HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-19, Page 5-FOR SALE — Need Storm WIndOws Befort,e You Buy /et Jackson :,Homes Ltd. give you tin estimate :on ee.ineninum self storing windows. No Obligation, Phone Seaforth SW ATTENTION CAR BUYERS 'Our Low Cost Financing and ra- Orat1C0 Plan will help you make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk 'to us, GLENN. RONNENBERO General. Insurance Monkton — Phone 6621/41 Brussels — Phone 247 Tuesday and Friday TENDERS WANTED Tenders „wanted ..for 15 cords of body hard wood; 5 cords of cedar for Duff's United Church, Walton. Tenders to be in by ,February 25th. Wood to be delivered by hale 1st Bert Johnston, R. R. 2, Brussels .. Ar• 1 +.0...r. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for -- Clinton Zenith 9.5650 or Palmerston Zenith 5-514. If it is a local call use our :regular number Clinton H V 2-3441 or Painiereton 498. For more information, call 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. week days. 6.00 and 8.00 P. M. Sat- etc.day evenings. For COWS noticed In heat on Sunday Morning. do not Ball until Monde* Morning. The tluality is high and the cost is let. vetti4G!iirAkt _ 147-AL tg43.0 a4 1R Xiittturro,4! trop Phir#7011.,0 rttsntictt Itkdre 1700er 00,4Atintltit 11.10-0 *aft ftxtit•q? trikstortinz 'tot *.4414,:nt ratOtt ItMir liarttle 4i*raat4fry letitteeing rk Onset-011'e A.. *hole 110)60006r 011.401.6 *INGHAM, ONt: service betteteeite— eenTr....."M"Tret OPPrn!!!!...M5 WANTED wants work, by ftho da,Y nnywheire., Fred Selling P.. Ilene 07W1ertieeele 'FOR SALE rk-lioQ cibn..41101. bar D14111040, Hnitrows, in. good cendition. Prod Soiling Phone. 97W Brueeele teeltl.e ete 11.eleteere. , „ CALVIN KRAIITERV breGPLUMSER 0)) ! .Carriee Moved by Glenn Huether, freconded that we finally pass By-law No, 13- ! 1958 on the Cronbrook Drain Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Archie Mann that we aopoint SIpoiratC Robt, Cunninethem and Alex Pearson representing the Village of Ethel, Mrs, Earl Bowes and Mrs, Torn •Illedrarlane, from the Women's Institute, Lawson Ward and Geo. TI,Itchinson from the Council on lithe Ethel Community Centre Board CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SA.leg. ▪ Pig:., weavers J ohn Stryker, R. It, 2, Blyth Phone 18 J 0, Brussels , Foie SALE fia,nun,ermill, Feirbank-Marse, 100 feet endless 'drive belt, in good cone 4 itten. Phone 9 r 8 lliolosworth NOTICE Upholstery Of All Kinds repaired , remodeled recovered. Elgin Phelke, Monkton Phone 331'21 Atwood WANTED — Cattle isplraying for lice. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake Phone 42r6' or 95 Brussels ^.10,.....www•Varykemaw, w ••-•01 a* FOR SALE — Jtegistereld Aberdeen Angus Bull, 10 months old. Also 1 Drake wanted. John Rhin Phone 33r13 FOR SALE- One Pure Bred Yorkshire Sow iearrying her second litter, due March 3rd. Also two Toulouse Ganders. '1Vra. T. Grant Phone 25-6 FOR SALE 1 used 17" Table Model Television. 1 21" Floor Model Television. 1, 21" Floor 'Medea Television, extra ''.good, Machan Hardware Tnione 2.83 BliMsels r OR SALE — ....Ford Army Truck, ..15 ..hundred weight, ..with ..Snow Blade; „also complete Snow Plow for front, all worked by hydraulic controls; Set of Chains and Spare T Ire. "Sammy Waxman Phone 287 — Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray'seconded by Archie Mann that this Council approve the building of an eight room addition to the present Wing- ham District Hilgh School Building, jand the is4nance of debentures on 'the assessment of the Wingharn District High. School Area in pay- ment thereof — Carried Moved by Kenneth Bray seconded by Glenn ,Hu.ether that we advertise tor aiMilicalifons for Warble Fly Inspector at One Dollar per hour supplying own transportation. Appli tuitions to be in by one o'cleck, March 7th it — Carried Moved by Glenn Iliuether, seconded by Kenneth Bray that we advertise of tenders for Warble Fly Spraying stating rate per head. — Carried ,Molved by Lawson Ward, seconded by Archie Mann that we advertise for menders for Warble Fly powder stating price per pound — Carried Moved by Aueh'ie Mann seconded by Kenneth Bray 'that we advertise for lenders for eijilshing and hauling 15,000 yds. of gravel, more or less, for Grey Tw.P., % screen to be used. • Certified cheque for $300.00 to, accom- pany tender. Gravel to he supplied by Twp. All wqork to ha done under supervision of Road Supt. Carried Moived by Lawson Ward, seconded by Archie Mann that we give the Huron County Soil and Crop Improve meat Association a grant of $15,00 — Carried Moved by Glenn Huether, seconded by Lawson Ward 'that all approved accotints be paid — Carried NfIred by Lawson Ward, seconded by Kenneth Bray that we do now adjourn to meet March 7th or at the call of the Reeve. - Carried. The following etecounts were paid. -Treas. of Ontario, tto redeelm Tile Drainage ideben- tuee $420.28 Nielson Hanna, fox bounty 44.00 H. M. Catereing, fox bounty 4.00 Sheldon Jacklin, fox bOunty 4.0l Betty Bailie, fox tonally 10.00 CT, M. Stevenson, Cox bounty 8,00 Carl .Tacklin, fox bounty 4.0e John Matheson -fox: bounty 4,Ob Fred Sniallden, fox bounty 4.00 Penes ere, fox bounty 28.01 Robert Locking, fox bounty 4.06 E, M. Cardiff, clerk's' to-6e, 'fox bounty 7.50 M, Cardiff, birth and deaths registrations 1,25 Gee. W. I-Webb-ism tele= 'phone tons 5.50 neht. Centittighain, stove oft, Clerk's office' 26.87 13. M, and tetenhenie fire ball 20.47 3.00 office toile Mertitt, ellottaxieias 4.06 Drain WM. Iteilineeie elleititandeS 14.01 Bislitin 'beak ,tiltwYri take, troatinter'S 26,00 tend Assoce Oat, Mayors ite,ves; in-61461's* ee§ ittirtin k drott Imp Assoc„ grant Twp. of Logan, assessment Centro Br. Northwest Drain DebentIares Reads and Bridges $6,176,74 M. Cardiff, Clerk Hutchinson, Reeve RESIDENTS SUFFER INJURIES Mr. Selwyn Baker is in Seaforth hospital with a serious head injury I suffered in a fall on ice. Mr. D. A. Rann 'was the vickim of a curling accident when he All breaking an I arm, Mrs, T. Leak also has a broken I arm ?rein a 'fall down stairs. WINGHAM HOSPITAL BOARD ELECTS OFFICERS • Wingham General Hospital Board at .its inaugural meeting re-elected T-1. C. MacLean as • chairman for his eighth term of office. Named as vice-chairman of the board was 11, B. Cousins of Brussels. Committee chairmen are: A. D. MacWilliam, finance; DeWitt Miller, property; R. B. Cousins, manage- ment. John -Strong was re-appointed secretary and Mrs. Iris Morrey as administratrix. Three new. members of the board this year are Dr, P. J. Leahy of Teeswater, john 'Colvin of Culrose township. Herb Paxton of. Turn- berry township, CRANBROOK Mrs. R. Thompson gave the message at the World Day of Prayer Service held in Knox Presbyterian Church on Friday afteentoon. Mrs. Stanley Fischer, president of the Afternoon Auxiliary, and Mrs. Glen Huetheite president of the Evening Atetiliary, were lenders. Others taking part Were Mrs, Wilfred Strickler; M,tes. Earl Dtati, Stuart Evans, Mrs. M. Engel. Miss Len a Noble, and Mrs. Fred Kirkpatrick. Miss A, J. Forrest was organist and Mrs. Kenneth. Mee- Donald -sang a solo. Mr. Puitlean Victaggert is in leimeeels at the Mine 'of his riepheW Adrian 'i\le,-Taggart. Cranbrook W. M. S. The Febettary meeting of Crate brook W. M. S. was held at the, home Mrs. lGritee Peens with ten Mein_ belt present, Mire. Alex Sloths, as leave opened the meeting with "Whet cloth the Lord require of thee." Hymns were :setig with Mrs. Engel at the piano. All trepeated the Lordes Prayer hi -baleen. The scripture was read by Mrs. Grace Evans. ,Cuteeent Events Were read by Mit. Perrie Mrs. Engel and Mrs. Fischer, A story on Pokeelo, an. Eskimo boy, was give by Mee. Strickler'. Mrs. Mint led in grayer. Mrs. Jtieklin had the topic on "Bitildifig a French Canadian Meech". Mrs. Perri?, and Mr's, Grace, EVans read pttticit8 on Freneh tiatad- irtaS. President teak the busin6.9§ the ineet- A repett On the Maitland Pros, bvtoria4 held hi Winghttm was given by Mrs Engel and Mrs. Fleenor. Mr. and Mrs, Thompson and Mrs Engel were' appointed seeders ot the 0. O. Cl. for 1959, There ware five sick calls reported The Meeting closed with Prayer- by :gteisS, Wee ,served 1>y drlte poste, et assisted by Strickler' and Mrs, was' Nesbitt Hamilton Nesbitt Hamilton formerly of the village eiiBettssels and esteemed resident of Atwood 'for many years, dieci at his home Fridey, Feb, 13, fol- lowing a brief illness. He was ht his 77th year, Born 'C'ot, 27th, 1882., on, Con. 8, Elena Township he was a son of the late 0', E. Hamilton and ,the former Ellen Gibb, On Jane 8, 1912 he mar- ried 'Gertrude Duncan of Brussels, who survives. ese He is also survived by one son, Jack Hamilton, Bluevale, and one daughter, Mrs. Hugh (M,auna) Ken- nedy, Toronto; seven grandchildren one sister, Mrs. W. T. Shearer, Poole, and one brother, Thomas Hamilton. He was a mem:6er 'of the At- wood Presbyterian Church. 'The funeral service Was held Mon- day at 2 p.m. from Peebles Funeral, RON". Douglas Black of the Atwood Presbyterian Church eon- deleted the service. Pallbeterers were: Ralph and Clark Hunter, Toronte; Arthur and Roy Hamilton, Atwood; Ross Dun- can, Morris township, and Eric Love, Atwood. FlowerbeareIre were Ralph Love, tGra.halm Bell, Milton Coulter and Elgin Smith, Burial 'was in Elma Crentre Come" tery. H. AND S. ASSOCIATION HEARS CHILD PSYCHOLOGIST The regular meeting of the .Brus- sels 2-Tome and Sdhool Association was held on Wednesday night in :the public school, with Rev, L. j, Brown, ,he president in the chair, The association creed was read by Mrs. C A. Myers. A committee consisting of Mrs. John McDonald and Mrs. George Galbraith, chosen to sluIpervise Skating on Tuesday arid Thursday afternoons for the nre-sehool child_ ren, reported a big attendance and requested more helpers. The banner awarded the school room for highest parent attendance at the Verne and School meetings Was preseeted to Miss Luella Mitchell foi: her primary room. The claes will have posession of it until the next meeting. Miss Mitchell presided for a. short program Consisting of a vocal solo. by Patsy Bryans with Donald Dun_ bar as accompanist piano solos by Anne Kreuter, Sally Galbraith and Jean Patrick and piano duet by Carol and Palsy 13retane. cerameralion of the foubding of the Vome ani Scheel Association by Mit. A. Cl, Colietice, Mrs. George McCutclieon traced a brief history of the organisation , The founding of the Cotietice Memorial Library in 1924 'c-as in her memory, It con- tain§ 1,338 volunfes for the Ilse of members, of I-Teene and School Association and Mrs'. McCutchenit Imid several .of the books at the meeting with lists of publications The guest speaker, Mee J, V, Theirlow, master of of child psYchol. ogy and a teacher of Stratford TettcheIre' College, vies iritteideded by Terre. DoliOse Porter, Mrs. That- low's address, which she entitled "txneetations,'' Was devoted to the application of PaYchningY dealing with eltihtren. Mrs. Thutlew was 'thanked by Aire. Margaret Tyeethen and pee_ seeted with a vitt by Mrs. Cl. A. MYeTS. A ehori releefToe welded follewel. Lunde eras Nerved by Mrs, Senn McDonald and hnr social comnit. tee, WORLD DAY OF PRAYER. The World Day of Prayer was observed in Bittisedls and district; with a service in St, John's Anglican ChIuirch which was attended by about 80 women. 6060 HOT WATER- OAKIPIES, TOO al' o014°Z; orzY° 15.00 88,45 I 359.52' 5,060,86 Edythe Geo. W. hitiOtt.49111.”TPN, WA4T.Q.N. 1 I114figP iN P.R.A4H. • Ving'it johnat•on,. 41, .u. Walton • district fanner had a close leltet With death Oni•Sateirdey when his. small European car was in .collision with a .0. P. R. freight train at tt crossing near Walton. He was removed Mu WVITKNOrn hnnpitat .FtqfferIng bead and .face cats.. jOhmston was bc•Wed about, 50 feet out of his ear when it was struck in ,into. rear by nn east-bound freight. The ambulance. While enronte t the hospital with Mr. Johnston, was in collision with a sanding tei,ielt, fortunately no one injured. WHAT'S THE BEST TRINE. Q TAKE: 'wee N „RIJN 0OwN;sPEECO Leaders for the program ,Mrs. 21, W. Stephene, Mrs. L. j..1 Brown and Mrs. W. L. Speir, Spec-' ial prayers were offered by Mrs. Geo. Davis, Mrs. W. Williamson, Mrs. Thomas Strachan. Mrs. Gee I Elliott, and Mrs. Cecil McFadden.1 Mrs. L. 7r, Glasgow gave a short address on prayer which she des- J cribeel as "an itenseen force travel- ling to any destination and affecting I those who are prayed for," Mrs!. -Dean DOVS012 a solo, accompanied at the organ by Mrs. D. A. Martin. Mrs. John Alcock land Mrs. C. L, Workmam took up the offering, POINTS VIOLATION 12 Criminal negligence involving the use of motor vehicle 12 Drivirid while intoxicated 12 Driving while ability to drive is• impaired 12 Obtaining licence by misrep- resentation Open co/1140'ton rot any of the trhove offeMes., 4nspenstort mandatory for at ;ease 3 months 9 Failing to stop at scene of accident Careless driving 5 Racing sani$411,14.1111.14.21 5U1 :T's "OUR CAR 1-14A -r's TQcKpc..1.r-r) OUT. MY PleRSCeeeTiON TRADE IT IN ON A PEPPY LATI• teeeere. FROtA rre,Plii"f9 fiVerer OrOlel 7114,t.0"5*e dri tei-er ;40 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V-8 and Automatic transmission 56 Chev. Belair Sedan Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan Ever remembered by his wife and ; and girls. Jalmily. IN MEMORIAM McNichol — In loving memory of a !dear husband -and father James McNichol who passed away on February 17th, 1944. Memories aro treasures no one can steal Death is a heartach e no one can heal. Some may forget you tow you are gone But we will remember no matter how long. PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr, and Mrs. T. Thornton and, elOughtter, Betty Anne and Mr. Steve Lour Of London, and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Miller of Port Credit spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ed. I. Henderson. Mrs. qelen. Hendeirson spent a, week In London with Mrs Stella I Come up to the school on T bait. day or Friday evening next week and see how tniuldit talent theft is amongst -our school district bon ff W. D. H. S. VARIETY CONCERT The students of ithe Winghara District High School will present their annual Variety Concert in the school auditorkam at 8.15 on the evening.* of Thursday, Febrlut,ry 20, and Friday, February 27. There will be vocal and instil- mental music, choral singing, demonstrations of physical edn: cation, and a one-act play "Th. Nine lives of Emily" (by arrange merit with Samuel French), The magazine drive In the fall and the variety concert in the 'Mutat are the two ways in which the school pupils raise money for thet activities. iSitudenits are sejtling tickets (admission 50 cents, 0. reserved seating). 4 I .4 I ,44 4 I I I I I 4 • I I I 1 4 4 I I 4 • • • • • • • I 4 • POINTS -VIOLATION 5 Exceeding speed limit by 30 in.ph. or more 3 Exceeding speed limit by more than 10 m.p.h. and less than 30 M.p.h. 3 Foiling to yield right-of-way 3 Falling to obey a stop sign or 3 Felling to report en accident 2 Exceeding speed limit by 10 m.p.h. or under 2 improper passing 2 Failing to share road POINTS VIOLATION 2 Improper turns 2 Foiling to signal 2 Improper driving Where high- way divided into lanes 2 Foiling to stop for school bus 2 Unnecessary slow dr:ving 2 Following boo closely 2 impir:ter of street car 2 lm?wer opiri:ng of vehicle door 2 Poliosliici.3 crou-over violotion 2 Any other delving offence when vehicle 'n motion Were t Steins and Ruth Anne, Ontario Department of Transport announces your • POINT SYSTEM Effective February 1, 1959 to make Ontario's streets and highways safer The Point System is designed to protect pedestrians and the millions of careful motorists from the small minority of negligent drivers who abuse the privilege of operating a motor vehicle. Protects good drivers—corrects bad drivers. The good drivers will be safer than ever before. Forgetful motorists Will be encouraged to improve their driving habits. Proof of the effectiveness of the Point System in reducing accidents is provided by its success in other provinces and in the United States. It is designed to save lives— including yours. flow the POINT SYSTEM works Points will be added to the driving record of motorists upon conviction for offences as listed below, 12 points within a 2-year period will bring licence suspension for 3 months. An additional 12 point accumulation within a 1-year period will bring 6 months' suspension. A driver with 6 points will be advised of his record and asked to improve his driving. Al 9 points the motorist will be asked to attend an interview and show cause why his driv- ing privilege should not be suspended. He may be placed on probation or have his licence suspended if his attitude reflects irresponsibility. Points are deducted froni the recOrd 2 years after the date of conviction. After a period of suspension, a motorist will begin with no points against his driving record. Each motorist will receive a folder describing the Point System in detail when applying for his 1959 Driver's Licence. POINT SYSTEM SCALE F LLOVV11418. 14,UL 'S. O DIVIX/INC; and j)Ou. will keep your driving record 'clear 1-iON,14., Si DYMONOt COLLINS, Deputy •Miiitotee ME BRUSSELS row Tit tirSAP.,Y, 'ObrilarY [0th,, 496' Grey Twp,. Council • The Cirey Townsalp 'Connell inget• ing was hold on Iliobruary Tile Moved ..by Glenn Haelliter, seconded by Lawson Ward. that the Minutes Of the .lest ineeting be adopted as read Carriee Moved by Kenneth Dray seconded by Laws-air Ward, that we adopt the I report on the Hyslop- Drain and in- etruct the clerk to prepare and serve 'he bylaws