HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-05, Page 5Vv7,2,T(31.\' The Sth and 166(11 :group 'mut at the 1.001e of Mrs. Doug Fraser for the February meeting. Ross McC0.11 and Mrs, Don Donald had charge or the devat- lens. The IneeiltIng evened: with hymn with. Mrs. .Wilbur ',Turnbull at the piano, Scripture was rend followed ,by prayer by 'Km McCall. Topic was ! ably taken by Mrs, Don Meflaiiald. Copper money is cio he taken to. the March. meeting, A bake sale is to be held, Lunch was, served by the Hindi commitiee as,4,9ted by. the • hostess. CA4vfiviazolureR:s. PLUM a an WIZEN HOT PAYS epucre:PLEmu illiP THE STREET -THINK OF REPAIRS FOR HEAT ,46., - -7-- 0111 CLASS(FIED. ADS FOR SALE — 'Baled Hay John Stevenson Phone 421.11 C. T. A. has kept them all olat of our county, and will. continue to do- so. ST. JOHN'S W. A. The meeting of St. John's W. A, was held on • Tuesday afternoon February 24, in the chiruch hall. The meeting opened with a hymn, members' prayer and 'prayer, Part- trer's prayer in unison. Minutes, cor- respondence and treasurer's report by Mrs 'C1). Davis. This - being. St. Matthias Day, the story of the choos- ing of Matthias as an apostle be succeed Judas, was 'read from Act 1.15, by ;Mrs, Wm, Fischer. Tha i Sermon on the Mount was read by I Mrs, B. Mitchell. A chapter of tlfe study book was dealt with by Mrs. Stephen, "Rate the, Evil, Love the i good". A study of Racial Discrimin- ation, mainly hi. Africa, and Intemp erance and Alchalism. The meeting -closed with prayers from the W. A. s'eriOice Manual led , by Mrs. Stephens. Ok At the regular morning service' in Knox Presbyterian Church Mr. Olen R. Thompson gave out perfect attendance awards to members of the Sunday School, For the first Nine in several years SkihdaY School has been hold right tlyrolugh through the Winter months and children and parents have been faitliall in spite of Weather and road conditions. The Men's gTdurp, of the Presby. terian Church will meet in Knox Church, Ctanimook, on Wednesday; evening, Mardi 11th at 8.30 gni. All men are cordially invited to I attend, . 1 Mr; Glen, Thiether was in Toronto' last week attending the Good Reads' ConVentleit. Mi.'', Clein Stefftler attended the Pall Fair Convention in 6.,ororitO, A,-t, butte&s, MeTaggStt osras. taken, i to Victoria Hospital, London, on 1 ThrtistlaY; where he 18 undergoing trenit4nent. ( Mrs, Lyle Gordon attended the I firinerat Of her brother. WM, Muter, in Oshawa lost Wednesday, Mr, aint Mrs, Wes. M`,iEneiteili a 0 ('6111116,11f NI Mr, Gmeme Mae, I 1 "ri..1r.,,id to toritlim ter the week-end. FOR SALE — Hammermill, Pairbank-Morse, 100 feet endless drive belt, in good con- dition. Plume 9 r 8 Molesworth NOTICE Remington Mall Chain Saws, and Repairs. Campbells Garage Wingham HELP WANTED Registered Nurse.; helm Ztart at once. Apply to Baker's Home. •NOTIOE Upholstery Of All Kinds repaired , remodeled recovered.- Elgin Phelke, Monkton Phone 33r21 Atwood FOR SALE — Littlo Pigs. 'Henry Stryker, Phone 18 J 6 Brussels Phone 271 R. R. 2 Blyth also practical UNIDER THE L. O. A, If Huron County were under the L. 0. A,, .hotels trestaurants, and clubs could apply for liquor licens'es Liquaor stores and brewers' retail stares would be opened arbitrarily b the Liquor Control Board in Hur- on towns where business promised profits. In cluie time beverage rooms. men's and women's, would also very 'probably be-licensed. How much liquor flows in L. C' A. .counties? As of March 21, 1957. there were the following legal liquor ,,(bets-- all outside of Huron. Government stores 210. Brewers' (retail stores 216, ta.vrens 170, : Public hduees 346, hotels 946, clubs 489, steamships, wine stores and Convalescent , railways .J56, In all more than 2,400 ' ' 'In additiOn 'Ontario has 1-9 breweries. • Do we want any ,of these? The WA`tt CA'rrLE fl EDI'IG A cSOCrAtioN "Where Belfter Pulls Are Used" artificin , breading Isertion for all breeds of cattle: If iittotiing teng ttirntity. ask for — Clinton il...taf10 er Paltilei Win ."..etilth 5..11:-.11, if it 18 a toetit eatt use our, tofrnTqt, tronbor photon .Ft Palnierateri 49S. For aerYlee' or ihore Inforntrit oti. cell. between:— 7.20 and .1060 A. ' week 'days. 6.00 aand . Sat= *May OYenItga. cri*O' tiodeet1 tit beat oil Sunday" iterilifig de not !defiant' 1%e Old0;iii tiiEttiNG ,,swortofwekof.i.,4, WANTED — Cattle ispiraying. for • Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake ?hone 424.0 or 95 Brussels WANTED 'Girl or woman to help with house- work. Monday through Saturday 9 — 11.30 a.m. Mrs. Laurie Cousins Phone 2513 1.1•111111.00m NOTICE Get your AutoMotive Su/4)1106 and Sporting goods -at Canadian 'Dire Corporation Associate Store, Wingham HOUSE FOR SALE In „nearby „hamlet, hunt In cup. boards, modern bath room, new. oil furnace, „attached garage, good roof, low taxes, Priced to sell. Apply Box 50 Brussels WAN rED Hired man wanted, married or single. Experienced in mixed farming. Good wages paid. Apply Jatnes Dewar, Phone 32R3 R. R. 3 Atwood FOR SALE till Coleman 011 Heater; 1 Celery Rouse 10x1a2, nearly new. 1 International .A Tractor, newly ovierohaitlerd. 1 Anternational furrow Plow Apply to Murray Htiethet Phone 80 Brussels FOR SALE Need storm Windows Before' 'you: Buy let .racksoa Rotes Ltd. give you an estimat4 on Na JA.Iihrilnuin self storing windews. Obligation Phone SeafOrtli tiW bEkALBS STARTED PULLETS Several hundred bekalb puiletst hatched' Nov. 3rd., 16 weeks Old Feb. 23rd, 18 Weeks - Mar, 9111, Vaccinated for bronchitis and New •castio. tShohlci he seen to be aPPreciated. If you kee.0 reaacla. Ydit will keep DOWN. lvtoore'a Poultry Seefortit Aerie 617.21 Attt Writ* rAR titiVtit bur Lowat r tat narialng, and in- tifiratide. Platt tilt help' yen inalie iz better &tit ttiPOltit Ott bill talk to US. tiLbtikt OoNkt.14e1no denerat IiiS014aned, MO -Atari Phone 863041' Brussels Phone 247 Tuesday and 'Friday Tinirsday, tla rch "SIPE E GEORGE fricCUTC/IRN AND THS. RIGHT WAY TO SAVE CASH ON -THS BEST USED CARS OBTAINABLE IS TO PEAL WITH 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V-8 and Antomatic Transmission 56 Chev. Belair Sedan. Fully Equipped 56 'Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan tit SERVING CANADA AND THE WORLD 1909-1959 The Women's Auxiliary of the Canadian Legion will conduct the canvass in this community this 'month,, Give generously to the lied' Cross Appeal. alga-5 eft ucdte. Sl • DAIRY FARMERS OF CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto i.....n.e.....66,66awntorneicanommaxasnot‘sestevers1180•••.'", • ( • "d; tiOTEL Yuirr distis ctith: address Only steps fear 1110, Yarding stores, railv.,ay terminal, and theateri 400 rooms with bath and )bower. TV and Ithdio in rill Guest Rooms. CAR PARK 4uperviatd on preinkei (taicats) it4le frOni $6.0 bauble from $0.64 FAMat PLAN wiet•encle• artinaed tha nianaGer lot eornoieti; Clot) net,* is Ottawa STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to an Interim Elementary-School Teacher's Certificate, valid in the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 8, 1960. Descriptive booklet "Teaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free on request. ACADEMIC REQII/REMENT FOR if ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing in eight Grade 13 papers, one of which shall be English Composition or English Literature., 'TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary School Graduation Diploma of the General Course. INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted by the Comniittee of Selection. Secondary school students interested in entering Teachers' College should apply for interview through the principal of their secondary school. Other applicants should write to: THE PRINCIPAL, STRATFORD TEACHERS' COLLEGE WATER STREET IIMIMMOIVON.6 wawa_ "sto-v=stzso r,ste ctlealrtM21111111156MatalagliOdiaril TTA COI* Olt eiyouhi ewe, ii&oedwz/ce Spring-- Tulip Festival "during May" stunincr 2ta,„ Fail eirnivai of Colors— Gatineau Hills Latt September, Rarly October 4.13 — Skiing, Within 4 Ivliles AT AhlY SEASON TAKE IN THE , . . " 6 Pa.,:aineot Buildings National Museurii, Experimental Farm.Motional Art Gallery hubly other ptaces of interest f:1 1 r.I.G1N. BLVD., Lelk v OTTAWA, ONTARIO Fishing, Hunting: THE BRUSSELS POW You, too, can get a PERSONAL LOAN Our Personal Loan service is organized to meet the wide range of needs of a wide range of people. Personal Loans are available at any one of our more than 800 branches . . . for any worthwhile purpose . for from one to three years . . . A loan is readily repaid through regular monthly deposits. -THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Providing Specialized Personal Loan service since 1936 Ist-59C 41••••••••=11•110MMODIONEIMM BRUSSELS BRANCH -- L. W; J. GLASGOW — MANAGER 9— income Tax Problems ? Income Tax Computed at a reasonable rate. Will compute income tax forms for busincia, and farmers. Oirn all day Tuesday and Friday. Call 247 for appointments. File early returns and avoid the last minute rush, GLENN M. RON,NENBERG INSURANCE `Brussels, Phone 247 Monkton, Phone Mitchell 688r41