HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-12, Page 7-ftaaar ae _eaa, ereaeee , 1.*041STED;ASi1S/AI'L'iUrttseisn ifeaV vieight . ifig*Mitia Oehiiintson The he's ready" for a world` title ' : ei With .1Cya !!!"otterssin• The SWedith fighter is shown on tPik'ai g rriVair In Nea4 Vilek C.44 for itigebtitont 'Of a possible botif tatii this SUhiniers, YOU CAN Know More About The HOLY BIBLE Free Correspondence Course on "WHAT THE BIBLE TEACHES" 12 Simple Lessons For All Ages , WRITE TO EMMAUS BIBLE SCHOOL 382 George St. S. Peterborough, Ontario • Aging. Sir Thomas ;goods Off Sir Thomas Beecham rolled majestically into New York last month, midway through his latest guest-conducting trek around the 1,1,$, Wtih successive triumphs In Philadelphia, Baltimore ' ,and Washington already behind Natio the portly English maestro was ,In, high good humor despite a cold which had put him in his. hotel bed for a day, "The hell I will," he had reared at his flee- tor, but to bed he went, Settled now in an easy chair for an interview in his hotel suite, lie bit off the end of his ever-present sigar when he was asked what kind of celebrations he planned for April 29, his 84th birthday, "I refuse to have any," he said, "Do you think I want to be reminded of it? I am as acute- ly conscious of it as any woman." Would he be in England for the occasion? Britisher Beecham hardly thought so. "The climate of England doesn't suit, me," the well-traveled conductor said, with a snort. "It doesn't suit even the English. I must pay the Eng- lish the compliment of saying that they have more of a sense of humor and fun than anyone else. Who else could support life a$ it is?" Since April also marks the 200th anniversary of the death of George Frederick Handel, a com- poser whom to Thomas has done so much to popularize during his career, would he participate in the worldwide observance of this event? "Not conspicuously," he replied. "I've been pushing Handel all my life. Why should I single out any particular year? Let other peole cash in on Han- del, even though they know noth- ing about him. But I will record the 'Messiah' in England this summer." In Beecham's hands, the "Mes- siah" can be transformed into an emotionally overwhelming testa- ment of faith. This genius for re- invigorating the familiar was never more apparent than at a Beecham concert in New York's Carnegie Hall one evening last week Beecham, a long-time suf- ferer from gout, elected to sit down in a straight chair on the podium between numbers instead of making his way back and forth from the wings. But when he rose to direct the Philadelphia Orchestra in the frequently play- ed "Linz" symphony of Mozart and the D minor symphony of Franck, Beecham was like a man reborn, his goateed face a mirror of delight for the music he was making. Mots vs. Music: This was a different Beecham from the belli- gerent baronet` of public legend, the master of the withering wit and the lord of the ironic retort. This man on the podium had spent a fortune underwriting symphonies and operas to bring music to the people, had fought to bring now-popular composers like Handel, Mozart, Delius, and Berlioz out of obscurity, and had developed from a gifted musical amateur to a professional conduc- tor of highest rank. Here in the living room of his hotel, however, Sir Thomas was more interested in .mots than in music. Flitting' from subject to subject, he recalled a brilliant concertmaster he once had who "detested all music." "An amiable attitude," was the Beecham com- ment. When reminded, of the days when the source of his fortune -- Beecham's liver pills — used to occasion great merriment, he re- membered when he' had offered the firm a new advertising jingle to "substitute "for the old familiar: Bark the herald angels sing, Beecham's pills are just the thing. Peace on earth and mercy mild, Two for man and one for' child. His contribution went like this: Miry had a little watch, She swallowed it one day, And took a box of Beecham's pills, To pass the time away, It was politely, but firmly turn- ed down. Since contemporary music is an ever-reliable bait COURT BALLET-Tom enson is caught in this" graceful pose while shooting a basket, — with Sir Thomas, he was asked about current trends. "I listen with great attention and interest," he said. "I once told a journalist that modern British music is one vast promissory note. One must always dook forward to the fu- ture, Cornpogers at the age of 00," Beecham observed slyly, "are still promising young men," Then when did the good music stop? "It stopped in 1925," he said flatly, if not altogether ac- curately. "Since then nothing has been produced in Europe worth listening to . . . I'll leave it to other people to explain why." From NEWSWEEK. Britain Plugs Royal Keyholes "I stood by the side of the Queen as she slowly flicked through a bundle of low-priced gay chintz curtain patterns," said the breezy (tabloid) Sun- day Pictorial's bylined story. "I had chosen these cotton designs for her myself, and I knew they were just what she wanted . ." Such backstairs glimpses of palace life are just what readers of Fleet Street's mass-circula- tion magazines and newspapers want. 'English readers have ap- parently insatiable appetites for crumbs of gossip from the royal table. Traditionally, such stories have been gleaned from palace -em- ployes or ex-employes. The Sun- day Pictorial's article — written by 42-year-old William Charles Ellis, the former superintendent of Windsor Castle, Queen Eliza- beth's weekend home — was typical in its concern with such minutiae as the chintz curtains, bathrooms, and sheets, Ellis's story *as not typical, however, 'in its leering look at wedded life in Windsor_ Castle. After he had asked Prince. Philip where he wanted his bed, Ellis wrote: ("He) chuckled (and he said): `You don't think I'm sleep- ing in this do you?' He pointed to the Queen's room and said: `That's where I sleep.' " That was enough for the shock- ed royal family. Last month, the Queen's solicitors got a tempor- ary High ,Court order forbidding publication of a second article. The Crown said Ellis had signed an `agreement not to print infor- mation about the royal family. Later, Britain's Attorney Gen- eral prepared to seek a perma.- Pent injunction against the Ellis i.4eries which could end all future keyhole peeks at the royal !family. 99.44 PROOF In Fairforest, S.C., Ileyle Rid- ings Was'caught sitting naked in a tublul of Whisky that was gurg- ling.dfawn the drain, told the cops he" knew nothing about any liquor, was only, taking a bath. Sportswriter • Gets A Boost A highly individualistic second- PersOn writing style ("You're Jackie :Robinson" "You're Rocky Graziano") has become familiar/ to readers of the tabloid New York Post as K specialty of James: Joseph victor CADDO; 49, a baldish, fast-talking bachelOr who bangs out some of the brightest sports copy in the busi- ness, Recently Jimmy Cannon's big. dreams neared reality, He was 'picked to 1111 the late 13ill, .Corum's place as sports column- 1st for the Hearst-owned New York Journal-American. The move will mean a big increase in. Cannon's New York.audience (The Journal-American has a circulation of 503,792 against The Post's 351,439), with distribution to other Hearst papers expected to follow. Lawyers haggled over terms but it was clear that tub-shaped Jimmy Cannon was the Hearst Corp,'s choice to replace tub- shaped Bill Corum in the No, 1 sports spot in their papers. Hearst executives refused to specify the salary they had offered Cannon, but. one of them remarked that the deal would make him "one of the highest-paid sportswriters in the world — perhaps the high- est paid." An intense, sad-eyed extrovert, Cannon hammers out hard-hit- ting prose that sometimes- slips into schmaltz, but often borders on the poetic, Though mainly concerned with sports, he also uncorks highly carbonated opin- ions on everything from women to war. Cannon often puts his words into the mouths of Two Head Charlie, a thoughtful horse player who recently had this to say about his favorite topic, the relationship of guys to dolls: "Women, they got the ring in our nose, Face it! They get the best of everything. A broad could go dancing in a dress looks like underwear, All she has to do is have a good shape and every- body tells her she's great. A guy could be sweating himself but if he take off his coat he's nothing but a bum." Cannon stuffs his poekets with notes for other columns with such headings as "Guranteed to Happen At ." and "Nobody Asked Me But—." In a Decem- ber column for The Post, he reel- ed off these typical lines under his "Nobody Asked Me" lead: • . "Resturant' menus should, iden- tify all dishes containing garlic." "Only bullfighters should wear • bullfighters' pants." When not covering sports, Can- non frequents such Broadway shrines as• Toots Sher's, L'indy's and the Stage Delicatessen. Once a boisterous drinker, he is now a teetotaler. He drinks, twenty to 30 cups of coffee daily and often takes sly digs at those who tip- ple, His public denunciation of fishing as "the vice of ,the shirker and the rummy" once prompted fellow columnist Red Smith to write: "Mr. Cannon himself is off the juce and it is. well known that there are none so intolerant as the dehydrated bibber who goes around with is tongue, cleav- ing to the dry roof of his mouth . . unable to make .aaly sound except 'Tch, tch'." An insomniac, Cannon does most of•his writing at night, edit- . ing himself so heavily that a fel- low writer once wondered "how the Western Union than reads" Cannon's crisscrossed copy. Cannon always searches for an angle. "He will watch a fight," a friend says, "and you can see him say to himself 'this proves he's this kind of fella.' Then he • goes down to the dressing room and talks to the fighters and he'll get all the background, like a psychiatrist." Some of Cannon's colleagues jeer at his full-brown style and orotund opinions,. They occasion- ally joke that the 'reader can "begin Cannon's columns in the middle." But most respect his writing even if they don't like it. "There never was a sports- Writer who Was S controversial — you either like his stuff or hate it,"- says freelancer W. C. Heinz, "but he's the most talerited Of any sportsvvritea,. His column is his whole life. He has no fam- ily; no gatnes he plays, no other activities. When he Writes, it's the concentration of his whole being, He' goes through an emo- tional anti/Igen I have no idea what .titritny would do if he weren't Writing that cOluirin'he'd be so lonesome." Prom NEWS- WEPK, How Can I? By Anne AshteY Q. How can I greVent rusting tit Steel articles' A, Put a lump 'ai freshly litlrned lime Into the cirawe box When itOrint away gad atildiati and it Will prevent them fibril rusting'. can /often, loather A00' A. If caught iii a hard rat* ersa the shoti: hate be oiYiA tiglY Ott' Wash them itfrith Werth:W*4 ter and then rub castor oil thesit oughly Into the leather, It *111 soften them. AGENTS WHA HAVE YOU TO I'll.? istalitaFA RERS agents Or &skate cheleen. Write-J & M Sales end Service" Box ON, Esteven, Sask. Apf tog .wAtfrqp AGGRESSIVE salesmen with car, 4ak. pig ineoey by working a Femilex ,dealership, full-time. Yaiell, he in buss. ness for yourself and realizetreniend, our profits. Large variety of Corona, ties, Vitamins, daily necessities. Writ* for Catalogue and details, Familein Dept., 96, 1600 Delorinder, Montreal.' POPE JOHN 23 LARGE full colour 12 x 16" picture, $1.00 each, Kea- Frcneh'S,Art gal, lery, 506 Yonge St., Termite GO INTO BUSINESS for yourself, Sell our exciting house, wares. watches and other products not found in stores, No Competition Prof, its up to 500% Write now for free colour catalogue and separate conft. dentin) wholesale price sheet. Murray Sales, 3E122 $t Lewrenee Montreal — BABY CHICKS ORDER now March-April Bray Chicks. Immediate delivery on dayolds, some started, heavy breed cockerels broiler chicks, Ames, dual purpese cockerels and pullets. Pricelist available. See local agent, or write Bray Hatchery, 120 John North, Hemliton, Ont. TIME-TESTED Performance since 1920. Day-old Chicks available weekly from The Fisher Orchards in Red X Col. Rock and White Leghorns. 'rake ad-vantage of our early order savings on day old pullet chicks Write for cata-logue and prieelist, The Fisher Or- chards, Burlington, °Mario. • TIME now to order Ressies. Babcock Bessies give top egg laying perform. ancc whether kept in Cages or large flocks. Gentle, easy birds to handle, High producers 12.15 months. Excellent livability. Large white eggs of high interior quality, Illustrated catalogue in colour on request. Red x Sussex, Warren Reds, Sussex x Reds, Red x Rocks also available. 100% live delivery, 98% livability 3 weeks, guaranteed. Whitney Farms & Hatchery, Milverton, Ontario. "OXFORD" Chicks live, lay and pay. They are the results of more than thirty years of careful selection and breeding, They have to be outstanding Producers because we want the very best kind of Chicks for our own flocks — high producers with low feed "con-version costs. We -have four pure breeds and four crosses — Columbia Rock White Leghorn, L-400 Leghorn Rhode Island Red x Columbia. Rock, Rhode Island Red x Barred Bock, White Leghorn x Columbia. Rock, White Leg-, ho rn x Columbia', Rock x White Leg- horn, Ames In-Cross. Write for free folder. The .Oxford Farmers' Co-opera-tive Produce' Company, Limited, 414 Main Street, Woodstock, Ontario. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE BOOKKEEPING Service that is Ideal and inexpensive. We keep you: records for $2.00 per month. More information write Auditax. c/o 210 Herbert. Waterloo Ontorlo, as- Itch..ItchNEWY1C7a:; Veryy, drat use of sclothfire, D. b..D. Prescription positively relieves raw red itch—daused by eczeme, rashes, itrItatIon, chtifirta-eothea itch trciabled7 Greaseless, etaInIeSs.,30 trial bottle must satisfy or, money back. Don't suffer, .Ask Smite dragilet for P.1).D.PRESCRIPT10N iSSUR 1 — 1958 IIIDE SALE GUARAPTEELS1 17J, new gold Swims Witqhfs OA each, 350, Pet; daren, Whole., stale .catalogue 800 retuadable on first order, Millen, .-791-C Piet 160th Street,: Bronx 56, N,Y my. MUST Sett Petente on Portable Refrig.. orator and Compressor for care, Memos, make toys also. Stanley Walker $21 E, Harvard Avenue, Orlando, Florida. CHINCHILLAS for sole. Good Profit to raise them. Can Jae kept in house. Write Mike !gnash, 233 Cockefleld Ave., Downsview, Ont. • !XL, PIONEER CHAIN SAWS Reconditioned, new saw guarantee — new low prices .— shipped Prepaid — write for free list today — Wilson Mara Ina Limited. 15' BO St, Box W, 1790, Perry Sound, Ontario, SERVICE station, repair garage, all fully equipped, ma gallonage, $8500, $2,000 down, Stock at invoice, at Little. Britain, M, 0, Tindall, Realtor. 43 Bond St, W., Oshawa. RA, 5-0429, YOUR name and adress on a cushioned, knob handle rubber stamp, $1 postpaid. Ball point pen free with order„ Preston, Laguna Peach, Florida, PLASTIC FOAM ALL the accessories: wire, leaves, ad- hesive, Printed patterns, etc- Send $1,00 now for foam sheet 36" by 40", re- ceive bonus piece and price list. Dunnville Sewing Centre, Dunnville, Ontario, HELP WANTED—FEMALE AGGRESSIVE AND SMART SALES- LADY for cosreeties firm expanding constantly. Full or part time basis, Inquire for free details at DORALDINA COSMETICS CO., P.0, Box 18, Station C, Montreal. CATHOLIC Family requires Mother's helper, Large home centrally located in Toronto. Live in. Must be fond ef dren. Write 9'. Foy, 128 Glenrose Ave., Toronto, Ont. WOMAN wanted for general house-work, gentile home, Live in. Must be abstainer. Ple'ase state wages desired. Mrs. Williams, 25 Pheasant Lane, Tor. onto W, Islington. HELP WANTED-MALE FOUR SALESMEN REQUIRED ONE man to sell pet supplies to the retail trades in Brampton, Goderich and Owen Sound area, 'three men required 'to sell, livestock and poultry medications to retail trades — one in Eastern Ontario, one in Brantford and Niagara 'area and one an Woodstock to Windsor area. PERMANENT positions, good salary, all expenses paid, car supplied. Write stating age, experience and salary ex-pected to; VIC)13iN (CANADA) LTD. St. Thomas, Ont. HORSES ATTENTION HORSEMEN ONTARIO Belgian Horse Assoc. hold- ing 6th Annual Draft Horse Sale, Wed-nesday, April 8th, 1559, Lindsay• Fair Grounds, Lindsay, Ontario. All horses must be consigned and catalogued. Con-signments close March 10. For entry forms write Jack Wood, R.R. 2, Aurora, Ontario. - INSTRUCTION EARN More ! Bookkeeping, Salesman- ship, Shorthand, Typewriting, etc. Les- sons 50e Ask for free circular No. 33. Canadian Correspondence Courses 1290 Bay Street, Toronto 'MEN & WOMEN ENROLMENTS ACCEPTED NOW FOR DAY AND EVENING COURSES IN INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS RADIO & TELEVISION CIRCUITRY COLOUR TELEVISION For full information mall this coupon, phone or write to your nearest RADIO ELECTRONIC TELEVISION SCHOOL 377 Talbot Street, London 329 Ottawa St. N,, Hamilton - 15 King Street N., Waterloo 124 Geneva Street, St. Catharines Name Street Town LIVESTOCK DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORNS HILLHEAD Farms present offering, young cows, calving January and Feb-ruary, heifer calves. Two. herd sire prospects from 11,000 lbs. of milk dams. Herd on R.O.P. Write for particulars. H. A. Hewitt's Sons York, Ont. MEDICAL DONT WAIL — EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE- 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Collect POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH the torment 01 dry eczema • rashes and weeping skin troubles, Post's Eczema Salve will not disappoint you Itching scaling and burning ecze-ma, acne,rin gworm, nimples and foot eczema Wil respond readily to the stainlese odorless ointwont regardless of ,how stubborn or hopeless they seem.eSt Post Free oh Receipt of Price PRICE $3.00 PER JAR POST'S REMEDIES 2565 St TColagirONAreoenue East NURSES WANTED WANTED .IMMEDIATELY GRADUATE Nurses and Nursing Assist-ants for moderh 42-bed hospital in Northern Ontario. Generous salary Ichedule and allowances, 40.lieur week, one month vacation With pay for gradu-ate nurses, Apply. Administrator, New Liekeard and District Hospital, New Lis-keerci Orli, OPPORTUNITIES DRILLING FOR Oli, SHALLOW Ontario field'investing part-ners, Write P.O. Box 55, Terminal A, Toronto, MEN AND WOMEN NEEDED To trate for a most iritetceting and satisfying peofeesiti, Learn to help yourself Arid others enjoy bettae heilith. Ftir free information' and chatte: CANADIAN COLLEGE' ok MASSAGE. 18 Fortnight', Termite, 7, oritario . , SLEEP TO-NIGHT An RELIEVE IV ERvo vsNIEst illatar.• tO•PAOkketil To 'le hippy and troaciLdi instead at nervous or fora goad night'. AO., take Sedicto tablets aCtordIng 'to sareastaiii, SEDICIN' sted—U.OS TABLAY8 omoSteresOnlyl OPPORTUNITIES FOR AND -WOMEN --110 you need to earn $60. weeks), sight in your own home? ate jollies% Proven dignified work, Texas,4441"," 40K 40; Fort Worth, ft BARNAtIO'letare.ERRIG. Term Soon, raeo catalogue, ,fteisch Auction loge, Mason City, Iowa, America, MONEY Maker! Travel ausspess you can run •arton. Your home, Bracticalia no jnyeatmeot, No experience Telt-sired, W, Anderson, 3933 N, Clarendon, Chic. go la, Illinois, • o START Mallorder Business at hornet Receive S Guaranteed aioneyonalong Plans. Get On our I.4st. Free details, Egert's Service, !Mix 7, Wayne, New Jersey, f100, PROFIT, per yard, preparing Soll or market, Women,men! Small Capn tot will start, Boolet explaining $2, The Dirtologist, 329 Redd, Cannon City, Colorado, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant. dignfied profession: good wages. Thousands of successful Marvel graduates, America's Greatest System Illustrated Catalogue Free, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESING SCHOOL 358 Bloor St. W. Toronto Branches: 44 King St., W., Hamilton 72 Rideau Street Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHA UGH. & Company Patent Attorneys. Established 1890. 000 University Ave., Toronto Patents all countries. PERSONAL AUTHORS invited submit MSS all types (including Poems) for book pub- lication. Reasonable terms, Stockwell Ltd., Ilfracombe, England. (Est'd. 1898,) CONFIDENTIAL! Remelt Service. Keep your address unknown, for fun or Per- sonal Reasons, Letters remailed 250 a letter. Rains, Box 782, Deer Park, Texas. DETAILS FREE! For hard to locate Products and items, or Manufacturers. Send Name and Address to: Location Service Bureau, Box 37-5 Almond, Wis- censin, U.S.A. FORMULA! That makes hair grow on Bald head, or money back. Restorer used Nationally. Send $5,00. N, T. Davis, Route No. 1, Campbell, Missouri, U.S.A. GURANTEED protection for Birth, Marriage, Receipts and personal rec. ords sealed by you, but filed with Safe. For information write: Safe, Box 13. Redlands, California. — DIABETIC — DTETETIC foods, flour, lams, canned fruits, breakfast' - Haloes, rolls, gum, chocolate bars and other Items for the diabetic person. Mail orders Sent. Fisher Drugs, 739 Richmond St. (near C,P.R. station) London, Ont. FREE Booklet; The Kingdom of God. When, and how it will' come., Who can participate. Write, John Gizen, Prelate. Sask. FARMERS' CAMERA CLUB BOX 31, GALT, ONT. FILMS developed and 8 magna prints 400 In album. 12 magna prints 604 In album. Reprints 54 each. KODACOLOR Developing roll $1.00 (not including Prints). Color prints 350 each extra. Ansco and Ektachrome 35 mm. 20 ex-posures mounted in slides $1.25. Color prints from slides 35e each, Duplicate transparencies 250 each. ADULTS! Personal Rubber Goods! 25 assortment for $1.00 Finest quality, tested, guaranteed, Mailed In plain sealed package plus free Birth Con. trol booklet and catalogue of supplies. Western Distributors. Box 24-TF, Regina, Sask, END OF WORLD ARMAGEDDON, Mark of the beast. Modernism. 144,000, Did Jesus pre-exist? Astounds Students. Silences Critics, Send 250 to: Legate, Rocanyine, Sask. PET STOCK BUDGIES, champion class breeding. Stock, singles, or pairs, guaranteed, Write: A viaries. 2 Edgewood Gardens. Toronto, PIGEONS RACING Homer Pigeons. Hardy stock. Banded, and flown up to 20Q miles. $3.00 each. Mr. K. Sperie, Heron Bay South, " Ont. -- POULTRY AND LIVESTOCK .ORDER your chicks and turkey poults before February 28th for delivery any time and 'save $1.00 per hundred on `Pullets, 500 oh Non-Sexed, $2,00 on Turkeys, This does not apply to' Broil- er chicks or Kimberchiks. All popular breeds. Send for catalogue and early booking discount. For the largest and, most- profitable white eggs you ever marketed, try IS-137 Kimberchlks. Kim-bcrs have excellent livability and rela- tively good resistance to Leueosis, Canada's pig Of the future now avail- able — Blue Spotted Hybrids, un-rivalled mothers of white skinned mar-ket pigs. Also selling registered, im- ported English Large Black, the best for crossbreeding, Also registered Lanclrace Swine, Accredited Angus' Cattle. TWEDDLE CRICK HATCHERIES laTD, FERGUS ONTARIO PROPERTIES WANTED ---- — WANTED waste farm land also cut over bush lots for hunting. William O'Brien, Coe Hill, Ontario. — — WANTED low priced acreage, any size. also 1,000 ft. or more lake frontage, reasonable for cash. Box 177, 123.18th Street, New Toronto, Ont. itR44 ESTATis FARMS-BUSINESSES-ACREAGES. , , NONE TOO le ARGP OR TOO SMALL lisT WITH US SATISPACTIOPI GUARANTEED. J. G. PORTER, BROKER BOX 137, HIGHLAND CREEK, ONT. SEEDS SEED FOR $AIr E CLINTLAND Registered No, 1 Oats, 1st Generation, ii, R, McKim, Quality Seeds* Presdeo, Ooterio, MU, 3.2511, STAMPS AND COINS CZARIST RUSSIA - 25 different mints, only 25 cents with approvals. Excello Stamp Company P.O. Box 218 A Star" Lion la, Montreal 2, (Qee). FREE $2-page magazine and pamphlet explaining hew YOU may exchange your surplus stamps with fellow members by Jointng: Stamp Collectors' Exchenge club, Arkeea 23, Ontario, . --- FREE 40 Exotic Giant Plotor141$1 Free 144-stamp Worldwide Nisi Free Starlit) Newspaper! Free illustrated Bargain Lists! With approvals, Rush 100. for Postage. oheateacs, Dept. Y New Peitz. N.Y. STAMP Collectors, Mixtures 500 U.S. 254. 500 Worldwide Sse. Brookside, Sox 133, Menden Mass, USA, THE famous British line of Rankin Stamp Albums and Accessories in-cludes album" from $1,25 to $50.00 and accessories from 10 cents te 211.00, Write for our complete catalogue, The. Ryerson. Press, 299 Queen Street West, Toronto 2-B, Ontario, WANTED - Gold and silver coins, Will -pay high prices. Write for free price list to P.O. Box 555, Postal Terminal "A" Toronto Ontario. 100 DIFFERENT Free to approval appli-cants, R, Mackenzie, 11575 Fredruir Blvd., Montreal, SWINE TOP quality Landrace swine, 2 to months, priced from $25.00, Mervin Howe, R. 5, Aylmer West, Ont, VACATION RESORTS ARE you looking for a quiet restful plage to spend a winter vacation? Our Canadian guests return year after year. Comfortable apartments, complete kit-chens, in a real desert setting. with beautiful view of the mountains, Close to all facilities, 11 miles below Palm Springs. Write for our reasonable rates, White Chimneys Apts.. Box 651, Palm Desert, California. WINTER RESORTS LEARN TO SKI at LIMBERLOST LODGE with JOSL HUTER, C.S.I. Two 1000 ft. Tows. Four Downhill Trails. Wide practice Slope Limberlost features all-inclusive Ame- rican Plan rates, averaging $10,00 Per day. No tow fees or other extras, Com-plete ski rental and repair service. Three hours from Toronto. . Five Day Learn To Ski Weeks $42.40 Monday to Friday 611 Winter LIMBERLOST LODGE Box 54 Limberlost P.O., Huntsville, Muskoka, Ontario Phone: Huntsville 1552, Ext. 68. IT PAYS TO USE OUR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MERRY MENAGERIE 'What is 'it--a ghost town V' You Con Depend On When kidneys fail to remove exeeSs acids and westes, backache, tired feeling, disturbed rest often follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills etfarulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better—oleo bet-ter, work better. You ,ean depend 56 en Dodd's, Get Poctd'Sat any drug stem. CLASSI FIED ADVERTISIN G Pro Football's A Tough _Racket Whenever the pro ,footballers gather socially, the stories flow thick and fast and wonderful. Like the one huge Bob St, Clair of the 49'ers was telling on team- mate Joe Perry. It seems the - Bears and the, 49'ers were hav- ing' one of their typical games , at Wrigley Feld, which meant that people were getting 'knock- ed around more than a little, , At one stage, late in the game, San Fransisco had moved to the Chicago two-yard line. At that juncture, quarterback Y, A. Tittle called Perry's number on a fullback drive straight ahead. "The right gurad and I were supposed to cross-block to open a hole," grinned St. Clair, now that the season is over some 6 ft. 8 in. of playful good humor. "Well for once we executed the play correctly, The guard and I got our men. Perry tore through 'the hole, head down, and crashed head-first into •the goal post, "Joe' bounced off, wobbled a bit, and flopped over the goal line. An official signaled a touch- down, and We went into a hud- dle for the conversion attempt," 'St. Clair went on. "But there was no Perry. Then along came Joe', still staggering. He got into the huddle, blinked a couple of tittles, and looked at the rest of us accusingly. " 'Nice block, Bob,' lie said, 'But which one of you guys miss- ed 'the block on that line- backer? ' " l'he story got 'a laugh, from. Weeb Ewbank, Baltimore's chain- 'pionship coach. Now that he was properly i,varined up, Weeb told• a few on his own players. One of. Weeb's favorites is "Big, Daddy" Lipscomb, the &mate- donid defensive tackle, "I think he's the greatest tack- ler in the league," Said Weeb in awe. "I mean when he hits ''etri they go the way he wants, Would you believe it, according to our statistics last season, Lipscomb Was credited with 135 tackles? The next man, Gino Marchetti, had 90, "On day I asked Lipscomb how come he was such a marvel- ous tackier. What was his sec- ret," Weeb continued. "Dig Daddy told nie, just wrap my arms around the whole backfield and peel 'em off one by One till T get to the ball car- rier. mm I keep.' ". 'NAN or WOMAN WANTED TO TAKE OVER GREETING GAltb DISTRIBUTORSHIP AND SERVICE STORES IN SPARE TIME We are looking for a reliable person in this area who' is apable of handling OUr greeting eard distributorship arid will give stores prompt SetVi.te, the inert or woitiari select= ed will find this a highly profitable operation Which can be handled in your spare tithe. Your territory is large enough tO develop it into a full-time business With Our help. If you are sincerely interested in running a business of your owil, we Wi1t11 to hear frOm you, 8inall irevestritent Of $485.00 required, fully secured by stock. rot personal. interview write fully about yourself arid give phone /nun., be to CROSS-CANADA txtEntlasEs, 35 Hayden' Sir Toronto, Ontario.