HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-03-05, Page 1S S POS Thursday, March 5th, 1959 $2.00 per year $ I oger.t.R&"tea:.T •••••••••,!,1,r!,-,...m eirgif ON THE OCCASION OF Our Official Opening THE MAYDELLE ,Si J O? NEXT WEEK MARCH, 12th and 13th features LATEST STYLES and SHADES in. New Spring Millinery 'Glaves anal Scarves NEW STOCK of CHILDREN'S WEAR Baby Gifts a Specialty Be sure and drop In for a Cup of Tea, Mar. 12th and 13tis Tea will be served from three to five o'clock p.m. ••••••••••••••••• . .. . ... • . •••••••• .,•••••••••••••••4••••....." ••••,•••••!.... eN,0140.46.Ad MCCUTCHEON :GROCERY Phone 293 We Deliver ....10*.11•••••.•••••••=. g4 APPLICATIONS FOR WARBLE FLY INSPECTOR . TOWNSHIP OF GREY Applications ;for a Warble Fly Inspector for the ,Tovriship of Grey at a salary of 81.00 per hour and sluipply own transportation will be received hy the undersigned until 1 p. in. SatiuirclaY, March 7th, 1959. Any appliciAlon not necessarily accepted. Edythe M. da.rdiff, Clerk. Township of Grey. lathorlse4 •as imolai &gar fatill. Post Moe DePlutliagats Monte Post Publishing House 2 for 23c Garden, Patch Choice Green Beans 11 oz. • • St. William's Assorted Jams .2 for 47c 16c 2 for 89c Hunt's Catsup, 11 oz. Premium Sockeye Salmon CONTEST PRIZE WiN,NERS 'Tull/bled iNatueS Contest 'winners, last week were: 1. Mrs. Mervyn Pip e 2. Mrs. George Smith 3. Mrs Eiden Wilson Will the contest winners call, at the office of the Brussels Post for their prizes. Everyone concerned was gratified with the enthusiasm shown the first 'week of the contest, Keep those entries coming in, There were a number of contestants tied, so attach these sales ,slips from contess advertisers. In the case of ties, winners are determined by the Ntimber, NOT the Value,, of sales slips attached. to the entries. Get those sales slips! CONTEST ADVERTISERS You are reminded that your adiyertising copy MUST reach this office before 6 p.m. Monday. . • LETTER to THE EDITOR Tho Editor, The liresseis Post.. Dear sir; The Listowel tragedy is fresh. in everyonen Mind. 'We All feel for 'theSe people and extend our heart- • felt sympathy. We must, as ft, cotranauttY, do everything nOesible tie avoid Snell disasters. Foresight, followed by plroper coirrectivio measknres could, and have. saved. analtY a life, Let 'US do a little. thinking, The 'Brussels. Public 'School has two class rooms. upstairs, Each room has only one exit. Mr, Ashton's room has a door pant way along the hall and the children might have n chance at one stairway or the other providing ibeth stairways were not burning, The doorway in Mrs. Porter's room is right beside the front myen wooden staircase. Fire coming tip the Staircase could result. in liar pupils being haplessly trapped, What is urgently needed, in my opinion, is two oiuitside fire escapes and also a door put its Mrs. Porter's. room, at the hack of theClass room, to giviel an exit away from the stairway. Before we do anything else, Brus- sels School Board, protect the children in that school while they are required to attend, in the present building. • Asy delay could be a day too late. Yalars truly. end in all humble sincerity Ian McDenald THE WAY OF THIE 'CROSS (,fly Rev, Lloyd /JrOwn) An Old retired minister well eyes eighty WAS seen One day helping ; group of .boys plant Solna fruit ! trees. A neigh:hear said to him„ "Why do you bother with that? You ; will, never live to get gay fruit off these trees.", Looking up at his friend he replied, found. many good things. this world when I .came. I propose to leave as many good things 'as I possibly can. for 'What a wonderful way to look 'at. life! It is an attitude to life that is 'very Muth needed today, When. something needs to be done, when a cause needs to be upheld, when we are confronted with opportunities for service, so many of us are prone to ask the question, "‘What is there in it tor me?" If the friuilts are for another generation than our own, or if somebody 'else will receive the blessings and not us, very often we take the attitiude that it isn't worth. it, During the period of Lent we are brought agian to See how' the Master lived 'Eris life and how He gave it away. He never thought of Himself primarily, but always of others, Someone has remarked that He 'went about doing good, but. we are busy only going alines. Where in the world wound you find anyone who has done more for 'Others than did- Jesus in His brief 30 years? He called a gionP of 12 men' to carry on his %mirk, but much 'of the fruit of Its labefuir die did not see ;while he was on earth, Out what an impact (ifs work and wit- ness have had iin riffle world. At last fin order to do for man what man in himself. cold not do, namely, save himself from the power of sin. Tae took a cross, a symbol of sheltie, and made it into a symbol of victory - His victory 'and ours. Let its also take the way of the, cross with our lives like the reaching up to God who alone saves us 'from is(sir sins and, like ties cross-beam. lot our lives reach out to bless sit .atheys rowsl atlas+ us. rimumohliar, E. A. (TED) WILSON General Contractor SCOUTS PARENT Arip SON BANQUET ....The „annual ,parents ,:and -son' baneNet of the First Brussels Boy Scout Troup was held in the United Church here. The highlight of the evening ;was the presentation of Bronze Arrow- head Badges to .two local Scouts, Olen littchan and Don Smith. Ernest Dempster, assistant dePuty Scout Clommissioner, and Ben •Cook, dis- trict Scoutmaster, of Centralia.; officiated at the ceremony. COMMERCIAL g n d Concrete Work Brick and Block Work Remodelling DESIGNING —' DRAFTING M,AYDELL SHOPPE OFFICIAL OPENING The Maydell Shoppe, 'now located, in their new store, formerly ()templed by 1-1 Stretton, mark (their official Tihnimday and. Friday, will their from. PHONE Firm Contract Prices Submitted 12 R 12 BRUSSELS. ONT:. Mrs, 'Mabel McDonald Mrs. Mabel McDonald, widow of (the late Duncan N. McDonald, died. lin Straitpird IGlenerall If(ospatal on Sunday, March 1st, lin her 775th year She was born in Ethel, a daugh- ter of the late James Menzies, and his wife, Julia Eckmier. Following her marniage, she spent some years in this district before moving to Provioat, Alta, where they farmed for 20 years. They moved to Vancouver for a short time, before returning to Brussels in 1929. She was a member or Brussels 'United Church, and of. Morning Star Rebekah Lodge. She is survived by two sons, John and Harold, bath of Brussele; a sister, Mrs. Alec (Annie) McDonald, Brussels; one brother, George Menzies, Brussels, and four grandchildren. The remains rested at the homer Brussels, until Tuesday morning, when removal was made to the D. A. Bann funeral home, where service was held at 2 mm. Tuesday. Rev. L. J, Brown oonduicted the service. Pallbearers were Clark Matheson, Earl Remora:- Thos. MaDonald, Roy and Bob RESIDENTIAL General Reefing New Homes, Farm Building Repaire- - BLUEPRINTING BRUSSELS TRANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport: Phone 122 Brussels P.C.V. C.D,F.Farr Between FEB. 23rd and MARCH 23r4 Scoutmaster Cecil McFadden was! in charge. Mr. and Mrs, Carson Watson and 'Mr. and Mrs.' Leonard Meehan assisted Scoutmaster Mc- 'Fadden in arranging the evening's program which was attendend by about 40. The pros/ob• is Sunday the local 1 Scouts, Guides' and Brownies held their annual Church parade to the Uniteid Church where the service was conducted by the minister, Rev. Lloyd Brown. ELME S LISTOWEL VICTIM, RELATIVE OF )BRUSSELS RESIDENTS Kenneth Earl Hymers, 11, a victim of the tragic Listowel disas- ter, was a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Rowland of Brussels. He was the son of their daughter 'Mates. The sympathy of this community is extended to them and to all those to whom the disaster brought grief and trouble. EUCHRE PARTY 1111 The Ladies Auxiliary Rooms WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th at 8.30 P. M. Everyone Welcome Get Your Mid Winter Permanent at IRENE'S BEAUTY SALON Where Better Permanents Cost Less Appointment Day or Evening Phone 155 • PO,/ ••••••• CARD PARTY AND BOX SOCIAL At Brussels Public Library on TUESDAY, MARCH 17th Cards start at 8.30 P.M. No Admission Charge Under Auspices of East Huron Agricultural. Society BRUSSELS, ONT. PHONE 55; Res. 23? in conjunction with CLARE BURT .$10 1,00 K CFF Melville 'Church Minister; Rev. Jonathan Groevie Organist — Donald 'Dunbar '10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Divine Worship aI Clare Burt wants to send yolr his check for $100.00 and All you need to do is bury a 35 Tractor either a Deluxe, Diesel, ail' Spelalal. Clare will send his check to you, Our Customer, for tie& Come In to-day. See the Ferguson 35 Tractor. Buy it and get your $100 Award on Any One of the • 3 Ferguson 25 Models We also have 1 ONLY, New 65 Tractor at the Old Price Several good used ,Tractors on hand MASSEY-FERGUSON FARM and INDUSTRIAL SALES and SERVICE The United Church OF CANADA Minister: Rev. L. Brown B.A.; S.D. Organist: Mrs. A. E. Martin 140 Church School 11 A. M. Divine Worship Sponsored by The Recreational Committee opening on Mardh 12th and 13th. and welcome old and new friends in new nuanters with tea served three to five. The Maydell Shoppe features the latest hi style and shades in spring millinery ,and accessories. They also carry a delightful. variety of children's wear and make baby gifts a specialty. tx This attractive store has blonde finished plywood walls; flooring of beige and green tile and is illumin- ated with fitiorescent tube lighting, A side wall alcove, decoraited'in aqua marine, is fitted with two plate glass mirrors, one ':all-length for the display and fitting of new spring hats. Purses, hosiery, and, lingerie will be displayed on hack Wall. Everyone is invited to visit The Maydell SiuMpe and discover what a pleasant place it Is. Next week end bring your friends to the Maydell Shoppe to tea on March 12t i; and' 13th, PRESBYTERIAN YOUNG. WOMEN,S GUILD The February Meeting of the .Young Women.s Guild was held in the dhirrch Tuesday evening, Feb. 17th. With 22 members and one Visitor present. The meeting opened with a Odin by Margaret Sweeney. A hymn Was sung and scripture lestion, 1, RIM, 4, verses 7-19, Was read in 'Matson. Kate Wilson led in prayer, The tepid, "Home and Love" was road by Winnifted Edgar. A byinn and the Benediction brought this part .or the Meeting to a„ clbSe. It was decided to have On October 24. A, delicio0 lunch was the eorriinittee. CAPITOL i HEATRE LISTOWEL, ONT. CARD OF THANKS I wish Ito 'say thank you to the 'many friends and relatives who sent 'cards. letters and flowers while I was in St. Mary's hospital, Kitchener. Mao to those who visited me there and since coming home. They were all greatly appreciated Mrs. Itrian MoArter VAL'S BEAUTY SHOPPE Cutting Styling Cold Waving A Specialty Phone 40X Br.ussels JACK THYNNE CONCERT AND DANCE in Brussels Town Hall on FRIDAY, APRIL 10th When Draw will be made for the Niew 1959 Chev. Ticket salesmen area asked to change the date of the Draw on their tickets. Cousins, Tan McDonald Raymond. Burial war, in Brussels cemetery, ENGAGEMENT ANNIWNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs, George. Thatuten wish to announce the engagement of their only daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, to Arthur Henry Weiler, son of Mrs. J. Watson and the late Oscar Weiler of Fordwich. Marriage to take place in April.' VIA PPLE FLY POWDER TENDERS TOWNSHIP OF 'GREY Tenders for supplying Warble Fly Powder for the Township of Grey will be received by the undersigned until 1 p. rn., ,SatArday, March 7th, 1959, State price per poknrd. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily ,accepted. Edythe M. fia,rdiff, Clerk, Township of Grey. the bazaar Served by .TENDE Sealed tenders Clearly Marked as to cohtoitt wit!' be by the undersigned until 5 P. M. On Thursday, March 12th, 400619.4 tbWN8Hli, OF GREY GRAVEL TENDER- tenders Will ho received 'bY: the Undersigned until 1 P. iri, SatinttiriYi March 7th, 1959 for ethelittig aiid hatiling115;090 ,alibie yards, more tir o, of tiqtvet tot the T`. ownSiliP of GrdY, to he ectiiipted.with i% Settee, Gravel ter be supplied by the, township. Ail work to lie dent to SatisfactiOlt of Tike ttetiel iliteritlerif,, A certified elietta for t'Okoo nittAt aCedilirianY tertithet tdiidof not fieeeit., y stiril iiebrieted, Edythe 1i. dartiitti Mei*, Of LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM, ONTARIO Two ShitiWd. Eadli Night Commencing at 7.16 P. M. Thugs. Mar, 5 - Double Bill Two Smashing War Pictures Humphrey Bogart; June AllyaOrt in • "BATTLE CIRCUS" and Richard Widniark In hTAkt THE HIGH GRcit.1Nboo SATURDAY ONLY March A rOItt: COMIC BOOK to each of the that 200 kids to gee %, "MARK 64. TYrene PoWer. Comedy earthen ,„ CA) 8 25,000 GVW trutka (Cab & Chassis) (b) 4 tee Panel Truck Tenders for (a) and (b) to'submitted tepatttely, tendeo Memo and itpecifidatiOriti availabie at the Engineer. Oils** Anglican Church OF CANADA Parish of Bruteeki Ileziort Pkw. V.4 4th 'Sunday in Lent sit. denied tirtaissisi • 5.30 A.M. tic)* tiatibistist 8,30 A, M. Efoly Eucharist 11 A. M. Matthis Sunday 8chobi Wednesday, March 11th 10.06 A. M, Holy Eucharist 8,15 13, ,M. beirotiona and Medttatiot, the Re*. W. St, Janie& Chitteh,• §tratiOrd; Ontarle., St. David's == Henfryii' 2.30 P. M. Erietigriet NORTH HURON WIN DRAMA TROPHY The North Huron Jr. Warmers and Jr. Institute were Winners of the Merton Keys Trophy when they were awarded first place in the fifth .annuall Huron County Junior Farm- ers' Drama Festival held in Seaforth last week. Miss 'DKtli Proctor a member of tho winning cast received th e best stress award for her portrayal of an actress award for her portrayal of an autocratic wheel chair invalid, The North Huron "High NVidow" oast" competed with greups Seaforth, South IThron and Trowick. X, C. 'Clbrinan, of Eketer, School Inspector and member of the London Little Theatre, was the adjudicator, Members of the cast Were: Ruth Proctor, Harry Brydges, Sheila Black, .71M 130Winan anti Bessie Campbell, all of Morris. The play I Was directed by Mrs, R. W. Kennedy Assisted by Jean Smith. Dill .Strong, Seaforth was named best titter. Presentation of the awards wad toad-, by Morton Rrestar end Jean Smith. CONGRATULATliaNSI (")..!,.,ra'•.1..ttions to little Miss Arnie Kratter, Who Wen third Place, with 79 marks, in the and under piano class at the Stratford MwrifilS MUSic Festival. Ante is the daughter of Mr. and Mr, Calvin 1;:roliter, This was her first featital alllykitanee. She. is a puttil of Mrs. L, ii. TheillP Sat. Mon. TUel. - Wed': = Thera. Mar. 9:10' 1;1, ft !'CAT ON A Hot TIN 00600 effierilaidepe Color Adak interiatomoii4 Adult. Adriiletien *!le Thugs. 5. Fri., Sat. • March. 5-6-7 ,ferry Lewit• Marilyn MakWell. In ROCK•A,BYE'BABY • paiA i t i ;1060Otkk 46'44' as Jerry takes over' itia care of baby tr`Iptlets. WARBLE FLY SPRAYING TENDERS TOWts191-tits ORL GREY Tenders for the illitityitig of battle tor Warble Fly in the Township et Choy will be received by iho atidee. , signed tali I .1.). M., StitardaY,1 Mardli 'Itii, 100. Rttite price per fiend per spray. toa'a"sli or any trificier tot iitieek• Edythe M. dirCliti, 1 tartly. accepted. &brit, teiViialiiii Of tire*. Country Engineer Court Flouatll Cod-04*i, '0004.