HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-12, Page 1Bring'Your Valentine to CUPID'S CAPERS Wroxeter Community HALL FRIDAY, FE,J5. 13 Special; Dances and Cupid's Draw, Elliott Carruther's Orchestra eAdmission 75c Lunch Booth In Hall Sponsored by the Wroxeter Hall Board .Ev,eryone Welcome Sr,12 E-C I A L Continued -for 2 weeks Only CREME: COLD WAVES Complete $4.95 with Cut VAL'S BEAUTY SHOP 140 Brussels ••••••••••• •••••••• C 1,14.• i.,••• Dv*, ,••••••••,41,31., •••••• U S +11 Post Publishing House ikatilortieri ofil g000mi 0149e =A root OtBee DeVartatteat, Wails Thursday, February 12th, 159 $2.00 per. yew' - 4 Rill„ • A 1 Anglican Church ' Iti P., OP CANADA Polak of Drummis Pillrilster: Rev. Jonathan Green. Organist - Donald Dunbar 10 A. M. Sunday School 11 A. M, Olvlile Worship 44464 '; ' • to Nse>to„-M Rear, W.. K. Jodie, Lent 3t. 110061410 e10 Aari, NM* lllnalaRalit ,, 11 A, M, Mottled S. Sutdat Soho111 Wednesday 10.06 A. M. .Holy EUCharrili M. Devotions & iiriltditatisht `The Rev, 0. Skihiltig St. Michaels Chtitohi 'Rfirottidei ro h ta Oki • Aylmer Catsup 11 oz. - 2 for Premium Fancy Sockeye Salmon 2 for ..... • Crown Brand Corn Syrup ,2 lb. Good Luck M'argacm:. Phone '293 Melville Church CI .. ••••• . ••••••,,lotb..• ti Tho Meeting was opened with a shout sing-song followed by Bible led by Ann Cardiff, The liusIness Was conducted by the president, Murray Hoover, Nineteen members answered th e roll cell, Plans were made for a fireside telloting the Saturday everting service on 'Mardh 28th. 'A Vim strip was shown by Rev, Brown. Lunch was then :served followed by taps. UNITED CHtURCH Y. P. .U. The Brussels United Church Young Peoples 'Union held their meeting at the home of Ralph Watson on Sun- day evening, Where better permanents cost less. CREME COLD WAVES Complete $4.50 FRIDAY, APRIL 10th When Draw Will be made for the New 1959 Chev. Ticket salesmen area asked to change the date of the Draw one their tickets. 2 for • ." r PIUI bidrieyfei 't PAUL, EUNVANo. Spontsored by The Recreatio'nal Committee Wed. - Thurs. Sat. FebrUary 11 -12 13 , 14 .4 - dig Days -- 4 WALT DIS1\110Y'S Mon. Wed. 16 ;17 - 18 AL 1lti ftr4 ttdOditt VERtidOiv Starrind y a , tteWaii, "TONI< A n We Deliver I* •••••,...• .••••••••.. rt• •*. 89c .• • • on - Carried The matter of approval of tile' construction of an addition to the Winghttm Distriet High School was brought before the council by Mr, Wm, King and after a lengthy discussion tt was moved by Gordon Wilkinson, seconded by Walter Shortreed that we approve the construction - -of an addition to the Winetam District High. Schoel - Carried Moved 'by Gordon Wilkinson, sec- I ended by Stewart Procter that we advertise for tenders to supply, crush and delteer approximately 12,000 cubic yards of gravel through a Cinch screen. Tenders to he In by March 2nd, 1959, 12 o'clock noon, A marked cheque for $200 to be en closed with each tendet - Carried Moved by Walter Shortreed, sec- 'Onded'by Ross Duncan that the road accounts as presented by the Road Superintendent he paid - Carried Moved:by Roes Duncan„ seconded „by Walter Shortreed that the general accoupta ail peesetted he paid - Carried Moved -by Stew:art Procter, see- ended by :Gordon Wilkinson that we give a event of $25.00 to the. Wing • hem Salvation Army - Carried Meeed. by Waiter Shortreed, sec- ended by Rose Thittran that the ineetine adjourn to Meet Again on March '.3/1d. 1959 at I p. in. -- Carried Tile following accounts Were paid en tree-teal World supplies No r8LYCEUMemwetitNGv who whAis1%,i. •i e, r4.0i.i ON TARIO iec iE urope THEATRE a 14 14E. VIKINGS A seething action drains that centre's around the Warring, barbaric', . Feb., 12 - 13 . 14 Thurs., Frit., Sat., Kirk Qouglete Janet. Leigh ht 'Tony Curtly, Ernest Bergnitie Commencing at 7.15 P. M., Two Shoals Each Nigcentre's in - titiiiintritt Yiiiiii age, 'is to look after the hooks at 90 cents per loUr and tenders to supply nop lbs. of Warble Fly powder Moved by -Gordon Wilkipson, sec- onded by Walter 'Shortreed that the Post • Publishing house he re_ engaged as printer for 1959. - Carried • I • • • Moved by Stewart Procter, sec- ended by itoss Datieen that By-Law No. le 1959 setting the Read Appro- priation for $35,000- be passed as rOad the first. second and third times subject to the approval of the District Municipal Engineer, Morris Twp. Council The Council Met in the Townhip on Febrtutry and, With all the members present. The minatee ell the lust meeting were read and adopted on Motion of Walter, Shortreed and - (Jordon Wilkinson, Fr seilleeriPtiens 32.29 Advance-Times, advertising 6.90 (enmity of Huron, Indigent fees 69.00 Tin:Feels. Teleinhone, tons 6.0 Huron Crop Improvement Association, grant 25.00 Gee. TTiegins, fox bounty 4.00 Standard, adver. tieing 3.90 dltelied • Account 15.00 Snlvallon Army, grant 2.1)(1 llailie Parrott Geo. C. Martin Reeve • • • .4 • t.'iato.. • ',G...., • 4%1.6. izations of the church were encourag- leg. • Plans lo.r the new. year ;include . - the landscaping of the new manse , and 'building a' garage onto it, A , Property committee in -charge of the landscaping includes W. H. King, George l lliott, and. Gerald Gibson... •Neened to plan the garage for The manse are W. W, Smith, Gerald • Gibson, Theinee •Shortreed, each John' Will. Redecoration of the church Wag turned over to the board of managers, who were asked' to obtain estimates, A .conimittee pet in cheree of releine money for the henaine • fund of the Deaconess Home • it. Toronto incit:lee `Mee. .Trion Mrs: tetroie Sweeney, Gellert Gti • son, and Mr, erg `Mrs. 1), r. son. W1.10 was the Winner of the guessing -contest for the evening when he estimated within a hilt inch the correct 21 inch thickness of the ice above the dam. The feature of the evening • was the showing of inecesting scenic elidee of Irelend,. New York and Florida, by D. Glasgow and J. McDonald. supper was :sery.ed hy ladies The Brussels auxiliary of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church held a joint nieetieg with the Friendship, Circle and the CGIT scoop. The- scripture- lesson ', end meditation were given by Mrs. JamesTeretbit11. The President, Mre. 1401841;1e befinte, welcomed the newly-formed Cori' group and preeetitedi,to each girl her NVOridoe 'Oros badge A gift from ithe senior society. A duet it'hs sang by Dianne Kirkby and Anne Cardiff ;with Marina Hoover at the Patio. A 'film ell CIGIT Work Wet ebovett. -dealing with color Segregation. This- film WO made hi bresdon, Thomas' Streclittu and 'We, -Janie§ Turnbull Weed chosen : take Pert fit the program of the World Ti•stv of PritY(s.r Johns Abet- • ' WHEN WILL THE LigtO PABREL Q0 OV.EFil flow good are Yau at eatimatiu,; the. exact time of the spring break. PP of ice On the Mailuul. river Iterc. The local •Lions are Sponsoring a contest, placing a red barrel above the dam; the person nearest 11w -exact tinn, It goes•over the dam Will win a substantial pri-o. Watch for full particulars.. This contoot was arranged fey et the regular supper meeting of ho club on. Monday night, Lion preident IX A, 'Rolm vacated the chair in f amour of Lion J, McDonald.. Minutes and correspondence were dealt with by 1../ian secretary Robt, Walker, Lions The St. At the heard of Inetelnf.".' w ont. Ing limit felleted, tonics Mair Was clorqnfl r4vvirMrALP Leen was .served by the Yonne Iveinseo Cele p ,,rynr1 Ion ,r,11. of 'UNITED CHURCH W, M. S, Am rose •Church, DANCE In Cranbrooh Community Contrer FRIDAY, FEB, 20 Music by: The Sunset Seranoders Admission 50c Everybody Welcome eeeeieee,Teee EUCHRE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th. At 8;30 P. M. In the Brussels Library PRIZES - ADMISSION 50c Everyone Welcome Sponsored by East Huron Agricultural Society- Ladles Please Bring. Lunch *BRUSSELS RANSPORT Safe Dependable Motor Transport Phone 122 Brtissels P.C.V. C.D.F.F5g, "Super Speciar SALE on Easy Automatic itrii Reg. $249.95 - Now Only - $165.5(L', WHILE THEY LAST: MACHAN HARDW PHONE 253 HUETHER'S PRODUC.. EGGS POULTRY ROE and WATTS FEEDS MURRAY HUETHER Phone 80 Brussels Income Tax. Problems 7 Income Tax 'Computed at a reasonable rate. Will compute income tax for,. e for bushman* and farmers. Open all day Tuesday and Friday, Call 24"'" la*" appointments. File early returns and avoid the la:t minute rFArg.Z GLENN M. RONNEN:a R INSURANCE Brussels, Phone 247 Monkton, Phone Mitchell SAW TWENTY-FIRST ANNUAL MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR FOOD SHOW and FARM EQUIPMENT DISPLAY WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS; LONDON' February 24 - 27, 1959i .' (11 Western Ontario Counties)) Entries close February 19 Secure prize list from County Agrieniturai Ofiiee Secretarri:- . Middlesex Soil ,and Crop Improvement Anst..In'it...q, 210 Richt-roc& Wading, LOnden., Be an Exhibitor Plan t, -fie E. A. (TED) WILSON Former General Contror OF ONitiont, ;011"17 M110 Commencing tuoirtaaa- As- Contractor' iN BRUSSELS and Wit4d1-1AM t$11'ilidttO •• OiOMNIERCIAL a-,n d RESIDENTIAL Concrete 'Work Betteral Reeitato • Brick and- •Rieck .Woek V flotrayli* ittiporito • OtiiiiiNtiid • Contract Mess 1 St it 10 BliCtkittit Otrit: • The United Church OF CANADA AlAinister: Rev. L. Brown B..A.; S.D. ,Organlet: Mrs. A. E. Martin. 0.41 Church School Divine, Worship 4.4 LITCHEON ItOCERY -CAPITOL IHEATRE LISTOWILL. ONT. ' JACK THYNNE CONCERT AND DANCE in Brussels 'T'own Hall Appointment day 'or evening Phone 155 VALENTINE TEA BAKE SALE and TEA Brussels'Public Library SATURDAY, FES. 14th Sponsored by Majestic Womens Institute S C I A 'L CONTI NU I NG at IRENE'S BEAUTY `SALON , • 59c 33c Moved by Stewart Preetere see- (ended by ROes Duncan, that we give, the nueett Crop Improvement Association a grant of $25,00 Carried ;Moved Eby Ross Dunean, seconded by Walter Shortreed that we adver- Sts, eiciarm aoj suoprowidu .toj oast inspector at $1,00 per hour plus 7 cents per mile and a helper who MELVILLE CHURCH ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of Melville Presbyterian Chereh was held -en Wednesday, Feb. 4th, with Rev 3. H, Greeee as chairman. Geeeee Elliott was seereth.ry. The session repert was given by Wilfred. Shortreed. The total mem- herslip is 236, Five retiring mangers, Gerald Gibson, Orwell Elliott, W. .71I. Smith, Joseph. Blelek, and • Wilfred "Shortreed, • were replaced by Tames W. Armstrong, G. Kreuter, James. Bowman, Graham Work, and Thomas Shortreed. Auditors for 1959 are D. M. MacTavish and W, C. Kerr. Reports given by secretaries and treasurers of the various orgae- Jumble Name Contest • Viic Xame .4.7untest spoil soreti by The Brussels Po-t, • Mer. chants and Business Men StarIS The contest runs f I' V4.e0tH• There .are hundreds of prizes, special big discounts amounting to hundreds of dollars. Now's Yovr Chan--4e .to. Buy and fyet the best deals of your life. Special offers include. wasblug Oars.. Trueks, Livestoelt Foed and Seed, Hard., tare Gee and F.:lectrir Ranges, Plumbing and Beating, Clothing ami Boots and Shor.s. Enter Tie Contest Patronize the Merchants who advertise, Advertised Products mean Quali'y Products! Contest Roles The Contest Rules are simple Th e prizes • are good, over $100.00 Here's Al) you 'naive to do, (1) All entries must he made on the- Official Contest Entry FOrtu• which will appear each week in The Post on the jumble Names Contest Page, (2) Each entry 'roust be :wove panted by a sales slip from one of the Advertisers in the Jumble flamer. contest Who will display a Jumble Name,: 'Window Card in his store. Before you. buy look for the- Card! (31 in the event of a tie the W IrrI'S will be Il he contestants the turn in the most sales slaps' from the Jumble Names Advertisers with their entry form. (41 There will be ,three.. winners each week for 10 weeks, winerve in ail. The- decisien of the judgr-4 is ft/147 - • ST. JOHN'S,' LADIES GUILD The FebruiarY meeting 'of St. ' John's Ladies Guild was held Wed- esday, rebuttjary 4th, at the home of Annie Bryans. The meeting opened With the sing- ing of the hymn "The Lord's My Shepherd", followed by the Lard's Prayer in unieen. and the Scripture by Mrs. Davis. • The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and adopted, and the duet were collected. Rata Glasgow gave a reading en "What is Lent, and how slmrntld we as Anglicans observe it." Pat Davis eoridectrel the beeinees part anti then chised the meeting. Lunch wee served by 'the hostess assisted he' Anttin 'rhymer. el "PlIth Phaeton. BRUSSELS. ttititf,. Ito '' itstank 'tali ifiendif and Lthe fair id SP-OtiaOred l'iY. the '. i,eiattioe'a iiiilio,*lettect. sent earde,, ittict : "ivitdOtinifdk §.6ii" 'm'ia Crop tittrot& t ftoi0ere ',Aide' tiOlits a patient in, tiie . meat Aa§dclatteri, *Seta prenident, i. §tratteril deneltal Hoepitai. t . 'fil lgli Vi, 1 t .'415 il ..7 '6 Oft t t 6 t (1 asks' for th'e--;!, ,_„. ,,,, ..,...„,.... . t 'elated. . . tVoittli ing was ' grittetnilit, -iiiiiiI4-1. 'thiillletrt itit all nrOStectiVe eihibitora , and eXteridS it 'Cordial incitation to mtg., g:,.. 'motit6titt - .....7 • ,tilt to ittftilet MIDDLESEX • SEe_LY FAIR Pions are rapidly being completed for the 'gist Annual Middlesex Seed Fair, Food Show, and Farm Equip_ ment Display being held at the Western Fair 'Grounds, *London on February 24, 25, 26 and 27. This event Which includes eleven Western Ontario Counties has a Wide range of exhibits in grain, seeds, corn eggs, bacon and tobacco, Township, County and district 'Seething are featured with specie] classes for :Pointer Fartaers 'slid 4,15. Club Mein:hers, There are baking, hooking and; preserved fit& awards for the ladies, Displays by 85 'COnbaeraliti Mina swill portray the latest deVelegMiente in term trutehinerY and equipment there Will also be 20 TIdueett, Mimi exhibits. Addresses and panel disco:anions On agricultural entertainment petitions for square &dieing and old tittle fiddlers', Seed judging tattoos and ladiee, prOgtritiltites on foricia, froliietifi 'and furnishinge are part Of a fiill 'series Of PrOgrattie, Prize liata Are available trate' , local offices, or -eon Chereleen Fele 121-11, Se ,reiery„ llobm 210 Rieliniond . tr,ndott, '1glittiCe close On February 19 'and exhibits are to be !. OF' at the Fair on February 23rit SY would iiikd to take this et)tor, MaHdNE