HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-12, Page 5• • • ••• '2t Champion country correspondent for a weekly paper, Philip LaForce (left), 69, of Gibson,[radian Reserve near Bala, receives Ontario Hydro's award of merit from James A. Blay, Hydro's Director of Information. Presentation took place in Torbato during the annual convention of Ontario 'Weekly Newspapers Association, which selected Mr. La.Foree for his column in the' Bracebridge Herald-Gazette. 4444... • • WATERLOO ckr.reE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Bettor 'Bulls Are' Used" Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long. distance, simply ask for -- Clinton, Zer.qh 9-560 or ralmetston Zenith 5-b11)0, If it is a local call use one regular' number — Clinton 14 V 2-3441 or Palmerston 08. For Service or more information, call between:— 7.30 and 10.00 A. M. week days. 6.00 and 3.60 P. M. Sat-, Imlay evenings, For cows noticed in heat on Stln•lay M.orriing, do not roll will* Monday morning. The quality IS Mgt and the cost is lOst, YOU'LL THINK IT'S RAINING DOLLARS WHEN YOU sse. HOW MUCH MONEY YOU CAN GA,Y. ON. A USED CAR, V 'SIPE IE 113.1if " eilEVPoLET- 01-Ar/sfolit/tel,eaem BRUSSELS (iehowee 56 ETHEL. United Onkiroh W. M. S. 'rite February meeting. of the Ethel 4 W. M. S, of the (United. Chlureit wad 'bold at the home of ;qrs. Percy Stephenson with 2,1 ladies present, The worship service .an Racial Prejudice Was.under the leadership of Mrs, Lloyd Drown. ''line lesson was :read by Mrs, Austin Itaynard, The tenth the 'iCarribbean Area“.fli was taken by 'Mrs. do Doelder. Arrangements were made for the World's Day of I'reTer on Friday 11'0. 13th in the Nth*, United Church, 1 A good attendanco of the women of the commnnitYis timed, The meeting closed with lunch served !by Miss Man isle Hansuld and Mrs, Geo, Rowland assisted by the hostess. 111••••••••••• WANTED — Young boy in Brussels wanting I farm work. Phone 25. MCCUTCHEON colors- ltd. GEORGE McCUTC/-/CON 57 Chev.Belair Sedan V4 and Automatic Transmissio Chev. l3efair Sedan Fully Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan "HEN YOU'RE ALI- WET MISTER! 1T'SAFACT- YOU SAVE MANY 0041-ARS DEALING WITH RIVERSIDE moToRs' AND SMART CUSTOMERS FROM Ai.L. OVER KNOW THEIR CARS ARE ALWAYS IN TOP RUNNING CONDITION! POW.- PON'T OW EVE IT" You know electricity is safe, clean, mc&:zn! Safe . . . What a marvellous feeling to know electricity is dvendable, worry-free! aCa72, j! Ak, bripV your kitchen walls and curtain Any v. -1 you cgol3.,lectrically... no blackened pots anti paw, „Myr! /limier?! . elreirkity brings the modern convenience of antomatie controls to lighten your work, brighten your safe . . clean . modern, . . time little Ivor& become three big reasons why today, more thin ever before, you get more out of life when you got the most out, of electricity. ,EC.TRISCI V' DOES SO COSTS SO. I iW3p paper teI.vols linndy for A hot range, A uok.1 wet cloth they start criroks in the porcelain: FOR SALE — 1S Chunks- or Pigs Wm. L. Spoir, Phone 2300- TOR SALE — w tenors John Stryker, II. R. 2, Blyth. l?hone 18 j 6, Brussels N DTIDE Upholstery „ Of All Kinds repaired . remodeled recovered. Elgin Phelke, Monkton Phone 3:Irl'l Atwood 'WANTED — Cattle ispiraying for lice. Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake Phone 42r5 or 95 Brussels FOR SALE — 2 pair 2,f unlined iBarkehath Drapes, white ground with green and wino leaf pattern. .Mrs, Wallace Agar, Bluevale Phone 11r7 LOST — Glasses in case, on Sunday, Feb. 1st, on Brussels Main street, Find 1st, on Brussels Main. street. Pinder please contact the Brussels Post, Phone 31 • ,..--444w o.t • '4' I 44. r. LOST bc.. Pants, on Friday, Jan 30th, somewhere en the boundary between Grey and lima townshipS. Pinder please call, „ 4 Phone 26r5 FOR SALE — -- ...,Ford Army Truck, "15 _hundred 1 -weight, ,.with ..Snow Blalde; ..also complete Snow Plow for front, ail -worked by hydraulic controls; Set Aor Chains and Spare Tire, . I Sammy Waxman ""„.„...Phone 287 , • - — :.., 1 FOR SALE— a . Need Storm WindoWs i Der ore You Day let jaelnior0 :illomet• Ltd. give you eat estitaStS s,:an Aluninum self storing windOwa.. No Obligation Phone Searerth liW ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and In- surance Plan will help .you make a hetter deal. BEFORE you buy talk to us. CLENN Rt)NNENBERG General Insurance tylanidori — Phone 668R41 Brussels Phone 247 Tuesday and Friday TENDEPWANTED Tenders' .,,wanted ..for 15 cords lbody !lard' WOOdl• 5 cords of cedar 'Tor btites, United Chtlrchr Walton, ,Tentless; to be in by ,February „Wood to be deliVei'ed Uy jline. Beet. R. R. 2. tirtiaiela 7,,t4V:010' '11k 41:`• .1"., Ar" GREY TOW.N.§1-UP SQH0Qt. DPARP. Tice February meeting of AO, Grey Twp„ Sulioul BOS,rd. was. held in, She Plthel school mu Tia00011,Y) Feb. 3rd. at 1,30 p.m. with the following mombors !presontl Bolger„. Conley, .1'ox. and Smith. The vice-0.414min. • Wan. conducted the Mooting The urinates of the January- 1aeet,,- ing' were read and adopted en motion„. of Dolger (Lad Cooley Carried. Motion. of Ocinloy and Cox .that the iloard. accept the following tenders lor ica,reteSng; Mrs, :Giza. Fraser, No. 6, $300.00 • Mrs. Allele .$teffler No. 7 375,00 Motion of Bolger and Coax that the Be)a.ro accept the tender of Thome,. W, Johnston, Lietowel' for 21 cords ' ,ct.f cedar alt $2.95 per cord. Carried Motion of Cox and Bolger that the followihig bills be paid Swift's General Store, hot lunch supplies Reliance Petroleum ':ltd., IF,rnaee Ait No, 12 Post Pah, House, adv. Listowel 'Banner, adiv. Fred Eirkpltrick, caretaker supnlies and repairs 25.24 Jack Hood School; Supplies, books washroom enmities 33,83 Murray Hoover, labour 25,25 Motion of Conley and Bolger that john ,Cox look after furnace repairs awl toilteratioos and also insulation of ceiling at No. 10 — Carried Meeting adjourned on 'motion of Bolger. Norman S. Hoover, Sen'y, 177 At!. :7'01\7 Mrs. Fred Miller has been a patient in the Seafosith Memorial, Hospital lion 'Bents, a student at the Uni- versity of Western Ontario, spent a few days at his home in Walton. Ralph. McNichol of McMillen town_ ship .has purchased 'the farm of Edward Miller, Mrs Earl Mills has been a patient in the Seaforth hospital. PLEA TO YOUTH (A recent headline In a Toronto paper) Sub-title, "Jean Needs No 14,- quor to Live" In spite of the reporter's rather facetious treatment of Controller Jean Newman's talk to a youth group, her plea was very forceful and arresting, She was addressing Young people who had gathered during the Christmas holidays to study the alohol problem. "d.s far as I am concerned," she declared, "I have chosen to be a total abstainer for the simple rea- son that to me life is intersting and exciting and I watt to enjoy it to the full without having any of my perceptive - abilities slight(' "T hats never been ridiculed for iny stand, for after all it Is a personal matter. If you young people make the personal decision to remain total abstainers, you will never regret it and you will never succumb to an 17.:ness which is very much en the increase in Cianacla, and the -.cited States, — that is alcoholism," NOTICE TO MORRIS TOWNSHIP Will .,not be responsible for any damact done to cars or trucks parked on road, milk cans, or anY other object that would interfere with snow ploughing of roads. Wm, McArter Road Supt. Morris Twp. before you drink 4 1 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 I 4 I 4 1 4 -4 4 I 1 I 1 1 4 4 1 I 4 I 4 1 1 4 1 I I I 4 I .4 1 1 1 4 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Owing to the epidemic of rabies the following By-Law was passed by Mouris Township Council on December 15, 1058. By-Law No. 2.1950 tly_Law Passed in-Pursuance of The Dog Tax and Livestock Protection 1,,,ct, R. S0 1950, chapter 107 Whereas it is desirable to prohibit the running at large of clOgs in the 2,1„unielpialti:k of the - Village of Brussels. Therefore be it enacted that no person owning, possessing or harbouring .a dog shall •allow the said .dog to run at large within the Municipality of the Village of BOussels,. For the purpose of this By-Law a cilagshall b,, ilH:nied to be running at large when found on the highway or other public places not under the control of any person. A dog shall be deemed to be run Ding at. large when found other than on the premises where it Is habit natty kept. Any dog found ranning at large with- ;n the Village of Brussels, may bo seized or killed by any peace officer or any person authorized to'enforce. this By-Law by theMnnicipal Oar- iteration of I:1,o Village of Brussels and for better clarity it is hereby specifically enacted that any °Meer of The Ontario Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running au large contrary to this section, Any Person being the owner of or having possesion of or being the harbourer of any dog running at larrre in contramention of the above Prohibition shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty of not more than Fifty ($50,00) Dollars exclusive of Ousts and such Penally shall be recoverable tinder The Summary Convictions Act. Read a first, Second and third tune and finally passed this 7th day or January, 1059, This By-Law to remain in fors• until further notice. 'Geo. B. Mc:Cute:hoer, Reeve IT. A, Fischer, Clerk lila BRUSSELS NW .11'iritrad ii‘chruarY Uttit CLASSITTEIY ADS Carried 115.21 3.64 6,40 $13.81