HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-26, Page 4Ann THE BRUSSELS FM lop Thursday, ?cab, 40th., GRANT'S a4 and Men's Wear AVAGE §140$ For Children lin Correct Widths and Sizes S ONLY $4.95 W G. La: ,25% OFF PLATED FLATWEAR ONEIDA COMMUNITY 1847 1 ROGERS BROS. Why Pay More 1 Other Lines at $3,50 Jeweller Gifts for Every Occasion AND We believe that the Case Tr will last longer, will give Tractor sold. INVESTIGATE How you can own a complete Inter Com. of Your VerY Own PHONE 64 actor has more features is better nanre value per dollar than any other .1441t, COLLARD'S CHAIN, SAW You . ATTENTION FARMERS ONLY HAve you always :wanted a, cornploto inter corn, 'syrkem, for your far.M. your Wish been been granted,. You ean now get Absolutely Free pf :charge The New and. Wonderfnl 'Case •Form Inter porn, Loolri Pollard Ha* 'More To Offer. know the Service policy olf pollard. choin s,aw That will be the Pollard. Tracter LOWE'S Red and White Food Market There's Magic In Your Dollar At Red and White SPECIALS HEINZ BABY FOOD 10 $1.00 SI Is/IONIZE WAX QT. TIN $1.00 WHITE SWAN TISSUE 9 ....„ $1.00 KLEEI4EX TISSUES CKUBBY or REGLUAR 6 $1.00 B.ENSORS CHOICE QUALITY PEAS 20 oz. 7 $1.00 SUNKIST ORANGES Juicy, Golden 5 lb. BAG 530 Check Your Hand Bills for 3 Big Days of Value Feb. 26 27 28 PHONE 288 FREE DELIVERY First Week of Contest Only T H E MAYD,ELL $HOPPE .4 5% QFF Moving to etore formerly occupied by I-1, Strptton. BiOrs §I-IIRTS, broken sizes Moving Specials until Feb, 28 25% OFF FALL. & vviNtgR HATS 10% OFF All CHILDRENS WEAR Business As Usual Watch for ,Our Opening Dates Agent: Tlp TOP Tailere WO 0 D PH,ONE 24 JUMBLE SPECIALS BOy's lined Tan Jeans Reg. to $4.98 $2.98 Children's 1 piece Snow Suits Reg. to $14.95 $7.95 Men's. Blue Denim Jeans 8 oz. $3.50 McCUTCHEON MOTORS LTD. CHEV. OLDSMOBILE CHEV. TRUCKS Complete Service LICENSED MECHANIC See These Used Car Specials 57 BUICK 4-DOOR HARD TOP 53 CHEV. 2-DOOR COACH 55 CHEV, 4-DOOR SEDAN JUMBLE NAME CONTEST SPECAL You Get Absolutely FREE when you buy one of these cars 100 GALLONS of SUPERT'EST GASOLINE PHONE 56 BRUSSELS DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses AT CASH VALUE Old Horses 4c per lb. PHONE COLLECT 133 BRUSSELS BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service Policy, BE SURE Yes you can always be sure when you Deal With Pollard COMPARE True . Dollar Value the nest Deal that you can get BRUSSELS MACHAN HARDWARE KELVINATOR APPLIANCES We Service Everything We Sell See the Beautiful Kelvinator' 20 CUB. FT. FREEZERS 719 1..bs, Capacity OUR SPECIAL JUMBLE. NAMES CONTEST OFFER Present This Add At Our Store It Is Worth $100 Off the Sept, Prioe of This WONDERFUL FREEZER intistELS, 0,NT. 41111101111111,1•111.104161•0•1110.1. C.&G. KRAUTER THE BEST ° PLUMBING COMBINATION DEAL IN CANADA BATH TUB * TOILET * WASHBASIN $175 or $15 Down, 24 months to pay Installation and piping extra See The Best in 011 Heating Up To 5 Years To Pay PHONE 147 BRUSSELS Clearance Table of Real Values This Week's Jumbled Names, Are: 1,.SWODO 2. PAL DOL CAR 'HAN W IS 3. TOM SOB SURE SLSR . KARMS SAND CORN CONTESTANT'S SIGNATURE W. E. WILLIS BAKERY BAKER and GROCER For All Your Week-end Shopping — SPECIALS — Ayimer Cataup 2 for 33c Sunjoy Peas, 20 oz. 3 for Burn's Lard 2 lbs. for 37c Cheery Morn Coffee 65c a lb. DROP IN •'or PHONE 132 Prompt Delivery ARNOLD, L111.;LOW'S ESSO SERVICE STATION and GARAGE T. V. CENTRE Phiico T. V. SALES and SERVICE This Coupon is worth $25 on th e purchase of any Model of Philco T. V. WINGHAM PHONE 4243J Elmer Somers PHONE 55 RES. 237 FARM, & INDUSTRIAL EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE ..•• C. J. PEGELOW Shoes and Boots FREE: with the purchase of any pair of work boots, 1 tin of Waiterproofing We specialize in Harness Repairs Phone 83 Brussels HUETHE,R'S PRODUCE -Cinder now inanagement, Spepialists (in prepared FoUitry, Hog, .Cattle Feed, For lithe best prices on Ens • Call In or Phone 80 Murray litretker, Manager WES. BUDNARK & SON JOHN DEERE FARM, EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE SP,ECIAL: See the Terrific RECONDITIONED JEEPS Before you Buy, Check theee Pacts , Starts Easy *‘Grealter Gas Economy * More Power * Stronger Built You Get Quality, Service from. IBudnark & Sons PHONE 58.1 BRUSSELS 'BRIDGE MOTORS Dealer For INTERNATIONAL HA'RVESTER and NEW IDEA FARM EQUIPMENT SALES and SERVICE 'General Repairs BRUSSELS — PHONE 249 NcFADDEN'S Barber Shop Your Hair Cut The Way You Want It Cut Shut-ins Given Pompt Attention PHONE 262 BRUSSELS WINGHAM TIRE SERVICE Vulcanizing Complete Farm Tire Service Good Year Tires and Tubes PHONE 148 WINGHAM When In Brussels Make OLDFIELD HARDWARE Your Shopping Headquarters SPECIAL During Jumble Names Contest Whirlpool Washer, reg. $149 for $120 13 .420. ft. Prig., reg. $389 for t289 17 cub, ft, Deep Freeze, ,reg. $399 for $300 1 used, Gas Range $85 These and many more. It will pay you to drop in. TELEPHONE 68 W. L.,BAEKER and SON MEAT 'MARKET We Specislize In Home Rilled Beef /and pork See us for the Highea Prices Paid for Live Stock. Fail Line Of Fresh OT Cooked Meats Ftell At All Times PHONE 294 'MILL or Aog Grower 'CORDON WORKMAN Plumbing — Heating Electrical Contracting SPACE HEATERS by SUPER FLAME ONLY LEFT 3 25.00 PRESEIrr THIS ADD and SAVE on any Space Heater purohase'n. ,This offer gaod during the Contest Period Only. PHONE 57, BRUSSELS J. c. ADAMS & SON GRAIN — FEED 1— SEED •••••••••••• SHURGAIN GRAND VALLEY FERTILIZERS . NATIONAL REG. SEED GRAIN GRASS SEED SEED CLEANING, TREATING PHONE 199 BRUSSELS BRUSSELS LIVESTOCK SALES Y ARDS ••••=mmirm WEEKLY SALE EVERY FRIDAY 1 P.M. your Home Market where you are Welcome as Viattor — Consignor Or _Buyer PHONE 46 BRUSSELS See The NUFFIELD DIESEL TRACTOR porrdiclendaryat‘GalesesTrtahcatnor aannd thring this special contest A Front End 'MANURE LOADER will be GIVEN AWAY with a New Tractor at GORDON McGAVIN AND SONS . WALTON Your dealer for Nuffield , Cockshutt, ;Nein/ Idea, and New Holland, Farm Equipment WINTHROP IFEED SWIFTS FEEDS FREE—FREE—FREE With Every Ton of Laying Mash, Growing Mash YOU PET ABSOLUTELY FREE 100 LBS, of LAYING MASH or HOG GROWER YES ABSOLUTELY FREE Offer Good During Contest Only PHONE 855R1I SEAFORTH FOR FREE DELIVERY 1 BOYES FARM SUPPLIES MASSEY FERGUSON SALES and SERVICE MSED TRACTORS - To Suit Every Need All Sizes To Suit Every Purse From $150 and Up Don't Wait, You May Be Too Late, All Deed Tractors Reconditioned and Guaranteed. ,(Yes reconditioneld Our t Own Plait:tory Trained Mechanic.) PHONE 110 SEAFORTH BLUEVALE MILLING COMPANY LTD. HEADQUARTERS IN THIS AREIA. FOR PIONEER PQWER SAWS TORRO POWER MOWERS and GARDEN TILLERS Complete Line ot SWIFTS FEEDS Special Formula Feeds for Every Need For Information Call RAY SCHMIDT, WINGHAM 304W2 This Coppon Is worth $15.00 off the Regular' Price of a POWER SAW, ,BOLEN'S TILLER or CHOR MASTER Phone 100 Best in Food. Brussels . NEW AMERICAN HOTEL 18 year of service to Brussels. Fine accomod• ation. Visit our dining room for the EVON,NE BEAUTY SHOPPE Specialists in Ladies Hair CUttIng' First week Jumble Name's Conteit Special: this coup-' on worth $1 on Cold Wave. Phone 29 Brussels QUEEN'S HOTEL Pleasant. Comfortable; Ac come.dsAions. Remodeled & refUrnished, Homeicooked metals. Renowned for steaks. A home away front home. For Reservations Phone 54, Brussels ,BRUSSELS MOTORS Cities Service Gas & 011 General Overhaul, Licensed. Mecilanics, ,Special Conteist Offer: qt. Of oll tvigi every 19 gallons of See. Offer Seed for 1 twee& only. Phone 173, Brtissels J. M. M,cDONALD LUMBER CO. LTD: . 'Free Material Estiniatee deMiciiPletoew Byuoiuldrittorts:usuriply before you build Phone 77 Brussels WM. MCWHIRTER , Elettrital Contractor* Pllunibing, MAU% Deep and /Shallow Well Prettiare Sysltenis.' De Laval Stnier, eters & Milkers. Electric IVIdtors rePairo4 and re- Wound. PhOne 153, Brassels. R. 'MARKS and SONS 'Garage — General Repairs Bind Welding. Dealer for Pioneer Cthitin Saws. This add is worth 315 on the 'purchase of any Pioneer Saw at our show room. Ph. Brus. 90r12, Sear. 832r3 .,,,c(Irevt-olet brings you the „oar S most practi.cal answer toty's driving costs. It's ha a I-new Hi-Thrift :t1,' to iiintrIcr 716 • e r4c '1,03P - ,Thia end COMPare PRICES ' SPRING REQUIREMENTS COMM.. Garry & ROdney Seed Oata $125 pee hue', Ranger Alfalfa $24 Per bile kay.Pe6i,uee $6.66 ner dere -1g-1O Fertiiiiers $45Ati pee ton TOP NOTCH, • rEED S. LIMITED PHONE /76 SEAPORTIA "The Most Valve Far The , Partner'e Maar", tHt "itikutttiA .1.t. 'WILL 'PAY' 'Yoti HUETHER'S PRODUCE .EGGs POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS MURRAY HUETHER Phone 80 Brussels Income Tax Peoblems ? irictotile TAX COtaptiadd. at a reatonable rate, Will eorriptite bleorrie taX torins for bUsiness, and farmers. 'Open all otay Tuesday and PrIday. dill 20 for rile early refurria and avoid the Mat minUte One% ENN m: Rok ,NEN d 0 6 INSURANCE Phone 24t Monkten Phone Mlitheli WOO OPFICIAL JUMBLAD 'NAMES CONTEST RULES (I) misontinhie the Aditetthiteg ee.tnee Aid ere (2) tilt** thetn in the Spade allotEid, (3) tech, eetfy must be aCCOMpanied by' a sitieS blip or reaSonabio, (0 in diel OVelnit Of a tie fife' oonteittaot aending in 146 hionf sake Slitis With their entry Will he Itidge4 the Whiner, (t) Yon May •enter wittest ee many times yoit ath Win More 'than briee thrtinp:haut the CO'ntek, Eictra denieb et the Oit§ele PeAt Wilt be on al the' billed &Ming the einiteat, -(5) 146 eine tiSeadiet,ed With tbiS neWSpaper, et the ProPrieter Of anY blialtieSS MAY titter the tented, eitliet% Ate eligible, (0 Alt .ehtmet tktegt te lit the .15eg tieWSnalier Ottict not latet, thell'"Metidirty the,i'ittehled *.trie8 don:lest ie sponsored 1,4fr "the' fiett, the Miieftlettie ihdfdiatift4„ ',Petronizei, 0,6 thitikth-et .ttett etiti, early.. TEMPLEMAN CLEANERS Modern ofise cLEANtnit EQUIRMENt PAtt. txliti4t"6ERVitt nopairs Min Alterattona Itetteelitible' tiatee' PHONE. 3'23 -WIA'GRANI