HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1959-02-05, Page 5DO IT NOW! It will pay you to have all maintenance, repair, renovation' and redecoration jobs done around your hOhlillotiplace of business during the wider lull in the building industry. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS under the National. Housing Act, are available through your bank , up to $4,000 and up to 10 years to repay. FARM IMPROVEMENT LOANS, backed by the government, are also available through your bank . up to $5,000 and up to 10 years to repay. Help yourself—and at the same time, your com- munity—by having jobs done now. Why wait for spring— DO IT NOW! Issued by authority of 'the Minister of Labour; Cana* 11055 SEEING IS BELIEntivG1 1' 'RR )." cONviNICED THAT.FOR TOP ISMO .CAR.VAWEarr RIVERSIDE MOTORS THE MULISSELS MST ° 'A/ALTON • • ...!..!!•,!...rrrrr.r•rr!r:Ar,••koki",!4• r,1PkA....10.$•• • January Meeting 4.110 8th and 16th gronD hold tlzOr their January meeting at the home of Me a. B, 40chileten# With at ped atteudaace, Alm Oliver and Mrs. McCall , charge of the devotional part. *Seripture reading let, Samuel, was given by Mrs, Oliver. 'Minutes of die previous meeting were read and approved and the roll was called, Thank you cards from Mrs. List- man and Mrs Wm, Turnbull were read. sc4 ANNUAL MEETING Wingham Gen'eral Hospital The animal meeting of we Wing- t-korierixi 'Hospital Association 'will he hold on FildaYt February Ith, at Salana in, the reereatien l'oota. of "the' alatilaps' Residence, at Wing:barn. All matters of bustness pertaining to the Wingham General Hospital Asseciation including the election of directors and other officers and considerailion of the By-Law of the of the Hospital will be transacted. In order to cast a ballot in the election of directors a person must be a member of the Association, One year memberships may be obtained for the sum. of one dollar ($1.00) from the Wingbam Hospital, the Secretary, the Treasurer, or a member of the Board of Directors, Everybody (welcome!' H. C.' MacLean, President John Strong, Secretary PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs. Carrie Sellers' continues seriously 'ill in Wingham hospital. Mr. and Mrs. A. Grewar were - recent visitors in Toronto, guests at the Park Plaza. Robert 'Davidson and Mrs.. Mary Rose received word Ibtf the death of their ,rlister, Mrs. 'C. R. Bennett. She' passed away •in the hospital In Princetown, B. C. • Mr. Earl Cudmore has been critically ill in Wingham hospital where he underwent an operation on Saturday- last for what proved to be a gangerous ruptured appendix, The topic' "Roads we travel" , Was taken by .1gre. McCall, Prayer offered by Mrs. McCall. Mrs. Martin took charge of the business. Lunch, was served by the lunche committee assisted by the hostess. VILLAGE OF ,BRUSSELS Owing to the epidemic of rabies the following By-Law wag passed by Morris Township. Council on December 15, 1958. CLASSIFIEL? ADS S 'WANTED -- Young boy in Brussels wanting ---farm work. Phone 25. WANTED — Cattle t3piraying for lice, Satisfac- tion guaranteed. Louis Blake Phone .42r9 or 95 Brussels FOR RENT 6 room aseesion, Bevan house; immediate poa- apply at 1 Elliott's Grocery FOR SALE — ....Ford Army Truck,. weight, ..with „Snow complete Snow PloCv worked by hydraulic ..16. %hundred Blakle; ...also fora front, all - controls; Set y. Read a first, Isedond and third time and finally .passed this 7th day of January, 1959; This By-Law to remelt in force until falai-or notice. Geo. E. MaCixteheon, Reeve ' H., A. FISCher, Clerk •••6•••.••••:6..ii•ii.::.k. :•• WATERLOO cATTLE BREeoiNo 0 ASSOCIATION "Whore 'Better Stills Are lisecV Supply artificial breeding service for all breeds of cattle. If phoning long distance, simply ask for — Clinton Zen'tb 9-565,0 01' Faltnalstea ZOrith 5.61:,0, If it, is ,a local call, use our rogelar number — Clinton H 2-9141 or Palmerston 498. Vex. service or more informalloti, between:-.- 7.50 and 1.0,00 A. M.' week day-i. 6.00 and R.On P. M. Pat- ardaY eVatinas. real 4.q1WPI nO terlit in heat on Sitn4rty tTernityr. do net call until Mortdar incrnlitg. The onality is 11104 ealld trite rot` In.iow i. of Chains and Sspare T Ire. . Sammy Waxman • phone 287 FOR SALE — Need Storm' Windows Before 'You Buy let Jackson Homes Ltd. give you an estimate on Al\iminum self storing windows. No Obligation Phone Seaforth SW"' ATTENTION CAR BUYERS Our Low Cost Financing and In- sulrance Plan will help you 'make a better deal. BEFORE you buy talk to naa GLENN RONNENBERG General Insnranee Monkton — Phone 663R41 Brussels — Phone 247 Tuesday and. Friday . k••••••••••••••‘,,, ••••••,•••••,,,,••••••*••• NOTICE TO MORRIS TOWNSKIP Will ,.not 'be responsible for 'any damage done _to cars or trucks parked on road, milk cans, or any other object• that would, Interfere with snow plopping of roads. Wm. MaArter Road Supt. ' Morris Tam. —•••••••. • )1U.. ;AO • v.- N i -We luttre now at1t1 used 'rgiln*. Writers taxi adding inanities ter Sale. It., A. T.-faint-lend find Co. MbOrefield, hut, 'PlioneSt Res. '2202 ijftled 110 PLEA TO YOU TH (A- recent headline in a Taranto paper) Sub-title, "Jean Needs .N0 Li- quor to Live" In spite of the reporter'S, rather facetious treatment of Controller Jean Nos.-mares taik to a: youth gronp• her plea was vory torodul and arresting. She Was addressing young people N\tho !had gathered flaring the Christmas holidays to I study the alehol problem. 4r An ."(o a,.1 I nin she dr,t+1:11Va. "T have 'chosen fq be a I rubsia,*rwr for the simple non- 1 tYit iY. in life 14 iniernfing 11'4 r7.nrl T ,\\* to OWC$17 ft 1. r ,11 without Ina -is.'", snv Inv 1101*(4'1W -ire ."”• • , 'been my I teffer 011 it. W"" 111.1 n1 • tt tor, if it rain alb'; nt-rt-le 1.1'117 /' • it n rArt-enni Aliriqirr Fry rennin • .; o.!,11--rfilern. :t•cor no--"r reirrot it anti v'm will never ertAennth in tin ,fin,eqn which in I-err rvell na the luorrave in ftwftilrin. and lite 17nitcd ihrf . 5e n/c oholtsin,r, • 71.0rOday", Felarttarr 57 Chev. Belair Sedan V.8 and Antomatic Transmission \ 56 Chev. Belair Sedan Fully, Equipped 56 Chev. V-8 Deluxe Sedan LITTI,13* 1)0 S 4611446iagialkav.... .ii••••••••ivedni6n ELLC,"! JSED :AR THEIR' CARS RUN $0 SMOOTHLY FOR SUCH LONG DISTANCES DISTANCES THEY CALLTHE MISSISSIPPI AUTOMOBILES! AND THE ONLY THINO NOT SPOTLESS ABOUT IT IS THE PRICE- DIRT CHEW By-Law No. 2_1959 Being a Ey_Law Passed in Pursuance of The Dog Tax and Livestock Protection Act, RSO 1950, chapter 107 Whereas it is ,degirable to piohibit the running at large og dogs in the Martial:Vanity of the Village of Brussels. ,Therefore be it enacted that no person owning, possessing or harbouring a dog shall allow the said .dog to run at large within the M,uniellf4ality of the Village , of Banssels. For the purpose of this By-Law a dog shall he deemed to be running at large when found on the highway, or other public plaqes not under the control of any Person. 'A dog shall be deemed to be run rang at large 'when found other than on the premises where it Is habit ually kept. Any dog found' running at large with- in the Village of Brussels, may bo , seized or killed by any peace officer or any person authorized to, enforce this By-Law , by theMunicipal .Cor- poration of the Village of Brussels and for better clarity it is hereby specifically reacted that any officer of The Ontario. Provincial Police is hereby authorized to kill any dog running at large contrary• to this ',section. Any •Persen being the owner "of or baralag poesesion, of or being the harbOuretr of any dog running at large in chatralvention of the above prohibition . shall he guilty of an offence and liable to a penally of not More than Fifty ($50.00) Dollars -exclusive at cOsts and such Penally shall he recoverable under The Summary Convictions Act. •••••• ••• , • , The Annual ,Meeting -of Knox Presbyterian Church -was held 'in the church on. Mitursday at 2 p.m, Psalm SC was sung, 'followed iby prayer by Interim-moderator, W. A. Wit- liams, -who also took charge of the business: Alfred Knight was appoint-, ed secretary and read the 'minutes of the last annual Meeting. The dia ferent reports' were received and ad, "opted. The Midget -objectihre for 1958 was reached and it was agreed to aim for tin'-increase for 1950. It was also Ylecided to make More use of -the church titerature that was available. Several matters were brought before the Meeting in, connection with our work in 1959. The needs of the new Deaconess Training School and. our allocation for it was explained by Mr. Glen 'Thompson. The resignation of , Miss A. J.. Forrest as organist was ,aregretftilly accepted. ,An expresSion !clP atopreciation to her for her stn. -selfish contribUtion to the work of I our church for so many years and sympathy in the loss of her brother was to be conveyed to her by -the sec- retary of the nieetinta. The results ra, the election of officers were as folloWs; The three new managers are Kenneth MacDonald Robert Engel. and Alfred Knight; ushers Kenneth MacDonald and Fred Kirk- patrick, assistants, David :Petrie -and Jack Knight. The moderator closed the meeting with, arayea Mr. and -"WS, 'Murray Mather anti family moved last week to their now 'aline in Brussels, 'liar Alice S. Forrest IS *eliding " 'Cw ,day S in Mt, Forrest, Mr. Eiuncan`Mellagg,art hasn't been enjoying nsual gond health for several weoka. ev* e so tells You know electricity is safe, clean, modern! Safe . What a marvellous feeling to know electricity is dependable, worry-free! ,Clean — just see how bright your kitchen walls and curtains stay alien you cook electrically . . no blackened ' pots and pans, either! Modern . electricity brings the modern convenience of automatic contra; to lighten your work, brighten your day. Safe dean , modern . ." three Tittle 'wordg become zlixoc big 111-acelliS wliy today, more than before, :vou get mom ut of if& when you let- the mmt out of electritity 641/A.Q., a per towels Mandy for wiping spills off a hot ;.:age). A cold Wet cloth limy start cracks. In the, poicetain. a aa'S before you drink M CCUTCH EON otors Ltd if ow&WE VP0LET-- OLLUMOdfir/tEreage/t. BRUSSELS Criril.ce 56