructions absolutely Free, Kiddies Sales Reg'd, Box 115, N,D.G. Montreal 28, Quebec. "COIN COLLECTING IS CANADA'S FASTEST GROWING HOBBY. WE ARE. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN C 0 14,1 ALBUMS, SUPPLIES AND CATA- LOGUES. WE REQUIRE LOCAL AND COUNTRY DEALERS. FREE SUPPLY LIST. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. INTERNATIONAL COIN COMPANY 2277VIctorla Street Toronto, Ontario." BABY CHICKS' BRAY Broiler chicks March-April-May should be ordered now. Available im- mediate shipment dayold and some started Dual-purpose pullets and cocker- els. Also Ames Pullets, dayold heavy breed cockerels. Pricellst available. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hamilton, Ont. — — TIME now to order Bessies. Babcock Bessies give top egg laying perform- ance whether kept in cages or large flocks. Gentle, easy birds to handle. High producers 12-15 months, Excellent Livability- Large white eggs of high interior quality. Illustrated catalogue in colour on request. Red x Sussex, Warren Reds, Sussex x Reds, Red x Rocks also available. 100% live delivery, 98% livability 3 weeks, guaranteed, Whitney Farms & Hatchery, Milverton, Ontario, ONTARIO'S MOST. PROFITABLE LAYER LOGSDON'S H & N "Nick Chicks", Day old discount on large orders. Leukosis resistance. Started pullets available. Order now for spring delivery'. Infor- mation tip& request. Logsdon's H & N Hatcheries, Seaforth, Ont, BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service. By -mail, $2.00 per month, records kept. 'W r t e. Auditax. 230 Herbert, Waterloo, On- tario. BOOKS PROTESTANT 'BOOKS: I WAS a Priest $1.00 postpaid. Free Price List 'on request. Box 335, Regina, Saskatchewan. FARMS WANTED FARM wanted: ideally located, 200 acres, excellent building or no build. ings. State price, furnish picture. Box 1131, 123.18th Street, New Toronto Ont. FOOD DISTRIBUTOR FISH WRITE for our, 1959 price list. We have a good supply -Quality and VarietY. SILVERSTEINS 135W King St., London,'Ontario. FOR SALE ATTENTION Green House Owners and Poultry Raisers - Generator complete with exciter on rack, used, 25 cycle, 5 kwo., 110 volt, single phase, suitable as stand by electrical supply, can be driven by gas engine or power take-off. Cost $850.00, will sell less 5 H.P. 60 cycle motor. No reasonable offer re-fused. Benson-Wilcox Ltd., Box 5015. London, Ont. LADIES Slippers! One size fits all! Beautifully made in Japan, $2.19. Red, Blue and Pink. Paul, 1066 Pulaski Rd„ East Northport, New York, U.S.A. MUST Sell Patents on Portable. Refrig. erator and Compressor for cars, homes, mike toys also. Stanley Walker, 321 E. Harvard Avenue, Orlando, Florida, NOTICE TINSMITHS BUY your half round trough hangers at a reasonable price. Apply Enos S. Martin, It, Re 3, Wallenstein Ont. ONE new metal milk van 15 ft. long, 3 decks high; 1 used 12 ft, wooden pro-, duce van, in good condition. Apply Wiltsie Woodworking, phone -Aylmer 4-J. Aylmer, Ont. $1 POCKET RUBBER STAMPS $1 • YOUR name and address (three lines) in neat plastic container with ink pad. Lane Stationers, 937 Victrola. Ave., Nia- gara Falls, Ont. Dept. W. SEVERAL` different makes of good used milking-machines, Let us install one of these or a new Woods in your barn on trial without any obligation. Dist, ghee is no barrier. Phone (collect) or write Ifying KeYes, Glands. Phone Pais- ley 114-r-4. GLADIOLI BULBS GUARANI EED Holland Imported. Large beautiful Exhibition blo,oms. Many fainoua named varieties. Mixed, large $6.50; Mediem $5.50; Small 54.50 per 100. Selected large mixed SI dozen, Medium 751 dozen, Postpaid. Free Bonus; 12 named blooming size bulbs wilh orders of $10 or over, JOHN MASON (Importer) BOX 1025 GANANOQUE, ONTARIO. FLOWERs-tRets•gHRuBS EVERGREENS, SHRUBS, ROSES SHADE trees, hedges, Cheistmai tree seedlings. Free price list and advice. Landscaping done 75 miles radius. THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE NURSERY 3,`Sperieerville, Qnt. FUR . FARM ANIMALS THE kir trade is Wilting for top qual-ity nutria fnr. We have tititria or spring delivery' that grade ekeellent f in NeW Yai.k. Stewart's Nutria, Box 164, Dryden Ont. A, C, TIMMOSon. W, J. Stewart HELP WANTED—FEMALE Girls!" DOMESTICS Girls! Donk-Aid jobs we lidt,e aplenty, If 'you're sutile ,mia healthy'.. Yon earn the highest wage If 16 t6 is yOUr age; Sci"Pliek Your bag and board the liiitt And Make the journey to tia, have no further need to :foal* Plaee:.Yeti.16 "No Charge to EMPLOYEES 76 Church Street Toronto' Domestic Division, 8th FM.. ii-5571 HELP WANTED —MALE - BEEKEEPER required; experienced; Strang; English.sneaking„ For "lnertleu, tars write to Rideau Honey -Co. Ltd., KeinptvIlle 'Ont., enclosing snapshot and inforinatleri, expeeleriee. 'eke. height, weight., ete„ and eefereiteeSa HELP WANTED womv; Two experieneed machine fixers for 105 needle or oar* .ser Scott and Williams 15 and H Hosiery machines. Good wages and working conditions, Will pay expenses to move to States, Reply Ballston Knitting Corns pany, Box 30, Ballston Spa., New York. HARDWARE'SALESMAN EXPERIENCED man for contractor's' and builders! inirdware Ries, all hene. eta provided, p;cenent. working, .00,00 tiona. Apply to even handwriting etat, ing previous experience, age, etc„ to Box 17.9, 1,63-15th Street New - Terento, Ont. FARMER wanted, able to ;speak English, New Canadian welcome, Good Worker, preferably non-drinker and non-smoker, Farm located 20 miles East of Toronto. Good home and good salary, Will inter- view all applicants. pox 1130, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont, SOCIAL WORKERS REQUIRED to work with children and their families, Desired qualifications are graduation from a school of social work but Consideration will be given to suit. able persons who have a B.A, degree Or equivalent. Only written application accepted. Please apply giving full de- tails to D, A. Judd, Children's Aid Society,, 240 King Street East, Kingston. HORSES ATTENTION HORSEMEN ONTARIO Belgian Horse Assoc, hold-ing 6th Annual Draft Horse Sale, Wed- nesday, April 8th, 1959, Lindsay Fair Grounds, Lindsay, Ontario. All horses must be consigned and catalogued, Con- signments close March 10. For entry forms write Jack Wood, R.R. 2, Aurora, Ontario, LIVESTOCK DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS HILLHEAD Farms present offering, young cows, calving January and Feb- ruary, heifer calves. Two herd sire prospects from 11,000 lbs. of milk dams. Herd on ri,o.p. Write for particulars. H. A. Hewitt's Sons, York, Ont, MACHINERY AND MOTORS SAW CHAIN 25% DISCOUNT 16" LE.L. Pioneer $13.50. 18" McCulloch D44 $15.50. 17" Homelite EZ $15.25, Write for details on our complete line of saw chain, JAY'S MAIL ORDER, BOX 66 BURLINGTON, ONTARIO MEDICAL "ARE you sure you don't have sugar (sign of Diabetes)? Thousands do, and don't know it! Play safe! Check your family now! Simple home test that you make yourself, detects sugar imme-diately. 250 each, 6 for $1.00 Postpaid. Royal Company, Dept. C, 1051 Mt. Royal, East, Montreal, POST'S ECZEMA SALVE, BANISH the torment 'of dry eczema rashes and weeping skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you. Itching, scaling and burning ecze-ma, acne, ringworm, pimples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainless odorless ointment regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. Sent Post Free on. Receipt of .PrICit PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2865 St. Clair Avenue East TORONTO _— — TRY ITI EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Eepress Collect MUCUS IN THROAT THUNA'S PINK TABLETS for the nose and throat, dropping of mucus dis-charge, sensation of a lump in the throat and other disturbances, Ask Your Druggist OPPORTUNITIES DRILLING FOR OIL SHALLOW Ontario field investing part, ners. Write P.O. Box 55, Terminal A, Toronto. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN DELIVERY WORK $150.00 MONTHLY Income for part-time deliveries and collections. Must have car or light truck, $795.00 cash required. More income for full time. Reply giving name, address and phone number to Box No. 178. 123.18th St.. New. Toronto, Ontario. OPERATE Home Mail Order Business! Men and Women (all Ages). Ten Proven Money making Sources. Only 250. Satis- faction assured. Captain, Box 501-CA, Reading, Massachusetts. BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession; good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel Graduates America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue-Free Write'or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W.,"Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa OPPORTUNITIES MEN AND WOMEN SPEEDHAND trains for Stenographer in 10 weeks Hornestudy. ABC System. Free folder, Cassell Systems, 10 East- bourne Crest, Toronto, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGII & Company Patent Attorneys. Ettablished 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries. PERSONAL "ADAM to Armageddon," brief, history book ,fre0 to bible readers. Address: Box 149, Dorchester, Ontario. ANCIENT Pcipularity Formula! Amazing results, any age, sex or class. Does not rely on appearance, education, wealth, etc. Short, simple instructions, , $1. Reliance, P.O. Box 7, Marys/We, Hie-souri. LADIES for the best in eeinietiei, try Peggy Newton PrOducts, Free eats- logue, beauty chart. Bern's Novelty P.O. Box 045 . Montreal, ADULTS! Persoliel„Rtiblier Goods! 36 assortment for $2.00. ,„ Mailed, . quality, tested; guaranteed, „ Mailed, in 'nlalit sealed package plus 'tree Birth Control booklet End „.ctitalogne of' supplies, WeStern. Distributors. Box 24-TV, Regina, Sask. . ' • .• . • • LOOK YEARS YOUNGER IN MOMENTS OLD looking? Wrinkles on face and neck, puffinesS Under eyes. Get rid.. of them y. Momenta after appLyttiet: Rae'sWrinkle. Reirioyer. Really Works, like magic' End testa. for 6 hours lifter each appliCation. . The results , amaze You. Use Only one or tive deonii to Make .s'ou• jeok years younger. negu- tar. $SA,- lerge„$111.00, nestnnicle R,W.R. Company, 416 'Queen West, Ti5rentO, PETS. FOR SALE BRASS Name ?Wes, M.4.chtno stomped with your name And. Address, lied -lot; tom For Keys or Dog Collars. Three. for dollar, Pete Waite, 100 nattwoY Street, Woodstock, Dntarlo. POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK . • ,“ • DO Yen Poultrymen kr1019 that K-109 zonberonxs led ail riatienallY, sold Ogg breeds in the number of lerge eggs laid in, 057.54 Random Sample Tests? 76.3% of the gimb,or ,eggs, g were large, You know that you can" make bigger premiums morkoting oracle A Large egg$ ,minber$ are unbeatable for early, Jarge, titiality, white eggs, Hatching all popular egg and dual purpose breeds, 1st Qeneration Droilers..Terkeys, Roast-et's and Broilers, Send for early order booking discount and new 1958 .folder, For swine raising try, Canada's future pig - Blue Spotted hybrid (outstona, ing mothers .of white skinned market pigs ), Also registered Large Blacks (the best sows for cross-breeding), Also Landrace, Aberdeen Anglia Cattle., Cata-logue, TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES LTD, FERGUS" ONTARIO. PROPERTIES FOR SALE FOR Sale • Eight room unfinished house with garage, located at 116 Chesterfield Ave., London, Ont. Apply Box 2, Glencoe, Ontario, SEEDS DOUGLAS SEEDS EXCLUSIVE European and American strains - 'All American" selections ---flowers, vegetables, begonias, calarli. urns. For Canada's finest listing of Hy-brid and 'improved seeds write; Douglas Seeds, Brantford, Ont, STAMPS AND COINS "BEGINNERS - try a selection of Approvals priced 10 to 100 each, mint and used. Mint U.S. stamps given free, to every applicant, Hikson Tremere. Ormiston, Saskatchewan.' BIG Worldwide Packet Free, to ap-proval applicants, Animals, Airmails, triangles, included. Many bargains on approval, 100 for handling. Larry Mc- Cormick, Camden East, Ontario. 20 FOREIGN Coins $1,00. Gold Sover-eign $15.00. 1958 Canadian Uncirculated Coin Set, $3,50, Scotch Highlander Badge $1,50. Coin Buying List 250. Crown Hobbies. 167 Codsell. Downs- - .- ..•__ oLD COINS, BANK NOTES May bring much profit. Send 25e coins or stamps for buying list, Paul Thlhert, 1745 Prince, Windsor, Ont, SWINE TOP quality Lanclrace swine, 2 to 8 months, priced from $25.00. Mervin Howe. R s„ Aylmer West, Ont. ..„ _ - WESSEX Saddleback gilts and boars, all ages; registered or unregistered, ideal for cross-breeding. Wessex/Landrace, Wessex/York. sows available. 'Dr. Murray Smith, Veterinarian. Charing Cross. Ontario. TRUCKS AND TRACTOR-TRAILERS -.-- — ATTENTION ALL TRUCKERS SEE Fruehauf's used trailer clearance sale of the year. We've got to move our old stock to make way for new trade-ins. 24' single axle stakes $400 2 only, 5,500 gal, fuel oil tankers $4,200 1 32' tandem insulated van - ........ 5999 1 2.8' single axle van ......... „„„ $499 2 14' single axle Fruehauf dumps . .. 51,950 MANY OTHER OUTSTANDING BUYS AT FRUEHAUF TRAILER CO. LTD. DIXIE, ONT. CALL BILL WILLIAMS DAYS, AT. 9.0373; EVGS., AT. 9.8387 VACATION RESORTS SOUTHERN RESORT FORT-Lauderdale, Florida, near ocean. Modern rooms, apartments. Send for brochure. 'Windsor Manor, 2835 Terra-mar St, WANTED WANTED IN NEW CONDITION 1.11.C. 11/2 to 21/2 oil bath gas engine, Johnson % washer motor, Wisconsin 3 horse engine with ,reduction gear. Would trade one bag concrete mixer for half bag size, Enos. S. Martin. R..11.. 3, Wallenstein, Ont. MERRY MENAGERIE "'Eye, 'bye, dear--have a nice flight!" CEDAR-WALL Amazing, Lab Tested, do-it yourself, crushed aromatic redwood cedar! Mix with water, brush on. Cedarizeti closets, ehesta,valls permanently at a fraction of the cost of a cedai. lining, 6 pounds covers 40 sq. ft. Costs Only OM Prepaid Send Cheque Money Order to WELLINGTON INDUSTRIES Dept. 51 Weilingteri, Ontario ItCh..Itc.. Nearly Crazy Very Rest Od of teething, coaling liquid D. MM. 'Prescription positively relieves faw red iteli--attitiatd by eczema, rashes', thafing-7other itch t rod ales. GreaSeleas, stainless : 3961. trial battle mast • eatIsfy, or Don't tniffer. Ask your diagaiat for O.D.MPRESCRIPl'ION • SLEEP TO-NIGHT NENVOIS111$1 *name tcmoitiwt • be happy old 'tranquil Instead of nervous for.6 good night's ileepv toldi Sedltin fribleir iiceorellea to dttedlons. SEDIC1N* tarLETt. She's A Champion Lady Beekeeper Looking after 15 million bees and five children is all in a day's work for Mrs. Lucy Deschamps of Duvernay, near Montreal, who is the wife, of a Canadian champion beekeeper. When Ger- ard Deschamps won the Cana- dian Beekeeper's Council Trophy for the best exhibit of liquid honey at the Royal Winter Fair, in November, he gave equal credit for his success to Lucy. In 1947, when Lucy married Gerard, an air force veteran, she had no idea that some day she would be "mothering" champ- ionship bees. In fact, she was terrified of bees. Today she is an expert handler. Lucy says that it took her about one year to 'become accustomed to the bees. Iq to being stung "it's in the game!" she says ' cheer- fully. Conquering the fear of bees is the first and most im- portant step in the life of a bee handler. Bees, like a great many other animals, seem instinctively to sense fear in their handlers. The Deschamps have three hundred hives spread over five different locations within a radius of five miles from their home. The hives are placed where the best clover crops are found. Last summer, the Des- champs even took some of their hives to the Lake St. John • district for 15 days to take ad- vantage of an excellent clover crop in that district. Producing and packaging championship honey means that Lucy Deschamps has a heavy schedule each day. Rising at 6:30, she gets her five sons, ages two to 10, ready for the day (three of them go to school), and then prepares to go out to the .hives. Her husband, who works untli 2:30 a.m. at the post office, doesn't 'get up until nine. When he is ready they' drive out, work and collect honey until mid- afternoon: Lucy has' a young girl Who stays with, the two younger children during the day while she's away. However, three mornings a How can I bake potatoes in less time than it ordinarily takes? A. Let the potatoes stand in het'Water fot fifteen minutes be, fore baking, and thd baking will require • but one-half the usual time. Q. HOW can I clean decorative candles that are soiled, but otherwise perfect? A. Saturate a cloth with alcO7; hel 'and rub the candles, All soil Will be removed and the lu8tei, retained. The candles can then' be wrapped and. put away for next winter, Q. How can t hem anold warn dove shade' it the needle break§ the fabric? A. When making a hew /tern' in an old window shade and: one Is not sure it will stand stitch= lug, make a deeper :hem and try Elting it shut to hold the stick, #ow, can I PreiVent a trinitY" odor feather When pilloW With feathers, crush a small block of camphor arid, mix it With the 'feathers. , it will .preserVe theni ,aild the „on* Will hot lieVe Entity Odor for it long time. ISSUE' iE 056 :hire Stoma astiri