HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-19, Page 7now Chips had heard that bell .days and nights before anyone cise, Sir James comments in Airritie amount of his first six veers ender sail: "Sail lice, written in Collaboration with P It. Stephenson. Was the dis- covery of the real bell--a mil- liongo-one chance in mid-ocean —just a coincidence al the very time he'd gone off his head with a touch of the sun and imagined Le could hear bells? Another strange thing happen. d on the voyage bank, 900 miles off Africa, when the masts and ,'arils were given a fresh coat of white paint, The mate noticed a drift of reddish dust swirling in the corners of the poop deck, then discovered that the wet Paint on masts and yards was completely covered with it, "A ruddy dust storm, sir, during the night," he told the skipper in- credulously. "Dust storm?" said the cap• tain. "We're nearly a thousand miles from land!" But he went aloft and saw for himself that the unbelievable had occurred, A whirlwind from the Sahara had, presumably carried a dust-cloud high in the air for 1,500 miles or more, to deposit it in mid-ocean on that new paint! Sir James says he's never heard of it happening to any other ship. He's never heard, either, of a ship with burst seams making port safely, held to- s.gether with cable, until a ship- mate, Mick Mulligan, told him it happened to the fully-rigged. Kingsport when he sailed in her on her maiden voyage from Saint John's, New Brunswick. Wooden built, she hadn't enough iron bolts and tree nails to hold her hull- together. But the owners decided she was good enough to sail to England to be finished, with a cargo of sawn baulks, boards and battens which had been frozen hard, lying out in, the open. When she reached warm Gulf Stream weather the timber thaw- ed, swelled, and as the hull wasn't properly fastened, burst her seams; she began leaking like a basket and became water- logged. Pumping couldn't keep, the water back, so Captain Mut. ,cahy ordered a length of the anchor cable to be unshackled,. hauled under the ship's, bottom on a line and up the other side, and made fast to the capstan with wire lashing. In nine hours they put one length round her by the fore- mast,. one by the main, and a third by the mizzen, and thus trussed—with' rails under, only poop and forecastlehead show- ing, galley washed out and fo'- c'sle belly-deep in water—made Holyhead after a forty-day voy- age, and were towed into Liver- pool by a Mersey tug. The hands got nothing extra, but the underwriters gave Mul- cahy a gold watch and purse of sovereigns for holding the ship together. Cdr. Alan Villiers, an author- ity on sailing, calls "Sail Ho!" great stuff. It will delight, with its salty yarns and old-time sailor-lore, all lovers of sea ad- venture. Football That Is Real Rough Fun Football on a Shrove Tuesday has been a custom 'for centuries in England. In the year 1175 a Canterbury monk, one William Fitzstephen, during an account of life in London during the reign of Henry II, made refer- ence to Shrove Tuesday and "the fam6us game of ball." This is a clear indication that the game was very well established in the capital city as early as the 12th century, Nowadays the football funp- tions, many of them associated with local traditional rituals and folklore, are celebrated in doz- ens of places up and down the AE FARM FROM Jokt slightly more than enough to meet its „demands, according to a study by, Dr. R. G. Bressler of the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural. Economics, Univer- sity of California. In terms of total dairy pro- ducts, however the region has a deficit equivalent to some 2.2 billion pounds of farm milk pro- duction, roughly equal to, two- thirds of the butter consumption of the, western states. Shipments of butter,"cheese, and other pro- ducts from the Mid-west make up the deficit. Bright Ideas There was a time when many companies who paid .any atten- tion at all' to 'their employes' ideas, paid a $10 bonus for im- provement suggestions. And they got ideas worth only $10 in too many instances. Since World War II many com- panies have upped the bright- idea ante. They pay off a per- centage of the savings that can be made on an employe's bright idea. And both the companies and the employes have beep cashing in handsomely. Latest such cash-in is that of two employes of the Gary Works of the U.S. Steel Corp The steel- workers, Oscar M. Dansler, 61, and Salvatore Lumella, 39, each received $10,000 for figuring out a way to separate molten iron from slag as it flows from the furnace. Dansler was quite frank in' admitting he put his mind to the problem only when the com- pany announced the suggestion contest 18 months' ago. Since then the Gary plant has paid out $67,000 to 1,500 em- ployes. This shows that when management is willing to leaPn from the workers on the job, employes can be inspired to think in terms of the company's pro- blems. That is, if the employes have the same incentive that management has — namely, money. Hundreds of companies are learning this lesson and are paying out millions for bright ideas. — Chicago Sun-Times. 'HE'S NOT EMUSED — A dim view of all that snow' is taken by this baby emu in the Vin- cennes zoo near Paris, France. Emus, birds resembling the ,ostrich but smaller in size, are native to Australia. Their chief purpose: to fill three - letter blanks in crossword puzzles. PALACE OF SNOW A research worker' teems tiny 'in a huge trench dug by the Corps of Engineer* in the trio* of the Arctic ice cap, the trench was roofed over by blowing' processed snoW Oyer a temporary frame. When the snow hardened in d day or so, the frame WOO renioved. If it one of tnahy trenches used as tempi, Warkshept and tioreld Speidet. KV; .$0 3 6' 19 9. Cleopatra's attendant 10. U. S. missile 11, Convey 6. Covet 21. Peacefully 30, Daby bear 31—Dnelosure for :Aorage 33. Composition for two 34. Male 7. Go (Scot.) 8. Refined ore 46 49 43 6 6 30 13 16 40 25 0 36 23 7 41 •.,t• I-.;6 20 34 1,7 47 50 44 a 31 14. 41 9 10- 26 27 28 Drug property styli!, DOWN . Ice runner 17. Depend 35 1. incluetrig 19. Day of the 16 (rimy forgetfulness t. Greek week lab.) .57, Grand- philosopher 22. Catised to parental b IS. Vinber Wolf 8 ' fiCnalrdele 23 errs particle 40. Heavenly . Electrified 16, Cooled 4. WhirlwInde 25. Digit .. body in Atlantic 26. Litany or 41. Alou Mai n 5. Telephone, supplication in Crete Isolation, ete. 27. Click beetle 44, Or. letter Answot. ttsewhree tl'iS .page' Swamped By Dust In Mid-Ocean eThe bells! The hells; The. PONS!" Chips, the ship's var.pen- ter, whispered hoarsely in the s'uite's ear, "twat" them bells, Mister? The hells o' the sea, ring- ing for the dead!" The Mate grabbed Chips' shoulders and shook him, "You are going balmy," lie said, "The heat has affected Your brain!. One more word from you about bells, anti you'll be to,cked up until we reach Melbourne!" But the next clay Chips was at it a gain, Bunning from his .'loop, eyes staring, he sang Out to the dockhands. "Listen, mates, listen! Hark at them bells, the lls o' the seal We'll never reach port, I tell ye! We're all dead men!" With a screech of horror, he climbed on the bargee's rail, holding on to the fore shrouds, 'pointing ahead. "Pull him down!" the mate roared, "Grab hire' before he xoes over the side, and lock him in his shop!" Locked in he was, 'but he stuck his head out of the port, singing out in a voice of doom: "The bells o' the sea fore- tell death and destruction I cao 'hear them ringing!" Sir James Bisset, ex-Cunard Commodore, says it happened in mid-Atlantic doldrums in the 'County of Pembroke, the first 'barque he.sailed in as apprentice 'in '98. The sequel was as strange 'as any in sea annals. For, next the lookout man, Rhys Davies, came bounding down from the •forecastle, eyes wide with fright, .crying: "Mister! Mister! I hear hells , . on, the port bow, ring- ing over the water, and there's eio ship or land_ in sight!" "Have you gone mad, too?" the mate demanded But he ordered all hands forrard to lis, ten, and himself heard a bell's deep note tolling over the empty ,expanse of sea on the port bow. "Holy mackerel!" he gasped. "'Nothing in sight, and we're hundreds of miles from land! Call the captain!" The captain came, focused his telescope in the direction indi- cated. "Indeed to goodness," he •exclaimed. "It's a bell buoy/ I .can see it, very rusty, with no top light, but the clappers are working well enough. What's a 'bell buoy doing in the middle •of the ocean? It must be adrift. Bear up for it, Misters" Fetching a rifle from his cabin, he sank the buoy with a number shots, ignoring Chips' frantic appeal: "Don't shoot, sir! It's 'bad luck!" What puzzled them all was EXOTIC — This tumblerful is one of seven rare Egyptian Galgos, believed to be the first ever born in the United States. Their owner says they're big, grace- ful dogs when full grown. It is believed that, Galgos were used as models for the stone dogs guarding ancient tombs and temples in Egypt. country. But perhaps the best known, and the one which gets the most mention because of what journalists and photogra- phers know as "color," is the one at Ashbourne in Derbyshire. There. the annual maul is a meal. that extends from lunchtime to midnight. At Ashbourne, near the his- toric city of Derby and where they have preserved civic re- cords showing that football was played in Derbyshire at the time of the Roman legions in AD 217, they start the proceedings in a meadow known locally as Shaw Croft. The assembled company, somewhat ominously perhaps, sing the valedictory number "Auld Lang Syne." Then the gaily colored ball is ceremoni- ously tossed into the air. That is the signal to end all cere- mony. From then on it becomes what our historians have des- cribed so elodUently as a "friendly kyede of fighte." The' rules, like the play, are rough. The duration of play de- pends upon the energies of the participants. These are never known because it is never known just who or how many are going to join in. Apart frbm all the mobile population of Ashbourne, who open a special fund beforehand to defray the cost of any damage that May accrue, spectators a r e often wont to take part. Which side you take depends on whether you live north or south of the swiftly floWing Heniriore River that separates the goals three miles apart. If yeti are north you are an "Up'ard" and if south a "Dol,vn'ard." If you happen to reside temporarily in between as so may of the contestant do in their efforts to secure the ball, yott are unfortunate. The I-tenth-Ore Plays a strategie part he the ASiibbUrile game. When it is in fell spate, as it is expetted to be this year, it, is the smart thing for the "Dewris ards" to get the ball into the river because it flews toward the erietriy's. goat Conversely it is smart for the "tiVarcis" to keep it away and shove and thrust their way overland. the goals are thiliS and the Method of tetting the ball to theth may' be by kicking the ball freiii foot to foot, passing it from hand to hand, or by Sheer stealth like concealing it beneath your jeeket, Just because five of the larg- est dairy products companies in the country have their operat- ing headquarters on the West Coast is no sign that the smaller firms in the region are being crowded out. Far from it. In the last four or five years some 250 smaller concerns have started up in Cali- fornia alone, and one equipment • supplier was bidding on 12 jobs simultaneously a few weeks' ago. * • * The rise of these new, smaller concerns located, close to the large centers of population is one of the outstanding trends in the western dairy industry, ac- cording 'to Mrs. Virginia Jones Baker, publisher of Western Dairy Foods Review. Many of them are drive-ins, where women using the family, car for jitneying children to, and from school or for shopping ex- peditions can easily swing by and pick up ,the family milk for less money. * $ One of the newest and largest of these "producer to,consumer" dairies, located in 'Hayward, in the San Francisco Bay area, has four service lanes, 3,000-car daily capacity, for expeditions handling of cash and carry cus- tomers. A large sign centrally located between the service lanes lists merchandise, complete with prices. It is the outcome of an idea of four active dairy far- mers producing Jersey milk. * * * One reason for the ability of the smaller producers to com- pete is the "feed-lot" system, where pasture is dispensed with, cows are penned up in as small an area as possible and fed store-bought hay and supple- mentary nourishment. This brings its results in milk: California's annual output of milk per cow is reported as 8,000 pounds, compared to Wisconsin's 7,600 and the national average of 6,000. For the Los Angeles County dairyland, or "milk shed" as it is frequently called, figures of 13,600 pounds per cow Ere reported. The country's milk volume is the greatest in the country and greater than 22 of the states. * • Another reason is truck trans- portation, which permits a small plant to process milk from groups of farmers located a con- siderable distance away, With the development cf refrigerated transportation, milk can be haul- ed many miles; in fact, it is trucked from California's San Joacjuin Valley to Phoenix, Ariz., a good thousand miles, with only two to three degrees change in • temperature. * The so-called small mills oper- ation is nevertheless a good- sized business. It must have from 80 to 100 fresh cows to be pro- fitable, according to Mrs. Baker. and must be highly Mechanized. Today's ultimate is piping the milk direct' from the milking Machines attached to the cows to holding tanks, and thence by pump into the truck's tank. * . * This is part of the picture of the growing West; Whose Milk predectien for the 11-State area is expected to' increase from the 14.3 billion valume of 1955 to 20.2 billion Petinds 19775--arid still not be able to meet the de- mand. Despite this' 87' Per p0fit climb fel- m i I it, the eicpeeted population IncreaSe is '67 Per cent. * I * At Pitaent the West precitide* BY Bev K. Uarela,y Warren BA, MP Jesus wwhes about the Vgd of the Age, Memory Selection: Take ye heed, watch and pray; for ye know not when the time is, Mark 13:33, Many who used to scoff at the idea of the destruction of this world have changed their mind since the coming of the atomic age. The following statement from 2 Peter 3:10, doesn't sound so fantastic now. "But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; on the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therin shall be burned up." The destruction of Jerusalem, including the temple, happened in 70 A.D. just as Jesus predicted it on our lesson. His personal re- turn is still delaye d. Some would-be prophets have set the date for our Lord's return. "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no not the angels which are in heaven." It is not for us to speculate as to the time of His return but ra- ther to take heed, and watch and• pray, The prophecies with regard' to the first coming of Jesus were minutely fulfilled.. So will the Scriptures concerning His return in glory be fulfilled. Our business is to receive Him now Into our hearts as Lord and Saviour. Then we shall 10 ready to meet Him when He returns. An old Rabbi used to say to his people, "Repent the day be- fore you die." "But" said they, "Rabbi, we do not know the day of our deaths." "Then", said the Rabbi, "Re- pent today." That is timely ad- vice. We should, live today with the full awareness that it may be our last day. For, even though Jesus Christ may not C01110, (1014 ;MY eome. Let. us therefore walk, with 00.. mg we walk in the light, as he is In the light, e. have feilowship, one svith_PIt- other, and the. blood of 4,40 Christ his .Son; cleaosetit us ,frown all 41.4 2 John 1:1, If you are. not on speaking terms with some member of your family or your community, do ,your best to clear the misunderstanding,, Let us pre,, pare to meet God. English Becoming The World Tongue The important change in the postwar years is the extent to which English is spoken, and as a form of communication be- tween those of other nation- alities, In Palermo a French woman speaks to hotel employes in English, In Florence, Cubans haggle over price in English. In Hamburg, an Indian and a German argue politics in Eng- lish. To stimulate this trend, the Ford Foundation has announced grants of $600,000 to expand and improve the teaching of English as a second language. This mon- ey will be used to upgrade the quality of instruction, chiefly in Africa and Asia, It is now being predicted that only extreme national pride 01 a complete collapse of the econo. my, both unlikely, can prevent_ (the English language) from be. coming the accepted secone4 language in most countries of the world. —Kansas. City Star, Upsidedown to. Prevent Peekini MOM 01110 MOW MOB MOO B1900 EM00 MODUONOU M0121 OUM MEMO 000M00 OWO 00010N 0W0 000 UMOU MON 000M 000 MOB 80000 S0000 OWN 0100 MUM= 0000MEIMO 0000 0000 OMO 0000 OM= 000 COW LONG ODDS — Quintuplets in the world of sheep are expectable about once in 20,00 lamb- ings. Mother sheep, left, beat the percentages and came up with, five healthy youngsters on the James Risk farm. Four of the Risk children display the prize family, CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS ' I. !Ionian fiddler 6. Supplicate 8. obey 12. Fencing sword 18, Fiiegien IC Canal 15.. Hogs 18.. Catch hp 18. Old:Fr:coin 19, Home of 11 across, ie. Lessened watereeerei , (Hindu) 28, Infirm 24. Charadterlitie 25. PlaYthing. 26. Legal action 29 Injured 80. Agatiiiit 81. Tree trunk 22, Curve 13. Payable It, stogie 115Ainder (Prefix)' 26 Give 87, same, 40 Marble.(ilial.)' 41. square root Of 100' O. Life *reek 44. I.tidependent ,„ Ireland 4S. Arlielst 48: Canine IttabOr a vein' of Ore 49. genii . 11.. A thee' friend 41 42 45 3 21 24 29 32, Ia 15. 12. 38 '2 39 3 35 4 22 1194SM% LESSON . NOR IRON BARS A FENCE — Edward Harris bites his cigar in chagrin as he examines a conquering tree in the front yard of his home. The iron, fence was gobbled up by the tree which was only five inches in diameter when Harris moved into the house 25 years ago.