The Brussels Post, 1959-02-05, Page 4-111.1110 for ANIT WINTER TIRES 04:0pANEskit With 1)1.eleawertil, and of St. i/ernitrd badge, No. 225, ALF and A31,, Lists owe). A netiVe of qrcy, tOwnsblp, he Was horn en kho tarn). on the seeoo coPeession vbeTe WO its entire difetiMe, 1;.0, was .04* f4011 4 the late George gown and "144 wg* Jessie Sengsler, PPOOS, his Wife, the harmer Mabel Edgar, he -is survives by .one, 5011. Edgar, IfeWtelt t9W/10111R, one daVg4- ter,. Mrs. Williaut (Fleictice) Straty: chuirt Brussels; three brothers, George, Conte; John, Stratford, and Murray, Kttchener; 'two sisters, Mrs.„ joseph Pearson, Eth el and. wm- fred Hoy, Brussels; and: four grind.: children.. The body- rested et the family residence until Monday afternoon' when it was, taken to St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church !or serxtees at 2.30 p. zii, IRON. J. W, S. McClure officiated, „Pallbearers, were 'nephews.' John Brown, tynta Ho t57, a,1eX Mien, George Pearson arid Bruce. Cham- bers and Fraser Lynn. Wm, T. Brydges A native of Morris Township, William T. Brydges,' died in Wing- ham.. Hosp4tal on Wednesday Jan- vary .23th. Mr. Midges, who was 611, bad been in poor health for some time but suffered a stroke a week earlier. He was admitted to haspital on Saturday. 'A son of Jeremiah' Brydges and Dliza McCrae, he received his education at Stone School in Morris and later attended Wingham High School..Re married 'josephine John- ston 17th, 1:925. Mr and Mrs, Brydges lived on the. farm home. He was a member •of Trinity Anglican; Church, 13elgrave, and of the ' Loyal Orange Lodge of that village. Mr. Brydes held the position of townshipNtax collector in Morris for 34 years ,and retired from that office only within 'the past couple of year's. * • Ceek Waii -6901 ,write•tor Marie Fraser's free Now Evaporated. Milk recipes. EMMY PASMER$ or. CANADA 401/ Huron Street, Toronto • Zrily steps from the Parliament Buildings, ding stores, railway terminal, and theater& -eknO rooms with bath and shower. '2V and Radio in ail Ousts Roam. CAR PARK -..aupervisesi pronisu (100 cars) rsigte from .$6.00 Double from 39.00 PAM/LY PLAN Noe ritA•endo atqcgsd tot Seltoof Gist" •V;h:65 ti, efoimiwar tat otrapieis inlantitatee sea OSA RAU" Lh fi 39 aL.• AM TEST C,APASA. iy ia.Se VALUE TODAY WE S. tin JD Ai Urussent tents p el tee ft SAWS VW. PETR30f1OLIGH ONt A sUssIDIABY Of 1K OUTBOARD MAINE COBsMATIOg Of CANADA tie, i.161111,1flOtIT • IN MEMORrAlVt SULLIVAN •-•,' In loving pielnory of Valor* 'Merle Willis' belayed wife of* Herbert Sullivan. who passed away Feb. 7th, 1952 Many a lonely heartache , Often a silent tear, But"always a beautiful memory Of one we loved so dear. -- Ever remembered by ';Tern and family MELVILLE YOUNG WOMEN'S GUILD Me January meeting ty,. the Presbyterian Young Women's Guild was held, at the home of Muriel -Shartreed. The 'losing side prov- Vided a aellebus supper preceeding the meeting, The president, Muriel ,Kranter, opened the meeting with the read, lag of a pornMA hymn was followed by psalm 65 read in unison: Eliza- beth Elliott led lin prayer, after which Jessie Little gave a very inter- esting New Year messiaige, Witth the ein,ging of a hymn and the Miz.pah, Benediction -this part of the meet- ing was :brought to a close. There were 26 members 'anti one, visitor present, CsG 1KRAUTER Co.--- PLUMBING& HEATING SWEET MeTA g OIL BURNERS BRUSSELS Ouste. 47 X Galbraith'. The national anthem was sung and a social hour Ifollowed with lunch served by Mrs, I, McDonald and ter committee. REMODELEDBATHROOMS ARE THE THING — THEN. WWHEN I/ BATHE .- \ Ontario Department of TransPort announces your , TNT SYSTE Effective. February 1,1959 to make Ontario's streets and highways safer The Point System is designed to protect pedestrians and the mil ions of careful motorists from the small minority of negligent drivers Who abuse the.privilege of operating a motor vehicle.,_ Protects good drivers—corrects bad drivers. The good drivers will be safer than ever before. Forgetful motorists will be encouraged to improve their driving habits. Proof of the effectiveness of` he Point System in reducing accidents is provided by its success in other provinces and in the United States. It is designed to save lives— including yours. 'How the POINT SYSTEM works Points will will be added to the driving record of motorists Upon conviction for offences as listed below. 12 points within a 2-year period will bring licence suspension for 3 months, An additional 12 point accumulation within a 1-year period will bring 6 months' suspension: A driver with 6 points will be advised of his *cord and asked to improve his driving. " A1.9 points the motorist will be asked to attend an interview and show cause why his driv-ing privilege should not be suspended, lie may be placed on probation or have his licence suspended if his attitude reflects irresponsibility. Points ore deducted from the record 2 years after the date of conviction. After a period of,suspensiOn, a motorist will begin with no points against his driving record. Each motorist will receive a folder describing the Point System in detail when applying for his 109 Driver's Licence, Pty ENT SIIISTMEIM SCALD POINTS VIOLATION 12 Criminal negligence involving the use of motor'vehicle 12 Driving while intoxicated 12 Driviog whila aLility to drive is impaired' 12 Obtaining licence by rnisrep:` rescniotion Upon , ()NI i:On fOr un,p nj the oho : Mri..;e! itory at trust 3 9 r:,11::no to atop ot ate ot. S Car-Aosi tiKvinU S Rd Ling POINTS VIOLATION " 5 Exceeding speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or more 3 EAceeding speed liMit by 'tore 10 m.p.h. and less than 30 m.p.h 84.;,;.1;r4 to yield tight-of-vow 4 Fe.ine to *bey a Aop sign or • Pct;;;11.:4 to ropoV: on OcuicIent limit 6y 10 or 1,arlar $ !mpi,„..eor Lau :sij • Fail* fa ahem rod POINTS VIOLATION 2 Improper turns 2 Foiling to signal" 2 Improper driving where high- Way divided into 1 0:0105 2 Pd ling to stop tot school bus 2 thmeoessory slow driving 2 Pc:;nwino ion closely 2 ii.TrOper passing of streol tor 2 ir,Ii$10POE opening tsi vehicle 2 PI:J.1314ft cross-over violation 2 Any oL,or driving offence when vellicte in motion 1-.4reg&z. if4t011.„LCOWIr El E. 4v.E" 7 and you will keep your driving record clear 'HON, M,• Et. oYMOND, tvi.11,tAlnistar b, tioPuty, MirtistO THE BRUSSELS Part TintredaY*, PaptilAr7 1440 Mrs, .Fileterd W. hey ..1 I . ' Mrs. Richard W. .110;y., A .0'.4.oa( of Wanop Tor malty''ears,.(tiocl in i the .WiT1400111 haapital On. Thurstley. t JannarY .29th. in, her. 74tit year,., I 1 .Sqw, wt i..4e ,Nrtiter ILiebelle ' 1 fittsielt', For 'the ..past Oninber of years .she .conclacted, a grecery ., business in WattoTT, S)10.,i's SOViVea 10' three dmigliterS, • „Alice, of Edmonton, 4061 13101ing, top, and Laura D4: London; also nine t ,grituclehildren and six great „grand- •,1, children.. . „ The body rested at the D. A, -Rapti funeral hopie, Brussels, Where the ..funeral senvice was held ott Sat, .urday,. eondueted by the Rev, Ken, ' neth .SagSS of St. John's Angican Church. . PallbearerS. were.. Hatqld. Hudie, Ark Henderson, Gordon Muter, Ed, Duggan, Stewart Humphries; and Rabb Tza,.As.. Harial was in Brussels cemetery. -AMIttlitit4WIT011 ,,scor today's. high powered cars Vs now for the only traction that puts aft Your power to work to beat winter roads. ,4* Extra grip under power. 51% more traction in snow —17% better traction in mud. 0..41 Sure control on hills, earners, stopping. Quiet ride on bare pavement. ItOWEST PRICES EVER /See installation -- See us soon. TrfrA yeah, 1.4datvri4G p Spring-- Tulip Festival "during May" it summer --Wi 4Fishinii, %ming • Fall. Carnival a Colors Gatineau Has - Late Septexaber, Early October, - 1X/inter Skiing, Within 4 Mile* AT ANY SEASON TAKE IN THE . . . . Pa.-liatrient Buildings National,Museunt Expeiisaeocal Farm National Art Gallery .... Pitts many other places bf interest ORB ELGIN- at OTT ELGIN Box). LAAIVER pM1ARI0 1-10T EL Tour distinctive eldress Li OndlIal • David Crawford One of the oldest residents of Brun sels, 'David Crawford, died on Sun•. day in the Baker.Clonvelescent home in his '90th year. He had been living retired here for some years, follow ing many years- as a farmer in Mc. =op tow,n,ship. Tre is survived by his wife, the former Annie Hardy; two sons, Alvin, Listewel, and Ray, Morris townshliD;, two daughteIrs.., Mrs, Clayton (Islay) Davidson, Wier :ton; and Mrs. Clara Price, Vancouver, R. C.; a brother, .Samuel, 'Calgary; and a sister, Mrs. Mary Ann Coates, Vancouver. There are seven grand- children. The funeral was, held on Tuesday afternoon from :the D. A. Rana funeral home, wi'th Ravi. L, .T. Brown of Brussels United Church officiating. •Pallbearers were Glenn James, Cordon Workman, Thomas Miller, Glenn Sinith, Maw': Dennis, and Alvin iStimore. relwers were carried by Cordon Davidson of Wiar. ton and 'Ale:s Dennis. Burial was made in ..BrUsselar Cemetery-. • 'Marl( Hamilton There passed away at 'his home in .Melallop township, C on. 14, Thomas Mark Hamilton, eldest son I of 30.3E10 R. Hamilton and the lase Mrs...Hamiition. he had lived in Mc Killop township all -- his life; attending school at Walton. In 19.40 he married his beloved sweetheart, Ka,tte Ruth :StratYclhulf, wPaia survives with one son, William, and three daughters, Joyce, Joan and Barbara, all at home and one son. Robinson, of London, He iWas an active member of the Ontario Farmers' Union and a member of Walton United Church. dark was liked by all whiz knew ne 1s suaviven by kis wife, three daughters, Norma: (hiss. 'Kenneth Downie), Wingbiam, Beth (Mrs. Bill Johnston), Lueltnaw and Muriel (Mrs.' Eldon Rousselle) of -Searboro, and two sons, Harry, on the home ;farm and Tom;., a student at the Ifrif.N4nsity of Western Ontario, I:ft/1m There, ai-e 'en o'rand- ,ebildren. Mr. 'Brydges is also survived by four sisters, Lila, (Mrs. Bob Hig- gins), thryei! Weigirrg;hea' m A, ciT)'Eles'the(IrT,rs. (Mrs.AbN Stan Halliday), Loudon, and Gertle, (Mrs. Prank Culp) Detroit, Mich. Rev. Neeley, of Trinity, Angliccan Church 1 1 ' Of icliated Saturday after.' • noun veer, funeral service was held from the Walker funeral home in Winghain. Pallbearers. were: Leonard Joint es Cooper and Hertnan NetherY, Bob Coultes; Zoe 'Dunbar and Nelson IT gains. Interment was. In 13elgrave ;,,f;AsTER OF CONTROVERSY I I., .1 is "A'l't,"h:re et:hews ' i :.talte," Po, in • 4:lerator of CI:IC'S i ,p,e‘I et (T. 1..,,,-.1 ivorfre.rn. ritliting ; ,,...rer, ito 515:1 1.1tta in Ptit,11111IY; the '1 4..-.s ...? .ti.. ,,!‘.,,!•51i. 1..5-..tet,rly liind/od op thp olow. Trit_411tinIT 17,,'‘)1,1,s ia "i, i broideprAt Tilo.ata.,yo ,.-n1 Ms Tiontinifit1 notworit of r'110- it.616. • Watson drown '-N1••.1 ,.-w4.1.1 ftirnter, 44"d nu "Join Rtroot u t :r..i5.+0-03.1. la.fn Thursday efiernoort. Jansary . :r Cite nest 't.', yflt:';,. ."4 ,-,Ire•.11 stevita rert',.. Itfe‘..fro. Mr. Tiro.-..:11 bad aerv ,0 3 Jir ilrAY ToVrarilltp, arcs K '+'•11"{'.1 1)0twil sitno% vft,- 11 ar,d bad cut.: t 'i '1' TIA rrof. leFmtleif tit t".1r. f,fe'esv4,1 TreTtie and •itlehoel 45,43"r Itition. fi 'nfernivr 4` a of the :Toned or "Nlanagertioni of St. - Andrew's rreshyierian s,ClItirolt, him, he was honest and upright In all things and cosild always he ''''(911('11(clvY; 'trusted. He liked his home and was a. ; great lover of music.. Funeral • services were held, Friday, Jan, 23rd from the D. A, MIMI funeral home, Brussels, at '2 p. m. Rev. M. Themes of Waltar Pelted •Church ofeciated. - was in' Brucci s Pallbearers were Messrs, Wm Stralyolink, Ales Guletzen, TTcsrlt TT'trs'r'y Craig, T-lorry Arid rtrhert Baliantyne. Floe,er 11Phro',,iPVC: 'Ross Cardiff and Wehael Mintzer!. Priends inn setitiess attended the f,ipetail from Toican. London, Varna Seaf"rth, 'Anbesn. A i-eero, situ! , BRUSSELS H. & S. ASSOCIATION MEETING 1 The members ' of thie Brussels Home and ,School Association held their January meeting in. 'the school with Rev, L. Brown presiding. He ealled the meeting to order with the singing. of "0 Canada" followed. by the reading of the Parents Code of Ethics 'by Mrs. Lloyd Wheeler. The :minutes • ,oaf the previous meeting were read. Mrs. J, Mc Donald and Mrs. Geo. Galbraith were appointed 45 a committee to arrange the supe'rvis'ion of skating 'tar the small children, 'Miss 14. Mitchell's room was the banner winner as the largest' re- presentation present were parents -,f her class students. Mrs, Geo. Catbralbh, opened the programme with a sing song with Miss L. Porter: pianist and Rev. Drown, leader.' Miss Claire MeGowlahL guest speaker, was introduced by Mr. Brown. Her talk was both interesting and 'informatilve, dealt* with ner work and, experiences, as assisbant secretary for the I-Turon County Children's Aid Society. The guest was thanked by Mrs.